
20 Reviews
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How It Ends (2018)
Whaaaaaat? Where's the rest of the film?
21 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was such a hard film to watch as is, than to have literally no ending was just insulting haha So, no one will know what actually happened or happens then huh. With a film where almost nothing happens anyway, that was just mean. The actors seemed like they couldn't care less (could the lead actor have any less emotions?) but sat through it cause i knew it had to pick up at some point... well it did, when mister lead finally grew some balls and shot the neighbour and that big cloud of fire came their way. So yea, that was a good 30 seconds of fun

Go watch that don't waste time watching the first 1 hour and 50 minutes.
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The Staircase (2004–2018)
good, but very repetitive
12 February 2022
It's a good docu. Would have been better if Peterson was a more likable person with a little more layers.

Do i think he did it?

I don't know. All i think is why he wasn't holding her when he found her. That's the first thing i would do if the love of my life or mother or anyone i love completely. Run to her, hold her, check if she's alive, see if i can revive her if not... ect ect. Your natural instincts overrule every other emotion when something like that happened.

His reactions and behavior throughout the years seemed very unnatural as well, but that could just be the natural him.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body (2001)
Season 5, Episode 16
Rewatched in 2022
14 January 2022
And still one of the best episodes of any series ever.

If anyone has gone through something like that (like me) this episode really cuts deep as it's so realistic.

And for the person in here saying: 'We don't watch Buffy for emotional crap, but for the humor and the action' - I don't know what series you have been watching but Buffy was just that. Humor, Action & a lot of emotional 'crap'. The beauty of this series is that you can laugh, scare and cry in one single scene. Whedon's trademark.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Started @ a 3, moved to a 6 and @ ep. 9 is now at a 9
9 January 2022
The first few eps really aren't on par with the last few, and especially ep. 9 The show went from cringe to really good with the same Dexter vibes as the original. Excited to see how it all unfolds and ends...

Thank god i didn't give up tho after the first few eps.
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For a tacky Christmas Comedy it was pretty flawless
31 December 2021
Nothing nothing awkward or cheesy. Perfectly paced, perfect characther building in such a short amount of time. Perfectly timed and subtle jokes and pretty great acting.

Even the hundreds of extra's were flawlessly directed.

Good laughs and no restrictons. They went all out in a very un-American way.

Kudos to the director.
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A nice tv movie on a december morning. but even than, i'd rather watch one of the older versions.
24 December 2021
I mean i'm all for remakes, but why not modernize it and actually make it better. Even great actors look like bad actors with a direction like this.

No character building, no one is likeabe, so who cares what happens really and no build up or excitement or anything.

It's ok as a christmas movie on a sunday morning but how on earth did this flm gross over 350M. Even more pussling is the 6.5 rating on here.

At some point i actually forgot i was watching a movie.

Not my thing this one.
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Daredevil (2003)
Was excited to watch this after the series.
19 December 2021
Wish i didn't. Just don't like Ben Affleck in superhero movies. He just doesn't convince at all. Not as Daredevil and not as Batman.

Now i wanna watch the series again. The difference in the quality of acting is insane.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
What a ride
19 December 2021
Great cast, great story, great cinematography. And characters you care for Hope this series will return someday. It really deserves a bigger audience

And how sexy is mister Daredevil... damn.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Good first season, great last season... everything in between just ok
17 December 2021
I did really like the series as a whole, but at some point i started wishing something happened to Walt as he became the most annoying and one note character. Jessie (Aaron Paul) saved the show for me with his incredible acting and he became a character i actually cared for. Mike was another character i liked, but in the end didn't care what happened to him. Saul was great.

Anyway. Show is overrated imo. It's good, but there were no scares, no tears and hardly any chills. Saul gave us some good laughs tho.

Good show, not great.
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You'd think this would be better than the first first one... i mean how could it not be
26 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well.. it wasn't.

The acting was fine, they did the best they could with what they got, but the story was just.. well stupid.

The safes were way too easy to crack, A Youtuber with dozens of videos and 0 views. I mean even the most uninteresting video gets a couple of views. You always have at least 1 view (your own) - Anyway, The real Interpol must cringe when they see this... I mean, they could have walked straight from the set of Police Academy. It felt like they shot the film in a week cause they know it will do well anyway.

2 duds in a row... 3 and you're out.
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Survivor: A New Era (2021)
Season 41, Episode 1
25 September 2021
What the hell did i watch last night. And to think they filmed 2 seasons back to back... Wil this be the last year of Survivor?
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The Lodge (2019)
There's more dialogue in A Quit Place
3 September 2021
I'm sure these films have an audience, but for me it didn't work at all. The low energy of the actors... you really don't care for them, not even the kids. And i think rule number 1 in a suspense is, character building so you actually care about what happens to the actors. Anyway.. Low energy, boring locations, basic cinematography. Really very uninteresting movie. (and what's with the random super loud organ)

It's one of those films you're not aloud to dislike cause it's deeper and art. Blah blah. Well i love me a good left field movie in all genre's, but they need to be interesting.
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Nightflyers (2018)
5 for the visuals - 1 for the last 3 or 4 episodes
13 July 2021
Great looking show. Huge budget i'm sure. And interesting enough, although a little badly directed.. Until it isn't anymore.

Anyway.. did enjoy it. Hated the acting of the lead actor. It felt like watching a high school play. I mean there's bad acting, and than there's him. You were really rooting for him to die. But anyway... Still enjoyable, and props to the set builders and special effects guys... Cause that was top notch stuff.
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10 for CGI - 1 for everything else
28 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was a fun watch, but i could also feel my braincells dying every few minutes.

Way too glossy, too shiny, to empty? I mean, during the epic battle there is one shot i think of a few people running, the rest is just destroying skycraper after skycraper like they were made of cheap thin plastic.

And how big have they become... The original King Kong had to climb a skycraper, but kong is as big as one. A little girl doing sign language looking in his eyes?.. By these standars His eyes are 1400 feet high.

They spend soo much time making Kong and Godzilla look so realistic, and than decided to make everything else like an 80's videogame.

But... Great CGI and still fun to watch.
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Why Women Kill (2019–2021)
Perfect ending to an almost perfect show... I just have one question...
20 June 2021
Who is the woman on the cover?

Anyway... Love the characters, love the acting and overacting, great humor as expected. It's not Desperate Housewives (first few seasons), but it's a great start.

An 8 out of 10 series, with a 12 out of 10 finale.. average 10 ;) - hey, i make my own rules :p.
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Cruel Summer (2021–2023)
Not even a bad ending can change my score
18 June 2021
It's just that good. How this has a 7.5 while something as pedestrian as New Amsterdam has an 8.1 rating is beyond me.

If you hate cliché drivel like that you'll probably love this.

Diving into the final episode now... *excited* - but as my title says.. even a bad ending can't ruin the ride i had with the first 9 episodes.
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Salvation (2017–2018)
Season 1 9*s - Season 2, 6*s
17 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Eventho season 2 kinda lost it's way it was still a very easy watch.

The one thing they did wrong imo is making all the characters 'easy'... easy as in, so in love with you, but i'll sleep with anyone in a heartbeat. We wanna root for a great love story, and if that's missing in a serie like this, than you don't really care what happens to them in the end.

Also making Darius so 'crazy' in season 2 didn't feel right.

But, still a great serie and i'm super bummed this one got cancelled. Can we please have a mini series to give it a proper ending?
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They should just call it Currychef Australia
12 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show went from my favorite show ever to almost unwatchable. What the hell happened to the format? It seems that the cooks aren't learning anything as they are encouraged to do 'them', and only them. If you're in doubt just whip up a curry. They seem to love that and don't care if you serve them one every single week. This show used to be about growth of a chef and diversity. Now it's just... hey i'm Vietnamese so i'll give you only Vietnamese dishes... and if the challenge doesn't have Vietnamese Ingredients, i'll still make it Vietnamese.

The judges don't seem to push them out of their comfort zone and they almost everything is 'amazing'.

Even cooking the exact same curry in one challenge doesn't seem to bother them.

What a shame, and what a way to ruin one of the best and most respected shows in the world.

Not amused.
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5 for effort - edit 3
11 June 2021
Not sure how this has a 7.9 rating cause it really isn't that great, but it is a fun show to watch. (wrote this while watching the last episode)

Don't waste your time if you're looking for something scary or suspenseful cause it really is none of these things. But it's shot well has pretty main characters and hey it's Korean...

If they would have told the story in 6 episodes it probably would have been really good, but this dragged while we all know how it will end.

If you pass over the over acting of the main character the acting overall is pretty solid, right until the end which makes less sense than the IQ of all the characters of the whole series. In all honesty.. any regular Joe would have solved this case in half a day.

It's just way too long and needed a bit more spice and a little more intelligence to be at least a little suspenseful.

The ending made me change my 5 score to a 3 cause, well it's just dumb and makes no sense whatsoever and completely makes the whole series even less convincing.

But, i still finished the whole damn thing, so at some level it was entertaining... Just not for the intended reasons i guess.
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Gossip Girl (2007–2012)
121 episodes, 121 parties and events
24 December 2019
This show is addictive, but so incredibly bad it actually is funny. Addictive: 7 Quality: 1 Average: 4
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