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Seems like a TV movie but that doesn't mean it's bad
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's something about this movie that feels like it was made for TV.

It could be there's only a couple of famous faces in it, although I don't think they were big stars at the time.

Michael Sarrazin stars as Peter Proud, a young guy who is haunted by violent dreams and discovers after some painstaking work he is actually not a unique human being but that he has lived before.

Problem is the guy he used to be Jeff Curtis wasn't a nice man. Also this guy was murdered by his wife.

So Peter tracks down the wife who is now middle aged and he also gets under the bed sheets with his former self's daughter Ann, a rather naive 20-something. Incestutous reincarnation doesn't look good.

It looks like Jeff may be dead but Peter in 1975 seems to have inherited a lot of Jeff's distasteful behaviour. This is masked by Peter's nice guy veneer but deep down he's still Jeff.

We knew - or at least I knew- where all this was going. Prepare for murder of Jeff Part-2. This time Peter.

Margot Kidder plays Jeff's wife Marcia. She says something to Peter which really struck home. 'You came back and groomed your own daughter.' Very true.

A predictable ending but I never felt sorry for Peter/Jeff. I hope he didn't come back again.
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1971 British film gem
11 September 2023
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I came by this film by chance. I was looking for any horror from the 1970s and this movie came up. I thought I'd seen every British horror film but apparently not.

That said, it's not really a horror film. More a thriller with psychological elements.

Basically it's about a middle class family, father, mother, son and daughter.

The daughter is 16 years old and her brother looks to be in his early 20s. Both live at home. The girl is still at school and the son works with his father in a company of some sort.

The mother is fragile and obviously has mental issues and is on medication.

The father is a domineering man who thinks nothing of whipping his daughter when she's done wrong. In one instance she is whipped for taking money from her boss - obviously a part-time weekend job.

This violent attack spurs the mother and daughter to hatch a plan to kill the father. They seize this opportunity while he is on a weekend shooting trip. In short, they poison him and set the scene to appear as if he has committed suicide. However, after they leave him, he is seen stirring into consciousness.

The mother and daughter then realise several days later things have not gone to plan. They go back to the murder scene, and see his body has been moved from the bed he was lying in to a trunk. They then dump this trunk over a cliff edge.

But in the last few minutes of the movie the father is apparently still alive and it appears the mother and daughter's actions were just a dream - or maybe a nightmare - experienced by the mother.

The ending is that. But it's ambiguous. It's the conclusion I came to. Initially I was annoyed it was only a dream, but then I thought, no the mother is depressed and suppressed emotionally and physically. The murder plan was a dear wish, but she is too weak to carry it out.

I give this movie 10 out of 10 based on the fact it has escaped my attention for so long and it's a good film. Great performances all round. Gough as usual excels. But the mother and daughter performances are brilliant too. It seems the film is a lost British gem. I'm glad I discovered it.
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A complete waste of time
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We all know - well most of us - that movies are fiction, unless they're based on fact.

When we watch movies we buy into the plot, the script, the acting. That's the whole appeal of a movie. It's escapism.

So when I decided to watch April Fool's Day I was buying into a 1980s slasher movie. It's not real but it's horror and it's basically fun.

But when you've watched a whole movie that's 90 minutes in duration and you get to the end and you find out it wasn't a horror film at all but a joke and no killings happened and the characters were lies too, you ask yourself, what was the point of that movie? NO POINT at all.

Of course the clue people might say is in the title, but there were April Fools jokes played before the 'killings' so why not leave it at that.

Imagine other horror movies with the same ending. Psycho - Norman Bates goes up to Lila Loomis in the cellar and shows his has a rubber knife. It's all been a joke and Arbogast comes out and is alive and laughing too. Marion wasn't stabbed to death, she never stole any money. All a joke.

Imagine Rosemary's Baby revealed as an elaborate joke at the end. Haha. Not!

Salem's Lot, yeah that was a joke too. See what I mean.

April Fool's Day 1986 was a complete waste of time. I'm shocked it has such a massive following. It had no point to it. It's staggering more people aren't angry and feel cheated that the whole film is meaningless.

I'd give it less than 1 out of 10 if I could.
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Dream Demon (1988)
Waste of my time
2 September 2023
No doubt this film appeals to people - judging by its IMDb rating, but I found it quite boring. I didn't want to waste any more time on it. But after stopping and restarting the film about 5 times, I got to the end.

It was a task to get through the darn thing.

There's no story. Just this young woman dreaming nightmares about her soon to be husband, people she knows, and the house she lives in crumbling. I thought it might lead somewhere after the first 30 minutes but it's the same thing over and over again.

There's also this other woman who sort of gatecrashes the life of the protagonist.

Both women are there for each other through the nightmares.

There's also a newspaper photographer and journalist who are there in real life and in the dreams.

As I said, some people like this kind of film. I read one other person's review who said it was an underrated gem. There's a reason it's underrated, there's no plot, and the script could have been written by a 10-year-old.

This film was an utter waste of my time.

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Mad Women (2015)
A movie that has no point
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie streaming online. Basically it's about a messed up American middle class family.

The plot is absolutely ridiculous.

The 'story' centers on a middle aged mother and father. They're separated and one daughter still lives at home with her mother. She's about 24 years old.

The mother's about 45, and we learn she has breast cancer. Nothing much happens in the movie except the daughter has sex with this guy and then, bizarrely, the daughter, in an attempt to 'cheer her mom up', seduces the mother in her bedroom. This has to be one of the most stupid things I've seen in movies. The mother isn't shocked and she and the daughter make out kissing passionately. You're made to think they had full sex there and then, and do it again many times in later days and weeks. But nothing is explained and neither the mother or the daughter have any shame. It's so matter of fact and totally unbelievable.

The daughter tells a friend 'it feels' right'. And even the friend isn't shocked.

The acting is like she had sex with her birth mother and no big deal. But it seemed a big enough deal for the director who made a movie about it, but it's not something that is explored in depth and it all seems like a pointless story.

Tha's basically all the movie is about. Avoid.
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The Attic (1980)
Love Ray Milland but so sad he was involved in this movie
30 July 2023
As someone else said, it's a very depressing movie (so far what I watched).

The character is a lonely, sad, depressing, socially inadequate embarrassment.

It's clear her so called friend who works alongside her in the library, doesn't really like her and their conversations are - here's that word again - embarrassing.

I got to the part in the movie when a sailer in the theater picks her up. Got to the bedroom scene and wow, this was just a tragic woman. Carrie Snodgress was perfect for the role in that sense.

Not for me. How Ray Milland got involved in this awful movie is a mystery. Must have been the money he was given.
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Yes I'm afraid it is overrated
5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I first watched this when I was about 18. I think it was shown on BBC2 in the UK. I have to say although I love Vincent, Theatre of Blood doesn't do much for me. It just seems to be a series of murders, and lacking a good script, plot and intrigue. I also found the continuous reciting of Shakespeare rather dull. I don't mind a bit but it goes on far too much.

So in that respect, it is overrated. I'm not denying this film has its fans and I personally know a lot of people who think it's a very well made, funny and sometimes scary film. But I just couldn't get into it.

I'm also going to be controversial here but I do think Diana Rigg is miscast. I could think of many female actresses who could have done a much better job in the role.

I could list a load of great Vincent Price films, The Fly, Dr Phibes, Witchfinder General, Madhouse, etc. But Theatre of Blood, I'd only give it 4/10. There's a great cast but they're wasted in many ways because you see them and then they're dead.

I tried to rewatch the film yesterday but only could get through 50 minutes but switched it off due to boredom.
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Pearl (2022)
I just couldn't get into this movie
2 April 2023
First time I ever saw Mia Goth 'act', was in Infinity Pool which I watched two days ago.

I found her very annoying in that movie. Apart from not being able to act, I was shocked that she is 29 years old. I thought she was about 18. Sorry but her baby voice is so irritating as well.

So today I watched Pearl - and to my horror Mia Goth is in this too. I was hoping for some better acting but it's the same old same old as before.

The movie itself is very talkative and I had a problem staying awake. It's just not an interesting film when the lead is so unconvincing in the role. I can only assume the high IMDb score is due to Goth's teenage boy fans.

I really struggled with the last 30 minutes. Just not for me.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
A pointless movie in all areas
1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Infinity Pool was intriguing right to the arrest, but that's the point when it all went downhill.

The guy is in a cell and in walks a guard saying he will die for murder, but it's okay we can copy you and execute the copy and you live but it comes at a cost. So Skarsgård's character goes to the prison cashpoint to get a huge chunk of money out.

At no point were any questions asked like how is this copy made, what kind of brilliant science is this, will I be able to go home, do I get a new name??? The guy just stayed silent. Totally bizarre.

The movie then descends into the most pointless series of violent and sexual acts. A complete waste of time. Very bad acting from Goth and Skarsgård. Avoid.
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Ignore the other reviews this is a tragic story of a man who failed at everything
5 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Mr Botibol's First Love is one of my favourite Tales of the Unexpected stories.

I remember watching it years ago and I've recently viewed it again last night. I came on here to find it has a rating below 5/10. That did surprise me as I expected people to appreciate what a tragic little story it is.

The other reviewers are right. There's no blood. There's no gore. There are no murders. But there is sadness and regret.

I expect the other reviewers are also in their teens and 20s. They don't understand the story because when one gets to be a middle aged man - or woman - there are a lot of moments of regret. The first thing you're honest about is yourself and your failings.

Mr Botibol admits he is a failure. He's mid-50s and the only 'success' he's ever achieved was almost running his late uncle's business into bankruptcy. At 55 years old Mr Botibol has so far managed to have never had a relationship with a woman. Yes, there are people out there like that who exist.

He leads a lonely life. His only comfort being a small mock concert hall in his house where the only performances are from Mr Botibol who acts out his fantasy of being a world famous conductor.

Then one day he meets Irene Wrzaszcyzk in a record shop. She's about ten years younger than him, but they share an interest in classical music and Mr Botibol invites her over to his house. Already he has thoughts in his head of marrying her. They both act out this fantasy of performing in the concert hall but Mr Botibol is shocked she can play the piano.

A failure all his life, Mr Botibol cannot see any future with this lady, so he tells her to go, forever. And now he's back to his lonely life. Until the grave probably.

The story might not mean much to some, but I loved it. It was poignant and engaging and both Jack Weston and Anna Massey give convincing performances.

Try understand what this story is about, not what you want it to be.
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Return to Sender (I) (2015)
Nothing more than a made for TV revenge movie
26 June 2015
Rosamund Pike is often hailed as a great actress but I find her smug in every movie she's in.

From the first few scenes, to the last scene, she's smug.

Basically this movie is about a rape, and how the character Pike aims to put her life back together again.

The dialogue is slow. The acting slow. And the revenge 'meh'. I Spit On Your Grave, this is not.

Nick Nolte co-stars but is wasted in the role of Pike's father.

All in all, this movie is nothing more than a TV movie, the sort of thing you'd tuned into around 3pm in the afternoon.

I could have been better but it lacks punch.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Bad script, boring characters, stupid plot
25 June 2015
How do movies like this get made? That's the first question.

The second question is, why have thousands of people rated this movie so highly?

I guess they're suckers for punishment. So what's wrong with the movie?

Well for starters nothing come across as real. A guy's wife goes missing. He says, because he finds a smashed coffee table, that's proof something is wrong. Err, no. It's still afternoon outside. If she has gone, it looks like barely 30 minutes.

Another thing is the cops investigation is just so fake. Cops aren't real and neither are the performances. Ben Affleck is as stiff as a corpse. And I'm sorry but Rosamund Pike is no better. She walks about the place with this constant smug expression on her face. So annoying.

All in all I couldn't give two figs about the characters or the plot. The movie is too long. Even if they shaved an hour off it, it would still be boring.

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Miss Meadows (2014)
28 minutes is all I take of this garbage - contains spoilers
23 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So okay, 3 minutes into this movie, we have Miss Meadows, this strange woman in her mid 30s who skips along the street in a dress a five year old would wear.

She tap dances and is so happy. Almost like a scene from a Disney movie until she suddenly shoots dead her potential abductor.

Yeah this movie might be okay, I was thinking.

Now we're 18 minutes and nothing much has happened - dialogue is terrible. Then Miss Meadows meets a cop, they go on a 'date'...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sorry but the cop is just awful. He's a pest that won't go away. I didn't like him - thought he was an annoying distraction.

Then she meets him again in church (25 minutes in). Cop again.

They're now having sex....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...(28 minutes in) tedious.

I thought it was supposed to be a drama/thriller - all I have seen thus far is a whimsical comedy romance punctuated with whimsical music.

I'm not prepared to give this movie any more of my time. If it had just been Miss Meadows, I might have watched a bit more but it was the presence of the cop I found really annoying.

If a movie hasn't grabbed me in the first 20 minutes it loses my attention.

Goodbye! NEXT!!
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The Plumber (1979 TV Movie)
One of the worst films I've seen
1 March 2014
Awful, awful film. It scores 6.6 on the IMDb. WHY?????????? It's terrible. And it's so dated too.

The Plumber is supposed to be a horror. It isn't. Basically it's about an annoying plumber who messes up each job he goes to. In particular he visits a lady every day while her husband is a work.

She's doing her chores; he's in the bathroom. And that is supposed to be a horror movie??? It would be a comedy if there was anything to laugh at.

No scares. No terror. No nothing except a very poor script and awful acting.

As someone mentioned it's like the outtakes from some horrific Aussie soap opera like Prisoner Cell Block H, all stitched together.

Down-thumb this review all you like, it's still a horrific 1/10.
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Contracted (2013)
Don't waste your time
4 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I had hopes for this film. But they were soon dashed 35 minutes in when I realised the plot was going nowhere fast.

Najarra Townsend plays Samantha, a young woman who had been in a lesbian relationship with a girl called Nikki. This girl Nikki is played very badly by an 'actress' called Katie Stegeman.

Ms Stegeman is to acting what Hitler was to world peace.

Nikki and Samantha have recently split. Sam is living with her mother, rather reluctantly - and due to boredom accepts an invitation to attend a party where she meets a mysterious man whom she has a one night stand with. Sam considers herself to be a lesbian but she has sexual intercourse with a guy? After that, Sam starts passing a lot of blood, which she puts down to bad periods.

She visits a doctor. The doctor tells her she has a rash and a slow heartbeat. And Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...

It's at this point I was losing interest fast. Bad acting didn't help the weary slow plot and script.

I also forgot to mention Sam has a former lover, a guy called Riley. He pops up from time to time, trying to win Sam back and telling her how terrible she's looking these days. Everybody tells Sam how terrible she's looking these days. It's a running line in the movie.

There's also another woman whose name I didn't catch. She apparently fancies Sam. And err, erm...yeah, I agree boring.

And err, have I forgotten anything? Yeah, well, Sam gets worse and she starts looking and acting like a zombie. Sounds fun but it still wasn't interesting.

I won't give away the ending. It's not great anyway.

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Had potential but falls flat midway through
27 November 2013
An annoying 17 year old girl, whose mother died giving birth to her, comes across her new neighbour, a 31 year old stunning brunette who has a young baby, and who appears to be without a husband, boyfriend or any man in her life.

The young girl develops an obsession for her hot neighbour. BUT IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK.

It should be that. Lesbian lust, but it isn't.

Instead the girl stumbles across the neighbour's secret which she feels she must stop others knowing about.

A rather plodding drama that starts off well, then loses its way midway through. The ending could have been good, but instead we're treated to a rather unrealistic finale.

Only 5/10 from me.
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Good low budget British movie - it deserves a wider audience - minor spoilers
7 November 2013
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After being in a serious fire, and suffering facial burns, reconstructive surgery, and amnesia, a 20 year old girl, Micky, sets out to find out her real identity.

She discovers a diary that reveals a very close friendship bordering on lesbian love with another girl called Do.

Micky unravels a web of deceit. But is she the player or the one being played? The plot takes twists and turns and isn't always coherent. I found myself questioning many things that didn't make much sense.

Nevertheless, Trap for Cinderella is a good low budget British film. If you've been drawn to this movie because of the lesbian love aspect (due to the trailer), then you may be disappointed. The lesbianism is suggested, rather than being all out there. And it is all one sided.

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Doomwatch (1972)
Hugely disappointing
26 October 2013
I bought this on DVD and was expecting to sit back and watch a British classic.

But far from it. It was below average stuff and the story never really got passed some toxic material being dumped and people infected.

I also think Ian Bannen was miscast. It's hard to see him as a right thinking doctor, when he displays this rather weird persona, particularly when he raises his voice.

Who can forget him in Fright (1971)...

I think if a different actor had been cast, such as Ian Ogilvy, who I believe was making a lot of horror appearances during this time, then the film might have been slightly better.

Having that said, the story was weak, and there were limited action and scares - if none at all.

Only a 4/10 from me.
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World War Z (2013)
World War Z fails to deliver - spoilers
6 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched World War Z and it left me wondering what the $190 million dollars was spent on.

Much of it was CGI, and a dreary story about a family man (Pitt) stumbling across an anti virus that wasn't really an anti virus.

Sorry, but I laughed at the girl having her hand chopped off, who then after losing about two pints of blood managed to run about half a mile or more to catch a plane.

If that wasn't bad enough, the plane crash was ridiculously comical. Funny how Pitt and the chick with one hand escaped without a scratch. Everyone else died. Yeah, right... Sorry excuse me, I forgot, Pitt had a 16 inch long chunk of metal through his stomach .

Again, he and the girl walked yet more miles into the village. Laughable. And after that they were back fighting zombies in the lab seemingly a day later.

Even in horror there has to be a certain amount of plausibility. Look at Dawn of the Dead and Land of the Dead. Horror yes, but it wasn't absurdly ridiculous as this WWZ is. You could see the events in those two other classic movies happening.

WWZ had so much potential, all down the drain. And Brad Pitt, sorry the guy cannot act for toffee. He sleepwalks through this entire movie.

I'm giving it 5 out of 10 but really it's a 4.5
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Side Effects (I) (2013)
So what's so great about this film? Contains spoilers
8 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What's so great about this film? I guessed early on (about 40 minutes in) that Emily hated her husband and was using the excuse of the side effects (she didn't even take the drug) to murder her husband. I also figured there must be another man - or in this case, a woman.

There were no obvious male suspects so it had to be Dr. Victoria. Yeah, it wasn't difficult to put two and two together. So how can this be the twist? People who didn't realise this must be really stupid.

So now I had figured it all out, this left me waiting about an hour for another twist that didn't come, as I had already figured what the only twist was.

It's staggering that anyone can be left shocked that Emily and Dr Victoria were two lipstick lesbians with murder on their minds. Hey, man, it was staring you right in the face.

Ah, but now you're going to tell me the twist was really that Dr. Jonathan turned the tables on the two murdering lesbians. He actually got his own back. Err, hardly a twist.

It's a watchable movie, but way too long. It could have easily lost about 20 minutes on the cutting room floor.

But it makes me think. Are cinema goers really that stupid these days? It's a very average thriller. Nothing more. And the acting wasn't great either.

Just 5/10 from me.
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An okay movie but that's where it ends
5 February 2013
This movie has an atmosphere about it. There's no doubt about that.

And it HAD so much potential but fails to deliver in my view.

Without wanting to give away anything, the movie starts well, but after about 20 minutes it stays in the same first gear throughout the film.

There are no car chases or fights or any tension for that matter.

I was waiting for something dramatic to happen. Or maybe something really shocking. Betrayal. Murder. Intrigue. But no. Even the cult leaders aren't menacing.

There is a slight twist at the end but please don't expect much from this film. It's average but nothing more than that. Certainly not the 6.6 IMDb rating it had when I was writing this review.

Acting is solid, and convincing, but the film is let down by the lack of plot and bland dialogue.
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Sushi Girl (2012)
Slow and unbearable at times but I had to find out if I was right
3 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this movie had a promising start.

A cast of five dodgy characters gathered together for sushi eaten off a young brunette lying on a table.

We quickly learn that there had been a robbery six years ago and some diamonds are missing, possibly in the possession a guy called Fish, who has just spent those past six years in jail.

And then follows a slow, drawn out mixture of action from six years ago and interrogation talk in the present day, the characters sitting as they are in this room eating sushi off this brunette lying on a table.

It took me a while to work out that was Star Wars actor Mark Hamill as ageing blond gay man Crow. Good acting by him, but Tony Todd gives another of his over-acting performances.

I'm sorry but this movie is far too talkative. Most of the dialogue is forgettable filler. I spent half an hour trying to get into this film but it wasn't working for me. Besides I had already figured out the ending: so impatient as I was, I whizzed right through to the end.

Yeah, I was right. Maybe you will be too. I would have given this film one star, BUT I was intrigued to know if my suspicious were right about the ending, so I gave it a 2. And it doesn't take an Einstein - the clue is in the title.

Not my type of film, for definite.
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The Thompsons (2012)
Badly acted, awful story, utterly boring
31 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure if this movie is British or American or a mixture of both. But whatever it is, it's the biggest pile of rubbish this side of Transylvania.

The story begins at the end, with the central character telling a yarn about how he managed to wind up in a box. His story begins with two young people attempting to have sex out in the open in the English countryside. This seems to be a theme of this movie: bouncing boobs, naked bodies and a touch of lesbianism, all mixed with vampirism.

But the young couple are interrupted and murdered. No explanation other than their killers are two crazy young guys with knives.

We then move to an English village pub, where the central character, Francis Hamilton, gets involved in a fight, just after killing a British policeman.

There's also a phone call to an incestuous brother and sister who are having a threesome in France. Kinky and vampires - they end up slaying the female participant in their three-in-a-bed romp. Oh, and they also suck the blood out of a black guy who knocks on the door.

All this done in DAYLIGHT. Hang on, I thought vampires were supposed to hate the daylight. Or have hundreds of years of mythology been wrong? The story then switches again, to an 'earlier time', where there is another fight, but this time in America. It's daylight here too and there are vampires.

Does this sound very boring? Well, it is, and trying to maintain an interest in this trash is like trying to swim in a river of treacle.

And it continues in its merry way, until the end. None of it interesting. None of it scary. Acting is atrocious. A complete waste of time.

Please, don't bother. You'll never get that 90 minutes back.

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Another boring Bradley Cooper vehicle
30 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is without doubt what is wrong with Hollywood's attempts to mix a 'popular' actor (err...Bradley Cooper) with comedy and trying to make a social statement.

As many other reviewers have said, there are absolutely no surprises in this film.

A 38 year old Cooper is in his usual ('I love myself, don't I look so handsome, but I realise I have flaws') mode. And Jennifer Lawrence - fresh out of playing a 16 year old in The Hunger Games is his love interest. No matter that it looks like there is a 20 year age difference.

Don't expect any twists when Cooper is trying to get back with his wife. You know he's gonna end up with Lawrence.

Mixed with all this is a story of mental illness. And comedy? If you find any, please tell me where it was. Because I found this whole movie irritating. I can only assume it gets its high rating from the ladies who are in love with Bradley.

He could make the remake of Plan Nine From Outer Space and I expect it would get an IMDb rating of about 8.5/10.

And that's about it. An utterly horrible experience. Unless you're desperately in love with Cooper, I see no sane reason why you should watch this bilge.

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Lawless (2012)
What a load of rubbish
28 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe I watched this trash. Well in fact I couldn't make it to the end.

I fast forwarded the last 30 minutes. I was so bored by it. Watching this movie is like being tortured. I've never been tortured but I can imagine it would be like having to watch ALL of the film.

Having fast forwarded I did see the ending, and the ending is like the beginning. A total non event.

A big problem is I couldn't stand Tom Hardy's awful acting. His fake American accent and body movements got right on my nerves.

How on earth Hardy is considered a great actor is staggering. He's awful. His only good film in my view was Bronson. Everything else has been commercial claptrap. There's this and that dire 'romantic comedy' he made last year.

Going back to this movie, the rest of the cast are total clichés. The story is a cliché. All of the acting sucks. The women in it are as you'd expect them to be. There are NO surprises. Everything is a cliché.

Utter trash. Seen it all before. Boring, clichéd rubbish. NEXT! 1/10.
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