"X-Men '97" Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 1 (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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I can't stand those insane cliffhangers no more
darthpaul69961 May 2024
I swear this show somehow exceeds all expectations it may have created inside us and it gets better and better. This episode contained a couple of monologues from different characters that can literally be life changing to some and I can't understand why would Disney fire the writer of this show. Maybe this company is allergic to insanely well written projects, that's why it's challenging to release any in the 20s. Plus episode 8 gave us some incredible climatic and breathtaking action scenes and some interesting cameos near the end. Like every Wednesday , this show just prepared me to experience something out of this world next week.
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The finale episodes kicks off hard!
and_mikkelsen1 May 2024
With each week, this show proves why it is the next big thing when it comes to Marvel projects! Rarely have I seen a first season of a show with THIS much love, care and quality!

This had a ton of great and memorable moments! Our favorite characters got to shine, with some breathtaking action, and memorable dialogue!

The writting in this show is very solid! Other shows have proved it too, but this show proves why writting is so important!

Magneto also shines in this episode! I really love his development!

The villain is great too! He feels like a real threat, with a goal more complex than I thought!

The ending was insane!!! I feel like no matter how good this episode is... its just the beginning!
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"Enough" Wow What an Episode
gouthamhopzz1 May 2024
This Show Really Deserves Everything. The Storytelling Nature Is Very Outstanding and Brilliant, The Characterisation Is at Top Notch.

And That Cameos and Easter eggs Wow Pure Goosebumps. Magneto Just Nailed It He's Is The Real MVP Of The Show. That Villains Uniting Scene Was Really Unexpected, And This Episode Is Perfectly Balanced With All Emotions. That Summers Family Scenes Are Too Gud To Watch. And My Man Wolvie Flying In The Sky Wow What a Brilliantly Made Visuals. The Combo Of Night Crawler And Wolvie Was Really Stunning. And Atlast That Entry Feels Like Cherry On The Top

It's Pretty Damn Sure Something Bigger Is Going To Happen...Wait For The Real Finale.
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Marvel studios at their best
I may have a huge X-Men bias but even with that aside, I can safely say X-Men 97 is the best thing marvel studios has ever put out, what a crazy episode and a crazy cliffhanger. During the entire episode I had goosebumps, the dialougue grips you hard and doesn't let go then the action sequences and animation come around to take your breath away, every episode has been amazing and this has been the best one yet, it's safe to say this is what marvel studios can do when they are at their best nothing in marvel history tops this for me it's fantastic, gritty, action packed and contains lines that you'll be quoting for a while to come.
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Another well-written and epic episode
Artemur1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is another great episode that shows this TV series's most obvious strength: its writing. There are some really well-written, clever, and mature dialogues between characters that take this episode to another level. In the first part of this episode, we learn about Bastion's past, his mission, and what those Prime Sentinels are. It is obvious he is the most powerful, complex, and intelligent villain X-men have ever dealt with. He is not simply against mutants; he also believes in evolution, so he turns humans into superhuman cyborgs. Thus, humanity can continue to exist and survive against powerful mutants. The second part is getting into action, and we see x-men fight to prime sentinels. Jean Grey, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, and Cable are especially shining in this episode, but there are also some cameo appearences from other Marvel characters such as Spiderman, Omega Red and Dr. Doom. Overall, this is another great episode that ushered in a great season finale. I'm looking forward to and so excited to watch the last two final episodes.
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To me my X-MEN!!!!!!!
theocfpa1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Where do you start with the summers, family uniting with magneto becoming MVP of all and the plenty cameos around the episodes that in the nonstop action I was mind blowing nonstop on this episode is a solid 9.8 out of 10 without a doubt can wait for another week and the following week to see how the system will end magneto is the real MVP that's all! What is suburb episodes, Amazing amazing and amazing again it's probably the best animated X-Men series it ever has been written all along, and the episode finale was mind blowing. Let's see how the guys will wrap this episode spoil it farther but they show another level.
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Excellent start for an eXellent finale
moritzherz1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first part of the X-Men '97 finale is an bombastic and entertaining episode that sets expectations even higher for the other two parts to come.

The villain reveals his secret plan as he activates his sentinels around the globe to eliminate all mutants and the X-Men. They stand barely a chance agains these cyber-humans, because of their self-repair abilities.

Fortunately the president lady frees Magneto from the villain's lair and he flies to north pole and sends our electromagnetic impulses that deactivate the sentinels.

We also get a lot of backstory from our villain, so we understand his motives.

There was also a short spider-man cameo which I liked, because it was just 2 seconds or so.

In the end a capsule crashes into the X-Men mansion and it's Charles Xavier himself calling HIS X-Men to fight against whatever evil comes.

All in all a superb episode, the second best so far, ranked behind the Gambit one. If they continue to improve God save us, because that would be an insane finale.

I said it last week and I say it again now. If Marvel wanna survive they have to cut down their live-action garbage and focus on animated shows like this. They still have the knowledge and creativity to tell fascinating stories. This may their way to remain relevant for the next years.
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evanjd2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show gives us everything the original series gave us and so much more. Action sequences are amazing. They are really showcasing each mutants abilities to the MAX! The Sommers car chase scene really shows how powerful Jean, Scott and Cable are. And we haven't seen Nightcrawler realness like this since X2. I think it's safe to say that in this episode we see the peak of Magneto's abilities. And Logan falling through the air slicing the sentinels!!! Don't care much for Jubilee, but I appreciated the callback to her first appearance in '92. Can't wait to see what they do with Storm and Rogue. We also got a spidey cameo! The last sequence with Xavier gave me serious chills. No idea how it can get better from here.
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greenmangreat2 May 2024
I'm not a big comic book reader, but I've always heard about superheroes and supervillains with all kinds of cool Earth shattering powers, and yet I've never really seen it represented in animation as well and as stylishly as X-Men 97.

The makers behind this series truly understand and know how to make use of the IP they have at their disposal. The Summers, Professor X, Nightcrawler, Magneto-we get a sample of what they can really do, and dang, I've never seen 2D animation used with such flair before.

And how do the writers manage to use cliche lines from the original series with such style? Just incredible. I don't even remember the last time I saw an animated superhero series this well done!
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finkaidan2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Another week, another 10/10 for me. This show loves to do a 15 minute set up and story build and then 10 minutes of all out mayhem and it's a thing of beauty. All the pieces that have been occurring all season are finally lining up and coming together. Scott, Jean, and Nathan having their moment. Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Morph kicking butt together at the mansion. Some amazing cameos occur throughout this episode yet again. Magneto is now released and has now declared war. I really don't know how these writers keep topping the previous episodes. The ending, cliffhanger with the face of X-men FINALLY coming home. Next Wednesday can't come soon enough. Bastian is not one to play with and the X-men are fighting their butts off. Anyone rating this less than a 10 are some harsh critics. Well done X-men, well done.
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An Episode for the ADULTS
infinitetyler4 May 2024
This might be my favorite episode of the series. I was kind of bored for the first 10 minutes, but then they knocked it out of the park for the last 20, and finally left it on a great cliffhanger for the next episode. The whole series should be like Ep8.

The story took more of a twist than I expected and delved into some deep subjects like fear of robotic replacement, shifting of minorities to majorities, etc, and during these segments I put the show firmly back in the running to win the 'Invincible vs XM97' debate. And then we finally got to see Wolverine wreck stuff like we haven't seen since Ep1! And Nightcrawler! Woo! It's the kind of stuff I'm ideally signing up for when I see some X-Men. Coincidentally it's also the episode lightest on love story subplots- perhaps a correlation?

My criticisms mostly lay around the disposable army, and how given the explanation around their abilities, everyone except Wolverine should be dead, but then they basically turn into Storm Troopers. I roll my eyes every time a car jumps onto or out of an airplane, I don't care if it's a cartoon. And Jubilee? Just pat her on the head and tell her she's "making a difference", she'll get distracted soon; it's not worth getting upset about. Oh, and it's a time travel episode(boo!).

I like the premise of the new villain and his motivations, but I wish there was something a little more distinctive about him. Ask me in 5 years who the big bad of XM97 is and I'll probably tell you it's Mr. Sinister on Venom. But his master plan kind of made sense, and it works with how the rest of the season was written, so he has the potential to become a great AND memorable villain by the end. The other unfortunate aspect of this episode is that it contrasts with episodes 4 and 7 so much that I really wish they'd either done something better with that hour of screen time , or just cut them entirely.

According to the reviews, saying X-Men '97 is anything less than animated perfection is tantamount to a hate crime, but with Episode 9 I'm actually kind of inclined to agree with the Marvel stans. It was an objectively creative and provocative episode which delivered on action and entertainment. It's like the series is finally starting, and it's good!
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the dumbest episode
o_oraculo2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Cable says that in his timeline bastion used the fallout from genosha to get backing for his prime sentinel program.

1) his timeline is the same as this one with the slight change that cable has gotten inside it a day ago. A) So it doesn't make sense that bastion will get backing, as the episode shows he already has a lot of money. B) why would mutants being attacked make people give more money to attack mutants? Doesn't make sense, since people would feel more compassion towards them.

2) it says bastion was a human altered by technorganic virus (different from the comics but ok). And he's using the virus to make changes to humans so they become superior to mutants. But humans are against mutants because they represent change. So it doesn't make sense that they would want change to robots.

3) cable says mutants were used as slaves for mankind. If in the future eveyone is superpowered robots, why would they need mutants? Also, if they can change humans, why wouldn't they be able to change mutants into robots as well?

4) cable says bastion is probably a backup that mastermold uploaded to after hewas taken down. That doesn't make sense. If he was taken down, he wouldn't be able to upload. Also, if he coud upload, he could've easily done that before, and to many different bodies. Also, an upload is a copy, if he could've upgraded himself, he wouldn't have attacked as a lesser version, he would've upgraded himself to be like bastian and attack like bastian.

5) cyclops doesn't want bastian to kill anyone else, and cable takes it as him being an overprotective dad?! BS conflict.

6) jubillee is racist. Gets confronted about it, so decides to tell roberto that they should go and spend his money, and he accepts. Since when was she so self entitled?

7) news reporter goes to the beast and asks how many altered humans like trask are there? Which prompts the beast to search for them. Yet later she is revealed to be one of them, and then fight beast to interrupt him from telling the other xmen. If she didn't want him to tell them, it doesn't make sense for her to ask him how many are there, because she would already know the numbers, and also because that would prompt the beast to search and tell the xmen. Also, why would the xmen that have more developed tech (including alien) not be able to check that she had been altered, or even beast's hypersenses like listening and smelling? Also, why would they let a journalist get inside their base and have access to their most secretive information, like keeping trask jailed there?

8) bastian says that in the future mutants will outnumber humans, so they had to act quick. A) where does he get those numbers? B) who is breeding to make mutants more common? Humans with humans, humans with mutants and mutants with mutants. So in 2/3 of the possibilities it's humans making more mutants, which is basically saying humans are naturally becoming mutants. So why would that scare anyone? C) bastion is a sort of mutant, he even brags about evolving, and yet he's against mutating and evolving? D) he says he's also afraid of the planet heating up, so why isn't he working on that instead of killing mutants? E) he says the problem is that mutants in the future will extinguish humans, so he creates a zero tolerance for mutants. But if his problem is just the humans stop existing, a some tolerance plan would work just as well. Doesn't make sense to create a zero tolerance. F) if he has no tolerance for mutants, how come he's working with sinistro who wants to keep mutants alive so he can do genetic experiments? G) he says that mutants can replace jobs of many normal humans, so they should be enslaved. But these slaves will still be used to do the same jobs, so the normal people will still be fired. H) people willingly go to a facility to get experimented on without knowing what will be done to them? And then they go back to their houses without knowing what has been done to them and are ok with that? BS. I) Also, doesn't explain how some more proeminent characters would have been altered that had no motivation to do that. J) bastian also says bully an underdog for too long and people start feeling sorry for them, but his plan is to enslave the mutants. Wouldn't that be bullying the underdog for long, and would make people feel sorry for them?

9) bastian's mom asks cyclops, jean grey and cable if they have children. Coincidence much?

10) when wolverine confronts one of bastian's altered humans it says "filthy neanderthal" to him. If bastian is against evolution/ mutants, shouldn''t he be in favor of less evolved mutants like neanderthals? So it wouldn't use is a curse word.

11) when a lot of bastian's altered humans find rogue sleeping, instead of simply attacking her, they stare at her sleeping, giving enough time to other x-men come save her. B) Also, they say why resist the inevitable. But if bastian knows mutants come from regular humans, and knows eventually humans would be extinct, wouldn't he also be resisting the inevitable? C) nightcrawler says we must get them away from rogue. Did he forget that he's a teleporter and could just get her out of there in the blink of an eye?

12) roberto is being followed by some altered humans, so he goes to his mom and say: mom they are trying to kill us, the altered humans say we don't kill them, we save them. And his mom tell roberto to go with them. A) she trusts strangers more than his son? B) did roberto expect her to fight them? Didn't he think they could kill everyone in the party? C) save them from what? Themselves?

13) sinistro complains to bastian tha she left magneto escape. Bastian says of course she did. A) didn't sinistro have any protections to keep magneto enprisoned? B) if bastian knew this could happen, why would he give her free acess to his base? C) And if he's a master robot maker, why wouldn't he add extra protections against that, or why wouldn't he transform her into one of altered slave humans? D) why wouldn't magneto destroy the base and sinistro with his magnetism powers as soon as he was released?

14) professor xavier shows up and says to me my xman, and shows the beast receiving the message, but moments ago he was unconscious.
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Magneto Was Right
kyliemm25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well... he did it. Magneto declared war. He was right by the way.

We basically see Bastion is keeping Magneto captive... for some reason (I forgot why). It was cool to see numerous cameos from villains like Dr. Doom! I love how even a villain was like "Bastion, war crimes ain't cool." That's how you know your villain is good.

I love that Magneto was set free but instead of anything else, he just flew up to the North Pole and shut down ALL electricity using the magnetic field. "Enough" was all he said. He had it with trying to enforce tolerance like Charles wanted. So he declared all out war against humans because of the pain he suffered.

All of this was part 1 of the finale! Charles also made his way back to Earth to aid his X-Men. We'll see where it goes from here!
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Driving a car out the back of a crashing airplane is ridiculous Warning: Spoilers
The part in this episode were cyclops gene Gray and cable are in the blackbird and it's under attacked by sentinels is just ridiculous even in a world full of aliens and mutants in technology beyond comprehension I find it incredibly unbelievable that the writers could only come up with clops driving his car out of the back of the blackbird and they survive. I mean the rest of the action packed was pretty cool but overall, I just could not get over the fact that he drove the car out of the back of the blackbird and in fact, I paused the video just to come to IMDb and write this review because it was so goddamn ridiculous .
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