
13 Reviews
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Major Beavis and Butthead Fan Here
26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
*mild spoilers* I wish my little brother could see this. He was an even bigger fan than me. He rewatched the first three seasons of the original 90s show pretty much everyday. He loved the "Climb a Mountain" scene as well as when Beavis and Butthead sold all of Tom Anderson's stuff. I saw everyone but Tom, who my brother and I were so fond of because he had the iconic Hank Hill voice (I guess he died) Still. I enjoyed this a ton. It cracked me up more than the first film. So many aspects of it, from space travel to the Taco Bell reference, my brother would've loved. He died three months before the release at just 15, but I could feel him smiling down, laughing away with me as I watched this. I recommend this to all Beavis and Butthead fans out there. You wouldn't want to miss this.
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All of Us Are Dead (2022– )
It's like Contagion, Beastars, & Dawn of the Dead had a baby.
1 February 2022
I am 22 years old. I grew up with Dawn of the Dead, and I must say, this show is far better. It's like taking a bland dish and adding the right spices to it to make an even better dish; sorry DOTD fans, I still love DOTD, but it's no longer my favorite apocalypse film; it will go down in history as the best of it's time.

I am a huge fan of the Beastars. Just an FYI, I know that this film takes place in Korea while the Beastars Netflix Series takes place in Japan, but the High School setting; the mystery theme of who or what is behind a killing, the character's voices/mannerisms and even their uniform remind me of the Beastars; the hero dude Cheogsan who has a secret crush on Onjo reminds me of Legoshi and Haru for instance.

This is hands down the BEST zombie-apocalypse movie-series of all time. I call it a movie series because the episodes are like movie segments, that really don't feel like they're a hour long. It's absolutely hilarious too. I've so far watched 3 episodes. I would hate to spoil it for those who want to see a Sci-Fi masterpiece that still managed to be original. The character arcs are gripping, and you grow an attachment to the main characters really quickly.

Since it's full of gore, I'd say it's best fit for ages 17 and up.

In many ways, the zombie-virus reminds me of COVID, but is way worse than covid; Contagion's virus was eerily just like coronavirus too, but again not as terrifying as the one on this show. Made me think, "Maybe Covid isn't so bad," and the importance of our modern-day technology!

The animation is intense, so-much-so that you forget this is just a movie. If you watch it long enough, you actually start to feel there; the makeup and animation is simply so compelling. Immediately, when you begin to watch it, you're HOOKED. You'll feel empathy, fear, suspense, and amusement AT ONCE. Every single character on here is interesting and talented; both the actors on the screen, and the voice-over actors; you can't even tell that it's a voice over, and I really had to study their lip movements, which still seem to be in sync; you seriously WON'T notice it very much at all.

You'll be determined to see what happens to all of them, and if they make it out because the title itself just draws people in. It is brilliant. Every single shot and angle is perfectly paced in line with the story. I never feel like characters stall or are dragging the time, like I've seen with even some Disney+ Originals; move aside Disney and take some notes, because Netflix Originals did it AGAIN with another masterpiece.

It is bound to jerk some tears of sadness or shock, or make you cry laughing. You seriously can't get bored with this one - even I can't and I am attention-deficient. This is definitely binge-watchable if you can stomach the realisticness of the gore and suspense. Sometimes I even forgot that the characters can't hear me through the screen when they're unbeknowst of a zombie's approaching. I can see why this made the top 10, but this baby could go in a top 3 tier list. I have yet to find something that comes as close to it!
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Scrat really deserves his own movie now........
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers

First of all, Scrat is GONE with no mention of him or a cameo whatsoever. I am a major fan of Scrat, and believe that if Disney bought Blue Sky Studios, or own this franchise now-Scrat should've been given a movie. Not Buck, just because he had a lot of fans from Dawn of the Dinosaurs. After the Collision Course flop, we seen far too much "Buck Wild" imo.

What's so bizzare is it's like the animators are going from a distant memory of all the films, with the most recent (Collision Course) on their mind. Yet they still forgot one key detail....

I get it, these are probably new animators, not affiliated with Blue Sky, but they could've done way better or not done this at all.. I heard nothing about an Ice Age 6 in the works, so this was all kind of a surprise. I am 22, so I grew up with this franchise. Watched it rise during the Ice Age 2-3 era, and fall after Ice Age 4. Maybe they should've stopped there, or really just not have been in such a hurry to make a movie every like 4-5 years until they could come up with a good enough plot. I think Ice Age's franchise is driven by reviews, and what we want.

**Well, for the next one (if this one didn't kill the franchise) should be done by the original animators as well as Disney's top ones (if Disney even wants to take part in animating these films again after this massive flop). You should bring back Peaches and the baby as an adult. It should come out 25-30 years after the first film, with the baby as a full grown adult, the same age as however long it would take to produce the film -not still a baby since Peaches is fully grown herself. If Elephants age like mammoths, since Science has been neglected even when Blue Sky worked on it, they reach full adult size by the age of 20 - so there's no way he should still be a baby unless it's in a flashback of his life after being returned by Manny's herd. And bring back our beloved saber-toothed squirrel - Scrat. Ice Age just isn't Ice Age without him.. Now well-thought out live-action with a plot that fills the time without seeming rushed or unnecessary would be great too. Bring back the original cast with a gripping story. You could even get Pixar's original animators to help, since they're all about a gripping story.

ALL of the Ice Age movies started with Scrat - and he sort of drove the plots. Not anymore! Crash and Eddie somehow took his place. Really, who asked for this? Are we really pretending like Buck or the possums are the face of this franchise? And all of them seem out of character. The possums seem stupider, and Buck seems like a wimp now. He took on Rudy, a massive carnivorous dinosaur reminiscent of the one from Jurassic World. Now we see him taken down by an oddly designed Protoceratops and his (also strangely) designed raptor minions; they look like a bunch of copies of the nice feathered raptors from Collision Course, who could talk.

Another thing, the original cast (except Simon Pegg) was SCRAPED!! Only Manny's character actually sounds like the original actor Ray Romano. Even Simon Pegg didn't quite sound like himself..

I was surprised that Disney decided to give Crash and Eddie a movie titled "Buck Wild." It's literally about Crash and Eddie, not Buck. I think the only two reasons why it was titled Buck is because Buck is kind the least of an uncanny valley compared to the other characters, since Simon Pegg is the only actor that wasn't scraped. Also, Disney just wanted an obvious cash grab.

Seriously, who designed these characters? They look like they belong on a cartoon, but were rejected from landing a spot on The Land Before Time..

Another thing I'd like to mention. I thought until the Underworld scene, that this movie takes place sometime around Ice Age 2 because they reanimated Ellie's flashback. But when Crash and Eddie get to the Underworld, they say, "Ellie told us never to come back here again." If that is true, then this takes place after the Collision Course - since Manny and Ellie's daughter Peaches is nowhere to be seen. Not only her, the dino kids are missing for what seems to be the convenience of plot. There's no way Brains-on and his minions would be able to take down FOUR full grown T-rexes. Sid oddly never asked about "his kids" either; he also sounds nothing like Sid to me, like he's trying desperately to sound like he has overbite accent but loses it on and off. Orson sounds more like he should've been Sid.

And who designed Orson and these characters? They look so cartoony and the animation seems rushed and messy, aside from the wind detail; that's the only thing they really seemed to pay attention to. The characters even have to say what species they are because it's not obvious. Zee looks more like a fox than a skunk or a zorilla, and why couldn't she use her gas before Buck was captured? How did he even get captured that easily? It seems like the writers were really trying to string this story along according to how long the story should be, so you'll be left wondering, "Why didn't they just do that before?" .

There was too much mention of modern items, and you'll even see things that have no way of existing during the Ice Age periods. My mom and I kept asking each other throughout this, "Was that necessary? Was THAT necessary?"

Giving Scrat a movie, maybe a longer one, could save the franchise for sure. I know the reviews influence the movies since someone said "Buck needs a movie," but we didn't mean replace everyone..

Wow Disney.
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Sing 2 (2021)
In addition to my first review, here are the cons to the filmq
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We never know what happened to Mike in the first film. I was hoping at the end, we would at least see them watching the performance from home (like we saw with Ash's ex boyfriend Lance and his new girlfriend, or Johnny's father and his prisonmates), but no. We can just assume he died, or Seth Macfarlane was too busy to be recast and couldn't be replaced because he's Seth Macfarlane. Again, Mike is my favorite character - next to Jummy Crystal now, Mrs. Crawley, Nana Noodleman, Clay Calloway and Johnny.

Eddie, Nana Noodleman's grandson from the first film, is also missing-completely. These two didn't even have actual cameos of themselves.

They say Clay Calloway is based off of Cab Calloway, but his actor is white-playing a lion. A LION! I do like his character, since he reminds me of Simba-my favorite non-Pixar Disney character. It's not obvious he's white like with Ben Stiller's Alex the lion or Matthew Broderick's Simba, but that was a surprise (No, I am not racist). He sounded pretty black to me until he sang. My point about the skin color is Cab Calloway was black, if Clay is really based off of him... I don't understand. I noticed less black people had been cast in this film. I still love him, as I love Simba and lions. Still this is an African lion, while there are white people in Africa (obviously)
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Sing 2 (2021)
One of Few Films to Surpass the Original! Well done Illumination!
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well done Illumination! Another masterpiece we were all looking forward to. I thought I would be disappointed in the fact that Mike the Mouse (Seth Macfarlane) wasn't in it, aside from the dancing white Mike-lookalike mice "cameo" from the opening song. It was not until I met Jimmy Crystal, who reminds me of Mike as well as Rocket from Guardian's of the Galaxy, did I get over the fact that my favorite character wasn't going to have any official appearance in the film.

Jimmy Crystal is arrogant, and deceiving by appearance-since usually, bad guys are potrayed as "dark" characters in appearance. While he does look sinister, the incitement of Buster's fear towards him is the only indication we are given that he is the bad guy-elimating that often deemed "racist" stereotype.

Clay Calloway reminds me of Simba. His story is understandable, and it's touching how this film emphasizes with social anxiety sufferers as well as depression. I was one of them, feeling exactly what Buster and Clay felt at a time in my life ironically when the first installment was released back in 2016.

Johnny's fight scene was hilarious. Illumination perfectly captured what his eyes were conveying and that was just phenomenal-so move aside Disney and Pixar, you've got a real competition on your hands. This is the first film I've seen that can focus on so many characters and plots all in one without garnering confusion from the audience. The whole concept of this film and the previous one were brilliant, making this doable on a rare occasion.

Nana Noodleman reminds me of my aunt, my former boss, Whitney Houston, and any other fire-sign out there.

I enjoyed seeing Meena find someone who respected her, and her finding out what love is kinda reminded me of when I found out what love was. That was definitely the building block she needed to play her role in the performance.

Mrs. Crawley was hilarious as well. I love how she was animated, reminding me of every elderly woman I've ever met. Her actor is brilliant. He's not even a woman, but boy can he act! I was convinced she was really voiced by an old woman. Her mannerisms are SPOT ON! When she went into ROTC mode, I was floored! She is hilarious!! I love this film!

It's like Finding Nemo. I watched it maybe 4 times since it's been in theaters. It's THAT good! Definitely worth the money. Made me chuckle several times, which is a rare occasion when it comes to most films that I watch.
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Not bad if you consider the budget to make
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The original movie's budget was $85,000,000.

This movie's budget was about 15.5X less, coming in at $5,500,000.

I was surprised honestly, believing it was way more than that since the movie looks close to the original as far as art style and colors. The animation however is more fastpaced, seemingly rushed.

The story feels like it was dragged out to fit a timeframe, without much a plot to work with.

The characters have been replaced three times. Boog sounds more like Martin Lawrence in this film than the last two, but Elliot sounds way off. Waaayyy off, like a drunk Ashton Kutcher who is obviously trying to make his voice a lot deeper than the original Elliot's. Mr. Weenie's character seems off-kilter, losing his charm and intelligence we saw from the previous films. It feels like he's a different dog, when the last two films, he LOOKED like a different dog. Animators: Stick to one model, please.

I guess this takes place after the first installment, since we do not see Boog's new mate or Elliot's kids.

The only ones who seem pretty much accurate in this film is the porcupine, the skunks and Ian.

Boog is a complete wuss to be the biggest animal in that forest. Seems like a major cashgrab that could've been plotted differently, and stayed true to the original films. Now if Elliot's kids were scared, that would've made lots more sense-considering they are herbivores and young. The fact that we're left to guess they either grew up or was written off of the franchise, assuming this film took place before the 3rd and maybe second film sucks. Usually, we know if a movie is a sequel or a prequel, but the creators gave us no answer for that.

There is a huge secret about the budget for the 2nd and 3rd film. They probably shouldn't of released direct-to-DVD sequels and found ONE formable plot for a potential sequel to hit the theaters. The fact that they went straight to DVD is a clear indication that Sony was after a quick cashgrab, rather than the people. It was sad watching this franchise die when it had some potential..
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Infinity Train (I) (2019–2021)
3 September 2020
It's a must watch. It made me laugh, and almost cry. They use familiar elements but at the same time are original. You connect with the characters and feel what they feel (especially in season 3, I hated that guy) This is hands down the best show I ever watched. Yep, you heard it from me, folks. It doesn't seem "kiddy" to me at all. In fact, I think all ages would love this series. I sure hope it makes at least 8 seasons.
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SparkShorts: Out (2020)
Season 1, Episode 7
2 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Had me in tears, especially when he sniffed the dad's butt. I loved it. The squeaky toy is the same penguin from toy story.
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Primal (2019– )
So good, watched all 6 in a row and really want to see more.
15 May 2020
This is a really good series. The first with no dialogue that I can watch again and again without getting bored. The deaths were brutal and sad, but the storyline is amazing and the two main characters are admirable.

It's like ice age, but with a better story. And not for kids
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Not boring at all
18 January 2020
I watched the whole season 1 in 3 days. I liked it a lot. It's like an end of the apocalypse type of movie but it is original in itself. I'm stoked for season 2. I feel like it will not be a letdown.
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As an adult, I enjoyed it.
22 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think this is a kid's movie. There's a lot of adult jokes that may be obvious to a child.

Like the ball-grabbing going on with the two female dogs. Trump was bit in the balls.

The only one not about balls is "I'm hotter in more ways than one."

In the scene where the drag queen browses which dogs to adopt, instead of "That's no queen," one of the other dogs could've pointed out, "that's not the queen, Rex. That's a drag queen!" Though that may be another dirty joke.
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Amphibia (2019–2022)
Better than Gravity Falls.
21 June 2019
Disney did it again. Made another amazing animated show. It reminds me of Chowder and Gravity Falls.
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Victor & Valentino (2019–2022)
This is a great show. Many of these reviewers are just a tough crowd.
18 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, a good show on Cartoon Network. I feel like there hasn't been one to be released since 2007. Don't get me wrong, I liked Adventure Time but got way behind on the seasons and (I think that's why) it seemed boring after season 4. Like Gravity Falls show is gripping. But I wouldn't say it was milked from Gravity Falls. It holds its own originality, and reminds me more of Steven Universe. Mostly because of how the characters look, and the chubbier brother, Val, reminds me of Steven. I like the plots, that usually have a dark theme. It's like Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and Coco.

** spoiler alert **

There was even an episode where they go to the underworld to see some famous guy that died, and disguise themselves as skeletons. The story wasn't like Coco's though.

It's usually Vic that causes problems. Val is the more mature, smarter one that usually has to fix what his brother starts, unless Vic is able to fix them himself to learn a lesson.
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