Bermuda Tentacles (TV Movie 2014) Poster

(2014 TV Movie)

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Not the brightest moment in SyFy's history...
paul_haakonsen5 May 2014
Well, given the synopsis for this movie, you just know that it is going to be one of those awful movies that you wonder how got around to seeing the light of day. And sure enough, "Bermuda Tentacles" was exactly that.

The story is about Air Force One going down in the Bermuda Triangle, and as the military and navy is in the vicinity to search for the president of the United States of America, strange, fluorescent tentacles emerge from the deep and start attacking the boats. It is up to a small group of soldiers to set out in an experimental prototype submarine to venture into the deep to retrieve the president in the escape pod.

This is low budget Sci-Fi in every aspect of the words, and this is far from SyFy's brightest moment. While they have other very questionable movies to their name, then "Bermuda Tentacles" is in the top 3.

The effects were adequate, though often at the lower scale of being proper. Don't except anything major here or anything to blow you out of your seat.

What the movie did have working for it was some adequate acting and list of talents on the cast list. It is always nice to see John Savage in a movie, although he had very little to work with in this movie. People were doing good enough jobs with their given roles and characters, despite having a poor script to work with.

If you enjoy Sci-Fi movies, then I would suggest that you watch something else, because "Bermuda Tentacles" doesn't really deliver on any accounts. This is a poor addition to the vault of Sci-Fi movies, and it raises more questions to the storyline than it gives answers.
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What a wonderful B movie!
Josef_Schweik14 October 2018
An Iowa-class battleship defending herself by M-16s and other assorted handheld weapons ... and F/A-18s fighting worms. :)
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Really Bad
kymeera19 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Another SyFy stinker though there are worse ones. The military characters are not believable at all. There was evidently no effort to make them appear to be. There were 3 people in the cast I recognized. Linda Hamilton who wasn't even good. The guy that played her second in command who actually was OK. Jamie Kennedy, how does this guy keep getting cast? He is terrible but I've actually seen in another earlier movie where he is much worse. The script/dialogue was atrocious. There were conversations between characters that made no sense. There were lines were they said things that were completely wrong if anyone bothered to check any facts or watch any nature show about the ocean. My last nerve was plucked when they couldn't even get the grammar correct. Collaborate was used in a sentence which made no sense. The word should have been corroborate. There were several of us watching and we all went what? Picky I know but come on, that's as bad as misspelled words in a book. You will not regret not watching this one. It is a very badly done movie.
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Linda! No!
mboyd198611 June 2014
Linda! No! No! Please, no! Think of all those great TV series you were in. All those great movies you were in. Do you really want people to remember you in this piece of total garbage? Do you really need the money that much? I'm now going to have to try really really hard to delete what I just saw and pretend that it never happened. I didn't see you in this nonsense. I didn't see you looking about 84 years old. You are still in your 20's. Still beautiful. You still touch my heart with your poignant acting.

You were never in this SyFy rubbish. Never. I don't remember it. It is gone, deleted. I will never remember it.
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Horrid, even for SyFy
TheLittleSongbird17 May 2014
Okay, Bermuda Tentacles may not be the worst SyFy has done or quite down there, but it is incredibly bad and worse than any of their offerings from last year. It looks cheap, well the photography is okay if rather drab but the editing is choppy and the whole movie just looks both drab and garish. The special effects are truly laughable, and that's at best as well. The monster looks so fake, one of the worst-looking I've seen in a while and poses no real threat or even a personality to speak of. The sound is murky and the music is sluggish and over-bearing, reminiscent of a poorly-scored overblown CGI extravaganza but worse. The story plods like thick, sticky mud and any tension, fun, excitement or horror is practically non-existent here. Mainly because it looks like none of the actors give a damn about what's happening to them and that everything is so ridiculous and lacking in any real sense. The script is a real disaster here, no wonder the dialogue delivery was so awkward often, it's cheesy and incoherent and much of it, especially the more wordy exposition dialogue, sounds like utter gibberish. The characters range from underwritten to annoying, with any conflict between them not believable in any way and coming across as forced instead, while the acting is atrocious. That is particularly true of Mya, whose performance is pretty embarrassing, in fact the younger members of the cast make it all too clear how inexperienced they are. Linda Hamilton looks worse for wear here and also gives a surprisingly lazy performance. The best performance is by John Savage, the only halfway decent one and quite possibly the best thing about Bermuda Tentacles, that he has very little to work with and what he has is poor, I wouldn't go as far to say that he is enough to save the movie. Overall, Bermuda Tentacles is not quite among SyFy's worst but even for a company notorious for mostly bottom-of-the-barrel to mediocre(with a handful of tolerable ones) this was just horrid. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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sgm31913 April 2014
Hi Guys,

Every time I see one of these "movies", I say, they can't get any worse. Then I watch the next one and it's worse.

This one really sucked. The marines or what ever they were didn't even shave and the women had about a pound of makeup slapped on them. I ,also, like that cannons and planes don't hurt them, so, let's shoot at them with 9MM pistols.

That being said, next week is "Big Ass Spider" and I will be watching hoping for the one good one.

What are the chances that this won't be the one ?
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Bad script plus horde of non-actors trump three good actors.
suite9212 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The president's plane goes down over the Bermuda Triangle. It submerges quickly.

Elements of the US Navy go to the last known position and start surveillance. Some huge tentacles rise out of the ocean and do a lot of damage. Trip Oliver leads a team on a submersible vehicle to find the president. The countdown threat is that the president is running out of oxygen.

On the surface, the admiral and the navy battle the tentacles. Underwater, the team in the submersible find an underwater chamber that contains many vehicles. Eventually they find the president.

Does the team fight its way free with the president safe? Will the threat from the Triangle be dealt with?


Cinematography: 5/10 Most of it was OK, though not good; the CGI was laughable.

Sound: 4/10 Lots of sound and fury, signifying very little. Seriously, the music was too blasted loud in spots, to no good effect. The actors were mostly miked OK.

Acting: 3/10 How did Linda Hamilton, Jamie Kennedy, and John Savage get stuck in this mess? Compared to everyone else, those three were just excellent, despite the poor lines. Trevor Donovan, Mya, and Tiffany Pulvino were incredibly bad. Mya, in particular, was so bad that this film did not even deserve 1/5. The large cast seemed to be composed mostly of non-actors.

Screenplay: 0/10 Horrible. The antagonism between the admiral and Trip Oliver seemed empty and forced. The lack of chain of command seemed ridiculous. The script depended on the CGI and the CGI was absurd. 'Obviously' is used too many times, especially when asserting that the underwater structures are of extraterrestrial origin. Non-comms questioning the direct orders of the Commander-in-Chief? No thanks. An ending that is worse than stupid.
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Aliens beneath the sea
unbrokenmetal20 October 2014
Aliens hiding under the sea within the Bermuda triangle abduct the president of the United States (John Savage). A fleet under the command of Admiral Hansen (Linda Hamilton of 'Terminator' fame) enters the area to save the president and kick some tentacle-thing butt! Funny coincidence that they already have a scientist on board, namely Dr Zimmer (Jamie Kennedy), who can tell them all about alien organisms. Chief Oliver (Trevor Donovan) disobeys the admiral's orders and goes on the rescue mission with a prototype submarine. In an underwater cave, he discovers more about the enemy. Ancient shipwrecks reveal they have been here for a century or more, time to put an end to that...

"Bermuda Tentacles" is a hilarious piece of trash, certainly a lot funnier than its makers intended it to be! I've been disappointed with a couple of other Asylum productions recently, but this one delivers.
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Bermuda Testicles
raidenspirit14 September 2014
only really need to say..

absolute garbage of the highest order and like the Ebola virus it should be avoided at all costs even for free or bored to death do not attempt to watch this drivel its truly shocking..

Linda Hamiltons career has spun into the bargain bin anyway and this will only falter it further..and i think this goes up there with the other films like Sharknado 2 and Prehistoric Rex which are both equally bum films

Bermuda Testicles this is indeed .. a far better and fitting name for it

utter pap
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Oh dear...........
ianb330-112-34457914 September 2014
Straight off the bat I must confess to only watching the first 52 minutes of this movie before I had to relieve the agony by sticking red-hot needles in my eyes. This movie is both puzzling and depressing in equal measure. Why do Messrs. Rimawi and Latt appear in the opening credits, yet there is no mention of The Asylum? Why does Linda Hamilton appear? (I'm assuming that post-divorce from James Cameron she doesn't need the money). Why has she lost all acting ability? She's the same age as me, so why does she now look about 103? (Sorry Linda, but it's the truth). Why didn't the producers spend the money on a well-scripted and acted story rather than blow it on 3rd rate CGI and dodgy sets? I don't know the answer to any of these, but I do know that I found the experience of watching this movie to be quite saddening. Apart from the disappointment of seeing one of your cinema heroines being reduced to this dross, the very fact that films as bad as this continue to see the light of day engenders a sense of ennui akin to that felt when contemplating the end of mankind.

This movie's plot and the quality (or otherwise) of the lighting, music etc. are irrelevant in this case. The overall sense of crapness drowns out any potentially less than awful aspect of the film. Go and watch some paint dry, or some grass grow, or just gouge your eyes out - any of these are preferable to watching Bermuda Tentacles.
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Bemuda Stenchicles
freezageeza196624 January 2020
You'd think that after all the years the Sc-Fi Channel and Asylum have been churning out absolute dross, one day they'd actually get a half decent movie out (law of averages). All it would take is the budget of say, four of their dumb movies, a decent script and FX team, and a few well known faces to star on screen. and they might produce something worth watching. Instead they keep trying to feed us eyeball melting,coma inducing trash like this movie. And believe me.......this is a real stinker!! Lynda Hamilton and John Savage must have been hard up to appear in this one. What WERE they thinking? The extremely thin plot involves the Air Force One being downed in a thunder storm over the Bermuda Triangle. The President escapes in his escape pod only to become stranded at the bottom of the ocean. The ensuing rescue effort wakens an alien see monster who's not very happy and procedes to cause havok among the U.S Naval rescue fleet. Cue special effects of the worst kind and even worse acting and music. It's all very gung-ho and cheesy, and very much NOT in a good way. It doesn't even fall into the catagory of "I't so bad it's funny. If you've watched one Asylum movie then you 'll pretty much know what kind of viewing experience you're going to get, so don't say you haven't been warned. If on the other hand you haven't, trust me. You'll be asking yourself why for the love of all that's holy did you bother.
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The Linda Hamilton...Wow
PartialMovieViewer22 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This has O-S-C-A-R written all over it. H-ooo-ya! This is no garden variety giant squid causing all the havoc. No - this is something different.

Some horribly angry, antagonistic, alien marine life tries to eat the entire Navy...oh the humanity. Something needs to be done...right away. The only hope for the entire universe from tenti-carnage - is Admiral-Freaking-Linda-Terminator-Hamilton. She takes on this role like she has taken on no other. She steps into th 'B' movie role like no other. I could have swarm this was her first acting part. Supporting Ms Hamilton's skill-less portrayal is a post-production script; a crew of actors desperately missing direction and spectacularly, fake, non-terrestrial organism - hungry for something. Too scary to be scary.

Why this movie did not sweep the Oscars, is beyond me. I can say one thing for sure, it did beat 2014 winners...tentacles down.
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This one's O.K.
Mark-12917 April 2014
I never thought I'd ever say this, but, Bermuda Tentacles is pretty good. The CGI as is usual for Asylum features is vastly underwhelming, however the script, involving a very unusual take on the Bermuda Triangle, has a certain style that allows the cast something to work with. Linda Hamilton appears to be doing an impersonation of Kate Mulgrew's Captain Janeway at times, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Other actors more than keep their dignity with controlled performances for the most part. Director Lyon really did a good job with this. The final scenes, with it's horrible decision to be made actually got an emotional reaction from me, something no feature from this company has ever managed to do. Like I said the special effects are below par, with a little too much stock footage, however,one has to wonder what this might have looked like with quadruple the budget. Congratulations Asylum, this time you did good.
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Air Force One goes down. Tentacles come up!
michaelRokeefe23 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A SyFy original that will keep viewers occupied thinking about useful predictable climaxes. President DeSteno (John Savage) is having a reason to stress as Air Force One runs into turbulent skies over the Bermuda Triangle. The president is forced to to use an escape pod after his plane is hit by lightning. Against her personal wishes, Admiral Linda Hansen (Linda Hamilton), calls for a Special Forces team led by Trip Oliver (Trevor Donovan) to rescue the Commander-In-Chief. The admiral and Chief Oliver have personal differences, but it seems everyone knows that he is the man for the job. Meanwhile, a sea monster with lethal tentacles attacks Hansen's ship and puts the president's rescue in dire jeopardy.

The story line is really not that bad; but much can be desired when it comes to script and some believable CGI. Savage seems mostly dumbfounded, while Miss Hamilton is hardly recognizable. The cast is filled out with: Mya Harrison, Jamie Kennedy, Robert Blanche, Angelique Cinetu, Ricco Ross and Richard Whitten.
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Just horrible
moskolar-701-11569317 March 2020
I won't review what others have already said about this movie but couldn't they hire at least someone from the Navy to help with protocol? They're sailors, not soldiers, sailors don't salute uncovered (that's without a hat for you civilians) let alone on ship. Speaking of salutes, who taught them to salute, Beetle Bailey? I could go on but could only stand this driver for about 15 minutes.
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Worst Movie
Skywalker97726 April 2020
One of the worst Movie i have ever watched. Funny VFX, Graphics, Actings etc.
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Another problem
stetler-942-35190311 March 2020
Another problem Is that when the seals get into the Prometheus they all take specific positions to operate the submarine only problem is the Prometheus is brand new they haven't trained on it and seals are not trained to operate that kind of vessel it's not their job
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Had a good laugh.
kiolamika3 November 2019
You will be surely disappointed if you go in expecting a serious monster movie. It was definitely intended to be one, but the awful VFX work and the over the top acting make it a hilariocity.

Pretty much every actor in the movie was terrible, yes, even experienced actors like Linda Hamilton. And towards the end if seemed like they were going for some kind of a love interest between the Lieutenant and the guy rescuing the president which fell flat.

Overall a pretty terrible movie that is so bad it's unintentionally good.
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Just get a big hedge clipper and chop it in two.
mark.waltz24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Poor John Savage just can't escape "Hair" as he has the worst presidential hairstyle ever, well maybe up until 2016. He's trapped on Air Force One going through the Bermuda Triangle and as the title suggests, there's something bigger out there, well maybe more than one as we see the tentacles surrounding two navy ships. The tentacles look like they have giraffe heads but they're far from as sedate. Welcome back to Asylum films, this one actually having a TV premiere on one of the worst cable channels, syfy.

Asylums monster movies, especially those at sea, don't even have the good grace to be funny looking like the ping pong ball eyed, hot dog teeth type creatures from the 1960's. At least there, we know it was a man in a sweaty costume rather than some kids sitting in front of a computer experimenting.

These movies are often difficult to get through because they all follow the same formula and take themselves way too seriously. Stone faced Linda Hamilton and overly vocal fried Mya try to be Wonder Women, and their performances are laughably cold. Then the bellowing Richard Whiten shows up to claim command and you end up with a bunch of boring gender power control elements that makes this even more hideous. By this point, I wish that the tentacles would just swallow the ships up. This is the worst of all the Asylum non-blockbusters I've seen.
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Boringly bad
doctorsmoothlove21 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Bermuda Tentacles" is another low budget science fiction from the Asylum. This one is especially bad even by the low standards of this studio.

The film draws inspiration from many different staples including "Planet of the Vampires," "The Abyss" and "Independence Day." That list leads you to think the film might be enjoyable or at least watchable. Sadly, that isn't the case. The film is a completely boring mess. It watches as if the writer was under such a deadline he couldn't even come up with a story.

A USA Destroyer boat is in the Atlantic Ocean presumably close to the vaguely defined area known as the Bermuda Triangle. The reason the ship is there is never explained. Random electric tentacles from some random monster (I guess) attacks for no reason. One of the crew played by pretty boy Trevor Donovan ignores orders and travels to the source of the tentacles.

It really bothers me that the tentacles aren't explained at all. They are seemingly attached to an alien force at the bottom of the sea. We never get to see the creature if there even is one. What a waste of time for the decent rendering the animator did for them.
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infonahin24 April 2020
Most worst movie i hve ever seen. even graphic is too bad
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Awesomely terrible.
laciesly8 February 2021
I enjoyed the movie. Cheesy, ridiculous, horrible effects. Everything you love about a syfy movie.
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Not bad :)
asage194 August 2020
It's a decent sci-fi movie. The acting's decent, the special effects are not bad - they are believable enough. The concept's interesting and different. Don't quite know why this is getting so much hate - I've seen so much worse sci-fi lol I'm kind of a fan of bad sci-fi and disaster movies, and this one is a pleasant surprise. Only one little complaint - if anyone, even the president, pointed his finger at me like that, I'd be really pissed, and probably decide he's a jackass ;> All-in-all, a fine Sunday afternoon, folding the laundry while it's raining out kind of time-waster.
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Can SyFy produce any good movies?
twidgetbubblehead14 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I happened across this dreck when channel surfing. After watching it for a few (intolerable) minutes, I just started picking it apart.

Uniforms? Well, they're using the new Navy Working Uniform, aka, Aquaflage. And they are using the correct Navy rank insignia, although it should be embroidered, not pinned on. But, the officers are wearing enlisted uniforms. How do I know? Officers and Chiefs have the name tapes embroidered in gold, whereas the enlisted have theirs embroidered in light blue. Strike 1.

Ranks? They refer to one individual as "Chief." To call an individual "Chief" in the Navy is referring to their rank. Yet, there is "C.P.O. Vincent." He is constantly referred to as "C.P.O. Vincent," not Chief Vincent. "U.S. Navy Shipman"? What is that? Strikes 2, 3, and 4.

"USS Nemesis"? The hull number on this battleship is 63. BB-63 is former USS Missouri, now a museum ship at anchor in Pearl Harbor. Strike 5.

Oh, before I forget, there is the DSRV that has a control room bigger than the ship's office on Perry Class Frigates. DSRV (Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle) has a crew of 2, not the crowd carried on this "DSRV." Strike 6.

Will SyFy ever do any research before putting garbage like this before the public? I'm dreaming, right?
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Very bad
Leofwine_draca15 November 2015
A cheesy, Bermuda-set science fiction film from The Asylum, and shown by the SyFy Channel - an unholy combination of production forces. This one's clearly inspired by/ripping off BATTLESHIP, and like BATTLESHIP, it's a CGI-fuelled mess of a film, about the crew of a warship who are attempting to extract the President from his watery grave after Air Force One crashes into the Bermuda Triangle.

The rubbish writing is the worst thing about this non-starter of a film, that and the repetitive structure of the narrative. It's an entirely clichéd piece full of lame CGI effects of alien tentacles waving about and a few silly scenes of characters exploring an alien ship which seem to be indebted to PROMETHEUS. It's noisy, vapid, and dull. The familiar faces they've roped along for this one include THE TERMINATOR's Linda Hamilton (considerably aged), SCREAM's Jamie Kennedy (unrecognisably bearded), and ALIENS's Ricco Ross (barely in it). Unsurprisingly, it's as boring to watch as your usual Asylum effort.
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