"Rick and Morty" Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Another terrible and lazily written episode
jancape1 August 2021
I don't know how they managed to make these action-packed episodes so boring but they did. The anime parody was just pure cringe and seems to be written by someone who's never seen one in his life. It's mind-boggling how they thought bringing back the worst part of the sperm episode here was a good idea. I also can't believe that Dan Harmon was involved in this considering the mafia part completely fell flat. If you want to see it done better, just watch the Chicken fingers episode of Community.

Rick just seems off this season. He's so incompetent now that it's hard to believe that he's the smartest man in the universe who's always ten steps ahead of everyone else. I understand if they want to portray him as fallible but they didn't have to make him a complete idiot.
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Fire those writers
jimmyishere-377483 August 2021
This season (except the first 3 episodes) doesn't feel like the true and OG Rick and Morty. It feels boring and crappy; the plot line is an absolute nightmare. I hope it's just a phase and the last remaining 3 episodes turn out to be exceptional.
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zchase-311582 August 2021
This episode is honestly tiring. First of all, the voice over thing was not funny at all, the montages were useless, the plot was boring and lazy. To be honestly, this doesn't feel like Rick and Morty AT ALL. It's a a shame to see your comfort show decay and stop being the show it used to be. Where is the Total Rickall, Pickle Rick, or The Ricklantis Mixup episodes? It used to be original, funny, and stood out from other cartoons. I really had to stop half way through because it didn't feel like the show we all know and love. I don't know what happened with the writers from the earlier seasons!!!?????This isn't it. This is NOT Rick and Morty. Sorry, but not sorry. Rating well deserved.
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I wish they brought back the old writers
yourmomisgay1232 August 2021
I miss the show when it was great and clever (season 1-3) now its bad and mediocre. This is just not rick and morty anymore.
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It's not bad, per se...
Zett765 August 2021
...it's just not funny, anymore.

I've decided to shift expectations - I watch R&M for the nice creative ideas, now. Not for laugh-out-loud moments.

Which is, when you come to think of it, quite sad.

But hey. Glas half full, right... when your spouse loses the sex-appeal, you better start to enjoy playing scrabble.
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Recycled Community Content
sherm-898181 August 2021
This episode felt eerily similar to Contemporary American Poultry (Dan Harmon's Community s1e21), as if they just copied that script starring the smith family and a couple sci-fi tropes.
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A really good episode
michaelballone-170382 August 2021
Stop complaining about it not being the old Rick and morty. Period. The show has to change or it would get boring so just except it. I enjoyed the episode a lot. It had references to past episodes and it had family drama with good comedy. Everyone lighten up and take the show without such high expectations and just enjoy it like you used to, that's what made the show so good to begin with. Half of these reviews are just any random low number and the review is just a rant about the show getting worse, if you go into an episode already deciding it's bad before watching it your not going to like it and that's the bias that every bad review is. Has nothing to do with the episodes themselves.
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I think the creators are distracted
mechashark2 August 2021
With Solar Opposites and the upcoming mountain of purchased episodes, it would seem the workload and split focus is having an effect on this show's quality (big time). At least, that's my only guess. This and the last few episodes have been significantly out of style for Rick and Morty.

And I don't mean that they're not good, I mean that they don't fit in with what has happened previously. Which says a lot about them being consistent in the past with a portal gun MacGuffin that makes *anything* possible.

You can hear the disconnect in character flavor and tone with nearly every piece of dialogue in this one. The narration tidbits, the anime characters randomly breaking the animation style (consider this: the episode with chairs sitting on people felt more in place in the R+M universe).

Everything is out of place this season.
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Why the hate?
bnevs182 August 2021
I mean, ive been seriously disappointed with season 5, but this was pretty close to classic R&M...they even somewhat salvaged a tiny bit of the travesty that was the incest baby. IDK, maybe because it made fun of the worst form of art in the world (anime), is that why people are so pissed? I mean, none of the top reviews actually state WHY they hate it (with examples) just that they do.
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Calm down guys
chancelormayfield2 August 2021
Like cmon y'all it literally wasn't even that bad. I kinda think y'all are over exaggerating it a bit. It was a decent episode.
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icm-117342 August 2021
This season felt like it was written in a vacuum. The characters feel off and their immune to real world consequences. The plots for this season are stunningly absurd and complex, but feel lifeless and devoid of charm. There's no continuity between episodes. Rick and Morty have been sidelined in their own show and they haven't shared a solid adventure together all season. The smartest man in the universe is now easily manipulated and passive.

The mafia bit had potentially and the anime voltron set up sounds like a good idea on paper. In execution, it fails completely. Jerry calls his own son a "little rat," Summer is basically a sociopath and Rick is possibly the stupidest character in the family. I understand that they were going with a Godfather theme. But the characters established traits are bending to contrived plots. It's happening every episode. They act different not because of character motivations but because the writers really want to hit the beats of Godfather. Why? My biggest problems with this season are displayed in this episode:

  • Rick and Morty's are sidelined in their own show. They havent even had a adventure together all season.

  • The plot moves waaaaaay to fast and doesn't allow things to develop. Instead the viewer just gets hit over the head with a crude nonsensical sc-fi randomness (kinda feels like family guy).

  • The jokes are either crude or just wordplay that thinks it's real clever.

  • Nothing is being developed. The stories literally have no beginning middle and end, they just sort of happen. Seriously, what happened to Dan Harmon's "Story circle?"

Sidenote: Some R&M fans are actually in denial, thinking this seasons suckiness is due to Morty actually being evil morty lol. Fanboys are really something else.
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abdulrahmanolaitanb3 August 2021
I think the low raters are just trend following. The hate is just a bandwagon.

Amazing nostalgic episode. Oh, and they did make fun of millenials and culture appropriation cry babies. Go figure.
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Along with the Season Finale. The Most Anticipated Episode for me.
ariasisaac-890851 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Did this episode successfully give me what I want, for the most part yeah. I won't give away too much, even though most people already seen this episode. "Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion" is another exciting Episode that plays on what I personally want from the show, as well some things that are left to be more desired. I actually like that there isn't a whole lot of Giant Robot fighting Monsters, if there was It would become pretty stale. The pacing slows down a bit deliberately, to focus on the characters in particular "Summer". The back story we are given about her I actually liked, and did produce some poignancy for the Serialization of her Character. Now the episode is a Mish Mash of various different tones, while I enjoy the unraveling of the family dynamic in this one, not all of it works. It's a fun enough episode, that has a great hook and a surprisingly somber Mid Portion. What does feel off for this one is how it adapts Anime Fandom into the mix, which unfortunately misses the point. The One Pony joke of the Anime bit, feels more like it was ripped from other Cartoons Parodying it. It just compromised some of the higher stakes, and felt more like an after thought. It doesn't drive my attention away too much where I don't like watching Rick and Morty, it's just a bit plain and lacks energy. Even if the Episode is pleasantly somber, there are moments of distraction that are meant to be High amounts of energy that satirize exaggerated Visual Imagery, but misses how to approach it's own visual gag. I guess the episode didn't quite reach my expectations, but it was still fun especially seeing multiple tones collide into one episode, almost seamlessly.
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aidoshinsler3 August 2021
I literally could not finish the damn episode, I never thought I would say that about an episode of Rick and Morty. Every character feels so out of place, It's like I don't even know their personalities anymore.

The jokes aren't funny, and above all else, I don't root for anyone anymore because the Smith family has just become a bunch of cynical assbags who will seemingly turn their backs on each other the first chance they get.

I don't enjoy that dynamic, it feels like a modern Family Guy episode with the comedy of a modern Simpsons episode.

Man, screw whoever these new writers are, they ruined one of my favourite tv shows.
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Hopefully thinking next week, maybe next week will be better... but just gets worse.
sumtim3s00n2 August 2021
Could not even finish watching this ep.... and this used to be one of my fav shows. This episode was that bad. And every ep is worse .

Now it is so absymal that I would rather watch TOP SHOP selling Super Duper Juicer for only 39.95$ than this POS.

Fire everyone who had anything to do with this season. And then some.

P.s. I just watched Solar Opposites created by Justin, one of the two guys who created RnM. RnM sucking is 100% reason due to Justin leaving the writing team. Check the show out. It is Rick and Morty with different characters. Exact same smart FUNNY humour, sarcasm, fun stories. All that has been lost here. It would appear he was the creative force here,not Harmon or whatshisname.
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20 minutes I can't get back
kobedawson5 June 2022
All I'll say is that the joke with Jerry being locked outside was the best part of the entire episode but everything else about this episode was a waste of time, I recommend people to not watch it. Also the animation was pretty good and the plot was terrible and unnecessary. But if there are fans out there, who appreciates Morty looking like a loyal idiotic cuck then you'll enjoy this episode.
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The ideas are still great, BUT ...
masoud_ahmadi1 August 2021
The ideas are still great, but the execution is not in R&M standards (Seasons 1-3). Even from season 4, I could say something is off. Rick and Morty both act so out of their characters without any solid reason and continuity.

Also, it feels like every episode is very busy and noisy full of different viewpoints, maybe they added too many writers to their writers' room; in other words, I think it has become a paint that every part of it is painted by a different artist.
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R&M is still great, its just evolving a bit to try and meet the heaby demands imposed on the show by its viewers
wdojo2 August 2021
This was a half decent episode, but it was far from this seasons best episode. R&M were forced to add additional writers to help write the show, because of popular demand, and some of the episodes don't quite feel like classic R&M, where some do. I have kept track of the writers, who have helped write the show, and it seems that R&M has become a great job to put on the resume, as many of the writers have got some very high paying gigs writing for some high profile shows. The best R&M episodes, are being written by writers that have been with the show since before the writing started for season 4. Another problem is that, it seems like Justin Rolland focuses less on helping create episodes, and is now just the voice actor for Rick, Morty & a couple other odd ball characters. He is considered to be the Co-creator, and was involved in animation, writing, voicing, etc... Now Rolland has another show that is more his own, than it is Harmon's (show is called: "Solar Opposites" & it is on Hulu). IMO, the humor found in Solar Opposites, is a large part of the humor that could be found in early R&M, a humor that the show doesn't have today. R&M use to feel very abstract, and Sci Fi'ish, and it still does in some episodes, but in other episodes like this one, it feels, well... not quite the same as it use to, I guess. I find it completely obvious that Justin Rolland has not been contributing to R&M like he once did. Supposedly him and Harmon were under much stress during the making of season 3, and there was some differences of opinions that lasted through the creation of season 4. To me it feels like they never really settled their differences, and Rolland continues to do the voice acting, as he is contracted to, but focuses all of his other time on Solar Opposites. This is just a theory, but it would actually make a lot of sense. That means Harmon is in charge, but he can't write & animate the show by him self, and every-time he gets good help, it seems like another show comes in and buys his writers out from underneath him. Again, I don't know if Dan Harmon feels this way, again I am just guessing, but again it would make sense, pickle rick won all sorts of awards, and went down as one of R&M's all time greatest. The woman who wrote Pickle Rick got offered a large multi million dollar contract to write for another show, shortly after she received an Award for writing pickle rick. (note: she is an Asian female writer, and she invented the Asian therapist lady, lol)
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It's not the same show anymore
muchobliged4 August 2021
It's just not. I feel that R&M has become just another generic brand name writers can latch onto, to have it on their resume "yeah, I wrote a Rick and Morty in one night when I was totally on cocaine, people hated it but whatever, I had a lot of fun with it" I mean you can't just delegate a show like this and expect it to be the same quality, it's like Led Zeppelin or whatever hiring a bunch of people to write new songs for them because they're too busy doing other stuff.
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Classic Godfellas satire.
davidwhitley19952 August 2021
This episode had some really funny bits. I see a lot of hate for season 5 but personally this season has been pretty solid so far. This episode is definitely rewatchable for me. Another classic 9.5/10.
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I haven't given up hope for evil morty theory but....
connorhill-993481 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The evil morty theory is basically that we are watching a different Rick and Morty which eventually end up being evil morty and the Rick he mind controlled. This theory is kind of disproved because this episode because Rick was referred to as C-137 and he also had the drool from his mouth. That still doesn't take away from how weird this season is with each episode lacking any emotional depth. It just makes each episode feel pointless. Rick and Morty feel like completely static characters and it's sad to see.
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What happened to this show?
ahmadre-122161 August 2021
I have watched first 3 seasons of Rick and Morty a lot and always loved the brilliant writing and plot twists of every episode. This show used to be spontaneous and original but this season is filled with lazy writing, unfunny and cringe jokes. This episode comparing to this season is ok but in Rick and Morty quality (at least when there was a quality) it was absolute trash. I am just disappointed.
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No idea what everyone's complaining about
perezmichail2 August 2021
This was classic R&M. Creative, consistently funny, and over the top in the best way.
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A Family "Business"
southdavid4 August 2021
Long trailed in the adverts and in this season's credits, "Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion" squeezes perhaps the most different movie parodies the show has ever done, into its short run time. It almost pulls it off but, for me, dissolved a little before the conclusion.

Whilst travelling with Morty (Justin Roiland) and Summer (Spencer Grammer) Rick (Justin Roiland) spots his white whale, the final giant robotic ferret that will complete his set. Once home, he and the rest of the family begin to use the ferrets to fight gigantic monsters - particularly using the form of Gotron - when the five combine into a giant mechwarrior. But that is only the beginning, as Rick decides to use the rest of the multiverse, and his alternate families, to creating increasingly large Gogogogogtrons - his avarice pushes away Morty but elevates Summer to his consiglieri grandchild.

Much of the set up of this episode, I really enjoyed. Parodying the ridiculousness of aspects of franchises like "Voltron", the titular "Neon Genesis Evangelion" and even something like "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers". So, I liked jokes about being ferried halfway around the world, to get their Ferret, only to meet up again in space. I liked the jokes about deliberately attacking ineffectively, in their solo forms, before forming up. That, however, is only half of the parody, as a number of Gangster films, "The Godfather", "Scarface" and particularly "Goodfellers" are homaged with the storyline of an increasingly wild Rick, driven mad with plans for Gotrons, with Summer replacing Morty and with both of them providing voice overs - which pays off in yet another parody.

It was consistently funny and entertaining, until perhaps it's final third. Of all the various plot strands that "Rick and Morty" have seeded and then never returned too, returning to the space incest baby and having him be the resolution felt anticlimactical.

I'd agree it's not close to touching anything in the first three seasons, but its still a pretty good episode and not as bad as some of the other reviews have made it out to be.
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All Time Low
cobrakid642 August 2021
This season is so bad, it's not even funny, literally. I didn't laugh once during this terrible episode. I remember when Rick and Morty used to actually be funny. It's like they're not even trying anymore.
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