
12 Reviews
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Stolen (2024)
A different tale of Harrassment in Lapland
15 April 2024
A different story about the Harrassment of a community of Sami raindeer herders in Lapland.

The scenery in the movie is beautiful, with the combination of the dramatic lanscape scenes, snow, raindeer and the colourful Sami themselves. I was drawn to the characters here, and their struggle against the surrounding community, the fear of the loss of their historical way of life, and depression amoung some of the main characters relating to their current situation.

It's not an action movie - it's another slow paced story, but very rewarding.

At the time of rating, the movie only has a score of 5.6 out of 10 - it deserves far more than that.
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Great story of 2 Female reporters covering the Boston Strangler
16 March 2024
I was very impressed with this film, which had excellent acting throughout from the entire cast. Every film is different, this is NOT an action movie and should not be marked down by those wanting 'Action', its a great, gritty drama showing the mentally tough and drawn-out investigative side of crimes.

There were two main themes throughout the film, the first being the interesting true story of the investigation of the Boston strangler murders, the second theme the story of 2 Female reporters covering this in the 1960's, with the added pressure of both being mothers to multiple kids and wanting a rewarding career in Journalism.

This isn't just another "females rebelling against the Patriarchy of the times" story - it's subtle and nuanced in different parts, such as the main character finding her elderest daughter's scrapbook of newspaper clippings, and a scene later where she can't handle going inside her own house to face her family. The subtle pressures of being a parent and the pressure on one's partner when you have a professional career (let alone in the 60's) is not in your face, but ever present.

Great job again to Keira Knightley, great in almost everything she does. 8/10 for me, and I hope the present IMDB score of 6.5/10 improves.
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Women at War (2022)
Stunning Series with Great Acting and sets
10 February 2023
This French miniseries was fantastic.

The main characters drew you in from the start, 4 great actresses who made you care what happened to them and whether they would survive. Each of the protagonists had a detailed and interesting storyline

The directors did a great job of showing the chaos of the early months of the war, the French solders only had cloth caps at this point, not helmets - and the front line in the forest was very fluid, all very realistic The beauty of the country and forested Alsace region that they were figting over, combined with the stunning uniforms of both sides and attention to detail provided a great spectacle.

There is a lot more to this series that could be told, please make a series 2!
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Toast of London (2012–2020)
The best UK Comedy show of the last decade
23 October 2021
I'm ecstatic today as I just found out that 'Toast' has been released for a fouth season - This is the best UK Comedy show of the last decade. Great to see people are still prepared to make non-PC comedy, although you would have to try very hard to find this offensive!

All of the Characters are brilliant: Matt Berry - always great, but this is his best role; Robert Bathurst as Ed - Deserves his own show, glad to see return as Toast's flatmate; Ray Purchase - Perfect pantomime villain; Mrs Puchase - great femme fatale; Clem Fandago - Toast's Nemesis: please return!

And all of the famous actors who appear for guest appearances add more great humour. Surely Peter Davidson can come and visit again?

This show got me through lockdown - I've watched each series 4-5 times now and I still get great joy out of each time - the sign of a truly quality show.

Please make series 5 Channel 4!
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Beautiful Movie - Utter perfection
25 September 2021
I know when I'm watching a great movie or a great play - I start to dread the end of it, I feel a great sadness as the end approaches, I want the show to continue...

It's a rare feeling for me for a movie, but this invoked those feelings in me. The movie is utter perfection, the characters, the acting, the artwork, and the ever-elusive original story - this has it all. A great film or novel plants seeds/clues through it, and draws these back throughout the story.

Well done Geoffrey Rusk, one of your greatest performances amoung many, and Donald please never stop acting. Thanks for this work of art.
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The Way (I) (2010)
A Story of Loss and Friendship
25 December 2020
This is a beautiful and moving movie, with a very simple storyline that doesn't try to be too clever. At it's heart, this a story of personal loss and adjustment, as well the simple pleasures of Friendships on the road and how willingly we take strangers into our lives and our hearts when we are travelling and outside our comfort zone.

It made we want to pack my backpack and hit the road again, and certainly made me want to walk the 800km Camino trail through Northern Spain. Great acting by all of the cast, with a special mention to the Dutch Pilgrim, who was such a genuine and honest character. Watch it without interruption and be moved.
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Jonah Hill stole the show
5 September 2020
It's a struggle to find a good movie with a decent story, so this was a nice accidental discovery. I thought the movie was brillantly made, exploring the life of a cartoonist whose cartoons I had seen in the past. Essentially one man's journey to rehabilitation, to deal with a lot of pain in his childhood and recent past, it was moving to see this pain portrayed so strongly. All the actors were great, well written, and with a charismatic cast. Joaquin Phoenix was fantastic and delivered as he always does, but for me it was Jonah Hill who stole the show - who wouldn't want his character to be your spiritual mentor or friend when you are going through a tough time? I was so impressed by Johah's facial expressions and empathy that he portrayed in this character - he was perfect, and it changed my opinion of him as an actor. I'd like to see him reprise a similiar character in another film. Watch this film and be moved.
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Gripping Reality Documentary
7 October 2017
I found this by chance on Amazon Prime and was very impressed with the documentary and style of filming.

Based on factual events whereby one of the Middle Eastern Governments sponsors a group of mercenaries to set up a Somalian anti-pirate force, the documentary shows the whole operation being set up through to the finish with some very interesting real characters and interviews. Watch this and give it a chance, you will be impressed! Hope to see more documentaries like this soon.
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Dreamgirls (2006)
Incredibly Bad
18 June 2007
This movie sucked so much. I am so amazed that 22% of people watching this gave the movie a 10 - were they just sucked in by the fact that it got Oscar nominations (somehow)?

Absolutely nothing of any kind of talent in this movie. John Glover was ordinary, as were all the other actors in this film, including Eddie Murphy, who I always thought was talented before, but he only gave a glimpse when he sang his final song before being sacked by his manager. The Singing was horrible, there were no lessons in life or moral to the story, no need for any thought on the behalf of the viewer, nothing.

Worst movie seen in years, 2 hours of my life wasted!
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Beautiful, powerful charismatic acting
11 March 2007
Kevin Costner very well cast in this baseball movie about a guy in Iowa who is told by a mystery voice to build a baseball field in the middle of his crops.

I am not a baseball fan, but I didn't need to be to love this movie - it could have been about any sport, and it would have been just as powerful, but somehow the baseball choice, with all it's history, seemed very appropriate.

There were a lot of very powerful scenes in this movie, including beautiful, powerful charismatic acting by Ray Liota (easily the best role I have seen him in), and Burt Lancaster, which really choked me up for reasons I can't explain. I would really recommend this film.
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The Limey (1999)
2 March 2007
Every movie you ever watch, at any time, will have a different experience for you depending on where you are, your life experiences and how you are feeling when you watch a movie.

I think if you have ever felt both hate and the love for a family member and the desire to fight for them, along with some knowledge of England, and it's people, you will find this an incredibly done movie. The acting by all the cast is powerful, and the script, with it's flashbacks, characters and twists, will keep you entertained.

And yet for some reason, I found myself feeling very melancholy at the end, having watched the journey of this man, and his own thoughts and conclusions towards the end of the movie, which do not give him the satisfaction he was looking for. Sometimes the things you yearn for don't always satisfy you.

Give the film time, watch it with an open mind, and you find it amazing. The main character is a much deeper man than first appears.
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Blow Out (1981)
Expected More of the movie
22 January 2007
After reading all the great reviews and plot summaries on the movie, I thought it would be great.

But I was really disappointed. Apart from one, small individual twist, I found this very predictable, and very very dated. Some movies age well, and actors performances, such as Michael Caine, never fade. Travolta can be great in some movies, and I don't think this was necessarily his fault - I just thought that the script contained nothing, no flair, no surprises, I was bored half an hour in and nothing changed that.

Nothing at all to recommend on this film - been watching a lot of movies the last 2 weeks, at least 20, and this is easily the worst..
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