
275 Reviews
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Dollhouse (2009–2010)
A bit of a shame it ended
13 October 2022
I think I'm not the only one to say that I wished this show had more seasons. Sure, it's not perfect by any means, and like what some other reviewers have pointed out, the plot twist was a little out of place. Sure I get it but usually little nuggets of information would be given to hint at it. To give you that aha moment when you finally see the twist. Still, these 2 seasons have been amazing. Though I must admit that when I first watched this 2 years ago, I couldn't get past the first episode.

Still, on hindsight, like many other shows, it only gets better through the seasons. While the first one was exciting and good, the second really breathed life into it's characters. It's truly a pity that they had to rush all the potential that this series has to offer in the second season. Still, I'd take a well wrapped up series over an uncompleted one any day.
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Chinese Love Actually
19 September 2022
Technically a pretty bad film but if feel good romance is your cup of tea, you'll love it. You know that feeling when your heart is so full that it gets a little hard to breathe, yea this film made me feel like that. Yes, it's extremely cliche, the plot at times is just plain bad, and you basically can see the ending from a mile away. For one, (I understand that it's a personal opinion but) I don't see the need for all the side love stories. It only serves as a distraction that isn't well elaborated on anyway. But even so, for a feel good rom com, it just works. Do I wish that the plot was better? Of course. But the superb acting more than makes up for its own shortcomings.
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Real Steel (2011)
Thrilling with a dubious backstory
9 September 2022
I mean, it's robots fighting robots, what's not to like. Only thing is, the backstory of the 2 characters felt a little out of place, it didn't play any significant role in what is essentially a robot fighting film. For an emotional family film, it's not enough, not even close. Yet for a sci fi action film, the backstory was too much. Furthermore, perhaps it's just me but (yes I know it happens but) the dad was just really crappy, he doesn't have any redeeming qualities, doesn't go through any enlightenment of sorts, yet somehow he just becomes a better guy? A better father? It doesn't make sense.

Still for what it's worth, despite all the bad, it's a pretty thrilling feel good after all. It's decent, just with a couple of caveats.
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28 Days Later (2002)
Gripping wouldn't even cut it
7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film was basically pure thriller. From the very beginning till the very end, everything was edge of your seat anxiety. When the 'zombies' weren't there, you were basically just waiting for a jumpscare. But in all its terror, it puts across an important idea. Even before the infection started, we were already living in a world where we were doing it to each other. All that pain and suffering. And this is further shown that at the end of the day, humans really are their worst enemy. Even from the beginning, although one has righteous intentions, we are the ones to cause our own doom. For everything to come full circle at the end, it's food for thought.
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It's only downside is that it's cancelled
7 September 2022
Don't watch this show for it will only break your heart. It's perfect. It's solemn, it's sweet. Really a magical journey. And for that, I'll say don't watch it. Knowing that the story you fell in love has an ending that will not see the light of day is just saddening. There has been very few shows that captured my attention as much as this one.

Oh well, at least this show follows the book quite closely so you could dig up the ending from there. To see it visualized in front of you in all its glory, the experience is simply unparalleled. Frankly, it was the movie that first brought me into this story and for what it's worth, I loved the movie. This series is basically an extended cut of the movie, just without the ending.
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Purple Hearts (2022)
Interesting take on an age old concept
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To sum up, this film is sweet, amusing, yet oh so predictable. To be fair, it's a film you expect to be predictable. It's a feel good, tragedy romance for god's sake. That doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing though, it's weakness is also it's strength. Yes, you don't feel any real worry for the characters, but that allows you to truly just soak in the moment and enjoying it as it goes. Kind of like when you watch a movie the second time.

However I must say, despite what a couple of others say, I loved the music. Yes some of it was hilarious (in a bad way), but the others, especially those singing about their relationship, ooh wow. It perfectly fits the emotions of the film and are actually pretty good.
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L.DK (2014)
Unrealistic, a little weird, but overall a great feel good
31 August 2022
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It's extremely unrealistic. The actions of both the guy and girl is something that would never play out in real life, the guy is downright creepy at times and the plot is a little unnerving. But strip away all that and at it's core, all it wants to be is a great feel good. And it does that extremely well. My litmus test? I was basically smiling silly basically the entirety of the film. The scene where her friend just forgives her? Wow that was REALLY heartwarming. For your run of the mill from haters to lovers archetype, it's perfect.

TLDR: great feel good romance, if you can forgive it's quirks.
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End of an era, a new beginning
30 August 2022
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As the final installment of the prequel, it's perfect. It answers all the questions, ties up all the loose ends neatly, all while remaining jaw droppingly amazing. Some parts leave you with utter despair and sadness, the bitter pit at the bottom of your stomach. You feel every betrayal, every disappointment. At times, even shock.

Pretty much, it's perfect because of how terrible it was, so if that's for you, you'll like it.

As a personal thought, what really hit me the hardest was the funny way that fate works: Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side to save his wife of the prophecy in his head, yet it was only because of his own actions trying to prevent the prophecy, that ultimatly led to Padme's death. Truly a tragedy.
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Too much yet too little
28 August 2022
It was just action after action. However, much of it did not have much meaning to the greater plot at hand. Furthermore, while I welcome a good romance, this unfortunately, is not. Too little airtime was given to the romance that is essentially the pinnacle of this film's sequel.

However, what it was always good at doing, it continues on the trend. Top notch graphics that truly bring out the essense of the film. If not for it's somewhat convoluted and subpar plot, this film would have been an absolute winner.

Still, despite its many apparent faults, if you take into account the success of which this film it's riding on, and with it the greater plot at hand, this film makes for a decent transitional film to the key elements of the franchise as a whole.
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Brilliance supported by its previous successes
27 August 2022
If you were to look at the film as an island, no, it isn't very good. Though there was an overarching storyline, it isn't very strong. It felt more like a bunch of smaller subplots strung together.

Still, that's the key about prequels, with the success that it is often riding on, it (is definitely a huge bonus, but) doesn't have to be that good. At the end of the day, what most want in a prequel is just a good backstory. And for that, it does a fine job. All the questions you first have watching the original series are answered, and new characters add an interesting flair to the film.

For a prequel, it's far from perfect, but it is an acceptable comfort.
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A splendid end to an already good beginning
26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Can't believe it, for once they decided to deviate (albeit slightly) from what is essentially a clone of the original trilogy. But it does it in a way that still pays homage to the original film.

However, plot wise, it's no head turner. The plot twists could be seen a mile away. Still, makes for an absolutely gorgeous feel good sci-fi film if you were to ignore it's shortcomings.
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Basically a remake of the original
24 August 2022
This film, more than others, felt like a remake. With a plot that on the surface looks different, but still the same underneath, just with a new batch of heroes and villains. With random elements (that is out of place though very cute aka porg), it's really just more of the same.

On one hand, it's a winning formula, on the other, it doesn't bring anything fresh to the table. Whether that's a good or bad thing is really up to you.
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Enough of the old, fresh with the new
22 August 2022
Taking the first Star Wars with a fresh twist, it contains many subtle elements that tie in with the original film. Yet, this film is basically a repeat of the last, just with some fresh faces. That is not necessarily a bad thing however. It's a winning formula. For the fans, you'll absolutely love it.

However, for the newbies, I highly recommend that this not be the first film you watch if you're trying to dip your toes into the whole saga(aka me but bad idea, trust me). With too many insider 'jokes' of sorts, there's much that would unfortunately not be appreciated if you started here. The Mandalorian is significantly easier to stomach in that sense.
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I.Q. (1994)
Illogical fun
21 August 2022
It's a perculiar film. With a somewhat questionable premise, and unrealistic turn of events, it's not a film I expected to enjoy as much as I did. But, lo and behold. It's quirks blended well with the comedic vibe of the film.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Hallucinating trip
20 August 2022
The whole thing felt like a hallucination. With shimmering features, bizarre creatures, oddly artistic nature, it's the kind of film that feels like a dream. On the surface, it's meaning seems somewhat convoluted, yet, if one were to dive deeper, there's definitely some deeper meaning up to the interpretation of it's viewers.
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Subtle brilliance
17 August 2022
I must admit, when I first started watching StarWars, I was skeptical. I found A New Hope to be over hyped, and frankly subpar in the emotional connection (or lack thereof) that you have with the characters and as such, I simply could not get into the film. But I gave it another go and boy am I glad I did. In the trilogy, this was the very best yet. It was action packed, witty, and most importantly, you're emotionaly invested in their journey after 2 films. You feel despair at their failures, and sheer joy in their triumphs.
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The DUFF (2015)
Feel good empowerment comedy that's frankly a little plain
15 August 2022
Remember she's all about that? Imagine that but with a little modern day social media spice. That's basically the premise of the film. Now don't get me wrong, it's good, the plot changes just enough to keep it interesting and fun to watch. Now it's not perfect,but sometimes all we need is a little light hearted pick me up.
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Barefoot (I) (2014)
Good campy fun
14 August 2022
While on its own it is not really spectacular in any way, the coquiness of the whole show comes together nicely to give a feel good campy vibe that is very heartwarming to see.
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Be Somebody (2016)
Basic fun teenage romance?
14 August 2022
It's perfectly mediocre, with a classic teenage romance trope between a 'pop' kid and a regular kid. Even so, it's a good form of escapism from everyday life.
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D.E.B.S. (2004)
Funny, sexy, brilliant
13 August 2022
If you've seen the other reviews, you know exactly what is film is. Basically a Charlie Angels, lesbian eye candy film but better. The actual part on spies is suffice to say cringe worthy and unrealistic. However, this all fits into the vibe of the whole film. It's no Oscar winner, but definitely a really fun watch.
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The High Note (2020)
Mediocre greatness
6 August 2022
I realized that sometimes it's really hard to describe how amazing the film is so I'm going to try to do it by telling you how it felt. This film just draws you to it. I was, due to reasons, watching the film in parts and although each time I stopped it, I was slightly reluctant to continue watching the film, like I could have totally stopped it there and then and not felt like I missed out on anything but the thing is during the film itself, I just enjoy it so so much. It's the kind of feel-good film that you know isn't exactly very good but at the end of the day it does exactly what you wanted it to do. It makes you smile and feel blissful in your heart.
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TLDR, its good
31 July 2022
Yes, there are some emotional scenes and also some parts of it, make you feel just the raw pain that the main character feels. It really captures your attention. You just look at it and you can't take your eyes off. You want to know what's going to happen to the girl and sometimes you just feel the raw pain in her voice.

It's, it's just so emotional.
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It isn't perfect but it sure does, come close
29 July 2022
Honestly, I was a skeptic. I thought it was gonna be just another ploy to tug at your heart strings. But well, although it actually it is, but at the same time it does it. It does it in a way that makes you want to continue watching, what to know what it's gonna happen with him. At the end of the day, who doesn't love a good heartwarming story.
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Heavily depends on your love for her songs
26 July 2022
Personally, I LOVED it. When combined with (what was to me) newfound knowledge on the meanings behind so many of the songs I loved, it was perfect. It was intensely emotional and thoughtful.

But I have to say, from a film standpoint, NOTHING stands out. If you don't like the music and the meaning behind it, you won't like it at all. 90% of the enjoyment derived from the film solely depends on your take on the songs itself.
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It's hard to explain
24 July 2022
It's good. That's pretty much all I can say. In this day and age, where alien invaders, marvel, sci fi films aplenty, martial arts film's action seems very much toned down in comparison. Even so, it somehow remains incredibly exciting, keeping you on your toes wondering what's going to happen next. The emotional scenes, though not the most raw I've seen, is no slouch either.
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