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Takes me back to late 90s action films
17 March 2010
Sure it's non-stop action, it's predictable, it could never happen, but it never once tries to deny any of that. In fact Bangkok Dangerous embraces it. I enjoyed kicking back and watching Nic Cage do an action movie like this. Thailand serves as a really cool setting and the action sequences are all highly entertaining. I wish he'd get back to doing flicks like The Rock, Face/Off, Gone In Sixty Seconds, etc. One the film's biggest drawbacks is the conclusion of Nic Cages character. The movie seems very influenced by The Professional and The Replacement Killers (though not quite as good). I'd recommend this film to someone who wants a 90 minute adrenaline rush that isn't looking to be overly critical. It definitely had a Hong Kong action feel which is a major plus.
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Only for the Seagal fan base
17 March 2010
One thing should be made very clear about On Deadly Ground, it's a movie that is not likely to go over well with anyone who's not interested in watching an entertaining Steven Seagal flick. Even then I imagine some of those fans will be turned off by the incredibly bias message against oil companies. Michael Cain played the bad guy well, but the spiritual journey Seagal takes & the bar fight scene come off as being cheesy (and end up hurting the film). The action scenes are enjoyable & the cinematography is quite good. Seagal's environmental speech was not nearly as corny as I expected, but it still felt insanely preachy. On Deadly Ground will likely be a guilty pleasure for any Steven Seagal fan but stay away otherwise.
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Pandorum (2009)
pandorum - 7/10 *spoiler alert*
1 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
sci-fi/horror is like pizza. leftovers taste good, just make sure it has the right ingredients. pandorum is that large you ordered on Friday night that still tastes fresh on Monday. alright, enough of this pizza bs. so the film begins in deep space as the elysium (which holds 60,000 passengers, asleep in hyperspace) makes its way to a planet far beyond our reach called tanis. food and water are running low on earth. this ship acts as a one way ticket so humans will be able to start a new civilization. two men inexplicably wake up and see the ship is experiencing a power failure. they can't find anyone else and they're suffering from memory loss, which is a side effect of hyper-sleep (so they say). one of the men goes to find the reactor and along the way he finds a hottie crew member who says she's been awake for 5-6 months. the discussion doesn't last long because they're interrupted by frightening alien-like creatures who can run on both their hands and feet. they move fast and look damn scary. from here the film goes on to reveal why the creatures are on board, we witness the two characters slowly get their memory back, and we're introduced to the inner workings of the ship. the music suits the movie well. there were many times where the music reminded me of the score for resident evil by marco beltrami and marilyn manson. the ending with the pods popping out of the water along with the shot of the waterfall was fantastic. i often complain about movies not having the balls to end on a grim note, but this time i really wanted our characters to survive. i was happy to see them make it. i rarely see films that ever manage to scare me, pandorum gave me the creeps. i have to give it a little extra respect for that.
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Action Heaven
12 February 2010
Pierre Morel & Luc Besson delivered one of the best action films of the last decade, Taken. Even people who typically despise the action genre were won over by it. So where do Pierre & Besson head from here? They made the move to appeal solely to the action fan base. From Paris With Love is made for genre fans, not your average movie-goer. The first 20 minutes are spent with Jonathan Rhys Meyers and it feels a little slow. Once John Travolta's character comes into the story the film takes off like a roller-coaster. His charisma gives the film an extra kick and it gives much of the action a new flavor. Once the fun starts it doesn't stop. Whenever you think this film is slowing down it's really getting ready for the next shootout. You're on the edge of your seat until the very end. Actually, one of my two complaints is the end (I won't spoil anything). Let's just say the last 5 minutes feel a little rushed. If you loved going to the theater to see Live Free Or Die Hard, Rambo, & Taken than this is for you.
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Dark Blue (2002)
Surprised I hadn't seen this
12 October 2009
Dark Blue was one of those movies I saw the trailer for back when it was first coming out in theaters that I had always wanted to see. For one reason or another I put it off and I eventually forgot about it. Over time some fellow film fans said this was worth watching and deserves a look. Kurt Russell's character is mean and lovable. He's a dirty cop, but we're with him every step of the way. There is a little bit of Training Day in this but one could argue Dark Blue is dirtier and angrier. This is not a typical character for Kurt Russell, and it's one of his best films from the past 10 years. I was surprised I hadn't seen this back when it came out. If you love Kurt, action films, and cop stories than Dark Blue is for you. Overall a good movie.
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The Rock (1996)
Michael Bays best film to date
21 February 2009
The Rock is one of the best action films of the 90's. A great cast, excellent concept, and slick polished look put this movie at the top of its league. This is Michael Bays best film to date (as of now Transformers 2 has not come out, so we'll see if that changes). The cool thing about The Rock is that it manages to win over many who don't care for action movies. It spends plenty of time developing its characters and doesn't rush into things too quickly. The payoff is more than anyone could ask for and there is a decent amount of comedy that doesn't get in the way of the intensity. The Rock is not meant only for the action fan bases but for anyone interested in a quality adrenaline rush.
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Seagal fans will likely be pleased
21 February 2009
I don't know if it's the amount of Seagal I was given or the mood I was in but this movie delivered me an entertaining time and a glimpse at one of his last better films. Steven portrays an EPA agent that comes into a small town to investigate chemical spills and the bad guys who are in on it. Fire Down Below basically ends up being Steven Seagal chit chatting with all the locals (and a shy girl he is falling for) along with beating the snot out of the evil polluters. It's fun to watch Steven do his thing and the movie lets him do just that. There have been past Seagal films that felt like he was only featured in half the flick, in this it plays almost solely to him. It ended up being enjoyable enough to recommend to an action junkie or someone who wants to watch Steven Seagal's watchable movies.
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Sudden Death (1995)
Not his best, although not his worst.
19 February 2009
For me to say that this film is not entertaining and I wasn't enjoying myself would be a complete lie. It was one of the many Die Hard clones that came out (mentioned in other reviews)at it's time. While the film wasn't anything great, it wasn't as bad as Jean Claude Van Damme's later movies. Sudden Death promises Die Hard fans a somewhat decent experience. You'll get plenty of bad guys resembling the Die Hard type along with a nice amount of Van Damme fights. Sudden Death is the perfect film for an action fan bored on a weekend afternoon. It's mediocre but it's passable so just have an idea of what you'll be in for.
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Grindhouse (2007)
Planet Terror - 7 Death Proof - 8 Fake Trailers - 8
9 July 2007
So far Grindhouse has been one of the best films of the year. If you're a huge Rodriguez/Tarantino fan like myself than this is the ultimate experience. The fake trailers were down right hilarious and to be honest I could have watched plenty more. Starting off with the Machete trailer was a smart move. What wasn't a smart move however, was starting the double feature off with Planet Terror. I'm not saying it's a bad movie but it's a 90 minute, guns firing, non stop action, over the top violence, balls to the wall zombie film. What you've done is worked the audience up to be on this drug-like high where they want more fast, funny, adrenaline. Death Proof may be the exact opposite of this. The audience realizes that they have just sat through an hour and a half and that they now have to sit through another hour and a half AGAIN. It's time to get them in gear and make that 3 hour running time feel like 30 minutes. It's a shame too, as I felt that Death Proof was the better of the two. Many others however felt like it had "too much dialog" (it's Tarantino, what do you honestly expect?) and not enough Kurt Russel. Look, in order for us to LOVE Kurt Russel we must be teased by him. Give us a little Kurt here, a little Kurt there, and we'll be dying for more. But who am I to argue that as I would have loved more of his character!? Decide for yourself but this is without a doubt one of the more unique, explosive, and hilarious times you'll have at the movies.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
I enjoyed this just as much as I enjoyed Shaun Of The Dead.
9 July 2007
The boys are back with a new comedy that this time spoofs the action genre. So what are we given? Pretty much the same amount of laughs that Shaun Of The Dead gave us along with some pretty nifty action and gore scenes in the mix. Although I felt that maybe 10-15 minutes could have been shaved off there wasn't too much to complain about. The style felt like it was mocking the modern day Tony Scott. The references to other action movies were hilarious. If you look away from what this movie is trying to do than you might get a little off track. You'll pretty much enjoy this movie it's really just a matter of how much you'll enjoy it. All in all Hot Fuzz brings good laughs.
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Best action film of the summer! Die Hard packs a punch and leaves your adrenaline flowing.
9 July 2007
While many were skeptical about the 4th installment of the Die Hard series I had a feeling that Bruce Willis wouldn't return and tell us it was as good as the first unless he really stumbled upon something special. Before attending the jammed pack midnight showing I read some early reviews that were all looking positive, I had a really good feeling about this movie. As an action fan I have grown to be more and more disappointed with the quality of this genre, so I could only pray Live Free Or Die Hard wouldn't put it to shame. Fast forward. The moment the final credits come up my entire theater gives the film a standing ovation with plenty of cheering. I was so incredibly satisfied with my experience that my only complaint was I couldn't immediately go back for a second viewing. You really have to give action flicks a lot of rope, if you do that with Die Hard 4 it'll blow right past your expectations. What a relief! I had read about the possibility of another Die Hard about 10 years ago, this was well worth the wait! It's also great to see a big scale film that didn't heavily depend on cgi. If you enjoy action movies than this is a MUST see.
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Deja Vu (2006)
Tony Scott has mastered his craft.
11 May 2007
Tony Scott has become a fantastic director during his run in Hollywood doing bigger budget films and cheap shorts. Man On Fire takes a step into an experimental direction that went even further on his next movie, Domino. After Domino Tony could really do anything and have it come out visually stunning. In Deja Vu he takes on the idea of heightened reality with giving a grittier feel to the image and going hand held with plenty of zooms in all the right places. You lose the idea that you're watching a PG-13 film because of this and you get the feeling you're viewing an R rated picture. Like Man On Fire, Deja Vu starts off in one direction and moves quickly into another. It's only every once in awhile that action movies bother to stand out and be different from the heard. Deja Vu dares to do this and succeeds magnificently.
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Strange Days (1995)
A must see for fans of quality sci-fi entertainment!
10 May 2007
If you're sick of bad excuses for sci-fi and are ready for a movie that challenges the audience than Strange Days is for you. One thing you have to appreciate is James Cameron's ability to not only be a fantastic director but also a great writer. His screenplay serves as a marvelous backbone for the film. Director Kathryn Bigelow mimics his style (and does it quite well actually) all in good favor. At times I feel like I'm watching a lost James Cameron film and I'm loving it! There is no doubt in my mind that Strange Days packs one of the best intros among 90's sci-fi films. It did not take long for me to get comfortable with what I was watching. You know you're in good hands within the first 5 minutes.
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Con Air (1997)
Fun 90's action film
7 February 2007
One thing the Hollywood pulled off in the 90's were solid, successful, action films. With an all star cast, fun characters, great comedic relief, a very polished look, and classic action sequences; Con Air is sure to be one ride you won't forget. The only scenes that feel a little too over the top were the door flying right past John Cusack and certain aspects about the ending. When it comes to action movies we are supposed to cut a little slack, so if you do that with Con Air you will come out ready to go back for another viewing. Like I've said before, action movies these days are sloppy and reckless. Con Air soars above today's action films.
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Another reason why every film geek should love Richard Linklater...
7 February 2007
Dazed and Confused is a classic "stoner" comedy but at the same time is a classic comedy. It's one of those films that doesn't get lopped into just the Cheech & Chongs and Fridays but branches out to an entirely new audience that can really appreciate it. I love watching this movie and then thinking to myself how far Richard Linklater has come since. He's still a well respected director who can lure big actors into his independent masterpieces. After watching Dazed and Confused one may often want to get in a time machine and travel back to the 70's, since we can't do this we repeat a viewing. The remarkable thing about this movie is that each time you watch it it actually gets better. You become more familiar with the characters, and suddenly you're incredibly comfortable with them. After a certain point it's as if you're hanging out with the characters, you know them so well. Linklater is a fantastic director who always has amazing characters, Dazed and Confused does not disappoint.
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Breakdown (I) (1997)
What a blast! That's what I call a suspenseful thriller!!!
7 February 2007
Most people I've talked to who enjoyed Breakdown will agree that they are typically hooked right away, solely from the opening credits. This movie signals danger the moment it begins and foreshadows it until reality becomes truly insane for Kurt Russell's character. Breakdown takes place in one of the most empty and deadly environments known to man, the desert. Little to no cell phone reception, an incredibly tiny police force, and a ring of psychotic criminals just make for a nightmare situation. This movie feels similar to a nightmare for that matter, and up to the last second you question the fate of these characters. A true blast, I wish IMDb did the 10 scale with .5's because this is a solid 7.5 / 10
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BASEketball (1998)
Surprisingly hilarious!!
5 February 2007
I must admit I am a big fan of South Park and was expecting Basketball to be funny but nowhere near as good as it turned out to be! I think this is what happens when you mix David Zucker, Matt Stone, and Trey Parker together. This movie has so much replay value and at no point bothers to take itself seriously. The slap stick style humor mixed with Stone and Parker just works flawlessly. The kind of humor present in Basketball was not popular upon the time of it's release and had it come out today it would be a hit. Don't bother trying to be critical, just leave your brain at the door and expect endless laughs to come. Recommended to anyone with a good sense of humor.
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Finally some potential is shown in the action genre!
5 February 2007
While many action films these days are comprised of bad story lines, worthless characters, bad actors, and too much cgi; Assault on Precinct 13 is not. A remake of John Carpenter's classic flick, the new adaptation takes on the basic concept and aims for an updated fun new perspective. Ethan Hawke is a fantastic (and underrated) actor who plays a police sergeant addicted to pain killers with a troubled past. While keeping everyone in line during the hectic night of snipers and explosions he must grow as a person. Very well portrayed. Laurence Fishburne was great to watch no question but he could have had more dialog to play with. At times it was like watching a caged Lion, a great actor with only little bits to work with. You can't deny that watching Ethan and Fishburne pairing up to take on bad guys isn't enjoyable. Sure there are plenty of generic moments throughout the film but action flicks these days are sloppy and lack any depth whatsoever. Assault on Precinct 13 rises above this.
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Clark is back!
18 January 2007
Larry Clark's new film Wassup Rockers covers most of what you expect to see. Of course this is not nearly as heavy as Ken Park, the movie still clearly focuses on the innocence of teen sexuality. There's controversy written all over this story and race separation plays a major theme as well. The true beauty of Clark's films for me has always been his attention to realism. Wassup Rockers feels like it's made by somebody who might be living in South Central during the 2000 era. The fashion (with the hip hop and "rocker" kids) is entirely up to date (just as when Kids came out the attention to this detail was present). Larry Clark is a great director but in all honesty this is not his best work. Why? Pacing trouble. It's not terrible and doesn't defeat the quality and enjoyment but it could have definitely used some work and would have made the film feel a lot more solid.
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