
29 Reviews
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The Shift (II) (2023)
A Bold Leap into Uncharted Cinematic Waters: 'The Shift' Redefines Faith-Based Filmmaking
15 December 2023
Watching 'The Shift' by Angel Studios is akin to witnessing a renaissance in modern filmmaking - a bold and imaginative journey that deviates significantly from the well-trodden paths of sequels and formulaic storylines that dominate today's cinematic landscape. This film stands out not just for its compelling narrative but also for its audacity to challenge the norm, embracing themes and storytelling techniques rarely explored in mainstream Hollywood. The actors deliver performances that are as profound as they are heartfelt, embodying their characters with a depth that transcends the screen.

Remarkably, as someone who does not subscribe to any particular religious or spiritual beliefs, I found myself deeply moved and engaged by the film. It speaks volumes about the universal appeal and accessibility of 'The Shift'. It transcends its faith-based roots to deliver a universally relatable and emotionally resonant experience. The film is a testament to the creative bravery of Angel Studios, proving that indie studios can not only compete but also set new standards in a landscape often criticized for its lack of originality.

The film's unique approach to storytelling, coupled with its nuanced exploration of existential themes, makes it a must-see. It's a film that invites viewers from all walks of life to ponder the deeper questions of existence and the human condition. Despite some detractors whose critiques seem to be more politically than artistically motivated, 'The Shift' deserves to be seen and judged on its own merits. It is a shining example of the power of cinema to inspire, challenge, and provoke thought, regardless of one's personal beliefs or backgrounds.

In conclusion, 'The Shift' is not just a film; it's a bold statement in the world of cinema. It encourages us to support and celebrate those who dare to venture off the beaten path and bring something truly unique and thought-provoking to the table. I rate it a full 10/10 for its courage, originality, and the sheer joy it brings to the art of film.
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The Marvels (2023)
A Marvelous Misfire: How 'The Marvels' Misses the Mark in the MCU
15 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The Marvels" ambitiously attempts to intertwine the lives of its three heroines, yet the film stumbles, failing to reach the high standards set by its Marvel Cinematic Universe predecessors. The central plot mechanism, a fantastical swapping of places, comes off as a gimmick rather than an integral story element. This constant shifting hampers the development of the characters and the progression of the plot.

The film's narrative, exploring intergalactic conflicts and alliances, is neither original nor engaging, missing the opportunity to delve deeper into potentially intriguing political dynamics. Additionally, the use of quantum entanglement as a plot device feels more like a convenient narrative crutch than a well-integrated scientific concept.

Director Nia DaCosta's vision for "The Marvels" is lost amidst these narrative missteps, leaving the film feeling disjointed and lackluster. The rich character potential of Danvers, Rambeau, and Khan is underutilized, resulting in a movie that feels more like a placeholder in the MCU than a significant contribution.

In summary, "The Marvels" is a disappointing chapter in the MCU saga, lacking the depth, coherence, and excitement that fans have come to expect from the franchise.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
A Frustrating Odyssey of Missed Sci-Fi Opportunities
29 October 2023
"Invasion" sets sail with a promise of venturing into the cosmic unknown, only to anchor its narrative in the mundane human drama that unfolds on a beleaguered Earth. The fleeting glimpses of extraterrestrial beings or sci-fi elements are like rare pearls amidst an endless ocean of tedious character interactions, notably the lackluster dynamics between the mother and her children which add nothing to the suspense the series desperately tries to build.

The series revels in its slow burn approach, but the burn is too slow, with the flame of excitement extinguished by a wind of predictable and poorly executed human drama. Each episode builds up like a brewing storm only to dissipate into a drizzle of unsatisfying plot progression.

However, amidst the debris of unfulfilled expectations shines a beacon of hope - Shamier Anderson. His portrayal provides a silver lining to an otherwise clouded narrative. His compelling performance is the soul of the series, evoking a depth of emotion that resonates amid the cacophony of ill-conceived plot twists. It is a testament to his acting prowess that he emerges as a bright star in a sky overshadowed by clouds of mediocrity. His future in the industry is promising, and one can only hope to see him in roles that do justice to his talent.

"Invasion" attempts to navigate the fine line between human drama and sci-fi intrigue but capsizes under the weight of its own ambitions. It's feels like a disservice to true sci-fi aficionados awaiting a rendezvous with the unknown.

The series overall, unfortunately, offers only a blend of uninspiring characters and a plot that meanders aimlessly, rarely venturing into the thrilling realms of sci-fi, making the journey through its episodes feel like a long voyage with a compass that lost its bearing.
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Crypto Boy (2023)
A Digital Disaster, That Sinks into Mediocrity
28 October 2023
In a year brimming with cinematic ventures, this film emerges as a glaring misstep. Under the helm of Shady El-Hamus, it attempts to sail the stormy seas of cryptocurrency through the whimsical journey of a young aspirant. However, it capsizes into mediocrity, never to resurface.

The plot unfolds with predictability, lacking the nuanced understanding of the digital economy it wishes to explore. Set against the quaint backdrop of Amsterdam, it navigates the simplistic tale of a young man charmed by the digital gold rush, yet fails to delve into the underlying intricacies of digital currency scams, where we for example have big time influencers like Logan Paul who scammed millions of dollars off his own users and still to this day have not been brought to justice.

The performances are a medley of over-acted expressions and flat characters. The cast, though seemingly capable, is bogged down by a hollow screenplay and dialogues that lack resonance. The intended emotional drama falls flat, turning the viewing experience into a tiresome endeavor.

The film's attempt to tackle the modern-day issue of digital currency scams barely scratches the surface, leaving the audience in a quagmire of disbelief. The characters' journey through the digital deception landscape lacks depth and understanding of the crypto realm.

The superficial treatment of a profound subject matter makes it a regrettable investment of time for those in search of a meaningful narrative. It stumbles on the potential to delve into the compelling narrative that the crypto world presents, delivering a mundane tale veiled in a thin cloak of digital intrigue.

It miserably fails to capitalize on the cryptocurrency narrative, marking it as a cinematic letdown of 2023. The lack of originality in the screenplay and the volatile performances echo the erratic nature of a dubious Initial Coin Offering (ICO). The detachment from reality leaves the audience traversing a barren narrative landscape in search of value.

In closing, the film serves as a stark reminder of how not to traverse the complex domain of cryptocurrency in cinema. Its lackluster execution and uninspiring narrative land it in the annals of forgettable cinema of 2023.
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The Creator (2023)
A Cinematic Breath of Fresh Air in a Sea of Repetition
3 October 2023
In a realm where the reverberations of yesteryears' tales seem to echo through the halls of modern cinema, "The Creator (2023)" emerges as a riveting breath of fresh air, unshackled by the trite narratives of yore. Amidst a landscape of cinematic reiterations, this daring oeuvre steers away from the beaten path, embarking on an odyssey of original storytelling reminiscent of a time when the silver screen was a canvas of unbounded imagination.

The brilliance of "The Creator" isn't merely confined to its novelty but extends to the stellar ensemble that breathes life into this sci-fi magnum opus. Headlining this cinematic foray is John David Washington whose portrayal of Joshua, a soldier sent on a perilous mission, is imbued with a blend of stoic resilience and humane vulnerability. His nuanced performance evokes the quintessence of humanity's struggle in a dystopian future. Gemma Chan as Joshua's long-lost wife embodies the emotional tapestry that enriches the narrative, delivering a performance that resonates with the heartstrings of the audience. The chemistry between Washington and Chan renders a sublime narrative texture, making the emotional stakes palpable and real.

The narrative allure is further enhanced by the robust performances of Allison Janney and Ralph Ineson, whose portrayal of hardened military officers exemplify the dichotomy of human emotion amidst a techno-warfare backdrop. Madeleine Yuna Voyles as the simulant Alphie is the epitome of the film's thematic crux, bridging the chasm between artificial and human essence.

The film's director, Gareth Edwards, orchestrates this symphony of narrative and performance with a masterful hand. His vision converges with the genius of cinematographers Greig Fraser and Oren Soffer, painting a grim yet beautiful tableau of a future world teetering on the precipice of annihilation yet blooming with hope. The 'jaw-droppingly distinctive' world that Edwards and his team have built, laden with 'smoky, hazy visuals', is not just a feast for the eyes but a narrative character in itself, embodying the gloomy aura of a war-ravaged world with glimmers of hope shining through the darkness.

The film's emotional resonance is matched by its cerebral engagement. It delves into the ethical labyrinth of artificial intelligence and the essence of humanity, emboldening the audience to traverse the murky waters of moral quandaries, echoing the philosophical ethos of sci-fi stalwarts like "Blade Runner" and "The Terminator".

Critics might have offered a lukewarm reception, basking in the cold comfort of conventional cinema. However, the resounding applause from the global audience reverberates through the annals of IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes, heralding "The Creator" as a modern-day sci-fi marvel. It seems the professional critics have become the vestiges of a bygone era, clinging to the banal and formulaic, unable to evolve with the evolving tastes of a discerning audience.

"The Creator" isn't just a film; it's a movement against the tide of mundane rehashes, a bold statement in a world of cinematic cliches. It's an enthralling, original narrative that doesn't just entertain but provokes thought, sparks debate, and kindles the flame of imagination, marking a stellar departure from the recycled narratives that have become the hallmark of modern cinema.

Rating: 10/10 - A beacon of originality in the sci-fi genre, "The Creator" is not just a movie; it's a cinematic experience that's as intellectually stimulating as it is emotionally resonant. This is a masterpiece that stands tall, proudly bearing the banner of originality in a realm besieged by the echoes of the past.
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Mr. Pregnant (2023)
A Cinematic Catastrophe: "Mr. Pregnant" (2023) - A Pernicious Ploy for Profit
2 October 2023
Rating: 1/10 (Would give 0 if permissible)

In the vast and varied world of cinema, where the sublime often dances with the ridiculous, "Mr. Pregnant" (2023) emerges as a monumental misfire, a film so egregiously inept that it plummets to the nadir of cinematic calamities. It is a concoction of flat characters, abysmal cinematography, and cringe-inducing dialogue, all seemingly orchestrated to capitalize on prevailing political agendas with the sole aim of driving revenue.

The plot, a convoluted concoction involving a man experiencing pregnancy, is a labyrinth of implausibility, teetering on the brink of absurdity, seemingly concocted by minds bereft of originality or insight. It is a narrative quagmire, ensnaring the audience in a morass of incredulity and despair.

The actors, entrapped in this cinematic debacle, deliver performances so lifeless and uninspired that they resemble marionettes more than sentient beings. Their portrayals are bereft of nuance or depth, rendering the characters as mere caricatures, devoid of any semblance of humanity or relatability.

The cinematography is a visual assault, a cacophony of ill-conceived shots and erratic framing that betray a profound ignorance of the visual medium. The lighting, or the lack thereof, plunges the film into a chiaroscuro nightmare, obscuring details and muddling the visual narrative to the point of incoherence.

The dialogue is a symphony of the trite and the banal, a relentless barrage of cheesy one-liners and hackneyed exchanges that assault the ears and insult the intelligence. It is a linguistic travesty, a testament to the dearth of wit or wisdom in the film's script.

Mr. Pregnant is not merely a film; it is a mercenary enterprise, a blatant attempt to exploit contemporary political sentiments for monetary gain. It is a cynical ploy, a transparent attempt to pander to the zeitgeist while offering nothing of substance or value.

The film's purported acclaim is a mirage, a façade erected by a legion of bots and purchased reviews. It is a deception so blatant that it crumbles upon the slightest scrutiny, revealing the hollow core of this cinematic sham.

In conclusion, "Mr. Pregnant" is a cinematic catastrophe, a film with zero redeeming qualities, marred by its political machinations and unrelenting incompetence. It is a bust of epic proportions, a stain on the tapestry of cinema, deserving of nothing but scorn and derision.

Would that I could, I would award "Mr. Pregnant" a score of zero, for it is a void, a cinematic black hole from which neither light nor joy can escape. Alas, I am constrained to award it a 1, a score that, in its generosity, belies the true nature of this filmic fiasco.
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Hijack (2023)
A Disheartening Journey - "Hijack" (2023)
2 October 2023
Alright, let's talk about "Hijack" (2023), featuring the one and only Idris Elba. Now, Idris is a gem, a true master of his craft. We all know him from "The Wire," which, let's be honest, is probably the best thing television has ever given us. But, man, it pains me to see such a talent being wasted on a show like "Hijack."

I did my homework, I watched all of it, and I gotta say, it's a mess. It's like they threw logic out the window when they wrote this one. It's unrealistic, to say the least, and don't even get me started on how politically charged it is. It's like they picked the heroes and villains out of a hat without any regard to what's happening in the real world. It's just not grounded in reality, and it feels like they didn't even try to make it believable.

Now, I'm giving it a 2/10, and trust me, those 2 points are solely for Idris Elba. The man did what he could with what he was given, but even he couldn't save the lackluster script and the cringe-worthy dialogue. It's just silly, and it makes me wonder how on earth it got such high ratings. It must be the Idris effect because the man is lovable and elevates everything he's in. But, other than his performance, there's nothing redeeming about this series.

It's a real shame to see such a brilliant actor sold on this garbage show. Idris, if you're reading this, you deserve better, mate! And to the viewers, if you're looking for a show that makes sense and doesn't try to shove its political agenda down your throat, you might want to skip this one.

And to round it off, the lighting and cinematography is atrocious.
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Robots (I) (2023)
Robots (2023): A Quirky, Ingenious Delight
1 October 2023
In a landscape where comedic sci-fi films often struggle to find a balance between humor, heart, and futuristic notions, "Robots" (2023), directed by the talented Casper Christensen alongside Ant Hines, emerges as a breath of fresh air. Its quirky narrative, peppered with moments of genuine hilarity and touching human (and not-so-human) interactions, sets a new bar for the genre.

The storyline, revolving around affluent suburbanites utilizing android doubles to navigate the tumultuous world of dating, unfolds with a blend of wit and unexpected warmth. The humor is clever, never forced, and delivered with impeccable timing, thanks to a script that's as thoughtful as it is playful.

Under the adept direction of Casper Christensen, the film flourishes. His knack for capturing the absurdity of human-robot interactions while retaining a sense of heart and relatability is nothing short of genius. His unique comedic vision shines throughout, making "Robots" a cinematic journey that's as visually engaging as it is emotionally resonant.

The cast, led by Shailene Woodley and Jack Whitehall, is remarkable. Their chemistry is palpable, lending a sense of authenticity to the bizarre yet endearing relationships that form as the plot unfolds. The supporting cast, including Nick Rutherford and Paul Rust among others, each bring their own charm and comedic flair, enriching the film's humorous landscape.

"Robots" doesn't shy away from delving into the quirky and often absurd realities of a futuristic world intertwined with robotic counterparts. Yet, it never loses sight of the human emotions at its core, making it a standout piece of cinematic artistry.

The finesse with which Christensen melds humor, romance, and a dash of sci-fi quirkiness propels "Robots" into a league of its own. It's a delightful concoction of laugh-out-loud moments and heartwarming human-robot camaraderie, making it a must-watch for not only sci-fi enthusiasts but anyone with an appetite for inventive storytelling and hearty laughter.

"Robots" is a testament to the boundless creativity that thrives in the realm of cinematic storytelling, and with Christensen at the helm, it's a journey well worth embarking upon. A resounding 10/10 for this quirky, ingenious delight that leaves audiences both entertained and contemplatively charmed.
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Jules (I) (2023)
A Cinematic Gem Sparkling with Stellar Performances
1 October 2023
"Jules (2023)" is a mesmerizing blend of humor, heart, and thought-provoking narrative that seamlessly draws the audience into a world where the ordinary meets the extraordinary. The delightful tale is carried forth by an impeccable cast including Ben Kingsley, Harriet Sansom Harris, Zoë Winters, Jade Quon, and Jane Curtin, whose performances are nothing short of spellbinding.

Ben Kingsley, with his seasoned artistry, brings a depth to his character that is both endearing and inspiring. Harriet Sansom Harris delivers a performance that is as tender as it is compelling, making every scene she graces unforgettable. Zoë Winters and Jade Quon, with their nuanced portrayals, add layers to the story that enriches the emotional palette of the film. Jane Curtin, with her impeccable timing and expressive prowess, provides a touch of humor and wisdom that elevates the narrative to a realm of relatability and reflection.

The chemistry among the cast is electric, creating a canvas of emotions that range from belly laughs to heartfelt tears. Each actor shines in their respective roles, making "Jules" a constellation of brilliant performances that light up the cinematic sky.

The film not only entertains but also provokes thought and evokes a range of emotions that stay with the audience long after the credits roll. The director, Marc Turtletaub, has crafted a masterpiece that is as visually enchanting as it is emotionally resonant.

Jules is a rare gem that stands out in the vast cinematic landscape, a testament to the transformative power of storytelling when coupled with stellar performances and a poignant narrative. It's a heartwarming, humor-infused, and profoundly moving experience that deserves nothing less than a 10/10.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Plastic Perils: A Hollow Venture into Doll-Dom
1 October 2023
"Barbie (2023)" attempted to mold a modern narrative around the iconic doll, but what unraveled was a feature film that was as plastic and hollow as the toy it's inspired by. The film sets forth with a glittery promise of self-discovery and empowerment but stumbles and falls face-first into a puddle of clichés and superficiality.

The protagonist's journey from a boxed perfection to a self-realized individual is filled with predictable plot twists and eye-roll-inducing dialogues. The script seems to be churned out from a factory of trite, lacking any originality or depth, much like the molded plastic of a Barbie doll.

The animation, touted as one of the highlights, is nothing more than a barrage of pastel colors and unrealistic body proportions. It fails to breathe life into the characters or the world around them, making it a plastic paradise devoid of any genuine emotion or relatability.

Supporting characters are as one-dimensional as they come, each embodying a blatant stereotype without any redeeming qualities. They flutter through the scenes, contributing nothing to the narrative other than filling the already cluttered screen.

The attempt to modernize Barbie and make her relatable to the contemporary audience is a lost cause as the essence of what makes Barbie iconic is buried under a heap of modern-day jargon and misplaced attempts at humor.

The villain, a caricature of societal expectations, is as menacing as a bubble wrap, failing to evoke any real threat or concern.

Barbie is a missed opportunity to delve into the evolving identity and societal expectations of women. Instead, it serves a shallow, glitter-coated narrative that's as fleeting and forgettable as a fashion trend. In trying to find Barbie's place in the modern world, the film loses its way and ends up being a lackluster parade of plasticity.
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Reptile (2023)
A Sluggish Slither into Cinematic Abyss
1 October 2023
"Reptile (2023)," despite boasting a stellar cast led by the enigmatic Benicio Del Toro, tragically succumbs to a quagmire of clichés and uninspiring storytelling. The film endeavors to explore the psyche of a man transitioning into a creature, a premise ripe with potential yet woefully mishandled.

Del Toro, known for his nuanced performances, seems to flounder in a script that appears to have been concocted in haste without a second glance. The dialogues lack the sharpness and wit, making the exchanges between characters as exciting as watching paint dry.

The director, presumably aiming for a dark, atmospheric vibe, instead plunges the audience into a visual murkiness that often obscures the action rather than enhancing it. The so-called suspenseful sequences are as predictable as they come, leaving one to count the minutes until they can escape the clutches of this cinematic morass.

The CGI, touted as one of the film's strong points, is nothing short of a disaster. The reptilian transformation, instead of being a harrowing experience, evokes chuckles, dismantling any semblance of horror or empathy the audience could harbor.

Supporting characters are as flat as cardboard, each one seemingly competing for the title of 'Most Forgettable.' They drift through the scenes without evoking an iota of emotional investment from the audience.

The climax, a chance for redemption, is a lackluster parade of been-there-seen-that moments, leaving a bitter taste of disappointment as the credits roll.

"Reptile" promised a thrilling dive into the abyss of human existence but delivers a shallow, tepid puddle of mediocrity. It's a cinematic endeavor that, much like its titular creature, slithers aimlessly, leaving a trail of disappointment in its wake.
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Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
One Of The Best Things To Come Out of TV
29 September 2023
Who knew, Aussie TV could be this good.

Frankly I'll keep it short; If you are looking for superb acting, believable characters, a fun and dark comedy, then this is it. This is some of the best produced TV in ages, and probably the. Best to come out of Australia since forever.

I 100% recommend it, 10/10, and I can't put my finger on anything, even the child actors are all great, which is usually rare, especially in Hollywood movies.

If you have not seen this TV series. Please go see it.

The fact that Scott Ryan both wrote, produced, directed and acted as the lead in this, without any formal history in Entertainment, is nothing short of legendary and amazing. Huge kudos to the man for this, and also a major kudos for actually ending the series without taking it too far.

I believe it could certainly have gone one or two seasons more, but the fact that he had the willpower to actually end it properly and in a fun way, is just a testament to the man's genius.

Hopefully he will write something new. I know I will be the first one to go see it.

10/10, no questions asked. This is one of my most favorite shows ever next to The Wire.
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Better Than The Last, But Still A Swing And A Miss
29 September 2023
Like others have said, I too really liked the intro, it was very well done, and even with CG Young Harrison Ford, it looked quite good and if they would have had any sense, they would have kept a majority of the movie in the past, utilising CGI to keep Ford young, and let us see some of his other adventures from when he was younger.

It really felt like Indiana Jones in the beginning.

Then swap to modern day and it all came crashing down. Really bad CGI, such blurry backgrounds etc, which begs the question, if Disney has all this great tech they used for The Mandalorian, why aren't they using it for other movies like this? Weird. Maybe a budget issue, or maybe the Director doesn't understand new and better technology, either way it makes the movie look dated and bad, more like a lower budget TV movie.

Overall, it's worth watching once, especially if you are a fan of Indy, it's still an OK movie to see an evening, but otherwise it isn't a cult hit or anything, it isn't a movie you will be watching again another time. Acting is very subpar too overall.

Meh. Such a lost opportunity, and a sad end to the franchise.

I really wish they would have kept a majority of the movie just featuring Indy as a younger man through CGI, battling the Germans and stuff like that. Always a good time.

5 out of 10.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
A Watery Grave for a Beloved Classic
27 July 2023
"The Little Mermaid (2023)" promised a modern retelling of a cherished tale but what we got was a diluted narrative that lacked the magic and charm of its predecessor. The film attempted to ride the wave of contemporary themes but ended up capsizing under its own ambition.

The animation, once a hallmark of the original, now seems to have been churned out of a run-of-the-mill digital mill. The vibrancy and allure of the undersea world were replaced by sterile, computer-generated imagery that lacked warmth and authenticity.

Our beloved characters have been reduced to mere caricatures, with dialogues that feel stilted and devoid of the emotional resonance that once defined them. The modern-day twists not only feel forced but rob the narrative of its timeless appeal.

The musical numbers, the soul of the original, were rehashed with a modern beat that felt discordant with the whimsical atmosphere the story demands. The once catchy and heartwarming tunes now feel like lackluster pop renditions desperately clawing for chart recognition.

The film desperately tries to be edgy and contemporary but loses the essence of what made "The Little Mermaid" a cherished tale of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of one's true self. It traded its heart for modern-day gimmicks and in the process, lost its soul.

The Little Mermaid (2023) is a stark reminder that some classics should be left untouched, as not all tales require a modern-day makeover. What was aimed to be a bold dive into contemporary waters turned out to be a shallow wade into mediocrity.
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Platonic (2023– )
Complete and utter garbage
22 June 2023
Rose Byrne is great, but even she can't lift this garbage script and cast up. Seth Rogan is hugely miscast for this, and doing his usual sthick.

1) There is nothing funny going on 2) It is heavily politicised, every episode has at least 4-5 mentions of something related to politics and it is clear that the creators are pushing their own agenda through their creation 3) It really isn't fun, there's maybe 1-2 good jokes done by Rogan each ep and that is it

If you're a normal human being, trust me, you will not like this garbage pile of a tv show. I honestly don't get how it has a 7 rating atm, it deserves max a 4 or 5.
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The Best Movie Out Of 2022
19 June 2022
Simply an astonishing masterpiece. The perfect multiverse movie. Kudos to the actors and production team.

I mean what an amazing performance by the actors, just incredible to carry it through with so many different versions of themselves as characters.

This is a MUST SEE movie for anyone and everyone.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
4 Episodes in. It's intriguing, not perfect, but very watchable
5 December 2021
Personally I like it, almost all the actors does a good job, some of them aren't very convincing sadly, but hopefully that'll progress as the show does.

It's very dark and gritty, if you're not into a lot of visible violence this isn't for you, but if you like gritty dark violent thrillers/dramas, this is it.

It's sort of a mix between Ray Donovan and The Wire, with mostly Ray Donovan, just in different setting where you also see how the prisons operate.

So far it's exciting, I expect it to get at least 2 seasons.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
I truly gave it a chance and I don't hate it, it's just, bland, boring and bad
5 December 2021
The 3 B's, bland, boring and bad. That really sums up the series very well. It's not like it's terribly made, I don't "hate it" but it's just so tiresome to watch, everything feels so forced and stuffed.

The voiceovers are sloppy, the dialogue is so pretentious. Like these people see themselves as saviors...

Makes me think of the newest Always Sunny episode, with the "White Saviors" documentary, that's exactly what Seth Rogan and his team is trying to be.

Please stop, and let the younger generation take the lead. Don't try and assert yourselves as the know-it-alls abusing entertainment media to push your private ideologies.

I watched all episodes. Trust me. The reviews are all spot on.
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Great summer blockbuster action movie!
4 July 2021
Not much to say, starts a little slow, and it's not trying to take its own plot too seriously like so many action movies do, the action is pretty packed all the way through the movie, with some emotional segments that pulls on your heartstrings.

If you want to enjoy yourself with a fun action flick, definitely go watch The Tomorrow War.

DO NOT believe the professional critics, they have a political agenda.
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Great movie about one of the true evils of the world
25 April 2021
Communism is without a doubt one of the most vile and evil ideologies ever constructed by man, the act of forcing upon others your ideologies, your thoughts, your rules. Your everything, and everyone being dependent on a state organ with a dictator on top.

Movies such as these shows the true nature of the threat, of and what such an ideology has led to in the past, and will unfortunately lead to once again due to severe ignorance and a huge lack of education in the modern world.

Chervonyi comes highly recommended, very realistic, superb acting by all the parts, Russians and Ukrainians. I also feel it is important to say that Russia today isn't this vile Communist evil it once was, they're normal every day people today. However Communism still exists as does other vile evil ideologies.

Let Chervonyi be a historical lesson and warning for what such evil people would do to the regular populace if they would ever seize power once again.

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Death to 2020 (2020 TV Special)
Swing and a miss
14 January 2021
Starts strong then falls completely flat, very strong political bias throughout, which is obvious given the rhetoric used.

If you're looking for something to laugh at, go find something else, look up clips of Death to 2020 instead, you'll quickly find all the laughs it has.

It's not true to comedy, it's not true to 2020, and it's extremely skewed in favor of one specific political agenda, which means this isn't fair, it isn't neutral, it isn't honest or good.

Voted 1 due to the obvious political bias.
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Parallel (II) (2018)
Great movie
16 December 2020
Parallel is a great movie, very watchable. The actors are rather unknown, there's the side-kick guy from Mr Robot who does a great job, clearly the strongest actor by far in the movie, however everyone does a great job.

For the movie being this good with such a small budget, and a minor cast, I almost think it deserves more than 7 in rating to be honest, but it isn't more than a 7 to be fair, sadly.

However, if you need a movie for Sunday evening, or a great Friday flick, this is it. Great little homely sci-fi movie. Especially for fans of the TV series Stargate SG1. if you are a Stargate fan, do watch this movie 100% recommended.

I recommend you see this movie over other choices you have pondered, if you're looking for something 'random' to watch. You wont regret it.
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Echo Boomers (2020)
Pure unadulterated trash
14 December 2020
I don't know why Michael Shannon agreed to be in this movie. He should fire his agent. This movie falls shorts on everything, the story, the plot, its own merits, the forced and very juvenile dialogue.

I recommend forgetting this movie and moving on. This isn't even good as a "for fun" movie to watch, or a random movie to watch during the weekends. It's pure unadulterated trash.
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Peterloo (2018)
Excellent historical drama
2 May 2020
Peterloo is a gripping tale of an historic event about the precursor of democracy. When men and women stood up to tyrannical Kings to peacefully fight for liberty, only to be met with violent responses.

We all owe these men and women a great deal.

A must see for any historical orientated person, who care's about realistic and technically faithful movies.

Highly recommended!
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The worst money I've spend this year
25 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It might just be me that isn't really into all the cartoon stuff, I never watched much when I was young, quite frankly, I watched close to nothing (some of us played outside you know ;p). What I mean is that I don't have that hidden urge to love, every single cartoon ripoff movie thats released, which is the tendency I've seen from a lot of people that used to get square eyes in front of the TV.

Anyways, I really didn't find this movie interesting at all, as with the first one, the whole thing was quite uninspiring, from lazy writing, to horrible acting, and most of all a ridiculous plot that felt rushed through like hardcore diarrhea.

Frankly, I don't understand what a actor like Michael Chiklis, wants from a movie like this, he is way to good to be wasting his time on this garbage.

The whole thing is just stupid, take for example the silver surfer, a guy thats been preparing worlds for devouring in the masses, after a few minutes of conversation with a (to him) alien female, he turns into a self sacrificing hero, protecting a foreign world he knows nothing about, not to mention, if he could kill galactus (galaxtus?) even though losing his own life in the process, why didn't he do it from the start if it would have saved the one he loved, plus own home world (?!!?!?!?).

Worst money I've spend this year. Completely ridiculous movie.

1 star out of 5.
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