
8 Reviews
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D.O.A. (1949)
7 November 2016
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Interesting idea and should have been done better. Poorly written. Pacing very inconsistent throughout. Sequences go on and on, for no good reason, but tighter cutting would have made an already short film even shorter. Often sequences, such as the night-club near the beginning, go on and on and become boring. Likewise the hotel convention goer business is too long and repetitive. The wolf whistle business jerked the viewer out of the film and was a reminder of slip-whistles in Laurel and Hardy films. The Neville Brand (usually a reasonably solid character player) psychotic character is so overdone, as to be laughable. The whole thing gives the impression of being hastily and drastically cut. This is not one of Edmund Obrien's better films. In my opinion, not even close to Siodmaks' "The Killers". Big disappointment. I kept watching thinking it would improve but it never did. An interesting plot idea which should have made a much better film.
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$#*! My Dad Says (2010–2011)
Pathetic show
24 September 2010
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Based on the first episode, this is a dull, boring, show, with a mundane and essentially stupid plot line, a real letdown for fans of William Shatner. Anyone hoping to encounter another "Denny Crane" (or even a vestige) will be highly disappointed. William Shatner is usually a very capable actor who does excellent work when given good material. The first episode of this show was not such a case. Every joke, of which most are lame and stupid, is emphasized by an overbearing and aggravating laugh-track, which apparently represents an audience howling over what is supposed to be witty and clever - but is neither. Lighting and production is typical unrealistic mundane sitcom. The rest of the cast seems capable, but it's hard to tell since they have to work with such weak material. Hopefully future shows will improve - maybe the producers will hire capable writers?
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Well below Paul Douglas's brilliance
9 September 2010
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What a disappointment this was. A basically absurd story, with only occasional sparks from a cast of often brilliant players (Douglas, Wynn, Kelley, Davis, Romero, and others). The young boy (Harry) came across to me as very unlikeable, unfunny, and a bore. For the most part, his lines were not funny or even clever, just stupid and aggravating. Keenan Wynn, as was most of the cast, was essentially wasted. His Bugsy character, perhaps meant to be comic relief, didn't make it as such and came across as dumb and forced. "....Brute" is not even close to the film "Angels in the Outfield" in which Douglas appeared and was excellent. Then again that film had good writing. Even skilled experienced players can't overcome weak and forced material, which "Love That Brute" is.
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Way over-rated
19 May 2010
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I wanted to like and appreciate this film, considering it's ratings and awards but found it to be vastly over-rated. Significant story inconsistencies and a good deal of ill-logic as to what the patients/inmates are able to get away with - all to further the story, but it's forced and comes across as not credible. Didn't they have alarms on windows and doors in the 60s at such institutions? The Nicholson character being able to get over barbed wire with no injuries - not reasonable. Seems likely. Well over the top performances, especially by Jack N; not unusual. Why he got so much acclaim for overacting is hard for me to figure. Some of his roles are excellently done, but many, like this one, are just him showing off - in my opinion. In summary, an overlong, often dull and obvious story.
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Pretty pathetic
10 March 2009
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After all the hype, I finally got to see this film today. It's not particularly funny (certainly not hilarious), except in a very few spots, not well written, and not all that erotic. The humor is crude and obvious. Use of crude language is so much overdone as to actually get boring - and wind up lacking any punch. If this is what passes for modern film comedy, then it's no wonder that many people (my self included) much prefer earlier Hollywood work - when films were actually funny, clever, and often quite erotic, even without nudity. Just showing people naked does not automatically make for real interest, sexual or otherwise . With clever writing this could have been a good show. The premise was good but the development was flat and disappointing. Overall, it is boring, off-putting, and pretty much a waste of 102 minutes.
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Silverado (1985)
Not a "classic western" by a long shot
26 January 2009
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What a shame that Mr. Kasdan couldn't repeat the excellent writing and story he had with Body Heat. In my opinion, in no was is this even close to "a classic western". This kind of sham is likely what did westerns in after all. John Ford, Howard Hawks, Henry Hathaway and others who really knew how to make westerns must have spun in their graves with this piece of stuff came out. Kasdan manages to lift/copy many classic elements from really great westerns: an over-the drivers shoulder shot from inside a covered wagon, from Hawks Red River, the door frame shot near the beginning from Ford's The Searchers, and the line "Start the ball" near the end from Peckinpah's Ride the High Country, just to name three. The cast, most of whom are quite good, never really gets to shine, having to constantly gun down so many others. The number and consistency of killings is mind-numbing and even boring after two plus hours. It's like a cartoon. Apparently there were an almost endless supply of villains to be killed. And also apparently, said villains couldn't shoot worth a hoot, hardly ever hitting or even coming close to the heroes. If the old west was really like this, no one would have survived. Everyone would have been killed. In summary, Silverado is a weak story, of nearly continuous episodes of killings and violence, too infrequently punctuated with dialog or any meaningful exposition.
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Another Robin Williams Disappointment
21 December 2008
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What were they thinking with this: a rip off of Harry Potter? Lots of special effects and other tricks do not a worthwhile story make. At the end, what do we have? Is it all a dream or is the Robin Williams character really dead? With the title, it seemed likely that the Williams character was in a coma or something like that and would eventually emerge; at the end. Alas no, and apparently the film is intended to be a depiction of what the after life is really like. Is it supposed to be a total fantasy? I kept waiting for some meaningful insight and life illuminating content only to be let down at the conclusion. A big disappointment and much below the apparent capability of the actors. Max VonSnydow is excellent, as usual, as is the rest of the cast, but the story and execution is flumery and not worthy of any of them.
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22 October 2008
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Enjoyed this film when it first came out but on re-watching recently was very disappointed. Jumps and gaps in story and plot flow, weak effects, including the obvious use of models with unrealistic movement for German strafing fighters, and rather preposterous plot ploys (for example, David Nevins character, the explosive expert announces that all is lost/fouled up ("Somebody stepped on the cake.") only to later come up with a clever and supposedly spur-of-the-moment approach that results in destruction of the guns; the only approach that would have worked anyway - the clock timer would have been easily discovered by the Germans.). Having the team blow up the German patrol boat side-by-side to theirs, with no damage to their vessel, was preposterous. Likewise, it did not seem credible or believable that hordes of Germans, with plenty of motorized support and firepower could not overcome/capture the entire small team. Whatever did occur in reality, this film and script didn't capture it in a believable way. All in all, this was a big let down after so many years. Decent acting, but weak in many other areas.
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