
10 Reviews
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The BFG (1989)
Blast from the past <3
4 October 2023
I remember this film from when I was very little; while some of the animation hasn't quite held up over time, the story is of course perfect and the acting is superb. David Jason is "my" BFG and I'll never forget how much I loved watching this film as a small child. The story really is brought to life and it doesn't feel sanitised - the 'eye' of the BFG's journey into Giant Country is still weird and eerie, while the nastier giants remain terrifying! The BFG's dream-catching remains enchanting and the smaller details such as the clocks used to make a table are so appreciated. While it looks a little worse for wear, you really can't beat this for a wonderful, true adaptation of the original story, with a lot of heart.
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Our Flag Means Death: Act of Grace (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Act of Grace!" is the moment of real, true desperation from Ed which saves Stede's life. There are so, so many things to love in this episode, but ultimately it's the demonstration of love between Ed and Stede. Having been queerbaited for much of my life, it's a joy, every time, to see the two of them share a kiss and make plans to run away together. Of course, in order to have our three series, the boys don't live happily ever after - but it's important that Stede returns home and fixes the damage he caused when he abandoned his family. With family in mind, the moment when Lucius reads his journal to the English crew, to prove that Stede is a pirate, always makes me cry a little. From plotting a mutiny in episode one to speaking up for Stede and rallying behind him in this episode, the crew clearly love Stede and each other as their found family. Perfect episode.
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Our Flag Means Death: We Gull Way Back (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
And if you don't love me now...
4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Argh, Calico Jack! Even on multiple rewatches, it's still believable that he really is just an old friend of Blackbeard's fallen on hard times, rather than being hired by Izzy Hands to 'rescue' him from Stede Bonnet. It's all fun and games for the crew until Karl the seagull is killed in an accident. As sad as it is to see Karl dead and Buttons devastated, it's also lovely to see how seriously everyone else takes it - they're becoming a family and it really shows in this episode, especially towards the end. The boarding by the English is of course a huge twist in the story, but Ed and Stede's love for each other begins to shine through even as they lie awaiting their fate on the deck of Stede's beloved ship.
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Our Flag Means Death: This Is Happening (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Coming Nana!
4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Stede and Ed Go Treasure-Hunting, or The Badass Nun, or Jim's Past - all of these could be subtitles for what happens in this episode. Again, a skillful blend of A and B plot, culminating in a poignant moment for Jim as they realise their revenge isn't yet complete. Oluwande is also a joy in this episode, with quotable lines galore and the reminder that he's always loved Jim, and would happily be their family. Further developments of the Ed and Stede relationship include a whole dialogue about Blackbeard's Bar and Grill, Lucius amazed "oh my God this is happening" and the wonderful moment when Lucius tells Blackbeard off. Also love how this is the episode that resulted in over 1000 people and counting baking Samba Schutte's orange cake recipe - it was delicious!
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Our Flag Means Death: The Art of F**kery (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
The Kraken!
4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is another favourite episode because we get to know Ed a bit more, and what scares him. The comedy of the episode is of course on top form, especially with Stede's idea of theatre, Lucius' finger drama and some wonderful improvised lines. The real stars of this episode however are Darby and Waititi, who demonstrate the growing trust and affection between Bonnet and Teach. I love how Bonnet shoulders the door open in order to get to Ed, and how he offers to forget the whole idea of murdering him. It's sweet, unconditionally forgiving, and both actors really do it justice. Shout out, too, to Damien Gerard as Father Teach!
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"Actually I think I'm just so-so, but I've decided to carry myself like I'm cute."
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
AKA 'Stede and Ed go to a fancy party and set a bunch of snobs on fire'. There are so many things to love about this episode! Stede taking his revenge on the snobs for their 'massive aggression' towards Ed, Frenchie and Oluwande's scheme, Abshir and his fellow servants coming out on top at the end of the episode and the developing sub-plots of Lucius and Pete's relationship, and Izzy's lack of respect from the crew of the 'Revenge'. Again, there's so much detail and narrative packed into this episode, and it's a joy to watch. The guest-stars are also fantastic and hilarious. One of my favourite moments is at the very end of this episode, when Ed and Stede have a little moment in front of a huge, romantic moon. "You wear fine things well."
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Being a Lighthouse
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is simpler than the previous few, which have worked to establish the world we're in, but it's so good in this simplicity. An unwell Stede, recovering from his near-death experience, gets to know Blackbeard and what it's like to be a captain whose crew actually respect him. The third act of the episode is especially brilliant, with the crew rallying together under the instructions of Blackbeard to fool a Spanish ship into thinking they're a lightship, thus evading capture. The deal struck between Stede and Ed, at the end of the episode, is also lovely, and sets up the next few episodes as they exchange skills and knowledge. Set up, too, is Izzy Hands' increasing annoyance and frustration with the developing relationship between the two captains. It's all hands on deck for developing the overall plot...!
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Our Flag Means Death: A Gentleman Pirate (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Stede Bonnet's arrival at the Republic of Pirates, intent on selling his one remaining hostage, goes as well as can be expected - especially when he steps onto the dock dressed head to toe in pure white. There are so many fun bits to this episode, while adding in some important plot beats and drama. "Look tortured!" "M'noses!" and a wonderful joke about gentrification. This is one of my favourite episodes of the series, not least because at the end we're introduced to Blackbeard, standing over Stede and clearly ready to be the other leading man. There's so much packed into this one episode that it's hard to believe it's only about half an hour, but it's also all so well-paced so as not to feel rushed.
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Our Flag Means Death: A Damned Man (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Oh Stede
2 October 2023
Oh Stede, you wally. Although there are suggestions that the series only starts to pick up once Blackbeard arrives, I'd have to disagree. This episode combines psychology, comedy and gentle drama in order to make a rich, engaging narrative. I love that the issue of colonialism is addressed and not just swept under the rug in order to keep having fun: it's faced up to and acknowledged, and Stede and Pete are challenged in their thinking. Also love that Oluwande gets a pina colada! Huge props to Rory Kinnear, too, as the ghost/hallucination that won't quit. Already so many quotable lines from this episode, including 'what's a vacation?' and Izzy carving his name into Stede's shirt.
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Our Flag Means Death: Pilot (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
An Absolute Sweetheart
2 October 2023
The first episode of ten, the pilot sets up stories and character arcs which will be developed as the series goes on: Stede Bonnet's incompetent, but lovable captain, the mysterious, silent Jim, and the caustic Black Pete are particular favourites on a rewatch, knowing how they end up by the end of this first series. While some pilots can look quite different to the rest of the episodes, this first episode fits in flawlessly with the rest of the series, and its gentle humour, moments of physical comedy and attention to detail will make you want to keep watching. Keep an eye on the little fern that's rescued!
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