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F Is for Family: This Is Not Good (2017)
Season 2, Episode 6
Not Good
24 July 2022
Halfway through the season and it's clear with the turbulent family dynamics that things are not improving for the Murphy household. Everyone hates each other, and both parents are overly preoccupied with their work troubles. Even moreso than usual, this is a "everything goes wrong" episode. Can't wait to see where the story will go next.
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F Is for Family: Heavy Sledding (2017)
Season 2, Episode 1
On the Fritz
23 July 2022
I found this episode weaker, but still liked seeing a different side of Frank.

Our character cast also all deal with their own problems. It's probably about the bleakest it's gotten yet.

After getting fired, he's subjected to several works of depression and the family is shown to be having financial troubles. This is the first time the show introduced a conflict like this so I enjoyed that part. Unfortunately the ending is a bit too convient, but we'll see what really happens following this.

Not the best season opener, but with the extended amount of episodes it will give the writing staff hopefully more time to explore deeper said themes they're shooting for.
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F Is for Family: Bill Murphy's Day Off (2015)
Season 1, Episode 5
F is for Fire
22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This penultimate episode was fairly dark, and picks up the pace from the last one. Turmoil strikes every member of the family, as well as relations at Frank's work deteriorating. As we see Kevin and Frank's relationship progress, his little brother Bill's mental state collapses from his lack of family support and constant bullying from the other kids at his school. He commits a terrible act at the end, and is traumatized by his parent's behavior in one of the most shocking scenes yet. I liked this episode a lot. It ramps the stakes and sets up for an intense arc.

Screen time increases happen for Bill and the sister (I forgot her name at the moment) and how messed up the family can get. Where will it go from here?
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F Is for Family: 'F' Is for Halloween (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
Halloween Special
21 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So we get our first holiday special of the show. How long until a Christmas episode. I like how several conflicts intersect in this one, but it is kind of strange we completely abandoned Frank's work issues at the midpoint of the episode. He lost me a bit in this, as he mistreats his kids and wife pretty bad here. They make it obvious he has too much on his plate, but it's not entirely an excuse. Overall an alright episode, but the weakest so far. There's probably more to come.
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F Is for Family: The Trough (2015)
Season 1, Episode 3
F is for Football
21 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was probably the most humorous episode yet. I loved the suck up interactions with his boss (kind of like Strickland from KotH) and found the horrifying public restroom scene so relatable. If you've ever been a crowded sports game, it's not too far off.

Frank's racism makes an appearance again in a plot heavy way. F is for Family paints Frank as an Archie Bunker archetype. I've gained more sympathy for him the past two episodes, when you see the crap he has to put up with. This episode had more plot lines, but it was mainly about Frank desperately trying to juggle a power struggle at work. Even if you don't work an office job, there's always internal politics and conflicts between employees, so I find that pretty relatable too. All around, as we get already halfway through the season, it will be interesting to see how Frank tries to keep his life together as his job becomes a mess and Kevin continues to slip through the cracks.
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F Is for Family: Saturday Bloody Saturday (2015)
Season 1, Episode 2
21 July 2022
I think F is for Family isn't exactly the most heartwarming show or the most intricate, but it's down to earth.

Not a ton happens in this episode, but we receive more important insight into Frank's life, specifically his job and the squalid conditions he's surrounded by.

We also get character development for the family as we peek into each of their psyches. My one complaint is that the sister still has too little screen time, but seeing Susan cry was a great character moment and revealing. The King of the Hill comparison isn't too misplaced, except this is more vulgar and depressive. Even better than the last episode. There's not a lot of room for failure with the stunningly small 6 episode season, so hopefully the next 4 carry on what's done right here.
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F Is for Family: The Bleedin' in Sweden (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
A decent start
21 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if I like all of the characters yet, but this was a well written start.

The plot was simple, but effectively communicates what the show is about.

Our main character, Frank gets a new TV set to impress the neighborhood for a boxing party he's hosting, but runs into problems along the way. Basically your typical dysfunctional family in adult animation from what I can tell. Frank is a controlling douche, but it's better if you go in understanding it's a character drama about specific attitudes and dynamics in 70's America. Great performance from Bill Burr.

I'm excited to see more. Not the strongest, but this was a promising start.
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
Bojack Horseman
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love Bojack's run from season 2 to season 3. Never has an adult animation show so accurately dissected depression and self-loathing. It's complicated and by all accounts a success for serialized shows. If anyone watched "Six Feet Under" Bojack continues that same tradition of three dimensional character drama. People grow together and grow apart. Bojack has arcs, but eventually becomes about the ups and downs of life. A journey from beginning to end, even if I thought there were more pockmarks than desirable. The later seasons never lived up to what I liked about the best years of the show, it eventually recovered and delivered us a poignant and multi-layered ending that leaves us wondering. Bojack first and foremost is a tragedy and not really a comedy. So be prepared for very heavy themes. If you're not faint of heart, must watch TV.

I'll come back and write a much more formal and well realized review, but for the moment this is my take on it.
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Archer: Dial M for Mother (2010)
Season 1, Episode 10
Archer Season 1
12 June 2022
Maybe not the best episode to close this season on, but a solid one nonetheless.

This adult comedy centers on a dysfunctional spy agency. Season 1 of Archer suffers from some minor problems but overall I found the mix of smugness, interesting characters and a lot of wit to actually back up the humor it goes for.
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Jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy: Act I: Vision (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Act one
16 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This part one was very illuminating. For Kanye fans, some of the story you know and some you won't. But you can still appreciate this story from an outside perspective. Very well edited and structured, but I do wonder how the next two parts will cover the rest of his career. This only went up to 2002.

It didn't reveal anything too unexpected but the first hand footage is the real draw. There's a focus on his interactions with people before he blew up.

A lot of faces in Hip Hop appear, some famous and some obscure. My favorite new footage was seeing Kanye wandering around the Roc-A-Fella offices playing his demos and talking with Donda. The careful choices of archival footage and personal narration from the director make you understand and appreciate how hard he had to work to get noticed.
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13 February 2022
Directly out of theater, gotta admit I guess I forgot how brutal Jackass was.

But what else can you ask for? Still creative with the gags and has that lowbrow carisma, as always. Can't imagine the pain the crew went through with this one. And the audience reactions are an important part of the movie experience, especially something as simple as Jackass. Our theater was sparse in membership, but raucous and attentive.

Surprisingly, the sexual focus of this entry didn't bother me too much with one or two stray exceptions. Having watched my fair share of non-rated stuff paid off finally. Ha. Definitely a good time even if the new members of the cast didn't add a lot.

The party I went with came back morose sad saps, but screw them. I enjoyed it!

It's not gonna be the old Jackass you remember, but it's still good.
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Quantum Leap: Star-Crossed - June 15, 1972 (1989)
Season 1, Episode 3
Episode 3
8 December 2021
I don't know if this was quite as good as the introductory two parter, but it's not far off. On a 70's university campus, Sam meets a younger version of a woman he loved. And goes against the rules established by himself.

Sam being placed into the shoes of a womanizing dirtbag is prerty funny, as he alters his own fate and another romance to make the next leap. I liked getting more background on his life, and we get more ideas about Sam's reality (the project overseers).
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7 December 2021
I wondered if jumping to Season 2 would give us better presentation, and in some ways it did. We get more big name actors and do what they can with their lackluster script.

A TV made "The Omen" a decade too late and without any of the actual suspense of that.
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The Ray Bradbury Theater: The Crowd (1985)
Season 1, Episode 3
Car accidents
7 December 2021
On a positive side, I found this to have a Cronenberg essence to it: cold, a bit surreal and content over "superb" acting or plot line. But what separates this is the special effects or production is seriously lacking vision. I feel like several key things were unexplained and the mystery around "The Crowd" could have been crafted better.

The core concept is fascinating, but most of this didn't hit for me.
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The Simpsons: Bart the Genius (1990)
Season 1, Episode 2
25 November 2021
For the second episode, we are given a study of how Bart fits into his school. After faking an test, he is determined to be a genius and sent off to a school of gifted kids. He gets a place free of rules, but it's elitist and exclusionary.

The other gifted kids know he's faking and his former friends hate him.

Another large source of the plot is how Homer and Bart interact; something that prevails all throughout Season 1.

In this case, Homer starts to give preferential treatment and it's funny to see.

As the earlier Simpsons maintain a moral bent nearly every episode, it has a strong lesson of appreciating where you belong, even if it doesn't make you the most happy. I liked this better than the first episode because it more properly represented what the Simpsons are about and felt better paced.

A pretty strong showing here.
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Not all Winners
25 November 2021
In the beginning episode of The Simpsons, we see there being a large emphasis being placed on morals and family values. Not the joke machine it later became. Not that I mind it. Mushy Simpsons aren't necessarily bad either as there's still plenty of irrelevancy to be found.

For the main family, very much of what we know and love is present. There's pieces missing to make it feel whole, but that's understandable considering the daring nature of it and how time has dated this. Obviously nothing like it airing in '89 though. Homer's a lovable oof, Bart is an underachiever, etc.

A rugged beginning but there is so much more to follow. But overall this is a sweet opening which successfully established a long lasting legeacy. Stay tuned. It'll only get better.
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Shared Histories
5 September 2021
Season 3 has had its fair share of "filler" episodes thus far, but this is one of the best and most important of these episodes so far. We learn the backstory behind Roku and Shozen, effectively framing the reason why the Fire Nation started the war. Not only are the revelations by Aang big takeaways for him, but Zoku learns something that rocks his world.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Avatar Day (2006)
Season 2, Episode 5
Avatar Day
2 September 2021
This will probably be in top 5 or top 10 episode lists for this show. Yet another filler episode where the gang spends 20~ in a town that falsely dislikes the Avatar. As frustrating a usage of budget that may be to some, it pads out action by giving us a mostly comedy based episode and providing a in-universe history lesson. I would normally rail on episodes like these a lot harder in another show, but even unremarkable parts of Avatar don't phase me. They are mostly fun and still have something to offer.
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Too Crazy
1 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After the Water Tribe Siege, Aang and co. Return to the Earth Kingdom for help on his earthbending journey. They encounter a nutjob Earth general who believes forcing Aang's avatar state is paramount to achieving war victory, but doesn't understand nuances of the Avatar Stare or care about Aang's safety. Zuko also has powerful developments in his parallel struggles, as he and Irho are now enemies of the Fire Nation.

One of my favorite running themes in Avatar is that even with "allies" you must be extremely mindful of who you place trust in and that is the moral here. Basically, right off the bat in these season we get amazing character moments, important lore and high tensions are abound. A formidable start.
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Beyond the Boundary (2013–2014)
17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Of two minds on this show, so will be dividing this into its positives and negatives and evaluating that way. To be clear, I did ultimately like it but there are tons of flaws.

Pros: -The premise is atypical and intriguing. I like the idea of two main characters who are outcasts in their own respects and of course I'm a sucker for non-human casts.

-Mirai/Kanbara bond is believable and they have good chemistry

-The animation catches your eye, and has that expected KyoAni seal of quality.

-Action scenes are engaging, even if they drag too long sometimes.

-The climax leads to a solid enough bookend, even if it is a bit confusing to follow all of it.

-Several twists occur in the climax, some making sense, others not. But it did give me a reason to continue watching.

Cons: -Past this promising slice of life formula, it too quickly reverts to a simplistic pattern of our characters killing demons (youmu) for money or saving people.

-The characters are ill-defined or trite outside of Mirai and Kanbara. None of them are unlikable, but much of the humor here feels flat like Mirai's childish mother or the nonstop glasses jokes.

-One thing that irks me are some of the writing inconsistencies. I might have missed the memo on some lore, but two examples. Somehow these teenage characters live on their own and in apartments with no explanation? And initially the Spirit Hunters and youmu emphasize not letting the outside world see, but soon this school/balancing supernatural double life focus is ditched wholesale in later episodes even though a world ending climax is ongoing.

-The lore felt too piled on to keep up with at periods. I acknowledge it's hard to adapt such an active show into 12 condensed episodes, but instead of doing things like the filler number 7 episode, use that time to pad out more backstory and tension.

-A couple of emotional moments feel "forced." This is much more subjective than the other criticisms, but might as well admit that too.
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Bakemonogatari (2009–2010)
Really Good
16 August 2021
Bakemonogatori is trashy, lowbrow comedy, partly deeply philosophical. A good drama to boot. Harem has a reputation for being dreck, but this is one of the best shows of its generation. To start Araragi is an MC with a personality! A rarity. He is rational, and in command. An all around "nice guy" but with oversights and flaws that make him human. This depth of writing does extend to each girl and the only other male character, Oshino (a Supernatural consultant).

Stylistically flawless. A surrealist veneer of visuals and audio to keep it interesting. Camera shots swivel instantaneously, and the eye to detail breathes the show to life in contrast to its overtly simplistic setting with nonexistent cars or humans. This is done to strengthen a core storytelling mode of this show. The main mode of story is longwinded conservations. There is action, but it's placed carefully. This sounds boring but it's the opposite. Dialogue is a mile a minute, be alert with your subs.

Each section of Bakemonogatari is dedicated to a different supernatural case. In this, we progress the story and introduce new characters. The show never overwhelms you and absorbs you in its dense universe. Conversations are highly lucid, and contain wisdom. Bakemonogatori has a playful, reference laden side, but a foothold in life's realities as well. These characters have endured hardships and many moments of hopelessness. So don't watch if you expected something idyllic. This is pretty dark at times. Not too R-rated, but an adult bent for sure.

Anyways, my only complaint would be some fairly regrettable fanservice elements but you can always skip past that and that comes standard with most harems anyway. Rewatching after 2 years only confirmed how well this has aged since 2009. It will continue being just as good 10 years on.
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Noroi (2005)
An old curse is unleashed
26 June 2021
One of the best found footage films not talked about. Noroi has an abrupt editing style as it's a giant compilation of "footage" from 2002-2004. Its uniqueness stems from the mystery/horror not being a private matter or a small cast. All happening in the public eye. With progression, Noroi involves more people. The "footage" has a variety of settings from TV broadcasts to remote rural villages. It's forward thinking for 2005. An ongoing and complex storyline feeling like a TV show rather a unified movie. It wraps it all together nicely with a terrifying ending. Btw, if you liked this check out Marble Hornets. Reminded me of that series in how it slowly escalated the mystery.
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Roan Inish
24 June 2021
Roan Inish is set after WWII, and follows a displaced Irish family finding its bearings. Another plot line of the film (and later the only one) is their long lineage has a secret and it's key to finding a missing family member.

My worry was that Roan Inish would be a childish slog, but it wields its low-key fantasy elements tastefully and is sparse in placing them. A visually striking film that captures the ancient, Celtic folklore setting they were going for. Dreamlike and generally captivating; easy to sleep to in a good way. Something you can appreciate as a grown adult or a kid. It's not a movie mentioned hardly but you'll be glad if you stumble upon it.
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Technology Bites Back
21 May 2021
Getting into the first few episodes of Danny Phantom we quickly identify a "Villain of the Week" formula. This could make or break your like of the show. And while I'll admit I was nostalgia blinded and this show isn't as good as I gave it credit for, it's still got a charm and decent writing. Along with the main trio being lifting each other up, there's good messages.

For example, in this episode Danny neglects his friends for popularity but learns how real friends are hard to come by.
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Danny Phantom: Mystery Meat (2003)
Season 1, Episode 1
Mystery Meat
21 May 2021
Rewatching this was nice. The first episode of Danny Phantom comes across as an average cartoon but has touches that salvage it from being too drab. Danny has supportive family and friends, even if they seem too archetypical or exhibit questionable behavior sometimes. And the Lunch Lady's motivations are silly and make no sense, but Danny doesn't start out perfect. He needs to learn to control his powers and how to finish off the villains.
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