"The Walking Dead" Now (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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karimbelkayed15 July 2020
I can see why soo many people would rate this episode as low as 7.3 according to imbd right now but i feel like this episode deserves more praise than its currently given. Although there was barely zombies invovled in this episodes (although i like quite a bit the new zombies introduced in one particular scene) and some major plot holes if there was any plot to begin with but there were soo many positives to this episodes in terms of character development. I kinda like the random interactions with the atlantinians and the feelings they share with each others, it wasnt like the best character development but it's watchable and you could feel the furstration in their voices and its understandable. My advice is : just watch this episode as a "filler" episode more than a major one to avoid setting high expectation and maybe enjoy it
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Preparing for what comes next
LiamCullen69 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This episode slowed things down - dramatically. This was a very good episode in terms of the acting and developing the characters and plot, but it also had some serious missteps.

Firstly, what was done well:

Maggie's character was handled perfectly. We got just the right amount of Maggie we needed in this episode and the fact that Aaron was with her was an added bonus. They both gave compelling performances as they explained to one another how they feel guilty for what has happened.

The sewer-walkers were very interesting and a welcome, clever change to the regular walkers.

Deanna's emotional trauma was well-executed. She remained silent during the episode for quite a while before finally speaking, refusing to be the leader she made herself out to be. After losing her son and her husband, she is in ruins and we can clearly see how desperately she is struggling. She even concedes to Rick that the Alexandrians don't need her: they need him. But this emotional turmoil that she is going through is what is necessary for her to experience to become like Rick. In order for her to be the leader she wants to be - she has to be - she must endure this pain and suffering. That is the only way Rick is able to be as good a leader as he is now. Deanna is learning the basics of loss and survival. Now, she can become the leader she wants to be.

Rick teaching Ron (Jessie's son) to shoot is bound to end in disaster. We know very well how much Ron detests Rick - and even Carl too - so we can see right through his little charade of coming to Rick and telling him what he wants to hear. This will surely come back to bite Rick (pun intended) later this season.

Now for the weaknesses:

Where on earth was Carol? There was no excuse for her not to be in this episode. She is in Alexandria at the moment and we should have certainly seen her reunite with Rick.

What about Morgan? Why was he only featured in this episode during the opening scenes?

In fact, this episode makes last week's episode seem even more out of place. You see, after watching last week's episode, one would be inclined to think that the following episode would be fairly Morgan-centric. Given that we have just learned so much of Morgan's past and where his ideology comes from, it only makes sense for the following episode to have him featured in it, exercising this ideology - right? Well TWD's creators seem to think not. And I have no idea why. Morgan was in this episode for a matter of seconds, which makes last week's episode seem totally out of place.

So, in essence, this episode was a preparatory episode for things to come. It wasn't a filler episode: a filler episode is almost entirely irrelevant - this episode will be important later on, but right now seems somewhat insignificant.

This was a good episode, don't get me wrong, but it missed out on some serious potential.

Let's hope next week's episode brings us what we're hoping for.
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Lack of Emotional Empathy
tlfirth26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Aware of the fact that we're currently dealing with characters that have only been present in the Walking Dead Universe for less than a season, it's hard to develop emotional depth for the Alexandria group as much as we have for our heroes. This is mainly due to the fact that the emotions the writers are dealing with are quite stale, unoriginal and boring now. The previous episode was a demonstration of how they can continue to rekindle the anxiety and tension of this post-apocalyptic series and also introduce nuanced characters with fascinating backgrounds.

This episode dawdles around a lot, concentrating on Maggie dealing with the potential loss of the father of her child, Rick once again informing the Alexandrian group that "fight" is the only survival and then Deana attempting to find sanity in this new world, where zombies exist and people die like flies. It suffers greatly from having to prolong rather uninteresting story lines and pass on the torch to more significant developments in the series.

I'm unsure whether this is a symptom of the series losing its touch - showing that there's nothing more for them to tell, or whether it's just a blip, but unless the writers can conjure more engaging stories, such as Morgan's, it would become far more entertaining and gripping. Also, stretching out the truth about Glenn's status is a cheap trick that only makes viewers feel cheated.

Otherwise, this is a regular Walking Dead episode with an obvious threat, and significant dialogue and visuals. There is, however, a worrying theme of characters who at first appear sure- headed, but then make stupid decisions, that ultimately bring their end.
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Reasonably good character focussed episode
snoozejonc18 January 2022
The Alexandria residents pick up the pieces following the recent attack and face up to a more immediate threat.

This is an uneventful, reflective and character driven story that gives a breather from the carnage of the early episodes of series six.

The plot focuses on specific characters and does a good job of showing their reaction to recent events. This kicks off some solid development for the residents of Alexandria. The scenes with Deanna, Spencer, Denise and Ron are reasonably well written and very well acted. Ron in particular shows signs of being a source of trouble or antagonism in the near distant future.

It does feel though like the writers are ignoring the most interesting plot points and characters in favour of the above. Considering they previously made such a big deal about Rick realising the Wolves he killed on the bus had been to Alexandria, we don't get to see his reaction to what actually happened or any relief that Judith is okay. Plus the most entertaining characters such as Carol and Morgan are conveniently ignored.

Some of the dialogue is a bit clunky and feels unnatural. Aaron's exposition filled commentary on Maggie as she prepares to do something being one of those moments. However, the worst for me involves a scene where Jessie does something in front of the other residents and then promptly turns around to give them a speech about it and her general state of mind.

All performances are excellent, particularly Merritt Wever and Lauren Cohan.

The visuals are mostly good. There is fantastic art direction during the sewer scenes that make for a creepy atmosphere, but unfortunately the episode also resorts to the old clichéd sudden appearance of a hissing zombie that nobody hears until it's six inches away.
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vishnuskindle9 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Now" was a disappointment. It looks like it doesn't even tries to hold the viewers attention.This episode was supposed to give us some answers as to ,How Rick will survive the zombie herd? Did Glenn survived? Okay,Glenn part is far fetched,it still hurts, but about others Daryl,Sasha and Abraham. It starts with Rick running towards the gate, shouting and screaming ,with half of the zombie herd from the pilot behind his back. (That was the best scene of the episode)

The episode stumbles on many occasions, First of all It focused on Alexandrians people who are still "learning" to adjust in this new world. When Jessie says "This is what life looks now",I mean seriously.It has been 5 seasons.

No one cares about these people because they are not (yet) strong or at the very least likable, plus the leadership card ,it is becoming so over rated in TWD. Be done with it.

With Maggie erasing Glenn's name off that wall and her revelation of her being pregnant, gives you some kind of hope that somehow Glenn is alive. But lets face it, Glenn is not coming back , at least not like the way he went. Anyway, she makes her peace with Glenn gone accepting the fact that she may have to live without knowing what actually happened wrong.That was something beautiful and brave.It is tragic for us, because she has made her peace only means that Glenn is not coming soon ,he is very far away.

The only other thing that helps this episode to stand on its own were the previous four episodes,they all have been so much powerful. They gives us a lot to go on, even for this episode. Only digestible to the hardcore "TWD" fans.
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Possible Glenn getting away that maybe makes sense
rokbf519 November 2015
I knew that nothing regarding Glenn would be resolved on the NOW episode, but hopefully will totally come to fruition within the next 3 episodes, or the show will lose many viewers if just left hanging. In my opinion, the only plausible way he could have gotten out of that situation to continue on realistically is to have pushed Nicholas off him & slid under the dumpster, which if you looked close at it , it is on legs & not flat on the ground & if there was a manhole cover or sewer under it to get into. Since even at the first episode (And the Last one) Tunnels & sewers were tried being used to get around, & if that was the case he could even follow it into Alexandria itself if it connected to the tunnel Maggie & Aaron were in. That to me is the only way, any others will not make too much real sense; just my opinion though. (ADDED 11/11) ***Also, I do believe that Glenn still does have that Flare gun that he & Nicholas were going to use to burn down that feed store and since a fire could be a short temporary diversion that would again attract many "Walkers" to could also work in his possible escape.
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Finally we get the filler episode for this season
seshasai-tris9 November 2015
After witnessing some great plot , screenplay , effects and characterization through this season; this episode remains on the bottom.

A lot of camera angles just staring at character faces, not much plot development or character development. To put it harshly, this episode is just a collection of small incidents that happen. In a single line, this is a filler episode for the last three episodes of the season.

The screenplay was poor and even the acting was mediocre by the characters shown. The last episode was greatly executed with thick plot and screenplay with just two characters, but this one with many is underwhelming.

I got the tinge of the prison setting's monotony.

Get a move on, writers!

My rating 8/10
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Slow and boring episode filled with good characters moments
MomentIMDB25 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The chapter does not advance in the plot, it only develops the characters within Alexandria. good things were rick arriving at alexandria, the speech that rick gives, the development of jessie and deanna. and the revelation of maggie's pregnancy. Bad is very slow and gets bored.
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Shattered Lives in Alexandria
claudio_carvalho9 November 2015
After the attack of The Wolves to Alexandria, Deanna is totally disturbed. Aaron explains to the inhabitants how Rick has saved then from the walkers. Spencer avoids a pillage of the supplies by a group of Alexandrians. Maggie decides to seek out Glenn and Aaron goes with her. Enid leaves the compound and Carl decides to look for her. Spencer tells to Deanna that they are alive be because of Rick and his friends and blames her for the lack of security. Carl decides to look for Enid. Maggie and Aaron leave Alexandria through the sewage piping to seek out Glenn and they are attacked by walkers. They proceed and Maggie discloses a secret to Aaton. Ron asks Rick to teach him how to shoot; then Rick meets Jessie and they kiss each other.

"Now" is an episode that shows the shattered lives of the inhabitants of Alexandria after the attack of The Wolves. Deanna is totally unbalanced but by the end of the show, she seems to be recovered reacting against the walkers. Maggie's secret is the surprise of this episode. Will Rick have a romance with Jessie? My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Now"

Note: On 23 April 2016, I saw this show again.
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A tense and emotional episode that follows the aftermath of the Wolves' attack on Alexandria focusing on the characters' emotional struggles
fernandoschiavi15 March 2024
As Deanna takes in the aftermath of the Wolves' deadly attack, she struggles with the community's downward spiral, as well as her own ability to lead. After her son stops a raid in the pantry, Deanna sees her that he is a hypocrite, having taken items for himself. When she confronts him, he blames her for the mess they're in. That night, she is attacked by a walker and repeatedly stabs it until Rick finally delivers the final blow. She asks if her vision for the future is a pipe dream, to which he replies "No".

When Glenn doesn't make it back, Maggie decides to secretly go out and find him. Aaron learns of her plan, and tries to convince her to stay. He insists that Glenn may still be alive. When Maggie refuses to stop, Aaron helps her. He shows her a passageway through the sewer. They make their way through the tunnels, only to be stopped by an entrance blocked by walkers. Maggie tearfully admits she's pregnant. Returning to the surface, Maggie erases Glenn's name from the memorial wall. Aaron helps, and jokingly suggests that Aaron-Erin is a good name for a boy or a girl.

"Now" is a tense and emotional episode that follows the aftermath of the Wolves' attack on Alexandria. The episode is notable for its focus on the characters' emotional struggles, particularly Rick's guilt over his role in the attack and his determination to protect his family and the community. The episode also explores themes of community and resilience, as the residents of Alexandria come together to rebuild and recover from the attack.

One of the most memorable scenes in the episode is when Rick and the others discover that the walls of Alexandria have been breached by the walkers. This moment highlights the fragility of their sanctuary and the constant threat posed by the outside world.
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Poorly written, acted and directed
redflowersilo11 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst Walking Dead's of all seasons. The acting was horrible. Slow and stilted with many prolonged shots of blank faces like Deanna's. It was poorly directed as well as poorly written and just dragged on. The lesbian kiss was gratuitous and didn't fit in with anything. I love this show but hopefully the producers will pay more attention to writing and directing. We could have skipped the episode and not missed a thing. Also, the Alexandrians have zero appeal. We don't care about them and I agree with a previous reviewer, they are whiny crybabies. Also why was Rick's escape from the trailer/RV with the zombie horde approaching not explained. He ran all the way? They could have showed more. The zombies that popped up in the sewer were predictable. No surprise. The transition with Maggie and Aaron in the tunnel with her being insistent on looking for Glenn- then a complete reversal when they get to the gate (although Aaron was willing to continue) was not believable.
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The Walking Sad
dalebergkvist11 November 2015
This is probably the worst episode ever done in the history of TWD. We didn't get any answers at all. All we got in this episode were a bunch of sad faces, a weird storyline and more questions. Characters doing stuff that makes no sense at all.

The people of Alexandria are extremely sad :( and still (!!!) totally shielded from the zombie apocalypse. We understood this a few episodes ago. Rick has to learn them to fight. We understood this a while back. Enough already. And now you want to expand on the story between these sad moping characters that can't seem to do anything right?

Well, I just don't care you know. You spent all these episodes making them totally uninteresting and just obstacles in the original crews survival. So all this dialogue between people we don't know and don't really care about just feels pointless and endless. Dragging on forever.

I don't want any more crybabies. Zombies should be fun. Or at least brutal. Anyone remember when they were?
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Shattering of high expectations
TheLittleSongbird12 August 2019
It does genuinely pain me to say that and give "Now" a less than average rating, the lowest rating for any 'The Walking Dead' episode at this point of the show's run. Being somebody who loved Season 6's first three episodes ("First Time Again", "JSS" and "Thank You") and every bit as much as the quieter, slower and more intimate previous episode "Here's Not Here". Episodes that deserved all the acclaim they got, while it is hardly inexplicable as to why "Now" was not received anywhere near as highly.

Absolutely loved 'The Walking Dead' from Seasons 1-5, even liking the episodes from those seasons that are not very well liked by some. So this less than positive review is coming from a fan of 'The Walking Dead's' early seasons, while Season 6 became less consistent (as can be seen in the wide divide between this and the previous four episodes) and lets not mention Seasons 7 and 8. This review is not from somebody who hates the show and trashes every episode, that kind of behaviour is not my style, actually have rated most of the show's episodes at this point 8-10 with a scattering of 7s. This is my first 5-and-under rating for any 'The Walking Dead' episode. Didn't hate it, but after the season starting off so well "Now" was watched with high expectations which were shattered.

Will start with the good things. Visually, the grit and audaciousness is still there with some beautifully and cleverly composed photography too. The direction does bring out spurts of uncertainty and tension. The music is suitably haunting and isn't over-bearing.

The acting is uneven, uncharacteristically so at this point of 'The Walking Dead', but there are good performances from Lauren Cohan (as the only properly developed character in the whole episode), Andrew Lincoln and Tovah Feldshuh. Maggie and Deanna were handled very well.

For those good things, there were also a lot of problems with "Now" that have already been summed up quite well already. A lot of credit is due trying to deepen the characters of the Alexandria inhabitants, that was necessary though that varied, parts intrigued but others left me cold. Where "Now" fails is in making the regular 'The Walking Dead' characters interesting or worth relating to (a complete failure on both counts), as well as failing to show any kind of progression in their characters or stories. That had pretty much come to a standstill, and then we also have them doing actions that don't make sense or cry out for explanation that is not given which is pretty insulting. The three performances mentioned aside, the rest of the acting doesn't stand out or comes over as stiff, some with very little to work with.

Uncertainty and tension only come in spurts, too much of "Now" is burdened by a dull pace with a story that has a lot of filler and doesn't go anywhere at times. Also found the script far too talky, also very soap-operatic in places, and the walkers are far from scary, lacking any kind of surprise.

Summarising, had high hopes but was very disappointed. There are things that do make it watchable though. 5/10
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No way out.
TouchTheGarlicProduction8 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After episode 3, I thought they might not do the no way out story arc after all, but here we are, in the lead up to it. The episode really gives you the sense of why the arc was called no way out in the comics. They did a great job of emulating the claustrophobia, and we haven't even got to the part where they're stuck in their houses yet. It's slow, but unlike in previous seasons it's for good reason. In season 2, things were just slow because they didn't have enough content for a season. But here, they set up lots of themes that will be played with later and develop the characters in ways that are actually interesting.

Everyone in their world and this one is wondering whether Glenn survived. We still don't know, but we have temporary closure on it. If he is dead, they'll definitely do a reveal in the style of "Pretty much dead already". If he isn't, they'll do a Coda style thing where he dies just after being reunited. Either way, there will be a devastating twist involved.

Deanna is something of a wild card in all of this. Right from the start of the episode, she had that blank look on her face. Her comic equivalent developed this behaviour after the death at the end of Season 5. She has lasted longer, but now she is succumbing to the madness. In the comics it wasn't explained very well, but here it makes a lot more sense. I knew exactly where she was coming from, yet I had no idea what she was going to do next.
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Is it just me?
shokwave1020 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
or is this show getting stupid?

nobody pays attention to the details like a FRICKIN' ZOMBIE BLOOD GETTING INTO PEOPLES MOUTH? AND OPEN WOUNDS? like that moment when Rick shot a walker which was on top of him, blasting its brains out and spilling its blood all over his face? then in the episode NOW where Deana attacks random zombie with a shattered glass which causes ZOMBIE BLOOD to be spilled right in her F''KING mouth?!

When I see this kind of moments all the tension is just "FISTED"!

also the moment when black guy got bit in a house (forgot the name) and instead of removing his hand with a machete he just SITS DOWN AND LETS TIME GO BY... while saying that he will live... COME ON :X
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Why is Steven Yeun apart of the cast in this?
jreese6308 November 2015
I'm over here telling people that Steven Yeun is going to be in all of the following episodes according to IMDb, and this is the 2nd episode in a row that it was proved inaccurate. According to IMDb, Glenn will be in the remaining episodes of Season 6. Every episode that Glenn is not in this remaining season, will make IMDb less reliable. Please... do not fall because of this show.... Can ANYONE vouch for this? This episode had too many unclear lines. I was listening to the Maggie/Aaron scene very closely and yet I had no idea that Maggie was pregnant until the online AMC interactive mentioned it in there little quiz survey... Maybe it's me... when I get dvr access, I will check... the only reason why I'm even writing this much is because I need to reach 10 lines.
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This episode sucks
Dodge-Zombie3 December 2022
I'm a massive walking dead fan. I read the comics BEFORE it was a show. I've watched every episode and been very happy up to this episode which sucked so much it actually annoyed me. I genuinely don't understand what happened with this particular episode. It's like everyone who actually has a clue took the week off. I'm struggling to come up with enough to say due to the new need of having to use 600 characters to leave a review. The best I can come up with us try and watch the whole series without this episode and see what you miss out on other than oeople moaning or crying ir just generally being a pain in the behind.
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Devolving into a soap opera
frankzenbenes21 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Really struggling to get through the Alexandria arc, starting Episode 12 of Season 5 and continuing with this episode. Don't like these weak and selfish characters, I find myself rooting for characters to be killed off, then laughing hysterically when they are (like when Carol put down the little psychopath).

It's become more of a soap opera instead of a survival horror show, telling all the character stories in excruciating detail from a suburban perspective. A house party (s5ep13)? Since I'm behind and catching up on Netflix, I know the Saviors are coming, right now, the promise of their gruesomeness (Lucille) is the only thing keeping me watching.
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