
5 Reviews
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La Spectacle de Science des Reves
18 September 2006
Beautiful, imaginative, a bit disjointed at times, spectacular, and a pretty good love story all rolled into one. Sometimes life doesn't hand you what you want, and we retreat into our dreamscapes. What happens when those dreamscapes take over our real lives? Stephane has that problem. What worsens things is when he meets his soulmate, appropriately named Stephanie. Stephane has a playmate to bounce ideas off, only if she did not know that his apartment is directly across from hers. Even worse is that Stephane is living in his mother's apartment, the "bitch of a landlord" he overheard Stephanie and her friend, Zoe, say. The special effects are not as refined as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, yet, they aren't meant to be that way. They are meant to have a folksy, Third-World, high school charm of Napolean Dynamite. Definitely worth a gander.
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Anime Twilight Zone
2 April 2006
I'll start by saying that maybe it's too simplistic to say that "Pet Shop of Horrors" is an anime form of "The Twilight Zone." They are different shows. Yet, they both thinly disguise parables of morality in the horror/sci-fi genre. However, each episode of "Pet Shop of Horrors" preys upon a given deadly sin of a character from the entrancingly effeminate and mysterious Count D who gives the buyer exactly what he or she wants. The lust in their soul around the pet he or she receives grows until the owner dies from exhaustion, and the police find a seemingly innocent pet waiting for attention.

Confused? Don't be. It's all very simple. And well worth the time to investigate how awesome the anime is and the stories are, as well as how beautiful and lavish the animation is.
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Fried Gold of Zombie Movies
29 July 2005
When I first saw 'Shaun of the Dead,' I wasn't sure what I was watching. It was recommended to me by a professor who specifically wanted me to watch it because she knew that I'd like it for the British humor, and she wanted someone to talk to about it.

'Shaun of the Dead' is a film that can be viewed in many different ways. It can be viewed as a British screwball romantic comedy with zombies, or it can be viewed as a zombie movie style parody with in-jokes and references for zombie fans. It can also be viewed as a clear cut zombie movie with jokes. Sharp writing with clever dialogue make 'Shaun of the Dead' the Austin Powers of zombie movies. I bought it on DVD with the 2004 version of 'Dawn of the Dead' and I've seen 'Shaun of the Dead three or four times already, and 'Dawn of the Dead' lays on my couch gathering dust. Very Funny, witty, cleverly satiric with Gen-X references, eery and romantic all come to mind when describing 'Shaun of the Dead.'
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Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (1975 TV Short)
Nostralgia for Generation Xers
5 March 2005
When I was growing up, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi was one of those films the teachers and teacher's aides at my elementary school would pull out of the AV room and spool around on film projectors during inclement weather. I can still here the clacking of the film spools wind around even when I watch on my DVD. By middle school and high school, I had all but forgotten about Rikki-Tikki-Tavi until I saw it for sale on DVD. Now that I'm an adult (or something close to resembling one), I can appreciate the stylization Chuck Jones put into crafting Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. This animated short has chills, thrills, spills, and it has enough for the adults that won't make them sick viewing after viewing, which is why I think the teachers would pull Rikki-Tikki-Tavi out of the closet every time the weather was bad and needed to keep us indoors. I saw this film first in the early '80s, and I was somewhat astonished that it was made in the mid-70s, but that makes sense seeing as to how my elementary school was built in the late-70s. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi holds up well and looks as though it could be shown on Cartoon Network next to today's kids cartoons. It's a must see for anyone with a kid or has been one!
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Kept my attention
23 July 2004
I saw this movie early on the first day, and it kept my attention throughout. There are a couple of minor flaws in the movie, but that's negotiable through the twists and turns of this spy movie/psychological thriller. The one time I almost left to go to the bathroom, the credits started to roll. Now that I know what I missed by not seeing the first one, the reason being is because Matt Damon didn't match who I felt was a good choice for Jason Bourne, so I have some catching up to do. The direction was odd in the sense that I felt it needed more in the way of pans and cuts, not bumpy handhelds and short cuts of steadycams. It takes when you think you know about Jason Bourne, answers a few questions, provides some more, and leaves room for the next one. I recommend this as a good date film.
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