Sapta Sagaradaache Ello: Side B (2023) Poster

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A fitting finale, a haunting melody that ripples like the calm sea
samxxxul17 November 2023
Love is everything it's cracked up to be. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. " - Erica Jong.

"'For a while' is a phrase whose length can't be measured. At least by the person who's waiting." - Haruki Murakami.

"But it is easy to speak of the past, impossible to go there. I am powerful in ways you can only dream, yet I am still a prisoner of what I have done. I can never escape the cell I have made for myself. Things are what they are." - Joe Abercrombie.

The above quotes encapsulates the essence of "Sapta Sagaradaache Ello Side B" a film that has left me lingering in the ocean's hushed embrace, hours after dream-like conclusion. I am overwhelmed by the sheer depth and complexity of the feelings it has stirred within me, adrift in a sea of emotions, in the rhythmic cadence of the tides that defy articulation. In the heart of Bangalore, Manu's tale embark on a relentless quest for a closure, revenge and redemption. He still holds on to the echoes of past, the indelible regrets, unfulfilled wishes that have shackled his soul. Here in Part B Manu is a loafer, a tormented soul who still has nemesis from the past but only to find that his mind is his most formidable adversary. In this obsessive pursuit Manu transforms through voyeuristic lens, fixated on Priya, becomes consumed by her as his every thought and action revolves around her whereabouts and spending time with her child. This act can irk some people but it is shown as a momentary solace as the vibrant hues of memory dance within him, providing illusion of joy. Along the way, we as the audience begin to yearn to decipher the truth and hope the cracked mirrors mend. To uncover the enigma of Manu, one must bear witness to the film's captivating spectacle on the silver screen. Beguiled by SIDE A, i have been anticipating this day for a closure. I must say it a fitting finale, a hard hitting swansong and a sequel that is punctuated by unexpected musical interludes and subtle gags. Getting it right for a sequel has been a hit or a miss and not often does it satisfy viewer expectations. The blood-red climax is one of the standout sequence, i read some shallow cinephiles calling it as an unnecessary indulgence, overly gratuitous but ignore them. It will garner polar reactions, to each his or her own but i feel it is about time Rakshit Shetty takes up a mass hero role with good writing and the impact would been compelling.

Kudos to director Hemanth Rao and team for creating this technically sound of a film and a poetic gem that will stand as a towering testament for the Kannada film industry. Also, I suggest if anyone reading this to check out my review for SIDE A whenever you have a moment.
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Perfect Sequel
best-review17 November 2023
This sequel stands as a testament to cinematic excellence, seamlessly maintaining the high standards set by its predecessor. Diverging from its predecessor, the narrative unfolds in a distinct temporal setting, with characters aging a decade, offering a fresh and compelling perspective.

While sequel expectations can often loom over a film, approaching this installment with an open mind yields a satisfying viewing experience. The ensemble cast, akin to the first installment, delivers stellar performances that elevate the overall cinematic appeal.

Rakshit's portrayal is nothing short of brilliant; his nuanced expressions in pivotal scenes defy verbal description. Rukmini, while not visually reflecting the ten-year gap, delivers an outstanding performance, her silent moments resonating powerfully in key sequences.

Hemanth's directorial prowess remains consistently exceptional, guiding the narrative with a deft touch. The cinematography, set design, costumes, and musical score are meticulously crafted, harmonizing seamlessly with the film's tonal shifts.

In conclusion, this sequel is a must-watch, a testament to the collaborative brilliance of its cast and crew. Each element, from the direction to the technical aspects, contributes to an immersive and captivating cinematic experience.
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Excels in Emotions
praveenkkr4 February 2024
I liked Side A, but was not much happy about it's pace. Felt it was slow, but it's expected going by Hemanth's previous ventures.

But, Side B is paced nicely. Acting by Rakshith is impressive and so the other actors.

Technically, movie is rich and proves that a talented team doesn't need big budget to make impressive movie. Many things are not obvious in the movie, for example the way the violent dog pestering heroine is handled and used by the hero.

BGM and songs are top class.

On the down side, the movie would have been more impactful if it was made as a single part because the first part emotions is lost.

Also, movie could have been even more faster.

Climax fight could have been more realistic though the violence is brilliantly masked by good direction.
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Excellent, Achievement in Story, Screenplay, Acting, Music.
manojmmlv27 January 2024
It took me to the depth of emotions by its strong and complex writting,fresh screenplay,it creates another world and its reflects true feelings of love. Director played with our emotions by his excellent content and story.

Rakshit Shetty did it very well,that music makes you indulge in the story. I forgot the outside world while watching this.

It's a best of the best ever made in Indian Cinema. It's an achievement in story,screenplay,music.

I cannot come out of that world till now. Worth to watch it.

With today's love culture, it's difficult to find this type of depicts the real meaning of love.
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Side B: Intense, poignant love story - Masterpiece!
cgeetha18 November 2023
The hue of the side B is aptly changed to Red from Blue of side A. While the Blue side A depicted the deep yet delicate, intense yet beautiful love between Manu and Priya, the Red side B is mature yet vulnerable!

Red depicts anger, revenge, passionate love all at the same time. Underlying emotion in both sides are exactly same.

Side B belongs to Rakshit Shetty - you start becoming Manu, delving deep into his mind and feeling every nuance of his thought, expression and action. Rakshit's performance is incredible. Rukmini Vasanth and Chaitra Achar are top notch. In fact Chaitra has nailed the character! Very subtle, real nuanced - There is a scene where she goes to meet Priya's husband - OMG, it is textbook ! Watch it to believe it.

Hemanth Rao's genius is translated into this poetic masterpiece. Music/BGM is in fact the other hero here... Climax tugs every string of your heart. The movie haunts you long long after you have watched it. It is simply difficult to come out of Manu's world after the movie gets over. Heart feels heavy, mind get blown... Overall, watch it for the Performances, for Hemanth's poetic capture, supreme cinematography and simply for Manu!
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A musical thriller and masterpiece of Storytelling
ronson42518 November 2023
One of the best Kannada movie (duology) I have ever seen.

The story, music, characters, emotions are so much intertwined that, you become Manu, Priya or Surabhi and live their emotions while watching the movie.

The masterpiece of Hemanth Rao's direction and the hardwork of actors (literally everyone) including the music which is the soul of this movie (Side A & Side B).

The struggle of a middle class couple whose love is challenged by a decision and how it changes everything in their lives and their future is been portrayed in the movie picture perfect way.

A must watch in the age of movies which has no substance and stupid comedy or fight based movies, this movie is like a beacon of light.
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harshaaymar21 November 2023


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Visual Poetry Hacked into a Commercial Venture
lumiarhv17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Manu's overnight millionaire plan backfires, as a result, he spends 10yrs in Jail. Now he returns only to stalk his unrequited love who's already married. He spends much time like a 'watchful protector' and lends an invisible hand to support her family that has lost trail. Manu partially love's Surabhi, all hell break loose when Manu's past omens return.....

Side B unlike Side A is uneven. There is a lost sense of reality, protagonist's every move hits bull's eye-thus making it somewhat already anticipated. Rakshit has given his best performance, including Rukmini n Chaitra. It'd have been beautiful movie if everything said in just one movie.
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Love you Manu
hrmanju20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers

SSE Side B

Very few movies affect me and the last time which shook my psyche completely was "Arjun Reddy". I liked Side A but it did not impact me so much that prompted me to open Notepad++. So over the weekend, had the chance to see Side B. Twice. And man oh man, hangover. Thats all i can say. Heavy hangover. WC Loss was miniscule compared to the aftermath of watching this movie.

When i saw the movie the first time, there was so much presented on the screen. I couldnt comprehend as i was distracted. Distracted with the music, sound and multitude of brilliant moments. I was mentally relishing a scene while the next scene came and i missed that. Second watch - i caught up. To the way it should be watched.

Here are some scenes which are the reasons for this deep impact.

Opening Credits - Preview of the Side A Order. Though not needed because Side B came pretty soon than Side A. That was a brilliant stroke. By the time you relax in to the scene, the best song in KFI in recent times comes up. This is where i was stuck. Hearing the sound in my background, thinking what might happen next. Kudos to the singer for bringing to life an already hit song.

Best Scene 1 I liked the fact that Hemanth teases you with red herrings so much. The way he started vilification of Deepak as a drunkard, womaniser etc. I lost it. This is USUAL. This is boring. I did not like it at all. Whats new in this. I was getting impatient with this treatment. What did i know that Hemanth had a golden scene hiding behind which will punch you in the gut so hard that it takes away the breath. I wanted to CLAP out loud when this scene comes. The scene i am talking about is - Deepak explaining about his restaurant and his friends restaurant to Manu. And thats when the while story takes a change. Whoever wrote this scene - heartfelt appreciation. What analogy. And thank you for keeping Deepak a gem. When the hotel reopens, the way Priya looks at Deepak and holds his hand - huge sigh of relief. Ups and downs happen in life. Correcting yourself is the key.

Best Scene 2 When Side A ended, the biggest suspense (which was bigger than Kattappa) was - What happens in the restaurant when Manu and Priya meet? So many things could have gone wrong if this intimate moment was not handled maturely. If there was any kind of slip up - would have left a bad taste in my mouth. Does the director disappoint you? No way, else i wouldnt have been writing this. Though Priya did not have much meat in this movie other than walking around in oversized nighties, this 2 min conversation between Manu and Priya - imemmorable. How did they conceive this conversation? Who wrote the dialogs in this scene. "Khushiyaagi Idiya Neenu" - will forever be etched in my mind.

Best Scene 3 Screen play one. Detailing. Easy one to guess. Uma gold scene. Broken mirror. That shows the mindset of Manu in the beginning of the movie. He sees Priya everywhere. But post the poison scene, these aberrations go away and he sees Surabhi as herself. Once again, without telling this loudly, Hemant has conveyed in the arc. What do i tell about Surabhi actress? Oh man, she has LIVED the character. Her walk, her attitude , the way she looks in the eyes of Manu - embodiment of the profession she is in. One another subtle thing which Hemant inserted was - Manu comes out and tells her that she forgot to take the money for the services rendered. And the lingering eyes of Surabhi tells us that that was not the Surabhi of service industry but Surabhi the woman in love who walked out. Slowly but surely, this was going towards from work to love. Enappa eeeee writing.

Few words about BGM. Charan - you are the boss. You are one if the main pillars of this movie. More recognition to you and may you give me more joy in the future. At one time, in one of the scenes where you were like in the mood of "Hans Zimmer" - i got totally distracted and was focussing on the sound than the happenings of the movie. Which i corrected in the second viewing. I am waiting for the BGM track to be released. And i am not sure why all songs are not released in Spotify. I want to enjoy these again and again and again.

Soma - you were a revealation in Side A and carried on with Side B. Yelli iddri saar neevu. All i can tell "Love you Manu" words still haunt me. Without being loud, the way you have enacted this part. Your dialog delviery, your body language and the dialog "Pant yelli itte" - breathless.

Prakasha - Just like Shiva in Arjun Reddy, you gave us the comic relief. After GGVV, been a huge fan of you sir. Hope to see you in many more movies.

Hemant Rao - Salute. Thanks. Waiting for next movie. Cannot write more about your craft. The day you were explaining about Anamorphic Lens.

Or why there was an extensive workshop between Manu and Priya and why limited workshop between Surabhi and Manu. That was sufficient for me to TRUST in your art. Bask in the glory sir.

Lastly Rakshit - I thought Priya ate you up in acting in Side A. Maybe the character demanded it. But in Side B - you aced it in all the scenes. Everything about Manu which the writers had in mind - maybe you implemented it and also eleveated it to the next level. #ManuForNational

Food for Editing: When you had already established so much of Manu doing for Priya - the dog poisoning did not work for me. It was not needed at all.

Need explanation: I did not understand the intense reaction of Surabhi when she finds the tapes. Oh well, Manu never hid anything about "Roopasi". Is it just that he has kept all those memorabilia that pisses her off? Jealousy , i can understand. But wow. Woman scorned.

Gist: Watch the movie. Dont look at good or bad or ending. Enjoy the craft. Enjoy the detailing. And the BGM. Wish there was a SIDE C.
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Good attempt great acting, but boring and dragging
balchanderbhagwath19 November 2023
To continue from part A, the movie takes off well with the right characters playing there role diligently however as the pace tries to pick up it goes back in loop. Where it lacks is, manu th our lead actor trying to get over his love from past. Too much of melodrama and dragged the subjects and their characters and weaving emotions. For a fair bit of audience they may like the movie but people like me who believe in reality. This movie is like give me a break. If I have to conclude they could have merged both part A and B into one movie.

Great attempt by the director but stellar preformance by all the actors. Music is average, barring one song, I felt part A songs were better.
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Beautiful movie
Jithindurden18 November 2023
I saw Side A, yesterday night and this today morning. Felt like, I watched Kireedam and Chenkol back to back and broke into pieces even though this ending in a way has got some silver linings to it. The music and such nuanced brilliant yet simple-sounding dialogues are what makes these movies truly great. Chaitra Achar who played the new character Surabhi, who kind of looked like Alia Bhatt to me, was also brilliant here, besides Rakshit and Rukmini. I feel like the two parts could have used more space between the releases so that the viewers could actually feel the time jump and see the second part with a bit of nostalgia. That way it would've been so much more impactful, or maybe I just feel like that because I basically watched it back to back.
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Not a worthy follow up...!!!
PANDIAN12062126 January 2024
Protoganist manu's character's lack of positive attitude towards life, living in the past and stalking which cannot be justified. Sad that there is still no character development in SIDE B and giving no hope but sad mood to the audience...

As usual Rakshit Shetty has done a commendable job but it was ChaItra achar who steals the show with her methodical performance and holds the soul of the movie... Rukmini character is under played or kept mute with no scope as much as prequel arguably it was her charisma that that drove us to the cinema hall which the director failed to utilised to the fullest...First half could have been trimmed for better results...

Overall the film lost its way in SIDE B with so called cinematic cliches & Director lost the golden opportunity of a movie that was supposed to be cult classic of all time.
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Boring and depressing movie
sushmithaudp18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very boring and depressing movie. If the same movie was done by someone other than rakshit shetty it wouldn't be this popular. Also there was no logic at some points like after getting struck by bullet you act like nothing has happened and fight with the villian until you hear her singing and die. Could have been covered in 1st part itself .

At thr beginning it felt like it would be a good movie and something surprise might come but after interval it was pain to watch it like literally very much dragged like a serial also no good songs in this part of thr movie. Just a ordinary movie nothing much.
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Fitting ending to the story
quidren19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline set by Hemant Rao pulls you in (Rakshith Shetty) Manu and (Rukmini Vasanth) Priya's world but the show stealer for this movie is Chaitra's character Surabhi.

SSE Side A ends with Priya's hope getting crushed by Manu's decisions and giving audience some hope about Manu and Priya' story. SSE Side B ends with Surabhi's hope with Manu, getting crushed and parallelly bringing Priya's story to almost satisfying closure.

The story arc moves from blue to red, then to blue in the end, coming full circle, both literally and figuratively. While Hemant writes the story and takes his time to build the characters, CharanRaj helps him to achieve this with fitting music score which evokes certain feeling needed for the scene which is unfolding on screen. You won't feel the music is out of place or just placed for the sake of it.

Advaith is the third important person in helping Hemant achieve this level of storytelling, which was unseen before, in Kannada Film Industry. The cinematography, montage needed for the scenes are well built and awe inspiring. The scenes involving Manu and Surabhi with Priya in Manu's mind are shown perfectly.

As the story feels about to be dragged in the end, Hemant pulls a great climax to keep the audience hooked and put audience in Manu's POV. The one and only fight scene in the entire movie is the one and only that is required, and man is it made well!

Watch it for the sake of poetry, for the storytelling brilliance of Hemant, for the sake of Rakshith's god level acting, for the purity of Surabhi and Priya characters executed naturally by Chaitra and Rukmini respectively, for the sake of technical mastery by Charan, Advaith, Vikram and all the technical people involved.

You wont get these kind of stories made anymore in the mainstream, where every person involved has given their 100%!
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Beautiful! A movie that will stay in your heart!
ronshmikini18 November 2023
What a beautiful movie! Brilliant direction, acting and music. So many emotions and story was told by different details in each scene. Truly great art where audience can feel how much thoughts and efforts might have gone into planning and making each scene. Part B was perfect and yet a realistic end to Manu and Priya's story.

Surabhi a new character in part B just added so much hope and positivity in Manu's life. Even just the colors were telling so much story of Manu's new life how red was slowly dominating blue.


A story that will live on in audience's heart for really long time. Brilliant work! Not to be missed. Finally a best closure. Wait for it was worth it!
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It's Kannada Film Era
harshathebale30 December 2023
I must say that Side-B is undoubtedly the best movie I've seen this year. The characters were very relatable in the first part, but in the second part, it made me question my own choices and mistakes. I wondered how they would wrap up such a complex story after the first part, but hats off to the team for executing it seamlessly. The actors did a great job, and the technicians portrayed the meaning behind each scene perfectly. Although the first part may have felt slow-paced for some, it was meant to be that way. The second part was perfectly intense and much darker than the first. I cannot put it into words, it was an experience that exceeded all my expectations. Overall, it was the kind of film that takes you by surprise and leaves you in deep contemplation. Both Side-A and Side-B caught me off guard, and I enjoyed every moment of it.
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Cinematic excellent
rohithvenky7 February 2024
SSB is a wonderful experience for me, i had watched it 4 times.

It's a pearl of sensational writing, music, excellent performance by the actor's & more it's a sensational in way of story telling by Hemanth Rao. Bro, you made a perfect mean of love ✨❤, the way you're narrating everything is suffused in hearts of people.

The scenes, aesthetic lighting, perfect cuts made a more impression seems like different genres both A n B in sense of showing 2 phases of life in a heartful manner!

The characters played by Rukmini & Shetty sir was top notch, Moreover after Charlie that much impact given by sheety sirwith this performance. In this Part B, Surabhi too good in her role, Both their reciprocity was another plus point to movie. & The climax was terrific, didn't expected. May be that's y Hemanth is good in writing!!
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Delivering poetic justice and some delicious revenge.
chand-suhas17 November 2023
Side B begins 10 years later, with Manu serving his sentence. He moves from a smaller jail to a bigger one where he is still imprisoned by his past and his inability to move on. His life still revolves around Priya though there is no life together for them. How does he set right Priya's troubled life while taking revenge on the ones who wronged him along with starting to dream a new life with a new partner, forms rest of the story.

Once again the film is technically strong and visually brilliant. The bar was set too high by Side A and perhaps, it was too much for Side B to match it. The writing is decent in the first half with Manu turning into an obsessive stalker. Like Side A, here too the first half mainly revolves around Manu and Priya with introduction of two main characters, her husband and his new companion. The pace remains slow here and few shots especially the mirror shot stands out.

It is the second half where the film works big time with the revenge plot unveiling. This is where the hero gets multiple massy moments which any commercial director would die for. Thankfully it is not all about revenge and bloodshed, as the director still comes back to core plot i.e. Manu and Priya. This somewhat costs the characterization of Surabhi as her outburst on paper looks good but on screen is slightly less effective. The performances however elevate the scenes further and kudos to Ramesh Indira, making for a terrific villain.

The comparison with Side A is inevitable and it is exactly where the first half of Side B falls short of as too much emphasis is put on building up the story. The film moves onto a predictable end but the director gets hold of the second half to ensure it delivers the high moments. The songs again become the soul of the film and the colors though not blue, bring in life to the film. Overall, it is good follow up to the first part but the bar was unfairly set too high for this one.
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Great sequel for a great story
kcsridhar18 November 2023
It is very hard to make a sequel to a poetic movie and keep up the expectations as the first one.

This movie delivers on all levels. With a whirlwind of unexpected situations that the protagonist goes through in the movie, puts his decision mostly in the relalm of grey area. But the second half gives a satisfactory progression of the protagonists journey and gives a perfect ending for the whole story.

The movie first half a bit of masala address, I guess to make it palatable for a wider audience. Overall a great ending for a very nice story. Kannada industry is making it big thanks to great talent like rakshith and hemanth.

I would definitely rate it a 9.
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RS! What an acting! Superb
sdadsasdasdasdasdasd21 November 2023
I'm sitting at the mall and writing a review for this movie. This movie is equivalent to the first part, but amazing acting by Rakshit Shetty... Especially in the climax.

You can't watch this movie easily with children, and there are scenes with adult connections in the movie through out, though nothing explicit because it is shetty movie. Hemanth direction is as usual and good. Charan Raj has given better music in the movie compared to the first.

You see some scenes as recapitulation from the first part of the movie. Don't miss the movie if you are an artistic movie buff, the movie is a bridge movie and also Mallu style Kannada movie.
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Gripping story, soothing music, wonderful direction supported by great actors!
nishadkumar27 November 2023
Strong story telling supported by actors excellence in convincing the audience of a powerful and unmatched love story. Side B definitely upholds the baseline portrayed in Side A and ensures a very tight and gripping storyline that held me on till the end.

Nowhere did I feel it isn't doing justice to the soul of the movie. Coming to the actors, Rakshit Shetty ofcourse is the essence and has shown that he has outdone himself. Wonderful to see his skyrocketed growth in the industry as an actor. Speaking of Rukmini Vasanth, I absolutely loved the fact that she never let go of Priya through both A and B. Chaitra Achar, oh man! What a role and how she has slayed it. Another gem with promising future I would say.

Hemanth Rao, kudos to you to especially for the climax. I could see another layer reveal in terms of story telling and how you bind Manu's selflessness and impact he left in other's lives. Wonderful team effort and looking forward to many more. Cheers!!
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Hard to distinguish the film as a two-parter, but they manage it somehow! [+64%]
arungeorge1326 January 2024
A few things I noticed while watching SSE Side B:

1. Rakshit Shetty has an incredible "sad face". It's not easy to look convincingly sad throughout, but he's able to ace it.

2. The most interesting thing about the 10-years-later sequel is that the love story somehow continues without the hero and heroine ever meeting in person. The only time they do meet (the "how" is a thing of wonder) is a magnificent work of art.

3. Charan Raj's music continues to be a driving force of this tragic tale, but the songs in Side B are somewhat less striking. The score remains solid, however.

4. Rukmini Vasanth, the breakout performer in the duology, gets even less screen time (and dialogues) in Side B. She's still absolutely riveting to watch.

5. Chaithra J. Achar makes for an interesting supporting character but I kinda knew her character would be shortchanged in the culmination of this particular storyline.

6. Shetty shines in the film's only action set-piece. Kudos to Hemant Rao for staging it with a realistic sense of conviction.

7. Some of the plot developments feel sudden and somewhat contrived, just because Side A deliberately left certain ideas (and characters) hanging. Manu (Shetty) has more than one issue to solve in the second half, though he always seems to have an immediate (and oftentimes convenient) solution.

8. Advaitha Gurumurthy paints Bangalore in shades of yellow and red, and while it does make sense to put across Manu's changed physical and emotional stature, I think it's a bit overdone. Almost as if the storytelling (and Manu's stalker-like behavior) didn't drive the point home already.

9. In a largely sober and hard-hitting film, a few moments of humor between Prakash and Manu felt like a breath of fresh air.

10. Ramesh Indira's antagonist act was better than expected. He's the only one who holds his own against Shetty.

P. S. Cute Puneet tribute!
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akash-7831722 November 2023
Am the only one that's thinking the protagonist is a stalker, I felt I was watching Upendra from preethse. The story offer nothing new highly overrated don't know what the craze is. The action part felt like I'm watching old movies where antagonist kidnaps the heroine and hero comes in for the rescue . Only liked the character Prakash and no offense the kids acting and voice dubbing felt out of place. Went to the theatre after watching side a on prime had expectations but it fell apart.

P. S I don't think he came out from jail he's spending money on another female actress left and right where the money came from.
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Heartbreaking yet heart-warming!
robertsrachel-4082824 November 2023
Its been a week since I watched this movie, and I am still not over the heart break. Its beautiful, yet haunting, its subtle yet effective, its simple yet brilliant. Hemanth Rao is a revelation, his attention to detail is so beautiful to watch on-screen. This movie is definitely not meant for the weak hearted or someone going through a heart break.

It's a beautiful depiction to show that love is not always a happy ending. Some of the scenes tug at your heart so much that you just want to crawl into the screen and hug all the characters. It's been a while since a love story touched me this hard. It's definitely a must watch and my favourite movie this year.
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Melancholy In Separation Darker Side
maheshmg-kerala30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Portraying profound separation, especially in Side B, the film highlights the innocence of a deep love story, emphasizing Rakshit's character through Manu's emotions. Rakshit Shetty's remarkable portrayal in emotional scenes establishes him as the soul of this cinematic masterpiece, evoking profound sentiment. The transition to Side B intensifies emotions, compelling even stoic viewers to shed tears. Hemanth's ammathiri program adds emotional depth. Side A's distressing conclusion guides through a spectrum of emotions, while Side B creates a poignant cinematic experience. Directed by Hemant M Rao, this Kannada film stands as a pinnacle, seamlessly blending drama and emotional moments in harmonious rhythm. No other Kannada film achieves such a profound emotional connection, unfolding as a captivating drama.
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