Dark Feed (2013) Poster


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Pretty dull and lifeless
Corpus_Vile20 March 2013
A film crew shooting a horror flick in an old abandoned hospital, realise that all is not what it seems as one by one, they all seem to fall under the influence of an evil presence...

The problem I had with this film is that it's nothing that any self respecting horror fan hasn't seen before. It takes a while to get going and utilizes done before clichés such as ominous music combined with slow tracking shots, in an attempt at atmosphere. As a result it emerges as a pretty lacklustre by the numbers effort that despite having one or two nice ideas, is simply a ho-hum affair that has no real suspense or tension and the characters are pretty uninteresting. The performances aren't great either and overall the film simply comes across as boring. It was also far too restrained for my liking, considering its premise could have allowed for at least some potentially entertaining set piece kills, but it's all to tame and cutaway.

4/10, just a dreary, dull horror for me.
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Had so much potential!
ihearthorrorfilm30 March 2013
Dark Feed is one of those films that looks cool, so you keep watching because something amazing is going to happen, you can feel it… So you keep watching and waiting… and waiting… Until the movie is over and you're like, "Damn, where did the past hour and a half go?" Dark feed had all the cool lighting, sweet sounds, awesome camera angles and shots of a horror movie, but with no movie. I really wanted to like it, but it really had no story and really weak dialog. It almost felt like a reality show a times, where you're just watching people on a film set work and talk about everyday life. The last 20 minutes of the film started to get interesting but I also felt like it didn't really matter because 70 minutes before that made my brain shutdown. A very bleak horror film overall, but it had major potential to be something amazing… Unfortunately it fell flat instead. I gave it a 4 instead of a 3 because the last 20 was pretty decent.

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OMG SO sad.. :(
dtf8590125 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So this movie had all the things needed to make a great movie. Spooky (though stereotypical) setting, hot actors and actresses, decent acting, spooky lighting, (not great) but not awful special effects...

And it all added up to crap. Absolute crap.

This movie made me sad..... sad I sat all the way through it. Trust me, I watch BAD movies. So bad my husband won't watch them with me. This one had so much potential that I kept sitting there waiting for it to get good - but it never did. Next thing I know it's over, and I'm wondering how the hell nothing exciting ever happened, no one I liked died, no one I liked lived, and some girl I know nothing about is playing with a staple gun.

I want my hour and a half back, and I want to use it to watch a decent movie like, say, Pandorum, instead.

The Ward was mildly entertaining, but without John Carpenter - no one should give these guys ANY funding.
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Bad acting, overused plot, no budget. If you are a hardcore horror fan you may like this, others should avoid. I say D+
cosmo_tiger17 March 2013
"Did you see that!?" A film crew shooting a low budget horror movie moves into a abandoned psychiatric hospital. The hospital seems to take on a life of it's own the longer the crew stays. Little be little the cast and crew begin to notice strange things happening. I will admit that I had pretty low expectations for this even though I did like The Ward. I also realize the movie is about a low budget film crew but just because that's the plot doesn't mean they only have to hire bad actors. Not only is the fake movie low budget and bad acting, the actual movie is low budget and bad acting. It's hard to knock the movie based on budget but there comes a point where you have to realize that acting does matter, even in really low budget throw away movies like this. The rest of the movie was pretty much cookie cutter and not that scary to me. If you are a hardcore horror fan you may like this, I did not. Overall, the bad acting was too distracting for me to fully get into the movie. I say D+.
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Potential but failure to commit to whatever was the plot !!!!SOME SPOILERS, ALERT!!
mikebobcatkelly2 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Dark Feed has all the elements of a 'Sinister' 'Grave Encounters' & 'Insidious' but forgot one small thing: A set plot. Instead, it had 20 subplots with no clear goal. Yes, we get it, water filtration system is mentioned so many times I got the point by osmosis.

So many of the characters had potential to be epic but none were given the staring role: the Producer is on his phone a lot but no reception, the grips & P.A.'s were losers but harmless, the special effects guy (who I think was voted off FACEOFF in the preliminary rounds for being a diva) is an artist on the edge. The Director is a flaccid and talented frustrated hack & the writer is has the personality of that guy who fixes your office copier machine. The 'Doctor' is so menacing from his black-mold covered painting but has no real role in movie & Beth (Victoria Nugent) who had a convincing and likable character discovered nothing, accomplished nothing, saved no-one & with the exception of opening 'one' book did nothing but carry lighting poles & wander almost the entire movie. Marissa (Dayna Cousins) is a fantastic actress but was give such a small role that the dog she was watching got more screen time. Rachel (Rebecca Whitehurst) got a good role to make her bones in movies but the script failed her.

Enough about the characters, OK maybe just a little more. The movie Dark Feed starts off as a movie in a movie, warps into a possession/demonic/psychotics in an asylum and finishes as a weird zombie-Esq film. Oh then the editor Jessica (Jessica Lauren Napier, yes she didn't even get to change her name)decided she did not have enough screen time to get her SAG Card so she comes back at the end to off herself with office supplies.

One final positive, Andrei (Jason Beaubien) and the direction that his character took is where the movie should have been focused. At that point I believe the movie could have saved it's self and then boom! he was gone.

In conclusion, make this a movie that you and friends play a drinking game with, every time you or anyone goes "what"? or "WTF"...Drink.
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Yes, it was dark...
MrGKB4 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
...as in the lighting, but all it feeds an audience is boredom, frustration--mostly in the form of numerous lovely women, none of whom reveal a significant inch of naughty bits, never mind the one who dies taking a shower; unforgivable in a make-work film like this--and did I mention boredom? Yes, I did, and that's what this quickie is all about: a few unfulfilled promises and tons of unrelenting boredom. The cast mostly sleepwalks through their paces, the direction is perfunctory at best, and as is always the case in misfires like this one, the script is leaden and uninspired. Who rationally puts up the money for pap like this, and why? Completely dispensable and as good an illustration of Sturgeon's Revelation as any. Do yourself a favor and avoid.
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A waste of time- the sad thing it shouldn't have been so
benegesserit2015 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains spoiler, please do not read it before watching the movie.

Here we go again with the mental hospital stuff. And another fail. The joke is that the idea was not bad. But somehow the whole thing just did not make any sense. Why did they got there to shoot this movie? What happened there before? Now is there an evil power working on its own or people just go crazy and kill each other? If it was the latter, why didn't it happen to everyone? Who was that guy talking to and why did he hate the writer so much? Why was so much time wasted on the fake scary moment of that piercing removal in the beginning and why the things that was meant to be scary happened in a second or two? And there are many other questions that bothered me, probably because I had plenty of time for thinking as there wasn't anything scary and as far as I was concerned the fate of these people could have been anything because they were so plain and boring. The story just seemed to be built in an absolutely random manner, without giving it a serious thought. There was a tiny ray of hope at the end, when it became almost interesting, but the feeling just came and went. Oh, and the end was extra stupid.

The very same people wrote The Ward. Many people hated it, it worked for me though. Not this one. It's really a pity because some extra work could have made it so much better.
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Watch it only if your extremely bored
andrea-gyimothy11 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well, if you've seen the trailer you won't find any spoilers here, because the whole plot is not more than that. But I checked the spoiler part anyway, just to be sure.

Despite most of the reviews here, I think the acting's not bad at all. There are just way too many characters. Instead of having the time to get to know a few of them, you just see how one by one, everybody vanishes or loses it or whatever they do in the dark. Which is basically the main problem of this film: too many characters in too many one-person scenes where something bad happens. It simply gets boring after the fifth "incident" and you just don't care anymore.

Apart from that, there's no real story or logic behind the whole thing. That really is a problem, because there would be enough time to build some conspiracy-like storyline. Instead, the movie is filled with the already mentioned boring parts. There's even a character who's described as "our conspiracy guy". But you only get a halfhearted story about the asylum and something in the water. Wow. The plot described in a maximum of two sentences. I call that potential thrown out of the asylum-window.

But in the end I gave it 4 points out of 10 because it has some cool and amusing, sometimes funny, creepy scenes. The atmosphere is great and when you are really bored you can give this movie a try. Seen worse.
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Seen it all before? You bet!
Leofwine_draca6 September 2015
DARK FEED is yet ANOTHER film set in an abandoned old psychiatric hospital with a disturbing past. The characters of the storyline are a group of film-makers shooting a low budget horror flick (hooray for self-referencing) who soon find themselves menaced by something much more real and disturbing. As the tagline went...who will survive and what will be left of them?

The answer is not a lot, not that you'll care as this is strictly ordinary horror fare for the masses. DARK FEED is the kind of film that low budget filmmakers love to make, because it doesn't take a whole lot of effort or imagination or indeed talent on the part of the crew. The acting here is resolutely poor, the special effects limited, and the plotting almost non-existent.

What we're left with are a handful of loosely connected scare and kill scenes, some of which are pretty gory by genre standards. In the film's favour, it does manage to summon up a couple of relatively intense and frightening scenes, like the hands coming out of the wall, but these tend to be loss in a jumble of the merely ordinary.
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Not a winner
mrmuzikproductions17 March 2013
The story revolves around a film crew who enters an abandoned psychiatric hospital to shoot a horror film and get more than they bargained for. I get a feeling that the Rasmussen brothers have a "thing" for old, abandoned psych wards which is lucky for us viewers!

Dark Feed was shot in New England using some of the same buildings featured in Shutter Island and Roger Danchik, art director on Session 9 was in charge of production design for the film. Dark Feed also features a haunting original score by award winning composer John Kusiak who scored Errol Morris's recent film Tabloid. The makings of a garishly good time and film are all there!
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Hard not to switch off
begob1 November 2015
A screenwriter visits the set of his horror movie in an abandoned psychiatric hospital, where a dark force begins to create its own drama.

Ouch! I gave this a shot because of some good recent IMDb reviews and the writer/directors also wrote The Ward, a passable hospital horror. Problem starts with the screenplay, which trowels on 20 different characters who get lost in a series of choppy, ineffective scenes. Most of the dialogue is pointless, failing to give impetus to the dark force, and the threat is confusingly both internal and external as ghouls creep out of the shadows and the cast goes insane. Plus they chose a really lame protagonist. Total mess and very hard to sit through despite the short run time.

On top of that is the damn music. It's mostly simple, eerie strings and plinky piano - but it never turns off. Even when the odd dramatic scene comes along the dialogue gets swamped, and the music completely drains other scenes of their creepiness when silence is needed. Very close to hitting the eject button.

Hard to judge the actors, because their characters were so badly drawn - a bunch of squabbling 13 year olds - and their lines were so pointless and lacking in intelligence or information.

Camera was also poor. Lots of reflection on the lens and bad lighting of the actors.

The story did develop pace in the end, but overall just awful. A much better film in this genre is Grave Encounters.
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Creepy Gory & effective a surprise that should be watched.
loomis78-815-9890343 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A film crew has taken over an abandoned psychiatric hospital with a dark past. The crew is filming a low budget film and using the hospital as its set and production headquarters. The story picks up with the screenwriter Chris (Rudick) visiting the set for the first time. It becomes clear that an evil force is at work which may be circulating through the water system in the creepy old place. The evil possesses different individuals as creepy things move in shadows down long hallways. Chris must figure out what is happening before it is too late. This low budget chiller is from the writers of John Carpenter's film "The Ward" which was also set in an insane asylum. Brothers Michael and Chris Rasmussen write produce and debut as co-directors on this film that doesn't sound like much on paper but is quite a nice surprise. The Rasmussen's let their location work for them much like Brad Anderson did in the superb "Session 9", as they ring out every drop of atmosphere they can. The acting and even dialog isn't anything to get excited about but the brothers Rasmussen show good skill at delivering creepy scares and some gore. There are several surprises that catch the viewer off guard and deliver a shock. One inspired sequence happens inside an Elevator with actress Rachel (Whitehurst) that is sure to raise goose bumps. Along with the creeps this movie supplies, the Rasmussen's also deliver some gory and memorable death scenes that add to the fun. The cause of the strange happenings isn't fully explained but it seems intentional, these guys leave some of that up to your imagination. The ending is just the right tone for this film. These brothers obviously love Horror films and it shows in this tight little scare show.
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if you are not a horror buff you will have your scary moments
trashgang28 January 2014
So low rated here on the bible of flicks so I wasn't sure to pick this up or leave it for what it was. And still it's a rare one to review because some will find it scary others will turn it off.

For the usual viewer and not found of horror this might have some scary moments but for horror buffs this isn't going to be your thing because to be honest, it takes a while before things go wrong.

We follow a film crew that is going to shoot a low budget horror in an abandoned asylum. Of course by now you do know that this isn't a good sign. And it isn't, slowly the building becomes darker and darker. It's never explained throughout the flick what the dark feed is. We do see pictures of patients been given the dark feed or fluid but for what reason is unclear. But it do takes over more than halfway this flick before the crew goes crazy. Some are out to kill and goes berserk, others harm their own body. Sadly all killings and bloodshed is done off-camera. There's even the girl with the big boobies which you know will show them only she has her shower scene but it's all filmed from behind so even there things go wrong.

If you aren't into horror this will have it's scary moments like the elevator and the shower scene but as me, a heavy horror geek it looked like okay, you want to make a cruel horror but you also want teens to see it. So let's cut down on the gore and nudity and gives it a dark atmosphere. The dark didn't feed my hunger.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2,5/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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valentin729 May 2014
Well, I made sure I had an account just to review this waste. I sat and watched this whole thing from beginning to end. It has a few gore scenes but lack of everything takes away from it. A one-man cemetery has more plot than this film. How do I get time back from my life? Is there a time refund for wasting mine on watching this. I couldn't shut it off because I had hope that something would change. The description made it sound so good-but no it's not. I want my hour and 21 minutes back. Who do I see about that??? The actors were not even famous or well known so that should have been a sign that this was worthless, but hey, that is how you start and get noticed isn't it? Well they will continue to go unnoticed for taking part in this nonsense.
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How did they get money to make this film?
BigBobFoonman17 April 2013
I am increasingly amazed that projects like "Dark Fall" and the people responsible for them somehow manage to get investors, and ultimately a distro house like Lionsgate to put it out.

This HAS to be a tax-write off scam, a "Spring Time For Hitler" scenario where the joke's on us, the viewers, and the IRS. No one viewing the rushes, or reading the script could not have missed the fact that this was SciFy Channel quality, low-rent drivel. Ergo, it had to be planned that way so investors could declare a loss on their income for 2012, thus taking the IRS bite and rendering it insignificant.

Everybody gets a REFUND!......a bunch of 20-somethings get a summer project, get stoned, drunk, have sex, all on the investors' dime, which will inevitably come right back to the investors' pockets. Also, how many times has that run-down hospital been used in films lately?
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Some gore, nothing else
Stevieboy66620 September 2017
Film set in an old asylum where a low budget horror movie is being filmed. People get killed in gruesome fashion, this movie is pretty gory, but that's it. You could write the plot on the back of a postage stamp. Acting is reasonable, effects are not too bad. I bought this from my local Poundland store so can't really grumble, but I won't be watching it again
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nogodnomasters19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a low budget film about filming a low budget film in an asylum, something that has been done before and more importantly...better. This is not a found footage film, which was what I expected and that is a plus. The asylum has been shut down for only six years, after the director killed himself. It looks old because of pipes breaking causing water damage.

This asylum used experimental water on the patients as part of the government's MKULTRA project. The film takes a long time to build all the characters on the set. It does so in different fashions from dinner conversation to the blond actress (Rebecca Whitehurst) being told, "They're stage directions. You don't read them." There are little tidbits in the dialouge to indicate some level of clever writing. The action builds slow, in fact a little too slow as the first snuffing doesn't happen until 36 minutes into the film. No opening hook with a "6 hours earlier" following the credits.

The film seems to center on Chris the writer (Andy Rudick) and Beth the grip (Victoria Nugent) who in a geeky way like each other but both being too shy to make a move. There is some minor internal conflict, conflict which escalates as the players get exposed to the water. It is just a question as to who becomes the killers and who becomes the "kill-ees."

I thought the scenes were done well. The acting was fairly decent. The film just couldn't put it together and hold your interest. The characters and plot didn't have any hook. Might work as a rental. Not a keeper.

Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex. No nudity, just Rebecca Whitehurst "side breast"
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Pointless movie
funnycommentor23 September 2021
WHY WOULD SOMEONE MAKE A FILM LIKE THIS ? The plot of the movie was uninteresting and basic, the characters were so irritating, the location was so dark. The jumpscares were lame. I understand that it was a low budget horror film, but the result wasn't nice at all. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything nice about the movie... The effects were so bad and unrealistic (which was predictable, because it was a low budget movie).
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"Horror" trying to get into it...
jasonb777200219 May 2014
Thank you IMDb for existing, otherwise I may have finished watching this ... whatever it is. I tried, and tried again to give this movie a chance, turning it off, doing something else, turning it back on, and just could not stomach it, without at least consulting this website. And thank you to the other members' reviews, so that I did not have to be tortured and endure the entire film. I don't even have A.D.H.D. ... it's just severely boring. There is an ancient proverb that says you must hear the whole matter before making a judgement, so I consider the user reviews that "hated" it to be the conclusion of the matter. I looked up the rating before I watched it, and considered 3.5 to not be bad... in my opinion that is highly overrated, as you can assume by my lowest option of 1...
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Drastically underrated movie.
vindictiveshadowwolf20 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So this movie, unfortunately doesn't seem to do well. You can assume that by all the griping and moaning that people do. But if you want to be a real horror fan, its best to appreciate something for what it is. For its own idea. And that's where Dark Feed contributes. The concept is clear as day, and it may have not been utilized the best by all the amateur actors, but its there.

People complain about the acting, but compared to some very mainstream horror movies that deserve little to no credit for their boring delivery(The Grudge is just one example), I find myself lukewarm about horror films like this. The acting is definitely not the best, and there's too much slang and vulgarity. I can handle that. But this movie overuses it way too much.

I can appreciate this for the concept. And the concept is that this film is not a boring ghost movie. It is not about the devil, or what's hiding under the little boys bed, or some undead psycho killer with a grudge for women with big boobs. This generation is remarkably both laughable and depressing with its overuse of ghosts and zombies. Give it a break, already! This is a psychological thriller. Its about insanity. Its about a certain type of gas(Use your own logic) created by an insane doctor, to drive other people insane as part of some wicked experiment. And throughout the film, everyone is breathing that stuff in.

So of course it starts off a little slow..With a few cheap jump scares now and then, but then when you notice one of the characters seeing something on camera feedback, and excusing it for just dreariness, then you know its starting to take its toll on these poor people. Perhaps the first moment of "Holy sh*t!" is when the makeup artist just randomly decides to blow someones brains out. Although, when that guy pulled a Britney Spears in the bathroom and just shaved off his whole head, that was kind of like.."Ookay, this guys a little nutty." But I think that's the message this movie was trying to get across. These are just your ordinary schmucks, probably barely got out of highschool or college.

And now the guys hacking up his girl in the shower, and the loser headphone guy is smashing his head against a wall just for sh*ts and giggles. Oh wait! Here comes another guy. And now HES banging his head against the wall. As laughable as it sounds, when that scene came up, you can color me disturbed.

So do me a favor, and just give this movie a chance. Its not a big summer blockbuster, and the acting's not as great as The Conjuring, but its passable. Its forgivable for what its trying to deliver. I'm not a casual when it comes to these movies either. From the day I was born, my dad had me watching The Thing, Nightmare On Elm Street, IT, The Ring, until when I became older, I would proceed to watch horror movies on my own. So much so that you could say I've become desensitized to horror. So if I'm saying this is a good movie, you'd do right to put a little faith in what I'm saying.
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Somewhat enjoyable haunted hospital effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder8 October 2014
Attempting to shoot a low-budget horror film, a film crew at an abandoned hospital begin to come under the evil forces that lurk within the building and must try to get out before succumbing to those dangerous forces.

This is a rather disappointing and somewhat problematic effort that really should've been much better than it is. The fact that this one contains some rather impressive elements that should've made this one work wonders is one of it's better elements, as there's a lot to like here. The best feature is the hospital itself, which is par for the course in these types of films, as the look here is rather dirty, dingy and completely covered over with mold, dirt and years of neglect that has that feeling of being completely abandoned and home to abundant evil right from the start. This is the absolutely perfect setting for a film such as this as it absolutely looks the part quite well and certainly seems like the perfect place for somebody to go as mad as they go in here with the main part of this showcasing the staff her succumbing to the whims of the forces around them which really scores quite well here as this manages to feature the kind of actions and attacks that make for quite a thrilling time. The way it manages to include both the hospital attacking the staff as well as the group attacking each other makes for quite thrilling moments as well with this one delivering several incredibly enjoyable scenes in here from the impressive stalking in the corridors to the shock surprise in the boiler and finally the main chase through the different offices that's quite a bit of fun here throughout. However, there's still some big, big problems here that hold this one down somewhat as the first big reason here is the fact that there's just no real action at all in the story. The main focus here is on the movie shoot, itself a huge problem when it's all the behind-the-scenes goings-on without really showing what movie they were filming so it tends to just meander along with hardly any any real focus at all for the majority of it's running time as it leaves out all sorts of potentially interesting moments to spend with all the nonsense backstage dealings like their relationships and such that don't really have any interesting features about them while it just eats up running time. The fact that they're so clueless about the transformations and possessions that have afflicted their friends is none the better, making it seem like they're just completely clueless about the world around them and really deserve what comes their way simply because of what happens to them during the course of this. Finally, the cheap special effects on display really comes back to haunt this one as the deaths are really lame, not all that scary and are quite illuminated in how lame they really are very easily. Such a shame that these flaws ruin what was a potentially enjoyable effort.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and mild drug use.
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Unsurprising but enjoyable ...
parry_na22 August 2019
The very first scene of 'Dark Feed' made me wince. Involving a lip-ring and a mirror, it ensured I was watching behind partially closed fingers. There's a later scene involving a stapler that had a similar effect on me - not bad for a wizened old horror fanatic like myself. Of course, the rest of the film could not hope to match these scenes, but despite an obvious low budget and some inexperienced actors, there's a lot to enjoy here. Sometimes you are just in the mood to watch a crew of silly youngsters getting slaughtered.

Of course, the plot is as you might imagine from reading the premise. A group of young movie-makers collectively think it might be a good idea to film in a creepy old disused asylum. What do you think is going to happen? Whatever is behind the subsequent descent into blood and insanity is never comprehensively explained - some theories are touched upon and then summarily forgotten. Also, there are a whole lot of characters, most of which you never really get to know. I liked the special-effects guy, he had an element of death-rock craziness about him before things had even begun. I was willing both Mitch (Daniel Berger-Jones) and diva Rachel (Rebecca Whitehurst) to succumb to something dark and horrible. The writer of the amateur film being made (within this story) Chris (Andy Rudick) is the most likeable - everyone seems to pick on him, so he is immediately endearing.

There are problems with pacing here, and some explanation regarding the 'dark feed' of the title could have been more comprehensive (unless I missed it), but really, the atmosphere of the sprawling yet claustrophobic building is what sells this - kudos to directors/writers Michael and Shawn Rasmussen for that. Some will mourn the lack of CGI or excess of gore, but it is pointless to criticise a low-budget project like this for not containing Hollywood theatrics. The fact is, films like this are being made and put together with a passion lacking in some more expensive production-line cinema-fillers. And that will never not be a good thing.
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An unnerving little slasher gem
replia4 September 2015
Very shocked at the bad rating this film has on here. Dark Feed I would argue, is a little hidden gem in a long list of generic slasher films. Compared to many, it has a lot more originality and suspense.

I've watched so many of these types of films and many are forgettable, All the boys love Mandy Lane being a great example of this. By this I mean in that you've seen it all before, teens go somewhere get killed, blah, blah. This film though, has something about it and where it falls short of classic status, it makes up for in uniqueness.

Dark Feed is a very darkly lit film and effects with torches and clever lighting, work so well in upping the scare factor. The environment, the abandoned psychiatric ward, is the stand out feature and is extremely creepy and unnerving. It therefore becomes almost like a prison and a tomb creating a kind of claustrophobia as the film develops.

It scores higher on the eerie, suspense scale than on the kill scene one and this is where it has probably been marked down, by slasher film fans. I also have to say, I don't get all the negative bitching about the acting. It's not noticeabley atrocious compared to a lot of other films in the genre and so this is an unfair criticism.

At the very least, I'd definitely recommend checking this film out. It gets a well deserved 7 out of 10, a cut above the average slasher film. Certainly remember the Rasmussen brothers, as these guys have some talent.
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