Christmas in the Smokies (2015) Poster

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No real romance
monicahastalent19 December 2018
I can't be the only one waiting for a kiss happen. I guess this was one of an inspirational type of film rather than a romance. I was just waiting for more to happen.
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Down on the farm
utgard142 December 2015
The always lovely Sarah Lancaster stars in this by-the-numbers inspirational Christmas TV movie. Inspirational, for those who don't know, is code for religious (usually Christian). I'm not particularly religious myself but I don't have an issue with religious or spiritual themes in movies. However, I know from many reviews I've read on IMDb that some recoil from these movies like vampires from crosses. So if religious subject matter bothers you, be prepared before watching this so you don't gripe about how they "tricked" you or something. Also, I should point out that the religious elements do not overtake the movie; they're just there in the background and occasionally at the forefront. Mostly just little scenes like Sarah's character will say "How are we going to pay the huge bills to save the farm" and her dad will smile and reply "Oh we'll find a way" then turn to look at a nativity scene he's got laying out in his living room. Cloying perhaps but harmless to all but the nastiest among us.

The plot's a mixture of familiar elements: Sarah's family is in danger of losing their farm to a greedy land developer just as her ex, a country music star who left her when they were teenagers, returns to town. About 95% of all movies made about farms seem to be about how the farm is about to be taken away from its owners. Must be hard running a farm when there are villainous land developers lurking around every corner waiting to turn your heritage into a parking lot. I like Sarah Lancaster but I've come to the conclusion after seeing her in so many shows and TV movies that she is only ideally suited to a narrow range of roles. Here, she's not really convincing as a Southern farm girl. For one thing, her accent comes and goes. She looks great in those jeans, though. But the main problem here is that her character is a pain in the rear for most of this movie. On the one hand, you feel bad for her because she has to shoulder the burden of saving the farm while her parents, who are approaching senility it seems, laugh it off like bags of money are just going to fall from the sky if you believe hard enough. But then we have the romantic plot, which is just a mess and does her no favors. So her high school boyfriend left her and she's bitter about that. She's also gorgeous and smart and, you know, over maybe get over it already?

Vets Barry Corbin, Gregoy Alan Williams, Brett Rice, and Rebecca Koon offer solid support. Jill Wagner is sadly wasted here. She really should be playing the lead in things like this, not the sassy best friend who appears for only a few scenes. The major weak spot in the cast is Alan Powell. He has no chemistry with Sarah and just seems smugly nonchalant most of the time. They obviously didn't help him with good dialogue but his character's basic purpose is to end conversations by putting his head down, saying something like "Well OK" and shuffling off. This, coupled with the actor's inability to fully open his mouth to speak, makes it hard to like or relate to him in any meaningful way. I just didn't care about his character's flimsy problems (he embarrassed himself intentionally dancing badly on a charity TV dancing show -- what?) and I was never invested in the romance with Sarah's character. She should've moved on with her life and this guy should hire a better agent.

It's not a bad movie of its type but it is very familiar and corny. You'll see every slight twist in the plot coming a mile away. I knew as soon as I read the plot description how the family's financial problems would be resolved, and I'm sure you will figure it out quickly, too. Anyway, not bad but not great. Harmless fluff with a little bit (just a little) of seasonal spirituality to give it appeal to an audience that might want something different from a Christmas movie than Santa and Rudolph. Oh and those who like seeing Sarah Lancaster in tight jeans will also enjoy it.
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Chaste romance that's only going one way at Christmas
shakercoola29 July 2018
An American television drama film; A story set in Tennessee about a woman in danger of losing her family farm to developers, yet the return of her childhood sweetheart may give her new hope. This is a predictable faith-based romance with a well-trodden plot but it has an attractive and competent cast guide the inoffensive, uninspiring mediocre storyline. The music is nice too. It lacks scale in parts where clearly the producers didn't even have the budget for a few hundred extras. The story is swiftly brought to an end with an appalling plot device, but overall it is a warm-hearted, good natured flick.
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More about Saving the Farm than Christmas Time
gehewe8 February 2017
Give them credit to have a Christmas movie somewhere other than New York City. Loved the home in the Smokies. Sarah Lancaster and Barry Corbin fit right in as Tennessee folks- very convincing and very well done. Barry Corbin was perfect as the boisterous dad- loved the tender mom as well. Alan Powell was great as the country music star. His dance was the most memorable part of the movie.

The film lacked any real drama or surprise and lagged in many spots. I watched it on DVD and dozed about half way. A very forceful Brett Rice was present in the film in a small part as a villain of sorts. It was on the verge of being a good film but only made it as an OK film with lots of good talent.
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Charm going up in smoke
TheLittleSongbird17 November 2020
Am not giving 'Christmas in the Smokies' a low rating or negative review out of maliciousness or prejudice. Although the story sounded very tried and tested (by a few years after this it was a concept that became done to death) with not much to it, Sarah Lancaster is often watchable and Christmas has always been very special to me and my family. So actually there was some potential in it. Hardly a film doomed from the get go, very few films in existence are like that.

'Christmas in the Smokies' just completely failed to deliver in nearly every area. There are redeeming merits, sadly over-shadowed by the many big flaws. Is it a complete waste of time? No, and it takes a lot for me to call anything that and has done so for quite some time. Some films do have less than promising concepts but actually do manage to execute it in a far more engaging way than one would think. 'Christmas in the Smokies' does not do that.

Lancaster is an appealing lead and is expressive and easy to like as the one halfway interesting character in the whole film. Barry Corbin is decent too.

The film looks quite nice, lovely scenery and well shot.

Everything else however is done rather badly. While the supporting cast are not terrible, nobody stands out as memorable or identifiable. What is the point too of having Jill Wagner in the film and give her practically nothing to work with. The characters are shallow cliches and nothing more, with no real development to them. The central relationship is both underdeveloped and rushed with no conflict or growth, it also lacks spark and at times looks awkward. The music can be intrusive and too schmaltzy sounding and the direction is at best workmanlike.

Regarding the story, there is practically nothing to it. It is very dull due to having a wafer thin story that is over-stretched and does absolutely nothing new with over-familiar material. Add to that a leaden pace and no charm, heart or any discernible tension (everything seemed too neat), and one has a very dull and bland story and film that resolves too easily and obviously.

Overall, not a waste but not recommended. 3/10
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Cute. But....
Lollylovesmovies19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's not a bad movie. It has good actors. But good grief how long can someone stay pissed about a break up that happened 15/20 years before! That's crazy. And then still living with your parents, at that age, and behaving like their house is yours. I just had a very hard time liking her, Shelby, the main character. She comes off as an entitled jerk. Not everyone in the south speaks like a bumpkin. If you can get past that the other characters are pretty likeable.
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sanpanse26 December 2018
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Very bad. First in the end she doesn't even kiss him!!! What is up with that!! And it is sad which is not Christmassy.
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Awww, Enjoy!
emortland23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you do a Christmas binge, you should put this on the list. I figured out why I liked it: It may be one of the last straight-to-streaming holiday movies made in the USA, not Canada. Does this matter? Nah, but it's refreshing to know.

I thought the characters were believable, I'll tolerate the country-&-western tinge, and I didn't notice any religious overtones this production company is apparently known for. The only thing that'll make you wonder is why two smart and attractive straight women in their thirties would be unattached in some small town in the Smokies. No Deliverance theme here.

Oh yeah it's predictable, you'll see the ending coming a mile away, and you'll look at Barry Corbin and wonder exactly how long ago was "Northern Exposure." Mss Lancaster & Wagner have great smiles, and you'll leave thinking, "Good for them!"
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A nice plot twist, but a very weak screenplay stops this film short
SimonJack30 October 2022
"Christmas in the Smokies" has a different enough twist on the usual romantic holiday season films. The plot idea was a good one, and it has the scenery to make a very good film. But there are too many shortcomings with this one. The most obvious is the weak screenplay. It really needed to flesh out the background much more and better, especially of Mason Wyatt's lifestyle and change when he achieved the spotlight as a country Western singing star.

Here's a story about a late teenage couple who had a sudden split, and now they come back together about 15 years later. The portrayal in the film of Mason is all a good guy, a little sorry for his past, and with a sense of humor, but having grown up. In contrast, Shelby Haygood still carries her hurt all these years later. And all the film shows of this is a very brief shot of a young girl looking forlorn as the movie opens. There was real drama and hurt in that relationship, which the script just passes over except for Shelby's dour portrayal.

And to the very end, there is really no sign of chemistry between these two characters. So, the acting doesn't really fit the circumstances of a real life situation.

The best thing about this film is the portrayal of Shelby's parents. Rebecca Koon play's Annie Haygood and Barry Corbin plays Wade Haygood. Corbin's character adds some nice humor to the story, and a bit of senior wisdom in places. He plays the role very at ease and comfortably. But, even with the good scenery on top of that, the loose, hole-filed script and poor screenplay relegate this to just another so-so holiday film. Without Corbin and the scenery, it would be quite boring and probably not hold the attention of many viewers.

Here are the best lines in this film, both by Corbin's "pop."

Wade Haygood, to Mason Wyatt on his return, "Those first years - burnin' all those photographs sure did keep the house warm."

Wade Haygood, to Shelby, "You know, it ain't baggage if you don't carry it around."
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Pel_tier18 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Rushed at times, the entire movie centers around a bitter woman who was burned by her high school sweetheart at the age of 17 and carries that grudge with her seemingly 20 years later. This focal character is just not likeable. Her father is funny and is a good actor, providing wise snippets.

They have to raise $64k to save the farm and decide to charge $15 per head for a concert in this small town. This means they would need at least 6000 people to show up. It seems 100 show up. They fall short surprisingly. The entire concert and getting saved by the grocery lady all take up no more than 5 mi to and then the movie ends.

An absolute dud.
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Sarah Lancaster
davisrog-7618316 December 2018
What else do you need in a movie than to watch Sarah Lancaster. Has much better acting than most TV Christmas movies.
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She never got over him
MickyG33318 December 2023
7.0 stars.

Mason broke Shelby's heart many years ago and became a big country star. Sound familiar? Yep, it's the theme of many a drama. Now Mason's back in town for a while and Shelby is still bitter and angry for the fact that he was her one true love and always will be (even if she can't come to terms). Shelby and her parents run a berry farm that will be in foreclosure very soon. They can't keep up with the mortgage and they need help. Unfortunately for Shelby, Mason is the last resort they must turn to in order to save the farm.

This story is standard formula Hallmark, but it was released in 2015, which means maybe it's one of the forerunners of this particular storyline. It doesn't stand out for me, it's just a simple and easy going film about a woman who is beside herself over a guy who broke her heart. Now that he's back in town, she must experience the pain all over again, because she truly hasn't gotten over him after all these years.

There are some tender moments and the film is of a higher quality, but the story itself just isn't as entertaining as I would've preferred. The romance is not fully elevated or rewarding. Take it or leave it.
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Save yourself a night and just pass.
AJ-Reviews23 August 2020
This movie starts off ok. Then fails repeatedly. Watching this movie is like going on a date where in the first twenty minutes you know it just isn't going to work but you stick it out and are left disappointing. Hard pass.
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Not even worth a guilty-pleasure watch
Sparklysage008 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love corny Christmas movies, but this one was seriously the worst I've ever seen. The characters are unbelievably flat, and the plot was so thin it's shocking someone funded its production. The biggest "conflict" in the movie is that the main female character held a bitter grudge against her high school sweetheart. Throughout the movie, her hatred for this guy was so severe I thought he must have done something awful - like run out on her when she was pregnant or had cancer or something. Later, it's revealed that he left town when he was 17 (and a rising music star) and didn't return, and she was apparently traumatized by this. Even though she's like 30 now, she's still seriously wounded by his abandonment. When he finally acknowledges how he hurt her, his words were hilariously empty" "Shelby I never should have left you in the first place. I don't know why I didn't come back... I honestly don't know why." ... I DON'T KNOW WHY THiS MOVIE WAS MADE.
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Nothing new and depressing
Jackbv1231 November 2023
Shelby is angry at Mason. Through a full 2/3rds of the movie her look at him is like a super villain that is enough to freeze and shatter him. Angry!!! Plus she is about to lose her farm. And don't forget the developer that is going to destroy the beauty of everything. So not only is this story almost exactly like so many others, it is a total downer. Too much screen time is spent dwelling on the financial problems and Shelby's futile efforts to fight it.

Almost no screen time is spent with a rekindling romance. I wouldn't even call this a romance. There is no comedy except Alan Powell doing a deliberately stupid dance on TV at the beginning. Then he gets made fun of for it for a while afterwards. By the end of the movie, based on the type of movie this is you know Shelby and Mason are going to get back together. Problem is, based on what's in the movie, there is no reason for it to happen.

There is a little performing of Christmas jingles, country style. A little.

Don't watch this unless you have never seen a Hallmark type movie based on saving the farm.
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The main character is annoying
courbata21 December 2022
They writers don't know how to write a leading female character. Also she's a business owner and doesn't know anything about her finances or even how much she owes on her 2 mortgages?? What? She's poorly written and really unlikable

Her farm is in danger because she doesn't make money and is in a ton of debt and the old man who is the villain of the story wants to buy it to develop it in a way that benefits the town. They have a town meeting and she's the only one who doesn't want that and talks about how much she cares about the land and the town people but we never see that ever, and the villain doesn't want to develop the natural beauty of the mountains.

She can't save her farm from foreclosure and has to grovel to her famous musician ex-boyfriend ( who she's only been shown hating) to help her raise the money. The main guy is fine I guess, he has no real personality to speak of and I don't get why he likes someone who charges him $5,000 to sleep in her barn. She only softens after he saves her farm for her and they dance together on Christmas and that's how it ends. Her parents are the only real characters and they don't make up for the boring leads.

Great to watch and make fun of.
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Christmas classic
elsiejanecorena23 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Hope and faith save the farm while Mason Wyatt gets an angry ex to tolerate his over blown ego.
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Great supporting characters but main character fail
isabelros19 December 2021
The main character is controlled by her emotions - the type that shoots herself in the foot stating pride but it's ego and immaturity. It makes it painful to watch. The supporting characters are great but not enough to make up for the horrible writing of the main character.
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Entitled Woman Tries to Stunt Small Town
asandborgmitchell25 November 2022
Bought this for $19.99 4 years ago and can't go back.... I've already spent the money and then found out it was streamable.... So there's that.

10/10 recommend watching this while drinking wine. Shelby is literally the most toxic female lead, hung up on someone from high school, asking for money and feeling entitled to it, even though she can't even pay on her own house. She sucks, it's amazing. The villain, Mr Baxter, is the real hero of this movie and I'm fully behind him. Amazing movie, watch it every Christmas and shout at the screen the whole time!

The love story..... don't worry about it. Watch this movie to witness someone's blind and unsubstantiated belief in their way being the only way there is.
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I HATE giving 1 star reviews, but . . .
wubbard18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so unabashedly BORING. It's 90 minutes long, yet nothing of value occurs until the last fifteen minutes, where the climax and resolution are both EXTREMELY rushed. When a movie spends over five minutes focusing on some guy's breakfast order and a solid thirty seconds on the conflict, you know there's an issue. I love watching Christmas movies like this just to laugh at how silly they are, but this was a massive waste of time and I genuinely cannot think of anything redeeming from it. Also, THERE WASN'T EVEN A KISS, WHAT'S THE POINT? I couldn't recommend this movie less.
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Not a feel good movie actually painful
inspiredmomma16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I kept watching and waiting for it to become a feel good movie. Sarah's character was so bitter and there was zero chemistry between main characters. Why he would continue to pursue her is unfathomable really. Just a bad story line . It all works out in the very last minute of the movie and they hug. Decent acting but it couldn't overcome a horrible script. 600 word minimum who has time for that lol I kept watching and waiting for it to become a feel good movie. Sarah's character was so bitter and there was zero chemistry between main characters. Why he would continue to pursue her is unfathomable really. Just a bad story line . It all works out in the very last minute of the movie and they hug. Decent acting but it couldn't overcome a horrible script.

I kept watching and waiting for it to become a feel good movie. Sarah's character was so bitter and there was zero chemistry between main characters. Why he would continue to pursue her is unfathomable really. Just a bad story line . It all works out in the very last minute of the movie and they hug. Decent acting but it couldn't overcome a horrible script.
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Not sure why I like it.
pacomama7 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First, there are some glaring problems with the plot. This woman is behind on her mortgage to the point of foreclosure but thinks the local bank will give her another loan to buy more property. She's INCENSED when it doesn't happen. OK. Now she's got to save her berry farm in the middle of winter. Thank goodness she happened to sell some pies to a grocery store buyer!

The acting isn't horrible and Barry Corbin is really cute. But the core romance is cute, even if they never actually kiss and still kind of seem ticked off at each other. Is it unsatisfying? Yes. Will I keep watching it every year? Also yes.
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I love this one- great chemistry- interesting
ashleykeylor30 December 2023
Yes, the story line of a farm about to close is one we have all heard before, but I love this one. I like the chemistry between the leads. Shelby is angry because she's been burned by him before, when he put his music career first, but you can't help but pull for them the whole time. Their squabbles keep you engaged and their smiles at each other are so great. I also love the side characters, which is often not the case. They are funny, they are not overacting, they are entertaining, etc...

My girls and I watch this one almost every year and I couldn't say that about most romantic Christmas movies.
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Christmas in the Smokies
mitchellrharl18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why is Sarah Lancaster such a pessimist in all her movies She is so pretty but always sarcastic always overacts.

This is a beautiful movie about family going through hard times.
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Great family Christmas movie!
mjulprn1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a good clean, funny family movie. It made me laugh a bunch of times. The scenery and music are nice. Nice story. Shot in the USA, the actors are believable. It's your typical story about a small town with a family that stands to lose their farm, and long, lost boyfriend who becomes a country music star. He left a girlfriend behind and comes back. The mortgage is due soon, and there's a guy who stands to get the farm and develop the land with jobs for everyone. The people of the town don't like it but can't do anything about it. The family decides to get the country singer to give a concert and they get some money but not enough, but someone gives them a contract to buy the preserves they make and that saves the day! Sounds typical, but you know what, I like it! It's nice to have these positive stories this time of year!
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