The Pirates (2014) Poster


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Fun, perfect ride through Korean history and legends.
scurvytoon23 January 2015
I won't add anything to the material Dare Devil Kid has already stated as I agree wholeheartedly with him. I will however look at this film from the point of view of a kung fu fan. (and why is there no category on IMDb for kung fu / martial arts? ) As an entry in the genre of martial arts oriental film making faithful to the traditions of Wong Fei-Hung and such classics as Project A, Pirates walks tall and proud and has no apologies to make. The timing and mixture of love, honour, tradition, comedy and drama are perfect throughout. These by the way make up the elements in the complex and near impossible to explain within the word limit here, concept of "face". As well, the sword work and fighting skills are nearly as good as anything Jet Li or Jackie Chan would be impressed with. Speaking of sword work, there is a lot of it and never comes off as anything but intense or bloody dangerous to the actors should they make a mistake. Based on the fight sequences and rope tricks alone, I would watch more of anything starring these guys.

Having seen more hours of this kind of film from China over the years, I'm surprised I hadn't ventured into the Korean historic martial arts scene earlier. J pop may be both alien and compelling to me but this genre is like walking into a room full of 80's Shaw Brothers films I'd somehow missed. What a deliciously tasty feast Pirates is to someone like me, it assumes you are familiar with all the significant bits of the culture and story, so don't lumber the film with a lot of klunky exposition as in some films that aspire to being seen at some point in the west. While my Korean is non existent, the easy to read sub titles ( that's important too ) seem to allow the original script's concepts and plot points to come through without the usual over simplification and ham fisted translation into western ideas that haunt many other such films. Most recently I saw a Korean anime that I'm sure was brilliant in the original tongue but was so badly dubbed it went from funny for the first 15 minutes to too painful for my brain to process. I'm sure this may in fact be the principle reason I might have steered clear of the genre till now.

Pirates deserves better distribution, a proper name in English and as mentioned somewhere else, is an object lesson for anybody considering making a film about pirates. There is more Errol Flynn 1940's fun factor here than the confused drive-by muggings of the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels churned out for the sole purpose of parting gullible people from their money. I will go so far as to suggest that in the event a DVD of this comes available in near the future, fans of martial arts films add this to the must have list.
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Really awesome!
paulclaassen10 September 2018
I somehow expected this to be a slapstick comedy. Instead, it was an awesome action adventure comedy (but not slapstick). The photography and visuals are impressive, with some incredible jaw-dropping action scenes. The pirate battle scenes especially were very good! Think 'Pirates of the Caribbean' vs 'Moby Dick'. This was a truly fascinating, action-packed thrill ride and a hell of a lot of fun!!
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Pirates vs. Thieves
kosmasp21 January 2015
This is a mixed bag. Combining comedy with action and fantasy is not new, but I'm not sure everyone will be able to enjoy this as such. There are a few mood changes and changes in the tone of the movie, swinging from slapstick to "actual" violence (still a movie so obviously not real violence), that has consequences. The story might be confusing for some too, mixing actual history with some fictional stuff. But that's also what makes this entertaining.

All if you let yourself into this. There are some nods to other movies, even if the scenes develop differently (see a big giant wheel). The acting is nice enough, the humor working, if you allow it too (mood/tone changes again). The action is nicely choreographed and helps the movie a lot. Entertaining and fun, while even at two hours it doesn't feel stretched
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Misss2517 March 2022
This movie is just mindblowing. I have never seen a movie like this where pirates and bandits are bought together. When we heard the word "Bandit or pirates'' one thing that instantly comes to mind, there will be bloodshed, evil, snatching etc. But,in this movie these bandits and pirates are working to make people life better. Apart from this, Bandits vs Pirates concept is really funny where both are trying to catch a whale which swallowed a royal seal. I laugh out my heart, it was so funny and at the same time emotionally touching.
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Funny stupid ride
Artard7120 May 2020
It was funny and stupid, but still better then last 3 Pirates of the Caribbean movies
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Feel good
akshayjv-0522215 January 2022
First the amazing thing is the budget of the movie. How did they pull it off with just 13 million dollars. Movie has an good cinematography with such a limited budget.

It's not much of a thriller. It's the comedy especially the male lead. In on word we can say that the movie fun adventure thriller rollercoaster. Doesn't get bored for a second. The combination secnes with the male and female lead were so much fun.

If you were looking for a fun movie it's the best choice.
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They're here for your booty
Sickpuppy36515 October 2020
Watched this on a lazy Sunday afternoon when I didn't want to engage all four of my brain cells at the same time... Just what the proverbial doctor ordered. Cinematography excellent, CGI's very good... Simple plot based on a fair amount of Asian tradition and imagery, smattered with a heaping dollop of slapstick. The comedic chemistry between the two main characters is what you'd find if you looked up the word adorable in a Korean dictionary... Oh and plenty of action scenes that blend in almost seamlessly... This is a very strong six for me... And OMG the whale did a fantastic job I can't say enough
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Back to the classic ingredients of an entertaining pirate movie
kluseba10 February 2017
"The Pirates" is an entertaining and epic South Korean comedy-action film in the key of "Cutthroat Island" and "Pirates of the Caribbean". It tells the fictional tale of several groups looking for the precious and significant Ming Emperor's Seal of State which was swallowed by a giant whale. A group of mountain bandits led by a former soldier and rebel, a righteous group of pirates led by the smart woman Yeo-wol and an evil group of pirates that teams up with a pitiless army clash on their quest for fame, redemption and wealth.

Even though the story is rather predictable, the acting performances are spectacular enough to get the viewers emotionally involved. Especially Son Ye-jin convinces as tough female pirate with a strong moral compass. The various settings from spectacular fight scenes in a military camp over vivid chase sequences in a coastal village to spectacular naval battles make this movie a gripping roller-coaster ride. The colourful costumes only add to this and bring the fourteenth century to life in a mostly genuine way. The special effects are slightly exaggerated but nevertheless well-executed and the deep-sea sequences involving whales are beautiful and ethereal. This potpourri of stunning elements makes this film one of the best pirate movies in a very long time without reinventing the genre but rather focusing on its strengths in form of spectacular settings, breathtaking effects and solid acting performances.

Genre fans should ignore the uninspired sequels of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise that are childish and hollow slapstick spectacles. "The Pirates" is a creative, diversified and energizing film that offers something for every taste including spectacular fight scenes, dramatic and emotional passages, romantic relationships, some sinister suspense and a balanced dose of humoristic elements. Get your rum ready, get together with some of your friends and enjoy this stylish blockbuster with a smile upon your face.
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The starting could have been better
BenjaminMa2813 January 2022
The entire movie has substantial and reviving bits of action, comedy and tear-jerking moments. It would have been better if the starting was more cogent. It does not really make sense with how the characters meet and come together.

The CGI was still acceptable albeit abit excessive and artificial.

Should the starting be more well-written, this movie could be banging at a 8.5/10 with various awards. I will not be watching the sequel as we all know the cast are changing.

Son Ye Jin and Kim Nam Gil's performance are professional and stellar as usual.
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Nice effort but falls flat when it comes to the story and direction
KineticSeoul29 March 2015
So this really isn't just a copy of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies although it carries on a similar vibe. And when I say vibe, it's more of a slapstick comedy with Korean humor elements. When it comes to the story, it is actually similar to "On Stranger Tides" where multiple pirates and thieves are after the same thing. So yeah, this movie doesn't bring anything new except it takes place in Korea during Joseon Dynasty. Sure it's a movie that people with low expectations, especially when watched with the whole family can be a alright time. But the movie as a whole, when it comes to the story and direction it falls flat. The whole thing is more illogical then "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies minus the supernatural stuff. The humor falls flat as well, on a plus side it does have few moments when it comes to the silly action scenese. But besides that, everything else just seemed to drag and just wasn't interesting. I am not a big fan of Son Ye-jin but I thought she was pretty good in this one. It wasn't a super impressive role, but she was good. Overall, this is a pretty forgettable movie that isn't really worth the time to watch but isn't awful either.

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What Amazing Fun!
DareDevilKid18 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Reviewed by: Dare Devil Kid (DDK)

Rating: 4.1/5 stars

What was thought to be a jiggery-pokery "Pirates of the Caribbean" rip-off, actually ended up being terrific entertainment and quite original to boot, and something the glitzy, insipid sequels of the Depp-led Pirate films should have been more like. On the eve of the founding of the Korean Joseon Dynasty, a gray whale swallows the Emperor's Seal of State being brought to Joseon by envoys from China. With a big reward on whoever brings back the royal seal, mountain bandits led by Jang Sa-jung (Nam-gil Kim) go out to sea to hunt down the whale. But he soon clashes with Yeo-wol (Ye-jin Son), a female pirate captain, and unexpected adventure unfolds.

The direction by Seok-hoon Lee was fantastic; the cinematography by veteran D.O.P., Young-Ho Kim, was brilliant, and integrated with the story beautifully; the special effects were more than decent considering the budget; the acting was above par; the sight gags and some of the dialogues were downright hilarious; Ji-ah Kim's sets and Yoo-jin Kwon's costumes were breathtaking; and above all, the action scenes were nothing short of spellbinding. One of those movies where everything just falls into place and blends neatly together as a one cohesive unit to provide spectacular entertainment.

I'll even go as far as stating that it's quite possibly, among the top five most pulsating, adrenaline-pumping, humor-laden, adventure- riddled, fun-filled, action-bonanza romp I've had in years. This Korean film simply titled, "The Pirates" is the real deal as far as action-adventurers go.
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Looks great but its stupid as a stick
dbborroughs25 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When the seal of the newly forming Korea is swallowed by a whale the race is one to find the whale and get the seal back. This sets in motion various factions of pirates, bandits and officials in a mad dash to get the seal and win favor.

Great looking film has some great fights, some killer set pieces but not a hell of a lot of logic. Its a weird macho soap opera (with a pirate queen as one of the leads) where everyone ends up screwed over by everyone early on and then brought into conflict later on. Its sound and fury signifying nothing.

To be honest I lost interest 40 minutes in and went off to hang my laundry while the Bluray played on without me. WHen I came back I had missed almost nothing and just settled in for the final hour of constant motion.

Its not a bad film but it never fully grabbed me. I probably would have liked it more had I seen it in a theater. Worth a look if you're undemanding.
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Pirates, thieves, and mercenaries...oh my!
rubyknits6 August 2018
This movie has it all... a great cast, lots of action, adventure, kick-ass pirates, a hilarious band of thieves, really nasty villains, comedy, romance, and a story about honor. It mixes true historical events with fantasy.

China has sent a royal seal and the new name for the korean nation, but the ship is wreaked in a storm and the royal seal is swallowed by a whale. Now the thieves, the pirates, and the mercenaries hired by the royal court are in a race to find the royal seal.

I love this movie and didn't want it to end.
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Mediocre, at best
Bantam1 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am an avid Asia-flick fan and have recently been watching more Korean stuff. And this one seemed like a decent history/action flick from the looks of it.

There are some things that work in the that one, like the decent action and rather fancy costumes. But that's that, more or less it. The movie suffers from the same trend I've been observing in other more recent Korean movies: they try to be funny, no matter the genre (or the consequences)! I just watched "The Tower" (a disaster movie, more or less) and it had the same problem. Too hard the writers tried to weave in some funny parts, but all it did was diminish the movie.

Here we have pretty much the same: It tries to borrow from "Pirates of the Caribbean" and falls short. So, it's not funny all through the movie, neither it delivers as a history/adventure. The characters are bland, the writing is partly awkward (sometimes even bad), bordering on the naive; same goes for the depiction of the characters. Especially the main protagonist strikes me, even though a charismatic leader and great fighter, as child in some instances. Some scenes: face-palm... And for a children's flick it's simply too brutal. So, neither pirate (fish) nor bandit (meat). It also has a Luke-warm environmental touch (the hunt for a whale vs. the greed of man).

As far as the acting goes, it's okay. The sets and SFX are neat. All in all a very mediocre movie not as entertaining as it might have been ("Red Cliff" set a standard a few ears back). But since I know that Korean cinema can deliver much better results, I'll keep my eyes peeled.
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Fun feel good tone
phd_travel9 May 2020
Liked the tone of this attractively filmed adventure movie. The story is kept simple and easy to follow as 3 factions pursue the whale and the seal. The action is creatively choreographed. SYJ is so capable a pirate and looks so alluring. Great look for her. She can do action! Enough fun adventure and just a little romance. The scenes with SYJ and KNG when chained are funny.
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my notes
FeastMode25 June 2019
Trailer made it look interesting. couldn't get through it (1 viewing)
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Comedy vs thriller
VishnuprasadKmenon3 August 2020
Nice movie of pirates and bandits life with a awesome cinematography which we never a part of that world with a good story and lot of twists.
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The Asian version of "Pirates of the Caribbean"
hessamlotfi28 August 2022
The Asian version of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is a movie that is a combination of humor and action of the 14th century in South Korea. I saw the Persian dubbed version, which amused me. But it doesn't hold you back and you won't miss anything by not watching many minutes of the movie. The story of the movie is completely predictable and the special effects are not at their best. It is worth seeing once.

If you want to be honest, the storyline is stupid and far from reality. But this movie cannot be included in the bad list. If you are interested in the comedy genre of Asian entertainment, it can be acceptable for you.
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Missing a Johnny Depp
lmerana8 November 2019
I think the pirates story is not that unique but the visual effects are already second to Hollywood. I also saw a different side of Son Ye Jin from being timid and reserve character in a love story. The supporting characters were also very good and funny. It added the charm of the slapstick action-comedy genre.
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Hilarious, entertaining and cool, I wish I'd heard of it sooner!
alvarax30 January 2022
The trailer made this film seem overly silly; and sometimes it is, but's it's a very faithful pirate story as well. The action is very cool, and the comedy is fantastic, since I laughed myself silly many times. All though I think the characters are underwhelming overall, there still entertaining enough to watch, and most of them are likable and funny. The cinematography is also amazing, and I'm so glad that I discovered this, since it's a good change from the normal pirate films I've seen.

In terms of it's historical aspects I'm not sure about it's accuracy, but everyone looked and acted the part so that's a good start in my book.

Would recommend.
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It's really good ✨
abdo-2030715 May 2022
At first I thought it was bad but it's brilliant, this movie could change mood to be happy or at least anything sad just disappeared just like that , i don't maybe it's so much for this movie but in my opinion this movie on of the best Korean movie , this movie is worth watching.
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Great fun
ibrahimkhan-301858 April 2021
From start till end it will entertain you .good fun good Lough's and good story and directions .I must say I liked it more the pirates of Caribbean .
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Just plain fun
unclefungus-8510621 May 2022
Although you have to read the sub-titles the movie is a visual candy store. I was amazed at the quality of the cinematography. Others on here have said it better than I can. It was just a fun movie to watch.
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