
150 Reviews
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Good if you choose when to finish on re-watch
20 December 2022
This absolutely is one of the best shows of all time. I still believe the show doesn't fall apart after the original ending of season five. Yes there are poor episodes but the first five seasons had shocking episodes too (e.g. Just look at bugs). There are also truly amazing episodes from season 6-11.

Now yes I did say 6-11 because for me that's where i choose to end this from now on. This series could have ended with the season 11 finale. All we needed was no London Man of Letters scenes and use the time to fix up some happily ever after/loose ends etc.

While yes there are definitely good episodes in season 12-15 (I could name 10 quite easily), there are never any truly great episodes. So my rating goes from a 10/10 for the seasons 1-11 to a 7/10 overall, in my opinion.
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Doctor Who: The Husbands of River Song (2015)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
The Best Christmas Special
9 November 2022
And not just the best Christmas Special but one the best episodes of Doctor Who episodes of the nearly 60 years of the show now.

While there were so many silly scenes and bad jokes, being a Christmas Special these things are expected and I feel fit in with the one off genre of the year, where it makes the show all the better.

The scenes were all you could expect from doctor who in one episode. From bad jokes, silliness, a little seriousness, sad, sweet and very emotional.

While one of the characters (I think we all know who) is quite annoying and doesn't fit in to the Doctor Who universe as a "companion", once again as a Christmas Special it works, he also does grown on you.....just it takes till half way through the next season. We also get The best companion that fits with more than one Doctor.

This should have been the FINAL episode ever or at least before another hiatus of Doctor Who, as yes while there are still quite a lot of good episodes after this, there is never anymore truly magnificent ones anymore...

...But more importantly this COULD have been the final episode and I don't think any single person could have complained abut it being the last. And if you so desire it gives you the chance to end it here on a re-watch. This episode really was that good.
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Walker (2021–2024)
While this isn't worth a 10 by a long way, I still feel 6 is too low
29 August 2021

First off everyone complaining about the dialogue and music being too soft and too loud over each other, I found at least with myself it was my TV setting, a quick adjusting of the surround settings and equalizer fixed it.

Also people who gave up on this series too quickly, I can understand that it was too slow at the start and I can completely agree with that ( I rated those episodes low too). Things do however pick up in episode 4 (it wasn't great but improved).

The level of the show continues to go up until around episode 10 where thing start getting a little stale and full of at best just passable episodes such as episodes 10, 11 and 12. Luckily the original season finale ep13 was the best one yet and it seemed like they pulled their fingers out.

Unfortunately we get at best passable fillers for episodes 14 and 15. We then also get a filler for episode 16 but this one is at least well done (I gave it a 7/10).

Then we get to the business end of the season starting with episode 17, where while not worth 100% still gets above 9.5 so I rounded it up to 10. The finale, or new finale didn't quite live up to the previous episode but I think was still very good and I was tempted to give this a 10/10 too but the zoom out at the end seemed an overly unnecessary way to tell you there will be a season 2 so I gave this a 9/10.

Anyway I crunched the numbers (added all my ratings up and divided them by number of episodes) and can so far give this series exactly 7.222222222

I will edit and continue this review after season 2.
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Doctor Who: World Enough and Time (2017)
Season 10, Episode 11
I really want to give it a 10/10
4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
But I just can't. While this was THE best episode of Doctor Who in a long time it still had some problems if you look back closer to the start of the episode. I personally don't like flashbacks, they remove the tension in the moment, so that is 1 problem. Problem 2 is that the blue guy seemed way to concerned about them taking humans, he isn't human so why is he worrying? The final problem being that The Doctor seems very unfazed by Bill's death, thank god he flipped that guy on his arse in the end, but really it wasn't enough for what happened.
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Not as good as the previous episode
3 May 2021
But still fairly good. Felt like a bit of a repeat of season 6 in some parts at least. I particularly kept thinking to myself "Tick tock goes the clock"
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Doctor Who: Extremis (2017)
Season 10, Episode 6
Absolutely the best episode of this season thus far
3 May 2021
And the best episode since "Heaven Sent". Really i would rate this in Capildi's top 5 episodes (at least to date of this episode). Absolutely everything is amazing about it. I particularly liked Nardole being a bad ass even if it was for only about 30 seconds...huh...I think I'm starting to like him.
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Doctor Who: Oxygen (2017)
Season 10, Episode 5
The best episode of season 10 so far
29 April 2021
Finally an episode that had substance, depth, proper sci-fi and not just running around and away from a horrible CGI monster. Most importantly an episode actually in space, we don't get enough of those in New Who, especially in recent seasons. Glad Bill got a taste of her own medicine about the racism thing too, yes it is that easy to be accused of being racist.
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Doctor Who: Knock Knock (2017)
Season 10, Episode 4
Well it's slowing climbing it's way back up the ladder
28 April 2021
But why oh why is Nardole still here. There is something very wrong with that character. It's like they are trying to lighten up the story after a dark couple of seasons, but all they are doing is annoying me.

The rest of the story was a repeat of what we have seen several time already on Doctor Who but still okay.
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Doctor Who: Thin Ice (2017)
Season 10, Episode 3
2 in a row
28 April 2021
While a little bit more exiting than last weeks episode, this still had the same form in the rushed ending. The bit about being black in 1800's England was done way better with 10th Doctor and Martha in the Shakespearean era, but I guess they have to repeat themselves nearly word from word every now and then?
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Doctor Who: Smile (2017)
Season 10, Episode 2
Another Doctor Who episode ruined by the 45 minute runtime
28 April 2021
Once again we have a rushed Doctor Who episode, which had potential but was ruined be the quick end. The first 30 minutes seemed a little boring but at least it was bringing the concept of the episode together. It was however far to slow and so they had to throw together the last 15 minutes to fix the complication quick.

Overall the performance was mediocre at best and then fell further flat and short at the end making this a very disappointing episode.
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Doctor Who: The Return of Doctor Mysterio (2016)
Season 10, Episode 0
Doctor Who/Marvel movie?
28 April 2021
Defiantly pushing Doctor Who in a direction that it should not be going in. The corniness of the super hero saving the girl was done well for what it was. Still better than all post 2014 marvel movies.
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Doctor Who: Face the Raven (2015)
Season 9, Episode 10
Not 10/10 worthy but good all the same
24 April 2021
This is The Doctor I grew up with, can and will do absolutely anything when you piss him off.

I have said it before and I will say it again. Capaldi really reminds me of Eccleston's Doctor. While Capaldi has had some absolutely horrendous episodes let down by the writers and especially the scripts, when given the right opportunities like this one, he does great. Still the man wrecked by war......well kinda yeah, He did fight at the battle of Trenzalore for about 1000 years, so that's why I enjoy these darker episodes, like what you got from the 9th Doctor. They are both damaged by wars and you get to truly see it.
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Doctor Who: Sleep No More (2015)
Season 9, Episode 9
Series 9 has to be the worst in the entire 52 years of Doctor Who
24 April 2021
And this is without a doubt THE worst episode to date and I wished i slept through it.
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Doctor Who: The Woman Who Lived (2015)
Season 9, Episode 6
I preferred the lion story, that was the last of Classic Who
24 April 2021
When I say prefer i mean immensely. That had a good story behind it. This on the other hand is just horrible. I actually forgot this episode existed and now I wished it stayed that way. Now I've seen it again and have this feeling it's going to stay in my memory forever.
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Doctor Who: The Witch's Familiar (2015)
Season 9, Episode 2
Not as good as last week
20 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
But that is the norm with New Who. It is still good most of the time. The main problem is the majority of the episode is suppose to make you feel sorry for Davros and any idiot with half a brain would know that Davros would never change. After all how may time in classic Who did The Doctor try to make Davros change his mind. The answer is many, many times.
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Doctor Who: The Magician's Apprentice (2015)
Season 9, Episode 1
Boy is my face red
20 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well I did decide to keep watching and I decided I will review to hood episodes and any episode that I can't be bothered wasting my time on I will just grade and move on.

Why is my face red....well if read my review of "Death in Heaven", then you would know that I thought there was no coming back for Doctor Who and it was all over. This episode however was brilliant. The best bit has to be The Doctors anger and him begging Davros who is so arrogant just like the old days with the Kaled's.

Loved seeing the old style of Dalek on the surface of Skaro, would have been nicer to see more than just the one but oh well. The main problem stopping this being a 10/10 however is the over the top start. Everything else I loved.
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Doctor Who: Last Christmas (2014)
Season 9, Episode 0
Doctor Who has crabs, must have got them from River
20 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well if you don't count The Snowmen, this this is the best Christmas Special since all the way back at season 3 or 2 (depending on how you count it) with "The Runaway Bride".

It's well worth the watch just because of how bad the Christmas Specials have been in Doctor Who. Of course there also are problems with it. The Danny Pink dream sequence is a bit unnecessary and shoehorned in too make sure Doctor Who stays a soap opera for the entirety of season 8.

Anyway still above average with a 6/10.
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Doctor Who: Death in Heaven (2014)
Season 8, Episode 12
Okay now I'm seriously considering to stop watching Doctor Who at this point
20 April 2021
It's already bad, and I've been seeing the downhill trend, with no signs of going back up.

There is nothing wrong with this episode - "it's nothing, nothing, definitely sure, 99% sure, really 99%? That's quite high, is that the figure you're sticking with? Okay, okay 75, wow that's dropped quite a bit, you just lost 24%". And that is how this episode works with The Doctor's very own logic. It starts good and get's worse, unlike the episode where this line was taken from. This final however goes much lower than that, I'm sure there's something half decent in the whole 60 minute hour somewhere. That is why this get's a 1/10 (there are times I wish i could give 0/10 too).

If you don't like "Victory of the Daleks", "The Rings of Akhaten." and above all "Closing Time": Then you won't like this either, They are all resolved with love and this is just another of Moffat's BS.

The worst Cybermen story ever, the worst Doctor Who finale ever, that all of Doctor who not just New Who. THE worst.
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Doctor Who: In the Forest of the Night (2014)
Season 8, Episode 10
Ruined by the happily ever after
20 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was going to give this a 6/10 but then the soap opera got too much so I thought about 4/10......then the trees just disappeared into fireflies so that reduced it further to around 3/10. Then for some reason they decided to complete the soap opera with a fairytale ending and give the kids sister back.

This is very sad, like Kill the Mood, they started of with a good story and drove it into the ground. There are far better ways they could have done this and far less fairytale BS they could have used.
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Doctor Who: Dark Water (2014)
Season 8, Episode 11
Still...could be worse
20 April 2021
Could have been a full episode of soap opera rather than just half...Yes that really is about the only positive here. The episode became quite boring with the big reveal was already revealed in last weeks "next time". Making it too bring because you know what's coming.

Why don't they show all the soap opera stuff in the next time and leave the real part of the story out, as to not ruin the actual interesting parts. I'm going to watch next weeks episode regardless, no need to try twist my arm. Just watching, hoping it gets better (losing more and more hope every episode). Doesn't mean I will stop watching, just means you will see more low ratings on here.
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Doctor Who: Flatline (2014)
Season 8, Episode 9
A bloody good episode that was a little let down by the ending
19 April 2021
The monsters this time were not only new but genuinely 10/10 good. There was a let down with the ending that cause the 9/10 I'm giving. Obviously they couldn't think of a good way to stop the monsters and save the people. Luckily the bulk of the story is the deadly 2-D monsters.

Another great thing I did like about this and previous recent episodes, is that the writers seemed to have finally listen and now have people dying like they use to back in RTD's era (and without bringing them back).

Very top marks with too much of an easy fix, but so great to see something new and the whole episode use to the best of it's ability.
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Doctor Who: Mummy on the Orient Express (2014)
Season 8, Episode 8
Back on track
19 April 2021
After a couple of weeks with horrible stories and annoying characters, we end up with a story that although obviously done many times, actually fits in well. It is very different from the original story that the idea came from, a bit far out there but overall good.
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Doctor Who: Kill the Moon (2014)
Season 8, Episode 7
Ahhhh yes Doctot Who, where the vacuum of space seems to mean absolutely nothing
19 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
And many, many more horrible things wrong with this episode.

This episode has some interesting ideas like the giant bacteria, but everything else in this episode turned out to be a horrible idea, in fact it's very hard to even be bothered to leave a proper review.

Anyway for some reason the bacteria which is behaving exactly like spiders to the point where they even create webs? Why would they possibly evolve this behavior since the episode didn't show any possible prey for them.

I sort of got bored of watching at this point, but it seemed to suggest it was the bacteria multiplying, which could have made for a far better episode, attack of the giant bacteria would have been lame but damn way better than this.

And then of course the creature flies off by flapping its wings in the vacuum of space, and no one seems to question the sheer impossibility of this scenario? WTF?

To top this off we have Courtney back for some reason, just to make this episode even more unbearable i guess.
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Doctor Who: The Caretaker (2014)
Season 8, Episode 6
Doctor Who: The Soap Opera
19 April 2021
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That would have been a fitting subtitle to this episode. How it Robots of Sherwood rating lower than this dribble. While this isn't worth 1/10, I would however struggle to give it 3/10. The only half decent parts are The Doctor being like the Doctor from season 1, in this case not knowing about human relationships. The better part being The Doctor riling Dani Pink up, much like The 9th Doctor would rile Mickey up. The rest of the show was just hopeless.

Oh and because it's Doctor Who they chucked in some earth destroying robot for a minute or two here and there.
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Doctor Who: Time Heist (2014)
Season 8, Episode 5
Well I liked it
19 April 2021
Season 8 thus far has been remarkably good. I was worried it wasn't going to work, but there seems to have been stories already written and put aside for a different Doctor than Matt Smith. I can understand why, these sorts of episodes wouldn't work for Matt Smith's Doctor and on the opposite not work great with Peter Capaldi's.
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