"Castle" Probable Cause (TV Episode 2012) Poster

(TV Series)


Nathan Fillion: Richard Castle



  • [covertly meeting Castle at the library] 

    Kate Beckett : [quietly]  Thank God you're okay.

    Richard Castle : Thank God you understood my message.

    Kate Beckett : First time that I cuffed you. What you wouldn't give to be back there now.

    Richard Castle : Come on.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah.

    Richard Castle : I knew I couldn't call once I left.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, how did you do it? How did you escape?

    Richard Castle : I got a great lawyer.

    Kate Beckett : Come on.

    Richard Castle : Someone owed me a favor. The less you know, the better. But the good news is I'm still alive.

    Kate Beckett : The DA has branded you a fugitive. Every *cop* in New York is looking for you.

    Richard Castle : Yes, well, they won't be the only ones after the 5:00 news. By now they've tagged my phone, my house, my accounts. I'm not gonna last long out here. We have to act quickly.

    Kate Beckett : I've got teams at your place looking for any trace of Tyson. Ryan is wading through paperwork at Tessa's office to see if there's a connection.

    Richard Castle : Well, that could take weeks. I think I've got something better. Sitting in Holding, I kept thinking, "How could he possibly pull this off? How could he get video of *me* buying those earrings?" And then it hit me.

    [Castle shows her a magazine] 

    Kate Beckett : "Broadway Casting"?

    Richard Castle : You want someone to play a role, you cast it.

    [opens to an ad] 

    Richard Castle : Look at this notice from four months ago by a celebrity lookalike firm.

    Kate Beckett : Private book club party?

    Richard Castle : Look who they're looking for.

    Kate Beckett : James Patterson, Stephen King, J. K. Rowling...

    Richard Castle : And... me.

  • [approaching Castle, who is in locked up in Holding] 

    Jerry Tyson : They say dogs can smell fear. Did you know some humans can as well?... You reek of it.

    Richard Castle : Tyson.

    Jerry Tyson : I prefer 3XK. How long has it been since I left you and Detective Ryan in that motel room?

    Richard Castle : [yelling]  Somebody? Help! Somebody, I need some help in here!

    Jerry Tyson : They can't hear you. Or see you. I'm afraid I'm much more thorough than that.

    Richard Castle : You did this... You killed Tessa.

    Jerry Tyson : She's not my type. I prefer blondes, remember? Here's a much more believable story. *You* killed Tessa. It practically writes itself. After all, you commit murder every day in your mind for your books. It's not hard to imagine that you'd eventually... cross the line.

    Richard Castle : Why are you doing this, Tyson?

    Jerry Tyson : Four years, Castle. I gave up *four* years of my life planning the perfect vanishing act, so that the cops would stop looking for me, so that I could begin again, could begin killing again. So that I could taste that fear... again. Four years... You ruined it.

    Richard Castle : Well, if it's revenge you wanted, why not just kill me?

    Jerry Tyson : Where's the fun in that? No, no, no. It's more fun to destroy... you. Why do you think I let you *live* that night in the motel? People think it's killing that I like, but murder's just an act. It's all about... the anticipation, the planning. Watching you... and your daughter taking a walk... You and Beckett making love... Standing in your living room, being inside your life... knowing that I'm gonna take it all away from you... That's what I like.

    Richard Castle : You won't get away with this.

    Jerry Tyson : Oh, please. What are you gonna do? You're gonna tell them that I came here? You think that they're gonna believe the lies of a desperate man?

    Richard Castle : Beckett will.

    Jerry Tyson : Even if she does... she can't save you. There's no time. When the D.A. files charges tomorrow, they're gonna send you to Central Booking. The Tombs. I have people waiting... for you. You... will not last... the night... And that'll be her punishment.

    [turns to leave] 

    Jerry Tyson : Believing that you were innocent and not being able to stop it... It will haunt her for the rest of her life... Lucky for you... you'll be dead.

  • Kate Beckett : We went through the surveillance footage from last night. There's no evidence that Jerry Tyson was in the station, and there is no evidence that the system had been tampered with.

    Richard Castle : Beckett, I swear to you, he was here.

    Kate Beckett : Castle...

    Richard Castle : No, I know. I sound crazy. A desperate story from a desperate man, just... just like he wanted.

    Kate Beckett : You're right, it does sound desperate... But it's the first time that this story has made sense.

    Richard Castle : [his spirits lifting]  You believe me?

    Kate Beckett : I never stopped.

  • [Beckett is cuffing Castle for his transfer to Central Booking] 

    Richard Castle : This is so much less fun than the other night at your place... Do you remember the first time you handcuffed me? We were at the New York Public Library... Remember how angry you were that I wouldn't stop investigating that case?

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, I remember.

    Richard Castle : What I wouldn't give to be there now.

    Kate Beckett : Castle... this isn't over. I promise you I will get you out.

    Richard Castle : It's okay. Whatever happens, it's okay.

  • [last lines] 

    Jerry Tyson : Castle! I got your girl! Are you watching? I want you to see this.

    [to Beckett] 

    Jerry Tyson : You think I'd let you live? After everything you've done? Castle! Come on, I want you to watch. I want you to watch as I take her life.

    [as he talks, Tyson drags Beckett with him over to her car; looking into the car, he sees it's empty] 

    Richard Castle : Over here.

    [Tyson turns around, and Castle fires Beckett's gun at him; he falls off the bridge into the water below; as they look down at where he landed, the scene fades into the recovery attempt the following morning] 

    Kate Beckett : They still haven't found the body.

    Richard Castle : They won't. He's not dead.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, what are you saying?

    Richard Castle : This was never about me. This was about him. Those initials in her datebook, he's not that careless. He wanted us to find that place. He wanted us on this bridge. Tessa's murder, the frame-up, all of it was to get us here so we could help him do what he couldn't do for himself. Disappear, so he can start killing again.

    Kate Beckett : You think he planned this?

    Richard Castle : How does a wanted man stop being wanted?

    [points to crime scene] 

    Richard Castle : It has to be public, and it has to be final.

    Kate Beckett : Do you know how crazy that sounds?

    Richard Castle : No one's gonna be looking for him anymore.

    Kate Beckett : You shot him. He's dead. It's over.

    [walks away] 

    Richard Castle : [to himself]  For now.

  • Kate Beckett : You okay?

    Richard Castle : Yeah... Just finding that stuff of Tyson's. Seems lucky.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, well, sometimes luck is all you need. He can't hide now. We'll find him.

    Richard Castle : Thank you.

    Kate Beckett : For what?

    Richard Castle : Believing in me. I mean, given my reputation, my history, when you saw those e-mails, it would've been real easy not to.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, well, things have never been easy between you and me.

    Richard Castle : Maybe that's what makes it all worth...

    [out of nowhere, their car is rear-ended by an SUV] 

  • [surprised to see Alexis at the loft] 

    Richard Castle : What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming 'till next weekend.

    Alexis Castle : I had to do laundry. I ran out of clothes.

    Richard Castle : Already? It's only been two weeks. Not that I'm not... thrilled to see you, but don't they have washing machines on campus?

    Alexis Castle : [shrugs]  They're not as nice.

    Richard Castle : And by nice, you mean free.

    Alexis Castle : Pretty much.

  • [seeing Castle's intense stare at the murder board] 

    Kate Beckett : What?

    Richard Castle : The way he left the body, the *time* it took. Whoever did this... he liked it.

  • Lanie Parish : Strangulation is a violent act. But there were no signs that she fought back. No skin under the fingernails, no bruising. So I did some checking. She was drugged. Lung tissue suggests exposure to chloroform. Also, your killer was careful. He was wearing gloves.

    Richard Castle : How can you tell?

    Lanie Parish : Traces of talcum powder on the body. The same talc used in surgical gloves *or* the evidence gloves that you use at the crime scenes. Whoever this person is, they knew *exactly* what they were doing.

    Richard Castle : He's done this before.

  • Kate Beckett : What about her e-mails?

    Kevin Ryan : Nothing from her mystery lover. So I had them take a look at her hard drive. Turns out portions of it had been surgically *wiped*, like someone covering their tracks.

    Richard Castle : So we're back to square one.

    Kate Beckett : Not necessarily. Uh, Tessa's roommate said that he gave her some jewelry. Maybe he left a fingerprint on one of those pieces.

    Kevin Ryan : I'll head to her place, see what I can find out.

    [Ryan leaves] 

    Richard Castle : Jewelry... I never would have thought of that

    Kate Beckett : I guess I'll have to remind you when my birthday's coming up.

    Richard Castle : Why, Detective Beckett, was that a hint you just dropped?

    Kate Beckett : Why, Mr. Castle, I do believe it was.

    Richard Castle : Shameless.

  • Richard Castle : Beckett, was is this?

    Kate Beckett : We found a piece of jewelry in Tessa's apartment, and we traced it back to the man that bought it for her. Castle, it was you.

    Richard Castle : What are you talking about?

    Kate Beckett : It was purchased with a cashier's check for $12,780. Earlier that day, you withdrew the same amount of money from your pocket account, as a cashier's check.

    Richard Castle : You looked into *my* financials? You're investigating me?

    Kate Beckett : Castle...

    Richard Castle : Kate, this is *not* me. And I didn't buy any jewelry. I certainly didn't use a cashier's check.

    Kate Beckett : Then you need to explain it. This, the withdrawal, the fingerprint, you need to tell me what the hell's going on.

  • Richard Castle : Come on, Captain, this is insane. I didn't do anything.

    Captain Victoria Gates : Well, we still need to investigate, and you know that. So, let's start with your relationship to the victim.

    Richard Castle : Okay, I didn't have one.

    Captain Victoria Gates : Then, any idea on how your fingerprints ended up at the crime scene?

    Richard Castle : Well, we went over that. CSU made a mistake.

    Captain Victoria Gates : They say they didn't. Castle, if you knew...

    Richard Castle : I *didn't* know her.

    Captain Victoria Gates : She was seeing someone. Someone her roommate described as handsome and rich.

    Richard Castle : I'm *flattered*, but it wasn't me.

  • [after Castle and Beckett talk to Castle's lookalike] 

    Javier Esposito : [on phone]  All right. Well, the address for the show's producer is another dead P.O. box, and the phone number's defunct.

    Kate Beckett : Okay, what about his paycheck?

    Javier Esposito : Well, I talked to the bank and the corporate account that cut the check is closed, and the corporate contact, Joseph Vacher, well, doesn't seem to exist.

    Richard Castle : Yeah, he exists all right. Or at least he used to. Joseph Vacher was a famous French serial killer from the late 1800s.

    Javier Esposito : So he's got a sense of humor.

  • Captain Victoria Gates : I don't get it. Why go through all this just to set you up?

    Richard Castle : Because death only takes a moment. The preparation and pageantry, that's what he loves.

  • Kate Beckett : [visiting Castle in Holding]  Hey.

    Richard Castle : Hey.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, whoever is behind this, whatever is going on, I will figure this out. I promise.

    Richard Castle : I know.

    Kate Beckett : In the meantime, you have some visitors.

    [she steps aside for Martha and Alexis] 

  • Javier Esposito : Name's Tessa Horton, 29. Roommate came home from the weekend away. found her up there.

    [pan up to see barbed wire on the ceiling] 

    Richard Castle : Oh, jeez! Who puts a body on a ceiling?

    Lanie Parish : Beats me, but I probably won't sleep for weeks.

    Javier Esposito : It's like something out of one of your books, right?

  • Kate Beckett : Cause of death?

    Lanie Parish : Ligature marks and petechiae suggest strangulation.

    Kate Beckett : What about this wound on her forehead?

    Javier Esposito : It's non-lethal. Given the detail, looks like it was carved by some kind of razor.

    Richard Castle : It's a symbol of some kind.

    Kate Beckett : Do you recognize it?

    Richard Castle : No, but the killer went through a lot of trouble. Must mean something.

  • Kate Beckett : It's not easy hanging a body, and she's at least a hundred pounds.

    Kevin Ryan : I checked in with CSU. They found prints in the hallway, but the apartment is spotless. Looks like it's been wiped down.

    Javier Esposito : This guy cleaned up after himself.

    Richard Castle : He didn't mind taking his time.

    Kate Beckett : So the killer knew that the roommate was gonna be out of town. What's the security like in this place?

    Kevin Ryan : Buzzer on the front door, no doorman or security cameras. But there's no sign of forced entry, no sign of a struggle.

    Kate Beckett : She knew him.

  • Richard Castle : What's wrong?

    Kate Beckett : It's, uh... It's just, that crime scene.

    Richard Castle : What about it?

    Kate Beckett : The person that killed Tessa was meticulous, but when we questioned Kurtzman, he got all flustered.

    Richard Castle : So?

    Kate Beckett : So if he put that much thought into killing her, then... why didn't he have an alibi prepared?

    Richard Castle : Perhaps because he was so meticulous, he didn't expect to get caught.

See also

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