Dead Trigger (2017) Poster


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Brainless budget Zombie Trash
arranwilson4 December 2018
Oh dear where do you start with this? The terrible zombie effects, the characters so poorly written you don't care even a little bit about them, the terrible action and fight scenes. Guns with endless ammo, bargain bin script. Only Dolph Lundgren it seems is aware of what kind of movie he is in and plays it corny. Some fun if you want to crack open some beers with friends and have a giggle, otherwise avoid this one.
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Effortless and cheap structural mess
TwistedContent3 December 2018
There's only one reason why I picked this up - the recent Dolph Lundgren horror comedy "Don't kill it", which was a decent no-brainer. "Dead trigger" falls way below decent.

There are so many flaws that I don't know where to start. First of all, Dolph Lundgren should never wear a scarf. You'll see why. I hope you don't though, 'cause it's not worth watching this 10yr olds vision of a good zombie flick. The story - what was it exactly? There are a lot of seriously underdeveloped charachters dying all the time & in the end you have no idea what, who and when held any importance. Towards the end of the movie, you're just not entirely sure what is and was going on - random characters just pop out of nowhere. It's a real structural mess, like, who funded this damn script? I can't even put together the plot in one sentence - IMDb plot synopsis for this movie doesn't sound much like the actual content of this failure of a horror. And the 'plot twist' at the end? Didn't get me, not one bit. The next most cringy thing about "Dead Trigger" were the performances - it seems like they learned their lines right before shooting and went ahead with all the first takes. Even poor Dolph was not acting much, just talking and 'screaming' in the same constant low voice & making the same mildly concerned face. Most of dialogue was real bad, as you'd expect, a lot of it - also pointless and unessential. But wait, even more cringier were the special effects - all digital and real dirt cheap lookin'. Cuts, bullets wounds or any other origins for those splashes of blood were never to be seen as well - it's a real annoying "on the nose" thing. While it looked like they had gotten some decent enough locations, the props and costumes looked like they were rented in the nearest paintball store.

Basically, "Dead Trigger" shoots blanks and reeks of crappy filmmaking. If you're expecting a fun time, hilarious moments and whatnot - don't, it's gonna be funny maybe for the 1st half an hour, that is, if you don't watch it alone. A passable snoozefest with a generous cringe topping. My rating: a well deserved 2\10.
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I don't get it.
slomostuntz8 December 2018
I don't get it. The storyline above mentions a video game called Dead Trigger that the government creates to fight the zombies. But there is no government video game. There is the CSU that recruits to fight zombies. It seems like there's two different stories in there. Or the script got messed with too much. This is more like Dolph Trigger than Dead Trigger. Nothing to do with the mobile game other than zombies and the name Kyle. If there was a government video game in the story that would make sense. This story makes no sense. I read it had a lot of problems being made. Crew weren't paid. Lots of script rewrites during filming. Original director was replaced. And they got chased out of Mexico by drug cartels for not paying Mexican crew. I liked the locations though. Seems like a missed opportunity. Dolph looks drunk most of the time. In fact, everyone acts like they're hungover!
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dalxray4 December 2018
Cheap and amateurish, looks like it was shot on someone's phone.So bad I couldn't finish watching it. This movie is worse than any of the ones shown on MST3K
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Dead on arrival
udar556 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ouch! Me last week: "No, Stallone, you're not going to con me into watching the direct-to-disc cheapie Escape Plan 3. I have more respect for myself now." Me yesterday after getting a coupon code from Redbox: "Hey, let me see what this new Dolph Lundgren zombie movie is all about..." Yes, I'm dumb as I spent 50 cents on Dead Trigger and still feel ripped off. Five video game players are selected by a government agency to train to be zombie killers after a worldwide outbreak. Their handlers are two grunts (Dolph and Isaiah Washington) and after one training montage they are dropped into zombie-infested Terminal City to save a scientist with some serum. It would be hard to screw up Dolph vs. zombies, yet this film shows you how to do it. Now I'm not up to date on all my direct-to-video Dolph, but this has to be his worst film in years. An adaptation of a first person shooter zombie video game, Dead Trigger apparently saw the game company (and main financier) split early into production and it shows. The end credits have two "Directed by..." credits back-to-back. From the "corporate training video" style to the terrible CGI blood and lousy acting, it is awful in every facet. There is also a twist at the end that is so poorly handled (SPOILER: The whole mission was just a video game the 5 kids were playing. That could be cool since Dolph's character looks like a caricature, but it is covered with a voice over by the lead kid stating a real zombie outbreak happened two weeks later and they were called into service like in the game. What!?). Perhaps the most surprising thing about this is that Dolph is in the entire film (Washington has the good sense to dip out at the 30 minute mark). The box art and menu list this just as Dead Trigger, but the actual movie calls it Dead Trigger: Unkilled. To quote Jack Burton, I don't even know what the hell that means!?
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Dead on Arrival
tonymeehan-7555822 September 2019
If ever a movie could be described as half-arsed it's Dead Trigger. From the acting, script, direction, plot and overall execution it just falls flat on its face. And while some films fall into the category of so bad it's good, Dead Trigger is just plain bad.

The plot is all over the place, stuff happens with little to no logic or explanation given. None of the protagonists make any sort of impact whatsoever. I've seen cereal boxes with more personality and when anyone dies the only thing you feel is indifference.

Dolph Lundgren spends the entire movie with a dish cloth round his neck. I don't know why.

The only scene that stands out is the one where a recruit, who was boasting about his shooting prowess, comes face to face with a zombie, freezes in terror and drops his shotgun, somehow blowing his head off.

If you like zombie movies avoid this like the plague.

If you like Dolph Lundgren movies go elsewhere. This is really not worth your time or money.
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Not a grand addition for the zombie genre...
paul_haakonsen11 May 2019
The sole reason for why I picked up a copy of "Dead Trigger" (aka "Zombie Shooter") was because it is a zombie movie. Yeah, that is sufficient to make me have an interest in watching a movie. However, reading the synopsis for the movie and the fact that Dolph Lundgren starred in a zombie movie, wasn't exactly factors that made me feel overly thrilled about watching "Dead Trigger".

Now hold on for a second, Dolph Lundgren does put out the occasional entertaining action movie for sure, but starring in a zombie movie? Not so sure that it was going to be the ultimate combo.

And my fears came true, because Dolph Lundgren is not particularly suited for a zombie movie, despite having done one prior to this one already, which wasn't particularly outstanding either. Or perhaps it was the fact that he seems very disinterested in the script and movie and was just there to cash in on a paycheck. It definitely felt like that given his performance and demeanor throughout the scenes he was in.

The storyline and script in "Dead Trigger" was fairly straight forward, albeit to the point where you need zero brain activity to keep up with the movie. You just switch to autopilot mode and sit back and watch the movie. The ultimate point of the movie, as revealed at the end of the movie, that couch potatoes sitting at home playing online shooters can become elite military personel trained to kill zombies and save the world was just a slap in the face. Playing online shooters gives you absolutely zero real-life skills worth of any proper job.

For a zombie movie, then "Dead Trigger" wasn't particularly outstanding. The zombie make-up and special effects were adequate, just don't expect anything overly gory or interesting in terms of decay and zombie injuries. It had an up-scaled low budget feel to it, but still managed to fair well enough, and the effects served their purpose. The horrible CGI animated blood sprays was just laughably bad to look at.

As for the acting in the movie, well let's just say that you shouldn't be expecting anything in terms of character development, dramatic acting, or anything even close to that. This was low budget to the core.

I managed to endure "Dead Trigger" to the end, despite my attention failing twice throughout the course and I started doing other things. But returning to the movie 5 minutes later revealed that nothing important had been missed. I've watched it once now, and can honestly say that this foray into the zombie genre didn't even leave as much as a dent.
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Pretty good for a student film
melgrubb-489524 September 2019
Unfortunately this was a "professional" job. I loves me some Dolph, but this one was hard to get through. I just pretended it said "Troma" on the case, and it made it a little easier to take.

Here's an example of the stellar writing: Forgettable character #1: I've never shot a gun before Forgettable character #2: Speak for yourself, I was... something something blah blah blah

Um... Forgettable character #1 WAS speaking for himself. The sentence literally started with "I've". Please, people... pass any English scripts by a native English speaker to look for such obvious problems with common phrases. I wouldn't even call this an idiomatic expression, just an abject failure to understand a very straightforward sentence.

Another example: At one point, the heavily armed characters pile into a pickup truck to make their getaway, and the four in the bed of the truck continue firing at zombies BEHIND THEM as they speed away. What is that meant to accomplish apart from wasting ammo? Luckily (for them) they rarely acknowledge the need to reload and never EVER run out of bullets, or this would have been a much shorter movie.
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The worst
rpgz-x-ray11 October 2018
Literally one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I mean it
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foxxbap25 February 2019
Everything about this movie was bad... Nothing made sense, full of plot holes and bad cgi
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Kill the Dead, before they kill you
nogodnomasters14 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In 2025, Terminal City is ground zero for the zombie outbreak. Cyglobe Corporation is making a fortune on gun sales. They want to make more money with a cure. Some promising DNA sequencing exists at a Cyblobe lab in the heart of Terminal City surrounded by zombies. A group of recruits known as Dead Trigger are going on a suicide rescue mission. The recruits were hand selected for their special skills. They are being led by Dolph Lundgren.

This is a typical shoot 'em up zombie film with the expected backstabbing corporation. What made the film different was the ending. Slow moving swarming zombies.

Guide: No F-word, sex, or nudity.
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Dolph and the Dude Previously on Gray's Anatomy - How Far Have You Fallen?
nb-198815 December 2018
Makes Asylum movies seem decent... Makes cardboard characters seem well-rounded... If the producer and director aren't in 8th Grade, this is a candidate for worst movie of the century.

To write more would be a double waste of time. You have been warned. If you think you'll be the lone exception because you're a die-hard Lundgren fan -- you won't. The more you like Dolph, the more depressed you will become after seeing this...
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kmvhamilton4 December 2018
This movie really should be remarketed as a comedy and not action/horror. I laughed out loud several times in the 1st 10 minutes!! Kept watching as it's funnier than some of the comedy movies I've seen recently.
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not good in any way
natcalgary4 December 2018
I would say this is a good movie if i was told it was written directed and produced by a grade 9 student. Otherwise..... bad real bad....

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Over the top acting
Lost_Highway24 January 2019
The acting is unintentionally hilarious in this genre cross-over movie. Not really one for fans of zombie movies, more for fans of eighties action films. It has entertaining moments but if you must watch it take it for laughs as it is too bad to take seriously.
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ashleyfitches5 March 2022
I thought that this movie was going to be a lot of fun, and enjoyable, however it was far from that, and was very disappointing, with a awful plot, terrible acting and choreography. I found myself looking at my phone to check the time as I was that bored. In the end I would not recommend this movie unless you want to fall asleep.
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It's pretty bad
clintnickerson-4216920 October 2019
Low budget, what does everyone expect? Good for some laughs.
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lukem-5276012 February 2019
I always enjoy Dolph in movies well most of the time anyway & since i really liked the fun action packed Battle Of The Damned where Dolph battled zombies in that movie too i thought i will get Dead Trigger & hopefully like it too!!!

Well first thing first like i said i like Dolph & he makes a good rugged tough B-movie action hero but he was much better in the very cool Battle of the Damned but although this film is very ultra low-budget it still had some cool fun moments & it's just cool seeing Dolph killing zombies to be honest so that was why i got this dvd in the first place. The extremely low-budget is evident throughout the movie as they film in like warehouses & ordinary buildings & everything is just plain & no real apocalyptic sets or anything exciting to look at in the background & the zombie make up is cheap looking but it's ok for a shoot'em up cheap flick so nothing really terrible but nothing great either!!!

Yes Dolph is cool & the only reason to watch this is to see him kill zombies but it's still enjoyable entertainment & an easy watch & if this came out in the 80's people would love this little zombie film it's just such a different time now. Dolph is still a good screen presence & it's a comfort to watch this ageing rugged old school action Hero fighting zombies it's just so cool. I genuinely enjoyed it & enjoy alot of B-movies so this was easy late night entertainment for me & that's it's charm & how i see it. Nothing terrible but nothing special. Just pure low budget zombie fun & Dolph's Walker character is pretty cool.
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Army of the Dead (trigger)
kosmasp27 May 2021
It may not be the best thing watching something as exciting Army of the Dead and then watching something like this. I mean the movies cannot be compared. Budget wise alone I can only imagine how big the difference is. But even without that big gap ... try to think of it if you can to cut this some slack. Or try to remember that when you rate Army of the Dead. As much nonsense as there is in the Snyder zombie movie, it still is technically amazing, looks good and has many funny things in it.

Having said that, this movie also has some intersting actors! Dolph Lundgren is one of them ... and while he seems to be phoning it in, letting the young ones do some heavy lifting instead, he still can carry his own weight ... no pun intended. Not a really good movie, but I'd be surprised if you actually thought it would be.
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A Zombie, B-Movie With A Surprise or Two!!!
zardoz-137 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Somethings in life are inevitable. Death, taxes, and . . . Dolph Lundgren movies. All you need know about Dolph's latest movie is it stars Dolph. If that isn't enough, you don't know the world of fantasy you're entering. You must be a fan of Dolph to watch Dolph's movies, much less enjoy them for their miscellaneous qualities. The best Dolph movies usually star somebody other than Dolph, such as either "Hail, Caesar!" or "Aquaman," where he isn't as prominently featured. The standard-issue Dolph movies either topline Dolph or pair him with a prestigious co-star. Usually, Dolph doesn't deviate from the Dolph formula. He doesn't give a performance, as much as impersonate himself. Happily, Dolph is pretty good at playing Dolph. Like Steven Seagal used to be pretty good at playing Steven Seagal, before he packed on the pounds. Or the legendary Chuck Norris before he retired. A hero of few words, six-foot-four Dolph looms above everybody in "Dead Trigger," but a few things about this Dolph movie sets it apart from the typical Dolph derring-do. First, Dolph has dyed his blonde thatch black again, perhaps as a homage to his title role in the 1989 movie "The Punisher." Second, this Dolph movie contains an unusual twist during its final quarter hour that may catch you off-guard.

Although writers Mike Cuff and Scott Windhauser are listed as the co-directors of "Dead Trigger," they didn't work side-by-side. Cuff exited the film in a clash over creative differences, and Windhauser of "The Hurricane Heist" not only rewrote the script, but he also took over the helm. This derivative Dolph thriller evokes memories of the original "Resident Evil" (2002), except Dolph plays Dolph instead of Milla Jovovich. "Resident Evil" was a video game adaptation like "Dead Trigger." For the record, Madfinger Games created "Dead Trigger," a first-person, single-player, zombie-apocalyptic, survival shooter game for iOS and Android back in June of 2012. Since then Madfinger has followed it up with a sequel cleverly entitled "Dead Trigger 2." As Dolph movies go, "Dead Trigger" is above-average pabulum. Like Dolph movies, zombie movies are an acquired taste. You know nobody is going to clench Oscars, much less land nominations. You know the zombies will swarm in hordes. Despite their lurching gaits, these undead demons attack in groups. Occasionally, they sneak up and surprise their gullible prey.

First-time scribes Heinz Treschnitzer and Cuff penned this boilerplate chiller. Four years after a zombie apocalypse devastated Terminal City in 2021 with a virus of unknown origins, the military has established a training program to combat the undead. They recruit video gamers who are crack shots. Naturally, these millennials must complete a rigorous boot camp. Some die when they tangle with captured, live zombies under simulated conditions. One recruit accidentally blows off his head with a shotgun when a pugnacious zombie frightens him. Led by zombie killing champion Captain Walker (Dolph Lundgren of "Creed 2"), this well-armed unit of young men and women, armed to the teeth with weapons galore, are flown into Terminal City by choppers. Walker must bring back a scientist, Tara Conlan (Autumn Reeser of "Valley of Bones"), trapped in a laboratory besieged by zombies. Furthermore, Conlan is the last scientist alive, and she has isolated a DNA sequence which will enable the villainous corporation to develop a cure. What our heroes don't know is the evil corporation has planted a minion among them, Lieutenant Martinov (Oleg Taktarov of "Den of Thieves"), to bring the formula back over their dead bodies. One by one, Walker's men and women are whittled down by ravenous zombies who have a habit of materializing where they are least expected. As one medic explains, once bitten, you are doomed. The only way to survive is to amputate the chomped appendage, or you're kaput.

The best thing about "Dead Trigger" is its unforeseen use of deadpan humor. The boot camp is especially amusing when zombies catch one guy off-guard, and Walker saves his life by promptly amputating his arm. Appropriately, "Dead Trigger" adheres strictly to the traditional zombie formula but brings nothing new to the table. For example, the zombies lurch about drunkenly when they walk, so an alert man on crutches could outdistance them. Meantime, the filmmakers appropriate clichés from Hollywood war films. For example, one of our heroines finds herself surrounded by predatory zombies. She's doomed, and she realizes it. Instead of gushing tears, she pulls the pin on a hand grenade and obliterates the group of zombies gnawing on her neck. In other words, "Dead Trigger" makes the grade as a flesh-eating zombie epic.

Mind you, "Dead Trigger" is no "World War Z." The latter coined $540 million here and abroad on a $190 million budget. However, "World War Z" didn't have Dolph. Furthermore, the violent action scenes differ because our heroes don't rely exclusively on bullets to blast zombies. Nevertheless, Walker and his unit obliterate more than enough zombie heads, but not as many as Brad Pitt did. "Dead Trigger" allows its versatile combatants to not only riddle heads with lead, but also slash and gnash them with blades. The eleventh-hour twist in "Dead Trigger" is going to take some by surprise some while aggravate others. Initially, it may even appear as if the filmmakers abandoned the narrative and left Dolph somewhere out there to die. Dolph goes back to save a group of refuges, but his best efforts prove suicidal. Earlier, during the rescue mission, we learn Walker had been bitten, but he carries a temporary antidote which keeps him alive. Walker's conscientious medic reminds him the antidotes provide only short-term relief. "Dead Trigger" qualifies as a different kind of Dolph movie because he isn't invincible. Indeed, this vulnerable shift in character and the zombie conspiracy plot heightens what would otherwise constitute a routine, standard-issue Dolph epic. Ultimately, despite its modest amount of blood & gore, "Dead Trigger" should gratify Dolph's fanbase as dependable derring-do that tweaks the formula without undue damage.
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leszek-43 March 2019
What a piece of crap... Playing resident evil game is much more interesting.... Avoid it
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I've seen worse
sheamoonchild6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I would have given it three stars but it gets one extra star because Dolph Lundgren is a cutie. Spoiler: The best part was when one of the recruits accidentally blew his own head off. I was not expecting that.
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Stale zombies
Leofwine_draca8 October 2021
A routine action/zombie movie starring Dolph Lundgren with dodgy dyed black hair. He plays the leader of a squad of soldiers who go on a rescue mission to find some missing scientists and end up fighting a zombie horde in the meantime. Predictable stuff as ever, with low rent CGI blood sprays and overacting zombies. The cliched blue/grey digital look works against it and I'm reading that the director left halfway through production which makes sense, as this is all pretty stale and inane.
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I WAS enjoying this film until...
AndyVanScoyoc9 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Mad Max chicks with their ridiculous make up.

Give me a break.

I only watched this because I saw Dolph Lundgren (he's STILL gorgeous eye candy) and was pleasantly surprised to see Isaiah Washington (though he deserved better) and being a fan of Oleg Taktarov...that was just gravy. much as I wanted to like the film itself, the bonehead move of, "The Twins," just killed it.

If you watch this...don't expect a lot.
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fmarkland325 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dolph Lundgren stars as an elite soldier who leads a group of gamers turned dead triggers on a rescue mission to save doctors from zombies and along the way are double-crossed by the corporate entity that sent them. Dead Trigger is better than what I thought it would be, indeed there are moments I saw the vision, unfortunately though this movie is too low budget to work as anything but uninspired hackwork. Indeed, it's sort of disappointing to see Lundgren and Washington largely wasted. While I tend to avoid my beloved action stars straight to streaming work (You can't even trust Stallone and Bruce Willis, nowadays if it's not theatrical) this one while slightly better, is still pretty lame and very predictable. Only die hard Dolph Lundgren fans will be into this, but Don't Kill is by far your better bet.

*1/2 Out Of 4-(Poor)
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