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The Best DreamWorks has been since the first How To Train Your Dragon
26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The obvious first standout offcourse is the gorgeous art design and direction taking the footsteps of the likes of Spiderverse and Arcane, accompanied with jaw dropping scenery, vibrant colours and hand drawn aesthetics that embrace the wacky and over exaggerated nature of the fairy-tale world perfectly presenting it like we've never seen it before, and I love how both the plot and action take advantage of them remarkably to create both some truly haunting and beautiful imagery, especially THE ACTION which as soon as you see frames dropping, you know some serious stuff is about to come down, as they completely soar with outstanding direction, unbelievable angle positions, phenomenal choreography, snapy and fluid shots, impeccable pacing and a ton of up lifting energy that whether it is a giant Shadow of the Colossus looking set piece or a simple confrontation between two characters, there was never a moment where something new wasn't being brought up to the table in terms of visuals, humour and details, bringing even some of the best action films to shame with its amount of creativity, charm and substance. Not to mention a well written script that understands perfectly what made the first two films so special, full of quotable lines, layered and surprising jokes that rarely miss and satisfying payoffs for almost every single character, plot line or event it introduces, that greatly balances the mockumentary aspects with more emotional and dramatic beats never feeling like one overestimating the welcome of the other, and both of these haven't been this greatly utilised since Shrek 2, from antagonising good characters to providing a genuine look at how a panic attack plays out and how to deal with it correctly (which brought me to such tears, like damn what a scene ). It is also wonderful to see the film continue the franchise tradition and deliver with banger musical numbers like Fearless Hero and Por qe te vas (which quickly became one of my go to songs to cry to) accompanied by a great western like score helping separate it from the rest of the franchise.

Although, the most surprising aspect for me personally is definitely how great the story and narrative turned out to be executed, as well as how they weren't afraid to go harder and deeper into both their themes and characters that completely left me speechless. I never would have thought Puss in Boots out of all of Shrek's characters was going to have the most unique and complex character development cycle, as his self centered and arrogant behaviour has left him with only one life left, throughout the ups and downs of the wonders of the Black Forest, he will come with terms how fragile his former lives really were and how to make the most of the life he has left, as well as overcome his fear of mortality and accept the inevitability of death, caused by a special someone I'll talk about later, bringing such a unique contrast to it's previous appearances, as well as a new emotional layer to his character making him even more likeable and relatable than before, which is also elevated by Antonio Banderas's best vocal work to date as he brings even more charm, quip and nuance to the role better than he ever did before. Kitty Softpaws and Perrito also took my by suprise with their development and arcs as well, with Kitty actually having a proper strong personality and arc of learning how to open up to people and earn their trust, compared to her quite one noted appearance in the first film, as well as Salma Hayek doing a much better voice job matching Antonio's energy phenomenally, and Perrito who managed to avoid the annoying comedy relief sidekick treatment by having a very distinct and loving personality who's curious and wonderful attitude and outlook on the world around him have such a wholesome impact both on the narrative moving forward and helping Puss, Kitty and even Goldilocks soften up to other people in their lives.

It is also incredibly impressive to see the films story juggle between three different antagonists simultaneously without feeling overstuffed and unfocused, with each of them having proper characterization and impeccable on screen presence each in their own right. I love how Goldilocks and the three bears are represented both as an obstacle for our main trio yet are still given proper emotional story beats about acceptance and family inclusion implying that they are not really evil, but the desire for the wish let them come out as such, and it definitely helps that their chemistry and banter with one another is very charming and entertaining to watch throughout, that is even further improved by Florence Pugh, Olivia Colman and Ray Winston giving out great and sweet performances enhancing the family dynamic. And on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, I really enjoyed Jack Horner being presented as an irredeemable bastard with zero qualities and how self aware of that fact he is, who's main purpose to further embrace the mockumentary aspect brought up some genuinely funny dialogue every time he appeared, especially his conversations with Jiminy Cricket, and was by far the most hilarious part of the film.

But truly the absolute standout and one of the main reasons why this film was as good as it was is the character of Wolf, also referred to as Death, and I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or any other fancy way. He is Death straight up!, and OH MY I am so much in awe with how outstanding of an antagonist he is! From the phenomenal design, incredible flighting style, the menacing dialogue that makes even comedic lines scary, the bone chilling Twisted Nerve like whistle every time he appears, to his unsettling yet charming voice fantastically done by Pablo Escobar himself Wagner Moura, every single aspect about him added up to such a mesmerising and intimidating stage presence that completely tonal shifted the film in the best way possible with his every appearance, bringing up Heath Ledger's Joker levels of terror, insanity and composure I haven't felt from an animated villain other than Coraline's Other Mother. And just like with Goldi, I also adore the fact that Death is treated more like an antagonist rather than a full blown villian, as he's pretty much just doing his job, and due to Puss's irrational behaviour that disrespects the meaning of life as well as the fact that he is annoyed by the idea of nine lives as a way of escaping him, it would make perfect sense why he went to hunt and take his last life seeing him as unworthy and selfish, only to realise he had played with his food long enough for Puss to grow and take in the fact that he isn't truly untouchable, leading to a PHENOMENAL CLIMAX that is up there with Nope when it comes to best final acts of the year with how satisfying, moving and creatively it concluded. Easily one of my favourite antagonists not just in animation, but film in general!

I feel like I can be here for days spitting everything I loved about The Last Wish, from significant character moments, to choreography details or talking about Death for another four paragraphs, but I don't think any kind of writing can translate how much pure joy this film provided me with, as well as not wanting to spoil the film as I encourage everyone to give it the love and support it rightfully deserves. 10/10.
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Wonder Woman 84 - mixed opinions
24 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, here we are after months and months of delays DC finally relased the highly anticipated WW84, and it is... well... cool. My opinions about the movie are mixed so I will seperate them into 3 categories.

1. Good:
  • Gal Gadot - she is a GODESS, i repeat GODESS! Excelent as Wonder Woman, full of emotion, extremely likable understood the character and did a great job just like in the first movie, maybe even better
  • Pedro Pascal - I just want more of him! Altough his character wasn't developed that much, Maxwell Lord, and is a bit of a predictible personality you can still see he is having a blast playing him and is so entertaining.
  • The visuals - a really beautifull movie to look at ( fireworks scene ), definetly worth seeing it in a theater
  • Story and message - it kind of felt like a Disney movie with is main theme of "nothing good is born from lies" and it's vibrant characters and looks, the pogression of the story is solid and preety interesting, altough it starts slow trying to explain and tell a lot of exposioson about the past and the present, but the second act picks up the pace and it is way more entertaining and action filled than the first act.
  • Chris Pine - loveable as Steve and a nice character
  • Fight scenes - great and really well done ( Mall robbery being the best ) and again. Gal Gadot shows a lot of emotion in them

2. Mixed:

  • Kristen Wiig- after the first act i kind of started hating on her character Barbara, which was likeable, with all of the cliche villian tropes she was taking, and when Chettah shows up for a 2 minute fight at the climax her looks reminded me of 2019s "Cats" and was a bit cringy
  • Writing - some moments could have been less chessy and could have been written more deeply than they were ( scene where Diana says goodbye to Steve was short and was not that emotinal in terms of dialouge and the reunion of Lord and his son also felt so fast and not that emotinoal )
  • Pacing - sometimes a bit slow, sometimes a bit fast, not good, not bad

3. Bad:

  • CGI and green screen - at some moments despite looking fabolus you can clearly, i mean clearly see the green screen moving ( every close up of WW running is awfuly done ) and the CGI being absolutly ridiculous ( Cheetah again ) which sometimes ruins the good moments in the movie
  • Logic - I may be nitpicking but some of the moments really do not feel well explained. Like how does Steve now how to drive a modern airplane, why is he brought back in another persons boddy, modern looking g63 jeeps pulled me from the 80s vibe of the film, for some reason she can fly all of a sudden, and sprint with heavy objects and trucks even though she was supposed to loose powers?... these are just some and there is more
  • Timeline - so people won't understand Suprerman in Man of Steel because of his alien powers but almost every single person acording to WW could wish an extremly powerful weapon or to start another war or kill someone or become rich or kill a race or... i think you get it
  • Opening sequence - In my opinion, enjoyable but wasn't really necsesary at all since the first movie explained everything about Dianas childhood
  • Third act - It's what bogged down the first movie from being amazing and here it's just soo dumb with Lord getting to grant everybodys wishes from a secret telepot which teleports his body to every one.. yeah I am confused, to a cringy cheetah fight and a cringy Hallmark ending... 😑

At the end, WW84 while flawed and unlogical is still an enjoyable movie with enough action and heart to make it entertaining to watch. I think that it could have been better like the trailers showed, but sadly it was not.

5.5/10 for me
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Remember, remember, V for Vendetta, the writing, character and plot, i know of no reason why this movie should ever be forgot!
8 December 2020
First, I have to give credit and praise the team behind this film, for releasing a movie so politicly powerful and sharing a strong message how "we", as "we" the people living in our country shouldn't be afraid of our governments 4/5 years after 9/11 and during the massive political protests in many countries around the world.

It is sad to think that 15 years later in this rough, chaotic 2020, when I saw this movie for the first time, I realized that my countries government isn't far away of being like the government presented as a villain in a fictional, sci-fi, DC made film based on a graphic novel. Hope that in the future things will change for the better, but we should not stand low and keep on fighting.

The movies writing and characters have so much emotion, care and love put into them. The plot and the story are powerful, heartwarming yet entertaining. Action is well filmed and exciting. And the acting is just, WoW! Hugo Weaving kills it as V, and Natalie Portman's character Evie's growth through the story from beginning to end was so well done that id had me tearing up!

In my opinion, a MUST WATCH! Honestly my favorite DC movie ( yes, love it more than the Dark Knight ) and one of my top 5 favorite movies.

A perfect 10/10 from me.
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It's dumbness makes it good
30 November 2020
Looks like i was really bored during the weekend. The plot is scaryly predictible and not exciting at all, dialogue sooo cheesy and dumb, characters make such cliché choices and act like stones. It is bad, but this is a perfect example of "so bad it is quite good" type of movie. Really enjoyed it's dumbness :)

4/10 for me
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The Lion King (2019)
A 6.9? Really?!
24 October 2020
There are soooo many movies better than this overrated piece of garbage that have lower scores or are in the 3.5 stars rank yet are better and deserve higher scores. No soul, no charm and no character describes this movie. Good effects and actors but that i it. Go watch the original, you will not regret it.

2.5 for me.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
A step in the right direction for the franchise and overall a great movie
29 September 2020
Honestly I skiped watching this film when it came out because after Revenge of the Fallen i lost interest in any Transformers related media. This not only took me by suprise, when i watched it during lockdown, but also weirdly became not only my favorite TF movie, but also one of my top 5 movies of all time!

The movie is more focused on character work than plot (like Alita battle Angel and Shazam for example) yet it worked. Bumblebee and Charlies relationship was so much fun to watch grow and actually made me cry during some scenes of the movie. They are the heart and soul of the movie which made it more rewatcable. It also makes sense since Bee in every other version of TF is suposed to be the human side of Autobots, caring and more friendly, and always had a human side-character next to him, which makes sense to ad Charlie as support to him. This also brings down a negative because most people may not be that interested in a Mean Girls type story with "finding your place in the world" theme, with some quiet and more lighthearted moments not excpected from this type of movie.

Now for the script, it feels like an actual 80s friendship movie (Karate Kid, The Iron Giant, Free Willy), chessy, funny, emotinal and overall easy to follow. It might be boring to some people, but it worked for me.

There was a scene similar to the 2007 movie, which was in the trailer, where he trashes the house which later links to the story going foward, which was cute and funny, but it kind of ruined the more emotinal parts which i adored and loved with the goofynes, and thats the only scene i kind of didn't liked.

The casting of the movie was very good in my opinion, with Hailee Steinfeld shining as Charlie, and John Cena actually being not that bad as Agent Burns as i excpected him to be. I also have not found any other character to be anoying, and Dylan O' Bryan was perfect as Bumblebee and i want his voice back for the sequel. Decepticions were great and well realyzed. More positivity, the action sequences were pretty great, the 80s vibe of the movie with his Best of soundtrack and overall story was enjoyable and designs were great and in my opinion better than in Miachel Bays films.

The movie may not be enjoyed by people who liked the previous films or don't want another 80s growing of age story, and maybe because of the design changes, focus on character and the movie not having a clear plot like in most action/adventure movies, but that is on you to decide. The movie is more about friendship and overcoming your problems and finding someone who can understands, cares and listens to you and helps you move foward as a person.

Overall, this was a breath of freshair for me and a big number of people who were fans of the franchise but not invested in the mostly bad Bay films, (I loved the first one) with great action, characters, soundtrack , G1 cybertron with full on fan base material and visuals that made it a pleasure to watch, witch gives it a special place in my heart.

Definitely recommend you see it and form your opinion. 8/10 for me
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Baby Driver (2017)
My Favorite Movie and a total suprise!
19 September 2020
I watced this movie during isolation just to kill some time, not expecting much. Good God was I wrong about thinking it will be just OK!

The entire movie from begining to end had my atention and gave me this feeling i really have not felt from any type of movie before! The casting choices were amazing, driving sequences breathtaking and the soundtrack that the movie followed step by step changed my perspective of music in film ( LOVED IT )!

I heard that some people did not liked the growing relationship between Baby and Debra, that it felt flat and was added to the movie with no purpose, but in my point of view I understood the problems these two were facing and loved how they connected trough music! They were in my opinion the heart and soul of this movie.

Short, this is an extremly fun, fast-paced, beautifly crafted film and with my allready existing love for cars I felt this movie had everything to make it amazingly rewatchable!

Highly recommend you see it!

Curently my favorite movie of all time - 10/10 from me!
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