"Supernatural" Bloodlines (TV Episode 2014) Poster

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It is bad Supernatural, but it was a pretty good attempt at a monster show. I would not have minded a season to see if it could have worked
CubsandCulture21 September 2020
This is ultimately a failed experiment and I generally ignore it in continuity of the Winchester story. The central concept of a gangster saga between families of monsters is itself compelling, as evidence that several shows like this have come and gone. I think the bones of a such a series are present and the episode does enough to make me interested in checking out a few additional episodes. Have I come across this as isolated from 8 years of Winchester history I would have more or less liked it. Yeah it is a bit silly and yeah the writing is predictable. But the cast they got had potential and I like the vibe the tone the script was trying to set.

But no it is not *Supernatural.* A gang war over the control of a major US city is too central to society to fit in with the drifter, on the road vibe that the show has had over the years. It also raises a whole host of logical questions-why haven't hunters heard of these crime families? The Winchesters are barely involved in this episode-nothing critical in their story happens here-so at least it is easy to cut out of the series. The writer entirely ignored this moving forward for a reason.
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shwetafabm26 September 2020
Shapeshifters are strange "monsters", turf for what? they don't eat people...i thought it was fine tho.
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I don't like these writers so much
dthen-917-31112829 April 2014
The intro to this episode was essentially a Constantine club scene redux, including but not limited to the amorphous 'witch doctor' (in this case, the djinn). Honestly, they should have gone for homage and had an APC song playing in the background. The rest of the content alluded to other shows that have been established recently, or old tropes. For instance, the intro murder scene and interrogation read like Law and Order SVU, while the mysterious hunter that doesn't know that he is a hunter is almost an exact (albeit shortened) transposition of a recent Grimm episode. All of that is not to mention the simplistic 'Werewolves vs. Vampires' plot, which has been rehashed entirely too much. The reason that it bothers me is that it's not necessary for the plot of this episode, but for some reason, it just can't be let go. Oddly, the romcom tagline of 'meet me; this place, this time' gets thrown in for about five seconds of the episode when much better dialogue could have been utilized. Ignoring the fact that this storyline is a complete departure from the overall arc of the season, the characters of Sam and Dean fall flat in this episode; they come across as total badasses that just want to help a kid 'stay out of the game'. That being said… Supernatural is my jam. Still love it.
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What Were They Thinking!?
mandypq30 April 2014
This "spin-off" episode left a bad taste in my mouth. From the new characters to the weak story line, it all feels empty, forced, and amateur. All the Supernatural characters we've grown to love have always had a gritty edge that makes them believable. Now they're switching to overly attractive college aged, rich kids with blank stares? Sure, Sam and Dean are attractive, but they're much more than that. They are multidimensional, personable, and not afraid to get dirty. Bobby was a fan favorite for that very reason. Crowley, Cass, Garth, even Lucifer are examples of regular looking people that pack a punch. They each add to the story in a unique and organic way! I would take a character with heart and imperfections over some boring pretty boy with a score to settle any day.

Also, this episode forced Sam and Dean to break all their own rules. A shape-shifter riding in the back of the Impala without so much as a shakedown NEVER would have happened. EVER. If you recall, Dean wouldn't even let a dog ride in his car in season 8. A shape-shifter would have had a special place in the trunk. He probably would have a sore jaw as well.

This spin-off has come across as a weird excuse for a soap opera with comparable acting. The writing is juvenile (at best) with holes in the story that just don't add up. 5 monster families go unnoticed by Bobby, Cass, Rufus, Crowley, *and* Samual (the Grandfather). All these old, seasoned veterans/main players and they stayed under the radar? Hell no! Not to mention Dick Roman (the Leviathan). He would have known about them and used them as muscle! Chicago would have been the ultimate battle ground.

Bottom line is, I wouldn't have a problem with a spin-off if they changed 3 things: *Incorporate believable characters that are rough around the edges. *Stick to the rules of the game that YOU SET! *Don't leave holes in the story.

Samual Colt in the old west. He built the devil's trap around hell's gate! That would be a captivating story to follow!

If this is the spin-off that's set to come, you can count me out. It just feels like the writers are catering to teenage girls. Just my opinion...
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Great stand alone, Rating on the content not the lack of Winchesters
annagenna22 November 2020
I am so glad i gave it a shot. It has an a really bad rating and i read some reviews so i was preparted for it to suck, and understood it was very winchester light. I skipped it originally and only watched it after the season finally. As a backdoor Pilot taking everything out in the way of supernatural, its absolutly great. I would have happily watched it as it own show, but I can see its placing was wrong it was put in in the middle of the run up to seasons' end and if i had whatched then i think i would have disliked it but on its own, I love the back story and ideas of exactly that 'Bloodlines' it is absolutly some thing i could see either written in its own right. much like Vampire diaries, but the heavy subject matter and setting jars with SPN. so so long as you view it separately its a great episode, (can't believe i am saying this but having the Winchesters in it took away from the story.

I am sad it was never picked up.
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Dariush-ThePersian29 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Since after season 5,Supernatural has been declining....,of course there were times of arising hope for the show,times that you may have felt the excitement of the first 5 seasons,or times that affected your emotions like Bobby's heartbreaking death....but unfortunately,this show is butchering its own ideas and what made Supernatural Supernatural.... I remember this show used to carry out messages,had meanings,(although I don't necessarily accept that message or agree with that specific Points that the show had).... I remember how in the first seasons the two bothers that just lost their father hunted down monsters,Monsters that in Supernatural were Portrayed as what they were which was "MONSTERS",beings created by their mother "EVE" (a character that no one knows who created)...the show spent tremendous amounts of time hunting them and their alpha's down,but recently SPN has decided to elevate this monsters to a "OK" sub group by giving them Humanoid feelings,it started by Sam's child hood friends,elevated by Dean's vampire buddy and now,Supernatural has officially joined the "Twilight saga"...handsome monsters that not only have Superpowers but are actually more handsome than normal humans!....Monsters are now civilized living in Chicago,have their own bars and rule Chicago!.....Sam and Dean absolutely turned into advertising characters for this new "absurd" Twilight Ripoff.... If I was Eric Kripke,I would have sued Carver and Singer for Destroying what used to be my great show.
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No spinoff just a follow up on this episode
danceman-417765 August 2020
I always liked this episode. Never wanted a spinoff just a follow up of the characters of this episode. They never leave characters out of a second episode and this one is due.
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Worst episode of the series....
djkoz782 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Like many of the other reviewers I agree that this episode was absolute garbage. I know it was a back-door pilot for a spin-off yet, this had absolutely NOTHING to do with this past season of the show. It literally added NOTHING to the Supernatural storyline. Sam & Dean were in this show all of MAYBE 5 minutes. The acting for this episode for the new characters were wooden and had no emotion. I was so BORED with this Ep and disappointed I came on to IMDb to see if I was the only person who noticed that this was the worst Ep Supernatural has ever aired and saw that naturally I definitely wasn't the only one who hated this.

First the 5 Monsters who run Chi-town ala mob style was so ridiculous to buy knowing full well that NO HUNTERS including Sam, Dean, Bobby, Ellen, Joe, Rufus, Garth, or any other hunters has never ever heard of is ludicrous. Not even an angel Castiel has heard about this? Laughable! Nope I can't buy it. Then the so called mob families of monsters are all good looking men and women in the early 20's. This is clearly a way to try and get more tweens or young girls to watch the Spin-off. I swear all these shows are like Twilight made into a t.v. show instead of movies. Or maybe they're hoping to have the success that Vampire Diaries has had. I'm not sure, but at least in VD the acting is better. I feel like I just wasted 45 minutes of my life hoping to see more about where this season of Supernatural was going, only to be given a 45 minute wooden acted silly monster "mob" love story. I think one reviewer (Who is absolutely correct) mentions how Dean basically ignores the fact that he's partnering up with a Shapeshifter regardless if the shape-shifter is a good guy or not. Dean just accepts this and he hasn't even known the guy for more than 2 minutes. All true anyone who's watched this show and is a true fan would know that Dean would not just accept this shape-shifter as a friendly monster within 2 minutes and go to help out any he could. He would more than likely either try to kill him or bide his time take care of the immediate situation then try to kill him all the while making snide and sarcastic comments.

Another reviewer mentioned that after Season 5 Supernatural has gone downhill. I wouldn't agree with that. I would say that Season 5 was probably one of the best Seasons in the series if not the best, but I feel like the show has always been pretty consistent. Even the most hated season by fans which is the Leviathan season is still decent and has it classic Sam & Dean moments. Season 9 had one of the best Episodes IMO of the whole series. Which was at the end of Ep-9 and then into Ep-10.

However this Bloodlines Ep-20 is terrible. Even the worst of Supernatural Ep's the fillers which have very little to add to the overall plot are 100x better than this past show. I'm thoroughly disappointed. I'm a huge fan of Supernatural I've been watching the show since it started it's one of my favorite shows I literally put it on Netflix ever night and fall asleep watching it. It's one of those shows for me that I can watch over and over. I've never reviewed any episode of Supernatural bc I felt the show was pretty consistent always entertaining either through the joking between Sam, Dean, & Cass or through the drama great acting or plot, yet after watching this abortion I felt I had to come and review this 1 episode and warn fans away from Season 9 Episode 20. Skip it.

This 1 episode adds nothing to Season 9.Sam & Dean are in it for all of 5 minutes and when they are shown they act completely out of character. I feel like they were just phoning it in. I feel like the writing & acting was sub-par and this is a way for producers to try and get either more money or teenage girls to watch the new spin-off. Don't waste your time skip this Ep and the spin-off.

I think that fans deserve a different 20th episode and the creators of Supernatural and the Bloodline's Spin-off should publicly apologize and go back rewrite/re-shoot the episode without any of those actors or plot that has to do with Bloodlines, then focus the story back on Season 9 and say "Here is the real episode that should have aired. We are deeply sorry that we wasted 45 minutes of our fans lives on this trite. APRIL FOOLS! Here's $1000.00 for your pain and suffering."
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I don't get the hate
cpancarician27 January 2021
This episode was good! The characters were interesting, the plot was well written. It was a great look into what the world of supernatural looks like outside the perspective of seasoned hunters. It's a shame this never went forward as it's own series.
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The poorest attempt at a back-door pilot I have ever seen.
gknovacom30 April 2014
I'm not sure what the producers were thinking when they decided to release this back-door pilot so late in the season, because they obviously weren't. Essentially what they did, is they released an episode that was 100% based on material that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual storyline that we've been watching for the past 20 episodes. On top of that, they decided to release it three episodes away from the season finale. When we're so close to the end of the 2nd last season, we simply don't have the patience for an episode like this when it literally doesn't contribute to the storyline whatsoever.

I haven't even begun to review the episode yet. If the producers' goal was to spark interest in a new, refreshing, and separate spin-off TV show, they failed. The main character was literally so uninteresting that after watching the episode, I can honestly say I don't know anything about him. In fact, every character in that episode just decayed of such generic garbage I almost thought I had bought an episode of Vampire Diaries on accident. All the monsters aren't monsters anymore, they're essentially just handsome, wealthy men. It's not interesting, it's just a pathetic attempt at the producers trying to implement a new idea to in their storyline to support their new show. It's just stupid.

At this point, I honestly think the only hope Supernatural has left is if they replaced the entire team of writers, directors, and producers.
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Worst episode of the series?
venusboys31 May 2014
This was such a low point for the show... a Monsters 90210 sideline that just deflated any hint of what good is left in Supernatural for fetishized rich and pretty 'monsters'. The last few episodes haven't been bad at all, but this one... sheeesh! What a STINKER!

I can take Supernatural the writers messing with the formula... the Men of Letters stuff is mostly fun (except for that OZ nonsense and the excessive amounts of Felicia Day, hopefully she won't be back)... but this mess totally subverted the overall infrastructure of the show to inject... pure crap. Is it intended as fodder for some spin off? I though the MoL were that? This Chicago nonsense is not something I'd watch, not something I want to ever revisit. If I wanted monster soap opera I'd watch True Blood!
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Genuinely enjoyed it
kanekileahy12 December 2020
I actually did really enjoy this episode when it aired and was shocked to see it have a lower rating than the finale. I liked the parallels between this couple and what happens later in the show.
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Supernatural in name only
markjohnevans791 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Before I go into it let me just add this caveat - I love Supernatural! I've loved it since I saw the first episode. I still loved it through the wobbly later seasons. Therefore it pains me to write a critically negative review of one of my favourite shows. The reason Supernatural has worked and endured is down to one thing, the Winchester brothers. The dynamic between these two has been what's kept fans watching even when the network seemed to be trying it's best to kill the show off. They're fleshed out, sympathetic characters you genuinely root for. Therefore giving me a Supernatural episode where the Winchesters appear on screen for a total of 5 minutes would not normally make me happy (although in fairness to the writers they did make it clear that this was a back-door pilot but still). The only saving grace would have been a damn good story but unfortunately this didn't materialise. What we were instead presented with was Beverley Hills 90210 with monsters. Stupidly attractive, one dimensional monsters at that. This episode bore no resemblance to the Supernatural we've come to know and if the spin-off series carries on in that tone it will fail. What the producers have done here is to try and grab a slice of the Young Adult market. That means casting the kind of bland, stereotypically American model types (I bet one was called Chad) that can barely act but, hey, they'll appeal to silly young girls. I'm sick of shows masquerading as sci-fi or fantasy but which turn out to be another "paint by numbers" teen soap opera (The 100 is another recent example). What was also galling was the episode ignored the internal logic/ rules of the show. Seriously, five monster mob families ruling Chicago and neither the Winchesters, Bobby, John Winchester or any other hunter has ever noticed. C'mon, really?? Dean just getting along with a shapeshifter he's known for two minutes? He's killed monsters he's had a far deeper connection to for a whole lot less. Supernatural 'prime' works because of the humour, emotional depth of the characters, the fact they aren't perfect and that you genuinely do give a damn about them (a bitchin' soundtrack helps too). The characters introduced in Bloodlines (or Supernatural Lite or Supernatural: The Tween Years) have none of this. They're your interchangeable, forgettable types who won't be able to carry a show. What baffles me is that if you wanted to do a Supernatural spin-off then there's one clearly obvious character you could do this with, one who already has a fan following that is equal to the Winchesters and that's Castiel. Instead we get yet another Twilight derivative (and lets be honest, Twilight itself is hardly high art). Sorry Supernatural producers, I really would've given the spin-off a chance if this episode was good and interesting but this fan won't be tuning in.
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A turd of an episode
badkitty131030 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I look forward to Tues night to spend time w/my fave boys. Where were they? 5min of airtime, maybe. This episode was about rival "monster" families. I felt like I was watching an episode of Dallas with so-called monsters. They made a lame attempt to get us to like the characters. The subtle hints of lingering things to come in a spin off didn't leave me wanting more. I was so bored and couldn't wait for this episode to end. This was the worst episode I've ever seen. I love the show. It's one of my faves, but skip this episode!!! You won't miss a darn thing. You will kick yourself if you waste your time watching this turd of an episode.
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Bring on the spinoff
scottemigh20 July 2020
I'm honestly shocked at how much hate this episode has received. At the time I watched it, I immediately though "hey they should spin this off into its own show" before I knew that was the plan. Yes it was light on Winchester appearances, but so were the fairly popular Ghostfacer episodes, which in my opinion were far worse. The acting wasn't bad at all. The only problem is how unlikely it would be that all those gangs could run Chicago without the hunters finding out.
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A pilot for the new series
malmz_9430 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I get that this episode would somewhat introduce the new spin-off series they're making, but this was more like a pilot for Bloodlines. The Winchesters barely had anything to do with the story, and they had approx 5 minutes of screen time, the story was bl-eh as the hunt was only around 1/3 of the episode, the rest was crap between the monster families. And like another guy said: monsters in this city are barely portrayed as monsters, they're civilized people living amongst each other. I miss the good old days when they actually hunted monsters, where horror actually existed. And the end was really shocking to be honest... they killed a human, and saved two monsters. Really?
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Not just a bad episode of SPN....
bbsgirl12 March 2022
..... A bad episode of television period. It's very "CW", which is hardly a compliment, the actors are all very samey though they do a fair job with a terrible script.

Bloodlines makes Route 666 look like Shakespeare.
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I take it.
cristinaangelica22 November 2020
You know... It's not a great pilot that's for sure and the plot is like whatever other series is. But I like the main story, the love story and the betrayal was good.

I take it over the finale thank you.
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Worst episode this year.
mm-391 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The worst episode this year. Bloodlines is nothing more than a self promo for a Supernatural spin off series. The whole episode is nothing more than plot development, and character development for the new series! The Winchesters have small cameo appearances. Bloodline adds nothing to the overall story of the Supernatural series story line. Sam and Dean play their roles perfectly in a flat character, and flatter story line episode of another T V series. I do not consider Bloodlines a Supernatural episode. Bloodlines is a infomercial for a new T V series. I give Bloodlines 4 out of 10. Watch anything else. Season nine has been a disappointment. Bloodlines is the new low for this year.
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Good episode, better than Carry On
sweett-1333120 November 2020
I remember that this spin off was actually super intriguing in its own right. Genuinely anything would be better than Carry On tho honestly.
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Not a Supernatural episode
charleystratton26 February 2022
Feels like a pilot episode of a show that's not gonna be good. Characters are not interesting, storyline wasn't good enough. Shame it was included in this series full stop.
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I would have watched the spinoff
BennyBunny037 September 2021
So, as stated above, I thought this episode was a 10 before 15x20. I just wanted to provide my genuine thoughts regarding this episode because now people are raising its ranking due to the airing of the lackluster and hollow season finale. Honest opinion, 9x20 definitely doesn't deserve such low ratings, so I don't mind the increase in 10s. Bloodlines is a solid episode, not perfect but solid. I rated it a 10 because I thought the negative reviews were unreasonable. Most of the complaints were about the lack of Sam and Dean in the episode, which is also the reason Bitten (an episode that happens to be my favorite) was rated so low. Guess what folks, the title of the show is called Supernatural, and this episode is dedicated to the supernatural world. It was supposed to be spinoff, so of course it focused on other characters that weren't Sam and Dean. Bloodlines had a good premise by showing the impact the supernatural has on normal, regular people, while also exploring the concept that not all creatures are evil and how some of them simply want to live normal lives. Additionally, Bloodlines reminds the audience that monsters are not exclusive to the supernatural world. Anyways, Dean and Sam are now dealing with apocalyptic size crises, plus I'm sure monsters would try their hardest to avoid normal people, especially hunters. It's reasonable to believe the Winchester's and other hunters are unaware of the supernatural families in Chicago. It's not outlandish to believe most hunters wouldn't know about wealthy supernatural families that have access to privacy, and because of their wealth they can buy silence and allies. Witches in the SPN universe do it all the time. Frankly, some people give the Winchesters and Co. Too much credit. Someone else had the nerve to say that the monsters in this show are too pretty and not gritty enough. Now, think about it, if you were a shape shifter, living the 1% lifestyle as seen in Bloodlines, would you choose a disguise that wouldn't fit that ideal? No. Also, no one questions why Sam, Dean, Bobby are not covered in scars from previous episodes, rough looking, and have good dental care. Basically, I'm irritated that Bloodlines was judged so harshly and for reasons that are ridiculous. Does it have a drama feel? Yes. And if we were all being truthful, we would agree that Supernatural as a show is a drama. I mean, come on, "single man tear" and "lies, sacrifice, and deception." Hits all the marks. One of the main character of Bloodlines, Ennis, even experiences Sam's origin story. Regardless on whether or not you give this episode a chance, I want to let you know I find it ironic that shifting the focus on characters that weren't Sam and Dean is what killed this episode/spinoff and blatantly ignoring the other people in the brother's lives is the reason the series finale is a failure. I guess the audience evolved after 15 years as well. Who would have thought?
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What a waste of time....
I have always loved Supernatural and how it always had the ability to stay fresh and interesting, no matter how many years it's been on. It's always been a phenomenal show to watch from week to week with hardly ever a problem with keeping it's audience interested... until this episode came out. I have never been so bored and uninterested in characters ever in the entirety of this show. I kept wanting to know what was going on with Sam, Dean, Cas, and everything else, but instead they focus endlessly on what seems like is a monster soap opera for teens. This episode just continued to angered me. I was wondering where the hell Sam and Dean were and why I was supposed to care at all about all these new boring and shallow characters. I finally got sick of it and turned it off. It really has no relevance at all to the Supernatural Season 9 storyline and you really shouldn't waste your time on it at all. I would just skip to episode 21 and get on with the story. Seriously, you'll thank yourself for the brain cells you'll save by never seeing it or the spin-off show it's based from.
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I wanted to like this...but no, just no.
esoto10136 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I understand that they are trying to set up the new show but this just wasn't any good. I've always liked SPN because it was dramatic without over doing it but this new show just seems to be trying too hard. Monsters on SPN were always monsters but this episode lost the true nature of the show and felt too corny and cheesy. Another issue I had was the fact that the Winchesters went nearly nine whole seasons without finding out about the families in Chicago? It just doesn't make sense.

A spin off with Cas and the angels would have made a lot more sense. We all love Cas already and there is a lot of room to grow with that story line. Oh how I wish we were getting that instead!
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Unpopular opinion but
rotg-4277821 November 2020
I actually really enjoyed this episode and wish it got the spin off series it was going for. I'm sure they could have done a lot with it
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