Kyûketsu Shôjo tai Shôjo Furanken (2009) Poster

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Buckets of Blood
kosmasp25 October 2009
And then some. This movie is definitely not something for the faint hearted. It also is not politically correct and some might call it on some racism issues (especially how Africans are depicted in this movie). But that wouldn't be what this movie is about. It makes fun of everything it gets it's hands on (even suicide gets a "stab", no pun intended).

And this will define, how much you dis/like the movie. Can you handle all that craziness or do you want your movies more straight forward? If you are one of the latter kind, you shouldn't really watch this movie or at least not expect too much from it. Some crazy ideas and almost entirely over the top, this is made for fans of Machine Girl and other recent Japanese Horror fare/thrillers (or those who are on the verge of becoming one)
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Oh, where to begin?
BA_Harrison20 March 2010
Two teenage girls—pretty vampire Monami (yummy Yukie Kawamura) and spoilt brat Keiko (Eri Otoguro)—vie for the affection of schoolboy Mizushima (Takumi Saito). As the tug-of-love escalates, Keiko is accidentally killed, but resurrected by her mad-scientist father and his sexy psycho assistant, school nurse Midori. The scene is now set for a final battle between the cute bloodsucker and the reanimated, modified Keiko, with Mizushima as the prize.

Coming from the people who gave us the OTT splatter-fest Tokyo Gore Police, I fully expected Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl to be a tad demented, but I doubt anything could have adequately prepared me for the madcap concoction of zany humour, grotesque gore, outrageous satire, and downright weirdness that has just assaulted my eyeballs. The film certainly doesn't disappoint in terms of sheer insanity.

Unfortunately, although this sucker certainly delivers in terms of wild comic-book excess, it isn't without its shortcomings: the hit and miss comedy takes precedence over the action and horror; certain aspects of the film feel rather forced, as though directors Yoshihiro Nishimura and Naoyuki Tomomatsu felt compelled to 'up the ante' in terms of bizarreness (this time, the satirical stabs at Japanese teen culture are nothing short of padding specifically designed to give the film extra cult appeal); many of the special effects are simply too cartoonish in their execution to be wholly satisfying (plus there is an over-reliance on CGI blood—UGH!); and after the gradual build up, not nearly enough time or effort is dedicated to a decent climactic showdown.

Still, the one accusation that can never be hurled at Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl is that it is boring. Take a look if you love the manic style of Tokyo Gore Police, or the relentless splat-stick of Peter Jackson's Braindead or Sam Raimi's Evil Dead II, but don't expect to be blown away.

6.5 out of 10, but not quite good enough for me to round my rating up to 7.
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innovative special effects
christopher-underwood10 January 2014
I didn't find this crazy little film quite as good as many have and I think it was probably, what I would call the MTV sequences, that seemed to distract from the story and exaggerate the silliness. For the most part this is a well put together, extremely OTT film where everything is taken to extremes and the blood spurts and flows more than I have ever seen before. There are some innovative special effects, hand with a head, 'living' screws and various limbs used for extraordinary and imaginative uses. The interaction between the various school kids and others is good and a welcome relief from the madness, its just that every now and again the soundtrack seems to go all J-pop and we get a continuation of the effects without dialogue. Having said all that, this film is certainly engaging, different and very violent without being too distressing, more like a cartoon, in fact. I suppose, I'm saying this is very good without being as brilliant as it might have been.
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Bizarre but not bad
mmushrm1 March 2011
This movie grew on me as it progressed. A lot of the characters and their sub stories seems manic and disjointed. The wrist cutters, the ganguro girls (sorta like whiggers) etc. I have to admit I nearly gave up on the movie part way through.

The way the director ties the sub characters together actually works though...basically Frankenstein girl - body parts. The action is badly done as usual with fountains and fountains of blood. The comedic elements so-so.

The acting was actually OK, Vampire girl (Yukie Kawamura) does seem alittle old to be playing a high school girl but she has a certain cuteness and charm in her scenes. She also looks good splattered with blood.

This movie isn't as dark and gruesome as some of the gore movies out there. It also isn't as fun as some of the "comedic" gore movies as well. I give this movie a marginal pass 'cos I found Yukie Kawamura to be cute and it was a slightly different slant to the usual gore plots.
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Lot of blood and gore with some anime style cliché, isn't always good
KineticSeoul11 April 2010
There is nothing really special about this film, even with all the blood and gore that is in it. Basically it's like some anime like style with all the wackiness, which isn't really a bad thing but that is just about it. I did like how it had some bizarre humor it in which actually made me chuckle a few times. But the thing is the movie is about a hour and thirty minutes but felt a lot longer cause the gore got old after a while, and the cliché love triangle didn't really help as well. love triangle is alright in films for me, but it wasn't engaging or interesting in this. The acting is also really bad in this which is to be expected especially Takumi Saito, you can really tell he wasn't trying. The only one that actually seemed to be really trying was that Kabuki Mad Scientist, even if the acting is bad at least the guy tried. Takumi Saito on the other hand just acted like he was just too cool to be in a film like this. Sure the film is bizarre but even during the fight scenes it just isn't that creepy or intense, which some films of this type of style seems to pull off. On the plus side, I did enjoy the craziness of this film despite the failure at the director's stab at teen pop culture.

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High School Confidential; Japanese splatter-style
Coventry17 April 2010
"Frankenstein Girl vs. Vampire Girl" was scheduled at the Belgian International Festival of Fantastic Films on a Saturday night at 2 o'clock in the morning, in other words when the horror crowd is at its most numerous and wildly enthusiastic to see bloodshed, dementia and extreme sickness. And what an excellent choice it was! The people went berserk along with the absurd and totally eccentric characters in this 200% bonkers movie from the creators of "Tokyo Gore Police" and "The One-Armed Machine Girl". The emphasis more than obviously lies on the splatter orgies and nefarious sense of humor, but there's actually also a decent storyline hidden underneath all the mayhem, with interesting lead characters and the craziest bunch of sub plots you've ever witnessed. Monami, the beautiful new girl in school, falls in love with the shy school stud Jyugon and immediately makes him hers by offering a Valentine's Day chocolate with her own blood as filling. For you see, Monami is a vampire girl and pretty much demands Jyugon to happily live with her for all eternity. Jyugon is already the boyfriend of schoolgirl gang leader Keiko, but she obviously cannot compete with the vampire powers of Monami. That is to say, until Keiko dies and her deranged principal father transforms her body into Frankenstein girl; composed of bits and parts of other students. The best and most entertaining things about "Frankenstein Girl vs. Vampire Girl" are the extended introduction of the supportive characters. We have a gang of Japanese girls that desperately want to be black ghetto girls, the girls preparing for the annual wrist-cutting tournament, the creepily hunchbacked janitor and a nymphomaniac school nurse. The first half of the film is non-stop outrageous, but naturally the tempo and level of viewer's engagement drops down a little after that simply because you're adapting to the weirdness. The climatic battle – fought out on top of the school's very own imitated Eiffel Tower – is sublimely over the top again. The gore and splatter effects are extreme and brutal, but simultaneously very campy and light-headed. It's not exactly the type of movie that is out to shock or offend people, merely just to entertain them in the most tasteless, pulpy and brainless fashion.
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Vamzzzzzzzzz vs Franzzzzzzzzz
zufre10 November 2010
Did they pay the actors for this piece of sh*t? Was the writer a one-year-old crazy psycopath who had never heard of logic or hear an interesting joke? This movie? is really boring, it looks longer than it is because of that. Didn't it last 3 hours? you will think after watching it... Well, it will probably last longer as you will probably fall asleep and have to start again... Silly characters, abysmal plot, intelligence-insulting developments... everyone involved in this movie should be banned entrance to any facility related to movie making... I hated everyone in the movie and wanted them to be killed as quickly and bloodlessly as possible. In the world of this movie it seems that people have hundreds of liters of blood. It takes minutes to get them dry even though they are leaking about 5 liters by the second... Please, burn every copy of this movie and delete any records about it. Sometimes not knowing is better...
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One of the more bizarre films you'll see
dyl_gon30 August 2009
Japanese culture is as bizarre as it gets, among the various oddities that have sprung from it are game shows which consist of male contestants being whacked in the genitals and animated pornography, termed "hentai", whose various sub genres involving bestiality and lactation have become widely popular amongst the population. Hell, they even sell toilet paper with short horror stories printed on it for god knows what reason. This utterly insane culture extends into their film as well and one doesn't have to look any further than Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl for an example of how depraved, grotesque and downright "weird" their movies can get. There are very few American-produced films that can match the sheer lunacy occurring within this "versus" circus freak show. Continuing in the tradition of previous hyper-violent, excessively-sexual Japanese horrors centered on attractive school-girls (popular films like The Machine Girl and Tokyo Gore Police), Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl throws a whole bunch of other peculiarities into the mix, including blackface, a kabuki mad scientist who air guitars using his victims spinal cords, an oversexed nurse with eyeballs sewn onto her nipples, a wrist-cutting competition, and copious amounts of blood equal in proportion to the accumulation of ten regular horror movies. If it isn't one of the strangest films of all time, it certainly is of this year.

Throwing up an assortment of depravity and blood-drenched insanity into a film always makes for good fun, but never makes up for a lack of plot, lazy writing or poorly-executed film-making, a few key problems that permeate through many of these gory, low-budget efforts. These are all issues readily apparent in The Machine Girl, a prior similar undertaking which, for all its excessive gore and dismemberment, was at its core really nothing much different than most substandard Hollywood fare. Here, directors Yoshihiro Nishimura (who tread similar ground with Tokyo Gore Police) and Naoyuki Tomomatsu have crafted both an emotionally-charged teen love story and a hilarious satire of popular trends, the film elevated by the over-the-top absurdities rather than reliant on them. High-school heart throb Mizushima finds himself in the center of a vicious tug-of-war between two lovers: Keiko, his high-maintenance girlfriend whose spineless vice-principal daddy bows to her every demand, and Monami, a new student in the school who falls for Mizushima's kind personality...and who also happens to be a vampire. Of course, when the two girls get into a feud, Keiko is no match for the supernatural Monami and is killed. However, Keiko's father moonlights as a mad scientist and he reanimates Keiko, upgrading her with a variety of different physical attributes swiped from corpses. Now, the Vampire Girl and the Frankenstein Girl find themselves facing off in a battle to the death for Mizushima's affection.

There are a plethora of outlandish gags to please any hardened gore-fan. Among the best are the Vampire Girl tearing a hole in a girls face and unraveling her skin like the wrappings on a mummy, a reanimated foot-hand creature, blood drops with a life of their own and the Frankenstein Girl tearing off an arm, screwing it onto her head and using it as a helicopter propeller to zip around through the sky. This is the love-child of a three-way between Looney Tunes, an early Peter Jackson film and a Troma movie. Nary two minutes go by where someone's head isn't being crushed in or where some appendage isn't being attached to some other ludicrous concoction. It is amazingly fun, completely original and absolutely never dull. Even those who don't enjoy the film, possibly too much for their tastes, will likely be enthralled by the madcap display enfolding in front of them.

However, it's when the film steps back from the lunacy that it's at its best. The characters at their best, particularly Monami and Mizushima, are surprisingly fleshed out, likable and quite funny; at their worst, over-the-top caricatures that are usually funny and always interesting. There are a lot of laughs mined from the absurd notion of falling in love with a vampire, as well as the battle being waged for Mizushima, the tone always light and self-deprecating; one comical part has Mizushima proclaiming, as he narrates the battle, something along the lines of "Has anyone ever asked my feelings about this", which sums up the ridiculousness of the obvious lapses of logic that allow the fight, and pretty much the entire film, to occur. Perhaps the funniest scenes involve those lampooning current teenage trends. The "emo's" are part of an after-school wrist cutting club. The trend of imitating black culture is taken to absurd limits with a trio of girls not only in black face, but with afros, over-sized lips and the refusal to drink any coffee but black. Not only isn't there a boring minute, but there isn't one that's not either laugh-out-loud hilarious or just plain crazy.

The only shortcomings are the occasional limitations of the low-budget paired with the wide scope of the films imaginative dismemberment. Some of the effects, although most often not, are poorly executed. As well, the arterial spray of blood throughout the film is less than satisfying due to the reliance on CGI effects, which look both incredibly cheap and silly (in a bad way). The entire film also carries a somewhat cheap vibe to it, which leads me to believe it was either digital video or inefficiency behind the camera. Regardless, these are small prices to pay for the amount of imaginative fun and hilarious splatter that Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl delivers, making it one of the better exercises in this type of frenetic insanity that so often falls on the wayside.

  • Dylan,
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Bloody fun...
paul_haakonsen15 December 2015
'Only in Japan' comes to mind when you watch "Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl" ("Kyûketsu Shôjo tai Shôjo Furanken"). It is one of those outrageous Japanese blood-fest movies. It is so over-the-top that it is bizarrely entertaining.

The story is odd and bizarre, yes, as they tend to be in this particular genre of Japanese gore movies. And it is something that has to be seen in order to be believed. As such, I will not even attempt at a synopsis that does the movie Justice.

The effects were as to be expected from a movie like this, and the blood was abundant by the gallons. If you enjoy state of the art effects and CGI, then you should not be watching the Japanese gore movies. The effects do serve their purpose well enough, in my opinion, and will often have you laughing.

It was a real treat to see Eihi Shiina in this movie, despite it being a small role. Lead actress Yukie Kawamura really carried the movie quite well.

All in all an entertaining movie and well-worth a watch if you enjoy this genre of Japanese gore.
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Anyone who thinks Japanese films are nuts - raise your severed hands!
oneguyrambling27 November 2010
As with everything that takes the decision making out of my hands I am swiftly regretting my decision to take suggestions. Not that I think everyone else has bad taste mind you. Only that precious few share "MY taste". Thanks to a recommendation I am now watching Vampire Girl Vs Frankenstein Girl, and yes it is every bit as skitzo as the title suggests. Consider this: * Decapitation. * A face stretched off. * Arms grow to become bloody, bony swords. * Another decapitation. * Arms severed. * A girl's "private area" perforated and gushing. * A third decapitation. And that all occurs in the first 4 minutes of this film! Cut back to the beginning. It is Valentines Day in a Japanese classroom. A class featuring more than its share of freaky-looking students has had its chocolates and gifts confiscated. They are all p*ssed. After class a young pretty girl offers a young guy some chocolate, thereby expressing an interest. The young bloke's self proclaimed girlfriend takes immediate offense to his accepting it. Once he bites into the chocolate though he is a little perturbed to find it is filled with blood. Kooky. For some unknown reason the class has several cliques, one a group of wrist cutters who spend their extra curricular hours slashing into their flesh ("Not too deep, never hit an artery!"), another full of wannabe African Americans, replete with full black makeup, horribly out of place afros and plumped up lips. And you only think I'm kidding. Now the jilted girlfriend's Dad happens to be a mad scientist with an oversexed nurse as his offsider. He finds that the blood from the chocolate can regenerate life, something that proves handy later on. To cut to the chase Vampire Girl comes out and explains herself, she wants the guy to accept her blood so they can be together forever, unfortunately when confronted by the ex-girlfriend the ex-GF ends up quite dead. The body is given to the mad scientist Dad who regenerates her and Hey Presto; Vampire Girl Vs Frankenstein Girl There is more reliance on computer generated imagery here than there was in Avatar. More bodily fluids are spilled in this than in 1,000 porn films, and more limbs are lost than in a Saving Private Ryan marathon. The film only exists to showcase the lengths Japanese crazy people will go to in order to justify insane gore effects and nutso plot devices, and I guess top that end it is very effective. Only if you've seen one of these things you really don't need to sit through another, as mild amusement rapidly turns to major bemusement, as the escalating series of WTF? Moments rapidly lose impact and the film inevitably loses steam. Which is exactly why the filmmakers were right in showing the climactic showdown in the very first scene, otherwise by that stage few would care. Final Rating - 5 / 10. The whole thing is very severed tongue in bloodstained cheek. That doesn't really mean it's very good, but as a curio it is at least interesting.
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Lighthearted ultra-violent lunacy from Japan's new era of genre filmmakers
Jim-D29 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In the past few years, Japan's genre film-making scene has undergone a startling transformation, quickly changing its focus from the darkly supernatural (RINGU) and the stomach-churningly narcissistic (GUINEA PIG) to more lighthearted subject matter, with equally - if not, more - violent images. The result is a mishmash that seems to have culminated in VAMPIRE GIRL VS FRANKENSTEIN GIRL.

Naoyuki (STACY) Tomomatsu and Yoshihiro Nishimura, the man responsible for 2008's high-octane action/splatterfest TOKYO GORE POLICE, return to their signature pressurized blood sprays with VAMPIRE GIRL VS FRANKENSTEIN GIRL - a markedly different but equally entertaining romp that provides nitro-fueled action, over-the-top humor, and piles of gore that look like they belong in an early Peter Jackson flick.

The plot is goofy, yet endearing, as sweet young vampire Monami falls for Mizushima, "the only acceptable boy in school." Unfortunately, Mizushima is already dating Keiko, the borderline psychopathic daughter of the school's wimpy vice principal. When the two girls duke it out over Mizushima's affections, Keiko is left dead - but that's when we discover that her father also fancies himself an amateur Frankenstein, and has been carving up kids for months in an attempt to discover the secret to eternal life.

Now, orgasmic with delight to have his own daughter on the slab, the Vice-Principal uses a new-found secret to reanimate Keiko - combining the strongest body parts of the school's staff and students.

All this leads to the titular battle, which explodes from the depths of the high school gymnasium to the top of Tokyo Tower. Combining a plethora of practical and CG effects, the organ-bursting final twenty minutes of this gem feel less like TOKYO GORE POLICE and more like the work of Tex Avery... Of course, its Tex Avery covered in blood, snorting six lines of coke, and slicing at your eyes with box cutters.

VAMPIRE GIRL VS FRANKENSTEIN GIRL wallows in this absurdity throughout, with tons of tasteless humor and a score comprised almost entirely of 60s go-go music. Ganguro girls (a subculture of Japanese schoolgirls who mimic African American culture) are ruthlessly ridiculed - turning them into Sambo-styled caricatures who pledge allegiance to Obama and refuse to drink coffee unless its completely black. There's also a clique of wrist-cutters and a chain-smoking Chinese professor played by JU-ON/GRUDGE director Takashi Shimizu, who manages to shamelessly sneak in a few nods to his own popular film series.

The pacing is slick, and at a comfortable 85 minutes, VAMPIRE GIRL VS FRANKENSTEIN GIRL doesn't pad its running time with any unnecessary side plots. While one wishes that the battle between bloodthirsty Monami and mecha-Keiko would have taken up more of the film, there is a rather sizable amount of buildup necessary to get us to the showdown.

When it comes down to it, directors Nishimura and Tomomatsu have created a picture that has no preconceptions about what it is or what it's supposed to deliver. Between the explosive arterial sprays and the hunchbacked school janitor named Igor, there's a film with real heart - made by filmmakers who grew up worshiping the movies they are now a part of.

It won't be long before VAMPIRE GIRL VS FRANKENSTEIN GIRL takes its place in the splatstick hall of fame, sitting in good company with BAD TASTE, FRANKENHOOKER, and many of this gorehound's other not-so-guilty pleasures. If you have the opportunity to catch this hilarious little film, make sure you don't skip out.

FREDDY VS JASON? ALIEN VS PREDATOR? GODZILLA VS KING KONG? ...Frankly, they've got nuthin' on these girls.
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Transfer Student!
nogodnomasters1 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Japanese campy blood squirting gore.

Vampire girl is a transfer student who likes the same guy as the girl who ends up as Frankenstein. Very insulting African-American stereotypes. The film is available dubbed in English with subtitles. The second disc has "the making of..."

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Look into this funhouse mirror...
Polaris_DiB1 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When I was in elementary school and couldn't find someone to play with at recess, I use to traipse around the edges of the playground in loop after loop, making up epic superhero narratives in my mind with less logic and more epicness than even my eight-year-old self could possibly take seriously. I dreamed up boots with spikes so deep they caused wells of lava to burst from under my feet with every step they take, battles with the devil which ultimately lead to me turning the World Trade Center into a giant cross to dispel him (this was before 9/11. Hell, this was before I knew what those iconic buildings even were), end of the world demonic armies attempting to take the playground hostage before I repelled them using my endless lines of secret tunnels under the basketball courts to hide everyone away to safety... anyway, they were great times, but as I said, even when I was eight I'd come up with this stuff and think to myself, "But nobody would ever actually like this stuff but me." Well, if you take that imagination, add geysers of blood, ridiculous sexual material, and blatant racism, you get something closely resembling Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl.

What's to explain, plotwise? A young Japanese high school kid gets forced into a battle between two controlling girls, one who happens to be a vampire and the other who happens to be the son of the Japanese progeny of Dr. Frankenstein. Really, that story is all that fills an hour and a half. It's just, how you get from frame one (Frankenstein Girl deciding to bully the kid into being her boyfriend) to the end (Boyfriend declares his allegiance and the lesser girl loses) basically involves... a lot. A lot of what, you ask? Just that. A lot. I can't even call what was on-screen surreal, because it was so blatant. But I can't say it makes sense, because nobody, from the filmmakers to the audience, is there for it to make sense. It's just a straight-up splatstick comedy of such bluntness and directness that there's really nothing you can do but sit there and let it happen to you. Sure, people in the theatre laughed, but not hysterically. For the most part there was just nothing the audience could do because there's no real room in this movie for cogent thought. They kill that idea before the opening credit sequence begins.

However, could you necessarily say this movie is bad? After all, it's not technically like any other movie I've ever seen (still makes more sense than Executive Koala; still has better graphics and more care than Killer Drag Queens on Dope). It doesn't pretend to be anything else. It doesn't have terrible acting (though who could act in a movie like this, where the dialog is basically "You are my boyfriend now." "What?" "Good bye." and screaming). The special effects aren't stellar but you get what is going on. It's just, in the end, you still kinda wonder how the action got from someone's head through all of the hoops of film-making to end up on screen without someone in the process saying, "This is much too ridiculous, I get the joke but come on!" And yet on the other hand, that's exactly what I appreciate about the Japanese--more so than any other film industry, the Japanese are willing to throw the most ridiculous material right up on screen, mostly because when it comes down to it, they know those crazy American will eat it up once it comes out on DVD, mainly because the Americans can be comfortable with it because they figure it's experienced through the filter of the Japanese. Once again I'm pretty much sure that these two cultures are merely funhouse mirrors reflecting each other, and Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl is the type of image we occasionally get.

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I was never so glad to see the end credits of this film
tfarrell19769 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm pretty quick to catch onto films and can follow them quite easily, but girl vs girl, was the most boring, drawn out rambling incoherent mess I have had the misfortune to see since the cottage.

Seriously its a 2 hour film approximately, and bugger all happens for the first hour, the second hour it only picks up slightly with some cheap gags, but battle between vamp girl and zombie girl is so poor and trite it no way makes up for the rest of the film.

Another thing that puzzles me, the boy they fought over, did he have to be such a bland, spineless eunuch, or could they simply not be bothered developing his character, and why these girls would bother fighting over him? But the film makers decided to bore us to death and then in the second half of the film focus on sad set pieces that we where supposed to think original, but instead are trite offensive sexist clichés that where out dated in the 90's.

And don't even get me started on the irrelevant "ganjuro girls" apart from wanting to offending black people they served no purpose. Or the ending of the film where pretty boy finds out he's a replacement for her dead servant Igor, at that point the film makers should have pretty boy act like a man and rip vamp girls head off, thus making a happy ending and destroying any possibility of a sequel.

Will say saw this on DVD, and the theme song, and little video that plays on the main menu screen are the best parts of this film.

That and the end credits too
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Weird, high energy B-movie
Leofwine_draca23 October 2015
VAMPIRE GIRL VS. FRANKENSTEIN GIRL is a cult/crazy slice of Japanese high school madness from the director who made TOKYO GORE POLICE. It's a similarly blood-soaked tale that plays out as a live action manga, with a ton of snappy editing, colourful visuals, pop songs, and a finely judged couple of performances from the lead actors.

These films seem to be love 'em or hate 'em experiences and I frequently found myself in the former camp. Although the material is very basic, this is a lot more fun than an equivalent American B-movie, take for example a typical Troma flick. There's more wit in the dialogue and the comedy, which comes thick and fast and is particularly offbeat, is actually funny. The film also works as a satire, exploring various fashions in Japan: the passion for Lolita girls, the bizarre ganguro girls, and even self-harming. The jokes aimed at the Chinese are laugh out loud hilarious.

There are plenty of low rent action scenes to enjoy here, along with some enjoyably awful special effects which seem to make a virtue out of their sheer inanity. The gore is thick and plentiful but done in a jokey, BRAINDEAD style, so becomes quite an amusement too. And that final fight scene between the two characters is truly something to behold...
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What a horror show
c-kelsall17 May 2014
Jeez, where do I start? This is without doubt one of the worst films I've ever seen. Music: awful - it has no place in a horror film, even a 'comedy' one. Plot: awful - the opening sequence makes no sense whatsoever in the context of the rest of the film (I can't believe I found the staying power to watch it from start to finish); there are bizarre elements of Japanese school culture 'satirised' in the film that are at best clumsy, and at worst totally unfunny and making a mess of the what little coherence the film would otherwise possess. These are the kind of scattergun attempts at humour that make the '...Movie' franchise so damned awful. Effects: very cheap, and awful. I'm all for low-budget B-movie horrors having a place in the market, but this film gives the genre a bad name. Acting: not too bad for the fare on offer, I grudgingly accept. Directing: see Plot.

I just hope this film's 'cult' status remains very small!
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The film clearly shows which of the two title characters is the favorite.
Aaron137531 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This one is not quite as good as "Tokyo Gore Police", almost just not quite. If not for the vampire of the flick and the love interest I would probably not liked this one nearly as much, but both she and he gave the movie a bit more charm than should be expected. It is also kind of a strange parody of Twilight, though not sure if that was intended or not. The Frankenstein girl was cute, but annoying and firmly the villain of the piece so she was all right too. The film is about two girls fighting over a boy, one a vampire the other the vice principle's rather spoiled daughter. The vice principle has a secret, however, and that is he likes to try and revive the dead in his spare time like Dr. Frankenstein, he just is not very good at it. That is until he gets a bit of a vampire's blood. The film is gory, but not quite as good as Gore police is. There are some effects that look rather bad and then there are things in this one that seem very needless. Like the strange wrist cutters club and the even more bizarre group that made themselves look dark and made me uncomfortable every time they were on the screen. Granted, they worked these bizarre groups into the making of Frankenstein girl, but their presence seemed very forced. Like I said, what really saved this movie from me giving it a score of four or five were the vampire girl and the guy she coveted. I just liked her strange straightforwardness and I liked how he was kind of relaxed even while being kidnapped and such. I also liked how he decided to finally kiss and become a vampire suffice to say it was not so much love as it was self preservation. Okay movie, but like Tokyo Gore it needs a lot of work.
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Seriously gross
ebiros226 August 2011
A transfer student shows up at Tokyo high school. Then strange things starts happening

One day before the Vallentine day, a transfer student shows up at Jugon's (Takumi Saito) class. Her name is Monami. She gives chocolate to Jugon on Vallentines day. In it was her blood that turned Jugon into a Vampire. there are other odd students in Jugon's school. They all contribute to the mayhem that's to follow.

The movie is total camp, and actors are good, but the portrayal is - gross. If you have a weak stomach, this movie is not for you.

Horrible movie that's gross and funny at the same time.
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A gore-soaked near-masterpiece of J-splatter cinema.
GorePolice7 March 2012
Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl is the blood-soaked adaptation of a popular manga. Yoshihiro Nishimura (Tokyo Gore Police, Helldriver) helms this masterpiece of Japanese new-wave ultra-violent splatter, a genre most notable for its juxtaposition of cute actresses and extreme violence. In typical Nishimura fashion, the insanity meter is cranked up to 11. Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl stars gravure idol (and full-time goddess) Yukie Kawamura and Eri Otoguro (Onechanbara: the Movie) in the respective title roles as they battle for the affection of their classmate Jugon (Takumi Saito). It also features a great cameo by the queen of Japanese horror, Eihi Shiina (Audition, Tokyo Gore Police).

When Monami (Kawamura), our Vampire Girl, transfers to a new high school in Tokyo, she soon attracts the ire of the resident lolligirl clique, and their bratty leader Keiko (Otoguro), by giving Jyugon a blood-filled chocolate for Valentine's Day. It isn't long before the school nurse becomes aware that something isn't quite right with a sample of Monami's blood and passes it along to Keiko's father, who also happens to be the vice-principal and a (very!) mad scientist, the self-proclaimed successor to Dr. Frankenstein. Upon confronting Monami, Keiko ends up dead and (you guessed it) is rebuilt by her father as Frankenstein Girl and an epic battle ensues that is truly mind-blowing in both its violence and its creativity.

Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl boasts the traditional gore effects for which Nishimura is best known: gallons of blood-spray, uncomfortable wrist-cutting scenes, and disturbingly distorted human bodies. It also contains a lot of fairly well-executed CGI that doesn't really detract from overall immersion in the film.Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl never takes itself too seriously and it's in this frame of mind that the film is best enjoyed. It incorporates comedic elements, including the catchy J-Pop soundtrack, and a healthy dose of social satire which anyone familiar with Japanese pop-culture is sure to enjoy. There are several memorable scenes, my personal favorite being when Monami dances in a rain of blood as it sprays from the neck of a recent victim, a scene which, in my mind, captures the essence of what this genre is all about.

In fairness, Nishimura's films, and pink violence in general, is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. If you are a fan of other films in the genre, such as Machine Girl, Meatball Machine, and Tokyo Gore Police, you will love this film. If you are a gorehound with a penchant for old-school special effects and horror-comedies like Re-Animator, Dead Alive and Evil Dead 2, you will love this film. If, however, you happen to be a close-minded film elitist who insists on little things like continuity, realism, and unquestionable plot structures, you will probably spontaneously combust within the first five minutes (probably around the time that Monami rips the skin from the face of a Gothic-lolita zombie with her teeth, exposing an animated skull).

When it's all said and done, Nishimura provides us with a fresh and exciting take on these two iconic, but worn-out and often predictable, monster stereotypes. The true beauty of films like Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl lies in their unpredictability and refusal to be constrained within the existent boundaries of film logic, physics, or even political correctness. Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl epitomizes what this genre is all about and, while not quite as good as Tokyo Gore Police (but, then again, what is?), it is definitely one hell of a awesome movie.
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Confusing Soundtrack
masercot30 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you want a movie chock full of gore, inoffensive jazz and plenty of WTF, this is the movie for you. The movie is so over the top that the top is no longer visible. The motives are the characters are obscure and disregarded. Maybe they were covered in the Manga.

Not much in the way of subtlety in this movie. There is a good dose of racism and plenty of good ol' Japanese crazy. Are there better Japanese gore movies? Yes. All of them. Machine Girl, Tokyo Gore Police and Mutant Girl Squad. If you've seen them, see this one for closure.

If you have any kind of standards, though, you might want to avoid this one.
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More Bizarreness from the Land of the Rising Sun
JoeB13129 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, every time I think I've seen bits of Japanese strangeness that top it all, they have one more thing that tops everything else.

I think that this is supposed to be a comedy. So not only are Japanese people easier to scare than Americans, they must also laugh at cornier stuff.

The plot is that at a school, a vampire girl named Monomi has a crush on a boy. But she comes into conflict with another girl whose father happens to be a mad scientist who makes monsters out of body parts.

What we get is about an hour and a half of comic gore...and a few truly cringe inducing moments, like the "Afrika" girl and the wrist cutting girls...
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I laughed until tears were running down my face
jynx24214 July 2011
It appears that some people don't like or don't get this genre. This movie was SO over the top and SO wildly improbable and inappropriate that I just relished every-single-second of it. It sparked a new interest in the over the top Asian gore-comedy for me. This one almost reminded me of a mash-up of Kill Bill with the Power Rangers.

If you are looking for serious and gory Asian Horror, stick with Takashi Miike and the likes. This move (and others like it that I have since watched) is pure camp and fun. The lead character is just cute as a button, and her actions throughout the film are nicely juxtaposed with her looks. Sweet girl...blood swords... I'm actually planning on buying this for my collection.
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Lots of fun
BandSAboutMovies4 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Monami is a transfer student with a secret and a burning need for Mizushima. As Japanese women share chocolate to show their love, a piece of the candy with her blood in it has brought him into her world of vampires, while his jilted girlfriend Keiko pays the price by accidentally dying, then coming back as an undead creature still in love with him.

That description is a poor - and oh so quick way - to explain to you the insanity that this movie has within it. Starting with a knife battle between zombies and our heroes and expanding to include a Kabuki mad scientist who works alongside the school nurse - who has eyeballs embedded in her breasts - who creates the Frankenstein Girl; Japanese girl cultures like Lolitas and Ganguro; a wrist-cutting competition; and finally the Tokyo Tower being used to create a near-indestructible creature seeking revenge.

Yoshihiro Nishimura, who directed Tokyo Gore Police, and Naoyuki Tomomatsu, who made the Lust of the Dead series, combined efforts to make this film, based on a manga (where the title characters never met).

Also - on the subject of Ganguro, it was a "fashion trend among young Japanese women that started in the mid-1990s, distinguished by a dark tan and contrasting make-up liberally applied by fashionistas." The first tour I went to Japan, I was shocked to see so many young girls basically wearing blackface. Then again, it is also influenced by kabuki and noh dress, as well as the yamanba mountain witch. It's a really strange look and while this movie takes things way further than they are in reality in so many ways, the look of the girls in this is actually pretty close to the trends that it's parodying.
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Offensive on so many levels
saranellm14 August 2022
I could not, in good conscience, recommend this movie to anyone. That being said, I did like the girls in the after school cutting club. Perhaps if the scenes of the "dark girls" were cut, my review would go up a notch. Seriously, is that type of parody okay in Japan? I suppose they never get accused of being "woke".
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weird one for the gorehounds
trashgang31 March 2011
Let me first say that you have to understand Japanese culture. I remember the fuss about 'Imprint' on the masters of horror series. Some hated it mostly because they didn't get into the atmosphere surrounding it. If you loved 'Imprint' then you could go one step further and enter the weird world of Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl. It's based on the manga style and you know that it's mostly over the top or even X rated. And we are here in category over the top. The story is simple, which girl will love you, the vampire one or the Frankenstein one. Both have to fight for it, and that's what we see with a Tarantino gravy. Just face it, the way it's filmed reminded me of Kill Bill. The effects used are as gory as it can get and cheap CGI is used and finally that even didn't bother me. It's perfect in this flick. It's never bored me and the red stuff is available in gallons. There is more out in this style like Machine Girl or Tokyo Gore Police. If you are a gorehound you will have your boner but if you can't stand Japanese gore flick, stay away.
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