
4 Reviews
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C'était le fantastically awesome!
22 May 2008
It was great, I just can't tell you how much time I laughed with my friends while watching this movie when I rented it. I thought at first it was going to suck (most Canadians movies have let me down...a lot), but it's completely fast paced after the first 5 minutes and the cultural jokes were fantastic! The cultural jokes weren't any supped up Scary Movies ones where you'd only get a 1 second chuckle, they were laugh out louds ones. The story is quite interesting and never feels to fall flat, since it was a detective comedy, I expected it to be very weak in terms of a detective movie, but it was still somewhat strong and kept you interested in the mystery. Also, I don't recall one minute feeling somewhat asleep out of boredom.

Unfortunately, I'm someone who lives in Quebec and I'll have to say, most people out of Canada (maybe even out out Quebec) won't fully understand the jokes all too well, which will somewhat bring this movie to a mediocre level in humor, since most jokes are cultural. But never the less, if you're someone who lives in Canada or at least know some pop-culture here, than make no mistake, this should be a must watch.
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Cloverfield (2008)
You'll either hate it or love it.
22 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
*** Alright, I usually don't do this when I review something. But Cloverfield is a movie that really needs spoilers to be understood when reviewed. Minor spoilers should help in deciding whether or not you should see the movie. ***

The first thing you need to know, is that the movie has a very shaky camera (although the visuals are VERY impressive). If you absolutely CANNOT stand shaky camera filming (which gets only gets really shaky when the monster comes around and causes havoc), don't bother watching it. My friends kept ranting about it, however I truly believe people exaggerate on that. I quickly got used to Cloverfield's shaky camera and believe me, Cloverfield wouldn't work without the first person view, or at least the effects would be less intense if it were in a third person perspective.

The second thing you need to know is, again, you're watching this from an ORDINARY EVERYDAY AVERAGE person's perspective. Don't expect Tom Cruise or Matt Damon as a character to save the day and raid the hell out of a gigantic monster. This is J.J. Abrams's vision of a monster movie and it really isn't your average monster (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). Not everything in the movie is explained, because again, these are normal people, they're not the governments or doctors who quickly studies on the creature to figure out what exactly is going on.

The third thing you need to know is, the movie starts out pretty slowly, but nothing too harsh to be honest. I believe you can bare 20 minutes of character development, which is actually a good thing, because those 20 minutes actually made me care about the characters. Besides, after those 20 minutes, the movie becomes an intense joyride.

So I conclude, after months anticipation, the movie was filled with intense moments, had pretty solid acting (nothing felt forced or machine-like) and has a monster that SHOULD be an iconic monster for America (the monster looks seriously awesome).
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Fun to watch, but ultimately fails on many things
29 December 2007
After watching the first Alien VS Predator, you'd think "There is absolutely no way that they can screw it more". Well, after seeing this movie I can tell you, it's a lot better than the first one, does that mean you will not be disappointed? No, hell no.

Let's start on the bad views of things. This movie tries to scare the audiences, but it just doesn't work. Many of the "horror" scenes reminded me of the first Alien and if you're a fan of horror movie, or have seen a couple of horror movies, I guarantee that 90% of the "horror" scenes are predictable. I assume they played it safe, which isn't a bad thing, but when almost every scenes in which I'm suppose to jump out of fright fails, than it's not good thing.

The pacing is arguable, the movie starts out with a couple of action and semi horror scene and than introduce us the main characters, which is kinda of a breath of fresh air since most horrors these days don't give much a damn for the characters.

Unfortunately, the execution of the character development is horrible and just makes you want to snore to death. It seems to drag and show us unnecessary scenes which were unneeded. The acting, blah, they're not A list actors, so don't expect any awards, some of it is okay, but most of it is mediocre and some of the dialog and acting was just laughable. The movie's script is absoulbly one of the worst I've seen in years. I can tell you that almost no effort was put to build it. Is it better than the first one? No, not by a long shot.

Now to the positive side. Although the movie has it's share of clichés, it's a "anyone can die". Baby, kids and girlfriend/boyfriend of the main character usually do not die in a horror movie, well in this one they can. I don't want to spoil anything for you, but you'll come to understand when you see it.

The action scene were pretty sweet for the most part and makes up for downside I had with it. Although it did felt kinda lacking on some part.

This movie just leaves you saying "It could have been more". This is more of a guilty pleasure movie, I'm not afraid to say I enjoyed this movie. Alien VS Predator could have been a great franchise they added an extra push or two. See it for the action scene I say, don't expect it to be as freaking amazing as Spider Man 3 though.

4,5/10 stars.
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Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Quite entertaining and very fun to watch
15 August 2007
I wasn't expecting much from this movie, I decided to see this movie with my friends.

Boy, this movie surpass my expectation (my expectation were low...say at the level of Scary Movie 3 and 4 at best). So anyway, you've got your B level action-comedy movie and it does it quite well.

Jackie Chan (Who plays as Lee) acts well as usual (have some problem for pronouncing things but I didn't mind that) and Chris Tucker is still hilarious and he's still loud as ever. The jokes were great and I had my shares of laughs and chuckles, the only problem I have with the comedy is that sometime they try to stretch it far to much and you're ending up saying "We get it already", but the comedy succeed quite well. The action scene were always a thrill and the car chase was very fun (there was a bit of laughter in the theater).

There's a lot more comedy (which some jokes were cheesy) in this movie than action, but in the end I didn't mind, I still felt entertained and happy to spend my 15$ in this movie.

So this is the end of my simple review, go watch this movie with low expectation and in a mood for some good laughter and action and you'll enjoy it. I give it 7/10, it's not amazing but it's still quite entertaining and worth your money.
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