
4 Reviews
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a disappointment for all it's potential
24 July 2001
With a cast like this, America's Sweethearts could've been great. And the actors were right for the roles: Catherine Zeta-Jones is good as the snobby movie star we love to hate, John Cusack is the quintessential loser in love, Billy Chrystal knows how to tell a joke, and Julia Roberts is pretty good anywhere. But it was far from great. It couldn't decide if it wanted to be a spoof on hollywood life or a romantic comedy, so it fell short in both areas. If you get to put John Cusack and Julia Roberts together on-screen, you should make use of them. THat means giving them jokes for one thing. Cusack typically does the love-sick schtick perfectly, but their romance is just the side show, and it happens so quickly he has no time to do it, and I found it difficult to believe they were in love. Meanwhile the fun this movie pokes at the junket system is hardly fun; a spoof should be cutting. this one is not, but luckily Cusack does get a few good lines during interviews with talk show hosts. I did, however, get a few good laughs, and this cast does what it can with what it's given. It's worth seeing if only because the pickings are so slim this summer.
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surprising, refreshing and hilarious
19 February 2001
Thank goodness for the Coen Brothers. Their success has brought them bigger budgets,but hasn't rid them of their creativity. I had planned on seeing another movie, but it was sold out so I went to this one instead. By the time it began, I had forgotten what movie I was there to see. I was surprised in more ways than one. This movie is hilarious, but they don't make any cheap jokes just to get the laughs. The writing is brilliant, and delivered with great skill by George Clooney (after this, nobody can say he's just a pretty face) and the rest of the cast. It can be appreciated on many levels, whether you remember the Odyssey or not. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie that was this clever. I've seen others I would describe as beautiful, intriguing, funny and charming, all of which also describe "Oh Brother," but this movie reminded me of older seinfeld episodes where all the subplots came together in the end. You can feel that their journey is building up to something, but you can't tell what. And the Coen brothers do not fail us, the end is certainly not disappointing. It's surprising, and ties up all the loose ends neatly, without wearing the story out.
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Little Nicky (2000)
Down there with Waterboy
12 November 2000
I'm a proud fan of Adam Sandler and curse at anyone who won't give him any respect. Most of his movies are hilarious, and the Wedding Singer was a truly respectable movie. But sometimes he just gets carried away with his potty humor and gay jokes, and Little Nicky is a perfect example. While it contains brief moments of hilarity (the satanic message contained in a Chicago album comes to mind) and some guest star appearances are amusing, especially those that allude to some of Sandler's funnier movies, this movie could have accomplished so much more.
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October Sky (1999)
refreshingly free from typical Hollywood plots
5 September 2000
I went to see this movie not expecting much, only going because it was appropriately rated for the company I was in. But I was blown away. Rarely does a movie come along free from violence, sex, and romance that is so touching. The performances were so genuine; I have seen small town boys trying to escape their birthplace, but this felt completely new, due to wonderful acting.
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