
43 Reviews
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Great Damn Movie
20 December 2009
Never in my life have I seen a movie that presents a cast of no names that I have never seen before or since the film.

It was shot close to a very indie style that is similar to a film school assignment but even this I feel is not fair.

I must say that despite the seemingly trivial dialog between the characters that unfortunately makes it seem to be a Pulp Fiction rip off, I must say that the story line is one of the most original ones that I've been entertained with in a long time! And concerning the characters and their interactions (dialog), although it may be consistent with monotony, I find that the imperfection and chaos of it all closely represents reality than a flawless script executed.

It's basic, violent, cheap and mysterious but in the end, it compensates the curiosity well.

So I say if you enjoy obscure indie films concerning the everyday wheel and deal of blue collar scrubs trying to make it in some less than fortunate shady business, I say check it out.
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District 9 (2009)
Great movie; perhaps the best for 2009
21 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First we had movies like Terminator Judgment Day and Transformers and now G.I. Joe which personally didn't satisfy my pallet along with a few others not worth mentioning but this movie has it all, weapons, humor, violence, and the human monster which is a good wake up call that is much needed in the sense of noticing the similarities to what's going on in the current state of affairs with Terrorist propaganda. One thing that really got out to me was how big brother's eye in the sky was always there throughout the whole movie. It's touching in the sense of showing how people can change under extreme circumstances with the choice to do what's right before they fall completely out of grace. The only thing that I didn't like which could be considered as a major plot hole is how these 'prawns' where unable (or unwilling) to use their own weaponry and the reasons for this was not explained at all. But nevertheless, the effects were great and the story was original. It made me aware of certain things and that's a good thing. Go see this when you can.
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The Business (2005)
Been there, done that but with a twist
25 October 2008
Well for starters, the cover box is very misleading with using phrases such as "MORE GUNS THAN GOOD FELLAS, MORE SWEARING THAN SCARFACE." Not such phrases are selling points with me but it goes to show how much the film industry guys on the lower rung have suffered so much that pure desperation leads them to take on such tactics to push a product.

Anyway, with that being said, what you get is a cross between Sexy beast and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City with the atmospheric 80's vibe but atmospheric 80's vibe make for great crime movies due to the dreariness of it but aside from that it is a very good movie.

You do have the usual elements into play, the rise and fall of a group of criminals during the mid 80's cocaine smuggling era with the protagonist of a young inexperienced man who enters into this kingdom of darkness but walks away from it in the end.

I do find that the supposed vengeance scene was unnecessary unless the character was somewhat involved with the other guys in the gang's demise but in this movie it's not the case but it is touching to see the demise of a man who was adorned as a king to only be reduced to beyond the shell of the man who he once was.

I'm glad I did see this because I wasn't really up for the "Lock, Stocked and Two Smoking barrels" kind of British humor, it actually hits much deeper with the personal interplay of characters within the various scenes of the story and from what I gather though I could be wrong, this movie may be some kind of auto-biography or based on true events but even if it's still fiction, it's still worth renting. And that is why I've made a big stink in my first paragraph about a misleading DVD cover because it could definitely mislead someone from actually checking out a good movie.
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The Mother of Disappointments
4 October 2008
I already know that there are plenty of reviews on here that stress that this film is an utter failure in terms to the first two volumes of this story and so I will not go and complain on that angle.

I will say that I had tried to have an open mind as much as possible but the only joy that I had received from this movie is the monkey and the Mother's breasts (so sorry) but it's true.

I am a fan of Argento but why he waited so long to do the final installment in a very horrible way is beyond me.

Instead of getting a well rounded story, you get bad acting, senseless gore and more bad acting. At certain times, it has reminded me of The Howling II and I'm not sure that's a good thing.

On this one, I give Dario a failing grade for direction and execution along with Asia Argento for acting really poorly.

It sucked.
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Felon (2008)
Excellent movie in regards to such a brutal subject
30 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First let me point out that Val Kilmer is one of my favorite actors. This guy has three belts worth of work and still manages to stay off radar. I don't think I have ever seen a movie where Kilmer was in it that I didn't liked. This guy has true talent and many actors more in the limelight than acting should really take a cue from this guy. This is not intended to leave out other actors that all had done their part to make the movie as good as it is but DAMM IT, I want more Val.

With that being said, if you didn't know, this movie is centered around a young family man Porter Dorf) who is takes a manslaughter plea for killing a man for trying to break into his home and then is sent to prison to finish the rest of his sentence. There he meets Smith (Kilmer) who becomes bunk mates and slowly forms a bond with him while showing him the ropes on how to survive while dealing with the harsh realities of corrupt prison guards, gang bangers, and sparing with other inmates in the yard in an ordeal known as 'gladiator school' in an attempt to keep the respectful association of a white supremacist gang that he thinks will protect him.

This movie is good from beginning to end which is due in part to the supporting cast, like the eventual stress that consumes Laura Porter (Marisol Nichols) for being a docile female left with the burdens of being a mother and having to fend for herself and son while loosing everything, the stern and mysterious atmosphere held down by Smith (Kilmer), the gross corrupt conduct that's held by Harold Perrineau who plays Lt. Jackson a very evil S.O.B. to the deadly and calm Samson, a notorious Arayan Brotherhood leader played by Chris Browning.

This movie has its moments that are beyond the graphic violence and intense hatred that is common in prison movies. It actually shows the mechanics although somewhat that manifest in Prison systems from personal to very personal in a professional setting.

If there's one complaint about this movie that I would have is the death of Jackson because he was so unlikeable to me that it would have been nice to see him collapse when facing how all his dirt finally catches up to him. Of course his death was mandatory for other key parts to happen but in my minds eye, it seems that if Jackson's son Todd, survives he will have to face the dishonor and shame that his father has left behind which would be traumatic since Jackson was unbelievably two distinct persons in his personal and professional life. (Sins of the father). But other than that, this movie is a neat little item to grab from the video shelf.
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Doomsday (I) (2008)
Mad Max meets 28 days later
27 September 2008
The movie holds nothing new on the subject matter of Great Britain being infected with some sort of modern day plague that destroys the country but it was cool still none the less.

You got rolling eyeball cams, a lot of bloody deaths, cannibalism, violent cyber punk crazies and a medieval sequence that's so cheesy at times that you would start to feel like you're watching a movie for Sci-Fi but I still had a lot of laughs though the movie isn't a comedy by any stretch of the imagination.

Nowadays, you have to really take a high gamble when renting movies but I say that with this one, you will get your monies worth.
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2 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well my son liked it and that's saying something as in "mission accomplished" since it was seen only as a treat for him.

I never really cared for the first Mummy or the Mummy Returns but when comparing this one against the two previous films, I must say that this one fails.

I'm not trying to down this film as much as I seem to be doing after all I did give it 6 out of 10. Well I don't know if this movie is trying to be at a level with the latest (and last?) Indie flick; with the adventurer(s) at a later age, and dominant, ass kicking would be tomb-raiding hero having problems with his adult son, but it sure seems like it at times.

I don't care too much for Rachel We-what ever her name is either but her presence is surely missing in this one.

To put it short, the only thing that saved the movie for me (a couple of times) is Jonathan but that's it.

I thought the Yeti's showing up was cool but a blue eyed, friendly, muscular shape Yeti?-come on.

My personal take on this movie and movies like this in general is that I ask what is the sense of the bad guy having supernatural powers only to die a rather natural death and on that note, if Jet-Li's character (which was flawless which is saying something considering I don't care much for Jet-Li either) eventually becomes immortal, then he shouldn't be able to die; an obscure and painful form of banishment yes, but death-no. Well, I say save this one for the kids.
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The Tattooist (2007)
A rather unusual ghost story
2 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about this one: you got a melancholic guy as the main character, who charts a course from South East Asia to return a stolen tattoo object to a traveling group New Zealand natives and also using this adventure as an opportunity to see more of this mysterious woman that he had first met while traveling with the tribes men only after he's pricked by the art instrument from a surprise encounter from a very disgruntled client. The prick from the instrument releases a murderous ghost who you could call "Oil boy" who's on a hellbent quest to restore his honor; Ghosts (shrugs shoulders). Well there's more and there's a twist that could be presumed as obvious that wasn't so obvious and that's why I had given it a 7 out of 10. My complaint about this movie is 1: in the beginning, the main character is a boy who has his inner left fore arm skinned from his Puritan-Priest like father because he spots a rather cool looking Pentagram tattoo nested on some tribal vines or something or other. The problem with this is that considering the main character is at an age where he got me by three or four years and assuming he was let's say 15 at the time of this tragic incident with his father would mean that the kid had to of had this tattoo professionally done somewhere which of course would be illegal and the tribal design itself with crowning pentacle wouldn't be in style until 1995 and it seems like this incident happened in 87'-but this is pure speculation. But stuff like this is important because when I watch a movie, I like to be lost in a movie and forget that I'm watching a movie. Anyway, point two with problem one is, despite the off time frame of this situation, is the fact that even if it's illegal for a pre-addy getting inked like that, it wouldn't of been uncalled for somebody to call Child Protection on the dad. I mean a kid with a skinned inner arm would catch attention since it would most likely be infected. Problem two with this movie and I don't know why this is the current trend is that they used Rap music for the main theme of the movie-Rap as in bubbly pop, cool for club casual play music. You know the happy up beat music crooned over by ignorant lyrics of non-sense. This had no place in the movie. IF you can overlook those points, then you have an alright ghost flick.
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Day of the Dead (2008 Video)
Quite disappointed (spoilers)
13 July 2008
When I had seen the Dawn of the Dead remake a few years back, I was thrilled for a follow up to that style of remake because that movie (dawn) was a perfect reflection of today's times just as the Romero original for its day. But when I had seen the coming attractions for Day of the Dead, my emotions were killed by a jagged rock called "disappointment" because it went nowhere near the Romero original (which will always be a disturbing classic)! So being bored and in need for entertainment, I rented the damned thing and what I think is, even the brave heroic antics of the very cute Mena Suvari can't even save this movie. The movie should be called Night of the Dead since most of the horror began at night and generally ending during the next day break. Also you have way too much CGI in it to the point that the effects were very cheaply done, and zombies crawling on the walls like roaches a million miles per hour. Oh, not to mention that if they wanted to throw CGI in there so much, why haven't they shown the graphic transformation (face wise) of an infected person with a bloody nose and white pupils to a green pigmented, green toothed, maniac covered in boils and open soars and it seems that they tried to cover up a lack of good dialog with gore and murder (which was also cheaply done). As opposed to the original, what (in my opinion)makes the movie such a classic is that you have the inner turmoil of the characters who all interplay with one another in a very bad situation. And despite the on going Romero style of slow zombie movement, I must say that even "Diary of the Dead" was better (zombie wise) because it shows that despite the dead slow and sluggish movements, they can still creep on you in droves making them very dangerous. Also, for me, I already know who's the true deviant in the movie as opposed to the decoy, but then again, wouldn't you be suspicious of a Dean Kane stand in dressed for a night discotheque madness amidst a zombie invasion in hick town, USA? The only good parts for me (humor wise) was when the amputee Rhodes was crawling on Mena's character in the air shaft, barking and when Nick Cannon's character (Salazaar)entered the bright lighted lab said "it looks like a puffy video". Perhaps, in the science of expressive art, the movie still holds true to the reflection of these days and times, nothing but cheap interaction and mega fast over kill for a flash second of a cheap thrill.
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The Ultimate Pre-D-Day film!!!!!
2 November 2007
Seeing this makes me want to watch the first one again or buy them both! What I love about a movie like this is that nothing is saved and nobody is sacred.

Also, for a sequel to an originally conceived story, this is excellent.

In my opinion, Romero's mistake was (for whatever reason) he waited too long to release 'Land of the Dead' because the slow moving zombie movies are now outdated when compared to the more updated maniacal, running zombie fueled with homicidal rage. This is what made the 'Dawn of the Dead' remake successful to film watchers.

The story itself shows me that out of pure desperation for survival, there's no such thing as Sentimentality and within the scope of this story, it makes everything realistic.

I say rent this movie (both movies) and then buy them!
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52 Pick-Up (1986)
A very underrated film for it's time
11 October 2007
I didn't know that Elmore Leonard was the author who's book this story is based off of and that's entertaining since I am a fan of his work and it makes sense since this movie/story fits his line of literary work.

When I had first seen the coming attractions for this movie which must of been around 1987 (I was ten) I remember they emphasized the part where "Bobby Shy" came out the closet with a ski mask lunging for the main character. When I actually seen this movie was back in 1988 through cable and I was a bit disappointed due to the fact that I was mislead from what they've emphasized in the coming attractions a year earlier. I say this because they really made that part a major visual I guess to make it it's main selling point. I mean what's more scarier than a black man coming out of the closet with a ski mask looking to strangle you in a pitch black house? Now before people mention racism, relax, I am black. Anyway by seeing that small tid bit was really small to a much bigger movie, and I had lost interest in seeing it but I was young so what the hell did I know.

Years later, I watched this movie again and must say that it's very good and it's a shame that with movies such as this, 'To Live and Die in LA' and 'Carpenters Big Trouble in Little China' shows that even in the 80's, the critics sway public opinion so much that real art isn't appreciated when it's freshly shown.

I like this movie because despite the typical story plot, the movie revolves around all the characters. You are actually shown to a point, the personal lives and affairs of all involved and how they interact with one another. I like this because this is something rare in film nowadays.

I gave this movie a 9 out 10 because despite it's greatness (that I find in it), there's still something dry and stiff about it. Perhaps, it has to do with the era it was made in which is far removed in comparison of the present times we live in but then again most of what was done in the movie is as realistic as it gets.
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
Not a bad movie despite the horrible comments about it
22 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As the heading of this one indicates, I was turned off to the idea of renting it but then decided to go with my gut instincts for entertainment and took a chance on this.

I must say that this movie isn't as bad as everyone claims it it to be. It wasn't bad at all.

There's this guy who's a Vegas entertainer, who's going to snitch against the mob and we all know what happens after that. It's how it happens is what keeps my interest.

The movie had it's funny moments but the overall attitude of the film was serious and therefore those funny parts to me where showing the darker humor of life. The kind of stuff that you'd laugh at because it's not you but tragic if it was.

There are two points that I find are problems for this movie and they are: 1. The reason why everybody hates this movie or feel disappointed by it is because this movie is about 12 years late. Meaning that if this had came out exactly the way it was around the era of pulp fiction and the usual suspects, people would definitely have respect for it and it might be held up there as those two films. Because as you know, things were different back then where as now we live in a very information / communication accessible age and most people have the attitude of "seen that before" which makes it a shame for this opus.

2. The second problem that I have goes along with my personal movie rule and that is, despite how good a movie is or realistic, there's always that one key element that deems unrealistic; a loop hole if you will that is there due to plain human error or to remind you that it's just a movie. For me in this case, it's the idea of a Cardiologist Specialist still seeing a coked-out heart in mild-cardiac arrest good enough to use for a frail, dying, 80 something year old man. Now I don't know a thing about the heart or medications or procedures that would save a coked out heart ready for transplant, in fact, I don't think that's ever been done before but I highly doubt it.
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Not the best that it's advertised to be (spoilers)
30 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
but then again, so is most of everything now a days. The version that I'd picked up had said Billy Zane as the Assassin on the cover-such lies! The movie in my opinion wasn't bad but it could of definitely been better. There are many unexplained things in the movie beyond the obvious unexplained parts.

I'm confused on some things and I have issues with the characters and I will mention what they are: 1. What was Casey on for her to seem like all blissful that she was going to die? No holy visitation nowadays could pull that mood upper on.

2. Tom was this mentally damaged fraud that got cheated out his cut of the churches scam. So one moment he can't do anything for himself like finish cutting his hair and goes into seizures and is oblivious to many things but seems to pull it together when he finds out that his nurse kidnapped his sister.

3. The female assassin who likes to sodomize men with the silencer bit of her gun has no real history or character line to her except that she's ruthless looking, a great shot and her girlfriend left her and after seeing what she does to "the professor" I can only guess why.

4. Back to Tom; how can he (being a brain damaged tard) drive off with a very perfect, desired, nubile nymph towards Oregon to have a child in the future with this woman who eventually saves the world? How can he even drive if he can't even cut his hair????????? 5. Did Meatloaf die from his Hepatitus sickness or pass out from the fear of death with a silencer at the nape of his neck.

6. If the Professor who seems to be so involved with himself and his thanatos/eros theories couldn't care less about his wife leaving him for a woman, why would he care in the end to finish them off butt naked might I add? Was this summarizing his research or deception to the viewers? 7. The church cult people that was lead by Billy Zane. I've never been out to LA and it looks like I'll never will but, despite hearing how whacked out it is out there, can clergy and other men of the clothe carry guns? 8. Where were the two henchmen taking Casey? 9. If the underlining story of Tom and Casey were that they were two kids in a big scam involving being gifted in seeing theological revelations turned real gifts, did some how Billy Zanes character (Marvin?) seen this, what this all a plot by this church cult to bring the neo-messiah? So many questions, too much for my moneys worth. There were some funny parts as in "Madame, I think you have the wrong room" and the femme fatal was really giving it to the Professor. I'm confused about this scene too because obviously she sodomized him to be cruel but in a way introducing the professor (who's repressed and self-involved) to a hidden pleasure of his so in a way they've connected? I don't know. This is something I would not watch again but the best part of the movie for me besides the professor and the nymph's story line is that of the Nurse's character (Holly Davis?)which shows a tortured woman who's brought down by the corruption of it all who decides to take matters in her own hands literally, ending up being corrupted which led her to a very tragic death in my eyes. But again there raises another question, did the Nurse try to really ransom Tom's sister for money for Tom or for herself????
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Not a fairy tale for people under 17 years of age!!!!
28 July 2007
What can I say about the creator/director of this feature that isn't known by cult movie watchers? Guillermo doesn't disappoint with his take into his interpreted world of darkness and the fantasy elements doesn't mask this either.

If you have been taken in by the possibilities of breathtaking art and fantasy do not be mislead because there is nothing whimsical about this movie.

It is ultra violent and in Del Toro's case, this is the norm. I would say that the movie had succeeded in turning me off or disturbing me in which I believe was the intention.

I have given this a 6 because it isn't bad in a Argento kind of way but being that I have a child myself, it is not the kind of thing that I find ideal for a young person to watch. But this is not clearly a case of a moral stance but I for one have thought that it was something that a young person could watch and be introduced to the darkest elements of life but I will take that mistake on my own account of ignorance and not that of those who presented this opus. I have also given this movie a 6 not because I am downplaying it with what I've expressed thus far but for me, the storyline is something where I take the attitude of "been there, done that." But I am not the type of person who bash cinematic art critically with unrealistic high expectations either.

With that being said, I believe that this is the darkest fantasy movie ever created because the contents mixed in well to give a very powerful atmospheric working. Yes folks, worlds collide and there are uncomfortable moments and this is coming from someone who's seen the most artsiest of films to the most violent of films down to the most trashiest of ones.
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Transformers (2007)
A great movie
28 July 2007
I don't know why people have bashed this film in reviews when the preview of this movie came out. I read all the time where some poster claims to be a moviefest buff and knows somebody to get to see advanced press screenings before the press screenings and they down play a movie like this simply because it doesn't follow up to traditional standards. I'm glad I don't take these kind of people seriously and check things out for myself.

To be honest, I never planned on seeing the movie because I for one grew out of the Hasbro camp long ago but by mere opportunity I seen this today with my son due to be late for another movie.

I must say that that I am happy that I've gotten my money's worth because there wasn't a dull moment for me. I don't know who created this offering or why but they did a great job on this one.

If you like sci-fi, a little teen drama and non-stop action then this is the movie for you. The CGI FX in this is awesome and that's saying a lot since I am not an avid fan of CGI. Plus the movie had it's funny parts. Go see this one folks.
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Suspect Zero (2004)
not bad
21 July 2007
this movie hit theaters about 4 years ago and I remember that I was going to treat myself to seeing it because it opened on my birthday but decided against it at the last minute and chose to wait for cable viewing instead due to the many let cinematic let downs.

The movie in itself isn't bad and with the other commenter's, I agree; Kingsley (as always) gives a very good performance as a tortured soul who "can't shut it off".

The concept in itself wasn't bad but I don't know, Moss and Eckhart reminded me too much of Molder and Skully but that's not their fault. Blame lies in the over saturation of X-files through the years.

The chemistry between Kingsley and Eckhart was good (in the end) but I felt that Kingsley character shouldn't have died as easy as he did.

Over all, I gave this film a 6, perhaps if there are future releases with similar story lines that have taken notes off of this one and mastered whatever needs to be perfected, I'd give that release a 10.
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300 (2006)
Over hyped
16 May 2007
To me, the biggest disappointment is when you want to like something because everybody else likes it and then you catch yourself trying something for the sake of suggestion to the sub cons rather than being honest with yourself and say that you're just disappointed.

I seen this movie in two parts, one half one day and the rest the next day after and my thoughts on the movie is although I respect the Spartans for what they were about and what they fought for and also kicking much Persian tail, the story just didn't capture my heart.

Perhaps I'm too used to see Kirk Douglas or some other old timer play such movies but the story and attitudes are well, when you see one, you see them all.

One big negative for me is that despite all of Xerxes nasty creatures and killers, they proved no match for 300 Spartans and that's bad because I wanted to see rhino or a crazy freaky ghoul warrior maul at least one Spartan. The biggest negative however was that the whole movie was too CGI'd for me, and a movie that's supposed to be bloody wasn't bloody but digitalized so it was utter crap.

I'm glad I didn't actually spend money on this in the theater or by rental.
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Hannibal Sinking
13 May 2007
I just seen about 98% of the movie or that is to say that I'd let 98% of the movie play while I was on the computer, only to check in here and there. Don't worry, I was in the same room and though I'm implying I didn't miss much, unfortunately, I didn't miss much.

To be fair, many prequels are not good. Prequel is the latest Hollywood invention that's standing on its last leg but didn't have good ground to stand on to begin with.

The movie in itself wasn't bad, with scenery of pre and post war Europe but rather it was the story that wasn't good. No scratch that, the story on how the notorious Lecter came to be was good, and palletable but perhaps it was the chemistry or the sheer predictability of the movie's atmosphere.

I guess a face mask is Lecter's symbol which is cheesy to bring back even if it's a samurai's mask. The great Anthony Hopkins had donned the role of the High Societal Psychopathic Cannibal and unfortunately with such a performance, not only do you get countless spinoffs but people always compare original formulas to newer ones but also unfortunate is there was always something superb about the original formula for it to make is a cult success in the first place.

I'm happy to have caught this movie on bootleg rather than being an idiot to spend money on it as I did with The Red Dragon (blah) As I'd said before, the movie isn't bad with itself but I'd seen better done with less and there was something so bad about it that I didn't have interest in it to watch the end of the story, nor do I care.
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Scarification shows the Art of the Devil
4 April 2007
Cheesing heading for a review, yes I know but it was the scarification or bloody cuts on the womans back, on the DVD cover. I was going to give this movie an 8 due to it being a good movie of it's kind but now that I've just seen the whole story it's a sure 10.

As with most Asian language-edited cinema, the acting seems corny but if you can by pass that, you'd see a great story. Of course there's gore but the thing is, that it's not senseless just for schock value. If you follow the story completely to the end you'll see everything has its place.

I'm lucky to have picked this movie because with a franchise like _________________________ (insert corporate video franchise of your choice), you'd never know.

By the way, Mr. Panor is so devilishly beautiful that it's a trip to see how cold and heartless she is.
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The Departed (2006)
God damn! This was the best movie of the year.
7 March 2007
Martin Scorcese by now, has left enough of an imprint of his work that we the audience can recognize his work by things such as extreme violence, 70's rock music, racism and the building and destruction of his characters. The Aviator was a good movie and despite his years in the game, I feel that he's more renown for 'GoodFellas' but I must say that this movie shows that he's honed his craft and being that it contains all of the base elements of his signifying work (as mentioned in the first paragraph) it seems that it's the same stuff and I don't know what the hell I am talking about but by watching it, I don't know, you can just tell. I guess he felt that it's time for him to get a couple of Oscars and if that's the case, this man has hit a home run! No spoilers here but I will say that this movie has to do with the Irish mafia and how they deal with things amidst the corruption and the suffering of trying to stay on the right track amidst loosing your life by slipping up or forgetting who you are. And all the actors (you do have an excellent cast of ACTORS in this) have done an excellent job but Jack Nicholson stole the show with his character. You have close to four hours of pure entertainment and it's good from the beginning to the end!
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Spirit Trap (2005)
Pretty good movie and I am surprised by this.
7 March 2007
By my horrible experiences with movies at the rental places, I feel that I have enough experience to judge a crappy movie and with a the name of this movie and the cover, I figure that such would definitely go in my crappy collection. It was collecting dust until I was haggled to watch it last night and I'm glad I did. This movie has no special effects what so ever that I remember, well, nothing CGI or extreme and it still kicked ass. It has an original story, good acting (for the scope of this film) and it was thoroughly executed with a different approach on the subject of spirituality. I can honestly say that I didn't get bored or annoyed or got up to do something else while it was playing. I liked it.
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Desperation (2006 TV Movie)
Not bad for a typical King flick but not too great either
5 March 2007
I seen the commercial for this movie off of a rental I had and had gotten excited because from the looks of it, it was not bad. Then I had to rent it and my thoughts are that for a desolate setting for a mid-western town was creepy enough for evil to go around fulfilling its vices. You have a great cast, full of veteran actors who all played their parts well. Many reviewers have commented on the boy characters nauseating faith in "god" and the nature of what god is. Some others have also commented that the usual King treat is depicted of a good ol' moral spar between good and evil but I don't see it as such. It was noted many of times that King had either begun this story while he had substance problems and or finished the book (story) in rehab. If this is true, then it's possible that the authors own bouts with the man upstairs became apparent in this film. Either way, I can see why the complaints but personally the kid and his faith didn't bother me. What bothered me was for a King film this ended too fast and no scary, slimy monsters to swat back into the darkness. But due to the villain mainly being bodiless is a new approach and was executed rather well. Another film (for TV) before this (I forget the names) wasn't all too great either. To be honest, I've lost track of his catalog but the last movie that I'd seen that left me satisfy was "Rose Red". I say rent it, be the judge and see if you like it or not.
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Pure Worm Filth!!
23 January 2007
You know this grade of film is called a B-Movie and now a days I take it means a horror/slasher movie that is low budget and unknown but if good, it reaches cult status and places like your famous bookstore online services can charge an arm and a leg for out of region DVD's.

In short, I give this movie a 10 star rating because for a horror movie it holds all of the elements of it's genre (blood, gore, tragedy and culture shock or moral shock) and it actually left me scared and cringing to my notebook so by far, out of my library, this gem is the most valued movie because it delivers and what's crazy about it is despite it's dated effects, it isn't dated.
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The best of Nunspoitation flick thus far
18 January 2007
This movie is true to form with the opening of racial prejudice towards the nuns who're not Mexican.

I have read many reviews in where this movie was very confusing but this is not the case because this generation of movie viewer has to have everything explained to them because it hurts to think. Blame capitalism, blame the information age, Hell, blame me but if you have read such reviews don't take it to heart for ye will surely be deceived!!! The movie is about a nun who's harassed by the devil all because of her purity or desire to be chaste. Eversince she's been in contact with El Levid whom I shall refer to as (The Count of Dantecrispo, sister purity gets the urge to seduce goat herders and fellow nuns.

I will not share any more but for me, it's worth the investment. I like this movie more than Alucarda and that's saying a lot since Alucarda's pure Kult Ov the Kult of my video collectiones.
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Well it was obvious that it wasn't a werewolf
14 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
which to me was kind of a disappointment when I was in my local (crappy) videostore. I had honestly thought it was a unique werewolf design but what got me to purchase it was the title of the movie like American werewolf? So then after seeing the movie, I caught the humor of the title. This movie sux! But I gave it a 5 because it wasn't a bad suck. There was a certain attitude about the movie that was likable even the racist persona's of the white Texans against the Mexican Texans although vulgar, was what I would call accurate of a typical racist.

I don't know, if they had a modern day version of USA Up all night, I can see this being on the play list.
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