
9 Reviews
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A movie to put you in a happy mood.[It was a good movie]
18 June 2001
Although I agree with most people that this movie was a tad long I don't agree with people when they it was a bad movie.Anyways Mel Gibson has never been in a movie that was short so what do you expect?!

This movie was very very funny!It will keep you laughing for days. But it also had that warm romance feel to it too. All in all this is a good romance-comedy classic that is bound to touch your funny bone and maybe even you heart.
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Gladiator (2000)
Not worth going to the movies to see but worth renting.OK movie.
18 June 2001
I don't really think of this move as "historically sound"thats for sure! But once again movies have shown us that war isn't funny and should be avoided at all times.

I enjoyed this movie but I wouldn't spend 6 bucks to go see it at the movie theater.But if you have a rainy day with nothing to do go out and rent it and see what you think for yourself.And I do believe this movie is worth 2 1/2 hours of your time.

The movie was tragic and sad all the way through to the saddest ending since Romeo and Juliet-almost.So be prepared.
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Witchblade (2000 TV Movie)
Loved this movie.
13 June 2001
I loved this movie.LOVED IT!! Did I mention I LOVED THIS MOVIE? Yancy Butler makes such a good cop.I thought this movie was just jam packed with action and drama!I just wish I had recorded the movie when it was on TV-I will never live it down that I didn't.I just wish I had cable so I could watch the show!Hey just think what would happen if Max from Dark Angel and Sarah got together and fought crime together in a movie....that would be so cool!I just don't get why so many people didn't love this movie as much as I did.
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Freedom (2000–2001)
I goodbye salute to Freedom-we'll miss you!
14 April 2001
It has been 3 months since they canceled the show and I'm still sad.:( I'm sorry but I can't get over it!It was such a good show.I watched it every Friday it was on-and if there was a even the slightest chance that I would miss it I would set the VCR to record it for me.

The action,the actors,the situations,the whole story line its all good!! And now that its gone there is a void left unfilled in my soul. They took it off the air because of poor ratings!I can't believe that people didn't like this show-I mean that MANY people!

I have written letters to the TV station pleading with them to put the show back on.

But back to the show itself! I really enjoyed how the actors really came together and played their parts well.This show was packed full of action too!Although not all the fighting was that real looking.And I like how the show had a funny side to it too.There were some pretty funny parts in the show if you ask me. But I wish the show had focused a little more on the lives of the actors-not just mission after mission.Maybe a little romance or a sad, heart ripping death or near death scene.

I still wish they had ended the show series with a graceful ending instead of just showing re-runs.You know what really burns me up inside though??Is that I didn't even think of recording the whole series!!I mean they only put 7 episodes on the air and ran them twice each-I could have gotten the whole series!I do have one of the episodes on tape but I can't bear to watch it for I fear I'll become to overwhelmed!But if I had the whole series on tape I would feel better.

So here is my final salute to freedom. ATTENTION! SALUTE!
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YAWN-not bad but not that great
14 April 2001
OK HERE WE GO....... I don't see why everyone thinks this is the best movie of all time! It wasn't that good.I stayed and watched it to the very end. The movie was too long for one thing.They could have made it shorter and it people still would have loved it.

And the movie ended so badly!!After watching it ,for hours it seemed to me,people deserve a better ending than that!I think its mean that you just end the movie right there and then!

The movie did have some good points though. I enjoyed how the writers brought the Civil War to life.It really made me fully understand and appreciate the war and the struggles people went through.I think the movie could have been better if they had focused more on the war,of course that would make it a war movie and not a love story.:)
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Dark Angel (2000–2002)
Good Show.Good Job.
31 March 2001
When I first saw the commercials for this upcoming TV show,I said it looked good.AND I WAS RIGHT!!

This is a pretty cool show.Its a nice sci-fi action thriller.And its good to see a show about the future that makes the USA look crummy-Because I truly believe our beloved USA will make a wrong turn in the future someplace.

This show is one of my favorites!I like it almost as much as the X-Files,which is really good!

But this show does have some faults but what show doesn't? The fighting looks pretty real.But when Max goes jumping over fences or jumps onto something really high up,the show gets an "F" in reality and graphics.And another thing I have always been interested about is how Logan can drive a car and not be able to walk or feel his legs-hhhhmmmm very interesting indeed!

But hey!The show is good and the whole super-charged up people isn't really THAT unbelievable.[Hey we have cloned sheep haven't we?]

All in all..The show is good.I hope this show stays around for awhile but I have my doubts it will.The show seems to on every other week now instead of every week!I think its because they writers are having a hard time coming up with new material for the show now.But I think I lot of people like this show and are watching it and want to see more of it![Like me!]So I hope the writers get out of their slump pretty soon!
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Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001)
I like Voyager.
31 March 2001
It saddens me to see so many bad comments made about this show so I'm going to settle the score.This is a good show!

The series started out on unknown grounds but it found some good story-lines and now the show is ok.It saddens me to see it go so soon.I have always loved the star treks:the classics,the next generation,and now voyager.I never did care for Deep Space Nine or any of the other poor "trial run" shows that failed.But this series is the best so far! I think its because the crew of Voyager were a little more down-to-earth.The show not only focused on the problems with the ship itself but the problems among the crew.And this captain really knew her crew and was good friends with ALL of the crew,not just the high commanding people.And the fact that the series has a female captain is pretty cool too.I would like to see more female captains and female commanding officers.The old Next Generation was so old fashioned in the sense! And all the run-ins with the borg were so fun to watch!And I just love Jeri Ryan on the show as an ex drone!

Yes this series tops all the other space series!I don't think the next start trek series,which will be airing next fall,will be the same!

Farewell to Voyager!
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
Good Show.
31 March 2001
This is the best show on TV.I love it!I started watching when I was eight.[the second season]I have been a die-hard fan ever since.I think the show improved over the years.The fist couple of years I started watching it the graphics were not that great and David and Gillian didn't play their parts well.BUT NOW....The graphics are good and the acting great!I feel like I'm part of the show when watching it!

I think it's sad that David isn't in every episode now.I think David really made the whole show come together.Gillian is a still just as great though.The new guy they got to take David's place isn't very good.[He is also very ugly]But it does add a new twist to the show.

I don't think the show is as good as it use to be in some areas but better in other areas.

This season hasn't been that great but I'm still going to see this show till the very end!Scully's baby,Mulder's disappearance and the new agent are all things to make a faithful fan keep watching!And I don't think the TV ratings are down either.
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Spawn (1997)
Nice graphics-bad story
22 March 2001
Just got done watching this movie and I wouldn't see it again.The only reason I watched it was because Mindy Clarke was in it. It was a classic comicbook movie.It has nice graphics but no real story.It was a hilarious to watch in some places because the movie just kept getting worse and worse! So here it is:Nice graphics.Bad story.Rather funny.Mindy Clarke rules!!
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