Be Afraid (2017) Poster


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Average flick, terrible portrayal of CPR.
bahgheera19 August 2019
I just want to chime in here and say that if you watch this movie then PLEASE do not try to do CPR the way the Doctor in the movie did it. Go get yourself trained by the American Red Cross, you can do it online. At least look it up on Google or something. The way it was done in the movie would actually kill somebody, pressing on the neck like that!
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Standard farmhouse horror
xhidden994 July 2018
Pregnant mom with the baby crazies. History of miscarriages. Useless clueless husband almost clinically retarded. Other kids who are wise and disbelieved. The town and local cops are in on it. Zillow unaware the house is a possessed pit to hell.
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Glossy production but disjointed plot
ausbt17 July 2017
saw this on Netflix.

I think what lets this movie down is the effort to link a number of monster/scary themes in one movie. If you are familiar with "sleep paralysis" phenomenon, alien abduction etc. you'll recognize that theme. However if you've seen Dark Skies and Nightmares, you'll know why this particular plot doesn't really work. The actors are doing their best with it plot/script wise and give great performances all round. The direction is classy but the story is very thin and I found myself about two thirds the way thru losing interest. Some of the elements might motivate a series - its kinda like a bad pilot in a way, though then again perhaps we've spared another endless series ;-)

It's worth watching for the overall production value but if you haven't seen Dark Skies and Nightmare, watch those first.

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Standard Horror Fluff
gavin694210 October 2017
Not long after John Chambers and his family arrive at their new home in a small country town in Pennsylvania, John begins to experience sleep paralysis. Lying there paralyzed, trapped within his own nightmare, other-worldly beings visit.

The highlight of this film is that it stars Brian Krause, who is one of the greats in genre cinema. Between "Sleepwalkers" and "Charmed" he has really made a name for himself. Sure, there were a few duds... like, what the heck is up with "Camel Spiders"? But overall, always a pleasure to see Krause.

That being said, this is neither one of his great films or his duds. And he is, of course, quite good. But the film as a whole is just so-so, something to pass the time in October, but nothing that will become a holiday standard or must-see. It just sort of... exists.
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Senseless Supernatural Mess
claudio_carvalho28 June 2017
Dr. John Chambers (Brian Krause) moves to the countryside of Pennsylvania with his pregnant wife Heather Chambers (Jaimi Paige) and their seven-year old son Nathan. Two weeks later, his teenage son Ben Chambers (Jared Abrahamson) comes to his house since he was expelled from college. John begins to have astral travels and daydreams with shadow people and realizes that he is experiencing sleep paralysis. When Nathan sees also the people, he concludes that there is a dark secret in the place.

"Be Afraid" is a senseless supernatural messy film, with a promising but totally wasted storyline. There is no explanations and the one dimension characters are not developed from the beginning and the viewer, for example, never knows why Ben was expelled from the college. Or why the sheriff hides the danger of the shadow people. And even their motives abducting children. In the end, watching "Be Afraid" is a waste of time with fake reviews promoting this flick in IMDb. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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Doesn't quite have enough to be afraid by
TheLittleSongbird29 May 2018
Saw 'Be Afraid', being fond of horror regardless of budget (even if not my favourite genre) and being intrigued somewhat by the idea. Being behind on my film watching and reviewing, with a long to watch and review list that keeps getting longer, it took me a while to get round to watching and reviewing it.

Giving 'Be Afraid' a fair chance with being interest and apprehension, it turned out to be far better than expected. Won't say that 'Be Afraid' is a great film because it isn't and the potential, while not wasted, is not fully lived up to. Considering the large number of films seen recently being mediocre and less and wasting potential, was expecting worse and was relieved that while wanting in a fair few areas it was actually one of my better recent low-budget viewings.

'Be Afraid' started off quite well, the first twenty minutes or so starting the film off on a promising, unsettling and atmospheric note that really does intrigue.

Production values did have some eeriness and nowhere near as cheap as expected, and the music, which not the most memorable in the world, didn't detract from the atmosphere.

The setting is effectively spooky and the acting was better than average all round. There are spooky and suspenseful moments and it isn't dull. The direction doesn't feel phoned in.

However, the story was severely wanting. It is very disjointed and after the promising start the final third especially loses atmosphere, one loses interest and things start to not make sense. Too much of the film is vague and doesn't explore some elements and story strands enough, some dropped soon after being introduced, go nowhere or serve much point.

Ending is unsatisfying, on top of feeling hasty there are too many loose ends hanging in the air. Got the sense that the writers didn't know how to end the film. Would have liked much more tension and suspense, scares could have been more consistent and some weren't surprising enough.

Found too the script to lack natural flow and with a bit of cheese going on, and the characters bland with some adopting some annoying and not always logical decision making.

Overall, better than expected but not great still. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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Something good about this one
fairlesssam10 July 2017
I enjoyed this movie, with a larger budget it could have been seriously good. The concept and story are pretty solid, interesting and engaging. The characters and actors involved were all very good and believable. I loved the whole idea with the tunnel which reminded me of Absentia which is a superb indie horror.

A family move into a new home and soon after begin seeing strange things. The young child sees a man in a hat in his bedroom and the dad starts having nightmares about creatures. The older son returns home from college and connects with one of the female locals who happens to be the sheriff's daughter.

The younger lad is drawn to a tunnel near the home, it has a memorizing affect on him.

There have been many unexplained disappearances in the town and the sheriffs estranged wife is the subject of ridicule for voicing concerns about strange beings at the corner of your eye.

It all reaches a climax after an initiation prank goes terribly wrong and it appears the sheriff knows more than he's letting on.

Much is sadly unexplained at the end of the movie but all in all I thought it was pretty good.
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Minutes fly by like hours...
brucepantages-130 August 2018
This is a real stinker. We needed something to watch so we headed to NetFlix. We decided to just pick something and not check the IMDB first. We ended up checking how much time was left...over and over. I've never run to the computer to rate this kind of a trash movie before, but this time I just want to warn other potential viewers. This one just doesn't doesn't work.
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Opinion possibly colored by own experiences, I found it pretty frightening
jeffsuwak4 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The complaints of the negative reviewers on this page are warranted. The movie sets up a lot of good character arcs and plot lines and then just leaves them completely hung out to dry. It's really odd that no attempt is given to explain the origin of the creatures or the town's predicament. However, the movie still scared the crap out of me. I suffered from sleep paralysis for years, however, and anything that even somewhat accurately depicts the condition tends to get under my skin. I feel like the movie underachieved in regards to realizing a potentially terrific story, exploring the importance and difficulty of family and the role of being a father. Still, the first 4/5 of the movie gave me legitimate willies. The end annoyed me, but I don't want to say too much about that and spoil it. When all is said and done, there were definitely big problems with the movie, but I have to rate it high, personally, because I spent a huge portion of the film with fear-electricity running all over my skin. If you've ever suffered from sleep paralysis, this film might trigger some serious apprehension. It did for me.
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Be afraid
gaetanif12 June 2017
Yes, you have to be afraid, you will lose one hour and half of your time watching a low budget horror film with no real story. A town terrified of the shadows yet too stupid to turn on some lights. I saw many stupid films but this one is in the top ten. Only one question remains : who can rate 10 for that crap???
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jhr20123 March 2018
In reading other reviews, it seems this movie is truly a love or hate situation. Frankly, I have no idea how some people could rate this movie so poorly? From a purely entertainment perspective, it's very well done and should hold your attention. A lot of reviewers get too caught up in the technical aspects of a movie, critiquing the acting, directing, etc. I tend to rate movies based purely on their entertainment value, and in that respect, this is well worth a watch. The ending had an especially nice twist.
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Be Afraid is okay.
FolkHorror2 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers

The film kicks off with a chaotic scene, Dean Booth (Kevin Grevioux) is loading a shotgun ranting about 'them' being out there, while his hysterical wife, Christine Booth (Michelle Hurd) is begging him to stop, screaming there is nobody there and it's just the lightning.

With lightning flashing, thunder roaring and rain pelting the windows of their house, it's a nice set up for the film. Already bringing conflict as well as questions to the forefront of the viewers mind. The scene finishes with a tragic climax, setting up the theme of the movie and moving to our main family, four years later.

Our host family are the Chambers, successful Father Dr John (Brain Krause), stressed but loving Mother, Heather (Jaimi Paige), ever so slightly annoying youngest son, Nathan (Michael Leone) and a little later, college dropout, eldest son, Ben (Jared Abrahamson). A 'typically normal' American family, who have relocated to a small rural town somewhere in Pennsylvania, for reasons we never really learn or care about, not a bad thing as in the greater scheme of the film as it doesn't affect the story in the slightest.

The family works, the relationship between the characters is believable and I really did start to care for them. Mainly due to the good writing, in the sense of a family interacting with each other, and the acting and directing. Brain Krause as Dr John, put in a strong leading performance for a film, that if I'm being honest, was a little thin on the ground when it came to plot. Meanwhile the others were above average for a B movie, which of late, is a rare thing indeed.

The slow burning plot did well to bring up the mystery of paranormal happening around the town, while small but creepy scenes kept me interested in what was unfolding on screen. The story itself was odd, full of plot holes and at times made no sense at all, yet none of that really took away from the overall experience of the film.

As expected the Chambers suffer the same tragic circumstances of the Booth family, and it leads to a tense final act. My problem was the built up to this finale, one of the big questions was why these creatures were taking the towns children and why only certain children and not all of them that lived in the town. Major questions that I would expect to be touched upon, at some point in the film but they were simply ignored.

While not really affecting the film, it still left a slightly bitter taste in my mind at the end, not knowing fully what was going on and why. Yet, even with the odd plot hole, the overall pace of the film and an emotionally charged final act, ultimately made up for it and left me satisfied with the experience.

The technical aspects of the film, the acting, directing, editing, sound, cinematography etc, where also strong and really help move the story along, as well as creating a believable world for the whole story to take place. Having said all this, however, the film still only felt average as a result but for a B movie, that in itself, can only be good thing.

If you are looking of a slow burning, slightly creepy horror film with a silly but enjoyable premise, then 'Be Afraid' is worth a viewing and will leave you satisfied. However, the following day you may struggle to remember anything other than it being okay.
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despite to the title...nothing to be afraid
aislin-606359 April 2017
A medium-budget production.The topic of a little boy or of a little girl who sees "dead people" is quite overused but sometime it still works. This is not one of those times... As I wrote on the summary the movie is pretty much boring....So boring that I stopped to watch it before the end.Not enough action, few and poor special effect,common and predictable dialogues.Btw I guess that if seen by a child it can be a quite scary movie.
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Um, were they trying to do Shadow People or Slenderman here?
Aaron137520 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movies description intrigued me so I thought I would give it a go. I am not going to say I was entirely disappointed as the film had some good points; however, it has a lot of bad points as well. The film does not seem to know what lore it is trying to craft its movie around, some of the acting is pretty bad and the plot has some rather stupid twists in that they just seem to infer stuff rather than actually just coming out and saying stuff. I did enjoy some of the visuals and most of the actors in this one were decent. They should have just crafted their own monsters though instead of using that of the Shadow People because they just did not seem to do enough research and they just added stuff to them that really does not fit what they are and what they do.

The story begins with a man raving that something is after his daughter and then she proceeds to disappear. Flash a bit later and a new doctor in town is trying to settle in. His older son comes to live with the doctor and his wife and son. The older son is from a different marriage apparently. Well the younger boy sees things and the father sees things and there is some sort of cover up that really makes no sense going on while these strange creatures that lurk out of most people's field of vision seem to take children away!

The Shadow People here just don't work. I have always been interested in this phenomenon that does happen to people. The whole thinking they see stuff when they awaken. They get some of it right, but the whole taking children thing is not something associated with them as this is generally associated with the completely fictitious Slenderman. Then there is a scene where the older son is in a tunnel trying to prove himself where the creatures drag two other guys off and kill them in gruesome fashion which doesn't really fit either the Shadow People or Slenderman. Just kind of a jumbled mess as they do not seem to know what type of movie they are making.

So, any chance of this being a good horror movie pretty much died with all the inconsistencies within. Not sure why they did Shadow People when they clearly wanted to do something totally different as the creatures were living in some sort of cave. They had a good idea, but should have made them more of a physical presence that would have went along with the two guys in the cave getting killed. The revelation of the boys being taken just did not work as it was all kind of implied and you are left wondering why would these creatures who can't be killed make a deal with anyone. Interesting but just fails with too many questions and such.
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Little production, with a lot of potential.
Patient44411 June 2017
The subject for this one isn't quite overused, I do like the approach, bold, but the only thing standing in its way was clearly the budget.

Perhaps with more funds they would have been able to produce something far better, a horror for the masses, like this tho it shall remain mostly unknown and unappreciated. Quite the shame because the people involved did a good work and if you do watch it, you'll see that is an OK indie production.

Is it recommendable? I don't think so. You won't be afraid, but you will forget about it in a few days top. With more money, Be Afraid could have delivered far better. Overall 4 stars out of 10 from me. Do not look for horror here. Just a pretty good written story.

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What a dreadfully boring lacklustre film
lopezpatricia-0613916 December 2020
You see a lot it there so called ghost / horror flicks that are just completely feeble. A - team Hannibal smith In his aquamaniac costume would have been more scary. Not very well acted either. No suspense, no jumping out of your seat. Just cheated out of an hour and a half. Ugh
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A decent supernatural
jhmoondance18 November 2021
This was a decent production but I wouldn't call it a horror. There were quite a few unanswered questions that left you bewildered.

The acting was rather good n the characters were ok too.

There were a few plot holes n the story was a bit sketchy. Like I said there was a sense of bewilderment towards the end where most of the action took place.

There were some tense moments.

The ending was abrupt n unexpected.

I recommend this movie if you like supernatural films.
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Decent but wish they explained more.
armomo318 March 2021
Took too long getting to the point and then didn't bother to explain anything. Could have been really good. Had decent acting, etc just not enough meat to the plot. If it came on TV and you're looking to kill a couple hours, it's decent but I wouldn't pay to rent or stream it.
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somehow i enjoyed this movie
leartzajmi26 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not a masterpiece but has some sort of dark atmosfere that i like
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6/10 stars - when compared with other horror flicks.
gunn-wrights21 June 2022
It's not the jumpy scary, nor the guts and gore type, but an actual phenomenon which you have to think your way through.

Yes, a bit slow, but the ending is a decent twist. It's worth the time.
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Meh Out Of 10
cam-kennedy003 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Be Afraid is nothing special. It's about as generic as horror movies get. Cheesy dialogue, poorly shot jump cur filled "action" scenes, and unlikable/annoying characters galore. The "scares" in this movie are almost exclusively jump scares or monster briefly appearing in background/reflection. The scenes that do have the monsters in them are usually blurry and shaky, making the most s hard to make out. The music in the film was forgettable, nothing special there. Normally I would rate this kind of movie a 3/10, but this movie did get one thing right. Throughout the film there are some shots of the scenery. Most of these are actually really good looking. Especially the scenes in the woods, the rich colors make the scenery really stand out and give the film a really pretty setting. That aside the film was bland and forgettable. That is all.
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adamgrant-706197 June 2017
This film I really enjoyed. When I first seen this rated as low as 4 I wasn't going to watch it. But after I did I'm so glad I did. The acting is top notch in this title and although the story is a bit weird I loved every minute of watching this title. It wasn't boring in the slightest. It grips you to your seat until the last minute as you really want to find out what happens and why. The ending was a bit odd as it just ended so suddenly. But all the same well worth buying, well worth watching
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Quite Frightening, Actually
TheJonesBones16 July 2021
This is another of those wonderful indie efforts - you should NOT heed the haters on this one if you're down for creepy nightmare movies. While a few of the cast members struggle to carry their characters, the overall effort is excellent.

Brian Krause plays Dr. John Chambers, who has just moved his family to a new house in the countryside, he does a great job, and Jaimi Page plays Heather, his uber-hot and oh-so-unfortunate second wife; their sons are well played by Jared Abrahamson (Ben) and Michael Leone (Nathan). Now I know what you're thinking... it's another haunted house movie.

Okay, so you get the framework - how many horror plots are their, really? After that bit of mundanity though, this picture shines! Creepy apparitions plague the family with terrible consequences for all! Only the ultimate sacrifice will save the village's youth!

If this film fails to make your hair stand-up and your skin crawl, then your heart just isn't beating! This one is well worth your time!
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Be annoyed.
BA_Harrison17 July 2019
I love truly great cinema, and also have a fondness for more than a few certifiably terrible films; what I don't like are those movies that occupy the middle ground, displaying very little imagination, content to settle for mediocrity. Be Afraid is one such example, a totally pedestrian supernatural horror that suffers from incredibly lazy writing and uninspired execution.

The film's monsters - shadow men - are given no lore, the viewer expected to accept their existence without any kind of backstory. Their purpose is unknown: the film never explains why they attack children, why they live in a disused train tunnel, and why they only lurk in the dark corners of our peripheral vision. The script also includes a whole load of hoary horror clichés such as ominous sketches of creepy figures, crazy locals, and the female lead being attacked while taking a bath.

Even more slovenly than the film's writing is the direction by Drew Gabreski, who merely rolls out the predictable visual gimmickry employed by so many contemporary horror film makers: shaky camerawork, rapid editing, inappropriate use of smoke, flickering lights etc.

It all amounts to a frustratingly tedious experience. Be afraid, be very afraid...
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Nothing you haven't seen done better in a dozen other horror movies.
zombiefan8919 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing you haven't seen done better in a dozen other horror movies. and then it just...ends. The actors do pretty good. Brian Kraus has definitely improved over his time on Charmed. I checked the spoiler box, but I honestly don't understand the plot enough to spoil or not spoil it. From what I gathered, it was about ghosts or demons that abduct children. It's really all over the place. It was not scary at all. Oh, yes, the monsters come from the closet. Because of course! Overall, the only thing I can complement is the acting. They did their best with what they had.
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