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Crazy action, raw emotions, gritty environments
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Golden Age of cinema. As simple as that.

To whoever is unable to enjoy this kind of movies with the excuse of "too slow" : I feel sorry for you and your deepfried brain from watching tiktok and whatnot.

There are, of course, inconsistencies/absurdities that require suspension of belief; top one is the way they destroy a French car and voila': magic happens and it goes back to a brand new state.

The sniper sequence that triggers the chase sequence is totally unbelievable (how could he misses the target? And how could the cop be right behind him from the roof?) but so iconic that never mind. Shame on the poster for spoiling what happened.

Anyway, the greatness is achieved when putting things into context.

No steadicam available: how did they film those POVs and the chase sequence??

Real, flawed cops. The protagonist is a bigot, sordid, uncultured dude who gets so obsessed with catching the bad guys that goes way behind the limits of the law to do a good deed. On the opposite side the bad guy is elegant, refined but morally corrupt.

The scene with the fren dudes at the restaurant intercutting with the cops waiting outside is gold: the evil is having a great meal in a splendid environment; the cops are suffering from the cold and eating cheap pizza and disgusting coffee.

New York is particularly frantic, dirty, smelly and not at all glamours , love it.
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The Matrix (1999)
The last (truly) mind-blowing movie, before the Machine took over
28 May 2024
25 years after watching The Matrix on the big screen (a few times of course) it seems weirdly ironic that the story world presented in the movie became reality for the filmmaking experience.

The digital revolution that started at the end of the '90s is almost completed and the Machines have infiltrated almost every space in moviemaking.

Digital editing and digital cameras didn't seem so bad indeed, but when CGI inundated the screens I started to question the reality of entertainment. (eg The Hobbit). And now AI. Decisions are made by consulting the machine.

Nothing can surprise us anymore. I had to think long and hard and I cannot name a movie that had such a deep and lasting effect on how I see movie magic like The Matrix.

And don't mention Avatar please, the story is nothing new, ie highly predictable and the actions scenes are a nothingburger.

But The Matrix: holy cow, any teenager who watched it without knowing anything (the commercial "what is the Matrix?" is GOLD) had to reevaluate is life in light of all those metaphysical inputs: what is free will? How powerful the mind is, destiny, fearing advancements in technology while at the same time loving them (considering the bullet time effect), plus a good number of classic themes: friendship and betrayal, sense of mission, overcoming fears, love and sacrifice, disappointment and glory.

The exposition scenes are so dope that the dialogues are still around these days.

But, like Neo at beginning we, the audience, are now slaves. Anyone can shoot in decent quality with a phone. AI software can improve dramatically the quality of the sound. Almost automatic color correction, AI will most likely write decent scripts, robots will direct mediocre actors, software will produce subpar scores, automatic editing. We watch youtube, tiktok, instagram, hours and hours, that are sense of reality (ie quality) is disappearing.

Will we be ok with that?
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Hard-hitting documentary that needs polishing
21 May 2024
Pretty sure epoch times is getting more and more people interested in what they are doing because of their documentaries: they simply tackle subject matters that other media, be it MSM or "alternative", do not. In this case the involvement of the UN and China in the huge number of people trying to cross the southern US border. It's a must watch, and I dont say this lightly. Considering the amount of low ratings here... they also attracted paid trolls and whatnot.

Now: The pretitle/intro sequence is unfortunately a mess. Crazily fast with visuals that don't match what the host is saying; the superimposition elements (which I usually like) don't add much and are just plainly confusing. I had to rewatch the whole thing twice.

Anyway: in a sense this short doc reminds me what VICE used to publish 10+ years ago, with a more gentle touch though: it does take courage to go on the ground in South America and visit one of the refugee campsfor people who bet on their lives on the way to the US. What they found is that the UN is running the whole circus, and of course they dont reply to email, phone calls and so on.

It's a circus where the main attractions are corruption, subversion, human suffering, violence. From debit cards to cell phones, to detailed maps, refugee camps, ONG's crews on the ground, the chinese new silk road... it's indeed a case of "reality is stranger (and darker) than fiction".

That said the whole thing needs a good dose of TLC: we jump from one location to another without any meaningful transition; there is way too much exposition in the interviews compared to what's shown on screen; a major continuity error is tough to digest: when the host switches clothes abruptly from one scene to another then back to the previous clothes. And... it would be good to have something entertaining here and there to be able take a breath, considering how terrible the whole situation is.
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Monk: Mr. Monk and the Candidate (2002)
Season 1, Episode 1
too annoying to continue watching
13 May 2024
Well crafted pilot with all the elements the audience can expect to see in the series.

-the protagonist/Sherlock style with his hilarious OCD issues + his superhuman ability of seeing things, connecting dots and solving mysteries.

-the nurse/Dr Watson who follows the detective protagonist in his adventures and will help him or cause troubles, because no conflict no story
  • a series of allies and opponents who might exchange roles according to the situation
  • intrigues, plot twist, stuff to investigates
  • the number 1 case that will never be solved until the end of the whole series: the death of our Sherlock's wife.

Now: it's all fun and games until I came to realize how predictable the following episodes will be: our protagonist will solve each case. Each one. Yes, some will be a bit harder than others but he'll get the job done.

His being awkward/making silly mistakes/being unable to function in society should add a level of trouble here and there but overall it's there more to function as a funny moment than as a real obstacle (eg the funeral, in this first episode)

overall I cannot relate in the least with the guy, too "know-it-all" to make me root for him.

Anyway: with 100+ episodes I guess the Producers are right.
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The Chosen: I Have Called You by Name (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Passable Pilot that somehow works
9 May 2024
Now: I don't know much about the Bible but a bit more about historical events from that period of time.

The intention behind this series is fairly clear (which is a good thing): to present the arrival of Jesus in a relatable, entertaining, down to earth way.

And this pilot somehow accomplish the goal. The brothers are oppressed by taxes, the rabbi in position of power doubts himself, the young prostitute is going mental, the Romans are oppressing the people they conquered. It's all very relatable even in modern times. There's a lot at stakes: survival, social status, power, life itself.

Unfortunately there are evident limitation when it comes to production design (environments are too "flat" to appear realistic), wardrobe and alas, acting.

The rabbi and his wife are on point, the rest.... not really. Especially Mary (the prostitute) who is over projecting her pain, and the young tax collector.

Anyway: I'd have preferred less flashbacks and to introduce Jesus way earlier. The ending is not really that emotionally charged, I mean: everyone was waiting for Jesus to show up.
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White Collar: Pilot (2009)
Season 1, Episode 1
the thin line between entertaining and cringe
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy what a ride.

I'm all in when it comes to movie magic/suspension of belief and so, but you guys are testing me big time.

You want me to believe that our protagonist (handsome of course):
  • after spending years in jail he makes himself unrecognizable by growing a beard and then shaving it
  • orders a police uniform online from within the jail
  • walks out from the main door and no guard recognizes him
  • knows about a mysterious con man, while not even the police knows nothing
  • steal a fancy car just because he wears a yellow raincoat
  • goes to the main location where the cops will look for him and gets arrested again
  • the doors to a mansion are wide open for him because he charms a widowed lady (and flirts with her young granddaughter)

anything else?

I might have found all of the above hilarious and stayed for the ride if the acting wasn't so surface level, the dialogues weirdly unsettling and our hard to believe couple of detective had a bit of chemistry.

Hard pass.
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The Gentlemen: Refined Aggression (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
fireworks as expected. good.
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
One thing you can be sure with good old Guy Ritchie is: he doesnt fail to deliver what you would expect.

Solid pilot with a fascinating theme, comedic scenes with a touch of dark British humor, it's unfortunate the dialogues are a tad (a lot actually) forced/over the top.

Now: opening scene is glorious in its effectiveness and the smoothness of the camera movements. Our protagonist is a leader in the most exemplary definition of the term: flexible, responsible, understanding, caring, strict. Everything revealed in a matter of minutes without obvious exposition. Good scriptwriting guys.

The family reunion is the perfect setting to introduce our characters and their traits, especially the older brother who is a dangerously unreliable, hence comical. Fireworks coming.

Interesting how the weed operation under the mansion can be seen as either part of the protagonist goal of keeping the family estate or an obstacle to do that. Anyway... not really impressed with the lady relations with our hero, he seems too quick to accept the whole thing as "not a big deal" and the chat with the caretaker seemed more like a dream like state induced by the weed vapors than a real conversation.

Anyway: the theme. Ah some exposition perfectly cooked in a super cool environment (playing pool in a crazily luxurious mansion or whatever that is) with who most likely will be a fake ally bound to become an opponent later on. I digress: theme. It's in the title. Refinement and ferocity. How to balance the two? You wanna live in a zoo as a prisoner, or fight in the forest to survive? Obviously conflicts will abound and the audience will be served entertainment non stop

ending is a surreal predictable cliffhanger with unnecessarily repetitive scenes.

Overall a fun ride!
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Sly (2023)
Bizarre PR piece from Netflix
13 April 2024
Netflix should have titled it something like "In the name of Sly" and they would have avoided a lot of headaches.

I guess there is an agreement or deal between Netflix and Stallone for some potential good biz, otherwise it doesnt make sense. Maybe Netflix will leave California for Florida too?

Anyway: when my generation sees something titled "Sly" my mind races to the '80s and Sylvester Stallone, and... well, I do expect to go through his whole life.

Instead what we get is the relationship between Sly and his father, the friction, the bitterness, the highs and lows, the sudden rise to iconic fame. Anyway: something that makes you think, "ah that was the American Dream". So cool.

Opening with his mansion being emptied, ready to move to Florida is neat and engaging: a new chapter in life is ready to be written, the excitement is in the air... those old audio tapes? Perfect time to face the past and see how mature our hero now is.

Unfortunately the whole structure falls flat. This inciting incident sounds fake. No one believes Stallone is going to Florida to find his artistic verve rushing again, rather is that California has crazily high taxation + dangerous criminality. Simple.

Stallone's life is, of course, formidable and yes would deserves a documentary, but it gives the impression of being overly scripted and, ultimately, self aggrandizing. Stallone talks for a solid 70% of the runtime, the "interviews" are too few and too friendly to be interesting. The scene in NYC is so fake it hurts.

So if they had chose the "In the name of Sly" they could have played with:
  • Stallone is the director. It's clear. And it shouldnt be a surprise from a guy who wrote and directed his movies and wanted to improv on set.

  • the doc is about the pain of a father (in the name of the father, you know); first Stallone's dad (borderline psycho I'd say) then Stallone himself (losing his oldest son)

Instead those of us who love Stallone for what he represents will cringe when his wives are not considered. Heck, at about 1:24:00 turn on subtitles, his current wife is talking for like 5 seconds and is referred to as "woman".

Barely a mention of his daughter (and they did a reality show together)

Not recommended.
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Lost: Pilot: Part 1 (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
how to make a top notch pilot 101
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Of course there are reasons why this first episode (part 1 of 2 actually) is considered gold, when it comes to crafting a memorable pilot for a series.

How can you not love it? The opening image is iconic and the scene that follows with a continuous shot is a pretty bold statement: we go from stillness to a brutal reality that is horrifying in the way it is relatable. (now tell me who has never feared for his life when boarding a plane, I'll wait).

Yes the start of a love story between our good looking protagonist (a doctor, ie high in the hierarchical structure within that situation) and the beauty who follows him without a doubt might send cringy vibes, but it is totally acceptable, after all when you feel in your bones you might be dying...

  • top notch editing with solid pull and release between emotionally fast paced scenes and much needed exposition in the form of flashbacks.

  • enough mysteries to keep me on my seat without getting disoriented, from the pregnat lady, to the Korean couple to the sketchy dude to, of course, the invisible monster. This is something modern productions should be go back doing, instead of weaving elaborate plots and subplots that are just meant to throw some so called shock value at the audience in the hope they will keep watching.

  • a lot at stakes, not only the injuries and the fear, but once we learn the plane was on the wrong route, no one knows where they are and the radio is gone the level increases.

Watch it.
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Our Flag Means Death: Pilot (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
comical madness
29 March 2024
Obviously these guys are not the Monty Python but if you don't laugh here I'm not sure where.

Even though some dialogue seem unnatural and forced, the overall rhythm is so enjoyable that it's everything I needed when I pressed play: a comedy that actually makes you think about the miseries of life, an incompetent protagonist with a heart of gold who discovers what is needed to gain respect within his new family (ie violence). All of the above compressed in about 30 min. Perfect.

Of course the crew won't move on with their plan to take over the ship and hang our captain (otherwise the show is over) but it's always good to know there's a danger looming behind the corner: it adds potential drama and,in our case fun stuff.

The dinner scene is a masterclass in editing, so good. I watched it twice. If you like a period piece, costumes and production design are well put together (love the skit with the library)
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3 Body Problem: Countdown (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Confused by this first episode
26 March 2024
Which is not a good sign, I must say.

First of all I do agree with other reviews here (and somewhere else): the way the "setting" (or "world") of this show is presented to us is not believable at all. Now, yes it's sci fi and I'm ok with having a particle collider in the UK or anywhere else but: if you suggest that the theme might be "our science is broken" I do expect our cool scientists to go on an adventure and find new paradigms to create a "new science"! Not to go depressed, hanging out at shabby karaoke bars. This is a major weakness of the whole story and a major disappointment that is not redeemable and made me stop watching the series.

Add to this the inability to understand who could be the protagonist, the lame girlboss females with a sharp tongue and, alas, the inexpressive cop. Overall too many characters just doing things and too busy mourning their deceased friend than to show us a bit of their traits. Except the former science guy now selling chips and snacks: he's the only one who is a round character, and he's funny.

The storyline based in China during the cultural revolution is actually a surprise since it exposes a horrible part of human history that should be a warning for today's cancel culture in the west. And it flows well, it does help us to understand her. Unfortunately the secret lab is clearly there to communicate with aliens. Too predictable.

Flat photography, too many hiccups in the editing and some artificial dialogues: distracting.

The only positive note is the uber cool golden visor at the end. That's promising.
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fairytale: Andy is an angel. otherwise: critical flaws.
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Watched it again after 20+ years. As a young man I found the whole movie too slow. Time to watch it with new eyes. Yes the title is still... I can't believe they decided to release it with this incomprehensible title. Anyway.

Fast forward: it's obviously an important flick with a deep main theme: Hope in the face of an unjust adversity; plus additional subthemes like the power of an unlikely friendship, revenge against the authority that abused their power and, of course redemption. Is it among my top 10 movies? I dont think so, but it can be a good starting point for a conversation. It is poetic enough, brutal enough; easy to spot symbolic motifs (building the chess pieces, the bird in the pocket, the rock hammer, knowing how to play the game when it comes to money, the movie posters etc etc) The whole thing is really well put together. Filming, cinematography, acting (the warden steals the spotlight in my opinion), score, editing etc etc: good job, you guys played it safe and the final result is enjoyable. Still fairly slow here and there (especially the 3rd act)

The main thing that most reviews and commentators seem to miss is that the protagonist is Red (M Freeman) NOT Andy (T Robbins). It should be evident by the title, since Red needs redemption, while Andy doesnt, since he's innocent. But what kind of redemption? From having killed? Nope it is from having lost his human nature, once Red became "institutionalized" ie he came to love his slavery in prison and to fear his freedom in the outside world. Also the voice over narration - albeit monotone makes it clear we are seeing what happens through Red eyes). Andy is the main character and like Don Vito Corleone, everything that happens in the movie revolves around him. But, we the audience follow Red in his journey.

Andy seems a supernatural entity, almost like an angel. I mean, he was a banker, most likely enjoying a fairly cosy life and... he doesnt go bananas as an inmate, considering the horrible food, the small cell, the sexual abuses, the hard work in the laundry. Heck he barely shows any emotion through the movie, it's not a normal thing.

The only time we see him going off is when he realizes he might be able to prove his innocence. Instead this first emotional response lands him in isolation for a long period of time + leads a young fellow he was mentoring to be killed. If he really is an angel this might indicate he made a terrible mistake by letting his emotions taking control of his action, hence he has to redeem himself.

Also: after 20 years in prison (with poor food and abuses and stress) Andy seems he barely aged. Now: either we accept my theory that he's an angel in disguise meant to help people or the make up team did a really poor job. Also the acclaimed ending is just unbelievable: you really want me to accept the fact he carved his way out with that small hammer? Without making noise and never getting caught? When then, during the night? So he didnt sleep? With a thin movie poster covering everything up? And he could sneak a neat suit while dragging himself into a sewer?

All of the above requires supernormal powers.
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Tokyo Vice: The Test (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
this pilot didn't pass my test
12 March 2024
Disclaimer: I dare to say I know a thing or two about the so called Japanese "culture", especially when dealing with gaijins (outsiders), hence was curios to see this pilot, but without expecting too much. Usually a western production makes obvious mistakes especially when it comes to production design and dialogues.

So: it's a solid pilot, Michael Mann obviously knows how to keep the action moving in the frame and give audience a sense of dread, anticipation, claustrophobia. It's kind of unnecessary and exaggerated sometimes, eg the scene during the exam: we know our guy is gonna make it, no need to stress his anguish, just show us the uniformity of the Japanese folks, contrasted with the westerner attire and let's move on. The last scene with the yakuza family doesnt serve any purpose other than mere spectacle.

Yes, I do like the way the represent Tokyo in the 1990's: small spaces, heaps of people, the club scene, order and cleanliness. The soft neon vibes + desaturated palette is hard to pull together, no one cannot say it doesnt work.

The fact the blonde dude learnt Japanese for his role is indeed impressive, but it gets unrealistically painful and cringy when he acts like the classic extroverted westerner at his workplace. He wouldnt have done that, he would be perfectly aware he would have been kicked out or relegated to stare at the wall in a flash.

Dialogues are... passable.

Now: I found out the series is inspired from real events... and... it's one of those cases where real life stuff needs to be reworked to make it more interesting for the audience. Thing is: our protagonist doesnt have a decent "why". He goes and learn Japanese, move to japan, take the exam to start working like a madman as a reporter...why? As he says talking to the western singer: I feel it's a good thing to do, that's it.

Well, not enough my friend, not enough for me to care about your journey. I get it, it's dangerous out there with the yakuza families but... why should I care? What does he have to lose ? What's his real goal? Too shallow.

I'm wondering if there will be some supernatural things involved, the last scene with the "ghost"(?) of a deceased dude.
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Utopia: Episode #1.1 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
form over substance. what a pity
5 March 2024
When the first scene of a pilot doesn't make sense in any possible way but it's clear that the only goal is shock the audience with a kind of violence dear to Tarantino... well... you don't have my attention.

The characters are flat and, pardon my French, unrealistically stupid. The pinnacle is the guy who gives his home address to a group of complete strangers he had met online. Come on. And these are the guys, based on trailers and whatnot, who are supposed to go against a dangerous conspiracy?

While I appreciate the stylistic choice of the oversaturated color palette - even though the risk is to fatigue the audience- the main sin is that the writing is lazy. It's one of those situations where "this happens, then this happens, then this happens", without much thought of cause and effect, rather the main concern is to arrange the sequences according to how "cool" they will be considered.

The gore is unnecessary, many questions that arise are useless, characters not only are not relatable but also unlikable. Not sure what is the theme of the series, since I wont keep watching it.
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Reptile (2023)
too many red herrings and loose ends make this movie so frustrating I was expecting some supernatural stuff
28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Kind of surprised that Netflix greenlit this crime thriller movie. First time director, slow pace, third act that obviously will piss people off, confusing title

Now If you like Benicio del Toro, (I do) Cop mystery drama stuff (sometimes), looking into every single detail within each scene to then write your own fan theory (I don't): go ahead, you are gonna have a good time. Avoid reading reviews. It's not Seven or Zodiac or the Usual Suspect mind you.

The good stuff: -Benicio Del Toro/Alicia Silverstone work great together to present a subversion of the cop genre. Here the wife is alert, smart, loves early his husband and knows how to use a gun. Benicio is impeccable in his role of beaten down, realistic cop; since he's listed among the writers I guess that's why.

-good editing and direction, indeed. It's a slow burner, true but at least until the end of the second act it makes sense; the camera movements are on point and it's clear both the director (again his first feature) and the cinematographer spent time and efforts to make it as "stylish as possible"

the so so stuff:
  • sound design is irritating at best: I don't need intense braams and whatnot to let me know we are in danger zone
  • justin timberlake wooden performance. Nope.

  • useless scenes that dont move the plot forward nor reveal any info about a character personality (eg the crazy couple who were house hunting, the funeral, the cop stopping benicio at night)

the bad stuff:
  • well, the story structure is a big mess. Unrealistic plot motivations that make the 'bad guys' look like idiots (eg the car parked in the garage), and the starting point (real estate scheme) baffling: every clue and proof in publicly available
the climax of the third act is so anticlimatic and idiotic it seems to be part of another movie.

  • as said in the title there are too many red herrings and subplots that go nowhere. The whole reptile thing is just fluff, from the skin to the tattoo. There's a long list on some reddit groups where they discuss this aspect at length, quiet entertaining I have to say

I honestly was waiting for a Rosemary Baby revelation - everyone, even the wife is involved - in a supernatural, satanic ritualistic operation.
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America Lost (2019)
Bleak, gloomy intimate snapshots without direction
20 February 2024
While the warm cinematography, sensitive camera work, and attentive editing are to be praised, this documentary is yet another example of a contemporary production that lacks a proper, engaging storytelling.

After the reporter (from WaPo if I remember well) mentions something like "journalists are supposed to show cause and effect" I told myself: well here's the theme that will be explored!

Not really, or at least partially.

It would have been necessary to follow someone: the young lady who finishes high school and is about to leave the depressing town seemed a good starting point but nope.

We get one depressing story after another in a repetitive, hopeless loop of wasted humanity. While it's "easy" to be sympathetic it's impossible to relate, root and really emphasize with any of them: not enough time on screen. I already can't remember any of them.

  • a touch of entertainment here and there is very much needed when tackling such subject
  • the VO is poetic and well written but personally sounds too preachy .
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Bama Rush (2023)
"You know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-you's. And, uh, lotta strands to keep in my head, man."
14 February 2024
Now: I'm not American, I'm not a college student, I'm not a girl. Generally not interested in teen drama, romance, coming of age stuff.

But: even though I found it overall confusing, because of the several storylines (hence the Dude's quote), it is enjoyable.

Personally: it presents a neat image of what, generally speaking, American society can be: competitive, elitist, power grabbing, longing to belong, money driven, secret societies ruled, hypocritical, charming, supportive, well organized, courageous, shiny ... (anything else?) just for this reason I'd recommend watching it.

Anyway: I'd change quite a bit. The 4 girls we are following... simply too many. If we add the consultants, the active members, the "experts", and last but not least the director's own story... wth: simplify man, simplify. Who am I supposed to follow? The director storyline could have been the main focus yes, but it would have been a very different documentary.

I'm not clear what's the focus here: to show the emotional process of getting ready to do the "Rush"? Ie stepping into adulthood? Dealing with past traumas and fears, while asking for help? Longing to be loved no matter what? Forging connections to make a lot of money? The power of social media (i.e. The angry irrational mob)?

The abstract scenes (walking barefoot, swimming in the lake) are weird.

I liked the work done in postproduction: it's edited (mostly) right: didnt like the beginning where we spend 3 min (too long) with fast cuts showing girls screaming with their outfits and whatever, after a menacing and intriguing opening. But: the sound design is really really well done, as well as color.

The 4 girls gave me the impression of acting every now and then: when their speech has all those "like..", "you know...", it's when they are the most authentic but, alas, social media created a generation of actors so not a surprise. Makalya is my fav because of her personality.

On a side note: this whole sorority thing destroys any feminist ideology behind the alleged empowerment of the sororities themselves: they are highly judgmental and hierarchical, and the rank (top, mid, bottom) of each house is decided by... the boys. And the machine, of course, the shadow government. Hilarious: a perfect example of smoke and mirrors. Not clear how the crew could film around the campus after they got those threats, but anyway.
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Born in Evin (2019)
Emotional, personal story. Gracefully shot and edited.
10 February 2024
I found this documentary not only calming and visually appealing but it made me ponder about life and family relationships like it didn't happen in a while.

The harrowing, terrible events are weaved throughout the conversations and the inner reflections that the director/protagonist display on screen for us. It's a personal story of searching for the truth with a healthy dose of stubbornness and diplomacy that are very much needed when working on a project like this: the suffering of political prisoners in the 1980s Iran, especially women, especially women who gave birth in prison. Hence our protagonist who was born in such conditions and wants to know what happened.

It is interesting indeed, but unfortunately it is hardly relatable. Yes, pretty much anyone had conflicts with their parents and there have been misunderstandings and maybe even secrets. And yes, as young people we want to belong somewhere. But here it just doesnt click.

The weird choices when it comes to "branding" don't help: I dare to say the title is obscure for the vast majority of the international public (why not having something "born into an Iranian prison"); the poster it's even worse: what's the point of the helmet from the parachuting? And nope, using the parachute scenes as a bookending doesnt work: too abstract and disconnected from the events.

I loved the slow, wide shots during the interviews, it gives you the impression of a respectful distance. The meaningful, slow paced transition between scenes helped to give me mount time to reflect and absorb the events, especially names and places and events. This where the production team shines.

After a very good start it slowly loses focus. Maybe because it took them 3+ to make it? The mother seems to represent too many storytelling aspects: the goal (she knows the truth), the obstacle (she gets pissed and doesnt want to talk) and what's at stake (will the mother-daughter relationship survive the making of the movie?) . The ending has no resolution whatsoever, and if does it was too abstract for me to understand; some conversations are superfluous , they dont add much to what we already know: like the one in California.
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should have been titled "Michael Moore and Me"
1 February 2024
This should be shown in film schools. Why? It can help to understand how hard it can be to make a proper documentary.

It's not enough to have a strong theme (love vs hate? Or truth vs lies? You tell me), a dedicated crew, solid interviews and cool quotes. Pursuing the "truth" that ideally should distinguish a documentary from a (fiction) movie will take you down a road of moral dilemmas.

Now our host/protagonist is obviously biased, let's say pissed about Michael Moore.

His naiveté is sometimes cringe and, personally, painful to watch. Why? Because what he's doing is relatable: he's David against Goliath and heck, we are rooting for him.

Now: If he had titled the whole thing "Michael Moore and Me", and: -if he had presented his personal story trying to understand why Moore made those movies (they are not documentaries hey: the lies when filming and editing are well documented, as well as his political activities) ; -if he had interacted with Moore at that live presentation with more discernment; -if he had presented the dark sides of America together with America the beautiful... it could have been a great documentary.

Instead it seems a hit piece from a rookie, unfortunately the footage and the audio didn't age that well. And I have to say the mea culpa of trying to swindle a couple of people to get an interview... seems somehow staged.

Anyway: it's overall enjoyable and down to earth.
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Shallow and Misleading
27 January 2024
I just couldn't keep watching this boring stuff. Stopped at the end of ep2, it made me cringe. Dear Netflix executives (and others streaming platforms): this is why people like me are sick and tired of paying for this kind of "content".

--Shallow: I admit we start with the right foot: the host talks about his childhood, his curiosity for a topic that promises an intriguing theme: specific areas where people live beyond 100 years (i.e. Mortality and living longer). Alas his role becomes soon insufferable: he doesn't have a strong reason to embark on this journey (other than traveling it seems); he's preachy; there are no obstacles and all the doors are indeed open. It gets boring.

Now I didn't expect deep philosophical stuff about the pros and cons of living for many many many years, but come on: you are serving us a list of things you check off one item after another like you are grocery shopping.

And: you need physical activity to live longer? No stress? Eat your veggies? No ____ sherlock!

Now let's move to the bad stuff.

--Misleading the researchers left out major things in presenting their "findings". Stuff that you can realize by spending 30min reading about longevity:

genetics: not mentioned blood type: not mentioned quality of the air: not mentioned

then: animal protein: the real blue zones are all in areas that had direct access to meat and diary. Areas where the farmers owned the land and could eat meat and cheese. I know for a fact that in Sardinia they eat heaps of pork and lamb and cheese. I highly doubt that in Okinawa they didnt eat fish.

So: is this "documentary" meant to push the vegetarian diet?

Listening to the host saying "americans are fat" "americans sit down all day" was almost painful. If you don't show numbers, percentage, age groups etc etc it is propaganda, not statistics

but the pinnacle is the Loma Linda community in California! They dont even reach 100 years! So what's the point? It smells like product placement, to sell their memberships.
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Samsara (I) (2011)
Screensaver images with ambient music
16 January 2024
This is a perfect example of contemporary "art", where the author or the critics have to explain you the meaning behind the moving images, because... well, why bother with traditional storytelling, expressive acting, postproduction and so on and so forth?

Once you can convince a group of well off dudes to finance your gig just go ahead, travel the world for about 5 years, have a good time filming cliche' locations and events as a main course, add some "intellectual" exhibitions for good measure to spice things up and find the soundtrack that "feels" right. Done you'll have a bunch of so called experts celebrating your accomplishment with noble sounding terms such as:

breath-taking visuals awe-inspiring close-ups (oh really) narrationless narrative (say it again?) celebration of life natural wonder Shot on 70mm (so what?)

Anyway I watched most of this "movie" for free on Tubi while using my spin bike. It was a good ride. Like watching a computer monitor with the screen saver activated.

Not recommended.
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Disappointing: too shallow to be interesting.
6 January 2024
Not sure what's the point of this 40 min "documentary".

It might appeal to die hard fans. For the rest of us: it might actually push some people away from ever watching any SP episode.

Now: I used to watch South Park (maybe the first 5, 6 seasons) then I guess I grew up and found most of the sexual and poop related "jokes" as being lame and fillers to carry on an otherwise empty episode.

But anyway.

The topic of the human centipede is just unwatchable stuff for anyone not familiar with SP; the unnecessary punishment to push through an episode in 6 days is not entertaining and definitely not meaningful at all (ok, it can help to work under pressure, but there are limits and they are not presented on screen). The pressure the animators, editors, etc are subjected seems like mobbing.

This is a sort of reality show that has been obviously heavily edited (even though the several black frames here and there tell us whoever reviewed it did a sloppy job). It seems the goal is to place the couple of Matt and Trey on the pedestal and see how they operate, rather than the process of making an episode. Again: cool stuff for a long time fan, useless for someone who doesn't knoew much.

The parts about the book of mormon, the oscars awards and how they started are cool yes, but totally unrelated to the premise of the documentary.

There is not much that made me say: "hey now I see how collaboration between different people can help trigger the creative process".
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Asteroid City (2023)
A movie about Wes Anderson (by Wes Anderson?)
3 December 2023
Like it or not Wes Anderson is one of the very few directors who nowadays can leave you in awe.

Not this time.

Yes, we have all the elements that made him relevant and likable: top tier ensemble cast, stupendous production design, unemotionally but witty characters, symmetric composition and fluid camera movements, and so on.

The theme, as I see it: what is real? How do we know what we are watching/listening to is truthful?

It's a fairly audacious road to walk on. Maybe this project was Wes Anderson way to deal with the lockdown and government overreach: maybe he realized it's all a truman show/1984 situation and maybe the only way to cope with his shock was to make a movie about it. Maybe.

The thing is: the whole movie it's not particularly entertaining, not particularly original, definitely not relatable (the protagonist seems to be the black and white director of the play we are supposed to watch in color on screen, ie wes anderson himself?).

And: it might be just too cerebral to be appreciated.

Maybe it will be reevaluated as a masterpiece in 5 - 10 years for its subtle metaphorical poking at the military industrial complex, the mainstream media, the education system, the entertainment industry.

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1883: 1883 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Impactful production but predictable story
19 November 2023
Well... if you like the genre you're gonna love this pilot. If, like me, really need something original, you might be disappointed.

Don't get me wrong: production design is great (yes, the teeth are too white, the make up is too nice but not a big deal, the town and the interiors are awesome); the tone/atmosphere is dark, gritty and hence realistic; acting is almost almost flawless, with some great moments (young lady getting slapped on the train for being a brat).

So what's your problem, you might ask? There's nothing really intriguing and the characters are painfully cliche: old man who lost his family needs a mission to find some meaning in life; young man is a badass (even too badass, he wouldnt survive against 5 bandits, but anyway) who loves his family but needs to learn how to trust others; the young lady who yearns for freedom who, based on the intense intro, will have to learn that in real life there's the rule of "no pain no gain".

Anyway: I like it. Editing, score, direction, sam elliott, costumes: good stuff. Doesn't really end on a proper cliffhanger, actually I was expecting exactly what happened, so won't keep watching.
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Raw emotions for a great journey
1 November 2023
There's a reason this documentary won accolades and awards. There's a great story of human tenacity: looking into anything that can help finding the source of one's happiness.

In this case the journey of a bunch of south African seeking an American singer (Sixto Rodriguez) who brought joy during their youth (in a tough period of time when the dictatorship in South Africa was still there) through his music. The guy was a star in South Africa and other countries.

Let's add into the mix the fact that the guy they are looking for is a nobody in his country, he's basically a reclusive living a simple life (and has no idea how famous he is) , information about him were unreliable, and the companies that was distributing his works in south africa were not exactly honest... well, we get an interesting ride.

To those in the comments who said they felt betrayed by the fact the Sixto's success in other countries (like Australia) is not mentioned in the doc: the story is not about Sixto! It's about the South Africa guys who are looking for him! Sixto is the main character, obviously, but he's not the protagonist.
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