
46 Reviews
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Raw doesn't mean good
7 May 2024
So many reviews have the word 'Raw' in them and they seem to imply that makes it good. Unfortunately it doesn't, I'm not saying this isn't good in parts it really is. However there are to many times it feels like the show's trying to shock its audience with how Raw it can be rather than tell it's story.

All this means that rather than follow the story and have sympathy for the main character. You spend your time thinking how true some of it is and how much of it is sensationalised to pretend it's more than it is.

Shame as it could be a really good show. Instead it's worth a watch but don't expect to much. You'll be disappointed.
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The Challenge: USA (2022– )
7 February 2024
To start with. This show could easily be half the time every episode actually is. So much waffle and pointless amped up drama, that actually isn't dramatic just a bunch of attention seeking insecure immature awful people.

Yes the shows trying to be a cross between big brother, survivor etc. However it's basically all the things that make those shows awful put in to one truly awful show.

Embarrassing crying one minute, screaming how strong they are the next, then whining about how unfair things are after that.

Could have been a show about how awesome humans can be. Showing what they can achieve. Instead it's a show about the worst humans.
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In the Fire (2023)
27 December 2023
This is a film that truly should never have been made, not worth the film it's printed on as my old nan would say.

I'd love to say the acting was terrible but there wasn't any acting. There was just some cardboard that moved, in fact that was the most impressive thing about this film, seriously, you would struggle to see the stop animation in the movement. The only give away is that the characters are so wooden and stiff.

If you're still reading this review you have already spent more time here than you should ever spend on this film. It couldn't be worse than if you went to the cinema and just sat staring at the blank screen.
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Genie (III) (2023)
Starts on, finishes poorly
26 December 2023
I sat down to watch this film with no agenda, in fact I probably was expecting it to be awful but it's Christmas so I figured 'why not'.

It starts ok. Nothing amazing but it feels like they are setting something up with a bit of festive fun. So I started to get hopeful for a fun Christmas movie. Unfortunately that didn't last long. The film starts to drop away in the middle.

The story doesn't seem to have been thought past the first 30 minutes. By time you get to the end it feels like the lost all belief in the film and just want to get it finished.

My advice, for the little it's worth, watch if you've watched everything else.
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Quite possibly the best all round film ever
10 November 2023
Phenomenal. From start to finish this film is a masterpiece. It is quite possible the best all round film ever.

Action, amazing Drama, incredible Realism, believably brilliant Fantasy, works perfectly

This is a film that all should see. Performance from Christian Bale is spot on yet still over shadowed by the amazing Heath Ledger. His joker is undoubtedly the best.

The fact Christian's performance is superb and still you remember the joker, shows what a practically perfect performance they both gave. Ability to share the screen without scene stealing and just enhancing each others performances shows how great they both are.

Add in outstanding direction and the cherry is on the top. Must watch.
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Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl (2022 TV Special)
Jessica Darrows costumes can't ruin it
25 September 2023
A strange headline I know but that is the problem with Jessica Darrows costume in this.

I really don't understand why, unlike the rest of the entire cast, she had to wear a sparkly purple pant suit that could not be further from her characters actual outfit in the movie.

This production is fantastic. They do bring the magic of the movie (which is one of the best Disney movies of recent years) to the stage. Capturing the magic of the family Madrigal on stage wonderfully. Accept for when Jessica Darrow is on stage. Her outfit detracts from the wonder of the show. Instead of enjoying the performance you're thinking Why is she wearing that?

A real shame as the production and performance is fantastic.
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1923 (2022–2023)
Fantastic representation of life at the time...
20 August 2023
....unfortunately let down by one or two missed castings.

Having said that maybe it's just me as others don't seem to see what I'm seeing.

Personally find the relationship between Spencer and Alexandra boring. It's all played out, been done before and completely lacking in real chemistry.

Speed of their relationship forming doesn't correspond with what's being seen on screen. Unlike 1883, Elsa Dutton fell in love quickly but it was believable each time.

Moving past this relationship the series is fantastically gritty and very real. Aminah Nieves wonderfully brings forth the pain, suffering and strength of the Native Americans during this period.

Helen Mirren some how brings elegance to her role of a tough ranch owners wife, Harrison Ford equally good as her husband.

A far more believable relationship. Jack and Elizabeth showing love can exist in such tough wilderness.

Well worth watching as with the other series in the telling of the Dutton family.
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Wimbledon (2004)
It's great
15 July 2023
It really is great. Has all the elements of a great romcom.

Firstly both Bethany and Dunst actually have on screen chemistry. Each has a depth in their acting and despite this being a silly romantic comedy both bring it to their respective roles.

Secondly feel good comedy is in abundance with this film. Just when the characters may have run out of moments, the timing of new characters entering to deliver clever one liners. Yes some of the jokes are obvious but they are delivered so well.

Thirdly the empathy and simple drama bring enough to round the film out.

This film is underrated for what it delivers.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
If Amazon doesn't do series 4
8 July 2023
If Amazon does do series 4 of this amazing show then you have to consider whether your prime video subscription is worth renewing.

I mean how could they even ask for a penny if they cancel the best show on tv. Clarksons farm in amazing tv. We watch it as a family, different generations, different ideals yet we all love it. It makes you feel happy inside.

The very few negative reviews on imdb are only the protestors and activists who never really look at what is being done and, instead, only comment on what they think is being done. Thinning trees is a prime example, they shout moan and claim he's destroying the environment. Yet this is a vital part of forestry.

Coming from a farming family we love what Clarkson has done for the industry. Some may claim he's got money to throw around and farmers can't do that, in some cases that may well be true. However he highlights this issue wonderfully well. He helps people understand why to supplier by a British farm costs are a little more but why we should do it.

He demonstrates the importance of eating local, huge benefits for the environment and the local economy. So what if he invests in an idea that others may not be able to, that happens in everyday life anyway. We've invested in ideas that have both worked and failed, the advantage for other farms is that may not have been able to invest in gamble is they haven't had to. They can take the idea that worked and implement them at lower risk.

Clarksons farm is a credit to the man himself, those who work on it, to Britain and to Amazon itself. I just hope the latter has the sense to see it.
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Poker Face (2023– )
I just don't get the high scores
4 June 2023
I don't get why this is so highly rated. Watched the first episode and 'thought it's ok, maybe it's going somewhere'.

Halfway through episode 3 we turned it off. Just the same repetitive nonsense and doesn't really add up. The writing isn't clever it's either obvious or so far fetched it's completely unbelievable.

Is it terrible, no, but should it be so highly rated I don't think so.

There's no feeling of engagement with the main character and what she's going through. I don't feel satisfied that she found the real killer. I just feel flat when watching it.

Murder she wrote but trying to be more edgy so actually losing the part that made that show the success it was.

Is not Columbo, it's not Highway to Heaven, the Incredible Hulk, Benji or the little hobo. Yet it's been written like a modern version trying to be them all but it just isn't.
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Practically perfect
20 May 2023
Wow, all I can say is wow. We have literally just left the cinema after watching vol 3 of everyone's favourite galaxy guardians and I could not wait to write this review.

If you're in two minds about what watch, if this film is one of the two then there's no choice it has to be this film. In fact if this film ain't one of the two you're thinking about, then this film is still the one you should choose.

The comedy in film is ever present without becoming tired or predictable. The character depth, helped by the fact it's the thirds stand alone film as well the characters appearance in other films, is perfect. You really do care and feel for all the characters. Even the bad guy has layers.

Amazing story, well directed and superbly acted.

Absolute most watch.
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Better than you think.
29 April 2023
I'm a huge fan of the Arnie, Conan films and will confess to first watching this film feeling a little unsure of what I wanted it to be.

Is it a perfect piece, no, but then you have to think how the other Conan films would be appreciated now if they were to be released. While far from perfect, this film is balanced, fun, full of action and still maintains a good story. Laila Rouass brings plenty to her role, plus it has Jason Momoa and Ron Pearlman two actors that fit their respective roles perfectly.

Rose McGowan brings her usual disappointing acting skills but then you know that going in, so it softens the blow.

Definitely worth a watch.
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Flowers (2016–2018)
Watch the 1st series forget the 2nd
15 April 2023
If you were judging the flowers on the first series, then the 8 plus star rating it's getting would be well deserved.

Well written likeable characters, even the ones with deeply unlikeable flaws and foibles. They all worked well together and the comedy level remains high throughout, despite the challenging subject matter.

Unfortunately the second series doesn't build on this. It feels as if this is a writer that had the shackles on for the first season, raining in the most outlandish ideas, was then set free on the second. Yet they didn't really know how to bring all their far out ideas together, so just through them all in a pot and hoped they stuck. They didn't.

Watch the first series, forget the second.
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Unexpectedly good
31 December 2022
As is so often the case with Sky original movies, I was expecting an awful rushed to produce piece of tat that, that was made just to fill a gap. How wrong I was.

This will now be one of those movies I look for every Christmas. Although actually you could watch this anytime of the year as it is so much more than just a Christmas film.

It's classed as a romcom and rightly so but there is a lovely wonderful message that goes with it. Something that helps give this movie its depth, that mean you enjoy watching it rather than waiting for it to end (as with so many sky originals).

Well written, directed and performed. Even the characters with smaller parts still have enough that you fully understand them. Care about them and want to see more.

Must see movie.
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Black Adam (2022)
Trying to be DC's Black Panther movie
23 October 2022
Let's start by saying it's not a bad movie. Unfortunately that means it's not a great movie either.

Aside from the characters being very different, this movie feels like it's spending to much of its time trying to be some kind of rallying point as Black Panther successfully did for people of colour.

Yes I want to see myself in hero's on screen, as we all do. However Black Panther focussed on making a great film highlighting the talent of its cast. Black Adam just feels like a political statement. The start of the Rocks presidential campaign.

The lack of story culminating in a terrible build up to the climax of the movie. The story doesn't even make sense, if you've got someone who can see the future. Then the previous events of the movie need not happen. Why would would you do what you did, if you knew you were going to have to undo it anyway.

Light hearted fun moments make the film watchable but lacks all the charisma of Aquaman. Doesn't have the depth of story to match Black Panther.
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Better without Jada
25 September 2022
A nostalgia is good for the soul, to much and it spoils the memory. Thankfully this film hits the right amount and with enough originality to make it an enjoyable addition to the franchise.

Let's not make to much of it, it's not better or even great. Yet there's enough here to recommend watching.

The main downside to the whole film is that out of all the characters to bring back, the one they should have is Niobe. Not cause the character isn't good but simply Jada isn't. She's never really been that great a actor and playing someone old, with her pathetic attempt at an aged voice is laughable.

The scenes she's in you'll spend your time waiting for them to end and forgetting about the film.

Thankfully these scenes are few and you can enjoy the rest of the film.
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Encanto (2021)
Disney at its best
21 August 2022
Wonderful story told in an original and imaginative way. Fun characters you instantly love. Perfect mix of comedy and drama. Songs that are enjoyable rather than dragging on and leaving you just waiting for them to finish so the story can continue.

Disney at its best.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Good story well acted
29 July 2022
A good story, well acted and with a twist. What's not to like, oh yeah I forgot there's action also.

Yea for a pure action film the build up is a little slow but then it's not a pure action film. It's intense and dramatic as well.

Definitely one to watch if you want an easy good film to watch.
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Good acting, terrible writing
19 June 2022
I can only assume the writer was a Carole supporter.

Tiger King was trash TV at its best at a time we all needed it during the pandemic. However both Joe and Carole are horrible people. So self absorbed that they care nothing about the people and animals around them, only that they are loved.

This show is a poor retelling of their story and seeks to only paint Carole as a courageous fighter for big cats, which she is not. Hence why she was unable to get a zoo accreditation when she applied for one. She seeks to only harm those who stand in her way by lying about them, no different to Joe.

Awful programme. Done watch unless you've watched everything else on tv.
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Julia (2022–2023)
Wonderfully brilliant
19 June 2022
Before this show I had heard of Julia Child and that was about it. As Brit 80's child she just didn't cross my radar.

However watching this show I found myself looking at more and more facts about her life, all of which is due to this captivating series. I've watched almost the entire series within 12 hrs.

Sarah Lancashire is her usual amazing self. Bebe Neuwirth and David Hyde Pierce do a wonderful job of bringing their chemistry of walking together before without bringing those old characters with them.

In fact all the cast are superb, the script well written and the show well directed. I found myself caring about every character. No part of the story was flat, all characters well rounded. So even when someone was wrong you understood why.

If you haven't watched it, you simply must.
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Ghost (1990)
Better than you remember
28 May 2022
Hard to believe they didn't want Patrick Swayze for the role originally as you simply couldn't imagine anyone else playing the part now.

This is a forgotten gem of a film, cleverly hits the right emotional spots which draw you in to the characters story (testament to the acting) while also putting big smiles on your face it's a humour.
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Agatha Raisin (2014– )
If ever a show lost its way, it's this.
23 May 2022
I'd never heard of or read any of the books. So when the first series came out I had no expectations.

Very pleasantly surprised. Perfect Sunday evening viewing. Simple stories with enough intelligence to keep you guessing, without being ridiculous. Wonderfully acted and a really fun cast.

Series two was also enjoyable.

Now however the show has become a really poor parody of itself. Over the top acting. Awful story lines. Characters who have no purpose except to try an extort cheap laughs from some time warn 50's show best left forgotten. Let alone Agatha's new dress sense. Gone stylish city chic that was funny as it was out of place in the countryside and now just a laughable outfit that most drag queens would refuse to wear.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Good Ones (2021)
Season 8, Episode 1
Stick to the comedy
27 April 2022
Living in England I only get sensationalised news of American policing from both sides. However, I would imagine that there are more cops who aim to do good than those who don't.

What I can say for certain is that if you're a show that shows members of the police force acting in ways that no real life member could/would do, don't then try and pretend you know the true ins and outs of what really happens and shame all the good ones out there.

I love this show, my family love this show it's had us laughing so many times before and generally in its silliness, it's actually been quite clever. This episode wasn't clever, it was trite. It had my family and I question whether to watch the next one.
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Isle of Dogs (2018)
Not great
13 April 2022
I guess I just don't get it but then I did turn it off after 15mins. It just isn't good.

The review has to be 150 characters and I simply don't have that much to say about the film. It does nothing and goes nowhere.
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Forgot how good it is
8 January 2022
Haven't watched this in quite some time and I had completely forgotten how wonderfully charming it is.

Of course the premise is daft but it's fun and that's the whole point. It's easy to watch, fun and I still get hooked at the end.

Leaves you with a warm feeling inside.
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