
37 Reviews
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Audible (2021)
Good subject, poor execution
1 July 2021
I don't really understand why it's a short and not just a full on documentary. There is so much that could have been explored deeper and better, but because if the runtime kinda feels cropped up. The subject itself is very good. I like the way they do the interviews and let us into the mind of the deaf players, but again, that could and should have been explored a lot more. The subject and goal are very interesting and cool to look at, but the execution is poor on this one. It's a shame, because it does have its moments.
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Luca (2021)
Is it groundbreaking? No, Its Luca!
18 June 2021
Stop it Pixar! Just stop it! Even the simplest stories are becoming masterpieces in the hands of Pixar. I don't know how they do it. It doesn't take the emotions risks like an Inside Out or Soul, nor is it a masterpiece of a screenplay like the Toy Story franchise, but boy oh boy I love it. Probably, its biggest flaw is also it's strength. It doesn't try to be the next masterpiece. It's Luca. It's a fun crowd pleaser with the typical Pixar emotional moments. It doesn't brake boundaries, but that's okay for me. For what it is, it's perfect! The story is sweet, and the characters are charming and lovely with real development. Yes, the story is a little predictable at times, but it doesn't bother the story much for me. I also love that the villain is the complete opposite of a twist villain. From the moment he pops on screen, you know he's the baddy, and he fits the movie very well. What makes this movie stand out, are the visuals. Holy crap, this movie is gorgeous! Literally the most beautiful movie I've seen this year so far. Also, the score, holy crap. Everything fits with the beautiful country that is Italy. I already know a lot of people will think it fits too much in the Pixar formula, but what can I see. The formula works, so why change it. It has his flaws, and it probably is not the next Pixar masterpiece, but it does work perfectly for what it is.
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Plan B (II) (2021)
For how weak it started, surprisingly good and compelling
5 June 2021
It has been a long time since I've seen a movie that started out so predictable and average, but completely elevates itself in the second half. Coming into this movie, I had no exceptions at all, but I did see some ratings that left some mild excitement for me. This is why I was kinda confused after the first act. It felt like the typical teenage movie with nothing really new to say. There were some funny jokes here and there, but nothing special. It's when the girls start going on the road trip where it starts to become interesting. What makes this movie special are two things. The first is the way the movie balance the important subject with the humor. I can't really talk about the elephant in the room without spoiling some stuff, but the way the subject is handled is very well done. The second thing (In honestly the most amazing thing) is how compelling the main characters are. They make some bad jokes actually work at times and really make you invested in their problems. The performances are also surprisingly incredible. It's all of this combined that makes the movie keep getting better and better. These characters are not the most original, but there so compelling that I feel want to know what is coming next. I also wanna give some credit for the fact that the movie takes the extra mile when it needs to. Some movies about sex tent to stay away from the actual incidents, but this one dives in full force. This makes you actually experience the awful and awkward moments and understand the character better. All of this combined made for a great comedy movie with a surprising amount of heart. It actually made me choke up a little at the end.
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Cruella (2021)
Not one like the others, but unique
29 May 2021
I was probably the only person who genuinely though this was going to be good, but even for me, it exceeded expectations. A lot of people were already writing it of the moment they saw the words: Disney life action, but I saw something else. I saw an original story, and if there's one thing Disney is good at, it's making good original movies. That's why we are getting so many remakes and sequels after all. The movie itself really delivered on that front. I was a little afraid Disney was too much gonna 'Disney it up', but apart from some cliché family and friend moments they did good. They made a unique and interesting origin to a character that is already iconic. That's an achievement on its own. The movie feels so unique and alive that it feels like its own thing. A lot of people are already making the comparisons to Joker and The Devil Wears Prada, but for me, it's not that. Of course there are some pieces here and there, but it really feels like a unique movie. It stands out. And although they keep shoving the 'I am different' storyline down your thought, it does have a point. They really nailed it honestly. Of course not every joke hits, or every twist is surprising, but it keeps you entertained all the way through.

The performances are also fantastic. Emma Stone kills it (as always lately) as Cruella and shows that depth she has. You like her, hate her and care about her at the same time. Emma Thompson also nails the egocentric icon. You hate her, but can not help to respect her in a way. The outfits are also insane btw. I am not into fashion at all, but with entrances like that you can not look away. Oscar for Best Costume Design is probably in the bag. All in all, they over performed and showed that they can take risk and actually hit for once. Good Job Disney. Not stop making remakes and write more original stuff like this thank you.
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Mister Snyder knows what the fans want
21 May 2021
Please know what you are getting into before you start watching this movie. I've already seen countless people giving bad reviews, because they think the story isn't well-developed and has bad character studies. To all does people I would like to ask: What did you expect? Is the story the most groundbreaking thing ever? God no, but that's not what I came for. I came to see a group of weirdos chop some zombies and grab some money, and I got exactly what I wanted. I honestly think it has some surprisingly emotional moments. They didn't make me cry or anything, but I felt the relationship and the pain between Bautista and Purnell's characters. But then again, it's Zack Snyder. This man has already proven this year that he can humanize a fiction movie with Justice League, so I shouldn't be that surprised. But what I really came for, was the action. I wanted to see Zack Snyder at his best with he's great camera direction and fight scenes. The ending left me a little underwhelmed in terms of an end battle, but it still has so much energy over the entire movie with great battles and fight scenes. The story builds up the tension perfectly and kept me on the edge of my seat. This makes the fight scenes so much better. It may not be the most amazing story ever, but it kept me entertained and more.
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Monster (II) (2018)
Familiar story with a very interesting execution
8 May 2021
This is one of those movies where it's all about the execution. The story is something that we've seen before, but it's the way they execute this story that makes it an original watch. Because our main character is a future movie director, he guides us through the story with a very interesting point of view. The way he narrates the story might be a little on the nose at times, but it does give a very fresh perspective on a familiar story. Something that also made a good impression were the performances. Especially Kelvin Harris Jr. Gives a very good performance that shows the heartwarming, but also the darker moments of his teenage life. The direction is something that was a bit questionable at times. The way it uses the flashbacks and forward where easy to follow, but a bit out of place at times. There were also some side stories that didn't really go anywhere and little errors that kept me out of the story, but it did bring it home in the end. I became very invested in the story and that made the ending very nerve racking. All in all, a familiar story with a very interesting point of view.
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Mainstream (2020)
Went to far with its premise for me, but I can see what it was trying to do
8 May 2021
It's honestly impressive how a movie can be so weird, yet very predictable. It all started of so simple and honestly pretty interesting. Garfield plays an outsider who is just so fascinating and entertaining to look and listen to. He is by far the best thing to come out of this as he gives more than 110%. He shows the light and fun side, but also the dark places that an internet star can go to. On the other hand, the rest of this movie is just not on his level at all. I know Maya Hawke is a very good actress, but this just wasn't it for her. Her chemistry with Garfield just wasn't there and in general her character was just very of to me. But the main problem with this movie is definitely the story. I like the message that it's trying to tell us that we should all just put our phones down and be ourselves, but it's just the execution of that message that is so wrong. The exaggeration and unrealistic moments are so bad in this movie. This is not how the internet works, and we all know that. It's kinda like are writer went on YouTube for the first time, clicked on a couple of channels, and made a movie about it. It's just too much for me. It kept me entertained enough all the way through, but it's just not that good.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Jordan carried this to mediocrity
3 May 2021
Michael B. Jordan carried this movie. Without him, this would probably have been one of the worst action movies of the year for me. To start positive, Jordan fits the role really well. We know he is a fantastic actor, and he shows this more than once. Seeing him kicking some ass is just very entertaining. I really appreciate that they didn't take the action scenes over the top. While I would've like to see some more, I like that they didn't go the John Wick route and just full on assassin mode. This made the action realistic, but awesome. But other than the action scenes, there's not much that kept me entertained. His backstory is solid, but it's mostly the execution of it that really bugged me. For example, we see a fellow trooper of Kelly get run over by a car, but it's so sudden and weird that I almost laughed. Also, the dialog in general was so on the nose. It felt like they wanted him to have an iconic line to remember, but you don't force that. It's all these things combined that made me not invested in his character. This man is going through such a dark part of is life, but it's just the missing pieces that didn't make it feel that way. Such a shame, but if we can get more action and less stupid dialog, I'm on board for a sequel.
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Being normal is fine, being weird is awesome!
30 April 2021
WOW! This movie has no place being this good. I was going in this thinking I'd get a fun little family comedy, but I never thought it would be this relatable, emotional and honestly, this funny. The jokes kept coming left and right, and it kept hitting. Of course not every single joke hits, but I kept laughing. There are jokes for little children, teens and adults, and all of them work for their target audience. The thing that I was worried about the most was the robot storyline. We have seen it before, so what are they going to do different? Well, have fun! While being a little predicable, if I'm having so much fun, I don't even care. The robot story is fun and entertaining, but the family is what made it fantastic. Being in the same age range as our main protagonist, I feel what she is going through. It's hard to figure out yourself and the older I'm getting, the more I start to grow apart from my father. He doesn't understand everything that I love and that's okay. It made a little emotional to see the father sacrifice his dream to take care of his daughter, and it made me want to thank my own father. If a movie can make me realize something in my own life, it must do something right. It's funny, relatable, emotional, but most of all, a fantastic time!
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Monday (2020)
Intriguing, bit didn't fully come together
29 April 2021
This movie is almost the definition of intriguing. In the entire first act of the movie, I was thinking to myself: "I like it, but where is it going?" Well, it went somewhere, but not far. The first act start of very interesting and kept me wanting more, but after a while a started to lose interested. The problem with it is that it's showing a big portion of these characters' life's, but without a big plot or story it's start to become a bit tedious. There's a ten-minute scene in the second act about a failed party, but it could have accomplished the same with 3 minutes. And the same counts for the wedding, and another party. While there are so many situations that are dragged out, it could have used that time to show some background for these characters. There a lot of character development, but we don't know much about their history, which is sad because these are very complex characters. This would have made the emotional and darker moments a lot better. I never had a moment where a felt like I knew these characters. There was always more going on, but we never really got to that. It doesn't have to with the performances, because they are excellent. It just never fully got together for me. Started of strong, but without buildup and background I couldn't get behind it at the end.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Know what your getting into
26 April 2021
You really need to know what you're getting into on this one. There are two reasons why you should watch this movie. 1. You're a big fan of the Mortal Kombat series, or 2. You like hard R action movies and want to see some gore. If you still don't see a reason to watch this movie, you should not watch this movie. I haven't played any of the games and didn't know much about the Mortal Kombat universe, but I still wanted to watch some gore go down. You can clearly see this movie is made for the die hard fans. The dialog feels like it's straight out of the games with the one-liners and monologues. This makes the fight scenes awesome, but the filler scenes a bit hard to watch at times. The non fighting scenes in general aren't the greatest story building moments. There is little to no character development and the acting is also questionable at times. The reason why I'm still giving a positive score is purely for the action scenes, and especially the takedowns are incredible. I fully delivered on that front and my only complaint there is that there aren't more of them and less filler story moments. Probably amazing for the diehard fans, but for an action movie fan like me, a decent watch with great action.
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Intriguing story, but suffers from it's execution
20 April 2021
Can we please stop putting the main character of the movie in the back of the poster just so we can show the more famous actor up front? Anyway, this movie is a decent watch. I've always had a soft spot for war dramas, especially world war dramas. So, when I found out there was a new war movie coming out starring Judi Dench (who wasn't the lead apparently), I was interested. The start showed a lot of promise. Even tho the story was a bit predictable, it was intriguing and kept was wondering where it was going to go, but then it took a turn. I knew from the beginning who the so-called spy was, but I hope this is a story based on real events, because the story makes not a lot of sense. There are so many 'close call' clichés and spy moments that we have seen before, but way better. I actually was invested in the story, but it really started to lose focus after the first act. Interesting characters and subplots just get abandoned and the tone goes form lighthearted to really thrilling in the blink of an eye. It's a shame, cause it kept me entertained all the way through, but after the cat was out of the back, it went downhill. It could have been a lot more, but it ended as just another forgettable spy thriller.
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Not good, but pretty fun
18 April 2021
This movie could have been a lot better, if it decided it what tone it wanted. It's not good enough to be taken seriously, but not goofy enough to be a cult classic. The plot is actually pretty interesting, but the movie doesn't even give it a try to make us care about the characters. This makes the first act a drag, because it's mostly setting up the rest of the story. Because the movie doesn't take itself seriously, the story itself isn't enough to entertain you. The sound mixing is also very bad. If I can't even hear a simple conversation over a small crowd at the other side of the road, you should probably fire your sound mixer. The performances and comedy are what makes you stick around and because the first act really lacks that, there really isn't much left. But, ones you get past that, the rest of the movie is a decent watch. The comedy is predictable, but still decent enough to make you laugh ones in a while. However, what makes the second act a lot better, is the pure fun these legendary actors are having in their goofy roles. You can definitely see that they were having a great time and that makes it very fun at times. Maybe not a good movie, but still entertained me a lot more than I thought.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Just a fantastic time
17 April 2021
This is just an absolute blast of a movie. Is it the most original story ever? No, but who cares man. It's one of the most fun movies I have seen in a long time. The action is both fun and entertaining. We all know that is coming, so it needs to deliver, but it does. Oh man it does. Maybe in the first half there's not enough action, but the ending fully makes up for that. The story itself is enjoyable enough, but not the main reason to watch. You can't help but to make the comparison to John Wick and that movie has a little of an edge story wise (probably because they did it first), but it didn't really affect my enjoyment. It does add some new elements to the genre, but it's mostly stuff we've seen before. The execution is what makes the movie such a great watch. The way they introduce characters and plot points, the comedic timing and especially the performances. Bob Odenkirk gives an amazing performance that we can both relate to and laugh with at times. Also, the songs that are used are amazing picks and give the scenes even more spark. This is just one of those movies that I cannot wait to recommend to other movie lovers and enjoy with them.
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The Marksman (2021)
13 April 2021
Very solid. That's probably the best way to describe this movie. The story gives you exactly what you expect from it, but nothing more. Liam Neeson is by far the best part of this movie. He's character is very interesting, and I would have loved to see a lot more from his past. Now we just get a rightful man that tries to do a good thing for this boy. The boy also gives a solid performance and their chemistry makes the predictable story a lot better. The only thing that really bothered me was the antagonist. His original goal doesn't really make sense. He gets way too much screen time for such an uninteresting character and would have worked just as well with half of the scenes. The main problem however, is that there is nothing new. Everything in this movie is something we've seen before in one shape or another. The movie doesn't try to bring anything new to the genre and that makes it very predictable and even at times a bit boring. There aren't really any big issues with it, but there absolutely that is memorable. Is it the worst thing? No, but it is something maybe even worse, forgettable.
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I don't give anything below a 2 star, unless it's this level of awful
12 April 2021
I was warned about this. I should have known it was going to be this bad, but I had to be stubborn and watch it myself. If your wondering why I decided to watch it after knowing it was bad. I said in my Thunder Force review that it had a good chance of being my pick for worst movie of the year. While I was writing that I was thinking: "I haven't seen Music or Deadly Illusions, so maybe it's not the worst?" So, I gave one of these a try and immediately regretted it. This is far below a bad movie. This is an awful movie. The story has no clue what it wants to be. The acting is below mediocre. I laughed out loud multiple times about how bad the performances are. The dialog is not good. Its cliché stuff and so on the nose that it hurts. Also, the technical aspects are so annoying. Why are there so many cross-fades? And was the audio doing to this poor actress voice in the end? The only reasons I'm not going below a one star, is because it kept me mildly intrigued. It kept me interested enough to not turn it off. But that third act oh my god. The ending is so badly executed that I wanted to get drunk, so I could forget it as fast as possible. I still have so many questions. It's very hard not to spoil the ending, but why did this person go through all the trouble to get there? There is no reasoning at all. I'm going to watch Ted now just so I can wash away this mess of a movie.
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Thunder Force (2021)
Dear Melissa McCarthy, can you stop working with your husband?
10 April 2021
Look, Ben Falcone and Melissa McCarthy are probably a very happy couple, but they need to STOP making movies together. This genuinely has a shot of being the worst movie of the year. It's a lot of things, but not good. If I have to name some positives, the chemistry between Spencer and McCarthy is sweet and makes their scenes at least watchable. The actors in general give solid performances and make the best out of a horrible script. It's just so sad to see great actors like McCarthy, Spencer and Bateman be in such an awful movie, because they are fantastic actors. Everything except the acting performances, is bad. The dialogue is so dreadfully bad, that there are scenes that are just unwatchable. The Taser felt like a non-playable character in a video game that just shouts the same ten lines over and over again. The script in general is just not good at all. There are scenes where am just wondering: "What the hell is the director thinking?" I don't want to watch Melissa McCarthy stuff raw chicken in her mouth. It made me want to trow up honestly. But I can put all that aside, if it is funny, because it's comedy after all. But the jokes are so generic and recycled, that I could probably go the nearest comedy club and watch some dude tell dad jokes, because those are more original. I just feel bad for the great actors that can do so much better, because this will leave a big stain on their careers, except McCarthy, who just needs to stop working with her husband.
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Shiva Baby (2020)
Original, yet very relatable
4 April 2021
How can a movie have such an original story, yet be so incredibly relatable. Well, meet Shiva Baby. I am not religious, bisexual or have I anything to do a sugar daddy (I think?), but there are so many moments that make this chaotic Shiva so relatable and anxiety building. While are main character isn't really likable, she becomes so relatable that we start caring about her. It also builds up to tension and anxiety so naturally, that we actually feel the pressure rising. The score also really helps with that and adds something to the stress that are protagonist is feeling. That stress is also what makes the story so relatable. I'm in the same age range as are protagonist, and I'm also building up anxiety every day. Everybody has been in this time when there is so much uncertainty in your life and maybe that's why the movie resonated with me so much. The movie exaggerates a bit which definitely hurts it a little, but it's still so clever in it's writing, that it makes it so funny and anxiety akin. I probably missed about a hundred more things on why this is one of the best comedy's of the year, but I don't care, I'm going to watch it again now.
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A little predictable, but very entertaining nonetheless
2 April 2021
I think that this movie will never be fully appreciated by the casual viewer, because we can't even imagine how these people are living. I really needed to get used to this way of living, just as much as are protagonist. That makes the movie so odd and strange in the beginning, but after we get to see how much these characters care about their horses, I was fully on board. On a technical level, it's fantastic. The score and soundtrack fit really well to the story and the cinematography makes the movie at times look stunning. On an exceptional level however it lacks focus. The concept as a whole is really interesting, but I think the movie focuses too much on the troubling son negative. That storyline has been done so many times now, that it makes it so predictable. The movie is at his best, when the actual cowboys and stables are one screen. They are just so interesting and entertaining. Their way of living and seeing the rest of the world just intrigues me. It's just a waste that it focuses a lot on predictable storylines. But if you can look past the predictability of the movie, there is still a lot to enjoy.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Not terrible, but such a waste of a good concept
1 April 2021
All I can think about with this movie is 'what a waste'. What a waste of talent. What a waste of budget, but most of all, what a waste of a good concept. In the first 15 minutes I was actually really interested in the story. The concept of people seeing your thoughts is terrifying, and with a cast like this you would think it would at least be a decent watch. Well, about that. The execution is so frustrating to watch. There are a lot of interesting elements, but none of them are good developed. Also, the so called 'noise' is so inconsistent, it hurts. Apparently, people can only think when the camera is on them and everything else is quiet. And there are so many more things like this. It's not the worst movie of the year. The acting is solid and some jokes and action moments are actually really good, but the main story is just too underdeveloped to really enjoy. And oh yeah, Nick Jonas has just as many lines as the dog, which is probably the best thing about this movie.
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The Father (I) (2020)
If you have any experience with dementia in your life, please skip this. It will break you.
26 March 2021
If you have any experience or personal history with dementia in your life, I would highly recommend skipping this one. Not because it is a bad movie, the opposite actually. The movie would probably hit so close to home that, even for me, it will be a bit too much to handle at times. This is one of the most realistic movies I have ever seen. Even tho I have never experienced anything in a form of dementia in my life, I could feel the realism and tragedy that is going on. Anthony Hopkins gives one of (if not the) greatest performance of his career. He nails every aspect of his character. From the big memory loss moment to the subtle little movements, everything has meaning and consequences. I would also highly recommend watching it twice. The first time you will experience the movie with the main character and try to puzzle everything together. The second viewing you will appreciate the story a lot more. There are a lot of little moments and sequences that make the story even more complete. Some scenes go on for a bit to long, but it all works out at the end. It didn't hit me as hard as I thought it would at the end, but it still left me with an appreciation for dementia and everyone who has been in contact with this horrible disease.
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Not perfect, but SO MUCH BETTER
22 March 2021
If you compare it to the original, yes its miles better. There are actual backstories and character developments in this movie. The story makes a lot more sense, and it doesn't feel forced. But I think we shouldn't just judge this movie based on the original. In that case, it's a bloody masterpiece, but that's a little to easy. There are still problems that did not get fixed. The story still has a very big villain issue. Steppenwolf gets a lot more backstory and emotions, but we still don't really know why he's doing this. It still feels like we are watching a bad guy trying to become powerful because he wants more power. Yes, he tries to please Darkseid, but why? Also, I still think the balance is a bit of with the story arcs for are hero's. For me, the Flash feels like he has no real reason to be here other than he's fast and funny. But beside all that, it's a joy to watch this story be told in the right way. Zack Snyder clearly knew what he was doing. This feels like a fully fleshed out superhero movie. Maybe a bit to long, but still kept me hooked for the entire runtime. Every character has emotions and reasoning for their actions. This makes the fight scenes so much more powerful and fun to watch. The dramatic moments don't feel forced and fit very well in the story. Even the new characters get their own little moments to shine. All I can end with is, Mister Snyder, thank you for service.
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Happily (2021)
Interesting concept with really unrealistic side characters
20 March 2021
This is one of those movies where the ending can make or break it, but it ended up doing neither. The entire movie keeps you interested with the mystery that is going on, but it just ends up giving you a totally different conclusion. While I did enjoy the reality of the ending, it still left me with a lot of questions. I think the concept of the story is really intriguing. The movie gives of this really weird feeling that won't go away until the final shot. It's just not right. Everything feels just a bit of. When we first get introduced to the main couple, we feel the love, but also the weirdness of their relationship. Well, they were probably the most normal by the end of the movie. Everyone in the movie has their own problems and backstories, but they don't really explain the way they react to certain events. There are some very frustrating character decisions in the movie that are just left unanswered by the end. I still think it's a solid watch, but there is just to much unrealistic decisions to feel satisfied by the end.
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Yes Day (2021)
maybe fun enough for family with small kids, but so incredibly generic
14 March 2021
This is such a frustrating movie. The story was doomed to fail from the beginning. To start on a positive not, I didn't hate it. The actors definitely give it 110% and without their passion this would have been even lower. Also, there are some decent scenes in there. The five-step plan was pretty fun, especially the balloon war. There are just so many decisions in this movie where I think: WHY? There is a short movie where the mother is being compared to dictators, there is a crowd chanting daddy, a cop that just lets kids go without checking... It's so incredibly frustrating. I don't get why this movie is even green lit in the first place, but the decisions in the movie are far worse than the story itself. Also, the movie tries so much to be relevant to kids, that it just hard to watch at times. The music is the typical teen tunes and the jokes are more childish than a six-year-old. I know this movie is meant for families and kids, but even for them, it's too much. It's not bad, but just very annoying and frustrating.
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Cherry (I) (2021)
very rough start, but definitely grew on me
12 March 2021
This is one of those movies where I think all the pieces where there for it to be a very good movie, but it really needed to find those pieces for it to work out. The movie starts of a bit shaky. I had a hard time getting into the story and there were some weird conversation and decisions being made. The entire first act felt a bit off for me. They went to far with the technical aspect in my opinion. I think the directors made some poor decisions that did not work. For example, in the first act there are some fourth wall breaks from are leading character, but that aspect gets completely abandoned after that. They were not bad, but really random if there are not going to be in the rest of the story. But one's Cherry starts to leave his happy life and get into darker places, that's where the movie really shines for me. There are some scenes that left real and got really under my skin. After his life is completely changed, that's where the power of the movie lies. Especially in the final chapter where we see some incredibly good scenes, it just took a long time to get there. I think the directors were trying out some new stuff in the first couple chapters, but ones they really start to let the movie tell its story, that's where it starts to shine. Just a shame it took an hour.
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