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It's OK, but don't expect Star Trek
reallytorkedoff-8746411 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The producers had enough money for some minimal CGI, but most of the 'evidence' is photos you can download off the web that have nothing to do with UFOs. Most of the movie is conversations with a guy who could be a mental patient until he proves himself. It's pretty low-grade. There are a couple of simple shoot-outs, but most of the story happens at a walking pace. The ending was not very happy and they mostly failed to tie the opening sequence to the rest of the story. Call it a plot hole if you like. The productions values are OK and everything looks as though actual professionals were at work.
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conspiracy theory guide
fullcirclefurniture26 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a sci-fi movie, it's a trip into the mind vaults of your crazy friend or libertarian uncle. It feels less and less like a movie as you watch and similar themes emerge. The moon isn't real! The government is run by lizard people!! Angels exist... and they're aliens!!! We better stop paying taxes and buy more guns! I've heard all the plots and twists before they happen, from a tweaked out friend who grew up on and off the streets, from crazy seventh day adventists I've worked with, and from those anti government people who can't seem to believe anything unless it comes from a alt right blog....... that said, I did watch the movie, so it must have been reasonably somewhat ok, for entertainment purposes.
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Interesting, especially if you are a storyteller or budding filmmaker
Belforhir14 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This has an undeservedly low score. I think most people went into it with the wrong expectations. If you think this'll be comparable to the best Hollywood sci-fi then yes I do understand the 1's, but it was never meant to be that.

Most people who gives 1's complain it's too slow, well I appreciated the slow pace from a storytelling perspective. Not everything has to be fast paced and explosions.

The acting wasn't great, but mostly ok. The effects were sometimes quite ...well... laughable. The choices the characters made was smarter than most A-type sci-fi horrors, but there were some stupid choices as well. Maybe a bit too much information in a short time. It could have been better as a mini-series of sort as 2 full length films.


Some people complain about the start didn't make sense when the full film was viewed, At first I agreed, but when I wnt back back and watched the beginning again, it totally made sense, though it was massively misleading.


If you enjoy slow pace and a narrative over action you should watch it. However you should not go into it expecting something great, but as something than can be appreciated if you're the right kind of person for it. Film students for example I think can enjoy this. They won' be blown away, but htey can appreciate the effort.
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Pedestrian, repetitive and almost unwatchable.
richard-cullen97121 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am a sci-fi genre addict and can excuse many failings in a film, but this was one of the slowest, least-engaging films I have ever attempted to watch. I've flagged this up for spoilers, but to be honest so little happens in this film there is almost no plot that can be spoiled! The opening minutes give the impression that you might be in for an interesting science fiction adventure, but then almost nothing happens for the next 40 minutes apart from people talking about exciting events that have taken place off-camera (with infrequent cut scenes of spacecraft possibly doing something interesting away from the narrative and black SUVs driving about).

"We're going to set the world on fire with this" exclaims a character - as we watch film of a guy wandering about in the desert - filmed on, seemingly, a broken smart phone, coupled to snap shots and documents gathered through Google. Exciting music kicks in as they - upload it to the internet...

We're told that the Moon is an artificial base for an invasion, and that NASA are in on events - but then, without showing us anything of the sort, the film immediately moves onto the more important shots of MiB agents disturbing afternoon wine tasting (with their faces suggesting that they are utterly terrified of confronting an unarmed OAP).

After an hour we pay a brief visit to what appears to be the CGI set of Babylon 5. 14 minutes later a voice-over tells us about the (unseen) invasion and later (not shown) space-battle and the end of life on Earth, while we see a few space ships gently flying about on the screen accompanied by Dvorak's New World Symphony - with the film ending by showing us the new human home world (from orbit only).

Bluntly, this film takes itself too seriously, yet delivers far less content to think about than even parody films like Iron Sky. There is no reason for the viewer to care about the fate of the main characters, or even fear the arrival of the alien invasion and it was a real effort to watch this film through to its conclusion. As an actor I try to respect other people's work, and I keep almost all DVDs that I buy to watch again periodically, but this one will be going straight into the nearest charity box.
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Difficult to summarise
richardclifton25 October 2015
I wish I could have given this zero stars or worse. Maybe negative stars should be an option.

OK, a truly awful movie sometimes appears on supermarket shelves and sometimes we get taken in and pay a few pounds or dollars for it. We learn by experience.

This is more serious. This is a crime. This is not a movie of any kind. This is a bit like dummy websites on the net which sound interesting but contain only links to scams. Except it doesn't even fulfil a purpose of that kind, or any purpose that I can understand.

I really want to understand how a crime like this was perpetrated. I thought maybe some studio in the straight-to-DVD market had some stray footage from a movie (from the 1980s) which never got made. They asked an aspiring director to make something out of it, to make a few bucks back from whatever investment there was. We all know about good movies which have come from something like that. Unfortunately this is not one of those. I don't know what this is or how it ever got made. Or how it ever appeared on the DVD shelves of Sainsburys UK at the price of 5 whole pounds, at number 43 in the DVD chart!
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A rough and raw Sci-Fi experience that's hard to sit through
eddie_baggins18 April 2018
Released in certain territories around the world in 2015, Dominion: The Last Star Warrior is a rough, raw and ridiculous sci-fi experience that at its core harbors an interesting idea but in inception delivers a tiresome and dialogue heavy offering that is anchored down by bargain bin worthy delivery and a convoluted plot that is far too high reaching for director Richard Lowry's 80 minute feature.

If I was being honest, Dominion is almost (and I mean really close to being) a so bad its good event but thanks to its inability to instil itself with any sort of energy or heart, Lowry's poorly executed effort becomes harder to bare as the runtime clicks ever so slowly onwards.

After an initially intriguing set-up, you feel like it's possible this could be a tolerable low-budget affair but after an extended opening credits period, Dominion starts to fall very quickly off the rails as its plot line becomes more apparent and increasingly tiresome.

Centring around Barry Lynch's retired US Intelligence agent turned UFO investigator Robert Casey and his dealings with Travis Hammer's Jaelen, a human-like being from another planet whose operating as an observer on our planet and tells Casey about the unfortunate impending doom of Earth in 5 days, Dominion does have the bare bones of a decent story but it's never allowed to grow in Lowry's poorly delivered and badly acted tale.

When you throw in a laughably bad love story between Jaelen and a women he fell in love with whilst on Earth and a bunch of other-worldly races and beings that we never really get to know much about, poor old Dominion never really stands a chance in a day and age where consumers expect a certain amount of quality control and performances with a pulse.

Final Say -

For the most tolerant and Sci-Fi obsessed movie goer Dominion may provide some type of entertainment for 80 minutes but for the rest of us, this shoddy and raw feature is an extremely tough viewing experience.

½ a long opening credits sequence out of 5
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Lacking conviction and special effects...
paul_haakonsen21 December 2020
Granted, I was lured in by this 2015 movie's cover/poster, as it seemed like something that could possibly be watchable. Sure, I am not usually one overly keen on sci-fi movies, but do dabble with the genre once in awhile.

And movies like "Dominion" are definitely not helping to boost my admiration or love for the sci-fi genre. This movie was boring and horribly pointless. And what writers Erick Hansen and Richard Lowry were thinking when they concocted "Dominion" is just simply beyond me.

The storyline told in "Dominion", as directed by Richard Lowry, was just pointless. There was simply nothing interesting to be enjoyed here as the movie trotted on in a very, very monotonous pace. And with so little happening in the storyline it was a struggle to keep focus on the movie and stay awake.

It didn't really help much that the acting in the movie wasn't really convincing. It felt sluggish and amateurish, most of the times it seemed like the actors and actresses themselves didn't buy into the storyline and script that they had to bring to the screen. Nor were the mundane dialogue much of any help either.

For a sci-fi movie, "Dominion" was a swing and a miss. The special effects in the movie were something from a 1990s computer game, and it was most certainly not up to what you'd expect from a 2015 movie. And a sci-fi movie needs to have proper and convincing special effects, which was something "Dominion" lacked.

"Dominion" came without as much as a noise for me, hence I didn't even know of its existence before now late in 2020. And the movie will just as quietly fade into oblivion for me. This movie is not really worth your time, money or effort. My rating of "Dominion" lands on a generous two out of ten stars.
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Just don't.
lucilleh-9039828 December 2019
Well that's an hour and 23 mi it's I'll never get back. Slow, action less and, well, b grade at best.
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Great Expectations..?
OmStarsong7 September 2022
The only real negative for me is the completely inane title.. Whoever approved that should be fired.. Makes it sound like a cartoon, but it's way misleading.. 🙄 No doubt the low scores are coming from those expecting the typical Hollywood big explosion extravaganzas and special effects psychedelia so often tossed out for the mindless public.. This is a low budget, simple film that actually has something to say for those who can still think for themselves.. An utter surprise to see something like this actually be allowed in these ever restricting times.. The writer, director and producers should be proud of putting out something a little different from the norm.. There are little seeds strewn throughout that brought a smile and made this one worth remembering.. It's sad that so many will skip this because of the low scores, but it isn't a surprise as anything that questions establishment authority and hints at alternative awareness is so often stifled.. Read between the lines, forget the ignorant reviews.. This is way better than one would expect from a low budget, no name cast and crew.. It reminds me of Starman without the named stars.. If you can't find something to like here you aren't trying very hard.. haha I fully recommend this and hope those who need to see it will.. A really pleasant surprise..! Well done..! 🙏
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I'm not from L.A. or Earth
nogodnomasters13 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Casey (Barry Lynch) publishes books on UFOs and the government cover up. He teams up with Jaylen (Travis Hammer) who is from Andromeda and and warns of a Draconian invasion that will wipe out human existence, except for those Illuminati humans that run the planet who are in cahoots with the aliens.

The film was suicide boring. It consisted mostly of people talking. It is into conspiracy theories about ancient astronauts, UFOs and government secret bases. Yes we need those AR-15' so we can overwhelm the government at these secret bases when the aliens attack.

The plot was horrible as was the dialogue and acting. The other issue is that the budget doesn't allow the production to show any battle scenes. They are read to us. I am not sure who started the trend to name aliens from the visible earth constellation. It is idiotic as the stars in the constellation are not really part of a close cluster, they just appear that way. And why would someone who lives on a planet that circles a star in constellation of Arcturus refer to themselves as Arcturians? People who like this conspiracy nonsense might also like "Harodim."

BTW empty computer folders do not have documents, pictures, or film in them.

Guide: No F-words, sex, or nudity. DVD has English subtitles.
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I liked it
felipemachadosantos28 April 2022
I don't know why the other reviews are so negative, I liked it. Yes I'm a Sci Fi fan but that doesn't automatically mean I'm going to like any Sci Fi movie. Great watch!
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Not a terrible movie
MFBOS4228 August 2023
This is a good story. Could it have been better? Sure. Could the movie itself have been better? Absolutely, could have been great as a matter of fact. But for some reason, big stars and big writers want nothing to do with this topic. And frankly it's sad. Especially now, with the recent news of these things coming true. I would hope Hollywood pays closer attention and realizes that people want movies and shows like this. Not mind numbing Kardashian'esq reality. (Insert Vomit Sounds). Thanks for the good movie, or at least the attempt at a good movie. The stories are getting better. Reality is here folks. Makes some movies about our reality now.
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Only Hollywood connected nepotism gets this movie made.
pooch-in-aus10 November 2019
It seems like some Beverly Hills teenager's high school project was made into a movie as a birthday present from rich relatives. I can't think of any movie I've seen that is as bad as this. My daughter's high school plays are better.
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Too slow
davepolain6417 June 2020
An interesting premise, some lovely cinematography and pretty decent acting, but it takes SO LONG for a scene to play out. I had to keep hitting the +10 seconds button on my remote.
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Godzilla fighting a Pizza Monster would be better
ronmcreynolds4 October 2023
Have you ever found yourself talking to someone who believes Earth is flat, only Rednecks are kidnapped by aliens, women are from Venus or Biden writes his own speeches? None are true and thinking Dominion: The Last Star Warrior, as it's also called, is worth watching is also untrue. Let me describe this two star movie for folks who have a high tolerance for self aggravation.

The acting is worse than a first grade school play. At least children can be funny or accidentally inventive and unpredictable. The adults in this video are terribly bad with no excuse. To pretend otherwise is like saying The Kardashians are normal people. As for the plot there isn't any. It's more like shifting sand being a nuisance as it gets inside your melting sneaker in the Sahara. The writing or script is beyond bad. I think the whole movie script was a mere brief discussion that started at a bar then was postpone for serious drinking, to be continued on the fly during the first day of filming on location. Sets and props, none. Cinematography: Taken randomly from online copy of whatever could vaguely fit together with no logical possibility of science or common sense.

In short this is not a real movie but is a waste of time. I stopped watching this after fifty minutes. That was enough punishment for a few weeks. Go watch Rambo shoot exploding arrows who is more deadly and believable than not ever being hit by endless men firing automatic weapons at him.
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Boring. Bad taste gore then boring again
elararose14 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Boring boring boring. Didnot like way the boring guy said no to defending themselves allowing nice native american to die " i couldnt do anything" he said. Pugwash you should have let him fight, out run their cars... so stupid... then boring again. One bit of very bad taste gore. Did i say this was boring?
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A headline for my review
IzzyMaeDoorite19 August 2023
I want to believe... that the creators knew what an absolutely hilarious, outrageously funny thing they bestowed upon this planet. An interstellar alliance of good aliens that wants to save the Earth from bad aliens but can't because they suck, government conspiracies including sanctioned WTC and Oklahoma City bombings and artificial AIDS, NPC agents trying to stop the protagonists from spreading the truth despite knowing than the human race will literally go extinct in less than a week, Tim Burton's former muse Lisa Marie making an unnecessary cameo as another alien basically saying "Can't help hoomans, byeee".

It was refreshingly appaling, I don't even regret watching this motion picture. The only thing I regret is not having it watched with all my friends, we might've just as well go extinct from laugh and cringe and trying to come up with a reason for this to be written, filmed and released as a serious sci-fi thriller. Grab a six-pack, call your buddies and watch it, you'll have a ball, I mean it.
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"They are a malevolent species"
hwg1957-102-26570430 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The earth is going to be invaded in five days says a man from Andromeda called Jaelen to a dedicated ufologist Robert Casey. The latter tries to get this information out to the world. Meanwhile Jaelen's human partner Alyssa who is expecting their baby has been abducted somewhere. Eventually the earth is invaded. They are some of the strands in this film and it sounds promising but it is really slow. It does show it's low budget by the number of talking scenes and most of it is telling and not showing.

There is a prologue that states mankind concealed lots of unborn babies in stasis to be revived when the invaders had gone but at the end of the film it says mankind survived because Andromedan space ships took millions of people away to a suitable planet in their galaxy, which made the prologue superfluous. The invading aliens are the Draconians who apparently have been in cahoots with NASA for decades, which is a bit silly. The moon is also a hologram!

The music score, direction, acting and photography are dull. Towards the end there is an extract playing from Dvorak's 'From The New World' to add a grandiose 2001:A Space Odyssey vibe but it doesn't work. Poor Dvorak doesn't get a mention in the credits either. Give this one a miss.
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They spent the entire budget on the opening sequence
pscott20919 October 2019
First 5 minutes looks good. Rest was filmed on a spare mobile phone someone found. Acting was about as good as a primary school production, direction and photography about the same level. I tried, but this is a complete waste of time
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A total red-pill on the alien agenda, deception & cover-ups
benfelix-8664231 December 2023
This movie should be watched for its content. It is a disclosure on so many levels including DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) all over the US & the world, particularly the Dulce Base in Archuleta mesa, New Mexico where two of the characters were being held. It is a known site wherein numerous experiments by grays & draconian reptiles on women & children were done in cooperation & protection of rogue elements in the US government. The entire storyline goes beyond exposing the UFOs (TR-3B) that were back-engineered from the crash in Roswell & shown in the movie. The only thing that was not clearly shown are the draconian reptiles ability to shape-shift into humans & the assistance that benevolent aliens is giving to the earth alliance fighting for mankind in reality.
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Deserves less than 1.
rtfm-5916230 November 2018
Appalling film - that was a bit of my life I won't get back. Very poor story line, unbelievable mostly. Terrible ending. Difficult to say anything more. Deserves a zero rating.
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Do not believe it
augustian26 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Do not believe what you see on the DVD cover which seems to indicate that the viewer is in for a feast of special effects and alien action. What you actually get is a rather pedestrian conspiracy thriller in which a UFO watcher, together with a very human-looking alien try to warn the world that the world will end in five days when some draconian aliens, who just happen to be called Draconians (how original is that?) will launch their invasion.

The plot seems to involve NASA, or maybe the NSA who are also in on the plot to destroy Earth, and therefore themselves, trying to stop our intrepid duo. In the meantime, the alien's human girlfriend has had a forced abortion and a file containing the facts has taken about four hours to upload to the internet. It seems that the Americans are still on dial-up. Anyway, by the end of the film we have seen none of the draconian Draconions and a voice-over tells us that the human survivors have been taken to a new planet - we do not get to see that either. Now that I have written this review, I can forget all about it - which you should do too.
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Difficult to watch
Healeydays3 October 2018
This movie is at best a college project in quality and script.
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C'mon, I have seen a lot worse.
jmattlandrum1 April 2024
OK, the special effects were laugh-inducing and sometimes the acting was overboard, but I have seen many movies much worse. The story was interesting. The score was pretty good though it felt like the editor, director, and music weren't always on the same page. The acting was fine, though I feel like some of the characters may not have been cast well. I especially didn't like Jaelen, although the actor was fine. I would have liked a little more Jeff Bridges / Starman.

I didn't like the ending - cost the move a star or two in my rating. I did make it all the way to the end though.

All the 1 and 2 star reviews aren't making "sense" so I wanted to put my 2 "cents" in.
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Here is what my thoughts are...
michael-craven-19564 April 2024
Like like B movies, of all kinds... but I am a huge sci-fi fan. I'm frustrated that I couldn't give this a lower rating,,,

The acting was fine. The writing, well, it was either written by newbies or untalented hacks.

It met most of my criteria for B movies until they started pushing the conspiracy theory crap...

Good sci-fi is good because it is based in real science... not conspiracies...

They love story...meh... ok, but did not "ring true."

This would be a really good movie if the writers, producers and director got together to add a bit of depth and a little bit of a backstory for some of the earthlings. Just a bit.
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