"Castle" Valkyrie (TV Episode 2013) Poster

(TV Series)


Nathan Fillion: Richard Castle



  • [first lines] 

    Kate Beckett : Oh, my... God! Oh, my God! You're proposing!

    Richard Castle : Okay. You're surprised.

    Kate Beckett : Of course I'm surprised! I thought you were breaking up with me!

    Richard Castle : By offering you a ring?

    Kate Beckett : Well, you just- You seemed so serious!

    Richard Castle : Yeah, of course I'm serious. This is the most serious thing I've ever done.

  • Pi : I volunteered to make dinner tonight, and I'm just getting a jump on the prep. Can I count you in on a nice, juicy steak?

    Richard Castle : [looks at the food]  These aren't steaks.

    Pi : It's papaya steak. It's the juiciest steak there is.

    Richard Castle : This is... *all* fruit.

    Pi : I'm fruitarian.

    Richard Castle : Of course you are.

    Pi : It's all that I eat. Original diet of mankind. Nutrition as God intended.

    Richard Castle : You know, Pi, don't, uh, take this the wrong way, but how long do you plan on staying at Casa de Castle?

    Pi : You know, I'm actually in a little bit of a bind. See, I live in Amsterdam, but I, uh, kinda lost my passport... But, hey, you don't wanna hear about my troubles. You've got your own, right?

    Richard Castle : I do now.

  • [already at the site for investigation as Beckett and McCord are just arriving] 

    Richard Castle : [chuckles]  Agent Beckett, Agent McCord. What are you guys doing here?

    Rachel McCord : What are you doing here?

    Richard Castle : Well, I figured since, uh, Beckett was working, I'd... I'd just get in a few rounds.

    Rachel McCord : Where are your clubs?

    Richard Castle : Crap.

    Rachel McCord : [to Beckett]  Do you realize what would happen if I told the chief that he was here? *You* would be kicked off the team.

    [to Castle] 

    Rachel McCord : Not to mention obstruction charges against you. This is my one and only warning. The next time I see you, it better be on a book jacket.


    Richard Castle : [to Beckett]  Wow... Okay, she is not invited to the wedding.

  • Richard Castle : So, I'm just walking down the street, and this guy that they're looking for grabs me, shoves me into a car, starts talking crazy, asking all these questions.

    Javier Esposito : What kind of questions?

    Richard Castle : Something about Valkyrie. And then I thought he was gonna pass out, because he was talking about going off to dream world, but he *didn't* pass out. He dropped dead.

    Javier Esposito : Uh, this guy, was he, uh, was he military?

    Richard Castle : Why, is "Valkyrie" a military term?

    Javier Esposito : I don't know about Valkyrie. But Dreamworld? It's a highly classified special operations base in the Gulf. It's a *ghost* base. The government's never confirmed its existence. But I... I met a guy who knew a guy who was stationed there.

    Richard Castle : Where is it?

    Javier Esposito : It's a- It's a ghost base, Castle. You think they're gonna say where it is?

  • Kate Beckett : Are you *trying* to get me fired?

    Richard Castle : Would make it easier to see you.

    Kate Beckett : Not if I was in jail!

    Richard Castle : Right.

  • [Beckett kisses Castle after his marriage proposal] 

    Richard Castle : So that's a yes?

    Kate Beckett : No, wait.

    Richard Castle : No?

    Kate Beckett : No, no, no! Not- Not "no."

    Richard Castle : So yes?

    Kate Beckett : I...

    Richard Castle : Not yes?

    Kate Beckett : No, not "not yes." I-I-It...

    Richard Castle : You do know how this works, right?

  • Javier Esposito : [on speaker-phone]  So listen, we just finished a case. Come have a drink with us after work.

    Richard Castle : [on phone]  Oh, I'd love to, but I'm working on a case of my own right now. For my next book.

    Javier Esposito : Ohh, so you just called us 'cause you need some expert technical consulting?

    Richard Castle : Well, since you offered... I'm writing a scene about someone trying to investigate a crime using only one evidence photo, a crime involving national security.

    Kevin Ryan : [on speaker-phone]  So your hero's a spy?

    Richard Castle : More like a... ruggedly handsome every-man. Anyway, the photo is of a blown transformer. So I pulled a random photo of a transformer off the Internet, and there's a serial number on the side. I'm trying to determine how much my character could figure out... just from that number. I'm wondering if my character's police buddies might have any... resources.

    Javier Esposito : Well, if your hero's fictional cop buddies are anything like your real cop buddies, then they'd have real work to get back to. So, bye-bye now.

    [starts to hang up] 

    Richard Castle : What if... our hero was offering Knicks floor seats?

    Javier Esposito : [long pause]  What's that serial number?

  • Kate Beckett : There's something I have to tell ya... I got the job.

    Richard Castle : In DC?

    Kate Beckett : Castle, I love you... but this is my *shot*. And if I don't do this, I'll always regret it. Look, if this changes anything for you, if this changes the way that you feel...

    Richard Castle : Kate, I'm not proposing to you to keep you here. Or, because I'm afraid I'm gonna lose you. I'm proposing because I can't imagine my life without you. If that means when things get difficult we have to figure them out, then I'm willing to figure them out, *assuming* you're willing to figure them out with me.

    Kate Beckett : Well, in that case, Richard Edgar Alexander Rodgers Castle, yes. Yes, I will marry you.

  • Richard Castle : [answering phone]  Please tell me your flight is not delayed. I don't think I can bear another minute not seeing you.

    Kate Beckett : [on phone]  I'm sorry, I'm not at the airport.

    Richard Castle : You're not coming, are you?

    Kate Beckett : I just got put on a priority case.

    Richard Castle : Kate, we haven't seen each other in six *weeks*.

    Kate Beckett : Trust me, this was not my call. I'm just as upset as you are.

    Richard Castle : No, I know. It's... I'm the one who canceled last time.

    Rachel McCord : Beckett! Let's go.

    Kate Beckett : [sighs]  Look, I gotta go. I will make this up to you. I promise.

    Richard Castle : Right. I'm gonna hold you to that.

    Kate Beckett : Okay, I love you.

    Richard Castle : Love you, too. Bye.

    Kate Beckett : Bye.

    [hangs up] 

    Richard Castle : [to cardboard cutout of himself]  What are you smiling about?

  • Richard Castle : Hey, how long have you been up?

    Kate Beckett : Hey. Couple of hours. Had some homework to do.

    Richard Castle : Maybe we should do some homework, too.

    [kisses her neck] 

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, I would love to, except I'm still proving myself. I've gotta know these reports better than the people that wrote them.

    Richard Castle : Is this your case?

    Kate Beckett : Yeah.

    Richard Castle : What's it about?

    Kate Beckett : [pause]  Castle... It's classified.

    Richard Castle : You do realize that only makes me more curious. So... is it big?

    Kate Beckett : You know I can't talk about it.

    Richard Castle : Doesn't mean I can't guess. It must be big, you had to cancel our weekend together. It must be local, because you're still here... I bet I can figure this out.

    Kate Beckett : Well, that doesn't mean that you should.

    Richard Castle : Come on, don't you miss working together?

    Kate Beckett : Yes, I do.

    Richard Castle : So, if I were to *help* you, maybe we could solve whatever... this is faster and have the whole weekend to ourselves. Wouldn't you like that?

    [Castle tries to open the file] 

    Kate Beckett : I would.

    [slaps file closed] 

    Kate Beckett : Until I got arrested for disclosing *classified* information.

    Richard Castle : Oh, come on. Who's gonna know?

    [there is a knock on Beckett's front door] 

    Richard Castle : Wow. They're good.

  • [last lines] 

    Richard Castle : Beckett. Finally. What's going on? Why won't anyone talk to me? And why would they take my blood?

    Kate Beckett : Castle, you know that case that I've been investigating, the, um, the break-in and the theft?... Well, it turns out there's more to it than we thought.

    Richard Castle : Are you gonna waterboard me? Because that would seriously affect our relationship.

    Kate Beckett : No, babe. Can- Can you listen for a second? Um... It turns out that something else was stolen from another lab in that building. It was a chemical agent that they were working on for the military, but it was deemed too dangerous to use. The amount stolen was enough... to kill thousands of people.

    Richard Castle : Isn't this "need to know" stuff? Why are you telling me?

    Kate Beckett : Because that toxin was used to kill Jack Bronson, the man who abducted you. It was aerosolized. It was placed in the ventilation system of his car.

    Richard Castle : I was in that car.

    [Castle looks in worry at where his blood was drawn] 

    Richard Castle : Was I...?

    [Beckett nods] 

    Richard Castle : How bad?

    Kate Beckett : Based on the amount found in your bloodstream, you have less than a day to live.

  • [after accepting Castle's marriage proposal, he puts her engagement ring on her finger] 

    Kate Beckett : It's *big*.

    Richard Castle : No, you just have remarkably tiny fingers.

    Kate Beckett : [long pause]  We're gonna be able to make this work, right?

    Richard Castle : We're gonna be great. DC is gonna be great. I promise.

  • [quoting Castle's excuse for getting caught investigating her case] 

    Kate Beckett : "Get in a few *rounds*"?

    Richard Castle : What did you want me to say? That you accidentally left out your evidence photo of the blown transformer?

    Kate Beckett : Castle, you went through my classified photos? What the hell were you doing?

    Richard Castle : I was trying to help... I didn't think I'd get caught.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, well, you did.

  • Kate Beckett : [answers phone]  Hey, Castle, everything okay?

    Richard Castle : [on phone]  Red or white?

    Kate Beckett : What?

    Richard Castle : What kind of wine do you want with your salmon? I'm cooking you dinner tonight to make up for getting you in trouble at work.

    Kate Beckett : That's so sweet.

    Richard Castle : Yeah, I know. Um, so how's the case going?

    Kate Beckett : Castle.

    Richard Castle : No, I- Just wanna know when to start cooking. Trust me, I got the message. Cone of silence. Church and state. No more interference.

    Kate Beckett : Okay, well then, in that case, red. And, um...

    [looks around, then quietly] 

    Kate Beckett : ... can you get that kind that makes me feel all...

    Richard Castle : I'll buy a whole case. See you tonight.

  • [after a long day at work, Beckett is at home; sensing someone's presence, she draws her gun] 

    Richard Castle : Oh, can you at least finish taking that off before you shoot me?

    Kate Beckett : Cast- Castle! Uh... What are you doing here?

    Richard Castle : I know I promised to respect your job, but I couldn't go another week without seeing you.

    Kate Beckett : You know, you sh-

    [puts down gun] 

    Kate Beckett : You shouldn't have come here.

    Richard Castle : So you want me to leave?

    Kate Beckett : Oh, immediately.

    Richard Castle , Kate Beckett : [they kiss]  Mmm.

  • Martha Rodgers : [Castle enters the loft with a promotional cardboard cutout of himself]  Ah, the prodigal son returns. How was the West Coast book tour?

    Richard Castle : It was exhausting. Twelve cities in eleven days. I signed my fingers to the bone.

    Martha Rodgers : [sympathetically hugging him]  Poor boy.

    Richard Castle : I'm gonna go change. I'll let this guy fill you in on all the details. He's best with rhetorical questions.

  • Alexis Castle : Dad, Pi. Pi, Dad.

    Pi : Hey, Mr. C.

    [hugs Castle] 

    Pi : Awesome to meet you.

    Richard Castle : "Pie." Like the dessert?

    Pi : Without the E. Like the Greek letter. But, personally, I feel the whole spelling thing just stifles creativity.

    Richard Castle : The "spelling thing"?

    Alexis Castle : Let's let my dad decompress. Matches are in the kitchen.

    Pi : Okay.

    [Alexis and Pi leave] 

    Richard Castle : He's- He's not staying here?

    Martha Rodgers : Oh, he is.

    Richard Castle : Not in her *room*?

    Martha Rodgers : Hey, you get to have that talk. I have a class. Ta-ta.

  • [Beckett enters an iterrogation room where Castle is being held] 

    Richard Castle : Please tell me there's something stronger than coffee in there.

    Kate Beckett : Sorry.

    Richard Castle : So... how much trouble am I in?

    Kate Beckett : Not as much... as me... Look, Castle...

    Richard Castle : I can't make it like it was before, can I?

    Kate Beckett : Maybe it'll be better. I mean, this way, when we come home at the end of each day, we'll have something to talk about, like normal couples.

    Richard Castle : Only your day will be classified.

    Kate Beckett : We're gonna make this work. I *promise*. I'll have a couple of days off after this case, and- and we'll figure it out. But... until then...

    Richard Castle : You don't have to say it. I'll be on the first flight out in the morning.

  • Pi : Mr. C, I get the feeling things didn't go too well in DC with your Fiancee, did they?

    Richard Castle : No, Pi. They did not.

    Pi : You know, sometimes the best thing to do... is talk about it.

    Richard Castle : [long pause]  You know what? You're absolutely right.

    [turns and starts leaving] 

    Pi : Where are you going?

    Richard Castle : Going to find someone to talk about it with.

  • Alexis Castle : Are you sure you're not still looking into Beckett's case?... Even after you promised not to?

    [someone knocks on the front door] 

    Martha Rodgers : [off-screen]  I'll get it.

    Richard Castle : Look, it's fine. No one's ever gonna know.

    Martha Rodgers : [entering]  Richard, these men are here for you. They say they're federal agents.

See also

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