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Plays like a Shell Game.
19 December 2022
W. C. Fields said "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull***t" He also said "You can fool some of the people some of the time -- and that's enough to make a decent living." I think both quotes apply to this movie. The script is like a Rube Goldberg machine. They quote numerous outlandish scientific theories and mathematical equations that all lead nowhere. These type of movies gained ground with 'Blair Witch Project'. A movie about making a movie sets off a red flag with me. They seem to devolve with each one. I've coined a new term for these misguided efforts. I like to call them faux documentaries. They incorporate a lot of reality TV methods which include outright lying to the audience and presenting it as "reality". Watching them constantly smoke cigarettes was cringeworthy. They put a lot of effort into this movie but the end result is a train wreck.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Lacks continuity in one area but otherwise just okay.
25 October 2022
Everyone in the series ages about 15-20 years before the last episode except Criston and Daemon. They both stay in the their early 20's. All the plastic surgeons in the world couldn't achieve that miracle. Leans to the soapy side. The show reveals how the monarchy is embedded into every English-born citizen's brain in real life. The self-absorbed and entitled disposition of royalty was too much to stomach. This is the end of review. IMDB requires that I type 200 more characters before they will accept it so I'm going to do just that. It's not a difficult thing to do but it seems like a waste of time since the whole of what I wanted to say has already been written.
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Moonhaven (2022)
Mixed bag but worth the watch.
15 July 2022
Does a short trip to the moon really require suspended animation sleep? I agree with other reviewers who say that this is more fantasy than sci-fi. But it has 2 things that I like. It takes me to a beautiful place that I would not have imagined and it has suspense. I was going to cancel my free trial but I find myself wondering what happened to the characters so I will finish the series. If you can overlook a mediocre script then you will like it. If your standards are high then you should pass.
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Black Bird (2022)
Egerton ruins it.
9 July 2022
This show suffers from the same issue as most "American" superhero movies. The lead role is played by a British actor. They spend most of their energy covering up that British accent. I cringe while watching them contort their mouth and constantly adjust their voice inflection to cover it up. It's a shame that they can't find one single American actor good enough to play these parts.
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Ares (2016)
5 June 2022
Great sci-fi for people who like there sci-fi unadulterated and pure. Devoid of fluffy romance and comedy. Just what the doctor ordered. Full of suspense and fascinating characters. Will watch again when it becomes available. Can't seem to find it anywhere at the moment.
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From (2022– )
Better than I expected.
21 February 2022
The preview looked like a hodgepodge of several different shows like Wayward Pines ,Lost and a little Under the Dome thrown in. I expected it to have a vague storyline after seeing that it's produced by the same makers as Lost but it has a solid storyline and the characters are likable. While not perfect, it does have suspense and is good enough to keep me hooked. A pleasant surprise.
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Greenland (2020)
Not a review but a revelation.
27 December 2020
Others have tried this story, '2012', "independence Day' among many others but they all had too many characters and had to throw in comedy relief to make it tame enough for a family audience. This had the same aura as 'Dante's Peak' but hit all the right notes and brings the story to it's ultimate conclusion. This is the best movie I have ever seen.

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Mirage (2018)
Steady, with purpose and vision.
27 April 2020
It's been so long since I've seen a really great movie that it didn't hit me until about 3/4 the way thru this one that I realized I was watching a future classic. Try to avoid reading all synopsis reviews and just watch it.
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I Am Mother (2019)
Mesmerizing. Surreal. Well Worth a Watch.
8 June 2019
Science fiction at it's best. This story feels new and original because it has heart. I felt gobsmacked after watching it. I suggest skipping all the reviews because if you read enough then each will give away a different piece of the movie painting a whole picture and thereby ruining it for you. It might have similar structure as Ex-Machina but it's slight and that's where the similarities end. I liked that movie as well but this one has a depth on a whole new level. It's sure to spawn copy cats. I'm still thinking about it the next day so it stays with you. Destined to become a classic.
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Border (2018)
This film is different than anything you've ever seen .
28 April 2019
And for that reason I suggest that you just watch it and not read all the reviews of which most give away some aspect of the show painting the whole picture if you read enough of them. I suggest to just watch it without knowing anything about it like I did and let it's fresh and original subject matter wash over you and enjoy. I can see some American television station picking this up as a series and ruining it in the process.
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The Order (2019–2020)
Nauseating Too cute by half.
8 March 2019
This has some really bad writing. There are some good actors here but the script just ruined it. Watching teens make snarky remarks that aren't funny is just nauseating. If you're expecting something in the line of 'The Vampire Diaries' then don't hold your breath. This is just plain bad.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Wonderful Series sure to be copied.
11 February 2019
Agree with most here. Pure quality production all the way around. I just hope that America doesn't try to copy and use their usual Canadian and Australian actors trying to disguise their accent.
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Trepalium (2016)
Great Sci-Fi Production. Not Perfect but Well Worth Seeing.
11 February 2019
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The French have a magical talent for creating science fiction. They know how to slowly build the kind of suspense that keeps you on the edge of your seat. This series took me to a different place I could never imagine and it seemed completely real and natural all the while. Full of fascinating characters. 'Transferts' is another great French science fiction series to watch currently showing on Netflix but not quite as good as this.
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Bird Box (2018)
Great piece despite a few minor flaws.
27 December 2018
I was engrossed and kept on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. I can imagine this is what Stephen King has in mind when he writes most of his novels. The only difference is that the characters in this film are actually interesting and the movie has genuine suspense. Bit of a weak ending but don't let that stop you from watching it. Thoroughly enjoyed.
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Transferts (2017– )
Wonderful but not perfect. Well worth seeing.
25 November 2018
The French have a magical talent for creating science fiction. They know how to slowly build the kind of suspense that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The series is rife with nuanced characters. A slow burn but great nonetheless.
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How It Ends (2018)
Better than expected.
16 July 2018
I almost didn't watch this after reading all the bad reviews. Now I'm glad I did. It was much better then others describe. The production is better than most anything released on broadcast TV these days. The music is ominous and right on cue. I disagree that the movie has no ending. It actually ended with a glimmer of hope despite the overarching storyline. I don't think the husband and wife shared a lot of chemistry but Kat Graham is an excellent actress none the less. Overall a worthy effort and I feel privileged to have seen it.
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Outdated. Low Budget. Great Acting and Directing.
20 May 2018
You can tell this was written in a time when paranoia of 'big brother' was in full effect and before Facebook made it into a reality. The motivations of the Guy Montag lead character are ambiguous at best and never fully resolved. I have to ask why they even bothered to create this low-budget piece where all the cars in the distant future are manufactured up to and before 2018. Many scenes involve people standing in rooms that are completely engulfed in flames yet they don't ever choke or cough but seem to be able to breathe normally for extended periods of time. The grandiosity of genetic imprinting is handled with a lack of complexity that it deserved. More ambiguity and implausibility than I care to see in my sci-fi.
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Mute (II) (2018)
One of the Worst Movies I've ever seen.
24 February 2018
I had high hopes for this movies since I'm a fan of the director's previous endeavors but this is just bad. 'Moon' and 'Source Code' are still 2 o my all-time favorites ' The storyline of this movie meanders and never really goes anywhere. The lead character loses track of another character so then he begins his search to find them. By the time we find out the location and status (at the end of the movie) then we don't even care because we've been assaulted with a host of bad writing and unlikable characters. If this movie is the first sci-fi film that someone watches then I could imagine they will probably swear off ever watching another sci-fi show for the rest of their life. It's that bad.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Basic Horror Film with Grandiose Metaphysical Window Dressing
24 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love sci-fi more than any other genre but this is not it. This movie's basic structure is horror with a metaphysical flare. There is one scene where a bear attacks and removes the front part of the head of a living human being. Another scene has an actor setting himself ablaze with a phosphorus grenade. I went into this movie expecting a mind-bending and wondrous adventure but it was a grueling 2 hours of torture. Basic recipe of the movie follows horror genre to a T. Each character gets killed off one at a time. We think the culprit is dead at the end only to find out in the closing scene that it still lives instantly letting us know that a sequel is in order.The production and acting was great. The storyline is ambiguous at best but the horror aspect overshadowes everything else.
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
Felt like I was swimming in gold.
29 February 2016
I read the mixed reviews on this board and came close to not seeing this one. I checked all my expectations at the door and just decided to allow my brain to soak it in with a blank slate and pretended that I hadn't read any reviews. One of the opening scenes has the camera sweeping in from a distance to a bustling and thriving Egypt during the early times of the Pyramids. I thought okay, that was cool but I purposefully kept my expectations low for the time being. To my surprise the visually stunning cinematography didn't stop there. The movie presents each and every scene up on a golden platter with an eye for opulence and bejeweled detail. The storyline, while not bad takes a back seat to the non-stop sensory overload of what you're seeing. It imagines the unimaginable and takes you there in a good way. The unearthly spectral realm is treated with due respect and given a realistic authenticity. This movie dresses you up in gold from head to toe then dangles you out over a ledge. The story and acting didn't really affect my opinion either way. This movie is an experience to be enjoyed like a roller coaster ride. If you try to reason with any aspect of it then you'll probably miss the boat.
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Person of Interest (2011–2016)
I Used to Love You but it's All Over Now
31 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The first two seasons were fantastic. But since they killed off Carter, the delicate chemistry between the main actors has been lost. She was indeed a grounding force. I not only miss her, I miss the show. It's not the same. I feel like the show died along with her character. They replaced her with Shaw as part of the team. Shaw is a psycho who has a mental disorder that doesn't allow her to feel emotion, but she gets all cuddly now and then. Umm, I'm sorry, but that just doesn't work. I'm hoping the show gets canceled at this point. I understand the reasoning the writers wanted to keep it fresh and full of shock and awe but they made a huge mistake. I've seen this happen before on the British version of Primeval. The show was extremely entertaining and fascinating. Then they killed off the main character, Then they killed off another main character. The show slowly rotted on the vine after that. The lesser characters took over the show. It was a mistake then and this was a mistake as well.
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The After (2014 TV Movie)
I Wanted to Believe, I Really Did
10 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this show but now I see why the X-Files producer Chris Carter kept it under such tight wraps. There was very little substance to the show to reveal. My first impression was of a bad Stephen King movie where several people are wondering around trying to figure out what the heck is going on with all these strange occurrences. It starts with a main character having a dream or premonition of things that are about to come to pass but they are fleeting and you can't really tell what's going on because they go by so fast. Then she goes to her car where about eight people are trapped in an underground garage including herself because all the doorways and exits are locked. Are they in hell? There is a police officer and two criminals to create tension I guess which starts a feud. They argue between themselves for what seems an eternity while an older lady gets weak and passes out from her lack of food due to diabetes thereby breaking up the endless fight. Two finally escape the underground garage by using a car jack to lift up the mesh gates and they go outside to see chaos with thousands of people aimlessly running around in the streets. We hear what sounds like explosions but they don't show where they're coming from. Then two helicopters crash into each other for no apparent reason other than to liven up the action I suppose. Still no clue as to what's going on. One of the trapped people who escaped hijacks an ambulance and comes back to rescue the rest of the hapless bunch. They drive to the older ladies house and take refuge there. Some Mexican bandits drive up and try to rob them which in turn makes them run into the forest. One character falls and breaks his leg. They hear a noise in the woods and come upon what could be described as either an alien or a demon. It speaks in what sounds to be original Latin and then bends its limbs backwards so that it can walk on its back upside down then scurries into the woods. So we're left wondering, are these demons because they've all died and are in the "After"life (or purgatory) or are they aliens who've come to invade?!?! I love a good mystery but it seems as though the creators are trying to purposefully trick the audience into watching more episodes to find out. Man, I hate when writers insult the intelligence of the audience like that. The acting was bad, the production felt cheap and the writing was horrible. When I heard the whistling incorporated into the background music it reminded me of some of the worst x-file episodes over the years. It sent a shiver down my spine and made me cringe. If you value quality and substance then this show isn't for you.
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The Originals (2013–2018)
Redefines Awesome
9 February 2014
Absolutely one of the best supernatural dramas I've ever seen. Unlike its predecessor,the sappy romance is kept to a minimum here and "The Originals" focus rather on complex character development and action. I actually like it more than the Vampire Diaries. Great acting and magnificent writing. I see this show as becoming an all-time classic. Ian Somerhalder (of "The Vampire Diaries{) was right. Not only did "The Originals" end up with some of the best actors on TV but they also snagged some of the best writers to boot. I really hated the backdoor pilot for this show but it has taken on its own identity and morphed into something quite wonderful. The Originals is TV drama at its best. I hope it outlives it predecessor by many years. UPDATE: Congratulations are in order. "The Originals has been renewed for a second season!
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Hannibal (2013–2015)
Heavy on Atmosphere / Light on Substance
27 May 2013
The primary flaw with this adaptation is the portrayal of Hannibal. The actor plays him overtly creepy, yet none of the other characters seem to notice. Hannibal would need a great deal of charm to pull off the things he does, but this guy is as appealing as a cockroach. For some reason, the autistic genius profiler can figure out everything but the fact that Lechter is a killer. And Lawrence Fishburn is sleeping-walking through this thing. Thomas Harris must be spitting up fava beans watching this. This show is hopelessly bad, a combination of cheap '70s slasher shlock and poorly, poorly miscast actors. They are flat one-dimensional figures who evoke no more sympathy than an inert sofa. I'm sure the creators had great intentions but unfortunately they were not realized in this series. Hazy story lines, strange directing but worst of all, the two main characters, Graham and Dr. Lecter, are extremely unlikable. And not unlikable in a deliciously evil way, unlikable in a I-really-want-this-to-be-over-soon-way. The two main characters, Hannibal and Graham, who are being set up for a frenemy bromance are annoying at best and boring at worst.

Being a fan of the books and (most) of the movies, I had high hopes for this show. It's obvious that they didn't intend for it to be a carbon copy of the original which is a good thing but they could have at least tried to create something mildly interesting and watchable. Sad to say it wasn't meant to be.
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Misclassified as Sci-Fi. Should have been under Action Thriller
1 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While the main theme and story line is strictly sci-fi, the movie itself revolves around transporting a pregnant girl to a ship called the "Tomorrow" which the movie never advises as to it's purpose. All the while fighting off rebels and the British Army amongst others. It's one scene after another of fighting off terrorist and the like all the way up to the end. There are too many holes. For instance, they say that they don't know what made the population of the whole world sterile. They could have at least suggested something like irradiated food of which the Bush administration has surreptisiously released irradiate meats and spices to the pubic even though short term studies have proved kidney failure, testicular cancer and a host of other diseases in animals. Also, what was the intention for the girl who had the baby once she arrives at the ship? They try to make it more interesting by making the characters debate amongst themselves as to whether the ship really exist or not, never delving into what it is or what it does. Nice try but no cigar.
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