Wendy (2020) Poster


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lets get this straight
Emil_reitala2 October 2020
This is not a movie for kids. This is not a REMAKE of peter pan, its an adaptation, an independent story of its own, inspired by another story: peter pan. It really seems like a lot of bad reviews are from parents who were under impression of taking their kids to see a version of peter pan story and were dissapointed cause "they ruined the original story". Thats not the case and theres no point giving the movie a 1-star review just because kids wanted to leave the theatre during the film. its a film made for adults and the adults might still like it.

Beautiful movie thougt it really lost its grip towards the end. worth checking out, but nothing groundbreaking.
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a different spin on Peter
ferguson-612 March 2020
Greetings again from the darkness. When you think of Peter Pan, you likely envision either the 1953 animated Disney film classic or the writings of J.M. Barre, who first introduced the character in his 1902 adult novel, "The Little White Bird." Whatever your impressions and memories of Peter Pan, they likely differ from those of filmmaker Benh Zeitlin, who was Oscar nominated for his stunning 2012 film, BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD.

The story begins at a small town greasy spoon diner nestled along railroad tracks. Birthday boy Thomas (Krzysztof Meyn) is devouring a plate of bacon and taking ribbing from the locals who are teasing him with tales of his future working at the diner. He storms out yelping "I ain't gonna be no mop and broom man". Toddler Wendy watches as Thomas jumps on the passing train and disappears with the wind. A few years later, Wendy (newcomer Devin France) and her older twin brothers James and Douglas (Gage and Gavin Naquin) are awakened by a passing train and spot a giggling Peter (Yashua Mack) running along the top of the cars. The siblings climb out the window and leap to join Peter. Soon, they are on an adventure to an island (we assume is Neverland) which seems to be populated with kids who run and jump and play all day. Among them is Thomas, who hasn't aged a day since his birthday bacon.

Any re-imagining of a classic comes with risks. Messing with people's childhood memories inevitably leads to push-back. Benh Zeitlin gives the impression that he's a passion-project only type of filmmaker. This interpretation means something to him, and it's obvious in the detail and creativity. The similarities in visual style to his previous "Beasts" film are obvious, and render quite a different look and feel than we are accustomed to with fantasy movies. But then, this is not a Peter Pan for kids. It's really a philosophical analysis of life. Everything is an adventure for kids, and then somewhere along the way, we lose ourselves and start the 'adulting' portion of life - leaving our childhood dreams behind.

Buzzo represents the once young boy who lost faith. He's now an old guy dreaming of recapturing his youth. Mr. Zeitlin's film, which he co-wrote with his sister Eliza Zeitlin, includes magical elements, fantasies, realism, life lessons, hardships, and the importance of personal connections. The score from Dan Romer is exceptional, as are the performances from youngsters Devin France and Yashua Mack. It was filmed on the volcanic island of Montserrat, and thanks to the mythical "Mother" who lives underwater, it becomes a fable about keeping the faith and never growing old. J.M. Barre's famous first line was "All children, except one, grow up." Are you that one child, or have you lost faith?
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Based on the story of Peter Pan, the 2nd half is better than the first
rannynm8 May 2020
This film starts out kind of boring and lacking in substance. However, halfway through the plot suddenly goes completely bonkers and I'm struggling to figure out if the plot goes bonkers in a positive or negative way.

This movie is based on the story of Peter Pan, except it focuses on Wendy. The story follows Wendy and her twin brothers, James and Douglas, as they hop onto a train and end up on a magic island where kids don't age. However, things begin to get serious when Wendy learns of an old man on the island.

I mentioned how the film starts out lacking substance. This issue is mostly due to the pacing, which is probably my biggest issue with the film. The scene where the kids get onto the train to the island feels like it comes out of nowhere, despite the fact that there is some build up. And even though it's established that Wendy seeks adventure, I don't really get the impression that she is ok with running away. Her sudden fascination with the train is confusing and feels like a scene or two that would further establish her adventurous and reckless side has been removed. The middle of the movie also feels like certain scenes were cut off too soon. For example, when Wendy and her brothers run into Thomas, a kid from their town who ran away to the island when Wendy was a baby, they question why Thomas looks exactly the same as when he disappeared, and then the scene immediately ends. And after that scene, they rarely interact with Thomas and instantly go back to playing. It feets odd to me that the kids seem to forget about the fact that they just reunited with a missing kid from their town and he hasn't aged a day.

While the first half of the film feels very light on action, there's a very sudden shift in tone that honestly, made me uncomfortable, but in a good way. From that point forward, the film is a significantly more enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, I have issues with the ending. Obviously, I can't go into specifics, but let's just say that the ending raises more questions than answers. I don't have a problem with ambiguous endings, but when you're more confused because of said ambiguity, then I take issue.

I rate this film 3 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 13 to 15. It came out in theatres on February 28th and the film is now out on digital.

Reviewed by Calista B., KIDS FIRST! Reporter
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It may be a tad whimsical, but it has raw beauty and youth in abundance.
JohnDeSando10 March 2020
One of the best literary allusions is for someone to be a "Peter Pan," a Pollyanna who refuses to grow old. Benh Zeitlin, writer and director along with writer Eliza Zeitlin, remakes that story into Wendy about a wandering girl and her pre-teen friends. Zeitlin's love of nature and kids is evident as it was in his acclaimed Beasts of the Southern Wild, which garnered multiple Oscar nominations.

The emphasis on her (Devin France) is a timely take on a little girl who runs from home and returns, always the mistress of her own heart even when she's following charismatic troublemaker Peter (Yashua Mack). Although the shots of mountains and sea are almost too many, they and the kids are lovingly and powerfully rendered in a satisfactory allegorical sense.

Although the fantasy has a few too many episodes that steal from potentially longer character-making scenes, I still get it-you can't, even on a magical island, evade forever the demands of aging. Sophisticated audiences will immediately see a serious Disney-like philosophy at work, its emphasis on dealing with old folks and facing your fate with equanimity. You might lose an arm, but you'll still make it through if you believe in the goodness of life, especially of mother be she your own or a giant loving fish.

While the allegorical implications of this rugged, romantic, and lyrical adventure could fill a book, here it is necessary only to praise the sumptuous seas and mountains of Neverland, scenery J.M. Barrie would wholly approve. The eye-piercing beauty of the magical island, teeming with geysers of enigmatic steam, strikes the right balance between the beautiful dreams of children and the realities that bite them at the same time. Sometimes the tableau-like shots of nature are overwhelmingly sumptuous, just as the underwater world of the giant mothering fish is dark and foreboding.

At no point do the filmmakers create overly-colorful, unreal images that could lead a child to believe that life is easy. Here it is work just to survive and beauty when you realize where the real beauty is-in loving fealty to friends and family.

Even the story's Captain Hook must admit that love is the salvation and sometimes you can't go home. Fortunately for our little band of adventurers, they can become adults and realize that growing up is the greatest adventure of all.
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nostalgic piece with great acting that is sure to bring out the racists.
natcalgary19 April 2020
Anyone who didn't like peter pan because he was a little black boy is an ignorant sob. some of these comments disgust me and i hope they are deleted soon.

amazing cinematography 6.3
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annieonu23 April 2020
Great story telling and acting from the Wendy character..but other than that the movie was boring and really over stretched and most times movies like this keep you glued hoping for a turn around but it didn't ..I doubt it would appeal to any audience but that's coming from someone who tried and got to an hour of this because I really wanted it to work but it was sort of exhausting, I'm not a fan of camera close UPS on actors in scenes of movies, I like to see the scenery, reactions, conversations which lacked and stressed me alot watching this..so it was a no for me!
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It's not a Peter Pan Story, it's art.
zachtheavenger-9609030 September 2021
Many people making reviews here are doing so based on how all other Peter Pan adaptions are handled. This is not meant to be an action packed fantasy adventure with fairies and islands in other dimensions. This is clearly a more realistic adaption of the classic tale the also focuses on modern day problems. And that's not a bad thing. If you are looking for the whole "Peter Pan vs Captain Hook" tale that's been told repeatedly, then fine. But this is a masterpiece that will undoubtedly be shown in film courses due to its compelling cinematography and new take on a classic tale.
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A well-intentioned but flawed attempt to reimagine the Peter Pan tale
eddie_baggins11 October 2020
Peter Pan done the way of Terrence Malick, Wendy is a version of the classic fantasy tale like we've never seen before but despite its visual beauty and moments of captivating magic, Benh Zeitlin's return to the directors chair for the first time since 2012's Beasts of the Southern Wild is a curiously misjudged experience that will leave many cold and disheartened rather than captivated and moved.

Shot on the island of Montserrat south of Antigua, in what acts as a picturesque volcanic locale captured in stunning 16mm form by Zeitlin and D.O.P Sturla Brandth Grøvlen, Wendy certainly feels larger than its small-scale $6 million budget would suggest on paper but Zeitlin's re-imagining of J.M Barrie's tale of the Peter and the Lost Boys lacks a certain something that would've gripped us in its tale of Devin France's Wendy and her adventures on the beautiful but dangerous island she finds herself on after venturing far from home.

Not too interested in a backstory leading up to the point where Wendy and her neighborhood friends join Yashua Mack's Peter on board a train then a dingy boat sailing towards Peter's home on the island paradise, where magical whales, grumpy old souls and ageless magic exists, the film features whimsy and Where the Wild Things Are like musings on growing old and the special time that childhood is but we never feel drawn to the characters in the film and Wendy often feels like a splattering of captivating imagery and moments around a far from engaging story.

Slow moving throughout, Wendy is in no rush to tell its tale and you can't help but feel as though around the half-way mark of the films 110 minutes that you've begun to see it all, Zeitlin feels unable to capture new magic as Wendy and her posse of fellow children meander from scene to scene with little flow or relevance from each scenario to the next, with there constantly feeling as though there are missed opportunities throughout to explore the emotional, mental anguish and ecstasy that such a magical place could draw out from its inhabitants.

You can't fault Zeitlin for trying something new and the film acts as a beautiful and almost something special example of a talented director creating a fresh spin on a frequently adapted property and his young cast try their best, especially considering many are acting for the first time but Wendy can't overcome its various faults as its great moments get drowned out too regularly by mismanaged ideas and happenings.

Final Say -

A frustrating film to say to say the least, Wendy is at times close to greatness but more often than not falters on its quest to achieve something special with a whole new take on a beloved tale. Zeitlin no doubt has another great film in him, sadly Wendy isn't the one.

2 glowing whales out of 5

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As wild as the Beasts
aslisonceley24 May 2020
This rethinking of the Peter Pan tale must be appreciated for its stylistic choices and social commentary.

The children are not ripped from their wealthy, white privileged three-story houses but from humble circumstances and hard working families, from lives that don't seem to leave much room to adults for dreaming. In Peter's world, instead of polished palms, the magic of flight, there's mud, dirt, and rust that ground the story world in somewhat of a realistic background. The same magic of natural nature that Ben Zeitlin captured in The Beasts of the Southern While, in the hurricane devastated New Orleans.

What really captivates me are layers and layers of deep commentaries on race in Peter's character, on climate change and human impact exposed through the plastic covered beach, the rusty old "over-fishing" boat, and the Mother, a creature made of Earth's core and the dying coral reef.

Ben Zeitlin's effort achieves to capture the soul of the Pan's story better than any Hollywood studio production. Perhaps this is not the cup of tea of audiences who expect to see an action-packed flick where we can easily point to the villain, root for the hero, dream of flying, and believe in magical creatures. I'm proud of Zeitlin for taking the hard route in weaving complex dynamics, and grounding the story's metaphors down with the contemporary dilemmas of our time.

A timeless piece of art that would be studied in film classes. Bravo!
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Wendy is a cinematic triumph.
dave-tanco20 February 2020
Wendy is a different spin on the well known Peter Pan tale. The film is about the joy, emotion and adventure of youth. The acting of the kids is superbly done and I think conveys the storyline and message the director is going for. Keep chasing that train and in the profound words of Bob Dylan "May you always stay forever young."
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Wasted opportunity
grynai10 April 2021
My favourite part was the very beginning, until the title. Beautiful cinematography, it looked very promising, but then the film quickly went downhill from there. It's a sad example of what happens when instead of making the viewer feel something, you just tell them about that something. It doesn't work and feels very contrived. And as if the overly descriptive voice-over wasn't enough, there is also never-ending music to tell you exactly what you should be feeling in every scene. There is nothing left to discover by yourself. Instead of going on an adventure, if feels like reading an essay about lost childhood written by a boring, sentimental middle-aged person. "Beasts of the Southern Wild" felt fresh and bursting with life, and this feels like the exact opposite, although I can see an attempt to create something similar visually. I kept watching until the end, although to be honest I wanted to stop after the first quarter.
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Don't understand the reviews, the movie stands on its own
runaa-1686025 January 2021
This is not the story of Peter Pan. And do not go into this film thinking it is. The bad reviews on here are absurd. Just because you expected to get a remake of Peter Pan.

The overall cinematography is beautiful. The characters and the feel of the film is absolutely magnificent. It is the story of children and their imagination, and the possibilities that are in the world. I was not bored a second. So unless you are expecting to see a remake of Peter Pan, this movie film give you aesthetics and wonders that makes you wish you were a kid again. Acting is superb, and the shots are wonderful. All you have to do to enjoy this, is let the movie stand on it's own feet. Just don't expect a remake because it isn't and if you need action, watch a different film.
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Surprisingly enjoyable
Rendanlovell17 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Who said, "What if Terrence Malick directed Peter pan?" This is the type of movie that my parents would call "artsy fartsy". That's not to say it's an art house movie though. The movie is quite heartfelt and full of child like wonder. As far as I can tell, this is devoid of pretense. The young cast is shockly good and it has an engaging atmosphere. I can't say this is particularly narrative driven or really even character driven. It's definitely closer to a Tree of Life type of movie. In that, it acts as a sort of perfume, sparking nostalgic feelings or thoughts. Even though this seems to be a movie made as more of a raw, off the cuff experience, there is a clear story here. It's not complicated but it's pretty distinct and acts as a literal commentary on life. The movie follows Wendy, who runs away from home with her brothers to neverland in the hopes of staying young. As the film progresses you learn that kids only stay young when they keep being wild and free. If they start to get depressed they turn into adults. Which, again, is a pretty clear metaphor for life itself. Sometimes you feel like a kid until, one day, you have to be an adult. It's rarely a decision any one makes. This element of the film is by far the most compelling. I can't say I got attached to any character really which may be why I didn't really connect with this. Again, I like the ideas it presents and themes it carries but the story is a little dry. There are some genuinely captivating moments that boosted tremendously by the gorgeous cinematography and music. However, I still felt a little separation from this. It's hard to put into words since this seems like the exact sort of thing I would like. Maybe it's the pacing being a little off or the story not developing much of interest outside of the themes or maybe even because this all couched in a Peter Pan movie. I can't exactly put my finger on it. I mean, I still quite liked it. It's definitely a unique experience and one I could see myself revisiting and possibly liking more.
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Not sure why
mrlmann126 April 2020
Not sure why this movie was made. I don't review much, but when a movie is this boring, I have to let people know. I just kept waiting for something to happen and got over half way through the movie. Then I just wanted to end and I did see it through to the end. If you like slow burn (very slow) movies, with no character, build up, no action, and the same song over and over again, you'll love this movie. Otherwise steer clear.
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No idea what it is about
Gordon-111 July 2020
I honestly have no idea what this film is about. The visuals are not pleasing, the characters are poorly developed and I don't feel connected with any part of this film.
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High hopes at the beginning. Disappointed by the end.
jpeplow2 January 2021
Love the feel of the beginning of this movie and was looking forward to seeing where it took me. However, by about mid way through it had not done anything to improve on that beginning. By the end it left me unfulfilled.
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Peter Pan meets Where the Wild Things are
raypalomarez-4752229 September 2020
Thought it was ok, couldn't keep me engaged had to keep rewinding. My 6 year old kiddo would not watch. Thought it was trying to be like Where the Wild Things are and Peter Pan. I guess if you never watched Peter Pan or Where the Wild Things are it could be ok. The picture, acting, sound track was decent. Maybe if they would of added Lord of the flies scenes in the mix to copy, it might of made the 8 start list.
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A viewers opinion
osillankorva21 April 2020
Not a bad take on the old classic, based in the real world and very talented child actors for their respective parts.
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Pointless, artless, devoid of imagination, zero adventure
I have no idea how many positive reviews on iTunes, Amazon and other sites were bogus but I would imagine it was most if not all of them. (Beware of those that mention the guy's other film.)

This is a total drudge. There is barely a skeleton of a story. Virtually all of it is meaningless meanderings of kids crawling around rocks on a scrapheap of an island and doing virtually nothing. Forcing myself to sit through this film was agony. I cannot imagine the utterly boring job it must have been it was to have to edit this mess. How this film ever saw the light of day I cannot imagine. I would swear it was made by a high school kid. Compared to this, Ed Wood was a raving genius. You can be certain that all the fairies in this nothing nothing land will stay dead because absolutely no one is clapping.

By the way, the trailer is intentionally deceiving. I think the director doesn't know the difference between flying and jumping in the water, because that's all you get.

There is absolutely no fun, no adventure, and nothing to take away from this. I'm trying not to think about how I wasted money on this piece of junk.
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I can't stay young without my mother
almariekat2527 July 2020
Cried my eyes out! This film was gorgeously made, thrilling beautiful sad and inspiring. A great artistic spin to the timeless tale of Peter Pan
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What is wrong with people?????
zapmcia11 June 2022
I really don't get all the negative reviews. I found this a touching reboot of the Peter Pan story. Not for kids, of course. This is a movie for adults and speaks to the longing in all of us "oldsters" to recapture the innocence and joy of childhood. I found it well done and not in the least boring. Men, all they want is action. Bah!
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If I could give it 0/10 it would me nice!
donnodcassandra-4109924 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It didn't make sence, everything just happened! First of all they didn't have a reason to leave except of the reason that they where ungrateful for what they had , they just left with a crazy boy who by the way was mad like crazy mad which destroys the Peter pan story we all know and in the end he cut off the hand of one of the brothers and wendy and the other brother just forgive him for no reason again and anyways it was not a great movie!!!!
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Great alternative version of the Peter Pan story
hollandnigel19 April 2020
Fantastic movie!! Enjoyed every moment, ignore the negative reviews and make your own decision. It's NOT 'Peter Pan', it's 'Wendy', if you open your mind, use your knowledge of the previous Peter Pan stories but remember it's not about Peter Pan, you can easily enjoy it
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Netflixed Peter Pan
jayroscoe31 December 2020
Since half my reviews never get published here, I will just say if this is what Hollywood is offering as entertainment, I will keep reading books
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So bad
asemekato27 December 2020
This is an example on how to take great story and mke something that no age group can like, with no story nd no meaning.
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