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Disturbing doc shows the danger of pathological dishonesty
2 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary puts a magnifying glass on one of the biggest challenges faced by civil society today: the extent to which online media platforms make money by spreading scandalous lies over the heads of innocent people. How pathological liars like Alex Jones are able to benefit from dishonesty for a decade before two juries finally punish him for his evil acts.

Watching Alex Jones lie under oath is extremely disturbing. The documentary seems to draw the conclusion that money is Jones' only driver. But watching Jones' testimony, it became obvious to me that Jones' behavior is pathological. As the end credits rolled I was wondering why his lawyers didn't make him plea mental insanity.

Just as disturbing is the epilogue that mentions that InfoWars still broadcasts in March 2024 despite Jones' record breaking verdicts.

I found the documentary revealing while at the same time leaving it up to the viewer to judge what they think of Jones. I felt it could have touched even more on the dangers of InfoWars' lies to society as a whole - this doc clearly focused on the Sandy Hook story only.

For me the doc served as a reminder that pathological liars pose an extreme danger to society. It makes me fear the worst considering the role that AI will undoubtedly have in enabling even more powerful messaging platforms. How can democracies legislate to keep such tools out of the hands of pathological liars and obvious narcissists like Jones and Trump, Perhaps AI can one day be used to detect and warn against these obviously sick people.
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5 September 2023
Like few other movies, this one represents things I have always disliked about humanity. And just like I cannot stand sadism in the horror genre, this movie disgust me for being an expose of the British class system that should never have existed in the first place.

Yes, the acting is impeccable. But I cannot stand these humans no matter how well they are portrayed, sorry. Perhaps this movie served its purpose for me by reminding me of why I disliked England from when I first visited when I was a child. And perhaps, at 57, I needed a reminder that I should not revisit English period dramas. These people are simply not my cup of tea and I derive zero pleasure from watching them.

I made it through the first hour and that was enough torture.
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Mulan (2020)
Squandered potential
5 September 2023
This could have been so much more than just a pretty-looking picture. A very pretty looking picture based on a cool well known story. But with a result that is ultimately boring.

It could have had a great score. But instead it has background music that hardly fits the scenes.

It could have had soul. But instead we get a boringly-edited movie with a sequential story that we already knew.

I am disappointed about such a waste of potential. The lead actors weren't even so bad. Maybe this is what happens when a director or producer is uninspired. Or was it the Covid period during which this movie was finished.
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A really good remake
27 March 2023
I saw this as a free invite to the cinema by my bank in Sweden. A Swedish audience that clearly loved this remake of the Swedish movie "A Man Called Ove". I think this American version was tastefully done. It gets across the emotions of the original.

I actually liked some things better in this modern take on the story, such as the music. I thought that the choice of Kate Bush' "This Woman's Work" for one of the emotional scenes was perfect. I also loved the female lead character. And while I feared that the lead role wouldn't work outside the Swedish context, I cannot but compliment Tom Hanks on this excellent performance.

I disagree with some reviews that say that this movie is overly PC. It really isn't different from the original. I found the replacement of a gay character for a trans character entirely appropriate to make this version feel a bit more up to date. Even most of the U. S. is beyond the point that homophobia is much of an issue anymore, but transphobia clearly still is.

Overall, this movie holds up very well on its own. I've seen the Swedish original twice and rated it 8/10. I liked this version at least as much. I'm a European but to dismiss this as a "cheap Hollywood ripoff" is all-too-common pretentious nonsense, imo. Yes, there are American remakes of movies that are garbage. But this definitely isn't.

The story is heartwarming, got most of the Swedish audience to laugh out loud, and there were sincere tears as well. Recommended.
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Pinocchio (2019)
Dark, magical and incredibly beautiful
8 March 2023
Wow. This is now my favorite Pinocchio. Having recently seen the great version of Pinocchio by Guillermo del Toro, I started watching this Matteo Garrone version on a streaming service out of mere curiosity. In Italian with subtitles. And I am blown away.

The cinematography is amongst the most beautiful I've ever seen. The characters and creatures are magical, dark, scary, tragic, joyous, heartwarming. I was just skipping back through it. Seldom have I seen a movie with so many memorable scenes where I start watching and have the immediate urge to indulge again. I'm definitely going to buy this on UHD blu-ray.

The acting is good. I liked the facial expressions in Pinocchio that made him cold (as a marionet) yet lovable and sad at the same time.

I haven't felt like this after seeing a movie in quite a while. What a beautiful adventure and what an amazing cinematic achievement. Bravo.
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A good thriller with a message about homophobia
16 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this thriller. It was interesting to see one made in Romania. Unlike what some others wrote, with only a few cringeworthy moments I thought the acting overall was fine. I especially thought characters Filip and his foster mother were portrayed quite well.

Production values and music were fine too. The story gripped me for the full four episodes. Well done.

I don't usually write reviews with spoilers, but here I think it is necessary. So stop reading now if you don't want to know about the sad aspects of the gay story line.

I thought that the love story between the two boys was realistic. As were their struggles, considering this plays in an obviously homophobic country. The way that their parents and foster parents reacted broke my heart. As a man who has gone through similar heartbreak twice I can say that these parents (and the homophobic culture in countries like Romania) scar kids for life. The kind of damage that is done to LGBTI youth by treating them as deviants is huge.

Hopefully countries like Romania will throw off the primitive past over the coming decades like western countries did. The reminder of how things also used to be in western European countries was very painful to watch. Come on people. This is 2022 and life doesn't need to be this way. LGBTI kids deserve to have love in their lives just like anyone else.
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Visuals only isn't enough
15 January 2023
The visuals were as great as I hoped. I saw it in Dolby Cinema 3D. It's beautiful and the Atmos sound great. Still, for the next Avatar I'll opt for IMAX again because this movie really benefits from the extra large screen.

But beyond the visuals and sound I was disappointed. I'm not someone whose typically bothered by bad dialogue, but in this movie it stuck out. I was also disappointed in the musical score. No finesse, no goosebumps.

Finally, the pacing needed more contrast. The scenery is beautiful but for dramatic impact I wish the movie slowed down a bit more between the action scenes. Where Denis Villeneuve succeeded for me (in Blade Runner 2049 and Dune), here I even found myself bored during the final.
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Gorgeous thrill ride with nice references to the original
9 January 2023
I actually loved watching this (extended edition on UHD Blu-Ray). A very solid 8/10 with a few scenes I'd rate even higher. I certainly think this movie is way better than the IMDb rating suggests.

Cinematography is awesome. This is an adventure movie and I liked the totally different environments.

The story is simple but fine for me. Acting is solid and the return of so much of the original cast was heartwarming to me. Even some of the humor had been missing in the prior sequels.

More than the original this is an action movie with elements you might expect in Mission:Impossible. Purists may not like that, but it worked for me.

This is definitely my favorite of the three Jurassic World movies.
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I can't rate this - memories of teenage hours wasted
5 February 2022
Art cannot and should not be forced onto people. Those who love this: I'm happy for you. But I always hated Shakespeare.

This movie, of which I managed to watch 10 minutes, reminds me of why literature class in high school disgusted me so deeply. I would sue my school for making me suffer through this pretentious language. Even if I understand the meaning or story, at 55 I still cannot care less.

No beautiful cinematography, sound production, directing or acting can stop my profound disgust.
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Beautiful. Up to date message. IMAX not needed.
9 December 2021
Spielberg's updated West Side Story certainly succeeds in staying true to the original. With hugely updated sound and image quality of course. I was surprised that Spielberg opted for a totally classical rendition of the music - the orchestral arrangements sound quite traditional... almost as if Bernstein himself was directing.

While some of the more romantic scenes are extremely sweet (in places almost cringe worthy for today's standards), I was impressed that the fighting scenes were more powerful (and thus impactful) than I remembered from the original. And the story is definitely still as relevant today, perhaps even more so. I think that's what I loved most about the remake. The anti-racism/xenophobia message is not "in your face" (and I expect won't bother the anti-woke crowd), but I imagine it is hard for anyone to leave this movie and not to think about the ridiculousness of the animosity between the two gangs who really have so much in common. Well done Steven Spielberg. And I thought the acting was fine all around, I can't agree with other reviewers who were unhappy with the two lead actors.

I saw the new West Side Story in a laser IMAX theater in Paris (in English of course). The music mix was awesome and sound quality was great with beautiful clear instrument positioning, as was cinematography and choreography. To my eyes, picture quality wasn't entirely up to IMAX standards. I felt there was a lack of clarity and sharpness, especially during the many moving and panning shots. If you go see it in IMAX, I'd recommend sitting in the back of the theater. But this is a movie that I would have happily seen in a regular theater as long as it has a great sound system.
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Settlers (2021)
Good movie, bad reviews
30 October 2021
Too many people on this app rate a movie down for it not being their cup of tea. Too bad. In such a case, it's better not to rate at all.

I found this movie well done. Sure, it's slow. But also beautifully shot. The acting was good. The music matched the atmosphere well. And there was a continuous tension. And the story is cool. Well done to the producers.

I would have rated this 7/10 had it not been for the terrible reviews. 8/10 to bring up the undeserved low average.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Going down...
29 October 2021
I really wanted to like this. And the first episode gave me hope. But in episode four the acting (with few exceptions), script and editing became almost unbearably bad. I'm in the middle of episode five now and I'm at a loss how an interesting sci-fi story with an obvious budget can be implemented this amateurishly. We're not in the sixties anymore. Is this only supposed to be consumed by children?

Come on. At least make the clothes look like they weren't taken from a store rack 5 minutes ago. And the makeup on the characters who look like they just had lunch at McDonalds.

I seldom write negative reviews. But this is just so disappointing. You can do better than this.
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It's a Sin (2021)
Anther movie full of stereotypes
12 March 2021
I admit: I stopped after one episode, which I found cringe-worthy. I don't like rating movies for political reasons, but here I can't help it. If this is a truthful depiction of the "gay scene" in the 1970ies, then I'm glad I was still solidly in the closet as a teenager then.

It took another decade or two for me to discover that the majority of gay people does NOT behave like this bunch of promiscuous stereotypes. Perhaps the prevalent homophobia in those days caused it. But I don't enjoy being reminded of that gay scene that I avoided then and still feel zero association with today.

People have every right to be themselves and do what they want. But many of the 10-star reviews are just pushy. Not giving in to this scene is perfectly ok, too.
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Dit zijn wij (2019–2020)
The original is unbeatable
1 March 2021
I'm a huge fan of This Is Us, which gripped me from the first episode and hasn't let me go. The American series is amongst my all time favorite tv shows. Not in the least because the story line really does reflect a part of American culture that I recognize from my three years there. Which is probably why "Dit zijn wij" doesn't work as well as the title for the Dutch series.

Given the difference in US and Dutch cultures, I was actually surprised by how well the story lines translated. And the story of This Is Us is great. But despite the commendable effort, the Dutch language script still sounds unnatural in many places.

I watched the Dutch series through episode 4 and would rate it 7/10 when considered as a stand-alone series. I found the acting pretty good for Dutch standards and I was actually moved in some places. But here, again, This Is Us is in a league of its own. The hospital gynecologist in the Dutch series was ok, whereas in the US he was amazing. The same goes for Edgar's birth father: the Dutch actors are pretty good, but the American actors blew it out of the park.

The Netherlands is a tiny country. A character moving away to Antwerp simply isn't the same as moving between the West and East coasts in the US. And daily life in the Netherlands isn't as photogenic. The different decades weren't as easily recognizable to me (even though I lived in the Netherlands until 2013). I also didn't like the music score as much as I did the original one.

I guess as a stand-alone series I can recommend this to a Dutch audience but only to those who haven't been in the US. For everyone else, the US series is way better.
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Cosmos (I) (2019)
Great low budget movie
8 June 2020
I saw this on Hulu without knowing anything about the story and was glued to my TV for two hours. I love this kind of slow science fiction. Yes, the score and some of the storylines about the men are overly dramatic. But I loved the slow pace and the buildup to the unexpected discovery.

One of the best low budget films I've seen. I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea, but in my opinion people shouldn't give this low ratings only because they don't like slow science fiction.
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The Lion King (2019)
Such a shame
1 April 2020
The new Lion King has a few moments of genius and the best animal animation that I've ever seen. But it is let down by pacing mistakes and sub par orchestration.

The images in this movie are so gorgeous and the animal behavior (especially the facial expressions in the lions) so realistic, I hugely enjoyed the movie despite flaws that I feel could have been relatively easily avoided. It seems that this was a work of love for the animators but somehow the whole was off. Great to hear James Earl Jones again. Pumbaa and Timon were great. I loved the new Simba's hair scene. But why rush over the love scene and some other buildup moments that made the original so great.

I also feel that Hans Zimmer missed the mark on the score. I find it wonderous how he succeeds in making an orchestra sound like a collection of electronic instruments. It's not super bad necessarily, but it doesn't match the original in warmth and depth. This soundtrack is nowhere near as good as some of Zimmer's other scores.

Such a shame. The first-rate (did I say: awesome?) animation and some moments of wonder made this an above-average 8 for me. But with more love this could have so easily become a 9 or 10.
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Grease (1978)
Bad memories confirmed
23 March 2020
I'm 53 now so I was 12 or 13 when this was a huge hit in the Netherlands. While I liked some of the songs, the movie didn't attract me then. And the kids who liked it somehow seemed shallow to me then. Well, it's 40 years later and the 4K version was a pretty cheap stream so I figured I'd finally watch it.

There are few movies that I've ever rated below 4. But this is an utter piece of drivel to me. It may have been intended to be a parody on the 50ies (was it?) but jeez. What a collection of dumb empty kids. Perhaps people who'd enjoying watching Brad Kavanaugh drink brewskis with his sexist bully friends are fans, but for me this a great reminder of why I hated the stereotypical teenage years. Boy am I glad that the idiotic backwardness that was still prevalent in the 50s-70s will never come back.

Two stars for some decent musical-style music. But I would have rather not seen this. I expected I might have liked it now but no... my kid gut feelings haven't changed.
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World on Fire (2019–2023)
A soap, but a really good one about good versus evil
30 October 2019
I've seen 4 episodes and am positively surprised by the good production values and acting. I especially like the portrayals by Sean Bean and Helen Hunt.

WW2 history may be grossly simplified, but I am totally fine with that. This is not a realistic WW2 battle depiction like Band Of Brothers, but rather a magnifying glass on the ethics of war and the evils of Nazism, racism, homophobia as well as the limitations of pacifism, the stupidity of class boundaries and a critique of sexism. It's also interesting to see the war from a Polish perspective.

Is it politically correct? Absolutely. But in this time of truth-defying and humanist-busting populism, watching this show is hugely refreshing. Those who have a problem with PC seem to be the same question able types that would condemn Greta Thunberg for putting a simplified magnifying glass on climate change.

As Greta reminds us of the importance of science, this series reminds me of that discrimination and Nazism are absolutely and resolutely unacceptable. And that these despicable traits do not exist only on one side of country borders.
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Just Charlie (2017)
Believable and profoundly moving
1 October 2019
This is one of those movies that I saw on streaming without ever having heard of it. I am so glad I watched it. The story is believable and I found the acting superb. This certainly deserves a higher rating than its current 6.9: please don't tell me people rate this movie so low because of transphobia.

Knowing a transgender person myself, I think the feelings portrayed in this movie are absolutely realistic. As are some of the shocking (and fortunately sometimes heartwarming) reactions by people. Oh how I wish every child and every parent saw this movie.
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18 December 2018
I thought that this could have been great, but too many aspects of this movie let me down. The kid playing Mowgli wasn't likeable and, sorry to say, a bad actor. Some of the cgi animals had more believable facial expressions. I also disliked that the voices all sounded like they were coming straight from a vocal booth. The acoustics of voices in the jungle simply wasn't right. And then the orchestral score. Where it was perfect in movies like the Lord of the Rings, here it was just weak.

Some of the production values were there. The cgi was uneven but great at times. I didn't mind the dark story. But overall I found this a poor B movie.
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Roma (2018)
Left me cold
17 December 2018
I went into this movie with great expectations after seeing the wonderful trailer. But I ended up hugely disappointed.

The cinematography and sound mix were impeccable. The staging seemed realistic. The story even had its dramatic moments. And yet the movie left me cold.

Visual movies like "The Tree Of Life" and "Baraka" move me to tears every time I see them. I think what I missed in Roma was a gripping score and a story arc. I felt like I was watching a documentary without a purpose. And while much of the black and white cinematography was beautiful, I think HDR color could have made the movie look stunning. And I feel color would have contributed to painting a realistic image of Mexico City in the seventies.

I was ready to be stunned. But for me, Roma wasn't enough. It did not grip me. I will not watch this movie again.
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22 July (2018)
Important telling, hard to watch, restrained, great acting
11 December 2018
Sometimes the message of a movie is more important than its details. After reading some negative reviews based on details and seeing an overall low rating, I just have to write a review in disagreement.

To me, "July 22" is important, in the same way Schindler's List is important. This history needs to be told and seen by every living human being. I found July 22 even more sobre and factual (and less emotionally manipulative) than Spielberg's masterpiece. The shock of the terror was heightened by the matter-of-fact way July 22 was filmed. Yes, this is what a summer camp is like. Yes, these were normal, innocent families. Yes, the contrast between this outrageous act and peaceful daily life in Norway came accross very well to me.

I actually liked the decision to have the Norwegian actors speak English. This is how a Norwegian person would speak to you if you're not Norwegian. I understand that this might be a negative for a Norwegian audience, but to me (Dutchman living in Sweden) it enhanced my feeling of being involved and equal. In other words: this movie made the Norwegian drama hit home for someone who's never even been to Norway. Does it make it less realistic? Perhaps. But I feel the point that the movie makes is a universal one. And English makes the message the more accessible.

I found the acting outstanding. The music was restrained but hit the atmosphere and emotion perfectly.

I decided to rate this 9/10 instead of 10/10, simply because this was a hard watch and therefore I can't rate it as one of my favorite all-time movies. But disregarding the sheer evil of the subject matter, I found this movie truly excellent and I can't recommend it more highly. Especially because the movie succeeds in showing how absolutely un-Norwegian the views of the white supremacist terrorist really are.
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Brilliant and disappointing at the same time
20 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have seldom had such strong, but also mixed feelings about a movie. There were aspects that I disliked, but they were ultimately outweighed by the things that I found absolutely brilliant so I think the rating of 8 is well deserved, especially because movies that handle gay love respectfully are still way too rare.

I think the overall "carpe diem" message of the film was wonderful. I loved and was moved to tears by the monologue by the father in which he tells his son what too many parents would not. I also thought the acting by the boy could not have been better. I have never seen a more impressive and realistic end titles scene than this. I also adore that this movie realistically shows that love is not only beautiful but also true at 17, regardless of age gap. Gay or straight does not really matter.

Where the movie disappointed me is in the way the relationship was built up and how both characters betrayed their own feelings (which rang unreal to me). I understand the struggle of the man to hide his feelings, but very little of that showed. I was also hugely disappointed in the ease by which the man flirted with the girl. I personally find it hard to believe that someone would betray a current love that way. Similarly, I found it unbelievable that the boy would make out with a girl on the very day his dream might come true. And then the way that the man announces his marriage and having had an "on and off" relationship. That ultimately made me feel that the man's love wasn't as sincere as the rest of the story made it out to be. And thus that the relationship might have been manipulative after all.

But then again, perhaps that was the objective... to show that life flashes by and that even this imperfect beauty is worth every moment and too often shut out. In the end, the movie left me feeling deeply sad. Perhaps especially because it touched home with me, having experienced an impossible love at the same age.
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Atmospheric and dreamy with beautiful soundtrack
5 February 2018
I'm surprised this movie doesn't have a higher rating. While I didn't like the makeup and voice of the monster and thought the movie might have been better without it, I liked the mix of fantasy and reality. I saw the plot twist coming a bit early, but that didn't detract from my enjoyment. The narration from the kid's perspective was fine. I always love it when a story doesn't assume a child is stupid and adults are know-it-alls. I definitely felt empathy for the kid.

What I liked the most was the soundtrack, which really carries the movie. I'm a huge Patrick Watson fan and I hope he'll get the opportunity to make many more soundtracks.

I had some flashbacks to The Sixth Sense (which admittedly is a better movie overall). It also had a dreamy, melancholic, atmospheric quality to it and I think lovers of M. Night Shyamalan-style mystery will definitely enjoy this movie too.
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Perfect mix of futuristic scenery, engrossing soundscapes, drama, action and melancholy
13 November 2017
I've now seen BR 2049 two times: First in IMAX and then in a Sony 4k theater. Both times, sound was truly fantastic and imagery was breathtaking. This truly is a masterpiece of futuristic cinematography with matching music and sound.

Being a huge fan of the original Blade Runner (especially the Final Cut), I had feared disappointment. But BR 2049 exceeded my wildest expectations. The bleak, rainy atmosphere of future LA from the first movie was rendered beautifully. The landscapes in the other locations was equally awe-inspiring. And the new soundtrack, while somehow understated and perhaps less melodic, reaches a few wonderful climaxes where it reverts back to the original Vangelis themes.

I am also delighted by the slow pace. Finally a science fiction movie that gives me time to take all the impressive imagery in. I was engrossed the whole time.

I loved how BR 2049 expands on the original story line. Answering questions, while adding a new twist that truly makes us think about the meaning and value of artificial life. And then finally there's the delight of seeing Deckard again. Now an old man, scarred by sacrifice and impossible love. And finally, the film's climax grabbed me emotionally just like the original did during the "tears in rain" scene.

For me this is now one of twelve movies I've rated 10/10. Awesome.
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