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Bond Comes Full circle in exhilarating style !
1 October 2021
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I have just seen 'No Time To Die'. Mr Fukunaga's directorial genius brings back the elation and fun of the 60's and 70's Bond films. He elicits really lively and strong performances from the entire cast- and manages to create a light tone for the movie which engages and excites for well over 2 hours so when the dramatic outcome of the film kicks in - it hits with a surprisingly great impact !

Good score by Hans Zimmer . Daniel Craig in my humble opinion has never been better in his portrayal of James Bond and he is supported by a truly great cast at the top of their game - particularly Lea Seydoux , Ana De Armas, Lashana Lynch as the other 007, Rami Malek is a quietly effective villain and Billy Magnussen who is also a stand out in a fantastic film !
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Spectre (I) (2015)
A tall order which is met !
28 December 2015
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'SPECTRE' has been mentioned time and again in previous Bond films.An ambitious title and an ambitious film. 'Skyfall' had an advantage in being a film about the great Judi Dench's M's retirement -Just like Diamonds are Forever had to find a different note to the great 'OHMSS','SPECTRE'has to do the same and it certainly does! The film starts in a spectacular fashion with a very slick one take of Bond tracking an agent through the Day of the Dead festival in Mexico;this is a lavishly produced teaser into the film proper. To describe the story would not take very long --In a nutshell, Bond brings down Spectre.The plot is superficially simple -- the execution and panache with which it is done is another thing altogether.This is expert film making of the highest order -it rivets the audience with highly inventive and detailed action set pieces including a fight on a train with Mr Hinx(surprisingly good turn from David Bautista)which has to be one of the most exciting sequences in the series. There are great performances too from Lea Seydoux as Madeline Swann -there is a beautifully directed and acted scene between her and Bond at the start of their relationship where they get to know one another as she falls asleep. The quieter moments like this are very strong and truthful. Daniel Craig gives his best performance to date making Bond's manner so effortless -- My favourite moment in the film has to be the moment in the carnage of a fight in a laboratory he tells a security guard to DON'T!-Craig is superb! Thomas Newman scores again giving the film an exciting pulse especially with the percussive beat in the teaser sequence and lastly Sam Mendes has done something incredible - he has topped SKYFALL with a leap by making us a gift of great entertainment.
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Skyfall (2012)
Astonishing film
29 October 2012
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Skyfall is the best bond film since 1987 in my humble opinion. We all know Bond is an icon and the films have had stunning standout moments.This whole film is iconic!The story has to be one of the strongest in the series with M being the focal point.The hard drive containing the roster of intelligence agents has been lost putting many operatives at risk.Bond is back!! This is an intelligent film where the action drives the story along in tandem. The cast with Ralph Fiennes,Nicholas Woodeson, Ben Whishaw (wonderful new Q}Naomie Harris, the great Albert Finney,Berenice Marlohe and Rory Kinnear all make their mark. Javier Bardem is a beautifully layered villain with a 'haven't you finished yet' exasperation.

Judi Dench gives her best performance as M losing her grip on circumstances and Daniel Craig is funny,warm,deadly and commanding and cements the piece together.Roger Deakins cinematography is beyond the call of duty :every shot a painting,Thomas Newman's score is a major plus point to this film - it has as strong an impact as John Barry's scores used to have - they should use him again , whilst Sam Mendes' direction is superb through out -- he has created a miracle of a movie!
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Very well done!
29 November 2011
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This film "My Week With Marilyn" is has been adapted from Colin Clark's diary of his experiences of shooting Rattigan's 'Sleeping Prince'.The film follows the diary very closely and makes for a thoroughly entertaining film.Michelle Williams captures Marilyn as both the actress on screen with a bewitching dance she does and off-screen she nails the insecurities of her facing up to working with the greatest actor Laurence Olivier played by Kenneth Branagh ( He has a difficult task though delivers through the period of the film a strong portrayal) It is a joy to watch his exasperation where his mask drops and she says to him -oh you have that word in england too! There is a strong cast and the direction has a fluidity which makes it easy to watch and therefore it does not outstay its welcome.
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Venus (I) (2006)
a lovely film
28 November 2011
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I waited to see this film for along time. Tricky subject -- older actor falling for young girl. It could be quite ugly.We have Peter O'Toole as Maurice the greatly celebrated actor-- we have Leslie Phillips playing Ian one of his contemporaries and Jodie Whitaker as young relation of Ian's. Peter 'lifeforce' O'Toole gives once again one of those performances that cuts through the potential trickiness with great power. Jodie Whitaker realises he is famous and uses him for what she can get - then slowly and gradually begins to warm to and appreciate him. This is hugely touching film with strong performances from great British actors and Jodie Whitaker isn't phased by any of it-- she is very impressive. There is also a lovely musical score with beautiful songs by Corinne Bailey Rae which definitely soften the subject. Clever direction too from Roger Michell.
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The Awakening (I) (2011)
chilling film
26 November 2011
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The Awakening is a derivative film drawing on The Others, The Innocents and even a shade of The Shining. That said it works beautifully.Ghost buster Florence is sent to a school to investigate a haunting.What is brilliant about this film is the evocative atmosphere of the teachers having returned from the First World War to teach in this school where the occurrences have taken place.To go into the plot and describe say the movement of a Dolls House that Florence keeps on examining would ruin it! It is beautifully written, photographed and directed. The acting is strong on all fronts -- Children adults and ghosts respectively!
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Tthe last of the old crew
22 November 2010
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'Star Trek Generations' had a lot of publicity with regards the two captains, Kirk and Picard meeting. It also includes the demise of Kirk.In my humble opinion this is one of the most underrated films in the Star Trek series. You have William Shatner as Kirk for the last time and Patrick Stewart appearing as Picard on film for the first time -- that is what gives the film a very exciting edge -- they have a strong chemistry. Add to the mix Malcolm McDowell as Soran, A delightfully manic villain of the piece who seems pathetic at first and then becomes exceedingly dangerous.David Carson does some great work as director especially with the Nexus sequences which add a great deal to the film's poignancy.The ending is sad and I think that like the ending of the Bond film O.H.M.S.S it may have harmed to its overall popularity.
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Scary and intense.
3 September 2010
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'War of the Worlds' with Gene Barry on television was a highlight and I was intrigued to see how this would measure up. In my humble opinion Steven Spielberg has created an incredibly tense and atmospheric film. He starts the story with domesticity - Ray has to take care of his kids from his ex- wife for a while and the martians attack. The great thing about this story telling is that as its seen from Ray's point of view -- the visual horror of it all is revealed in a very refreshing and shocking way. I couldn't tell you what was going in 'Inception'-- however due to Spielberg's mastery of the medium I knew exactly what was happening at every point. He respects his audience!
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great British war film
10 August 2010
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The story of Violette Szabo is told in an unfussy low key way. This film has the feeling of authenticity in the way that after Etienne her husband was killed in the war , Violette was recruited into the S. O. E. You can imagine how this subject would be filmed today whereas Lewis Gilbert makes her genuinely heroic life low key and truthful. There are two scenes in this film that for me have great power -- the first is when she is urged to go back to France on her second 'job'; she is persuaded by one of the service personnel not to go and yet Violette goes against this and shows extreme courage in not only accepting but going through with the assignment,she is supported immediately in her choice. The other scene is more obvious though no less powerful with her interrogator in Foches - Gilbert has the camera on his reaction to her treatment by the gestapo. By doing this the film tells the facts without resorting to 'drama'. She really was the most courageous of human beings.
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one of the great BBC dramas
17 July 2010
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'The Mayor of Casterbridge'starts with the gloomy and bitter Michael Henchard walking with his wife and daughter on a road in Wessex. They pass a fair and at that moment Henchard makes the biggest mistake of his life. It is a relentlessly and unremittingly bleak tale. Alan Bates as Henchard is monumentally brilliant and manages to chart this man's destiny with great subtlety -- he takes you with the character so that we are not unsympathetic to his plight when he arrives at his eventual resting place. Not a weak performance in the cast.He has strong support from Jack Galloway as Donald Farfrae,his rival, Anne Stallybrass as his wife Susan an excellent Janet Maw as his sympathetic and long suffering

daughter Elisabeth-Jane,Anna Massey as Lucetta,Ronald Lacey as the unsettling Jopp, Freddie Jones as the fortune teller,Avis Bunnage as the drink seller and Peter Bourke as the ever loyal Whittle.This was a time when television had the time and budget to tell its stories in a rich and textured way.
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Manoower, I hate manoower!
27 April 2010
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'Back To the Future' is about young Marty McFly. He has a friend the Doc who has built a time machine out of a DeLorean.Marty's father George has been bullied from his schoolyears to his adulthood by Biff Tannen (Just occurred to me that the relationship between Marty and his father George is a little like James Dean and Jim Backus in 'Rebel Without a Cause' with a comic slant!)Doc's time machine takes Marty back to 1955 to resolve the situation with his father as well as other issues.When I first saw the movie I remember feeling alienated by the first couple of scenes with regards the problems in Marty's family life -- it is pretty grim .It is a brave move by Robert Zemeckis to start this blockbuster in a low key way.From then what we have is a very clever movie indeed with great action and comic moments .The great thing is that the story is foolproof and I especially liked the fact that if Marty doesn't do certain things he will erase his family's past.The performances are uniformly excellent --Michael J Fox is an expert comic actor brought in from Family Ties to replace another actor at a moments notice -- he is nothing short of superb - he effortlessly delivers his comic lines and is also good in moments where he portrays his frustration at his father and his strength in standing up to Biff.Lea Thompson is Marty's mother bringing a quite a nice dimension in the opening scene in her romantic memory of meeting George and then is beautiful as the younger version of herself.Christopher Lloyd has a difficult task as the Doc -- he in more ways than one drives the movie -- imagine Ben Kenobi as a mad professor!It has a great script and funny lines throughout and it is hateful to single someone out from this whole creative brilliance -- the cherry on the cake has to be Crispin Glover as George -- his performance is a thing of comic beauty --unforgettable! as is this brilliant --brilliant movie.
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I Am Love (2009)
Beautifully made film
17 April 2010
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"I Am Love" is about a wealthy family in Italy and the inheritance of the family business.I have seen this story before - many times. Its slow low key approach draws you in with images --the family gathering in wintertime.Gabrielle Ferzetti the patriarch (who incidentally played Tracy's father in Bond film O.H.M.S.S)handing down his business to his sons.To describe the plot would not take too much time -- that is not so important as to the experience of watching one of the most beautifully sensual films ever made.It is simply mesmerising. Tilda Swinton is magnificent as the heir's wife and her influence is felt throughout the whole of this brilliantly crafted piece of cinema.
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Not just another Romcom.
27 February 2010
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'In Search of A Midnight Kiss' directed by Alex Holdridge mines a different track in the genre of romantic comedy. It is lovely to look at with beautifully clear black and white photography with some romantic shots of couples kissing and then we meet Wilson trying to transfer Min's head on to a model's body on the net and we are certainly in uncharted territory.Scoot Mc Nairy's Wilson is not in a nice place to be on New Year's eve and is encouraged by Jacob (a nicely desperate though subtle performance by Brian McGuire) to advertise on a dating site.'Misanthrope seeks Misanthrope'- Her name is Vivian and she startles -- she is edgy and aggressive --Wilson and she go on a journey that is surprisingly romantic although never predictably so which as the layers are peeled off and the characters soften it becomes even more poignant and romantic!!!!Sara Simmonds as Vivian gives a performance beyond her years (I especially enjoyed her 'smile'for Wilson) and Scoot McNairy has some brilliant re-active acting to the outrageousness of the situation that his character finds himself in.It has dark moments and when the brighter situations arise they are more heightened -- the bunch of flowers from the bystander for Vivian-- This film is one of those classic romantic comedies like 'When Harry...'--always worth another look at!
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The Collector (1965)
William Wyler thriller
27 February 2010
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The Collector is from a novel by John Fowles.In my opinion the book is difficult to read especially towards its climax and I wondered how William Wyler would handle this story.His brilliance is to recruit a great cinematographer in Robert Krasker and Maurice Jarre who composes a clever score which makes the film more comfortable to watch! Terence Stamp is effective as the man who closes the door on Samantha Eggar's life. The film works because of Wyler's masterly direction -- He gets very truthful performances from both of them.It's a very intense though sometimes beautiful film and the Stamp character brings to mind Norman Bates.There is an excellent and shocking ending which really leaves a nasty image in the mind.
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A favourite fable
24 August 2009
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How does one begin to describe this piece of work. We have the Airforce bomber Fred Derry,infantryman Sergeant Al Stephenson and sailor Homer Parrish returning home to Boon Town.They fly home on a stopping flight into peace time.They bond and in the cab ride home they all talk about meeting at Butch's at sometime.Homer has lost his hands in naval service and is naturally anxious about how his family and especially his child sweetheart will react-Homer meets his family and Velma his girlfriend rushes to him with a look of love and feeling that is difficult to describe -he in return cannot hug her.Fred returns To his parents to see where his new barely known bride is (married quickly before the start of the war)He senses that something is not right when they tell him she moved out.Al returns to his wife and family where he initially meets his son and daughter and then his wife -- there reunion as they see each other is a time stop moment.William Wyler is a genius filmmaker and this film is probably his best.There are scenes that you look forward to seeing again and again.Fred telling his wife all the money has been spent and that will stay in, the reunion with Al Homer and Fred at Butches.Peggy putting Fred to bed , making him breakfast and dropping him back home in the morning ( Agaain a moment of tension as he cannot get into his apartment a second time and turns back towards Peggy as if a romance will start between them and the door is opened and he is all of a sudden let in )These incredibly strong moments happen again and again through this film.It is so difficult to single out the actors individually but one can try. Frederic March is subtle /large and you believe he was in the infantry and had learnt a few dirty tricks, Talk about a fully rounded portrayal! For me he has great moments throughout this film his firmly telling his daughter Peggy off when she says she has fallen in love - his drunk and hungover scenes which are subtle and beautifully graded , of course his speech at works dinner where his integrity and strength are on show , his threat to Fred and for me just one little moment where he opens his eyes to Fred just as the taxicab drives off! Wow.Dana Andrews gives a career best performance -- He has pride and will not take his soda jerk job and then has to.He has a nobility and you seem him start to fall in genuine love -- at one point Al knocks him out of his reverie and Dana Andrews makes you see this -- it is so real.Harold Russell as Homer Parrish is natural and restrained , the love around him is tangible and when he finally lets Velma 'in' the tears well up in the viewer --this might sound schmaltzy but it isn't at any moment.Teresa Wright as Peggy is strong,sensitive and discreet and you could see why she would attract Fred's attention and Cathy O'Donnell's Velma doesn't seem to be acting at all -- her love for Homer is beautiful to behold! William Wyler's direction is faultless and how he draws out the truth from these actors is a near miracle-Gregg Tollands photography has unforgettable effects in the story telling -- for example --Homer and Al are talking and Fred makes a very important phone call -- even though Al and Homer are central -- you cannot take your eyes off Fred making that call and leaving-- GENIUS
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Rebecca (1979)
Strong adaptation of the Du Maurier's novel
15 June 2009
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I remember seeing this 'Rebecca'in 1979 -- and saw the Hitchcock version after.I don't like saying that this is superior to the film but it is! It has more time to breathe and builds a slow and chilling tension with Ron Grainer's haunting score. Elspeth March gives a fully fleshed version of Mrs Van Hopper.Joanna David gives a faultless performance of the girl who attempts to fill Rebecca's shoes:she radiates vulnerability from first to last.Anna Massey as Mrs Danvers gives a portrayal of simmering jealousy and Jeremy Brett is brilliant as the haunted and tortured Maxim -- it is a dangerously exciting and sensual performance. This adaptation has not dated at all even 30 yrs on and the music and that tracking shot towards the boat on the sea bed still chills one to the bone!Great performances too from Robert Flemyng, Terence Hardiman and Julian Holloway.
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Uncle Vanya (1963)
Classic production
9 May 2009
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Having heard the recording of Laurence Olivier's production of 'Uncle Vanya' at Chichester Festival Theatre's first season I have always wanted to see it.Laurence Olivier generously gives Michael Redgrave as Uncle Vanya the space to give one of greatest performances in British theatre history with Olivier himself as Astrov equalling him in stature as Astrov.To say that they at their peak does not do them justice! Chekhov shows through each character degrees of despair -- Redgrave's most brilliant moment comes with his delayed reaction to the the Professor informing that he wishes to sell the estate -- he mishears him and then unleashes second by second the years of frustration -- his torment and rage tears into the viewer provoking a feeling of sympathy at the waste of a life and hysterical laughter at the way he communicates it.Olivier's Astrov has smaller moments though no less powerful in the way he talks about the forests and his work with effortless detail to Yelena played by the beautiful Rosemary Harris -- it is a masterful display of great acting that we will probably never see again.
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Slick and beautiful looking addition to the Bond series.
4 November 2008
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'Quantum of Solace' heralds the return of Daniel Craig's James Bond.It starts straight after 'Casino Royale'-- hungry for revenge Bond seeks Vesper's killer.I had read some poor reviews of this film before attending.In my humble opinion this film is pure 'new' Bond!From the opening car chase to its finale the break-neck pace does not let up.It has been shot and edited in a thrilling and groundbreaking way bringing to mind the successful earlier films(i.e Peter Hunt and Terence Young influence).For me this film is a much more exciting film than its predecessor because the action images are very specific -- the fight scenes, chases etc made want to applaud Marc Forster, his editors and his second unit.Daniel Craig as James Bond is quite simply fantastic -- vengeance is not easy to convey interestingly and can often be one note.He is subtle, tender,funny and deadly throughout.The Broccoli family better hold on to him!All the supporting cast are superb too with Rory Kinnear and Judi Dench bringing a precision to their work which gives the film another layer.David Arnold's score is powerful.The film itself a quality product and one of the best in the series with some surprising moments.Brilliant!
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Mamma Mia! (2008)
From the stage to film!
19 July 2008
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"Mama Mia" the musical will lead the way for the return of the film musical.I imagine people must have felt like this in the forties when they emerged from a musical like "On The Town".Liking Abba's music in its day I haven't liked its retro status over the years and having seen clips from 'Mamma Mia' which looked dismal I was not looking forward to it.Within 10 minutes of the film starting I immediately entranced by it.Great photography and use of colour in every shot made it 100% watchable. Phyllida Lloyd does a superb directing job with the actors especially with Amanda Seyfried and the gorgeous Meryl Streep They are pitch perfect in every way.Lloyd also uses a Greek Chorus to excellent effect which fills the screen with a vibrancy.The songs sung by all the actors work brilliantly in the film's context -- including a strong contribution by the ever excellent Mr Pierce Brosnan.
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The Apartment (1960)
Billy Wilder's list of classic film credits continue
9 February 2008
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The Apartment directed by Billy Wilder has aged well.Jack Lemmon plays C.C Baxter timid but ambitious office worker who finds his soul mate Miss Fran Kubelik played by Shirley Maclaine.Billy wilder was supposed to have taken his inspiration for The Apartment from the scene in Brief Encounter where Alec uses his friend's apartment for a secret rendezvous with Laura. So CC Baxter allows his co workers to use his apartment for liaisons.He is even approached by his boss Mr Sheldrake for the valuable apartment key.Baxter's ride up to the executive washroom is assured.However it a costly ride as Fran is seeing Mr Sheldrake played with a cool and detached air by Fred McMurray.This has to be one of the cleverest comedy dramas ever written.It seems effortless in the way it veers from light comedy to tragedy.The performances are excellent especially from Jack Lemmon - His energy and precision are a joy to behold (Note a long take where he is at his desk working out statistics- comic skill of the highest order!)Shirley Maclaine gives a genuinely strong, sweet and moving performance as Fran. Praise too also to Jack Kruschen as the mocking doctor.
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Billy Wilder strikes gold!
17 November 2007
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"Some Like It Hot" has to be one of the cleverest comedies.Billy Wilder's comic ideas were always a cut above. Two musicians, Joe and Jerry by chance go to pick up a car which just happens to be the garage where the St Valentine's Day massacre is taking place.How do you make a comedy on that idea? Talk about broad and brave.Tony Curtis as Joe and Jack Lemmon as Jerry are likable and brash.When they become women to escape the gangsters they become sensitive, vulnerable and extremely funny. They join an all girl swing band to get out of Chicago and travel by train down to Florida.Marylyn Monroe appears as Sugar Kane and the film becomes even more special.Not only is she sweet,vulnerable,sexy and funny -- she is the core to what makes the film great.There is no one to touch her.Talk about rehearsed spontaneity!They always talk about how she kept everyone waiting and how unreliable she was -- Well you can see from every frame in this film that Billy Wilder could not in any way have been easy to work for-- He expected perfection-- the comedy in this film is so precise bordering on genius.Joe E Brown is hysterically funny as Osgood -- and Jack Lemmon has a brilliantly funny transformation from harassed male in drag to goldigging future fiancé of Osgood after there passion filled tango.Tony Curtis has a difficult job as Joe , it is a generously straight performance.I especially liked his suppressed fierce reaction as he clambers out of the bath when riled by Jerry.This film is "perfect"
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Almost Famous (2000)
Cameron Crowe strikes again !
27 October 2007
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After three excellent films Cameron Crowe surpasses them all with the film that strides ahead of them.Is he too close to his material -- a tightrope is walked!Newcomer Patrick Fugit plays William Miller (great first timer)the innocent abroad being mentored by scene stealing Phillip Seymour Hoffmann as Lester Bangs the man who professes that William has arrived for the 'death rattle ' of rock and roll. Frances McDormand expertly plays Elaine, William's mother who wants him retain his spirit at all costs.On attempting to attend his first gig William is almost blocked form attending his first gig by an obnoxious doorman but the band Stillwater and Kate Hudson(sensitive and warm)as Penny Lane open the door to his adventure.We tour with the band in a beaten out old coach and then to the more 'efficient ' plane travel.This film has been compared unfavourably with 'Tap' and described by some as sugar coated.This film is jam packed with great story telling moments -- scene after scene are to be looked forward to and treasured.The band Stillwater are striving for success amongst infighting and ego --Jason Lee plays Jeff Bebe the singer who has it all planned that he is the singer who gets 'people off' and says that the chicks are great.Jeff sees his fellow band member Russell Hammond as the guitarist with mystique -- of course it all falls apart when Jeff discovers he is one of the 'out of focus guys on the T - shirt.Billy Crudup as Russell is charisma itself! His reaction when Elaine William's mother tells him off for compromising values is one of the funniest moments in a film and his realisation at the end as to Penny Lane's final plan is a classically poignant and humorous slow burner!This film is a masterpiece with Cameron Crowe's expert direction and writing-- so good in fact that it is difficult to comment on its brilliance.The other masterstroke is having Peter Frampton my rock star hero to take the cast through rock school(the behind the scenes research!) -- it gives the film an added realism.In my 'humble pie' opinion this film was robbed of prizes and viewing this film time and time again rewards the viewer with new gems! Excellent supporting work from Noah Taylor as Stillwater's manager,Zooey Deschanel as William's sister,Fairuza Balk and Anna Paquin as the 'Band Aids'.
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Jerry Maguire (1996)
entertaining movie about life through sports in the u.s
20 October 2007
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I Liked 'Bull Durham' a lot ;but to me a film about sport or where it is used as backdrop to the plot usually fails to interest me.I approached "Jerry Maguire" warily thinking that it would not engage me.From Jerry's opening narration I was there.Cameron Crowe manages to make you look at things afresh - like Jerry's mission statement that gets him fired from his agency.Cameron Crowe like Preston Sturges before him seems to invent a whole new style of film comedy.All the characters are richly drawn.Tom Cruise is superb giving a generous performance full of variety-- his initial detachment and business like persona being stripped from him by Bob Sugar played with exquisite oiliness by Jay Mohr.Kelly Preston as Avery is a revelation kicking him as hard as she can physically and emotionally when he has reached the bottom rung.Cuba Gooding Jnr as Rod in a performance of a lifetime -- I Loved his comic temper and the way he welcomes Jerry by his side after their big row - nice and subtle.Renee Zelweeger has a beautiful integrity as Dorothy becoming Jerry's rock and Jonathan Lipnicki as Ray almost comes close to stealing the film away from the big hitters.Lots of great moments and for me the most powerful was Jerry being 'caught on the wedding video'and this being clocked by Dorothy and Rod respectively on the night of the wedding.Credit for this has to go to Cameron Crowe for surprising us by not giving us comfortable feelings at predictable times.
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Roman Holiday (1953)
'So Happy'
22 September 2007
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Princess Ann comes to Rome on a goodwill tour of Europe and goes into an emotional melt down after one of the many ceremonies she has had to attend.Her aides decide to send for a doctor and he gives her something to make her sleep.Nice directorial touch where one of the older aides faints in reaction to her injection.The princess flees her Coliseeum abode into Rome's nightlife.The drug kicks in and she is found lying semi conscious by a journalist Joe Bradley who ends up escorting her back to his apartment.The fun starts here and we are into a classic romantic comedy drama.Having William Wyler as director would mean that underneath the fairytale premise real life is never far away.To me this film has an ageless quality and is full of life.This is in my humble opinion is William Wyler's most successful comedy.He seems to be having fun -- the scene with 'the mouth of truth' has a wonderful sense of spontaneity.Audrey Hepburn's first film performance is superb in every way-perfection :and Gregory Peck as Joe is a great straight man for her.Eddie Albert also nearly steals the film as the photographer.The ending after all the shenanigans packs an unexpected dramatic punch - we have to all wake up from the dream of a Roman Holiday!
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One of the top romantic films
11 August 2007
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"Before Sunrise" is a totally likable film. It really is a very simple story of Jesse and Celine meeting on a train --- him proposing that they should get off the train at Vienna and spend time together.Ethan Hawke as Jessie and Julie Delpy as Celine engage from the first scene to the last and the pressure is on them because they are in every shot.Linklater is not afraid to let us be irritated by them either -- when they almost have an argument about the fortune teller is beautifully perceptive.It is a movie that resonates with strong feeling as they start to fall in love so does the audience with the characters.Ethan Hawke really came into his own with this film and Julie Delpy was the new french star actress.A moment of utter inspiration is when we return to the landmarks of Vienna where their romance was blossoming without the two of them being there the following day -- poignant.
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