Delirium (2018) Poster

(II) (2018)

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Well, the opening credits were almost good.
S_Soma23 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The informal men's club, "Hell Gang", has a rather dubious initiation process for its new prospects. A would-be initiate is outfitted with some lighting and camera gear and a flashlight, sent out in the dead of night to walk about 1/4 of a mile through a forested path, and video themselves on the porch of a supposedly haunted mansion. The video captured is the proof of their bravery and worthiness for membership. Aside from a minimal number of distribution and production credits at the very beginning, DELIRIUM opens directly to a scene of one such potential initiate attempting to make it through the process.

After a collection of found-footage action tropes, our would-be initiate falls into a trance-like state (and not for the first time in this opening sequence) and disappears into the dreaded haunted mansion.

For the rest of the movie we follow the members of the "Hell Gang" as they enter the haunted mansion and attempt to locate and retrieve their missing initiate. As you might expect, it doesn't turn out well for everyone involved. The End.

I am struck with the notion that what makes a movie truly disappointing is not so much when it's relentlessly terrible from first frame to last, but rather when a movie displays flashes and glimpses of genuine artistry and creativity, but those flashes and glimpses are mired in an overwhelming context of filmmaking manure. And so it is with DELIRIUM. Apparently randomly, there is some actual quality in this movie mixed in with stuff that is so bad it makes you want to drink bleach.

Here's a couple of examples.

Immediately following the dismally schlocky opening sequence comes the opening credits. Astoundingly, the opening credits sequence, while not completely original, is actually quite good, or at least it starts out that way. It's traditional in moviemaking to try to come up with some kind of original credits style, hopefully with characteristics that are in some way reflective of the nature or genre of the movie. With background music that is surprisingly beautiful, haunting, and what we assume is evocative of the ghostly and supernatural events that are to follow, the opening credits are expressed as a sort of floating tour through what looks like a turn-of-the-century laboratory or medical office. Individual credits are written or inscribed upon various objects that we see close up as we float around the room. Here are credits carved into a wooden table top, then engraved on a set of old rollerskates, then as worn labels on bottles of chemicals and now tooled into leather straps etc.

This is perhaps not the very first time that I have seen credits expressed in this particular way, but it's engaging and artistic and the music is exceptional. And then you notice that the whole thing is carried off rather amateurishly and inconsistently. Watching closely, you notice you can't actually read some of the credits because they're poorly executed. Then at one moment we're led to believe that we are viewing things in some kind of "bullet time" freeze, and then in the next moment characters are moving without any situational transition. Someone had good instincts and started to make some high-quality credits and then piled up on the rocks.

Or how about the basic set up of having a bunch of young, strapping jock types all descending upon a paranormally infected mansion en masse, all grimly determined to retrieve their initiate. Sounds like an interesting set up, no? Should be a potent confrontation between ectoplasmic troublemakers and testosterone-infused rebels. But nope. Everybody splits up and goes off in different directions, experiencing paranormal events that they just don't mention to each other and often don't even seem to react to. Characters seem to occasionally fall into a fugue state where they behave like zombies for no apparent reason and blah blah blah. Let's just flush that interesting set up right down the toilet.

Gaping plot holes, inconsistent scenes, continuity fails... There is no lower limit to the moviemaking sins to which this production will sink.

I recommend that you watch the movie through to the end of the opening credits. At least then you can come away with a somewhat positive feeling about it and you will have seen all of the good parts.
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Delirium (2018)
SashaDarko15 March 2018
An extremely average horror movie which is full of all the typical cliches and tropes. The acting is servicable, some is bad. There's a confusion about it being slightly "found footage", the footage from the in-movie camera and the movie itself is the same, it's especially confusing then the film in a "standard" mode with shaky hands up close, like it's a "found footage" one (the scene with the pool).

The main characters are a gang of your typical muscline American college alpha males, there's no absolutely nothing even remotely interesting about them. The ghosts always use the same teleportation teleportation technique in order to "BOO" the viewer. Sigh.
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Found Footage Tedium
mikedegroot25 January 2019
When making a movie, especially a horror movie, it is vital to introduce and differentiate your characters right away. If you have 8 different characters who all look, sound, talk, act, and dress alike, it's virtually impossible to gain a connection to them, especially when you introduce them all at the same time. There is a reason so many horror movies use certain tropes and stereotypes. The jock, stoner, permiscuous girl, nerd, token black guy, virgin, etc. Their personality really has little to do with the story. It's all about differentiating the characters. Without doing this, it's really difficult to tell the characters apart, which makes it impossible to gain an emotional attachment them, keep their motives straight, or care when one of them is killed.

Sorry for the rant but this is the number one problem with this movie. All the characters are introduced immediately together, they are all very similar and really pretty lame. It's a chore to try and learn who these guys are and try to tell them apart. That's the last thing you want in a cheesy horror movie and completely derails the story.

This is not to say the rest of the movie is any better. The acting is half-assed, the story is nonsensical, and the music is overly dramatic. The effects are nothing more than bad makeup, camera cut aways, filters, and bad acting. The direction is all over the place. The decision to make it found footage was not a good one and just an excuse for the bad cinematography.

Overall it's just another bad paranormal movie. With an incredibly played out story and a very minimal amount of legitimate scares to speak of, this is one you should probably pass on. 3/10
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You might as well be blind.
Markyajv22 January 2018
First off do not get this confused for the Topher Grace, Patricia Clarkson, Emma Roberts movie. IMDB is using the same poster art for that as this pile of garbage. NOW about this..No explanation by the ending. All the characters are your typical douchey-frat boiz with names only pretentious parents give their entitled kids. The story did not really make sense. I could not figure out the motive. How is a house this old so freaking clean? Everything in the place is pristine, like the cleaning service just left. The #1 worst thing about this movie is the entire thing is lit with flashlights or video camera lights. In the woods, in the middle of the night. I don't think I could tell you who was who it was just a bunch of names being yelled out. People would disappear for a while but you would never know because you couldn't tell who anyone really was. Save your eyesight and go look straight at the sun.
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Blew budget and all talent on opening credits and titles
captainron19 February 2018
Yes, had hope watching the credits. Best part. The rest been done before too many times. Hand held cameras. Blair witch style. Bunch of guys constantly yelling at the top of their lungs all at the same time so you cant really hear what's up. The do yell shut up a lot too but nobody listens and the bellowing continues. That's all it is. Seems like no vision and just laziness on the part of the creators. Boring, predictable and not scary. Just a terrible waste of time. I agree with the other comments as to how it got 3 stars was the biggest mystery of all.
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Truly Terrible
maddy-982-62701927 January 2018
There is nothing to like about this movie. Bad actors running around a house shouting. That's all this is. How it scored 3.4 I have no idea.
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Ugh. Dude Bros, the movie.
thescarexp11 November 2021
This movie had a promising background story and some great effects. If they hadn't cast ALL the characters as dude bros., it might have been decent. None of the dude bros died fast enough or horribly enough to make this movie anything other than a waste of time and annoying, nearing nails on a chalkboard. Avoid if you have a shred of self worth.
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Not That Bad!
BRU672 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think some are (justifiably) miffed by getting tricked into watching this versus the Topher Grace movie of the same name that came out the same year. Easy mistake to make and I have no clue how this little movie gets away with having the same title as that much better and much higher budget movie.

But to judge this one on its merits, while I do not expect it to win an Academy Award in any category, it wasn't a 3/10 star movie. I'd say more like a 5/10 putting it in proper context of what it is.

The premise isn't particularly complex. A bunch of bros get the mind to try to scare a person who wants to join their little guy club by making them go up to a haunted mansion and back with a camera on. And, of course, they learn to their chagrin that it really is haunted, and by a very nasty spirit at that! And of course there's the hijinks that follow.

For a low budget horror movie it does ok. There are some good scares and a creepy underlying story to go with it. The story does get a bit confusing. For example, the wife is portrayed as a victim initially but then becomes the main antagonist for whatever reason. Her motive for doing what she's doing is never clear. The opening scene isn't explained at all. The dreaded swimming pool seems to have zero point other than it's scary. And the characters sometimes come off as pretty dumb and unrealistic in behaviour. Particularly when they enter the house after seeing the footage from the ill-fated friend they sent over there first.

But again, we're talking about a B horror film here. And in that context it's ok. Not great but ok.
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It's as bad as the score suggests
pyrasanth-624617 June 2018
There is pretty much nothing in this film that I enjoyed. The acting is pretty awful. The 'story' is full of intensely annoying people being frustrating. The film is so inept it actually made me laugh in a couple of places.

Do not watch it.
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Delirious with annoyance
TheLittleSongbird7 June 2018
'Delirium' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an slightly intriguing but very derivative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws those films are present here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'Delirium' is terrible, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There is next to nothing to recommend and it is a sleeper.

Lets start with the sole positive. The scenery is atmospheric and spooky.

Unfortunately, it is not done justice by the rather direct to video schlocky way it's shot and edited, it was very clear that the film was made in a rush with no care or enthusiasm.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel paper thin, disjointed and over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and it's best not mentioning the uniformly lumbering and histrionic acting.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling, with lots of clichés and no depth whatsoever, while the pace goes to a standstill very quickly and drags on forever with very little going on worth caring about, never recovering. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Would not have minded the lack of originality (the film is extremely derivative and in a dumbed and watered down way) if the story and atmosphere were at least alright in execution, in reality they were both dreadfully done. Not to mention a whole novel's worth of inconsistencies and continuity errors.

A lot of 'Delirium' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. The ending makes the film finish on an incomplete and confused whimper.

There is not enough threat here and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, it is completely unimaginative, very repetitive and more odd than creepy, completely failing to show any sense of horror and resorting to cheap typical horror tropes. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is leaden, inexperience seems to be all over the film, and the music doesn't really fit.

Concluding, near-irredeemably awful. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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penpal-097397 September 2018
I really liked it!! Reminds me of 1408 kinda. I love movies like this!
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It was OK
khannaini22 January 2018
I am a big fan of horror movies. this movie is not that good but better then some horror movies i have seen before.... its like you want it to be over but you also want to see whats gonna happen next....
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tony-petitpas21 January 2018
I made through this horrible horror move , thought it may be a half decent horror movie , boy oh boy was I wrong , this had to be the worst movie I have ever seen , I watched to see if anything at all was going to happen , never did , no start , no meaning , no ending ,never understood anything of what was going on , don't know who voted or how it got a 4.3 , I am a movie watcher and seen a lot of horror films , my vote....-0 , should never have been .
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No No - No No!
Patient44412 March 2018
Delirium was one of the most boring experiences I went through lately. A found footage with nothing to show, with a story that takes forever to happen and a slightly better ending than the rest of the plot.

This isn't something I would recommend, it is better to look elsewhere as it has nothing to put on the table. Crumbs, but that's about it. So without going too much into it, the story is weak, acting is so-so for such a production and overall you get bored or annoyed. Depending on your state of mind before starting the movie.

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Terrible student movie hoping for views from other Delirium (2018)
neon-2921 September 2018
Absolutely terrible movie that appears to potentially be a student film based on the acting, writing, sound mixing, cinematography, direction, etc.. Seems to be hoping to get viewers who intended to watch the other Delirium (2018) with Topher Grace. Too often throughout this movie everyone is just yelling loudly into their mics or talking over each other. Lots of loud, high-pitched screeching in the ears. Really, really poor acting, the type that pulls you out of the movie because it screams 'I'm trying to act!' (Note: not everyone was a bad actor, there were a couple shining stars who weren't on camera for long). Extremely basic cinematography, for instance it's supposed to be a found footage film, but they end up filming the camera holder often. The entire concept of the piece from a writing perspective had tons of issues throughout the entirety of the work, not very thoroughly conceived. Unless you specifically like to watch very bad scary movie attempts that you already know are going to be terrible & pointless going into it I would recommend a pass.
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I created an account just to review this movie
gabbymanolakis21 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The cover of this movie makes it seem like it would be a somewhat decent watch.. don't fall for it. All of the characters not only look the same, but act the same, and dress the same and are nearly impossible to tell apart. Not only that but they're all incredibly obnoxious with mediocre acting and the plot line is even worse. 50 minutes in, I had to turn this disaster of a movie off because it was nothing but cheap camera cut aways to satisfy their probably cheap budget. 35 minutes (maybe even longer) of these terrible characters working up the courage to finally get inside of this house. And even once they get in, nothing remotely exciting happens.

There were several opportunities that the writer and director could have made use of for jump scares (at minimum) or death scenes. I mean we watch some guy make out with a dead girl for a minute while a dead man watches? Prime opportunity for a chase or death, yet nothing happens and the character walks out as if the whole experience didn't occur. I couldn't subject myself to the pain of this movie for any longer after that.
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danielw197424 March 2018
Don't waste you time, one of the worst movies I've seen... not sure why it's a horror other than the acting it's not scary at all.
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Watching this high was probably the best part of the movie
pia-rosa23 July 2018
Definitely it made it funny af because it was that bad. Super predictable, also super annoyingly loud, Suddenly some dude starts humming the "wolf of the wallstreet" hum lmfao
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ericdhall7711 December 2020
Any movie that hasn't even remotely grabbed my attention by 30 mins in, is not a good movie. This is a good white noise napping movie.
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What a $hit Show
thebeardeddragon16 July 2022
I will never get 85 minutes of my life back. Chock full of bad acting and even a worse script. The storyline makes zero sense. There is no dialogue, just a bunch of yelling and garbled words. Maybe it was the streaming service I watched it on but I couldn't understand a damn thing even when the wasn't screaming. Never heard of the director, Johnny Martin, but I'll be sure to avoid any movie where he's involved. Don't waste 85 minutes of your life like I did. There are much better haunted house movies out there.
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Great Movie w Unique Plot
MissJedahdyah3 December 2019
Watched this a few times and just bought it. Really good movie. Idk why anyone who loves horror movies would. The story was eerie and draws you in to learn more. The acting was phenomenal. All around excellent movie. High recommended!!
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Buncha dudes go to a haunted already knows what happens...
rickmacnamara17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Nice house, too bad we can't stay," said no one ever in this kind of movie. Yeah, okay, I get that their friend who they dared to go to the steps of the haunted house is missing and they want to save him. That's what script-writers call The Crucible, the reason the characters can't just find something else to do. My biggest problem with this buncha dudes is that I didn't care about any of them. Not even the guy they dared to walk up the steps. Then there were the standard creepy movie elements: the little crying girl with her back turned and oh,no! When she is touched on the shoulder and turns, SHE'S REALLY SOME KIND OF MONSTER!!! Whoa Nellie! How frightening! Then the creepy whispering that not everyone in the buncha dudes can hear. Then the naked lady rises from the bathtub and embraces one of the dudes, but then transforms into the lady who killed all her kids in that house a hundred years ago. Then the wall made of latex with spooky hands reaching out to passersby on the stairs. Was it an homage to Frighteners or Nightmare on Elm Street or just a cliché? And the unbreakable windows and the scary mirrors. And the end sequence where everyone is dead and somehow now appears in the 100 year old picture in the hallway...great idea, or at least it was when Kubrick used it at the end of the Shining. Here, it falls a bit flat. All of it falls flat.

Best part of the movie is the opening title sequence showing the credits embedded in the elements of a one hundred year old mass murder scene that is unfolding slowly before our eyes,,with an ink bottle quivering in the air where is has been knocked off the desk by the dead man who was doing post mortems on a group of children, blood dripping leisurely from their tiny bodies as a woman's hand reaches into the frame to one by one close their vacant eyes. I loved this sequence and recommend watching it at least twice before shutting off the rest of the move.

The actors seemed earnest about their roles, so I can't really fault them. But who wants to watch a haunted house movie that you've seen better versions of a hundred times? Well, I guess I did, but I only sacrifice my time so others don't have to.
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Unwillingly funny in the closet pre gay Blair witch
konradknieling22 October 2019
Nothing scary or remotely well played devastation. But totally repressed sexual characters who would like to fratenalize for good. No sex no nudity no bad monsters. Only creepy young men avoiding their needs. A good comedy of repression.
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It's not bad. Worth watching for free
groomsjw5 October 2021
It's on Hulu now. Sure predictable, etc... But not a bad movie.
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You know there is no way out
nogodnomasters20 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A group of college age kids call themselves "Hell Gang." Eddie (Ian Bamberg) wants to join. All he has to do is walk down a path at night....about a quarter mile we are told and film a haunted house, then come back. When Eddie never comes back, it is Hell Gang to the rescue.

We get the back story to the haunted house during the credits. It is explained shorty afterwards, and then explained the right way. The film was hand held footage. The story line was fairly good, but the execution was lacking unless you like to watch a bunch of guys in a panic screaming like girls. They even laugh like girls during the end credits. I did like the photo effect in the film.

Guide: No sex or nudity.
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