Camp Death III in 2D! (2018) Poster

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A rather silly slasher spoof
Simon-1089 November 2018
Wether you will love this, will depend largely on your love of 80s slashers and low budget horror spoofs.

Primarily the film is a mickey-take out of Friday the 13th Pt 3, but references other 80s slashers (the caretaker is called Crapsey, an obvious reference to Cropsey from The Burning, which also illustrates the purile nature of the humour in this).

Lots of politically incorrect jokes, particularly with the camps owner who likes to abuse the disabled and immigrant staff and kids.

Interesting kill scenes, involving toilet plungers, glove puppets, and a cocaine snorting squirrel (yes really).

For a low budget indie film, it's quite good, but don't expect a Royal Shakespear Company production.
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Comedic Homage to Friday 13th: Chris meet Rachel!
babyjaguar18 November 2018
This is a "hyperbaric" tribute, complete with over-the-top acting and gore! Alot of 80s refers to other 80s pop movies like Star Wars. One of the funniest scenes, is the re-enactment of the original film's scene of Chris (played originally by Dana Kimell) talking about her first experience of seeing Jason. In this spoof, the character is now, Rachel (Angela Galanopoulos) telling the story, playing up the hysteria and bad acting from the original film's version of Chris's backstory with Jason. Its funny stuff for Friday 13th diehard fans, but not perfect at all and little too long. It's quite reminiscent of 80s titled-parody (of slasher flicks) like 1989's "Unmasked Part 25!
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1/3 of all the reviews are perfect 10's
cwhite1-415 September 2019

Is why nobody cares about or trusts review scores anymore, especially on this site and rotten tomato's.

So i am to believe that 33% of all the people that see this movie think that it is the perfect movie and cannot be improved upon in any way possible and no other movie of this genre will ever be better, maybe as good but never better.

Its the satire equivalent of Citizen Kane, a pinnacle of cinematography.

See thats what it means when you give a 10 like a shill.

A 10 is a perfect score in my opinion no movie really should ever receive a 10

9.9 maybe once in your lifetime. 9's sure maybe 1 a year.

But reviewing has just lost all of any of the little subjective use it had because people can't use their brains and rate things realistically, and inevitably we will get a few ratings of 1 by those internet heroes who come to try and thwart the shills who hand out the 10's, they dont really help tho, maybe they skew the overall rating a little closer to where it should be but for people who look at the actual reviews it just confuses them more seeing 1's and 10's, they get upset and then don't trust the review system anymore, as they shouldn't.

Seriously tho, a person should not be able to leave a 1 or a 10 without it having moderator review and a new account or one with no other reviews should also not be allowed to leave a 1 or a 10 as a score.

Because basically by definition a 10 is perfect and there can never really be a perfect movie and if there was one, everyone would know about it, it would make the entire movie industry come to a halt and it would have to try and reinvent itself.

And a 1 as well is just a petty score any movie that makes it to a screen deserves at least a 2 just for the effort it takes to get it there.

i mean maybe if you had 76 minutes of just a blank screen and no sound, you could argue for a 1, but then others like nihilists or abstract art critics would probably say otherwise.

So Basically: grow up people if you or your wifes cousins son worked on a movie dont be a shill and give it a 10, thats a conflict of interest and shouldnt be allowed, and if your in love with the director/actor/genre dont just give it a 10 just because. I just realised i wasted my time writing all this because it will have no affect, oh well at least the sane and rational people will probably agree with me somewhat.

Movie was ok, wasn't great, wasn't horrible but was watchable all the way through and wasn't a waste of time, see people thats a middle of the road movie( in my opinion of course) so i would rate that a 5.

Oh and the guy below me that says he doesnt give tens llghtly, he has a total of 9 reviews on imdb and 2 of them are ratings of 9 and the other 7 he gave all 10's, that seems incredibly unlightly to me, seeing as how about 79% of the time you in fact give 10's and the other 21% you give as close to a 10 as possible without it being a 10.

So he thinks this movie is a 10 so its the perfect movie yet he says it will piss some people off which means it cant really be a perfect movie then can it.

And the other 6 movies in this genre that he gave 10's to as well they must all be perfect as well and the greatest of all time, but thats not really possible either is it?
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Hope you like bananas because that's what this movie is!
paultstevenson71610 November 2018
Very well made, Troma-esque horror comedy. Sometimes it borders on annoying and can wear down those who aren't a fan of this style. Most of the characters are great and fill out a paradigm of summer camp freaks well. Most of the cgi and digital effects leaves a lot to be desired but that practical stuff is not bad. If you like troma movies, try it out. If you don't like that style, stay away from this.
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Ignore the fake reviews
columbo-117 February 2019
This movie was horrible. Ignore all the fake reviews.
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One of the worst movie ever!
nulleffects20 October 2020
It was awful. The effects were awful. It wasn't funny. Waste of time. For the love of anything avoid this film!
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This was a comedy?
ace5313 January 2022
As someone who enjoys spoofs and stupid comedies (Airplane, Airplane 2, Top Secret, Scary Movie) I found myself so disappointed with this movie. It's like someone said "I want to make a funny movie" except they have no sense of what comedy actually is. Apparently according to the makers of this film the essence of funny is jerky body movements, speeding up the film, making nonsense noises as you talk and being loud. There is nothing here to laugh at. I walked into this movie without knowing anything about it, watched it all the way through hoping it would make me laugh at least once, and being terribly disappointed at the waste of time it ultimately was. Don't watch this, don't give the film wasters that made it any incentive to every make another.
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Hilariously amazing!
wwwmxracer14 November 2018
Watching this movie was a good time. Recommended for get togethers with friends.
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So silly.
13Funbags22 November 2019
This is a great low budget horror movie spoof. There's a coke snorting squirrel. What else do you need? See it.
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Excellent film
collectivehorrorreviews25 November 2018
Great horror-comedy film from an amazing team! I enjoyed every second of it.

Very Canadian humour and it's performed well by a committed cast.

Very Friday the 13th in vibe, if Friday the 13th was stoner film.

Definitely recommend it.
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Camp Death III!! in 2D no less!!!
wrathchild138720 November 2018
This movie, WOW what a blast! Ok, take a blender and now mix these items into it: 1. Take one part Canadian humor (a lot of it!) 2. Mix in some Troma attitude 3. A nice mix of tributes, cliches, spoofs of 80s horror flicks (especially slashers) 4. Politically correctness! HA! Keep that out of the blender because this movie has none!! 5. Throw in the kitchen sink and blend it all together and you get:


This movie was an absolute blast to watch! I caught myself laughing out loud at the most inappropriate things and had no regrets over it as well. The movie itself is a nice tribute/homage/spoof of the classic "summer camp/sleepaway camp" slasher genre of the 80s, with all visible character tropes (and then some) that you come to expect. But the timing of the jokes, gags, over the top acting that would make Lloyd Kaufman smile with glee, the special effects that will either make you hurt or just bust up laughing...this movie is just a blast!

If you like to laugh, get a group of friends and go watch this!!!! I won't spoil anything, just be prepared for some of the craziest crap you'll see on the screen. This is why we need more independent movies, having the freedom to take risks and be as non pc and "mainstream" as possible.
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Watch this movie!
thehorroritis14 December 2018
It's silly, it's bloody, it's an amazingly good time. Grab your friends, grab some drinks, and enjoy this horror/comedy gold.
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Big fun with lots of heart (and gore)
BandSAboutMovies8 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For someone like me that not only spent an entire week reviewing the entire Friday the 13th series, loves Sleepaway Camp and can count the slashers in my DVD collection in triple digits, Camp Death 3 in 2D! hits all the right buttons. It also helps that its gory heart in firmly in Caddyshack and Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker territory. Sure, there's a narrative here, but the film works best as a collection of sight gags. Those are my favorite kind of films, where the description is as simple as "a family goes on a vacation, hijinks ensure" or "there's a golf tournament, hijinks ensue."

Camp Crystal Meph has reopened...again. Yet the scurvy and male pattern baldness ravaged death machine known as Johann Van Damme can't be stopped. Head Counsellor Todd Boogjumper has a dream to convert the camp into a rehab center for adults who are either completely stupid or unable to contain their violent impulses. Joined by his Uncle Mel (who once was talked by the trees into fighting a lake), his guitar playing girlfriend Rachel and other counselors, the camp opens again. But now, the killings begin again. Is it Johann? Is it a copycat? Is it the squirrels who roam the camp and try to kill Uncle Mel every few minutes?

Crowdfunded in 2014, this movie took 14 months to shoot all over British Columbia. It looks awesome and is also a film unafraid to use B roll cutaways to establish mood (and then establish, establish and establish again). One of the ways it was funded was by director Matt Frame setting a world record by non-stop walking for 24 hours and 109 kilometers with a coconut strapped to his waist.

If you're looking for gore, look no further. This one features around 80 onscreen deaths that Joe Bob Briggs would have a field day describing. Sure, there's some computer aided stuff, but there's also plenty of practical blood spraying here. Between all the red stuff and the frequent allusions to a whole red rainbow of slashers and other films, there's plenty to enjoy here.

How funny is it? Well, that depends. My sense of humor runs toward the Kentucky Fried Movie variety as much as it does Mr. Show and SCTV, so I liked a lot of the jokes. You'll also find more to like here the more 1980's movies you've seen. It's also completely unafraid to be beyond politically incorrrect in its humor, so if you're eaisly offended, you might want to find another movie (or get a little more open minded).
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punkrockhorrorpodcast14 November 2018
This movie is unapologetically dumb and off the wall, yet it pulls no punches with its writing which makes its material that much more hilarious. This film perfectly encompasses the love of 80's slasher flicks while also at the sametime paying homage to B-Movie nostalgia. When going into this movie be prepared to be offended but also laugh at the sametime. Although the humor in this film does teeter on being overly offensive, however if you go into this movie with an open mind your bound to get a huge amount of enjoyment out of the ridiculous humor that it provides. A downside is that some effects leave less to be desired that and some humor will come on too heavy to the easily offended. With that being said if youve been looking for something fresh in the horror genre and are a fan of dark humor or anti-humor this movie is definetly worth your time!
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Funny And Non PC Slasher Parody
Dawnrazor21 December 2018
Camp Death III in 2D! throws tons of jokes at the screen, most of which will get a reaction from a grin to making you laugh out loud. Most of them are also some shade of potentially offensive to somebody so the easily upset might want to stay clear.

Part of the fun is trying to catch all the films it parodies. It goes well past slasher films at times, sending up some mainstream favorites as well.

Just grab some beers and sit back and enjoy.
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Nails It!
JoferJeffGregoire15 December 2018
Slasher comedies are harder to make than you think. This movie pulls it off. It never takes itself too seriously and keeps the story focused enough so you dont lose interest. A great effort! Sometimes as slasher fans, we have to make fun of the genre we love, and this movie is done with love. It doesnt make fun of slasher movies just to mock them, its done with good intensions. To me that was the most important part.
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iuchewie13 November 2018
Camp Death III in 2D! is stupid. No doubt about it. If you're looking for a good or scary horror movie in the traditional sense you're not going to get it here. That said, if you're looking for something silly that with some decent gore effects and a flick that makes you think and take in the environment then this is for you. It's got several nods to other franchises that are really well done and it's clear that the cast and crew had a blast making the film. That passion really shines through here and I totally appreciate it. This is a film from a director that had a vision. They went all in on making it and if you put yourself in the right frame of mind you may just see the glimpses of brilliance behind the silliness.
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Horrifically funny, original indie film
don_spielberg23 December 2018
Finally! Camp Death III in glorious 2D. If the title and accompanying tagline doesnt warn you of what you are about to see, then you may have had a lobotomy. A very well shot and written comedy. The story is basic. Killer picking off camp counsellors and campers... What isnt basic is everything else. The kills are hilariously original. The characters, although sticking to most horror stereotypes still feel fresh and fun and without giving much away, the squirrel. For me he was the breakout.

Very well directed and acted. Hopefully it isnt the last of what could be a very good string of comedy/horror films.

If you like something original, maybe even some scenes you never thought you may see in a slasher, then CD3in2D is going to please.
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A Homage to the 80's Slasher Films we all love.
timelordmiff9 November 2018
Writer/Director, Matt Frame has done a rearkable job on a budget of only $35K. It's humour is broad and coarse and won't be to everyone's taste, but there are moments within the movie I found myself laughing out loud. It uses every horror trope and amplifies them to the nth degree which makes for very funny viewing. The cast are all admirable especially Dave Penuiak as the wholesome, but out of his depth, camp coordinator, Todd Boogjumper.
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You need to see this crazy flick right now
mikesteinheiser9 November 2018
I had the extreme pleasure of catching this a few weeks ago on the balcony at Nightmares Film Fest and it is an absolute beast of a movie. Great characters,an absurd but absolutely perfect plot and some of the sharpest writing I've witnessed in a long long time. Anxious to rewatch again so I can catch some of the dialogue I missed from laughing so much the first time. Laugh out loud from start to finish Search this one out and you will be glad you did. You may have seen many of the multiplex movies over the past few years that may be compared to this but Camp death 3 in 2 d blows them away. It's the type of movie you would catch at a festival and afterwards you will think holy cow I am really glad I caught that screening. The most entertaining laugh out loud seriously demented flick I've seen all year. Now the world needs a Camp Death 4 in 2 d sequel. Just shows you the power of good indie film folk creating something with much love and not driven by how much can my movie make and will it be a steppping stone for other features. Sit down with some friends turn the lights off crack a few beers and soak in this movie. You will be glad you did.
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Silly and uproarious if somewhat flawed effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder11 November 2018
With the psycho thought dead, the reopening of a summer camp for delinquents and other abusive people is threatened by a maniac cutting a trail of destruction through the participants, and once they realize the true nature of the psycho set out to stop him before he kills the entire camp.

This is definitely a fun and enjoyable parody. That this one takes on the concept of the jokey nature from the very beginning allows this one plenty of fun not only with the overall setup of the backstory spoofing so many slasher killer's histories in order to get going alongside the slapstick comedy featured prominently throughout here starts this off on a fine note. The laughs here, from the abusive camp-leader who's violent, racially insensitive and snaps at everybody around him for no reason, to the equally violent and utterly unpleasant campers to the moronic counselors who are completely unfit to lead anyone anywhere which is all part of the joke with this one. This incredibly goofy and silly approach works nicely to give this effort a truly light and free atmosphere full of jokes and laughs for the majority of the film. The laughs here are all perfectly served for the later scenes featuring the killer in action which is played to comedic effect as well. These elements are treated seriously enough that the series of attacks laid out here are somewhat entertaining, including the opening rampage against the different victims, the killer's first victim in the camp and the series of attacks against the campers where the idea of using the killer's POV to stalk victims through the woods in fantastic parodies of traditional slasher setups. As the finale includes a rushed if still incredibly creepy rapid-fire series of scenes featuring the discovery of the dead bodies strewn around the camp which provides the launch into the high-end battle with the killer at the lake, there's some decent amounts of fine slasher work getting some nice gore involved as well which makes this quite fun as well. There are a few minor issues to be had with the film. The overriding issue to be had with the film is whether or not one's tolerance for the style of comedy present will win everyone over which isn't the case. The goofy, silly and outright insensitive jokes and comedy, complete with constant racial and sexual slurs manages to provide the atmosphere of being non-politically correct which might not appeal to most out there, which goes hand-in-hand with the constant forcing of the situation towards slapstick jokes that could not possibly be seen as funny to those looking for a coherent, cohesive narrative. Likewise, the fact that the finale is incredibly rushed, moving through the slasher setup of the dead body discovery that shows all the campers having been killed already but not done on-screen which turns straight into the confrontation with the killer that's incredibly quick and feels at odds with the rest of the film. Along with the low-budget look that's quite obvious throughout here, these hold this one down.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Language, Comedic Graphic Violence and drug use.
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I don't give tens lightly!
wioombeen10 November 2018
This movie was f%*#king insane and at one point during the screening at Spooky Empire I gleefully yelled out, "what the f%*k is going on!" This isn't a bad thing though folks.

This film was so much fun and so bizarre that you just need to see it to truly understand what I mean by that!

At one point an incredibly drunk man in the front row stood up, then fell back down. He stood up again and then fell back down and on his third try he finally achieved balance. He turned to the audience and said, "I'm not drunk enough for this" and stumbled out. That my friends is part of why this film is so great. It will actually piss some people off and you know that makes you want to see it even more now!

Dave Peniuk as the lead Character of Todd Boogjumper gives marathon of a performance that will leave you feeling exauated (in a good way) at the end. I'm not kidding, a weekly watching if this film can double as your required cardio workout!

Okay, I need to finish my breakfast so just keep your eye out for this film and see it when you can.
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I gave this movie a 10 so people would read my review and learn how bad the movie is.
avatarofshadow5 October 2019
People either already know that the ratings on pages like this are bullcrap, or they are unwilling to know it.

The person who wrote the review about how giving virtually ANY movie a 10 star review is disingenuous was spot-on.

I tried to watch this movie, and failed. I have seen a LOT of movies in my time. I've sat through a lot of bad movies. I'm a big fan of Rifftrax / MST3K.

This movie is nowhere nearly as good as the "bad on purpose" movies you find these days.

The idea that a single person would be able to give this movie a 10 star review after seeing it is insane.

It's not a parody so much as a violent middle finger to horror movies. It is to parody movies what OJ Simpson is to football.

And, out of all the other terrible things about it, the ending doesn't even parody Friday the 13th. It parodies Seven. Which is somehow, even worse. It couldn't even stay loyal to its terrible concept.

Like if The Joker went on a violent killing spree, and at the end, when confronting Batman for what may be the last time, he decides to fight him with riddles and a coin toss. I mean, dude.

If you haven't seen this movie, which is pretty likely, don't. Be thankful that you don't live in one of the two dimensions this movie was presented in.

And stop giving movies 1 and 10 star reviews on a whim. That last animated Batman movie had a TON of 10 star reviews even before it leaked to the pirates, so I KNOW those people didn't see it. One review, the guy even said he hated the movie (this is the one where he went back in time to feudal Japan, it was terrible) but he gave it like a 7 or 8 JUST because Batman was in it.

They should make it cost you like a quarter do put in a review. I feel like a quarter is enough money that the trolls wouldn't bother.

Make it a dollar, and donate the money to helping freedom of speech cases. Be pretty hard to complain about that.

My two cents.
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People dont get. This is raw insanity.
Slamreport4 December 2019
This isnt a spoof movie its insanity. Killed at Terrible Toonie Tuesday. Beer Nachos and raudy friends and still I have dipped my eyes into the raw liquid that is pure insanity also known as Camp Death 3 in 2D. EHEHEHEHEE... get that squirel . For fans of Candy Shack and Holy Mountain. You Friday the 13th fans are too serious . Dont forget... youre all doomed anyways.
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