
22 Reviews
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Unintentional Grindhouse of the Marvel world
9 May 2007
I wanted to start off by saying this movie was entertaining and worth the price of admission simply for the action. However after i let the whole film sink in and i have become annoyed. This film is like three Spiderman films rolled into one. Despite the film's 2.5 hour runtime, there is no room allotted for character development. Venom receives less time then most other characters and he was supposedly the headline-enemy of the film. What happened? were they pushing the limits of the 250, 000, 000 budget? probably. There were also the scenes involving Parker and MJ that were painful to watch. Watching Toby try to squeeze out those tears look like squeezing a sponge full of water was the nail in the dramatic coffin.The finale whereby the reporter narrates the events is also painstaking. So cliché, so overdone, such unnecessary babbling filler just drives me up the wall. I don't mean to lash out at a sizablen portion of the North American movie going public, but when a high-budget production flashes shiny graphics, extended fight scenes and cheesy acting only rivaled by the Young and the Restless, its enough to be considered a successful movie. Too many people just eat this stuff up. I am no exception at times however i can take the blinders off after the movie and see past the glitz that only shallow viewers will be amazed by. If you want to see multiple movies in one showing, pick-up Grindhouse when it comes to DVD. That's real entertainment that ISN'T ashamed to expose its multiple flaws.
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Biggest Surprize of the Year
26 August 2006
I didn't go into this movie expecting much. The key to the film's enjoyment is that you go in with this attitude by shutting your brain down for about 1.5 hours with a big tub of buttered pop-corn, overpriced pop and enjoy the product in front of you. I won't tell you the plot because the name of the movie says it all. Jackson at first looked stupid for taking his role and insisting on keeping the current name of the film during production; however now he looks like a pop-culture genius by succeeding in a movie that would have little shot for success 5 to 7 years ago. The effects are cheesy but still worth a good view and the characters are diverse with the direction being way above par. The film is a good blend of comedy and horror which is a rare combo these days. The cast made the impossible possible. Snakes on a Plane rocked!
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Rent (2005)
Most enjoyable movie of the past year
21 January 2006
I'll confess, I have not seen the play before the movie. However now i want to see the theatrical production with a passion. This film was so well done, and this is coming from someone who usually stays away from musicals. The film is a rock/pop musical. the songs are catchy and the soundtrack is among the best I've heard. The movie covers many subject areas such as the urban decay in America's major cities, socially dislodged youth, aids, homosexuality and the erosion of typical American ideals. The film goes from comedic to tragic and does not try too hard to be a classic. Usually it takes a certain person to embrace a musical, however "Rent" appeals to pop culture in the present day and the era of the late 1980's whereby the film was set. This movie is superbly directed and deserves the attention of most movie freaks. Thanks to the film i am now what they call a "Rent Head"
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Intellectual and Entertainment Value
20 October 2005
This movie has a replay value of 9. I wish i could tell you what exactly makes this movie so great, but i would be going on forever, so i'll just stick to generalization. The atmosphere of the movie is set in Boston, a vastly cultural city with a large crime syndicate. Two Irish brothers become the victim of crime and decide to take justice into their own hands as vigilantes. The Boondock Saints isn't a rip-off of Deathwish, there is allot of back-story and social commentary with in the script to set it apart from other films of its genre. It is very unfortunate that this movie's thunder was taken away by the tragic events at Columbine, because it would have otherwise gained more recongniton then it had. Upon films end, the movie allows for the audience to review there ideals on justice and how the criminal system works. All actors contribute to their roles in supreme fashion including David Del Rocco who adds humor to this already dark comedy-thriller. this movie truly is original and should gain more publicity when its much anticipated sequel is released within the next year.
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Red Eye (2005)
Overshadowed by many other big-budget summer blockbusters
21 August 2005
I had wanted to see Red Eye since the first time I saw it's trailer. I was fortunate enough to view the film on opening night, and I was not disappointed! The film gives off a claustrophobic aura of suspense that keeps the viewer on the edge of his/her seat from the 20 minute mark until the finale. The passenger jet setting and comic relief provided for great set-ups to some of the best suspense scenes since last year's "Collateral". Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams play their roles in superior fashion. Murphy, whom I am personally a big fan of (28 Days Later remains one of my faves of all time) plays a great sociopath with a superficially kind and sinister persona. McAdams plays a great unlikely hero who you really try sympathize with. Their were a number of "she could have, He could have done this or that" moments, however this movie is a thriller not real life. If every thriller had played on real life we would just re-enter the real world from which we were trying to escape upon walking into the theater. This Film is definitely the 11 dollars Ihad payed to see it, which is rare these days. I had paid for a thriller and I got it. It is really sad that this movie is overshadowed by some no brainers which i shall not mention. Red Eye is a great departure from Wes Craven's typical film genre of horror and may revive his recently lagging directing career. See this movie, it will be the launch pad for the career of Murphy and McAdams, you won't regret it.
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Finially the massacre in Rwanda has been brought to the world's attention, only 11 years too late.
18 May 2005
Hotel Rwanda is one of those few cinematic masterpieces that you can recant over and over in your mind, to your families, friends and educators. The movie depicts the desperate situation of a nation torn by civil war and genocide between two major tribes in 1994. However the main focus of the movie deals with a hotel manager who desperately tries to save his family and refugees from the slaughter occurring beyond the hotel property. Normally I am aggravated when a director goes out of his way to give his film a pg-13 so preteens can see it, thus increasing profit. however this movie's rating is highly justified. Everyone deserves to see and care about what had happened in Rwanda, because the world leaders and media at the time of the atrocity certainly did not. With the recent production of numerous WWII movies, the holocaust has been brought to light while the Rwandan genocide had been swept under the the rug, until now. Done Cheadle did a superb job in his role that made me feel like i was right there with him. He is very under-rated and i feel he can out-act even the best such as Denzel Washington. Nolte plays a Canadian UN field leader who is obviously modeled after the Canadian war hero Romeo Dellaire whom attempts to bring the crisis to the international authorities' attention and in return tragically gets his squad of UN peace keepers reduced. This only adds to the desperation of the situation. The movie touches on the personal lives, politics, religion and culture of Rwanda during this short but dark chapter in human history. Much of those who were able to change the outcome of the situation at the time deserve to be shamed by this movie. So many times has society claimed that genocide will never happen again, but i think what society really means is that it will never happen to "white" people again. Such a statement can draw this review allot of criticism, but I feel it taps into the darkest part of the human soul where self denial and racism are clearly present. Hotel Rwanda deserves all the accolades it receives and will be shown in homes and classrooms for years to come. My hat's off to the production team, the cast and the crew to bring such a turbulent, dark, short, yet important era of human history to the forefront of the media world.
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Hitch (I) (2005)
Very Well Done
19 February 2005
I went into this movie not expecting what i was about to receive. Usually Will Smith stars in average to good films but this one blew me away. He did not play a cop, agent or some action hero trying to save a pretty girl from the cltuches of evil. The entire cast fits their roles perfectly. Hitch has some of the best casting I have seen in a while, which is something to be said for the lack of big names. The New York City backdrop and real life clumsiness in the dating world is nicely portrayed. Their are some fairytale moments, however this can be expected seeing as how it is a big production. The role is a nice change for smith and can serve as a confidence booster to those in the dating world, although they should not use some of the fancy dialog used in the film. Not only is the role very well suited for Smith, but it is something he plays to the finest detail. The story is truly original, which is becoming a larger factor in the quality of the movie industry today.
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Hellboy (2004)
Look Beyond the DVD Box and Give This Movie a Chance!
23 January 2005
I have not seen this movie until months after it was released on video. It was one of those snowy nights where you just wanted to stay in and see a movie. After a coin toss, the favor fell with Hellboy. Turns out fate was pointing me in the right direction. This movie was a real thriller and served as great entertainment for its entire running time. The cast consists of relatively unknown actors to the average viewer. However this does not hinder the outcome of the film. When it comes right down to it, the budget would probably not allow for such a big name cast anyways because of the CGI and expensive sets. The movie moves at a great pace, and contains large doses of humor, mystery and violence. The last thing the viewer should do is criticize the film for being unrealistic. First off its a movie based on a comic book, second its not meant to tug at any heart strings and win any awards. This reasons compile to suggest that critics bite there tongues before talking crap about the movie.
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Pleasant Surprize, But Only for Certain Viewers
9 January 2005
The Life Aquatic is very overlooked in theaters. I understand why this is the case. Advertising is not excessive, allot of the actors are not popular to the younger generation, and the title does not make much sense. However such elements do not deter "The Life Aquatic" from being a good movie. Indeed there were shortcomings, such as the length of the film which could have been a half hour shorter. Also the fact that the plot was often distorted and left many, including myself, confused at times.

With the negative aspects out of the way, its time to state the positive. First and foremost the film was unorthodox, numerous CGI and location/setting interjections. This movie is an escape from the rest of the theater world where top notch actors team up to bring in a new trend in moves. This trend would originality... which has been lacking for a few years now. this is one of the few movies not based on a sequel , historical event/character or comic book. The basic plot of the movie involves Murray and his oceanography team setting to see in last ditch attempt to film a successful sea documentary. Just before Murray and his team are about to leave the docks, his son appears (Owen Wilson)who quickly becomes an honorary member of the Zissou ocean crew. Jeff Goldbloom co-stars in great fashion, although i feel he deserved more screen time as he does in all his films. William Defoe is excellent as Murrays loyal sidekick and Angelica Houton is great as his wife who questions her motives for being with him.

The actors fit perfectly into their roles, the film is visually appealing, loaded with dry humor and will make you think for at least 24 hours after you see it. However this film is only for those who prefer movies with such ingredients. If you are one of those people. spend the admission, sit back, relax and enjoy. I know I did.
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The Model For All Epics To Follow
6 January 2005
LOTR has raised the bar in terms of large cinema productions. I truly believe prior to the first installments release, the movie-going world did not know what was in store. What they got was the beginning of on of the greatest journeys ever put on screen. The Series only gets better as it progresses. I jumped at the opportunity to see "Fellowship of the Ring" because I greatly enjoyed fantasy tales, despite not reading the books themselves. So much emphasis was put on the special effects and scenery that many of the actors were overlooked. Wood as Frodo hardly got any credit for his role, even Liv Tyler was more recognized for her part. Ian McKellen does a superb job as one of my favorite characters; Gandolf. The Movie also saw breakout performances from Sean Astin and Orlando Bloom.

"Fellowship of the Ring" was more artistic and contained less intense battle sequences then its two successors. Numerous people have stated that they despised this movie because of its length and slow pace. However it is this first installment that sets the pace for the excitement and the following movies. The 1st heavily focuses on character development and plot. This film does not deviate from the book at all from what i am told and is nice to see a movie that does not rely primarily on senseless violence to draw a crowd. My hat's of to Peter Jackson in creating a cinematic masterpiece of epic proportions.
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The Punisher (2004)
Ranks Right Up There with X2 in the Comic Book Films Genre
5 January 2005
The Punisher has always been my favorite comic book hero. He is human, dark and abides by the same rules of physics everyone else does. The Punisher is a merciless, colourless but a clever hero which sets him apart from others in the Marvel and DC world. The film "The Punisher" captured the character of the Punisher completely. Tom Jane is relatively unknown in the film industry compared to others who have played superheros in the last four years. With that said, he does a fine job, although he is a little on the small side. Jane's performance is convincing to the point where you can almost see his face on the comic book pages as the character himself. Travolta also did a superb job. I'll admit that I did not expect him to attain the role of a villain in such a film because of its comic origins, however the best actors are always willing to try new things. Travolta plays the character of Howard Saint, which is truly despicable until the end where he meets justice.

I am also grateful for John Hensleigh's decision to make this a no-holds-barred action movie. All too often action movies, especially comic book ones, are watered down so a younger audience will be drawn to it. The way I see it is if the comic book spares no prisoners then why should the movie? It would have been nice to see a man like the Kingpin as a villain however the movie Daredevil already butchered his character so it was best a fictional bad guy was created. The movie moves at a fast pace and does show a human side to the Punisher, only to have that side disappear in the face of the mob. The Punisher's motives are personal, and he relies on firepower as opposed to superpower to stop his opponents. Although there were no award winning acting sequences, there was also no week links in the acting chain, making it a solid production. If you are a true Punisher fan, you will love this movie, if you are not, then thats unfortunate however I believe you will still find it to be worth your dollar. I also highly recommend the Punisher made in the 1980's with Lundren. It shouldn't be too hard to find. WAY TO GO MARVEL FOR NOT ALLOWING THIS ONE TO BE MESSED UP!!!
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Has its moments but it doesn't compensate for the CRAP!
4 January 2005
I saw this movie the other day amid the positive reviews i have heard from my friends. There appeared to be a big difference between what they had told me and what I saw. I heard some people would pay twice just to see the movie and that it was a "fall out of your seat hilarious". What i had saw was a plot-less film about a teenage kid living in a rural area in the middle of Idaho. Basically the movie depicts this teen's everyday life where he lives with his uncle, and brother, both of whom do not look their age whatsoever. The only trace of a plot is shown when Napoleon has a shallow interest in one girl whom he tries to impress by assisting is dry and unfunny foreign friend win a school election. I am a strong advocate of independent films and low-budget productions, however the point of a movie is to give the audience something to watch for. This movie has no substance, no purpose, no meaning, no entertainment, no point, no lesson and absolutely no value. Within a few months it will be at the bottom of home movie shelves to collect dust like it so rightfully deserves.
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Collateral (2004)
One of the Best movies I've seen this year
16 December 2004
Who would have ever thought that Jamie Foxx and Tom Cruise would be an on screen duo? Well it has happened in fine fashion. Michael Mann's articulate direction and his obsession with nitetime LA have made this film fast paced an smooth looking. The basic plot revolves around Foxx as a cabbie who catches a stroke of bad luck by acquiring Cruise as a passenger. Cruise turns out to be a hit-man who is picking people off as his temporary employer sees fit. A wild ride through LA's nightlife gives way for a journey of self-realization for Foxx (whom dreams of his own limo company and tropical islands). The slick script and sophistication of the plot and character development always keep the audience on the edge of their seats. Although this movie has received good ratings, I feel that the film is slightly overlooked. Collateral serves as a great model for how thrillers should be made, and it delivers a great breakthrough performance by Foxx. Well Done!
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The Spirit of Christmas in High Technology
13 December 2004
Tom Hanks rarely chooses a bad movie project to undertake, and the Polar Express is no exception. Motion capture is a developed technology that is presently being implemented into the cinema world. Those who have read the book will certainly enjoy this work of visual art. Of course there are some differences, the most obvious being the length of the feature, but the movie remains entertaining. One of the few shortcomings of the film occurs once the Polar Express arrives in North Pole City. At this point the film comes to a bit of a halt. Some scenes were pointless also, but adds for entertainment value nonetheless. Hanks plays numerous characters and fits well into all of them, this clearly demonstrates how flexible and ambitious of an actor he is. The movie takes place over the course of one night. The Polar Express takes children to the north pole who have questioned or lost some faith in Santa Clause. The journey to the destination is spectacular, with jaw dropping special effects. The movie is dark, however it does add to the mysteries surrounding the true meaning of Christmas. This film has reminded me and I'm sure as well as others, how fun it was to believe.
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Adds Pride to knowing history
9 December 2004
Cage is a renaissance actor, he can play just about anything which is something to be said in the modern world of film. Sean Bean is one of the most underrated actors of the present day, he is wicked as the supporting role in this movie, as is Keitel and Voight. The movie is fast paced all the way through. There are plenty of twists and turns that keep the viewer interested through the films 2 hour running time. I'll admit I am a bit bias, seeing as how i major in history. This movie also a bit bias to the American view of history, but by living in Canada, I am used to it.

The movie borrows elements from Raiders of the Lost Ark, however it is more human oriented, and their is no diabolical plot, which is all too common in treasure movies of the last twenty years. The cast and crew was very well suited for the jobs they were assigned. I applaud the director and production team for their effort to display just how important history is. Aside from the academics, there is allot of Hollywood technique within the plot and action sequences which are unrealistic, but who goes to the movies to watch the real world anyways? great appetizer for history and great entertainment for those who wanna view it.
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Adds Pride to knowing history
9 December 2004
Cage is a renaissance actor, he can play just about anything which is something to be said in the modern world of film. Sean Bean is one of the most underrated actors of the present day, he is wicked as the supporting role in this movie, as is Keitel and Voight. The movie is fast paced all the way through. There are plenty of twists and turns that keep the view interested through the films 2 hour running time. I'll admit I am a bit bias, seeing as how i major in history. This movie also a bit bias to the American view of history, but by living in Canada, I am used to it.

The movie borrows elements from Raiders of the Lost Ark, however it is more human oriented, and their is no diabolical plot, which is all too common in treasure movies of the last twenty years. The cast and crew was very well suited for the jobs they were assigned. I applaud the director and production team for their effort to display just how important history is. Aside from the academics, there is allot of Hollywood technique within the plot and action sequences which are unrealistic, but who goes to the movies to watch the real world anyways? great appetizer for history and great entertainment for those who wanna view it.
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EuroTrip (2004)
Best Travel Parody of them all
25 October 2004
if you do not laugh during this movie, you do not enjoy life. every single Euro-stereotype is brought up twisted with American humour. There is a high amount of Hollywood coincidence. the cast of mainly no-names suits their roles perfectly (see if you can spot Matt damon in a hilarious cameo) this movie is made to showcase the "liberal" nature of Euro laws when it comes to drinking and nudity. plenty of eye candy on a slightly low budget. a bubbly group of friends Hit England, France, Italy, Slovakia, Holland and Germany in a desperate attempt to get to Berlin where the girl of scotty's dreams awaits, or does she? you can watch it again and again.... and again. this will be the trip every teen will dream about on their way to the Euro continent.
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Van Wilder (2002)
A big surprize
18 September 2004
i didn't expect much coming into this movie, i didn't hear much about it and Van wilder was one of the national lampoon movies without Chevy Chase. however this movie surpassed all my expectations. Van Wilder defines the slapstick teen comedy of the new millennium. loaded with sexual humor and innuendo, Van Wilder keep the laughs coming. i believe Tara Reid was at her hottest in this movie, and believe it or not, there are a ton of quotable lines to live by in this film. as for the plot, its just about some guy who doesn't wanna leave the college he calls his home until he meets a girl that makes him realize his own potential. this film was much better then the last 2 American pies put together. this is a true popcorn movie to watch with your friends.
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Equilibrium (2002)
One of my all-time favorites, and the most underrated
18 September 2004
It is almost a cinematic crime that this movie got absolutely no attention. Everything from the intense acting and action sequences, to the polished yet imprisoning landscape of the perfect world, this movie does it all. It makes you think, sit on the edge of your seat and have you wanting more all in one. This movie as a whole is original, however it borrows concepts that appear in the books "1984" and "Brave New World" such as big brother andthe desire to achieve human perfection in the movie's background. The film's action sequences are on par with The Matrix. The sets are very well done and watchers are strongly drawn into the lives of the characters. the villains are truly hittable and the watcher can't help but feel sorry for the heroin. Bale gives the performance of his underrated Carrier and a brief appearance by Sean Bean adds the icing to the cake, although i believe his presence was needed for more of the movie then was alloted. The basic story involves a man who is a member of a society which feels no emotion, his job is to destroy anything that triggers human emotion such as books, paintings , decorations toys and colour. This movie is so colourless in some scenes it might as well be in black and white, instead; it is more shades of gray. My hat's off to the production and cast who put this film together, it was overshadowed by a less superior movie which I have already mentioned in this review. Maybe in time this film will get the recognition it deserves or will sadly fade away into Hollywood's archives as the movie that would have been.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
I never get tired of this movie
18 September 2004
this is one of the best produced horror movies of all time. it is also a great adaption to the real story, much better then the watered down Disney version. this is also without a doubt jonny depp's best movie, and Tim burton's best work of art. the complex characters, murky forest and town setting and sheer brutality make this the ultimate sleepover movie. Christina Ricci is extremely easy on the eyes and the time period in which the movie is set makes the movie all that much mysterious. there's a serious twist at the end that keeps the viewer captivated. the story is very complex so this the genre of the movie can be classified under mystery /horror. Christopher Walkin fits his part perfectly as the headless horseman. everyone appears just so comfortable in their roles.
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Funniest Movie of them all
18 September 2004
this was the funniest movie of all time. jeff daniels and jim carrey make an unlikely comedy duo, but it works. i'm a fan of road-trip movies and this one has the 2 no brained buddies going cross-country to return a briefcase to a wealthy owner. at certain points you have to ask how can 2 men be so dumb? the make or brake point in this movie was the casting. the casters chose the perfect 2 to play there roles, if they chose the wrong 2, this film would be a flop. the funniest thing throughout the movie is that the 2 failures never even bother to check the contents of the briefcase and drive 1500 miles just to deliver it to a girl Carrey thinks he's in love with. good work guys, even after 10 years this movie still gives me a good belly laugh.
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Worth the Loonies I spent to see it
17 September 2004
I saw this movie just the other week. this film unlike the first had a high entertainment value. this edition of the resident evil series is filmed in the streets as opposed to the underground Hive in the 1st installment. Some people have made mention of the lack of character development in the movie, however i do not believe that the goal of this film was to have you engrossed in character development. Milla suits her role just fine, especially in her b-day suit. Apocalypse is a very dark movie with more blue lights then sunlight. the action is non-stop, and the black guy provides comic relief. more appealing characters are in the movie and the setting of downtown Toronto leads for endless possibilities to occur.

Other then the lack of character development, the other weakness is the camera movement during the fight scenes, sometimes you can't see what the hell is going on. ironically the zombies are not the most evil enemy in the movie, neither is Nemisis, but it is the real humans who run the Umbrella co. these guys are truly hateable who u would love to see die a terrible death. throughout the movie, there is a sense all all impending doom if the characters don't escape. this puts you on the edge of your seat even more. the movie is filled with spectacular stunts and ends with a Bang! hang on to your seats, this will probably be the best big screen/popcorn movie of the year. 100% pure fun.
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