"Smallville" Doomsday (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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Season Finale
Philipkan20 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I actually liked the episode.

Sure, I agree. It could have used a little more fight between Clark and Doomsday. Then I realized that it wasn't the point of the episode. Every episode we see Clark against a "meteor freak". In my opinion, Doomsday wasn't the beast, but the man.

Davis Bloom was the one that was evil even after he was split from "Doomsday". This made Clark realize that he has to watch out for the humans as well. It was shown in the episode "Infamous" when the people started turning against him because of rumors.

All in all it was a good season because it showed the "darkness of man".
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Nothing Super...
JacklandStudios8315 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My rage and complete lack of satisfaction for this season finale is beyond words...

But let's give it a try, shall we? Where did they went wrong? right here! only one episode to destroy an otherwise thrilling and exciting season, and yes, spoilers coming up! The entire season they sold us two things: Doomsday and Superman and we got neither! The entire season they planted the idea of a great battle between Clark and Doomsday, and when it finally came it lasted for what? 2 minutes!? yes, yes, 2 awesome minutes but we didn't even get to see Clark punching Doomsday. What's up with that!? this although not badly performed with the budget they have I feel like it could've lasted a little bit more.

I don't even want to start with the Jimmy Olsen story, I will just say if they didn't want this character in the series why put him in the first place and then give some lame excuse afterward... if you saw this episode, you'll know what I'm talking about.

And then what do they do? they shoe fit in the most uninteresting plot of the entire series... Zod. Didn't we had enough of it like 2 seasons ago? when the ratings of the series was at an all time low? Plus with this it feels like Clark is still miles away from transforming into Superman, something we all want to see.

And where the hell is Lois!?

To conclude, I'm not mad about this being a bad episode, I'm mad about this being a bad season finale, if this was previous to the finale then it would have been o.k. but to end it in such an anti-climatic fashion...

Can't wait for the next season of House M.D.

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You've gotta be kidding me...
hitdoctor2419 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What an atrocious finale. The episode itself wasn't bad but the fact that it was the finale really pisses me off. This would probably be an 8 had it not been for the Doomsday 'fight'. They built up Davis Bloom/Doomsday so well the whole season, and right when you were expecting an epic fight in the streets of Metropolis, the fight is over and a new scene has already started. From the moment Clark first approaches Doomsday to the moment the fight is over is roughly 12 seconds. This was clearly rushed, which is a shame, because the rest of the season was so good.

As sad as Jimmy's death was, I wasn't all the moved by it at the time because my jaw was still wide open at the fact that the fight was over. And it was actually a very predictable death. Davis was passed out lying on the ground and Chloe and Jimmy were having there 'happily ever after moment'. I just had the feeling it wasn't going to end that easy. However it was nice to see jimmy use every last ounce of strength to save Chloe and kill Davis. As bad as the episode was, the ending was pretty damn cool. Clark is finally embracing his Kryptonian side and leaving all his loved ones behind. Also, we see at the very end that the orb allowed Zod to escape, the main the villain of the next season.

Overall, Season 8 was awesome but is slightly held back by this finale.
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Smallville 'Doomsday' Review
maine_31016 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
So this was the big Finale we've all been waiting for! This was the big fight between Doomsday and Clark Kent the ...according to Jimmy, SuperGuy!

Smallville used a fine twenty-one (21) installments to build up a dynamic relationship between Doomsday and Clark's unfulfilled destiny. Smallville also used these installments at best to develop Clark into a 'Superhero' image and to set Davis into his doomed path. Every minute spent on Smallville this season was well proficient, even though there were a few tweaks and minor adjustments needed, Smallville pulled it off, one of the reasons why this finale - didn't cut it!

****Problems I found with this Finale****

Tess, for believing that Lois had the capacity to break into her vault and escape without being detected.

The conversation between Lois and Clark on the phone was too long when compared to the fight between Clark and Doomsday and was probably even unnecessary.

The fight between Doomsday and Clark was a major let down! Everything happened in the blink of an eye, literally.

Doomsday took so many episodes to emerge and when he eventually did, his defeat only took a few seconds and was poorly executed.

Everything about Doomsday in this episode well ...really didn't cut it!

The scene between Chloe and Jimmy was too happily ever after and it was known before that it wasn't going to be all good.

The Chloe-Jimmy-Davis triangle was predictable.

****Things I liked in this Finale****

Allison Mack's acting was flawless. She has the ability to draw an audience in, even through a silly plot.

The conversation between Clark and Rokk, where they incorporated a change in future because Clark saved Chloe's live. It was mentioned in 'Legion' that Chloe wasn't in Rokk's time. It's good to know find that each action had its consequence.

The presence of a possible villain, Zod. His presence showed that Doomsday was used to divert our attention away from the real villain.

Learning about Jimmy's little brother.

Clark realizing his emotional connections are what keeps him from doing his job effectively and relinquishing all ties from everyone he knows.

Final Cut:

If this wasn't the Finale all would have been fine, but it was and it didn't give the explosion needed. I keep mentioning throughout this review, the Doomsday battle was a huge letdown, I even wondered whether or not I missed out on a few minutes of the show. One minute Doomsday is punching Clark in slow motion and the next second Clark zooms Doomsday up into an explosion. The explosion wasn't even screened!

The writers rushed this finale and the also rushed the relationship between Lois and The Red-Blue-Blur so much that I didn't even feel the connection between them. Erica Durance was way underused this season and her portrayal of Lois is beginning to lose its edge.

This doesn't mean that the next season is out for me. I just hope that Season 9 ties up Season 8's loose ends...


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Two and a Half out of Five Stars

Grade D

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Too short with some quite disappointing elements but impressive visual effects, fascinating dark mythology and great character development
igoatabase15 May 2009
What a good way to end this season ! It wasn't perfect but overall I strongly recommend it to anyone.

The major problem was that a single episode was just not enough to properly tell all stories. Too many characters were involved and far too many things happened. So I wish Doomsday had been directed as a two parts episode. As a result many scenes were too short and ended too abruptly. An other issue was Doomsday's design because we saw more of it and I really don't like the creature's design. It almost looks like a cheap puppet. Moreover the previous episodes didn't succeed in making us believe in his strength so his fight against Clark wasn't that impressive, and its ending was even worst. However I have to admit that the visual effects were well done but I think they should better spend their money, across all episodes, instead of throwing it all in for the finale to blow us away. I'm not asking for a CG creature as well rendered as Venom in Spider-Man 3 but when I see what Impossible Pictures manages to achieve with Primeval, I think a CG Doomsday would have been better. Last but not least an other disappointment was the orb arc. I really like Tess but her scenes were just useless and I think the director should have used these precious minutes to cover the Doomsday arc deeper. As for the upcoming season elements I think using this finale episode as a beacon was disrespectful. It means they planned it all along and Smallville could have never ended with season 8. Moreover the cliffhanger is not interesting because I don't want the show to go backward.

As for the pros all performers did a great job and made scenes even more believable. I specially enjoyed Tom Welling's ones because the maturity and darkness of his character reminded me of films like The Dark Knight and Watchmen. It was also intriguing to see if he would achieve the Doomsday goal set in the previous episode. The other scenes I really liked were the ones involving Jimmy. His relationships with other characters, specially Chloe and Clark, were developed further and something very important happened to him. There were also great moments like the mythological dialog between Chloe and Davis under the stars, Jimmy's gift to Chloe… But in the end my favorite element was probably the relationship between Clark and Davis. In the previous episodes they were only presented as good and evil brothers but in this one Clark realized something very important about his own identity. I don't know if he's right or wrong to think that way but it'll be interesting to get some answers during the upcoming season.
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Season Eight
zkonedog3 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Right from the very beginning, one could see that the eighth season of "Smallville" would be very different from any of its predecessors. Gone were regulars Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) and Kristin Kruek (Lana Lang), while other interesting characters such as Kara "Supergirl" Kent and Lionel Luthor would not be coming back. In their place would be a new villain, Tess Murcer, and an increased focus on the Justice League (especially Green Arrow).

Early on in the season, the show struggled to find its footing a bit, as could be expected from all the casting changes. The Tess character was hit-or-miss, Green Arrow couldn't hold an episode by himself, and the "freaks of the week" (while nodding to the Superman comics) weren't that relevant or interesting to the development of the main characters.

Starting with the episode "Bloodline" (early November), however, the Smallville writers were able to churn out a string of four high-quality episodes in a row. Such topics as the creation of Doomsday (later Superman's most deadly foe), Chloe's relationship with Brainiac (featuring a great flashback Clark/Chloe scene), and Clark's future destiny (hinted at through time-travelling Legion members) were covered and all proved to be very interesting. Plus, even the Clark/Lois relationship was actually starting to get entertaining and moving in a direction following the Superman cannon. But then came Lana...

Basically, right as the season seemed to be hitting its peak, the character of Lana Lang makes a guest appearance for a few episodes and everything comes crashing back down again. Though the writers tried to give Lana a touching sendoff (as Kruek will not be returning), her character had been so emotionally void (what with her on again-off again relationship with Clark and Lex) for the past few seasons that this was just the last straw. Sadly, what could have been one of the more touching scenes in Smallville history felt more like "good riddance".

From that point, the entire rest of the season did not produce one episode I would consider to be anywhere near "great". Though trying to make the Clark/Doomsday/Chloe triangle as dramatic as possible, it falls flat due to the fact that one show can only handle so many love triangles at one time. Also, the Tess character (while decently acted) could not hold a candle to Lex, while the Justice League was never really fleshed out any more than in seasons six or seven. Even the season finale (though it contained a few good moments) was disappointing, as I had to go read through the Kryptonsite message boards just to figure out what happened in the end (what was supposed to be the "big revelation" to set the groundwork for Season Nine).

Thus, as much as I hate to say it, Season Eight of Smallville has been (at least so far) the weakest season of the show. For the first time, watching Smallville every week seemed like a bit of a chore. I will (like many of you) continue to watch the show until its conclusion, but sadly I do not think it will ever recapture the innocence of its first few seasons.
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Maybe the worst episode ever
yurithemaster17 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
For the past few weeks I've have been anticipating this finale to bad it turned out to be one of the biggest anticlimaxes I have ever seen.

For weeks/months it was looking like we were going to get a big Clark VS Doomsday battle, so imagine my disappointment that the entire battle only took a mere 1 minute and 45 seconds.

Why did they kill Jimmy and made a lame excuse that he has a little brother who will be the 'real' jimmy.

How the hell did Zod escape from the phantom zone and why did they bring him back in the first place, stopping him twice wasn't enough?. It all makes the entire Doomsday story seems useless.
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lackluster all-over-the-place episode, makes one wonder how much lower the series can go
sramv16 May 2009
They've been dumbing down this show in so many ways for quite some time that it is not really surprising that this finale was so poorly done, and that good old Clark has regressed from having the emotional IQ of a teenager to that of a grade school child. Full of plot holes (time travel or no time travel) and poorly conceived, written, sequenced, edited and acted - it displays a real lack of empathy for its audience - if this show was a Prime Minister, the ruling party members would have their knives out, but it looks like horrible finale or no horrible finale, we're doomed to have a season nine. If I were Aaron Ashmore, I'm thinking I would not be too disappointed to be exiting about now. BTW, Jimmy Olsen has a kid brother named Jimmy Olsen who they now say is the 'real' Jimmy Olsen. oh that is a perfect example of the incredulity- and ire-inducing inanity that pervades this episode.
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Smallville hits a new level… of disappointment.
redk8827 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far the biggest disappointment in Smallville history. Seriously, what the hell happened to the writers of the series? If you can't write a good story, at least write one that makes sense.

First of all, time-travelling is NEVER a good formula for a show. Once you make it possible to time-travel you lose every life-changing event/opportunity of a story. No matter what you do, no matter how bad the situation gets, no matter who dies, there will always be a possibility of changing the outcome. Don't you get it? There no sense of solidity anymore! There's a LOT of things wrong with this episode. Especially the fight between Clark and Doomsday. A whole season of foreshadowing and build-up and it leads to that? Hell, I think even the writers themselves would admit on how bad it is. But no matter what their excuses are, the writers should've known better than to make fools out of themselves, and to treat the fans and audience so disrespectfully. Why oh why most TV shows must always suck when they reach the end of their series. I guess when they thought they already have a strong fan base for their show, whatever they do afterwards don't matter. We all would just take whatever they have in store for us like dumb, mindless idiots! This episode is a joke, guys. A really bad one for that matter.
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Could Clark Kent be more selfish? No, he cannot
colaof13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to whine about the disappointing Clark/Doomsday confrontation. With a show full of disappointment why should we expect anything less? I am going to complain about two parts though, and as for the rest I'm not invested enough to really care at this point. First off, since it took me until 2016 to watch Smallville I knew full well from the moment Jimmy Olsen appeared on screen that he wasn't the "real" Jimmy Olsen. However, I cannot believe that this was always the show's original intent. If it was, then why name him Jimmy Olsen, make him a photographer who works at the Daily Planet, have all these foreshadowing references involving Clark/Jimmy and Lois/Jimmy, and the great photographer he'll become someday? Why? Because they did intend for him to be the "real" Jimmy Olsen. Why they decided to scrap it in the end is anybody's guess. I'm sure it's spelled out somewhere on the internet, but I really don't care enough to look. Then, there is the ending. Once more proving what a selfish little prick Clark Kent is he has to make the death of Jimmy all about him. To a degree it is his fault, yes, but if Chloe hadn't lied to Davis, and told him that she was helping him when in truth she was only ever doing any of it for Clark then maybe he wouldn't have killed Jimmy. Davis was never a saint, but Chloe in a sense led him on, made him believe that she really wanted to be with him, only to reunite with Jimmy, right in front of him mind you, when it was all said and done. Can anyone really blame Davis for being upset? I can't. What did Chloe think was going to happen? Chloe's my favorite character, so if I can find fault in what she did, then that's saying something. Another thing about this ending is Jimmy's willingness to accept what Chloe did with open arms. In a sense Jimmy was saying, "It's okay that you threw away our marriage, because you were doing it for Clark." Yes, Clark, the same person Jimmy felt insecure about Chloe's relationship with from the very beginning. All her actions did was confirm his insecurities in my opinion, and as someone who literally despised Jimmy Olsen on this show, that's not something I enjoy pointing out. But no, from Jimmy's point of view, this is all okay, because Clark is the Red/Blue Blur. He's a super hero, so it's okay that Chloe put him, and everyone else ahead of their marriage. So, in the end, Chloe did all of this to protect Clark, and how does Clark repay that kindness? By turning his back on her, and everyone else. I find this especially selfish on his part considering that Chloe has just lost everything, and lost it all because she was trying to protect him. The show can try and justify his actions by saying he's doing it for the good of humanity, but that's not the way I see it. Clark on Smallville is a selfish jerk. He always has been, and he always will be. What good marks I give this episode I give for the good acting, and the fact that I am finally rid of Aaron Ashmore's whiny performance. Good riddance.
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WTF, .......seriously W-T-F (Season 8 Finale)
darthvapes24 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I first started watching this season I was impressed with the Doomsday character. The costume would have made Jim Henson jealous (I hope his studio didn't make the costume otherwise I would look dumb) and I liked the way they limited the screen time of Doomsday by making it the Mr. Hyde side of Davis Bloome. I even enjoyed the way they empathised Doomsday's strength by having Bloome disposing of Doomsday's victims in bulging bin liners full of what looked like liquid.

So everything was smooth sailing until the end fight sequence between Clark and Doomsday, I mean I honestly thought for a minute that this fight sequence would eclipse any Superman fight ever shown on a screen and it would be done via the medium of a TV series. How wrong I was, if you read the synopsis on this episode I'm afraid it over exaggerates what Smallville manages to pull off (that's how bad it is!).

There was two punches and that was it, Clark buries Doomsday not pirate treasure but DOOMSDAY in the ground. Fight scene done. There was no full on scene where you see Doomsday in motion throwing a punch it was all cut and pasted so you view a punch thrown from Doomsday from behind the monster then it might cut to Doomsday's face snarling.

I was so distraught I didn't even notice Jimmy get killed by Bloome, who is still has psychological problems even with Doomsday separated from him. But wait it gets worst Jimmy is not the Jimmy we know an love from the comics?! Its the real Jimmy's (please stand up) older brother Henry who had such low self-confidence he stole his younger brother's name.

Don't get me wrong I love Smallville and the fact they kept me interested for so long, the way Clark and Lana couldn't talk intimately unless the latest hit single in the charts was playing in the back ground or the fact I will never forget seeing Alison Mack with nothing on but Clarks Football Jersey (Good times). I would go so far as to say this is the best rendition of Superman ever to hit the screens. But lads I would have to admit also that when it came to the most awesomest fight ever to occur in Superman's life, they...they oh my God Im gonna cry, they dropped the ball. I hope it was due to budget reasons and we can only find the people behind Smallville guilty of manslaughter.
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Doomsday season 8 episode 22
bashaikh11 April 2020
OMG- what an utter load of BS. Chloe is shown to be sooooooo sooooo stupid. CK and chloe put the whole of mankind at risk. To save Davis; all for what? To kill both Jimmy and Davis- As far as the beast is concerned so they figure out the black kryptonian meteor rock can separate them, but they couldn't use the green kryptonite to disarm the beast..
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Building up to nothing
moby197417 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Total waste, yes I like the show and hearing about Doomsday been in the series got a smile on my face and like all we had to wait and wait with just small bits now and then of him in action......this was indeed building up to what I thought would be a hell of an ending to the series and yet what we got was nothing, yeah some other stuff happened but this so called unstoppable beast was put to rest faster than most of the other villains and I was shocked, yeah its a TV show and there is a budget but for an end to a series and the whole build up of "oh no Clark will be killed" well I am happy I just like the show and that I am not a huge fan because if I was I would be SO pi$$ed off.
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krayz9327 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
How could the writers have done this? Smallville used to fill me with such a sense of amazement and wonder, now i'm left scratching my head throughout nearly every episode. For a few years i pictured the season 8 finale to be something truly memorable, and instead got a steaming pile of rushed crap. The story was every where, there have been better fights in freakin high school were both people end up rolling around on the floor. Then there's that whole thing with Jimmy dying that just destroys my already suspended belief about how things will turn out. Now there's a ninth season and i will be returning to watch, but only for the nostalgic thoughts of how amazing thing should have been.
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A Huge Letdown
Veturbo17 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This 8th season began strong then very quickly bogged down to tedious, dull and rather silly episodes and situations. The only thing keeping my interest was the continuing "Doomsday" plot. I always felt that at the very least the season would end with - finally - a titanic battle between Clark and Davis that would emulate the Doomsday comic series.

Alas, it was not to be. A brief five minute conflict that was largely resolved off screen. C'mon! What a waste. The Doomsday character, what little we really got to see of him, looked rather cool for a moderately budgeted show. Why not use him to full extent and give the viewers the big showdown that seemed inevitable? I could rant on and on, but I won't. It was nice to see the irritating Jimmy finally bumped off, and I'm growing very weary of Chloe bawling in every episode. I seriously doubt this series can redeem itself with the damage done. It would take a monumental writing and production effort that I do not see forthcoming. I'll give 'em a chance with a dubious eye....
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galliotte-18 June 2009
My thoughts - better late than never.

Sadly, I remember clearing my schedule in order to catch this season finale. I pondered: "Will this fight be on the epic level scale that the producers have left fans to believe during their interview on e-online? I hope so." Then everything went blank after seeing the "big showdown" that the writers/producers had promised I was left speechless; especially since I lost a bet (regarding a good fight between Clark and Doomsday) with my wife who is not a fan by the way. Even though the stake was $5.00, but in this economy, it can come in quite handy (a little humor at least).

I actually could have recorded it with my DVR, and watch it whenever I have nothing better to do, like clothes shopping with my wife.

Actors: good job.....producers: bad job.....writers: worst job.

All in all, I do hope that they redeem themselves in season 9.
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No Justice to Superman
wnderman5 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I totally agree with all the other reviewers for EP 22 the finale that all us Smallville die hard fans were waiting for and it was a total let down, esp after reading "The Death and Return of Superman" comic series and Superman/Doomsday movie we were all expecting a massive showdown in metropolis: just what the fans wanted= not what the fans got. what we DID get however is a lackluster plot to destroy Doomsday and a 5 second battle that left us feeling empty and cheated.

The basic idea I had in my head before seeing the finale was: Clark knowing his possible end, and then taking on Doomsday in Metropolis for a huge showdown with ends with both their 'deaths'. and then the final scene is with the funeral of Clark and the possible appearance of Clark's evil double or Eradicator posing as Clark. I mean thats JUST how i thought it was going to take place.

Having said that, something makes me feel that at the end of the finale, it isn't Clark who is talking to Chloe and that it actually IS the Eradicator but I'm just thinking out loud, I just hope season 9 makes up for 8.
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Not as bad as One would Expect
themanofhope29 October 2016
Smallville Season 8 was the season that I expected to be absolute trash and it completely surprised me. The season had a lot of hate when it was starting up since the old writers of the show were leaving, the most interesting characters in the show which were Lionel and Lex Luthor left, the season's budget was even less then the last and lots of fans quit the show. But thankfully, season 8 proved everyone wrong. The season got a lot closer to the Superman mythos as Clark Kent became the Red/Blue Blur, he started working at the Daily Planet and Doomsday become the season's enemy. Doomsday was actually an incredibly smart decision for the season's criminal and he was very engaging and his story arc was done really well while the buildup of his character was near perfect. The season also gave more depth to characters that the viewers had lost interest in like Jimmy Olson and Olliver Queen aka Green Arrow. The freak of the week episodes were also done better in this season and some of the freaks were actually kind of interesting and more deep then you would expect them to be. With all that said, the season did have it's faults like bringing Lana Lang back which no one needed, not having enough action sequences compared to the older seasons and being a lot less interesting cause of the loss of the show's most valuable characters (Lionel and Lex). The season finale was also extremely disappointing and the final fight between Doomsday and Clark Kent was about 45 seconds long. Otherwise the season was pretty solid and brought hope back to people even after they thought all was lost.

Smallville Season 8 gets an 8.3/10.
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And so the season ends the same way it began.
m-478263 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With a barely average episode, and the return of the Justice League. The rest of season 8 suffered a lot from Lana's finale exit. And maybe it should've ended there. The Davis/Doomsday storyline wasn't as compelling, and his Twilight thing with Chloe, was really annoying. But we wouldn't have him smother Donna, sorry, Linda Lake with a pillow either... Just like Lex before her, I'm not entirely sold on Tess's villainess status yet. And was glad she's introduced in the first season where everyone (except Clark) embraced those grey areas. It was all about the duality of each characters, and Clark's reaction to his own, was the moment he lost faith in humanity. Which will probably help him become the superhero he was set out to be since day one. Clark Kent is dead, so maybe Superman can live. His showdown with Doomsday was very anticipated, and maybe that's why it felt so rushed. Jimmy's death brought a twitch in my eye, but then I remembered how irritating he was throughout the season and more. And felt sadder for what it symbolized to each characters. Not sure how, and with what Davis was impaled, but at least he's dead too. I'm not gonna lie, Lois is getting on my nerves lately. She was fun in the « Stiletto » episode, that gave Durance more comedic material to work with. And she's great at it. But her hot and cold with Clark, is getting old. Especially when he has a better chemistry with Tess... With the arrival of Zod, at the very last seconds, the season ends suggesting we're getting closer to the end.
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