The Bunny Game (2011) Poster

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The genre is dead
dschmeding14 February 2012
Seriously?? I am getting tired of movies that just go for the shock value. If you have seen one torture-porn movie you have seen all and if this label applies to any movie then to "Bunny Game". The whole "Human Centipede" thing was already hard to grasp. At least it was kind of funny and in the 2nd part had some artsy shots and a disturbing villain.

"Bunny Game" has about 1/10th the plot of HC, also goes for an artsy black and white look but just comes across like the art school project of a disturbed S+M Freak. The plot goes like this: Street Hoker down on luck and high on coke gets abducted by a truck driver and then tortured and degraded for days in the desert until she breaks down.

Thats it!! The whole editing reminds a lot of Michael Hanekes Movies with endless still scenes of nothing happening and hinting to a deeper meaning that simply doesn't exist here. Its broken up by fades to black and some hectic edited collages of impressions to which some of the ugliest Black Metal Punk imaginable is played.

The whole "hooker on a descent to hell" thing reminds a lot of the equally art school style movie "Slaughtered Vomit Dolls" but even that movie had more plot and some creative gore to it. "Bunny Games" basically just shocks you with hardcore S+M play and rape and where clearly the "Slaughtered Vomit Dolls" Director had a sick fetish for vomiting this one puts his S+M fetish on film in the least entertaining way imaginable. Even the below average playing time seems like an eternity. If you are turned on by branding, shaving, choking and asphyxiation have a go. If you are looking for a decent horror movie or the next "Martyrs" you are way into the wrong alley here.

The whole movie is pretty much trash disguised as art for those who still think that making a movie in black/white is some kind of higher art form. To end on a positive note... the acting of both leads was pretty good although I guess they were doing what they do off-screen anyway.If the branding and blowjob scenes are real the actors sure are just as messed up as the roles they are playing.

Oh, and by the way... if you wonder what the "bunny game" is... its walking through the desert with pig and bunny masks and screaming like lunatics. So have a go next time you are in a desert.
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A wast of good acting
graeme3227 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film last night after reading the press coverage of the film being banned in the UK.

Rodleen Gestic's performance was amazing. She was physically branded, and abused for real in front of the camera, so it is impossible to fault her commitment. Similarly at times Renfro was genuinely convincing as a lunatic.

However, the film has many flaws. The editing is so quick that for whole sections of the film, individual scenes last 3-5 seconds. I have read reviews on here that praise this as creating an atmosphere where the viewer shares a sense of disorientation. I just found it distracting from an already weak story.

The film is made on a low budget, and the added features on the DVD say there was not even a film crew present - just a handful of actors and the director / filmmaker. This lack of budget feeds through into limited sets, and few (none?)special effects. There's a lot of torture, but no blood (fake or real). The actresses are really branded, but this added nothing to the film compared to the use of prosthetics - it doesn't add to the story so why do it.

In interviews Rehmeier states that they improvised large parts of the film. The reality seems to be that they didn't have money for a decent script so fall back on filling the film with bunny being abused over and over again for little real purpose in terms of plot development. Rapid cutting between the 2 main characters screaming at each other over and over again for 5 minutes is not an alternative to a script, and doesn't even build tension.

The bunny game itself involves Renfor dragging Bunny around the desert in a straight jacket and a rabbit hat. This was more like a fetish film than a serious horror film. This is supposedly the highlight of the abuse, but compared to what came before it would have been a relief.

The film ends with an anticlimax. Bunny has been abducted and tortured by what appears to be a psychopath, but he doesn't kill her, rape her, or free her. After a few days he transfers her to a friend, who takes her away. There is no explanation of why. I have read reviews here which state that this leaves it open for the viewer to interpret it in their own way (For example has he been breaking her as a human being in order to make it easier to sell her into white slavery, has he tired of her and passed her onto his friend to play with). Whatever. Its hard to praise the skill of the storyteller if he expects you to decide what his story actually is.

I didn't find this film frightening / scary, and the plot was so weak that there really isn't much of a story. If you like seeing a young girl get hurt, in the knowledge that a lot of it is real, then this film is probably for you. If you want to watch a film that scares you and makes you think then you would be better off watching "irreversible" or "Oldboy" Gestics skill and commitment deserved a better vehicle than this.
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Banned by those moral guardians the BBFC
Stevieboy66627 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When something, be it a film or a song, is banned by the authorities it's only natural for the curious to then seek out said banned work. The Bunny Game is banned outright in the UK by the BBFC due to sexual violence. * SPOLILER ALERT * Deranged trucker kidnaps and abuses a prostitute. That's pretty much it in 7 words. No question that that this is a very graphic film but it's one that just left me thinking - why? This film serves no other purpose than to shock - in the worst sense of the word. Disturbing? Yes. Any merit? No. I think it's wrong that in Britain The Bunny Game is banned but at the same time it's not a film that I could recommend.
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(Not) Funny games
kosmasp18 October 2018
This movie is quite infamous and there was a buzz about it. I read that it will bring out a reaction to those who watch it, but I never read what this was about. And it starts off pretty "strong" with a visceral and very explicit oral sex scene. You can see male genitalia (since prosthetics have gone quite some way, I'm not sure if it's a real one or a plastic one) and our female protagonist doing her "job". She is at a low point and while we won't get her backstory (maybe it would have been nice so we know whom we are supposed to care for), we see more of her degrading life in general.

And I'm not saying degrading because of the way she earns her money, but of the way she lets others treat her. It's one thing to earn money on the street and another to not really have a purpose anymore other than surviving. So when the "games" begin, it almost feels like there was no other way for her to fall even more, to suffer more. But the movie teaches us different. Empathy alone should inform us that this is wrong. And in no way should that entertain you. It's a movie for sure, but even so this is not a movie that should bring out joy.

It's one thing to find it interesting, how low some human beings can go or to see human depths of ugliness. Torture even if pretended is no fun - and for sure it's not a game if at least one participant is unwilling. I'm not even sure I can rate the acting in this ... the black and white photography is "nice" (not what is shown, if I have to stress that out again) ... other than that not much positive to find here
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Terribly boring
artnude11 February 2012
This "movie" is just bad and boring. There is no story. There are no characters to root for or empathize with. The only torture in this movie is the audience having to sit through it. I am a big horror fan, the more twisted the better for me but this thing was just a waste of time. If you like movies with long shots of people staring out into space or a woman constantly screaming while alone, You may like this movie. But I honestly doubt it. Any positive review HAD to come from people involved in the project because no other person who actually watched it could rate it highly. I fell asleep twice while watching it. If you are a horror/gore fan, do not watch this movie. You will be beyond disappointed. The opening scene was the only semi interesting one and even that one didn't pay off. This is a bad movie. You do not want to watch it. It does not have anything you are looking for. It is a lame and stale vanity project by inept amateurs. What a waste of my time.
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Serves no purpose
nathan-mcgee628 December 2015
I never been so bored in my life until I saw this movie. Falling asleep on movies is a rare thing for me because I always find something that holds my attention, even in the most awful movies. But this film has nothing entertaining about it. There's no story at all or characters to like or even hate because they aren't developed and for those looking for a really disturbing movie you seriously need to look elsewhere. Because the only disturbing thing is a girl screaming for hours with no real reason, a weird dude making random facial expressions and having creepy childhood flashbacks that don't seem to have really, any purpose at all and an a really annoying soundtrack that will make your ears bleed. The only positive thing I can really say is the black n white shooting of the movie because it almost gives an art feel in the beginning.

So overall this movie is really boring and not even disturbing as I've heard it's just a movie that serves no real purpose other than making you want fall asleep or that's if the annoying screaming or soundtrack doesn't make you turn it off in the last minute or so.
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Another point of view
mentalsjuk11 February 2012
Normally I don't do reviews, but in this case I felt obliged to, as all of the earlier reviews seemed biased. Many people seem to like the artsy-fartsy black/white movie stuff, perhaps even more so in the avant-garde horror genre – I'm definitely not one of them, though. For me, this was nothing more than 76 minutes of "Yeah, that's already been done – in color!" and a quite dull experience. It didn't grab my attention anywhere close to what A Serbian Film or Martyrs did. I'm not talking just graphically here, either – I'm talking about the whole feel of the movie, including the music and the storyline. In all honesty, it wasn't even much of a story to begin with. It's just boring all the way from start to end. I'm aware that most other reviews praise The Bunny Game for "taking it to the next level" and being a 10/10 kind of ground- breaking movie, but I honestly just can't understand why and none of the reviews have even bothered trying to explain their reasoning behind such statements, except maybe the fact that the torture and humiliation in this movie is supposed to be real (which I can't and won't even try to deny) but that does not automatically make it a good film – it just makes it closer to being a snuff film. We're heading there...
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Avoid Like the Plague
billcr1228 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I begin. I have just wasted seventy six minutes of my life, which I can never can never get back, but I have a duty to warn everyone as a potential viewer to avoid this mess at all costs. I made it through both The Human Centipede I & 2, and even the Japanese torture film, Grotesque, and those are works of art compared with The Bunny Game, which has no structure whatsoever. Rodleen Getsic plays a cocaine addicted prostitute who makes the mistake of getting into a truck with a driver from hell. He knocks her out with chloroform and neither of them says very much, and Ms. Getsic mostly screams and the abductor laughs maniacally while making silly faces, all in choppy black and white. It looks like a long form Nine Inch Nails video, without Trent Reznor's interesting music to accompany it. The script must be about one page, because Getsic is reduced to saying, "let me go" and the unnamed wacko does a great impression of Charles Manson. He shaves her hair off and brands her with a figure eight symbol, for no apparent reason. The lead actress also has her real last name tattooed on her right arm, and I am puzzled by this. IMDb does not allow a zero, so I am forced to give The Bunny Game a 1/10.
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Pure garbage
Sorpse18 April 2013
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its not that i don't get this movie. I do, i totally get it, but its still a shite movie. For one its boring as hell. And two, its just nasty smut. I'm all for disturbing movies that try to push the limits but this was just crap. I'll save you some time, close your eyes, now picture a old fat dirty trucker raping and torturing a prostitute over and over again. There you go, that is this movie. If that sounds fun to you well unfortunately there is also no gore in this movie. The director also tries to come off as being smart and trying to include a message or a "point" to all the smut but when its all said and done its just a movie about a hooker who gets kidnapped and raped. The beginning was alright and i thought it might go somewhere near the ending but it never does. They just drag out scene after scene until they are bored and end it. I really don't see what all the hype is about and its a shame because more people are going to be tricked into watching this for the shock factor which doesn't exist, its just repulsive in all the wrong ways. The only people who will like this movie are people who get off on seeing women beat up.
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I wish if I could ask for my lost time back!!!
kaimenkf9 July 2012
Sincerely, no word in this language could help me to classify this piece of crap. I wonder why so many people in cinema industry tend to believe that showing a person suffering for two hours could be called "a story" and could end being a "script for a film"...Maybe we can discuss this question when we are talking about "The Texas chainsaw massacre" or even "Hostel"...but this is not the case. The director is pretty good. The scenes are strong. The acting is absolutely fantastic. The photography and sound are excellent. But...the story is absolutely inextistent. Just 90 minutes of boring action, repeated torments, repeated sadism...just so boring, so ... Make yourself a favor, don't loose your time watching a crazy man tormenting a young prostitute. It is useless.
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Eye-opening brutal.
A1l9i8m613 January 2019
Unbelievable. I can't believe what I just watched. My mind is numb and I in all honesty can say I am 100 percent floored at the blunt nature of this film. I have seen a lot of disturbing and sick stuff when it comes to cinema but this powerhouse is shocking. It holds nothing back. This black and white filmed picture of depravity takes the viewer into a darkness that is so reality based that the one viewing it feels the process taking place on film as if it's real.

The sexual nature and the aspect of torture come together in a stark slap in the face. Bunny is a prostitute. Day to day she seeks out men for money to support her drug habit and to keep herself fed. One trick after another seems to be more violent then the next. Soon she is picked up by a trucker named Hog and then all hell breaks loose as Bunny is stuck in true unrelenting madness and horror through torture of some the most heinous ordeals.

The trucker has a little playground of handcuffs and a camera and chains in the back of his truck and Bunny is his next plaything. I have to commend and mention the acting or at least the ordeal that Rodleen Gestic went through who plays Bunny. She is a golden performer. The torture and humiliation even though it's a movie would have to be hard to go through. This is like a snuff film of torture, sexual torture.

This is not for everyone. Hell it's not for most, but with that said if you truly want to see something disturbingly remarkable then you have to see this, this is a one of a kind dark picture. If you go into this wanting a thick dialogue and a character study of cinema then you won't get it, for this is one sex act after another and one torture shot after another.

The camera work is flooring, the cinematography is mind altering in the art house indie department of film making. It's like life unfolding before your eyes, a slow trip into insanity. A balls to the wall smack in the face that leaves the viewer bleeding from their eyes.
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sickening flick shot in art-house style
trashgang28 February 2012
I have seen a few sickening flicks so far, Human Centipede, the August Underground flicks, A Serbian Film, too many to mention. The next big thing would be The Bunny Game. But how far can you go to make it sicker than previous films?

Adam Rehmeier, the director knew how to do it. Don't use effects, go for the real stuff. By doing so it will add to the uncomfortable feeling by watching it. He shot the whole thing in black and white and used an annoying score interfered with death metal. That alone will let people leave this flick for what it is. But by doing the real stuff you can't do things with the red stuff or it would become snuff.

Adam knew that he had to add something special towards his horror and he did it not only by shooting in black and white but by giving it an art-house feeling due editing. It is heavily edited and again that will push 'normal' viewers away.

Naturally you will have geeks who will watch it and I must say that indeed it all worked out very well. I admit that it maybe clocks in a bit too long but still it is an uneasy film to watch. From the first scene until the last it will get you by the throat and that's because it is a slow flick. Remember the rape scene in Irreversible, it took 9 minutes to sit through, here it takes much longer. The victim isn't raped but is humiliated in so many ways by cutting of her hair, by being leashed to go for a walk and it goes on and on. The story goes that the female actors agreed to get burned on screen by torturing. If you know that then it isn't one for the squeamish or the faint at heart.

The performances are great and believable and indeed, Adam looked out for a face to be the torturer and he succeeded. There's as I said a lot of master and servant going on and naturally a lot of nudity but not one that is gratuitous, it do adds toward the decay of the victim. She's filmed stripped down to see her finally full frontal.

I can't say that if you like Human Centipede or other flicks mentioned that you will like this sickening flick. It's out there and I wander if it will get the cult status as previous flicks did due the arty feeling. I liked it but you must be in the mood to watch it, it's pure visual and almost without talking. Sick and depraved. Maybe I can compare it with PIG made by Rozz Williams (of Christian Death fame).

Gore 2/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 0/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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More Transgressive than Extreme
gillman1128 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When considering how successful or otherwise a film is, we should probably take into account the intentions of the filmmakers. This intends to shock and unsettle its audience with a variety of bizarre and brutal images. It's an endurance test whether the viewer wishes to see it through to the end or not.

It's a perfectly valid use of the form to be shocking for the sake of shocking. Many have presented unsettling images with limited context, from the Film Brat experiments to the Cinema of Transgression of Zedd, Kern and Beth B.

So, artistic intent, then? The film was apparently improvised from a basic outline and you can't imagine that this outline was much more detailed than the synopsis above so it definitely fits the criteria of experimental film.

The aesthetic also suggests so: presented in black and white with minimal dialogue; fractured editing that removes the comfort of a narrative arc; occasionally imaginative camera-work where the zoom moves almost imperceptibly as if to suggest the breathing of an unseen observer ; thoughtful mise en scene in both middle and wide distance shots; no semblance of back story other than the inter-cutting of truckers home movie ; a shift from a black metal soundtrack for the early scenes to an ominous, musique concrete score during the main torment; no schlocky gore shocks; little in the way of titillation. Whilst we are ultimately presented with a hint of explanation, it is one that's obviously open to interpretation but is a denouement of sorts.

There is an intriguing mix of styles to the various scenes. The opening scene is shot in a way that will be recognisable to anyone who's seen a similar scene in porn and the other scenes of the hooker with her various johns are shot in a variety of different ways, one utilising an angle that is generally used by more traditional (read: major studio) directors to film rape scenes (shot slightly from the side, focusing on the victims face to avoid accusations of sensationalism or titillation) another is a shot of a back alley blow job shot in the middle distance and a further sex scene is simply observed.

Understandably, the filmmakers and distributors were delighted by the refusal of the UK censors to provide a certificate for distribution, apparently there is still some cachet to the phrase "Banned in the UK".

Reading the BBFC judgement certainly brings home that they have an apparent belief that a significant majority of the male population of the United Kingdom are closet sexual sadists who will be driven "monkey see monkey do" to re-enact what they see in feature films.

However, their rationale for doing so is open to question and actually strikes me that it gives an insight into the psyches of the people who sit in judgement on our entertainment.

There is much play on the terms "sexual and sexualised violence" and "eroticise or endorse sexual assault" in the write up, what I actually saw in the film does not back this up – the opening scenes of the victim's day to day life aside where she is consensual under financial or addiction duress, there is no suggestion of rape or sexual assault.

If anything, our crazy guy seems to be in awe and fear his captive's sexuality and her careless use of it. To the extent that he has to remove secondary sexual characteristics (hair) to dehumanise the victim to be able to proceed with his actions.

I'd have to say, if you're turned on by The Bunny Game, you have a fairly specialised view in what you consider erotic and should probably seek professional help.

But does it do anything new?

The scenario is an easy one for low budget flicks, psychological torture doesn't need an FX budget and there are myriad, shot on video examples of this very same basic set up. The actual infliction of pain and mutilation again brings to mind Kern or Zedd and by extension GG Allin and Bob Flanagan.

During the central torture, the indoor sequences were strongly reminiscent of the murder scene from Fire Walk With Me and the outdoor scenes in the desert seemed derivative of a variety of flicks, the most notable one that sprang to mind being Nico B's Pig a comparison that is heavily accentuated when the film reaches the titular Bunny Game.

In addition, the amplified-to-distortion screams of the victim way above the volume of the dialogue and music were similar to tricks adopted by the August Underground films, though not as interminable.

The fractured nature of the leaps in time and the wandering of the prostitute from one soul destroying, survival enabling tryst to another reminded me of the opening 15-20 minutes of Simon Rumley's Red, White & Blue without the satisfying coalescence of story as things we are drip fed become clearer.

The ultimate conclusion, with the dehumanised and now quite possibly insane victim laid naked on a cross brought to mind the ending of Bernard Rose's Snuff-Movie, thankfully without the sappy coda.

Ultimately, there is some interesting stuff going on here and the commitment of Rodleen Getsic to her art has to be admired.

I'd recommend it to those who appreciate the challenge of enduring a film rather than enjoying it. As long as they were mindful that, because we're that type, then there's not a lot we haven't seen before. If you're coming into this expecting Cannibal Holocaust, Nekromantik or Serbian Film, it's likely you're going away disappointed, as it's not that type of film.

Interesting enough that my review ran to more than 1000 words and I had to edit it for length - full review with links here: HTTP://
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Too artsy for the content? It worked for me :)
axdonaldson8 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Bunny game is a black and white film focused around the life of a cocaine addicted prostitute who is abducted by a truck driver and degraded and tortured for a period of time in the desert. One review caught my attention- There is an issue that the lengths of certain shots are "boring" and/or "pointless" and i have to say that i disagree. Nor do i think the lengths of shots are there to merely build up tension. I think the way this film is shot makes it so that the viewer does not passively engage in viewing the film as a mere sadistic turn on or curiosity. I'm sure some just seek out this genre in order to tick a box... I think this is a film that successfully uses a certain level of art house, somewhat experimental style to allow the viewer some distance from its content. On the one hand it ventures to be as realistic as possible , yet on the other uses techniques that are distancing, highlighting the creative process of making the film. Personally, i didn't feel a great deal of sympathy for the central character. Next to no dialogue and a rebellious looking cocaine addicted female prostitute coupled with intermittent strong, hard, fast music... I guess you assume she can handle herself and this is her choice. I enjoyed the concept of time in the film too. She has no idea how long she has been there and i found that i lost a sense of time while watching the film as it becomes dizzying and almost seemed circular at times. On another note, does the truck driver actually rape her? I can't remember that he does...

I particularly loved the film for its ending. I don't think it could have ended any other way! She was a nobody at the start of the film , you didn't get to know her through out the film and in the end she just disappears from the screen to an unknown future, an unknown person. I'm sure this is the most realistic aspect of using the role of a prostitute. They move around a lot and no one raises much concern if they just vanish. They are an easy target. I found the conclusion of the film rather poignant considering the rest of it. I look forward to a second viewing to analyse it further. I haven't read anything of the film, its making or the director so shall maybe research it a bit.
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Interesting, just far too long for a feature length film.
JesusIsCute16 February 2012
Despite having little dialogue and no back story, i found myself sympathising with the title character pretty quickly. This could be due to Rodleen Getsic's charisma and style, there's no doubt to the fact that she is excellent in this film. Her performance is aided (at least in part) by the chaotic drug-fueled style in which the director has filmed it, which really bring you into the psyche of the young woman we are following. The first 10 minutes of this film truly are a work of art, simply put.

That being said, this movie has a major downfall. It's just too long. there is not enough content to stretch this into a feature length film. Half of the time you're waiting for something to happen while a scene goes in circles with no real aim. I counted about 10 minutes where the trucker is just playing with the bunny girls unconscious body.

Then there's long drawn out portions where literally nothing happens, the aim was probably to build atmosphere, but all it does is bore. Even at the end we're left with 3 or 4 minutes view of an empty road with static playing on the radio inside the truck.

When you consider all this wasted time and the fact that the film only comes in at 70-something minutes, you'll probably agree this would have worked so much better as a short film. In fact if re-cut to 30 minutes, it coud be quite a poignant, evocative film.

There is definitely a lot of promise for those involved in the making of this film, so i'll be keeping an eye out for Adam Rehmeier's later pictures. And overall i would recommend you give this a watch.
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Boring, terrible dreck
otakucode25 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
(Contains spoilers) There is a self-destructive female prostitute.

There is a male sadist.

The male sadist kidnaps the female and tortures her.

That is all.

Really, that's it.

A film which contains only these 3 things could inspire the viewer to ponder the horror experienced by the victim, or the motivations and nature of the abuser. This film, however, does not. It is actually difficult to make torture boring. Humans are hard-wired for empathy (research mirror neurons if you are curious) and even fictional imagery of other humans in tortuous situations will normally cause some sort of reaction in the viewer. This film does not. The abuser and victim both are hollow. They fill their roles as if punching a clock. They are as bored as the audience. The abuser has no desire to abuse or to stop abusing. The victim has no desire to stop suffering or to continue to suffer. They are void. Though human in shape, there is no humanity in either. The film might as well be two machines screeching and banging against each other.
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Better Than Expected
eric-pudalov5 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The entire reason that I wanted to see The Bunny Game was that I'd heard so much hype about it being incredibly disturbing and realistic.

Without giving too much away, I will say that it is profoundly intense, and not for the average movie viewer. Ironically, it is much less gory than films from the "splatter" genre, such as "Hostel" and "Saw." Instead, the focus is centered around the main character, Bunny, and her tortured experiences as a prostitute.

Perhaps I'm not like some horror fans who feel that more gore = better. Rather, I prefer a good story, even if accompanied by violence. I suppose the most "shocking" scene in the film is the much-talked-about branding scene, because that (and the other violent acts) are not simulated. Yet even that scene is shown in a few edits.

The most disturbing part, for me, is that Bunny (and another character named Martyr) look as though they're genuinely suffering, and not acting. That, in my opinion, is far more disturbing than anything the "torture porn" films have displayed. In this, The Bunny Game succeeds wholeheartedly.

Whether or not the film has a "message" is debatable; I'd say try to go into it with an open mind, and you will not be disappointed.
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Do you think torture porn in black and white with no blood and where no one dies would make a great movie? Then this one is for you!
Sickcess11 June 2013
One of the worst things I know is when someone tries to be original with a really crappy idea.

As some other reviewer pointed out, this movie has sort of a plot. It's about a prostitute doing what prostitutes do, until she runs into the wrong customer, who kidnaps her, drives out into the the middle of nowhere with her in his truck and tortures her for a week or so in the back of the truck. That's about it.

First of all I think that I have the right to expect a movie of this genre to be violent. Unless of course it has a really good plot or delivers a powerful message or something like that. Which it doesn't. The story is almost nonexistent. I know it's supposed to deliver some moral message about prostitution. This is as much a failure as the rest of this garbage: Oh really? Some drug-addicted prostitutes live crappy lives and gets hurt by some customers? And here I thought they all lived really great lives. Wow, this is an eye-opener!

When I watched this movie I waited through the whole movie for something interesting to happen, and then the credits rolled. There are some sex and nudity, but if that is what you're interested in, rent a porn instead. When it comes to the torture, I'm sure being locked in the back of a truck for a week and getting slapped and yelled at now and then is a very traumatic experience, but it is not very interesting to watch in a movie. The scene where she gets branded is about as brutal as it gets and that scene is extremely lame. The black and white only ads to the dullness and the artsy filming and editing is just annoying.

The only reasons I didn't give this movie a 1 is because 1: the acting doesn't suck completely. It's not great, but it's not bad either and way above average for a low budget movie. And 2: because the soundtrack sometimes is pretty cool if you like aggressive music. But it's nowhere near to not make me wish I could get my 1 h 15 min back. This was the biggest waste of time in a long time for me. Unless you get off from being bored i recommend you stay away from this one!
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Piece of crap movie
StevenFlyboy2 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If you have been able to sit through "A Serbian Film" or "Murder-Set- Pieces", this movie will be a waste of time. You know, its strange that I have found many lists online of supposedly the "most disturbing movies of all time," and every single one of them include "The Bunny Game." To this day, i have not been able to figure out why. The story is relatively simple and common: a deranged trucker kidnaps a prostitute, chains her up in the back of his rig for the purpose of torturing her. The only problem is he never really DOES anything to her. The girl yells and screams all during the movie, yet not ONE DROP OF BLOOD is drawn. He puts a bag over her head and she briefly smothers. Big deal, he removes it and she doesn't die. He cuts all her hair off. Big deal. Not exactly "life-threatening." Unless i'm missing something, the one and only thing he does to her in the way of inflicting any pain is, he heats up the steel head of a hatchet with a blow torch, then briefly touches her skin with it. Of course, that hurts, but its very brief. I still don't understand why this girl screams hysterically throughout the movie. At the end of the movie, I found myself saying, "she's lucky she didn't come across Ted Bundy, then she would be dead." All in all, this movie is a total waste of time if you are expecting to see something "HORRIFIC." From the reviews and lists i've seen online, you'd think this is the most shocking movie of all time. I don't see it.
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Completely and Utterly Terrible
marcorivas5419 August 2017
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen and without a doubt ever made. The main purpose of this film is for the shock value and to disturb and make the viewer uncomfortable. This movie was so so so boring and dumb. Do NOT waste your time with this trash and find something else to watch.
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Nothing to get in a stew about.
BA_Harrison4 February 2014
Most people don't just happen upon a film like The Bunny Game—they seek it out, spurred on by on its notoriety, eager to discover if it is as anywhere near as shocking as its reputation suggests; if, like me, you hunted this one down after reading that it had been refused a certificate by the BBFC, then the chances are you've already seen much worse, for plenty of harsher films exist, and will only be disappointed by what you see here.

An early scene of unsimulated oral sex and the realistic use of a branding iron just about qualify as controversial, but other than that there's very little here that really warrants the fuss and attention; it certainly wasn't the sex and violence that made the film hard for me to endure, but rather the manner in which it was all presented. The avant-garde approach and choppy editing make this film look like the product of a pretentious art school student exploiting shock tactics to make a name for himself.

And like most art school films, it's very boring: there are moments that seem to drag on forever with virtually nothing happening at all; other scenes flash by in a whirlwind of epilepsy-inducing imagery and a cacophony of discordant 'music'. When a film that sets out to disturb has me either dropping off to sleep out of disinterest, or wanting to turn off out of sheer irritation, then I have to consider it a complete failure.
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It is not easy to see.
RodrigAndrisan23 July 2016
She deserves to live a life as a prostitute? Just to survive? Let herself beaten and tortured? And spend great deal of money on drugs, that she can mentally resist this way of life? I think these are the questions posed by this film, visually. That, in conjunction with the first part of the film. Then, I wonder what audience can have this film, who are those who are watching something like this and movies like those in the "The Human Centipede" series or those Japanese films such as "Grotesque" and many others? I understand the need for porn, for single people or people who want more sexual arousal. But who and for what are needed such films like this one? Who is more disturbed in his brain, the insane character who kidnaps the prostitute, or the director of the film? I am aware that we live in a increasingly mentally ill world. And I'm against burning books or to blow vinyl discs. But, DVDs and any other support with such films should be destroyed.
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This is the wake up call cinema has needed
james_depaolo14 February 2011
Bunny Game is the injection film has needed for a long time to change what it puts out. Rodleen Getsic is the most important female actress in the last decade. This film is brave, no holds barred and challenges the viewer as to what it can take. Adam, paints a picture that some will say is far too real, well duh...this stuff happens everyday. This is that one of a kind, once in a lifetime film that you know you watched something special happen. I put Bunny as a character up there with Ripley from Aliens. Rodleen has just redefined female cinema. This is a must. Stop giving crap Hollywood films all your cash, support the little guys cause this film shows you. They are truly the original and true visionaries.
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I just might brave it all again.
christopher-underwood17 January 2013
It's a good film, well acted, well directed and very well edited with great sound and b/w visuals, now who might really enjoy it? Can there be anyone? Not the point of course, what we have hear is a fascinating depiction of first the dehumanisation of a young women fallen into the drugs/prostitution cycle, ending up in some nutter's truck who proceeds to then, also remove her sexuality and leave her as crazy as himself. Rodleen Getsic who plays the leading lady incredibly well, clearly has some vested interest in exploring the uncomfortable truth that she would not be the first such women to go down at least the first path. The second is more extreme, but we are not talking about torture really here but more a shaping process. Her hair is removed, she is branded, her breasts almost perversely ignored and sex never takes place, although some seem to have imagined it! This is more like a bad marriage telescoped into mere days. He does not delight in 'taming' her, nor enjoy dragging her around like a dog, just something a man has to do. Disturbing, illuminating and involving almost to the point of driving the viewer crazy. In the end I hardly dared press the 'extras' button, I'm not that much of a glutton for punishment, but it is a director/actress commentary, so another day, I just might brave it all again.
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Absolutely Pointless
cjdgod712 January 2020
Dull, boring, arty and overall garbage.

Only thing worth noting is the female leads obvious commitment to the role.

Otherwise, don't believe the hype, it's total garbage!
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