Finale (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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Aims high but shoots very low.
joshbarton1524 November 2020
Opening with what reminded me of Marge appearing at the start of some Treehouse of Horror episodes of The Simpsons to warn the audience of the content that will appear in the following episode, The Ringmaster is another film that hones in on the success of the Saw films but leaves a lot to be desired in terms of emulating their success.

During the night of the biggest sports final of the year, two girls working in a gas station experience strange incidents. Is it just staged pranks or is it something of a more aggressive intent?

Horror is a genre where you can probably get away with a lot more in terms of extreme content and this is something The Ringmaster has the intention of doing however, it never manages to fulfil the promising potential it starts off with. There's an impressive sense of dread surrounding the two women on their shift at a gas station, particularly when two perculiar men arrive acting rather strangely, but that soon dissolves into nothing much, even as the women are forced to take part in an online entertainment event that isn't as insane as it thinks it is.

We know what's going to happen with the women as the film follows a non-linear narrative that jumps between their shift and then captivity. While not much of an issue for me, there's no surprise to any of it, knowing they will eventually be captured takes away much of the suspense created during the gas station scenes.

The performances, particularly from Anne Bergfield and Karin Michelsen, are decent enough but there isn't really much weight to any of it due to the fact there's no real substance to any of it. Damon Younger plays the Ringmaster and he does bring a sinister sense to proceedings but it does end up falling a bit flat, sitting in the middle rather than tipping over to either side of the psycho scale.

Imagine The Greatest Showman but P. T. Barnum rides out on a tricycle asking his "freaks" if they "wanna play a game". You could imagine it being carnage and that's what I'd want from a horror film called The Ringmaster but what we got instead ends up being rather tame, which is most definitely a shame.
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KayDarko31271314 January 2022
Oh man! Just finished this one a facebook group recommended. I was super skeptical because of the rating on here, but it deserves a higher rating for sure. I was on the edge of my seat. Not the grossest or scariest, and I probably won't watch it again. But it was thrilling for a one time watch. I've seen all torture porn horror, but I'm not a fan of it, so as soon as I saw it go in that direction I was like nooooo 😆 I could not look away the whole time, I was captivated. Ooh and I like the nod to Frankenstein at the beginning. Gross flick. The main actress is really what made it good. I would give it a solid 6/10.
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Hard to watch...
mariamodig1721 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A really hard movie to watch about snuff films. It was dufficult to watch several scenes, don't like when people get tormented like this 😔 But the acting was really good, maybe that made the movie so believable!
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Extremely Frustrating To Watch
arwhit-6974121 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I never leave ratings but I just have to on this. The feeling to do so was just too overwhelming. If time travel is discovered tomorrow, I'll be sure to rewind and get this hour and a half of my life back first thing.

I get the whole "characters do dumb things/make dumb decisions" in horror movies thing because sometimes that's what makes horror movies entertaining but this was just too much stupidity in like a basic fight or flight kind of way. How did those two women even live to that age being so dumb??

They had hours to call the police or even lock the damn door or to just, I don't know, leave maybe???

Miraculously, and despite an extreme lack of survival instincts, they make it through to the end and are able to secure a getaway vehicle. But then, oh no! What should I do flimsy ass gate is locked?! I'll just go and meander around outside for a bit, take my sweet ass time making another really dumb decision. It's not like a crazy person is chasing me or anything. Why not just run the damn car through the gate like literally everyone else does in movies.
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monkyron10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first hour is just plain boring. All of the suspense is lost when the film spoilers itself by changing back and forth between the gas station which is the main first half and the torture place (the main second half). Then there are a lot of things that do not make sense, for example that no one manages to call the police despite it being obviously necessary. And when the police would finally receive a call.... our annoying "protagonist" and the other two get kidnapped and we do not even see how. The good things are the last 30 minutes (with some kind of interesting story and a bit suspense) and the cinematography of the whole film. Throughout the film there is a wannabe deep theme of what the limits of entertainment are. It feels like the director saw a Lars Von Trier movie and thought "I want that too" but didnt know how to adress a more interesting theme or do it in a more detailed and interesting way. He just scratches the surface of a theme that doesn't even feel unique at all. "Funny Games" had the same theme of "what are the limits of entertainment?" used it better AND even criticizes it with confidence instead of beeing too obvious! The obviousness of this theme in "Finale" feels like a excuse for its gore even tho the gore isn't even that harsh ("What, I'm violent? But I'm artsy too! That means I am more than just a wannabe gory horror-thriller!") As said, the gore wasn't even that good - except the nipple scene! That one was well made and uncomfortable to watch! The rest doesn't look real enough and at times happens way too fast for you to empathize (for example when one man looses his legs because he's pulled apart in an instant).
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Bor-ing, What A Horrible Bore!
vengeance206 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bought this a few months back but haven't got around to watching til now. I thought it would be good given the review states "Hostel Meets The Purge", how far from the truth that is.

The film sees 2 girls working late at a Petrol Station only to have strange goings on occur throughout the night. It's then that the events become clear to them once things start to increase in intensity leading to a deadly revelation.

I found the film to be mostly boring. The first hour sees the girls just serving weird customers, 1 of them is complaining about her domestic problems while the other is trying to get through her last shift. What makes it more annoying is that we see these scenes chopping & changing to the ones of the girl trying to finish her last shift being tortured with her boy friend & co-worker with the domestic issues. So any suspense or build up is spoiled.

The films pacing was off & the 1 hour & 30 minute cut was a little too long, especially given the first hour had no action in it at all & was boring as. The body count sucked & the gore was at best minimal & at worst too little, too late, just like the action which in itself was below medicore. The story itself was boring & nothing interesting.

Overall, once again, the comparisson to other horrors that are way better than this is misleading & insulting to those horrors which actually deliver & are far better. The title of this film is different to the UK one which is called "The Ring Master", typical straight-to-DVD unnecessary renaming. It's not a great film & is pretty dissappointing. Very little to nothing is salvagable with this one.

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Danish horror film straddles the line with torture porn
george.schmidt23 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
FINALE (2019) ** Anne Bergfeld, Karin Michelsen, Damon Younger, Kristoffer Fabricus, Mads Koudal, Kim Donderholm, Gustav Scavenius. Danish horror film about a pair of young women working a lonely night shift at a gas station find themselves in a nightmare when they are abducted and tortured while being broadcast on a dark web live program. Filmmaker Soren Juul Petersen's big-screen debut leans more on torture porn than social commentary yet allows his young protagonists' a field day of emotions which sets the film apart from the usual slasher fare.
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Really not that good.
elle-six16 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It started off alright. 2 girls working in gas station... some weird stuff happening. Add a few strange characters for audience to guess who will be the actual perpetrator. Then occasionally they jumpcut to a different timeline where the protagonist trying to escape some dungeon or sewer tunnel. A little confusing but probably foreshadowing whats gonna happen later.

Towards the 2/3 of the film, they introduce the ring master character. Turns out it some sorta low budget circus theme snuff. Then you get the ring master speaking in english like he's trying to teach english language and pretending to be a villain from 80s cartoon. Its so cringey that i forget about the actual gore action. I keep thinking 'who the heck speaks like that?' It so corny.

There's a female narrator introducing the circus show and at one point she says "our ringmaster is a determined conversationalist. Dying to dive into deeper dialogue with our starlet. He masters the art of oral examination." Wow... cool right? Ringmaster asked the victim whats her name, her age and her job. Thats it. Master of oral examination indeed.

Yeap. Thats the most horrible part of this horror film. 2 stars for effort.
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Unpredictable and brutal.
parry_na7 January 2022
This opens with a pastiche of the first few moments of 1931's Frankenstein, when one of the cast steps on stage to address the audience and warn them of the horrors to come.

It takes a while to get going, despite the mix of events happening in real time and flashback. Two gas station attendants working the night shift are terrorised and subjected to various brutal horrors, and their isolation is well realised by Director Søren Juul Petersen.

What follows is an entertaining ride, with a fair bit of gore thrown in. The nature of the horror would be to drift into spoiler territory. The situation is not a new one, and might have been conveyed more stylishly than here, but I enjoyed this ride, especially as I didn't know which way events would turn. My score is 7 out of 10.
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Let down
africe2 December 2021
The movie was a big letdown. I gave it 3 stars only because of the female actors. They were excellent compared to the subpar writing. Film had so much potential but fell short. I will look for these ladies in future films. They were awesome.
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Good suspense
LaverneandShirleysucks27 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two girls working the night shift at a gas station endure a night of horror. To say more would spoil things so i'll leave the plot at that.

The suspense builds slowly in the gas station where small things happen to terrorize the girls, until the stupid director decided to jump ahead to the captive scenes to show us what eventually happened to the girls, and then takes us back to the gas station again. Why do this?!

Doing that only kills the suspense that's building in the gas station and I couldn't figure out why on earth they chose to film like that. Why bother going back to the slow suspense of the gas station after cutting to what happened to them?! It was just dumb.

But the movie still saves itself by staying at the captive place for the final third of the movie and then keeps a linear timeline.

There's some gore during a particularly brutal scene and the suspense continues right up to the end. The two girls acted great and played their parts believably too. There's a couple of moments where the characters do dumb things in life threatening situations where you'll slap your forehead, but that just goes with the territory in these films.

I give this an 8 and would've given it a 9 if it didn't have the non linear timeline that served no purpose but to kill the suspense. But even with that big flaw, it's still worth a watch for suspense/horror fans.
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Flawed but intense and entertaining
greg41686 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Best line of the movie was when the protagonist is with the ambulance doctor, beaten to hell and bloody, and doctor asks "are you in any pain?" I think this was more than just torture porn as I see so many reviews are discounting it as. Sure it had the torture aspect, but it was a survival story. I was glad that the good girls got some measure of revenge and it didn't end up completely bleak like many of the 2000's era movies like it. I found it suspenseful, though the non-linear scenes took a lot of the suspense away. Probably would have worked better as a sequential story building the suspense. That said, the end sequences were exciting and I enjoyed seeing how good would win vs. Evil. I recommend this one, good stuff.
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Frightening movie
dy3849320 May 2022
Good movie to watch for especially the frightening scenes in the movie is dangerous to watch the movie sometimes a dull but for our it is great movie nice direction.
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Final(e) word
kosmasp6 June 2024
No pun intended - you have to dig horror movies to be able to enjoy this. You may have heard of torture porn - I would not say that it stoops that low (or high, depending on your own sets of values of course) ... but it is a slasher movie, it does have girls in the main roles that could be considered Scream Queens ... and it has quite a lot of violence in it.

The effects are quite nice, the acting is decent enough too. Story wise not too many surprises .. the editing is ... well interesting. It may throw some people off, you have to pay attention that is for sure. If that sounds like something you want to give a go ... go ahead. Just be sure to cut this some slack ... and suspend your disbelief.
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It's OK
redban0224 July 2023
The lead actresses were good, especially Agnes. Some of the scenes are intense (although overall, I wouldn't say the movie is scary though; it's more of a suspense or thriller than a horror) It's very gory, almost on par with Hostel at times. The main villain, who is on the poster, is pretty intimidating, and he looks a little like a frontman for a heavy metal band

There are some issues with the movie though. I didn't like the random time jumps in the first 60% of the film. And the third act is a let down. The movie also aims for some kind of commentary on society's fascination with violence, which it telegraphs with pictures of the Roman Coliseum: I didn't think this message really got through.
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Hidden gem
pensacolacomputer18 January 2024
From someone who has literally seen thousands and thousands of horror movies this is a little hidden gem. It does start out a little slow, but once the action and gore kick in it's hard to take your eyes off of it. And the gore is done really well which should a delight any horror fan. Some of it was even too gruesome for me to look at sometimes, that's how intense it was. Then right when you think you know what's going to happen next, it surprises you and takes a totally different turn.

So if you are in the mood for something a little different and love horror you should really like this one!

7/10 - A hidden gem.
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Fantastic atmospheric movie
vorhees9312 December 2018
This is a danish movie that really sets the mood from start to finish. The intro is fenomenal and the buildup of the story and characters is simply genius. Ive seen a lot of movies, especially Horror movies, and in my opinion this movie is a piece of art. It's pretty graphic in some scenes, wich ats to the horror. All in all Great story, amazing scenomatography. Good direction. And love how the story unfolds Highly recommend this one. Best horror film ive seen in years
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A smart look at human cruelty and sensationalism.
roger-99-17159911 August 2019
If you think the final scene in Tarantino's latest is too-much, wait until you see what happens here, when a maniac abducts two gas station attendants and display them as merchandise for a live streaming horror show. Having to work on a historic day when Denmark enters the World Cup's finals, the ladies try their best to avoid boredom. They end up being the prey of such a bizarre game where the viewers decide their destiny- including torching them, cutting their legs off, and piercing their nipples. An extremely gore, efficient, gruesome and smart take on the abduction genre, Søren Juul Petersen's directorial debut is an impressive and bold display of human cruelty.
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Excellent Snuff
polarbear-2883927 December 2021
Not as realistic as 8mm, but very entertaining. The first half hour is character development. From there things pick up.

Love the way they wrapped it up. Plus, the starlet is a bombshell.
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charlezygo18 December 2018
I think the bright spot of this film for me is the acting debut of Karin Michelsen. I find her believable throughout. Her interactions with Kenny and Agnes are endearing and her torture scenes seem honestly painful. The most memorable and haunting line in the whole film for me must be the ringmaster forcing her to scream," I like it!"
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