"Star Trek: Discovery" Stormy Weather (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Above average for this season (bar is low anyway), but still have plenty of flaws.
isabellacheng23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An AI gaining sentience struggling with emotions would have been an interesting standalone plot, when told out of context. But we do have context: the entire season till now has been crew members talking about emotions and attending counselling. So the reveal ended up hilariously ridiculous. The AI has emotional distress too! Lol

Zora the computer chose her avatar to be some generic concentric circles circumscribing a rectangular box showing waveforms of her voice. Like, this is what the creative team can come up with? Those useless holographic displays have more details than a sentient AI's sense of self!

Back to the beginning of the episode. Starfleet sent Discovery, their most valuable asset, into the subspace rift left behind by the anomaly. You know, instead of a science vessel. Or better yet, an unmanned probe mayhaps? Saru mentioned other similar encounters by the Enterprise and Voyager. Which Enterprise and which Voyager? And why only ships that the audience know of?

Discovery then entered the void. At first the crew was unable to comprehend the concept of "there's nothing". Then spontaneously logic returned, they sent a probe to probe the space, which got disintegrated. With a sudden showcase of maturity and leadership, Burnham decided to abort the mission! What a surprise indeed. But they couldn't leave, due to the lack of navigation landmarks. Even my smartphone has inertial measurements. Same can be found on all commercial airlines, because GPS isn't always available. But a starship doesn't have gyroscopes in the future. Right...

Unlike "the Void" encountered by Voyager in S05E01, the nothingness of this void served no purpose other than a ticking timebomb that threatened to destroy Discovery. In Voyager, Janeway got depression after a few months travelling in the void, that's a legit reason to talk about emotions. There's also a sinister plot, and a message about environmental protection in the end. There's no such thing in Discovery. Squandering all that room for creative freedom on fire and sparks.

Afterwards some problem solving with technobabble happened, which managed to somewhat resemble science instead of nonsense. Photoacoustic effect is a real phenomenon, just FYI. Nice to know the writers still remember that this show is Sci-Fi. But in the end all the logic went out the airlock. The entire crew has to beam to the pattern buffer to stay alive, but Burnham wearing a spacesuit remained on the bridge alone, and survived the trip because the AI sang a song to her. Yeah whatever.

You know what? Drop the sentient AI, and tell the storyline backwards, from the perspective of a third party encountering a vacant Discovery drifting in space. Reveal the plot step by step as a mystery, and end the episode with the third party discovering the crew alive in the pattern buffer. There you go. Where's my paycheck?
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douglasjordane26 January 2022
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Fine episode
warpgiga26 December 2021
This episode was just fine, and with many interesting stories going on.

There was action, drama, puzzles, sorrow, romance, ghostly appearance, death, self awareness and discovery..

Not perfect, but for sure not as bad as many reviewers want you to think, the fact is they should have stopped watching a long time ago, instead of chiming in with all that negativity.
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Now even the computer has PTSD aboard the USS Therapy...
goggolya23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Oh great, even Zora, the sentient A. I. is an emotional wreck who needs constant praise and encouragement just to do basic functions like operate external sensors! In season 6 we're gonna see replicators that only give food if you ask them nicely, the doors will only open if you smile at them, turbo lifts will only stop on the floors they like, phasers won't fire because hurting someone is a bad thing... Even the computer on this ship needs therapy after living with the crew for a year. They're that bad, like kindergarten crybabies in space.

The inconsistent writing Discovery is well known for is back! Last episode gave us clues that the DMA is created by someone who has a grudge because it only hits former Emerald Chain territories. And Tarkan knows exactly how to create the DMA. Now in this episode they show us proof that the DMA came from beyond the Galactic Barrier and was made by aliens who have nothing to do with this galaxy...

The episode wastes 5 minutes explaining that there's nothing outside the ship in the rift. For an exploration/science vessel, the crew is very slow to understand what nothing means.

To get out of the rift they could use the computer logs. They contain every movement the ship takes and use that and just put the ship in reverse to get out of the rift. It' like a blindfolded man takes 6 steps forward, then 6 steps backwards to arrive at the starting point.

Or do a phaser spread to map the boundary of the subspace void and use that as a reference for navigation.

The crew is incompetent as usual and because of this they figure out the way out of the void too late, the shields won't last that long. The solution the writers present to this predicament is to store the crew in the transporter pattern buffer and shut down the life support to gain more energy for the shields. The problem with this is that the writers forgot that the pattern buffer needed energy to story the crew. It's like DRAM in computers, it needs to be refreshed constantly for the data not to degrade, which requires energy. Ergo they didn't gain energy at the end of the day.

A much better solution would have been to just put the crew on Book's ship that sits in the cargo bay. It has power for the shields and life support and room for everyone, even the cat.

Michael knows that the shields won't hold out and the hull will get damaged on the way out. So she chooses to sit in the room with the biggest window on the whole ship...

I'm not impressed with 32nd century technology, it seems less advanced than 24th century tech was. The new upgraded hull of Discovery seems weaker than a traditional hull from previous shows, it breaks every time it gets some kind of damage.

But the special effect team loves the new tech at least: Programmable matter, the galaxy's most flammable substance. It can burn uncontrollably, even in an airless void! This episode the bridge that has no oxygen is full of fire and sparks because why not, it looks cool...

At the end of the day this is just a trash sci-fi wannabe with crying high school girls. This is not Star Trek!
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pjdickinson-2782223 December 2021
Every single week we get more emotional drivel. These people shouldn't be on a starship. They should be in group therapy in a suitably remote and secure psychiatric facility for the emotionally challenged. "Oh Saru, I'm so sorry I'm insubordinate and incompetent but I saw someone die once". Even the AI is getting therapy now and if this nonsensical show carries on like this the audience will be too. Thank goodness the science is credible in this one because I didn't really notice until now that all other supposedly realistic SciFi shows get SONAR in a void in the vacuum of space wrong. In space no one can hear you scream but they can hear go "ping". Whisper Alert, everybody, I need to emote.
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Could be better.
zombix-124 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Similar to Voyagers episode - the void, however a bit boring.

Nice idea to re-use old stories but its poorly scripted. All the time there is a feeling that something is missing, and emotional computer that gets afraid is a bit too much... Jonathan Frakes did a great job directing it.

I must say it has a nice song at the end which was a surprise, reminded me of Data's Blue Sky.
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I Made It Through...
MrBluenote5 March 2022
Another tough episode to watch. It's barely watchable. I'd love to rate this show on its own merit and not try to compare it to other Star Trek serieses. Unfortunately there's no way to compare it to any of them. This comes up way short.

This certainly wasn't the worst episode but not by that much.

It begs the question, are the producers or writers even trying?
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Felt a bit more like a good "Next Generation" episode
jtlareau23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This Jonathan Frakes directed episode had kind of a good "Next Generation" feel to it. Captain Burnham, a human raised on Vulcan, helping the new A. I. Computer handle (evolve?) its "newly developed" emotions was a nice touch. Gray, in his "new" body, admittedly having no useful assigned skills on a Federation starship, tries to help the overwhelmed computer focus on the tasks at hand. Yes, there were holes in the plot and a few things that made zero sense, but overall it was exciting to watch!

I still dislike Burnham's whisper voice... It makes sense when she's with Book, or having a discussion with Saru, but not when she's commanding on the bridge! She should be capable of using a strong voice when she needs it!
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The broader story and characters are great
cjstpierre31 January 2022
Too much hatred of this show I've actually really liked season 3 and 4 w the exception of the trill storyline w the two lovers. I get that Star Trek is progressive and that's great but they're trying too hard w it and it's sappy. Where as the greater story, the main characters, the addition of Booker, Seru and Michael have been really cool. Love the jumping to the future idea and anomaly it's cool. More of that less of the trills!
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Even the Computer induces cringes
EntropyFashion23 December 2021
Ok, this one starts out with a situation cribbed from Voyager and TNG and is the best of this season...for about 10 minutes. Then the whispering begins. And that awful actor playing a game with the now sentient computer. And when Whisper Burnham gives orders on the bridge, the bridge crew argues. Yeah, that's how command works.

And now even the computer has feelings we need to give a damn about. This crud should be renamed Star Trek Feelings and be broadcast on the Lifetime channel.
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A classical TOS Episode !
astenolit28 December 2021
I don't understand why people hate that much this episode as it is a classical TOS-TNG plot!

I think those who rate so low the episode don't understand what really Star Trek is. I dare those people to rewatch TOS and some TNG episodes... I loved the episode. And I love Zora's voice !
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its gotten too silly
stuwright0524 December 2021
Now the computer has feelings lol, when will this madness stop. Well i certainly wasnt expecting this weird storyline which again seems to be written by teenagers. The argument with the guy and his father was somewhat more interesting than the rest of the show, gray talking to the computer was just pure nonsense and i had to skip through it, and the concern for the drone like it was almost alive, was absurd, "it ate it" lol. Childrens show written by children.
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Is there another show being recorded next door?
stjhagens24 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The incessant whispering is so annoying, please stop with that.

This episode followed the standardised Discovery checklist:
  • whispering: check
  • Michael crying: check
  • Michael being the hero of the day: check
  • some throwaway lines for the bridge crew without actually developing them: check
  • long, emotional speeches in the middle of chaotic situations: check
  • more focus on how everyone is experiencing the chaos than actually focusing on the situation itself: check
  • the solution is super easy, barely an inconvenience: check
  • a very tiny new snippet regarding the season long mystery: check
  • inconsistencies regarding personal transporters: check. Why did Gray use the turbo lift to run to the bridge to tell them their findings?

  • cringy stuff: check. The computer singing to Michael was a new low

The beginning of the episode was promising but then the conversations about feelings took the spotlight in favour of the actual danger of the situation. I found it to be so incredibly boring that I was looking at my phone the entire time.

I absolutely love Jonathan Frakes but he was let down by the script in this one. I think I'll be going to rewatch Voyager's void episode for a stronger episode about the same problem.

My main gripe with Disco is just that I can't seem to get to like Burnham. She is way too perfect, always at the centre of everything and always the one solving all problems. No captain before her was this perfect, they all had their flaws and struggles. It is the same as Rey from the latest Star Wars trilogy becoming a super Jedi without actually having to overcome any struggles or even bursting a sweat (like Luke did before her). If the main character is so unlikeable but nevertheless the shows only main hero, it hinders me to feel attached to this show and it's characters.
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wow... if you think it can not get worse
waltercarlucci24 December 2021
We are used to the fact that all members of the crew have serious identity issues, but if that would not be enough... NOOOO, the computer has now an emotional crisis with crying flying bots. I tell you the anomaly is another crybaby AI and the computer "zora" will "heal" it...
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bosscain16 January 2022
There comes a point when you just have to say enough is enough. This episode has come to this point. Did the writers of this series have a contest to see who could come up with the worst and most unbearable storyline? It sure seems like it here. The name Star Trek used to have the respect and standing where all other Sci-fi series were based and judged. Other series would always be overshadowed by the outstanding achievements that Star Trek would bring. Sadly and unfortunately this is no longer the case.
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Evaluating other possibilities on consciousness and awareness!
nortegastar23 December 2021
On these kinds of shows what usaully happens is that AI gets our of control and menace the lives of humans. Seeing Zora as a possibility for evolution in AI-consciousness was a magnificent choice and a constructive one. On the other the side the characters getting in touch with their feelings and internal emotional universes is something I've always appreciated of all Star Trek.
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Positive Episode Momentum
MovieMattic24 December 2021
Although season 4 of Discovery has been the worst season of Discovery so far, I felt that episode 6 was much better than the rest of the episodes in this season. It had elements of mystery when heading into the rift left by the DMA and definitely was not a filler episode as it was mainly focused on the main problem of this season, the DMA.

I personally didn't mind the character development of this episode especially with the focus on Zora discovering emotions. It is a bit cheesy but I feel that it adds a bit more character to the show because it sorely needs it as the only character that I feel any connection to is Saru and maybe Book and Stamets.

The fact that Good ol' Jonathan Frakes directed this episode was a plus too because usually he hits it spot on. Let's see if this episode carries positive momentum into the next ones.
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Apparently the scripts are now being written by high school sophomores
yadaboy24 December 2021
I've been a Star Trek fan since the beginning, and I've never seen such a stunning drop in quality as this show has exhibited in the last few episodes. I'm barely able to sit through these episodes, and only do so in hope that some deity will swoop in and salvage what was a magnificent part of the Star Trek universe.
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Burnham cries and saves everything
benjilee-2097923 December 2021
Rather than be a monster of the week format, this series seems to be more of a 'what will Burnham cry at and then subsequently fix' of the week format. It's like something a bunch of high schoolers would make as fan fiction. The single worst Star Trek series and probably always will be.
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They should apologize to the Gene Roddenberry estate
gmerczel24 December 2021
Zora turn off your emotion chip... New: computer angst.

12 minutes of whisper talking.

22 minutes of emotional crisis.

"Let's go in even though we have no data" I bet the anomaly will have an emotional outburst and tantrum in the season finale.

Too emotional and PC. This show has become unwatchable.
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It's amazing how you can pierce the bottom deeper and deeper ...
dehruale26 December 2021
One gets the impression that nothing is left of the series: there is no plot, no charismatic characters, no action, dialogues are meaningless, it feels like people with cognitive disabilities and memoryless are communicating. Actions and decisions are devoid of logic. The only thing that came out was an agenda to demonstrate the various deviations of Homo sapiens. Moreover, the aliens with their varied appearance seem to be superfluous against their background.

Conclusion: I do not recommend watching the series, it has turned into some kind of formality for solving internal politics between studios or something like that, it is clearly not designed for people and viewers.
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A great Star Trek story
Dnohmba27 December 2021
Forget what the trolls say, this season and this episode in particular are great. It's nice to see Diacovery get back to real Trek style stories. As a.. um.. seasoned individual who grew up with tTOD, and has watch3d all versions of Trek I think this is great.
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Please Let it be over Soon
joncase-4846325 December 2021
I give up. I'm not watching the next season of this rubbish. Which breaks my heart considering I've watched EVERYTHING Trek for 45 years, and constantly rewatch it as well. Epically awful - just remotely saved from being a wokefest by Mr. Frakes.

My jaw was open in shocked horror at most of this. Even the bloody computer has named itself (it should have named itself 'Marvin the Paranoid Android') . Family tree, singing a song, thank you for your trust, dying (I wish). The bloody computer has emotional problems and whispers intently all the time. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Bring back Majel!

This season is plumbing new depths of awfulness.
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Insanely good!
staceygordon29 December 2021
Wonderful plot and I LOVE the sentient computer. It's perfect for the time period. I am simply gobsmacked at the hate for this series. It's beautiful. Complex. Watch it yourself and leave the nattering nabobs to their own level of dissatisfaction.
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