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Der Hauptmann von Köpenick (1960 TV Movie)
Maybe the best movie adaption
15 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This version of "The captain of Köpenick", a play by Carl Zuckmair, is the one that stays the truest to the original play. The plot is simple: A poor cobbler, Wilhelm Voigt, is released from prison. Now he is caught in a vicious circle. He can't register without employment, and he can't find work without a registration. His worsening situation leads to another short imprisonment. During that time in jail he learns how to act like a military officer. At the same time, we follow the story of a captain's uniform, which starts with being tailor-made to being sold to a second-hand peddler. There Voigt sees the uniform, buys it and then walks into the mayor's office of Köpenick to confiscate the treasury and get a passport. In the end he is caught.

The whole movie is excellently played, especially Platte as Vooigt. He surpasses the much lauded Rühmann and Juhnke, who played the same part.
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Armageddon (1998)
Can't understand the critics
10 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first I admit, I love this movie! That said, i wonder about the strong hate-critics this movie got, even here on IMDb. Some criticise the shallowness. Hey, it never intended to be a drama that teaches us a moral lesson. It even sets it straight, from the beginning, that it touches the meteor-crashes-on-earth subject way more unrealistic than movies like Deep Impact or Meteor, which are surreal too they just pretend to be more realistic.

Some critics said that great actors were wasted in small, insignificant roles. Well, first, no one forced these actors to take the roles. Then some, like Duncan or Wilson, were not at their peak back then. And I must say that even Owen Wilson's role (the most insignificant in my opinion) has its highlights. And some roles (esp. Affleck's and Thornton's) have more depth than in other popcorn movies. I find the general acting level quite strong, considering the type of movie. Of course we have seen deeper performances from Willis, Duncan, Stormare, Buscemi and Thornton, but those were in other genres.

Some say it claims only the NASA and thus the USA could deal with any crisis....well this is an American movie. And the USA are still the biggest movie market. I guess that if this movie would have been made by a Chinese company and filmed in China it would show China as the superior nation. One critic here claimed that the movie showed only blond white American kids rejoicing at the meteor's destruction. As I recall it this is plain wrong. Celebration all over the world is shown.

I find this movie quite entertaining, which is the ultimate goal a movie should aim for. It may have some weak moments, but it is just so cheesy and pushed beyond every reality that it becomes funny, tense and emotional. I especially love the scenes of the Affleck/Tyler relationship which are sweet, romantic but not too cheesy. Foremost the goodbye scene with the rendition of "Leaving on a Jet plane".

So...if you can enjoy an entertaining movie which never pretends to be intellectual and is solidly made, watch Armageddon.
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A great romantic comedy which is underrated
2 June 2008
The genre of romantic comedies may not be a genre producing depthful insights, dramatic acting or meaningful morals....but it centers about the two most warm and nice emotions, humour and love. There can't be nothing wrong with this. Now many movies of this genre are just what you expect, they are cheesy, diabetes-inducing sweet, shallow movies. Sometimes the Humour outweighs the love so much it becomes intolerable, sometimes the love aspect is so heavy you are forced to vomit. Then many movies make the mistake of mixing love with lust or even replacing them. That does not go for romantic in my opinion. So the moviegoer is left with only a few notable movies, which make your heart glow: There are PRETTY WOMAN, NOTTING HILL, WHEN HARRY MET SALLY, SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE, YOU GOT MAIL, THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY and of course WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING.

Unlike some others in my listing, this movie sets his characters in a real normal life. They are all average people, who could live next your door. That's one point in making this movie memorable. Because if such a sweet love can happen to those guys, it can happen to you as well.

The story may seem to be a bit far fetched (girl saves guy, gets mistaken for his fiancé, family invites her over for Christmas, she falls in love with the brother and so on) but it is not as far fetched as a millionaire falling for a prostitute, a journalist falling for just a boys story and drives through the US to Seattle or a movie star just walking in a normal bookstore...

The humour is great, soft and loving instead of cynical. The only cynical remark (if you fit in my pants, I'll kill myself) is like you are kidding around with your friends. The love is also sweet. It never becomes sexual or lust-laden. Just pure love. Unlike all the aforementioned movies, here another love is playing a role, the love for and of a family. Anyone who, like Bullock's character, has lived without any family for some time knows what I speak of.

The acting is good. Not great, as I said i don't expect that in a romantic comedy, but better than in most other movies of that genre (and many other genres as well).

The last great point for this movie are the characters. The movie makes no point in creating a despicable, mean character. The family Callaghan are so nice and warm, even Peter (who the viewer gets to know only a lot later in the movie) seems to be able to leave his playboy life and settle with Sandra Bullock. Also heartwarming is the role of Joey Fusco. He seems to really love Sandra Bullock in his own way. He tries to protect her and be a real friend, though he is obviously not her type. Even the "real" fiancé of Peter Callaghan, Ashley, does not come evil just shallow and possessive. Her appearance lasts only a few minutes, too.

All in all, if you're looking for a great movie to make you feel good, get this one.
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Almost true to the book, but greeat whatsoever
14 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First things, I find this one of the best movies about the great story of Alexandre Dumas, and luckily it sticks quite true. Quite, but not totally. I understand minor changes like Porthos not being the shallow, large framed guy described in the book (I always will love Depardieu from Man in the iron mask in this role) or d'Artagnan witnessing the hanging of Mylady de Winter, even the "with a rowboat across the channel" thing, but.....


I think Mylady de Winter would be as interesting and rewarding role to get? Why does she suddenly have to have Superpowers? This is the only real issue I have with this movie.

The rest of the movie is splendid. Except for Porthos, who's actor does a fine job after all, all the cast is close enough to the book as possible. Especially Elbaz plays d'Artagnan with that vibe and risk-loving panache he appears to have in the book. This is one of the few movies which does not alter or skip the musketeers' dealings with Buckingham, in fact it sticks to the novel with the sole exception mentioned above.

As to the ongoing discussion of Beart being too old: a) She looks gorgeous as ever. b) Mylady de Winter is described in the book as a Lady in her late why the fuzz. After all, she married athos at age 20, got hanged after a year, became the Cardinal's (a great Karyo) top spy in the meantime, married Winter's brother, killed him see she was quite busy all the time.

So I can sum up: A great rendition of the musketeers' legend with just a bitter pinch of story liberty.

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Robin Hood (1991)
One of the best Robin Hood movies
14 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There are some legendary heroes, whose stories you can tell a hundred of times and every time it is different. There are the three Musketeers, King Arthur, Sherlock Holmes and of course Robin Hood.

In the history of movies are so many adaptions of this legend and each is different in what style and atmosphere they set the piece.

There f.e. is the flamboyant, tight wearing Robin of Errol Flynn (and Cary Elwes), who takes his life as an outlaw with jest and humour.

There is the avenging Robin, out for revenge to some slights done to him and/or family and friends like the Costner Robin Hood.

There are some, really trying to help the poor while having some fun and laugh at the cost of the ruling government as in the Disney cartoon version.

There are many differences in the opponents who are battled by Robin, though the Sheriff of Nottingham is the constant one. There are sometimes John Lackland (King John), Guy of Gisbourne (in the legend he is only a mercenary quickly disposed and then impersonated by Robin) and others.

This version looks at it a new way. They show a country divided into an anglo-saxon populace and norman ruling class. Only a few saxon nobles exist. One of this noble families are the Hodes. Though Robert Hode is normally a friend of his norman Baron, Daguerre, a visiting norman nobleman insists on Hode being punished for some slight offense. Pride Hode does not comply and flees. Thus he is being outlawed and his family stripped of title, claims and life. This way his fight begins....

The look of this movie is the darkest and bleakest Robin Hood there ever was. The forest looks not friendly, many scenes play at night, and the merry men get real dirty (unlike the Flynn Hood). The story behind the whole movie may be the most "political" ever, because of that division of being saxon or norman.

The acting is very good, in my opinion it even supersedes the Costner Robin Hood from the same year. Especially the three leads (Bergin, Krabbé and Prochnow) are great. But down to the smallest role you get fine acting.

The swordfights (as another commentator mentioned, real swords not rapiers) are really nice to watch and the finale...well, you better see it for yourself.

All in all, if this movie runs on TV or is available on DVD, get it.
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Rocky (1976)
Great founding stone of a series of documentary sequels
14 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, my summary may not be my most inspiring but it is meant wholeheartedly. First, I love "Rocky" and all of his sequels in their own way. I find it a great film and itself and the sequels show the "Hollywood spirit" during the years.

Let us watch Rocky unbiased. The storyline in itself is a bit shallow: A Nobody gets a chance to fight the champ, he does it and wins his girl friend during the movie. The End. As I said shallow.

But what Stallone did with this plot is amazing. He added many twists and turns to create a whole new plot. Instead many other Underdog-Sports-Movies, the underdog here is not a brilliant new talent or fallen-once-famous star but an average, down to earth bum like many of us know their whole life. Rocky is a bit of an idiot (we learn he is dyslexic in Rocky 2), but has strong own personal morals and thoughts. He is a bit of an Outcast, too. We see him with his sole friend Paulie (who seems not to be a real close friend) and the girl he adores, Paulie's sister. Adrian is too shy to even notice that Rocky adores her, which makes her an outcast too.

The next twist Stallone adds is how this Nobody gets the title shot. It is not because the champ notices the talent or has revenge plans....It is mere coincidence of the original opponent having an injury and Creed now has to look for someone to fight on short notice. Since the fight is at the 4th of July he makes the genial decision to create a media hype by giving an unknown a title shot. And he only chooses Rocky because of his ring name "The Italian Stallion" ("Apollo Creed versus the Italian Stallion, sounds like a damn monster movie.")

Then comes the film sequence of the training and all the story in between. Stallone walks here the fine line between a sports movie and a character development movie and he balances it superbly. We get to love this nerdy couple with all their all-to-well-known, ordinary troubles. We even learn to sympathize with the drunkard Paulie. And the training sequences are so great, the song "Gonna fly now" will always be engraved mentally to such training scene montages (as it itself or similar sounding copies are used up until today).

Last in the movie is the fight. Many have commented on its unrealistic appearance. Hey, it is played by two actors, who, though being athletic and even college/pro-athletes, never were boxers. And though they trained with a boxing coach, they lacked the money to do it extensively. So they scripted the fight step by step, blow by blow. And then they rehearsed it. This is quite an accomplishment. And to me, the fight looks as well as some you see in today's actual rings.

A word about the acting. Stallone shows here (like he does now too after leaving his action stardom behind) that he is quite a talented actor. The supporting cast is great, from heavies like Meredith and Young (both doing great scenes here, Oscar-worthy) to then unknowns like Carl Weathers and Thalia Shire.

The production is great too, thinking of the limited budget.I was fascinated by the camera work, which is better than many big-budgeteers at that time. If you love well made and emotional gripping films, who may have a bit of sports thrown into it, you definitely will love "Rocky". As to my statement that the sequels are documentary of how movies in their time were like, read my comments there.
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Runaway Jury (2003)
As fine a court thriller as you'll get
4 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit I never read the Grisham novel, the movie is based upon. The other comments say it deviates far of the novel, so I am happy about that fact. As a man who reads a lot I am almost always disappointed by movies made after a novel. In reading the book, you form your own picture in your head and can't fathom why the movie director made changes.

So I am happy to judge this movie unbiased, as a juror should. This fits, because that is what the movie is about, the manipulation of a court jury. The American jury system may be the most fair (because it does not let "one man have the power to hang or not hang anyone he dislikes") but also the one most easily manipulated. How this is done is shown nicely in the movie. One side (the defense) uses surveillance of possible jurors even before jury selection, choosing mostly jurors they may get some kind of leverage on. This ranges from knowledge of an escapade of a female juror to buying the market store another juror works in. The prosecution uses just personal impressions, coupled with some psychological schooling during jury selection. A third party (Cussack) tries all to manipulate his way into the jury by pressing all the right buttons on the judge's patience. The manipulating goes further into the trial, even using illegal blackmailing tactics.But at the end is a twist.

The story may be a bit thin sometimes. Some think that a bit more detail should have been invested into the trial itself, but you forget that this is a film about the jury duty. So it focuses more on the things happening in the jury room, the hotel the jury is sequestered to and the manipulating team of Rankin Fitch. What I have to criticise is, that the court scenes shown are flat and flawed with argumentative holes big enough for a steam train. That should have been reworked to fit more into an otherwise very smart movie.

The acting is great through all the roles be it major or minor ones. I especially like the obvious bonding of Cussacks character and the second Latino juror after Herrera (I don't find his name). But all roles have their shining moments. Overshadowing the acting are Hackman and Cusack in my opinion with Weisz giving them a run for the money in many scenes. Hackman is at the top of his game, but I consider Cussack up to it. He may not be an expressive actor like Hackman, who uses all of his body, voice and mimics to act. Cussack is more a subtle actor which I like about him.

A mostly clever plot, some good editing, great see why I like this movie. It has great suspense and while not reaching the same level as "12 angry men" it is still showing a nice view on the jury system.
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Diggstown (1992)
One of my 3 favourite Con-flicks
4 April 2008
There are three Con movies I really love. "The Sting", "Paper Moon" and "Midnight Sting (or Diggstown)". I don't bother to compare these three, because each has its own quality. Diggstown's strength lies in the great and obvious chemistry between all the main actors and even the supporting ones. True that Woods steals every scene he is in, but he feels so at home in the skin of Gabriel Caine, that we forgive him just to watch him do his cool one liners and gestures, like opening a bottle of Wild Turkey with his thumb. Oliver Platt gives his performance a full go in all the scenes he is alone. Together with Woods, he steps down a bit. Louis Gosset jr. was never better than in this movie, that is my honest opinion. You really buy his aged but still able boxer, and he trained the choreography well. Dern is juast as a smooth villain we like him to be. Though his role is quite one dimensional, he manages that we feel for him and understand his goals, though we truly loathe him. The story is quite plain but the execution superb. The production design is good. You really believe this to be some backwater city in the equally backwater Olivair County. The only criticism I have to make is the very constructed and thankfully not executed love interest (Heather Graham). Though she looks cute she never got into character. You could cut her role right out of the movie without missing her. Even her only service to the con men, getting the financial info, could easily be done by everyone else.

So all in all, this is a great film to watch, beer in hand and popcorn in a bowl beside you. 8/10 stars
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Spy Game (2001)
Intelligent thriller, worthy of Le Carré
3 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is what an intelligent and entertaining Spy movie should look like. And I don't mean the "Super-Spy" genre with its gadgets and sly wit. In contrary. This is a very clever plot using many time and space spanning scenes. In short it revolves around a young CIA agent (Pitt) who tries to rescue his one time asset and then beloved (McCormack) from a Chinese prison. He gets captured and will be executed a few days later. 24 hours before the execution the CIA learns from his capture and, a presidential visit and trade talks ahead, decide to burn the rogue agent. They contact his recruiter and mentor (Redford) to fill them in on the young agent. This he does. Between these flashback scenes the senior agent uses all his wile he gained as a field agent to set his protegé free. The plot twists several times in unexpected ways and the tricks Redford uses in his scheme are simply great. The fine scene from "Clear and present danger", where Ford tries to outsmart his fellow deputy director are but a mere faded memory from this scheming. The directing utilizes modern fast paced cutting and editing, but mostly in scenes where there is action. Unlike many other movies using these methods, here it enhances the film instead ruining it (I regret watching the otherwise great movie "Man under Fire"). Speaking of action, if you expect an action packed spy movie like the fore-mentioned "Clear and present danger", you'll be disappointed. The only shooting involves a bunch of soldiers (first Vietcong, later on US Marines) and is only mere background. Most of the suspense is created verbally and the movie is filled to the brim with adrenaline rising suspense. The acting is very strong, especially Redford and Pitt, which seem to have developed a great chemistry. Having worked together before may have helped. But Redford definitely dominates the movie. His scenes are more than intense and when he unpacks his most dangerous weapon, his smile (in the scene when the nasty superior thinks he has nailed Redford) it is most memorable. I think this is one of his strongest acting. Summary: If you read and like intelligent thrillers from authors like Forbes, Le Carré or Nichols you might already have devoured this gem of a movie and if not, go and get it.
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Waterworld (1995)
Good or bad - I am not sure
3 April 2008
Hmm, it seem s to me that this is a "Love it or hate it"-movie, which makes it difficult for me, because I am right in the middle. As a movie and RPG-buff I like the idea of a post apocalyptic world. This world especially, because it does not show a desert. dried out land but a flooded world, where only the highest mountains were left as dry, firm land. This idea is transformed superbly into on-screen pictures. The boats, the atoll civilisation, the living as a drifter...even the submerged city are very nice. I even took the liberty of picking the whole idea for some RPG-Sessions. Then you have the acting side. Costner is a lone, quiet hero; Hopper is an ego-maniacal villain, Jeanne Tripplehorn is just gorgeous...nothing new or especially noteworthy here, but solid acting fare with no weakness. So the acting may be average, but not disappointing. The disappointment comes with the story. Though a great concept (search for dryland) it seems to be rushed (due to cutting 30 mins of it, I would assume) and concerning itself only with the action scene between the Mariner and the Smokers at the end. I don't know how much of this was the studios demand, but I would have liked a slower, more detailed development, like Costner showed in "The Postman" or "Open Range" later. The discovery of Dryland is a bit anticlimactic, happening after the big battle against the villain. That could have been placed better.

All in all the movie has great ideas and beginnings, but a weak execution of them. That is why it never created a hype like the PoC or other similar multi-bucks movies.
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The Guardian (I) (2006)
Strong performances in a already known but entertaining format
3 April 2008
Oh no, another military (sort of) based mentor-student movie....that were my thoughts at first. Then I watched it on recommendation of a good friend and movie buff. She was many times. First I have to pull my hat off to every member of any coast guard unit on this planet (Mountain rescue and other similar groups too, of course). Finally your efforts were recognized and honoured with a realistic and noble movie. Yes, realistic. I know a bit about how German coast guard gets trained and works, and it is harder than military basic training. The director, set designers, cameramen, FX crews and all other worked hard to show the problems the rescue swimmers and aviation crews have to deal with on a daily basis. Though I would have liked to see other branches of the coastguard as well (rescue boats, s&r onshore etc.) i understand that the movie had to concentrate on the main characters.

Now we come to the actors, well. If you read my other comments you realize that I am becoming a Costner supporter after a long time hating him (mostly because I was fed up with hearing about "Dances with wolves" all the time). This guy again delivers a strong, credible performance of a low-profile hero. He, as in most of his roles, is really down to earth and just like your next door neighbour. Having the ungrateful part to act opposite him is Ashton Kutcher....Ashton Kutcher? Isn't that the guy who moderated the series "Punk'd"? Whose greatest media success was marrying Demi Moore? Yes, and he acts superbly here. It may be not rewarded with an Oscar, but I believe some of his scenes (the one where Costner confronts him with his past f.e.) are stronger than many Oscar nominated or rewarded actors. Both female roles could have been cut, especially Sela Ward's role. Though it is nice to give the main characters a background, both roles are shallow and not very deep.

Summary: You may have seen this mentor type movies all over and over, but name me a movie today with a fresh idea. At least it is not a really bad remake of a classic like Flight of the Phoenix or the Poseidon movie. I liked this movie a lot. Only points I have to criticize are the female roles and some (only a few) very cheesy lines. All in all, the movie is worth to have the Coast guard logo in it.
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Wonderful teen movie
25 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I write this after watching the movie on German TV. I first saw it somewhat around 1993/1994 and was impressed by it. I had just left my teenager period back then (being born 1974) and could still relate to many issues of it. The story is about a shy kid, new to a small town in the backwoods of Arizona, with no friends. Being a talented writer but too shy to speak openly, he used other ways of expressing himself, utilizing a short-wave emitter to pump his own radio show in the air. He talks about the inhuman politics of the local high school, whose dean was only obsessed with her grade record and not the kids. Many teenager problems get mentioned in this movie, which were important back then and will be as long there are teenagers. The problems of being not understood by the parents or other adults (teachers), the problem of dating, loneliness, homosexuality, free speech and suicide. The movie does not patronize or try to impose any opinion on any of these issues (maybe except suicide). The acting is superb, i count it to be one of the best Slater movies. And the supporting cast is excellent. The obligatory love story is played so sweet and shy that you have to love it. Slater and Mathis fooling around the next day after their first kiss (which is memorable in its own way) is so awkward and sweet like any fresh teen couple.

I only give no full 10/10 because of some bad editing and i find the clothes not always correct to date.
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The Postman (1997)
Uplifting message in a gritty time
13 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let's stop arguing whether this film is true to the book (it is not straying as far as other literature-based movies, but it strays)or if it is ultra-patriotic (I think the main message is just a message of hope and that is universal) or if is underrated or not by the critics.

Let us just look at some points: First and foremost, what drives this movie, the message. Imagine living in a country, torn and devastated by war and plague, not knowing if your relatives or friends are alive or dead. You just live huddled in small hamlets and isolated from the outer world. Naturally that isolated hamlets without hope can be easily dominated by well trained bandits and outlaws. Now imagine someone coming who brings news from other villages. You hear from your sister you believed to be dead, from your daughter, who you did not see the whole time and so on... Suddenly life is not so dreary anymore. "Stuff's getting better, everyday", to quote the movie. People now have hope, and this hope leads to unity, and unity leads to standing up against oppression.#

THAT is the power of the written word, and it is also the main message of the movie. "Stuff's getting better, everyday"

To all other movie parts like acting, directing, photography and so on, I find the movie solid to absolutely awesome in some parts The only thing I am not so happy about is the whole plot about the old ex-soldier. I did not read the book, but I think this character is getting some background and importance there. Here you could cut out all his scenes without missing anything. And though the ambush on the Elvis patrol seems to be his planning, the situation and the whole ambush is such a logical tactical development, that even a former shipping clerk (the postman) could have thought of it.

All in all, i love that this one is a post-apocalyptic themed movie without all the despair and depravity all other movies in this genre have. This is a film about hope and the power of hope, clad in a bit pro-American and sometimes cheesy scenes. I can only recommend the movie.
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Grat book - Great movie!
6 February 2008
First i have to admit, that, even at my advanced age of 33, I still read the book sometimes. It is that good. Uplifting, intelligent and with a real funny tongue-in-cheek style humour. The movie is the same, It takes all the great things you love in the book and turns them into moving (literally and emotionally) pictures on the screen. I remember seeing it 1985 in the cinema, I was 11 years old. Since then I must have watched it every time it airs on German TV.

Now what is to like: First the production. Unlike many Fairy-tale movies where the looks are somewhat glamorous, the looks here are gritty. The bandits are dirty, ill-mannered but soft-hearted. The rooms in the castle are dimly lit and the forest is as much oppressing as it is open and free. The many fantasy creatures are great transformations from their descriptions in the book. Though nowadays you would smile at the FX.

Second, the acting. It is great in the meaning, that you believe every role to be real. It is not spectacular acting of the type that makes you a stage star. One exception: I really love the performance of Allan Edwall who clearly overshadows each other performance acting-wise. The two kids, always a tough casting, perform really well, even in the more mellow scenes.

All in all, this movie creates such a great atmosphere, that it is one of my all time favourites. I see it now as a father, so I can feel what my father must have felt, when watching it with me. And this movie is as enchanting to me now as to my daughter.

The only reasons I gave a 9/10 is that I do want to distinguish it from my only 10/10 vote for "tri oriosky pro popelku", another great family movie.
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Love Actually (2003)
A movie as great, unbelievable and corny as love, actually!
5 February 2008
Well, first to all who find this movie is! It is as unrealistic as two grown humans (knowing the statistical rate of failed marriages, the average divorce costs, the trouble coming with living together...) falling in love with each other.

That said, I may continue. This movie shows us that love is all around us. And this message it delivers loud and clear. I will not analyze each of the many plot lines, I will just say, that each contains one or several aspects of love. Though some may be corny and exaggerating, you have to admit that each contains a bit of truth. I for myself can give you examples for each and every scene from around my circle of friends. One plot line in particular is the one concerning Karen (Emma Thompspn) and Harry (Alan Rickman). Many find that this episode only shows the effects of getting your love broken, but it shows too: the love of a friend (Karen to Daniel after his wife's funeral), the love of a mother (the deleted scene with the "Horrible Bernard"), the love of a sister (to the Prime Minister).

A great movie with great acting, though as a German viewer, I didn't know many actors before this movie.The actors really carry the movie, and I believe that they all had a great time on the set.

This movie is a real uplifting experience, which should be shared by all. Watch it in company of your friends, watch it with your beloved, watch it alone ....but watch it!
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Funny Bones (1995)
Brilliant film, a cult classic!
5 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After reading most of the comments on this film, I feel relieved. When I saw it the first time in cinema, I really liked it, so I persuaded some friends o see it too. They were disappointed. All others I talked to about this film were not liking it too. I thought I may be the only one to find it a brilliant, deep movie but here I find more of my kind.

What makes the movie so outstanding in my opinion, is the fact that it is none of Hollywood's favourite fact it can't even be categorized to one genre or two. Adding to it there is no small criticism about today's comedy and entertainment culture and how our modern society treats people not fitting in so well.

All this is wrapped in a more than bizarre story about some mystic elixir hidden in wax eggs,french mariners, American comedians, family secrets, a long lost glamorous time of vaudevillian entertainment and two guys on the search of their role in life.

One is Tommy Fawkes (Oliver Platt) the rising star of stand up comedy, son of a comedy great. Overcome with self doubt and after getting his spotlight stolen by his father, he begins looking for the heart of comedy in Blackpool, England. Many may not know this, but Blackpool, like Brighton, was once the center of cabaret and varieté culture in England. Platt delivers a great performance (I should say as often, because that he does) as the self-doubting comedian, who thinks he cannot be funny anymore.But what he lacks in comedian talent, he has in social talent. He is a natural leader and charismatic person.

Then there is Jack, a guy who is born to a family of entertainers, too. He is a natural comedian, in such an extreme that he cannot interact with society on a normal level. He has somewhat of a dark past, but that gets apparent during the movie. Jack is played by Lee Evans, and this boy is FABULOUS! Look at his Radioman performance and tell me you did not laugh...i call you a liar.

Both actors are surrounded by a more than strong supporting cast including Jerry Lewis, Leslie Caron and Oliver Reed.

Together with its almost hauntingly sublime and beautiful cinematography this film becomes a very clever and deep movie about character development.

My advice: Rent it, see it and make your own opinion. You may be disappointed, since this is not a movie for everyone. But if you like it, you will appreciate it the more.
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Seabiscuit (2003)
Corny, predictable, flat and just simply wonderful!!!
1 February 2008
Yes, you read my summary right. Viewed objectively the story is like any other sports underdog story. Many lines (especially Charles Howard) are so corny you almost cannot believe it. And though the characters are brilliantly played and have nice background, they are not very deeply detailed.

But...and this is a serious but, this movie made me watch it over 20 times now, 5 times in the cinema alone. Why is that?

My guess is its beauty. This movie reminds me in its slow pace and wonderful scenery of some Robert Redford or Clint Eastwood movies. The pace really brings out the shots and thus even contains the corny dialogs in a sense where you can hear them and they fit.

Then there is, almost as a contrapunction, the fast and wonderfully shot race scenes.

Another reason may be the acting. I would not say that Bridges or Maguire or Cooper deliver performances never to be topped, but they are their characters and you believe in them. That is what an actor should do. Apart from the three leads I always was enraptured by Elizabeth Banks, who fills her role with only a few lines to say. And a surprise for me was to hear that Gary Stevens, the actor of George Wolfe, wasn't an actor at all but a professional jockey. He delivers a great performance for an amateur.

Then there is the nice collage of still photographs of the depression era overlaying the narration by McCullough, which is just great. m

All in all this is one of the movies of my collection that will be watched over and over again.
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My yearly staple of pure happiness
6 December 2007
I was raised with this film as long I can remember. I remember first seeing it at age 6 visiting my grandmother. Since she lived near the border to east Germany, we could watch east German TV at her home. I instantly fell in love with this fairy tale. Later the movie became a regular Christmas staple on German television so I could see it all over and over. Growing up i admit to have fallen in love with the actress of Cinderella, as every boy who watched this movie would admit to also. I never found any big flaw in this movie. Maybe the special effects are not up to date to modern 50+ million dollar productions, but you have to consider that it was created in 1973 and in Czechoslovakia to boot. The acting is great in every aspect, maybe a bit overdone sometimes but better then in many American blockbusters. The conversion of the fairytale is not based totally on the Grimm's tale Cinderella, but more on the regional bohemian version. To that it clings very good. And what I really love are the buildings and landscapes....they are really authentic, something I miss in fairy tale movies shot in America, but they clearly don't have the ages-old castles and mansions.

I give this movie a 10 out of 10 which I don't do lightly. Every time I watch this masterpiece it brings back my youth, more than any other movie.
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Very entertaining movie, despite the many critics
19 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it's time to make a stand for this gem of a sports movie. Many have criticized its non-surprising plot, its football scenes and the accent. I want to say I have to defend and protect this movie from such attacks. 1) The Plot: Hey it is a sports movie and I have never seen a movie of this genre which is not 100% foreseeable. After all, the fact that here David does not win against Goliath may be considered a relatively fresh idea in a genre, where it is usually exactly the opposite.

2) The football: I come from Germany, a country where they love football (especially me). Of course the movie shows only clips from the games. Hey there are 4 cup and 3 championship matches covered in this movie. Of course they could not be showed in full length (The final game alone would be 130 minutes plus the penalty shootout). The scenes shown are not better or worse than those you see in any match summary on sports TV., so it feels realistic

3) The accent: I think I have read in the IMDb that Robert Duvall is an American why arguing over his accent? Of course he sounds from real phony in the early shot scenes to almost nailing it in the later ones, but all in all he does a better job at sounding like a Scotsman than many other actors who tried and failed before (esp. Mel Gibson in Braveheart). More important is his acting and in that Duvall delivers a brilliant performance. He very reminds me of my great uncle who is a football trainer in Elgin, Scotland.

That to the most criticized aspects. In short, I love this movie for its realism (and such David Goliath myths happen in football, believe me) and love for detail. So I advise everyone to watch this with an open mind. The film is neither a realistic documentary about football nor is it an epic sports drama, but it never aspired to be one...

My tip: rent it and watch could do worse.
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Padre Speranza (2002 TV Movie)
Nice and compelling TV-production
9 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this movie on DVD, because I am a big Bud Spencer Fan and want a complete collection. I did never expect much from this, so I was very happy, to be more than satisfied.

Spencer plays a somewhat renegade catholic priest, with strong concerns about lower-class youth. He is transferred to a small parish in Sicily, where his main task is as a priest in a youth prison. When a murder happens in the prison and a 16 year old boy seems to be guilty, the padre starts his investigations. Together with the commissar and the attorney he struggles with the fear of the common people and the local crime lords.

The plot is not the most original or creative, but it is solid and, after every aspect is known, without huge loopholes.The few action scenes are realistic and not overblown. Even the three small fistfights Spencer gets into are just small and short. The only drawback is, that the story seems to be hurried. You think all the investigation takes just 3 days, while it is much longer. Some footage of normal life would fill these gaps, but that's the problem of every TV-production.

It is not the most clever or exciting thriller, but it is good and solid TV-Craftsmanship, and never claims to be more. The acting is quite good, especially the young actors.

I will not advise that you have to buy this movie, though you could do worse, but if you have the chance to see it on TV or by video rental, do it. You will not be disappointed.
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The Headsman (2005)
Very good acting - great story
25 April 2007
I love historical films, even the bad ones. But this movie is one of the best. It hits the dark and depressing atmosphere in the shadow of the all-mighty catholic church well. The acting is on a high level by all actors, especially Coaster-Waldau and McDonald. Coaster-Waldau seems to be getting more and more to a main actor in movies. After seeing him alongside Bettany (another shooting star) in Wimbledon and Firewall, I was expecting a lot. And I was not disappointed. But I was most surprised by McDonald, never heard of him before, and his acting as a troubled prior torn between his duty and friendship.

So if you want to see a great movie set in the middle-ages, buy or rent both "The Reckoning" and "The Headsman".
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Very intelligent and subtle
24 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First I have to state, that I'm a great fan of thrillers, especially one containing a clever conspiracy (You know how rare it is to find a CLEVER conspiracy in movies). This is one of my favourites. I like the whole cast, especially Patrick Stewart who delivers a great (I think one of his best) performance as the slightly cracked CIA psychiatrist.

The Conspiracy in this movie is not a world threatening or out to gain world domination. It is a former CIA project to train the perfect killer. Now the psychiatrist responsible for this project has gone renegade and uses his killers for the most bidding.

Jerry is a NY taxi driver and like any of them a little bit crazy. He is a firm believer in his many conspiracy theories. Somehow he seems to stumble over something, because suddenly he is targeted by CIA kidnapping and murder attempts. His sole ally in some way is district attorney Alice Sutton, the woman he loves more than anything. She's the daughter of a murdered judge.

During the movie are many escape scenes in which Jerry almost every time succeeds due to clever planning and weird genius.

I like that, though containing many action scenes, there is not a lot of over the top shooting and exploding going on. Most action scenes are escape based involving running, hiding and driving.

Add to this the superb cast, the clever plot and some crazy (but agreeable) conspiracy theories and you know why I gave this movie 8/10 stars. My advice: Rent it, buy it, watch it!
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Great Viking Fantasy
26 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Yeeeaaah!...This is definitely one of my Top 5 Favourites. Why? OK lets expound. First, the camera and editing. It's fabulous in my opinion. Fast paced, but not too fast,with great scenic shots. I don't like the modern MTV-Style of editing with its fast cuts and sweeps. I like it a bit more subtle. And this is done here. The scene at the watchtower for example, esp. the moment when the camera lingers a moment on Banderas, when he is looking for the mist. Great! Second, the scenery and production design. These guys should be very proud. Apart from one type of armor (Helfdane the fat), which is a bit too modern (It looks like a Spanish Conquistador-Armor), all look very neat and stylish (As a Live-role-player I have to say, I envy Bullwyf for his cloak). The weapons look real and authentic too. The buildings in the village and the great hall look like original replicas they have in Scandinavian museums. Third, the cast. Perfectly cast through all roles. My personal favourites are Diane Venora as the Queen, Sven Wollter as King Hrothgar and Kulich as Bulwyf. But all the others deliver peak performances. Last but not least is the script. I read the book "Eater of the dead" before I saw the movie. I liked the story and used it in several P&P RPG-sessions but after the film...whoooah. They took all, that is possible to put in the movie and made that movie. Personally, I rate the movie better than the, not better, more entertaining, since the book is more of a documentary.
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Quite entertaining, isn't it.
25 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First to say, I like it, but.... ...there are some details I can't quite forgive. Though there are many liberties taken with the original book (the whole Siam and China Episodes,the Vanderbilt yacht etc.), I'm mostly concerned with the figures of Passepartout and Fix. The first seems to me to be too much comic relief and less substance. The Passepartout in Verne's book isn't as fixated on women as Idle's character. Additionally, Idle's acrobatics don't look like the moves of a circus artist, which Passepartout is. The second character striking me as odd is Ustinov as Fix. From Verne's book you get the image of a dedicated, well-trained and resourceful detective who is only hindered by the necessity of an arrest warrant.He certainly isn't the whining, moping, overweight fellow as he appears in the movie. Don't get me wrong. I like both actors' work, especially Ustinov's, but I think of it as inappropriate and not in conformity with the book. Aside from this, you can do nothing wrong in watching this movie, especially with children.
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Sumo Bruno (2000)
Underrated German movie with a BIG star
20 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is REALLY the most underrated German movie of the last years. It centers around the first Amateur World championship outside Japan in Riesa, Germany. Riesa is, like many formerly East German areas, a very poor city with high unemployment rate and so on. In these circumstances Bruno Nestroy, unemployed railway worker and "a bit" overweight, is talked by his scoundrel friend (Oliver Korittke) into participating in the upcoming championship. They get a trainer, a German who owns a Japanese restaurant and wants to be Japanese, and marvelously qualify. By the way, Bruno overcomes his self-doubt and shyness and gets a girlfriend (also somewhat of a lovable loser, but with a strong will).

The story may sound a bit flat and simple, but the director made it working and, along with the wonderful acting (esp. Korittke and Orbeyi), makes a wonderful movie. But the thing what fascinates me most, is the eye for detail. The people, down to the smallest part, are casted as if they were taken just out of real life, like it is in Riesa and other German cities. The warm and human tax collector, the superficial and insensitive bodybuilding disco owner, the slightly off-worldly bank manager and so on. Even the stand where the two main characters always seem to eat sausages and fries is like any you find here. This grounding in reality makes the film so extraordinary.

The Sumo is good, as expected by a movie where the Amateur World champion is the fight trainer and choreographer. He even plays a small part as the other German fighter in the final championship. Also that many other Sumotori were participating gives the movie another level of authenticity.

All in all, if you like human and character driven movies, understand a bit German (I don't know how good any translation will be), try to look for this movie. It is worth every second spent watching.
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