
2 Reviews
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War Horse (2011)
A Legacy, Tarnished.
1 February 2012
I am not usually one to review films in depth on IMDb. But having recently paid out to witness what was set to be an undoubtedly mesmerising on-screen adaptation of a truly great story, i think it only right that i voice my complaints.

Firstly, where was the character development? I found myself so uninterested in the plight of any of the characters, including bizarrely, the horse itself, that i felt absolutely no emotion at what was to be the 'heart rendering' finale. It seemed as if there were scenes missing from almost every act of the film, in which the characters earned either our sympathy or empathy, because they certainly fell short of doing so.

As for the cinematography, surely the Oscar nod is a joke against Spielberg and co? I hate to be a cynic, but it looked as it 90% of the film was shot around the same field. The endless use of sunrise/sunset was also incredibly tiresome.

There were a few moments in the film that were almost offensive. Firstly, whoever knew the WW1 trenches to be so delightfully well kept and tidy? Not a dead body in sight. As for the 'protagonist' (who deserves the '-' based on the fact that his character is not worthy of the title).. Doesn't he respond well to treatment after being gassed?!! Dear me. If only all other soldiers were so lucky.

And please, for the love of god, tell me who OK'd the scene with the boulder being sheared in half!? As far as i remember, that was the point at which i began to switch off and wonder if i had left it too long to catch the last showing of something, anything, else.

I honestly wanted to enjoy this film. I really did. But what has been done to it is such a shame, I'll be sure to tell people to head to either a theatre or a bookstore if they ever want to know more about the tale. My rating of 4 almost seems generous. Props to the films Horse whisperer. As fair as praise goes? That's your lot. Avoid this film.
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Spork (2010)
Instant Cult Classic
4 May 2010
I was fortunate enough to catch the final midnight screening of this at the Tribeca festival 2010. I went in with a very much half-soaked approach. The idea of a sexual discovery narrative driven by a 12 year old wasn't entirely appealing to me. But, having said that, my view was instantly and irreversibly changed.

Within the first ten minutes of the film, you will find yourself gripped by a cast matured far beyond their years, and intimate and precise direction that is often lacking in even the most impressive titles.

I wont go into the story, or why i enjoyed this film quite so much, but suffice to say, the writing is spot on. Rather than talking down to the young cast, the script really exalts them, and you feel on an emotional par with every member of the cast.

I watched a lot of films from indie festivals this year, and i can only hope that Spork gains the critical acclaim, and distribution deal that it deserves. I cant wait to see it on British shores!
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