
13 Reviews
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Candyman (2021)
Good story, good scares
11 June 2022
I really liked this, good pace, good background story. It reminded me of The Shining a little in how the lead descended madness through art. I don't mind the social message throughout because it's factual. It took a good angle on the old one.. good horror flick!
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Didn't get it..
21 March 2022
I grew up in the late 70's. I understand PTA is a really good film maker as well. This movie was boring, borderline grooming, predatory tone in every single character transaction. Cooper Hoffman crushes his role I will say that, beautifully shot, captured the time, all that worked. But the undertone of the mixed up 25 year old glomming onto a 15 year old kid with no supervision at all was flat out creepy, the dialogue outside of what was written for Cooper Hoffman was just plain weird. After watching all of the other Oscar nominated movies this year I do not understand the love for this film.
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This is a true superhero movie
22 March 2021
After watching this I kinda want every superhero movie to be 4 hours long. What a great new story, it felt like a different movie than the first one completely. No more silly little jokes , no more over done speeches, a lot of what they cut out didn't add anything to the story Snyder was trying to tell so to me it's a different film. Great expansion on Cyborg and the Flash. This was worth the wait and the hype.
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Good until it wasn't
20 August 2020
Started out really good, fast pace, good tone, good performances by the lead actors . The last 30 minutes were cut scenes, a montage, oddly filmed action scenes and it was like a different director stepped in at the last minute. Shia Lebouf was good in it, he's done some good work lately and this was right on par. Wait till it's free and check it out.
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Watchmen (2019)
So far so good
30 October 2019
I've heard a lot of people saying that this isn't true to the source material. I disagree, this is an extension of the source material. The graphic novel mentions the Red Scare, the news stand is in a graphic novel that was put out after the movie. So all in all it does stay in line with the true source material.

Great performances so far, great look on the show. Second episode is better than the first and that is a great sign. Give out a shout outs a good show.
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
Finally something that rivals Black Mirror
4 April 2019
I'm not saying it's as good as Black Mirror but it's git a great start and they nailed the tone dead on. Shows like this present an alternate reality, things are kind of what we know.. but a little off at every turn. This nails that atmosphere. I'm excited to see where they go with it. Jordan Peele has immense respect for the genre, you can tell by the episodes he's released here. Before anyone makes any snap judgements, try to think about another show in this lane that keeps a dreadful, confusing tone and isn't called Black Mirror... exactly. Hopefully we get an episode like San Junipero out of this.
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The Punisher (2017– )
Jon Bernthal
20 January 2019
He is Frank Castle, his work in this is better than just about anything on TV. His range of emotion and the way he gets this character is something you don't see everyday. The violence in this show is background noise compared to the story. The only thing that would be better is if they crossed him over to the MCU. Billy Russo is great as well. There's an honesty to the performance on both parts that gets you hooked. Daredevil season three was the best Marvel adaptation thus far. But this is a tie in many regards. I just hope they keep this around unlike Daredevil .
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The Cured (2017)
Great premise , but really confusing.
20 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So I was excited to see this when I found out it was on demand. Ellen Pate usually attaches herself to good films so I thought it would've been better than it was. It was really disjointed, it seemed like a worldwide pandemic, but when the general knew how the lead character got infected it seemed like it was something smaller. I mean if there is a zombie outbreak and all hell is breaking loose, who has time to document stuff? I get that they remembered the stuff they did , but it just didn't line up. The subplot with the "cured" perpetrating acts of terrorism was good at first , until it became personal. It had its good points, acting was solid.. but the script needed A LOT of help. It had some decent social commentary in it.. but I would say, check it out if you're a fan of the genre.. but if you aren't stay away.
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Daredevil (2015– )
Season three...
24 October 2018
This season is a crime drama on par with The Dark Knight. The writing is excellent, the performances are excellent. The directing and cinematography are great. It's so layered and deep with character development that this might be the best thing Netflix has done to date.
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Hereditary (2018)
Great slow burn uncomfortable horror
31 August 2018
Loved this movie, it wasn't hard to figure out once it peaked .. but getting there was great. I see people don't like this film and I can understand that. But it reminded me of Rosemary's Baby and that's saying a lot. As the story unfolds you see how truly horrifying this persons (Toni Collette) life has been.. the performances are spot on. This movie really ramps up in the last twenty minutes.. it's not fir everyone but it creeped me out and I watch a lot of horror. Give it a shot .. it's well worth it.
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Good low budget horror
18 August 2018
I thought they did a nice job with the story, it was a nice neat 1 hour 20 minutes te runtime.the only wasted time was in the very beginning. The characters developed nicely. Barbara Crampton was great in her role. I liked it, I saw a lot of reviews dogging this movie. It's much better hen any of the futile horror attempts on TV. I think people forget to suspend disbelief when watching a movie these days, watch this and just buy into the story and don't expect Citizen Kane and you'll have some fun..
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Tusk (I) (2014)
A less funny human centipede..
31 July 2018
I like Kevin Smith a lot , I get his sense of humor and I know he's a good filmmaker. This is s good horror movie, not hard to figure out but still a good watch nonetheless.

Michael Parks crushes his own role, so does Justin Long who I'm convinced now only takes roles that end up with him playing an a- hole. If you like shocking horror then this is for you , otherwise don't bother.
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Raw (2016)
13 June 2018
Good movie.. excellent ending .. well shot, good story, good performances.. not so shocking. French horror is insane so maybe I'm desensitized from seeing so much , but Bite was way more shocking and honestly anything from Rob Zombie is more shocking. Worth a watch if you like horror but it leaves more questions than it answers.
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