Springsteen and I (2013) Poster

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Non-Springsteen fans and and casual fans will probably struggle through it, but for those who have him at #1, it's bliss.
Sergeant_Tibbs8 August 2013
For those who know me, it's no secret that I'm a huge Bruce Springsteen fan. Ever since I got into music properly he's been my #1. Not only does he have what I consider to be the biggest and best discography but his songs speak to me in an overwhelmingly emotional and personal way. I find it difficult to articulate all my feelings towards his music but at the very least he was the artist who introduced me to how great an album could be. I used to just like songs on their own or greatest hits set to shuffle. But with Bruce and albums like Born To Run and Darkness on the Edge of Town, it was the first time I looked at songs as having a place and time and it made music 10x better for all my other favourite artists. Shortly after my big Springsteen obsession was when I started looking at music critically.

So it certainly looks like this documentary, Springsteen & I, is built for me. Even better, it's coming off the back of Life In A Day, a 2011 documentary I saw when it came out, immediately fell in love with and it remains in my top 10 of the year today. I feel almost honoured that its crowd-sourced footage style is being used next for a Springsteen documentary when it could've been used for anything else. I remember the day they first asked for footage and I quite regret contributing. Unfortunately I was busy at the time and I didn't have all the Bruce merchandise I wanted on me. But I am quite glad I didn't end up a part of it because it would've been rather strange to see myself. And having seen it, I see what they wanted now. They wanted the charming flaws and quirks of real people.

They keep in the outtakes. They keep in the eccentric people. They keep in the people who can't stand Bruce. They focus on people of contradictions as a young woman working on her masters degree who works as a truck driver and a middle aged man who breaks down crying while he drives. Just like the diversity of Bruce's songs, the film has its emotional ups and downs with its great sense of humour and people who are overwhelmed in trying to articulate what Bruce means to them. There's also some really entertaining anecdotes of people who've had encounters with him too which I'm glad they included and as they show people describing the events, it's matched with the concert footage. The documentary just encapsulates why I love Bruce. It's in the life he pumps into the world. How he makes everyday life feel like living life to the fullest. He brings people together. Through mutually liking his music and being together at concerts, in movies and now in movie theaters.

Unfortunately, the film is rougher and not as sharp as Life In A Day. Of course, when you have a film that's from the footage of everyday people and there's no standards of equipment, it inevitably leads to technical flaws besides the one area the director has control of - editing and structure. Although pacing can't really be controlled in each clip, the latter is the one department Springsteen & I really struggles with. But then there's no real structure to follow so it ends up as stream-of-conscience which sometimes feels like repetitive fan worship rather than cutting deep into why Bruce deserves his many fans. Fortunately Bruce's music interspersed throughout ties it all together. Non-Springsteen fans and casual fans will probably struggle through it but for the small but warm community that considers him #1, it's bliss.

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Rocky start but powerful and fun
jillblackstone2631 July 2013
Yes I'm from NJ but no I was not a Springsteen fan until a friend dragged me to a concert at the Boston Garden during winter finals my first year of college. And that night was life- changing. I've seen him maybe 75 times since then, but never overseas. Only one show failed to amaze. I also have a life, I like other things, and I know that Bruce Springsteen like any other public figure is still just a guy. I don't think he's a god, or my God. But there is nothing like a Springsteen concert. It is transforming.

So I was really looking forward to this documentary. The first 20-30 minutes were excruciating and all I could think was, wait it out because it's cool to see London Calling on a huge screen. The shaky cell phone videos were headache and nausea inducing and I kept thinking, where was Ridley Scott when they were putting this together?

Then it got really good. I LOOOOOVED the couple where the guy doesn't like the music, he got funnier every time he opened his mouth. I loved the woman in Copenhagen. She was very real, she seemed like someone I'd like to know. And that's kind of the point of this film, I think -- how strangers can share an experience through music or art or any common interest. The guy who works at the stadium was really compelling. So articulate. When he said he was walking home after a concert and his girlfriend said, "At a certain point I felt like I was the only one there, that he was talking and singing directly to me," THAT is the magic of a Springsteen concert and his unique talent. The guy in Poland was profound, even though he said very little.

On the other hand, some of the people made me sad in their extremism.

Bruce himself wasn't really important to this film. It was nice that he met the people at the end but it didn't make or break the experience for me.

Overall it was like a really really good Kickstarter project on steroids. Clever, interesting, thought-provoking, very funny. And there's still magic in all the memories of all those Jersey summer nights caring only about the music for the moment.
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A fascinating, unexpectedly insightful documentary that pays homage to Springsteen but also celebrates the passion of his fans.
shawneofthedead5 February 2014
Watch a documentary on a musician and his music, and what do you expect? A biopic, perhaps? A film about his beginnings, his inspirations, the way his fans have changed him, the crippling (or enabling) effects of fame? A glimpse, perhaps, into the singer as a man – the humanising of someone touched by the supernatural glow of celebrity. Or perhaps it's a concert documentary: a film focused more closely on talent and musicianship. Much as pioneering rock-and-roll icon Bruce Springsteen is deserving of all such cinematic treatment, Springsteen & I, refreshingly, falls into none of those categories. Instead, it's a movie for his fans and made by his fans – and, as a result, one that works very well too as an examination of the modern phenomena of celebrity culture and fandom.

Checking in with Springsteen's fans from all over the world, the documentary is spliced together from their home videos and personal accounts – resulting in stories that range from the hilarious (a mother who has forcibly passed her love for the Boss down to her offspring) to the touching (a British couple get an unexpected surprise when they fly to New York to catch a live concert). Fans talk about the electric moments in which they find themselves unexpectedly sharing Springsteen's spotlight, whether it's onstage or in an impromptu street performance. Of course, there's much ruminating on the way in which Springsteen's music has underscored and even changed the lives of his fans – even if they've never had the chance to see him perform live.

There's a real danger at every point in the film that it might become too mawkish and self-congratulatory. Indeed, if this were a documentary made by any other world-famous celebrity, it would likely come off as self-aggrandising, arrogant pablum. But because Springsteen has somehow managed to maintain a reputation for humility and being, as a fan put its, very much "salt of the earth", despite being one of the biggest stars on the planet, he just about gets away with it. Fans of the man and his music will recognise their own stories in these sweet, affecting tales, which ring with truth and a shared passion.

On the other hand, non-fans and neophytes might find the general air of breathless reverence somewhat off-putting – although there are certainly elements in the film which they can probably appreciate too. Director Baillie Walsh puts the story together with a light touch, taking care to inject humour into the proceedings. Specifically, she presents the point of view of, for want of a better term, a "fan-in-law" – a man who dutifully but reluctantly accompanies his Springsteen-obsessed wife to concerts all over Europe. It's moments like these that expand the film beyond a mere homage to a celebrity. Look a little deeper, and the vignettes in Springsteen & I reveal a great deal about passion and fandom: the need for human connection, the power of music and poetry, the community and camaraderie that can form from shared interests.

Another undeniable huge draw of Springsteen & I is the live footage that runs throughout the film, as well as the exclusive concert highlights that unspool after the credits. The sense where the former is concerned is of Springsteen sharing the limelight with his fans: his performances, including some rare, purportedly never-before-seen live footage, are tied into their stories. He riffs charmingly on the hidden subtext in Red-Headed Woman, for instance, or sings Born To Run across years and generations to close out the film. The concert reel after the credits, taken from his Hard Rock Calling performance in London last year and featuring Sir Paul McCartney, includes six rousing, wonderfully-performed rock anthems that are alone worth the price of admission.

For anyone who's ever loved something or someone in an indescribable, soul-deep way, even if it isn't Springsteen (but especially if it is), Springsteen & I is a movie that will resonate. It acknowledges the huge, enormous place celebrity, music, culture and art can occupy in someone's life, without the derogatory allusions that usually come with being classified a nerd, a geek or obsessive. For those unacquainted with the cult of Springsteen, be warned: this could prove both annoying and cloying, though there's also a chance he and his fans could charm you with the strength of their love and devotion.
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(For) Springsteen fans
kosmasp14 November 2017
I think it's not really a secret that you have to be really a fan to get this. Because most of the movie is other people (mostly private persons) talking about what Bruce means to them, how they cherish him and how they show it to others. Little anecdotes of course come up all the time and some people are even featured a couple of times throughout the movie and most do the describe in 3 words "game".

All that gets "interrupted" by performances by Bruce from time to time. This is kind of refreshing and you get to hear what you love too. But this isn't a concert nor is it about Bruce in a sense. But about the impact he had and still has of course on many people. Not every-ones cup of tea, but with a title like that, it should be clear, if this is something you want to spend time on or not
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A Perfect Tribute to a Larger than Life Musician
ODDBear22 July 2013
Wow! I haven't had this good a time at the movies for some time.

Usually when I post reviews I mull things over for quite a while but I wanted to put my two cents in while this is ultra fresh. What a great tribute to The Boss. The people who live, breathe and identify with Springsteen's music get the spotlight and showcase in the best possible way why we, the fans, like the man so much.

The stories they tell range from funny to really touching to downright hilarious on occasion. The way Springsteen connects with his audience is really special and it's displayed through some well chosen clips from relatively recent shows. The rare footage from live shows from way back-when is also a real treat for the die-hard fans.

I identified with a lot of the people and most likely every viewer will find something they related to as well. I'm a Springsteen nut so, to me, this was a perfect night at the movies. 10 out of 10.

As an added bonus there was a six song show/compilation from the Hyde Park concert last year (knockout performances of "Shackled and Drawn" and "We are Alive") that concluded with the Beatles songs "I Saw Her Standing There" and "Twist and Shout" with Paul McCartney. Seeing it in a theater with the sound yanked up way high is the next best thing to actually being at a Springsteen concert.

And that "Epilogue" was fun too. Seeing those fans meet the man and how gracious Springsteen seems to be; well it was a great ending to a fantastic film and show.

If anyone has ever wondered what the big deal with Springsteen is...well; "Springsteen and I" is the response I would give.
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Not just for Springsteen fans
neil-852-1224 November 2013
I watched this movie in Perth Australia and thoroughly enjoyed it. It gives a very personal account of the effect a singer/songwriter can have on people. The fact that these people are just 'run of the mill" adds great weight to the film.The switch between high resolution professional material and home movie works to bring this close to the viewer.

The power of this film is really in the extended material which was shown in the cinema but which is not included in the dload.

iTunes dload however doesn't have the extended material which was a great disappointment, Does anyone know where I can get this?
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dcoultas423 July 2013
Well this is my very first IMDb review so here goes.. I have to say I'm somewhat of a latecomer when it comes to Springsteen and his music. My uncle has always been a huge fan and I never truly understood why until recently. I went to one of his concerts for the first time and it was something truly special, something I had never experienced before. I was there for intrigued about this film\documentary about the boss so thought I would go see it. What can I say it was a great tribute, funny at times but also very emotional. From the Elvis impersonator to the boss playing and singing in the street with a busker I thoroughly enjoyed this from start to finish. Springsteen's passion and energy on stage is truly captivating. The London concert at the end was a great finish, I was tapping away like a teenager at a 1D concert. Go see it, I am now a true convert!!!!!
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My first review
cas_200022 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
See the Boss is just that inspirational that here I am after seeing the movie not an hour ago and I am motivated to write my first ever review. Well as Bjorn beat me to it, the film expertly tells the Bruce story from the perspective of the fans. Some younger, some older. Some funnier, some deeper. These fans tell what it means to listen to a song, an album, watch a concert, and in some occasions meet the man himself. They tell the meaning of being a Springsteen fan much better than I ever could. The editing is perfect too for instance the instance where a British factory worker tells his story and then is followed by older footage of Springsteen doing Factory. Very poignant. Not sure if this is a spoiler, if so it will be a good one. Do not leave too early. After a bit more of an hour (which passed by way too quickly) the credits roll. This is quickly followed by a 6-7 song set from Hyde Park (the one where Sir Paul and Bruce got shut down). If you go and watch it don't be afraid like the crowd I went to see it, dance in the aisles, enjoy life. After this set comes the epilogue. Stay for it. It brings everything full circle.
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Entertaining look at fans of Bruce Springsteen
Andy-29626 October 2013
This entertaining documentary film concentrates on die hard Bruce Springsteen fans: they tell us why they love the Boss so much and what are the sources of their fanaticism. Intercalated with interviews to the fans, are segments of concerts of Bruce. Sometimes, the fans appear in the clips: in perhaps the best segment, a fan who is also an Elvis impersonator narrates the time he got to sing with the boss in a concert after writing on a placard "can the king sing with the boss", and sure enough, the film shows footage of that very funny episode. Another segments I enjoyed: 1) Bruce's impromptu gig with a street musician; 2) a pretty, articulate young Asian woman who works as a truck driver (!) speaks of her love for Bruce and how he talks for people like her in blue collar jobs who do the tough physical job in society; 3) a British fan tells the story of how he was able to get front row seats for a concert in Madison Square Garden; 4) a young Bruce on a concert early on his career (a career that is now more than 40 years old!!) singing folk very much in the style of Bob Dylan. This film is not just for Bruce fans, though surely they would enjoy it most.
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Born in the YouTube age
Prismark108 December 2013
Producer Ridley Scott and his company Scott Free productions made the crowd-sourced documentary 'Life in a Day' which comprised of video clips submitted by people around the world.

Springsteen & I follows a similar route as we see a selection of clips sent by Springsteen fans mixed with some concert footage of Bruce.

Of all the performers out there, Springsteen is a sensible choice. He is not the latest fad who will disappear after a few albums, or an old dinosaur living off past hits for years on end but someone still releasing new material, touring with new material. He has a worldwide fan base spanning a few decades.

Obviously Springsteen fans would appreciate this the most. The documentary stands and fall by the contributors and here some of it is lacking and rather dull. A bit too much of we love Bruce but little of any real substance.

Some of the best stories were for example the Philly Elvis who managed to get on stage and sing Elvis songs with Bruce or the guy who got dumped and managed to talk to Bruce and have his request played as well as a street busker who managed to get Bruce to sing with him. (Although rather a few famous singers end up singing with buskers these days as YouTube is full of those clips.)

There is one British contributor who states Bruce means love for his partner, because for her he endures listening to his music and going to his concerts which are by the way too long as far as he is concerned.

Another contributor also from Britain tells the story how he went to New York to see him in concert only to find he had tickets where the seats were right at the back of the stadium (I know how he feels as it's happened to me a few times) and then a mysterious man upgraded him to the best seats in the house (which has never happened to me.)

These stories were few and far between and you gather that some of the contributions were probably not that good.
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So much more than a film about The Boss!
davidmarcallen11 September 2013
OK, so i'm one of the disciples that adore the music of Bruce Springsteen and of course I was going to love this film BUT, as I watched it became apparent that the film is so much more than a love-fest for Springsteen fans.

Its about human emotions, how people from all walks of life choose to give perspective to their daily routine, it's about how we make life a little bit easier through the pleasure of music, it's about feeling part of a wider community.

It's tender, it's funny, it's creative, it's beautiful, but more than anything it's honest and I found that refreshing! It really is a film for everyone (even those who switch off the radio when the Boss starts to sing!) - it's a revealing insight that deserves to be seen by a wider audience than Springsteen fans.
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From fans to fans and Bruce
Packiderm22 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What a great documentary of the affect a mans lifework has had in peoples lives. This is not an introduction to Springsteens music or career, this is about what he means to people deep in their hearts. To a Springsteen fan (like myself) it really touches deep. When watching the stories told by his fans, you realize that it's not just the great music that makes such an impact, but also Bruce as a human being. He really loves his fans and gives them everything every night on stage. His fans feel that and give him their everything. Highly recommended to every single Bruce fan, but I also think that if someone who is not familiar with his work should see it, it would awaken a need to find out more about the man and his music: "If someone can make people feel like this, I need to find out more". That person should buy a ticket to his next show and his/her life would never be the same.

Thanks Bruce.
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Not Perfect but Fun
Michael_Elliott30 July 2013
Springsteen & I (2013)

*** (out of 4)

This documentary was pretty much made by the fans are is certainly aimed for those die-hard fans who listen to E Street Radio and like to exchange stories about their favorite songs, albums and tours. This documentary features a bunch of footage from Springsteen fans who sent in videos expressing their love of his music as well as several stories with people who were able to either meet him or get on stage to sing with him. Throughout the running time we get some extremely good stories but as you'd expect there are also a few moments where things get a tad bit creepy but this here is just fandome. I'm sure fans are really going to love hearing these stories from other fans including some of the more tender moments including a couple who have been Bruce fans their entire lives but are always broke when he's on tour so they can't see him. Another involves a man dressed as Elvis who wants to get up on stage with his idol. Then, there's a terrific story about a guy whose girlfriend breaks up with him just before the concert. The film also gives us some rare concert performances and as you'd expect the quality is quite poor at times but it's still great fun getting to see this footage. SPRINGSTEEN & I falls short of being a masterpiece and I'm not quite certain it was worth the special $15 ticket price but fans will still want to check it out.
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Very good
karlthomas9617 February 2014
As a big Boss music fan, especially of his earlier stuff, I was looking forwards to seeing this film. I thought it had some great moments and I really enjoyed hearing stories from a variety of people who, like me have really felt a deep sense of connection from the music of Bruce Springsteen. Great stories, great concert footage, really glad I did not miss it. Perhaps it could have been edited better or something in places and I also felt it was also a little bit creepy at some points. But overall it was touching and well worth watching and great for anybody who wants to experience the excitement of the Boss concerts, but never did before. Overall there are many classic tales over the years, and it's an amazing insight into the devotion of Bruce's loyal fan base.
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Makes you feel like you're among friends
shaughne12 April 2017
This movie is probably FUBU: For Us By Us. I doubt this movie is useful to people that weren't Springsteen fans going into it. It doesn't explain what Bruce did, where he came from, or anything like that. It just tries to show you how much he means to his fans. How much we look at him as part of our own identity. This isn't about understanding Bruce, it's about understanding us.

I've been a fan for most of my life, since I was listening to Live 75-85 on the cassette player in my dad's car. This movie just killed me. It was the closest thing to seeing him live. Not that the live footage they used was actually that good, that wasn't the point. It makes you feel like you're a part of a community. And it lets you revel in that sense of community, and feel connected to some people who approach Bruce a little different than you, but probably feel the same thing... I was crying like half the time.

If you've ever been at a Bruce Springsteen concert and hugged a stranger for the first time in your life, this movie wants to explain why. "Springsteen and I" resonated to me as a Bruce Springsteen fan in a huge way. I can't evaluate it objectively as a film, but it rang true in the most important way for me.
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"Color Me Obsessed" did it a thousand times better!
mjgih23 July 2013
I went into this thinking that "Color Me Obsessed, a film about the Replacements" which is made up completely of fan interviews, and includes not one lick of music, was brilliant. A great way to show what how a band can impact someone's life. I don't even like the Replacements. But I love Bruce. And I love documentaries.

You obviously need a good director to pull something like this off. Such was not the case here. It was just, after a while, boring. There could have been more of a story. More structure. Instead, as someone else pointed out, it really was random clips.

Expected so much more.
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Springsteen superfans unite in this celebration of one of rock's greatest.
mdroel2012 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It is debatable, but I don't know if there are more passionate fans than Bruce Springsteen fans. Sure, they don't have a nickname like Grateful Dead's "Deadheads," but they don't need one. Ballie Walsh's documentary, Springsteen & I, drives this point home in the most unique of ways. Almost the entire film was created using fan-made videos about what Springsteen means to them. This documentary did not call for pro-shot, high definition videos. That was not the mission. These videos were mostly shot on cellphones, some on laptops, but the quality didn't matter. What mattered were the stories, the emotion, and the gratitude these fans needed to express.

Some poignant moments include one man sobbing uncontrollably at the thought of the characters in Bruce's songs and their hardships while another man states, "Bruce taught me to be a man, a decent man." These stories show the admiration fans have for him and the influence his music has on his listeners. In addition, many clips show experiences fans have had with Bruce that you would think unimaginable had they not been told in this film. One fan, who was a factory worker in England, made his way to New York City to see a Bruce concert. Unfortunately, his ticket was for the very last row in Madison Square Garden. Miraculously, a bearded man, who was apart of Bruce's camp, approached him to upgrade his ticket prior to the show. The man found his way to the front row, astonished that this had just happened to him. Another fan, who spent his time as a Elvis impersonator, had the lifelong dream of joining Bruce onstage one day. At a Philadelphia show in 2009, this man's dream came true, as Bruce pulled him onstage to perform All Shook Up and Blue Suede Shoes. These stories are incredible, and could only happen at a Bruce concert. He is arguably the most genuine rock star and this movie emphasizes that idea. Walsh concludes the movie with what may be the most telling account of Bruce's passion for his fans. As Bruce concludes his meet and greet with a young man from the film, he takes off one of his bracelets, ties it around this young man's wrist and declares, "this is a sign of brotherhood."
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Springsteen & Denmark
hbhdk23 July 2013
Excellent documentary! The movie delivers interesting insights into the deep & complex relationship between the artist Springsteen & his audience.

Are the movie distributed in "local" versions worldwide?? The version i saw in Denmark was with a strong danish influence (Jane, Jon, Springsteen's street "concert" in Copenhagen in 1988 & the epilogue after the Springsteen show in may 2013 in Copenhagen).

I don't believe it's the same version distributed in the US, or what? Dear viewers of the Springsteen & I movie around the world, can you please enlighten me on this point;-)
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An excellent watch for fans
kim33322 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: this is not a documentary, or even a film. It is, in the mould of Life In a Day (a film which shares much of the production crew), a jazzed up clip collection.

For fans, it works well. We get a few brilliant Bruce moments, some ruminations on his brilliance to empathise with, and some quality live tracks woven in. We come away wishing for an actual concert, the film an effective teaser; but oh well.

For non fans, it will probably bore. Those brilliant Bruce moments might be interesting, but those ruminations are invariably quite shallow, and those live tracks are obviously not an attraction except to the fans (especially since the picks aren't very impressive).
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Crowd-pleasing rockumentary
bettycjung15 January 2018
1/15/18. If you love Bruce Springsteen, then this rockumentary is for you! A nice mix of fan love and concert footage meant to please fans of all stripes and sizes.
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Springsteen & I was Awesome!
lyntierney4 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was just wondering.. Will there ever be a Springsteen & I Part 2?? I Loved It! Want to see more! I have a great Springsteen Story & I feel like I missed the boat! I actually got to kiss him in the front row of the Boston Garden in 1990! There's so much more to the story too! I went the night before & got thrown out because the security guard said I mauled Bruce which is very untrue! I'm a 100 pounds & definitely not the mauling type! LOL! I did get to touch him while he was being lifted threw the crowd as a matter of fact I have a copy of the National Enquirer with Bruce on the front page & you can see me reaching out to him! After getting thrown out my older brother left with me so I wouldn't be alone on the streets of Boston, the next day a popular Boston radio station WBCN was giving away front row tickets to the show the following night! You had to be the 52nd caller & guess the title of the song the they played a bit of..! & Guess what it was me! & the song was I'm a Rocker! I won & Was in the front row with the Brother that left with me the night before & Bruce helped me up on the chair & proceeded to kiss me on the lips! Greatest night of my life not to mention at the end of the show, he gave me his Santa hat after performing Santa Claus is Coming to Town! The Radio Station told my whole story on the radio the next day.. Just Awesome! Had to share! & If there is another Springsteen & I, I want In, I still have the Santa Hat, The tape of the station telling my story & the cut out of the National Enquirer! That's All! Had to get that out! Thanks for reading! :)
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